a ; iynv - B m. . m - wBBr , a r r 1 v 11 m t ni j ii 1 1 1 1 m i 1 1 Ayr yy, r- -:' ! . - 4 .-.. -f RALEIGH WEDNESDAY MORNING- APRIL 24 galtigt 'Register, TIIE OLD TflK CUSTOM DOMIXIOJC SECEDES I HOUSE 81KZKD ! I OT SYIE. Jk 4 UALL, EAtton Proprietor. RALEIGH. X. ci!'' SATURDAY HORSING, APBIL SO, 1861. rrtTP.OP50RTU CAROLINA. ' a proclamation; ! - ; i-" BY JOIIX VT. EL.L.IS, i N - OOTIRHOaOf KOETH CAROLINA.' I WammsAa i By PmUaui oi akdu "'- ri-iii t f U Uito4 8utH follw4 fcy ttquUU tloa of 81m Ctomi, Srj w4 1 la for! Ik U iI Abrim LUooJ H for T5.08d mm U ppfyI for th 1btmIo of tk pwf fnl bomtM of th Sooth, ad for th rioleoi tnrvnom of U UVrti f ti Fopi titar uaC ajtrg put of tK koU pofruUtU. of th.UU Coital StaUt t' Aat, whrV thiJ .handed ct of tyrJkl tr U t wIj U ioUli of H MMtUutUuJ U tUr diarcw4 of ti aal f kamaiu't? m4 ChrUtiM' etriluali, cirW te tpirit of tffnwM maparalUd ky ay of r4U fckUry, bu, U if direct ep toward tho smbjantloa of tbo w&ol'stli, and tho eovtu nou of a frM VUc lakorited flro our (atkara, laf ta & mHiUTT daipotiam. U ko aaublwkod kj won tkaa Urng aaama tbo ratat of u onco tloriou CoaatfUtia of Eqaal KigkU. ! Xmw, Urfcr X. Jaa W. Xixis, Gnoraor of tka StaU of Kartk Carolina, ft tbaaa ztraordiBary nuM, da keraky lasaa tbla, aiy proelaaaaUoa. otUy iag aad nqaoatiag tbo Saaaton aal Ifambara of tba Hoaaa of CooaaMaa of tba Qaaaral Aaaombly of Kortb CaroUaa, UawlU Spooial Seaaira at tbo Capital, ia tko CHy of .Balaitk, oa Vedaoaday. tka flrat dy of May Mii Aad I fartbaraaoro oxbori all good rit iaaaa tbroagboat tba State to be Buadfaltbat tkefr first allagiaaoo U daa to tko Sorercigaty wkkb pro taeta tbek koaiaa mod daaraat iBtaraita, aa tbair ftrt Wriaa Sa dua for tbesaerod dafoaea oT tbair. kaartba, aad af tka aoU whWk bolds tba grarca or oar glortoa daaJ. J : " Tattad actio ia dafaaoa of tba aorereignty of JiarU CaroltBa, aad of tba rigku of tba Soatb, kaeooaea bow tba datj of aX I " - GiTaa aadar aiy kd, aad attaatad ky tba Ora EoalafibaScata. Doao at tba City of laleigk, ik. iTtW or AnriL A. J.. 1861, and ia tba ahotjt to 'takb possessioh GOSPOKT. MAVT YARD I .'I ' " - ' Tko followmig talegi.pni dkptob- were, reoeirta ia thii city on Tbnrtdiy lui, tad ra frtna perfectly relhbl aonroes. We mo rejoiced to aanounoe that the Old Dominioo hta witbdrawn froia the nry of tke inf moaj usurper end tyrent, Abrhm Iioeola : Richmond, April 18tb, 1861. Virginia ii but: i The Custom House hu been taken and the United States sign taken down. The Confederate State flag orer the Capitol, j : , , v Koaf OLK, YA-, Apnl 18, loot. The H arbor baa been Utruoted by snnken veeael. Arrangements are making for tak ing the Nsryj Yard. Sute troops are ex pected here torday. J . LATER. ' a i.fni- rr4 - uiis Lhal th NT Yard at P. O- BrrHABTA, roriTthe coanty, H . C, V - April 16 1861. ; Msaexa. Stm & Haiti ChniUnmt My .iniu. ta tha RmI-WaeklTBtistar" ex plrea in July, but aa ire In tbh part of the BUto are dafoted to, and love the Unum, and bar no aaefor a Joarnal that adrocatoa itt diaroptton, I reqaaat jm ta diaooBtinaa nay copy immadiat-' ry. AVa maintain that force uaed againat Tratona of a rabellioua, SUVa or aUa ta not corrcum. , Yoora, very truly, O. J.LEHMAIT.P.M. We hope Mr. Lehman, "P. M.,M does not apeak aa a rpreeentati?e man of bis part of th 8tate, nor do we beliee that he does, 8o far from it, we beliere that by this time be is keartily sorry that be wrote the above letter. We shall send him this num ber of the paper to let him see that we yet hope that A will not prove a " traitor " o bit country. ." giniaSUta troop. . RESIGNATION GENERAL I OLD GUILFORD IN THE FIELD. , We learn that two gentlemen, members of the Guilford Grays, eame down to this eity on yesterday and offered the service of that Norfolk baa baea Ukaa poaseatioa cf by the Vir- I oon1pajBy .to Gov. Kllia. This la 1 fine company of brave-hearted lellowa, ana tney iw n doubtedly give t good account of themselves when the trial comes. The company is com manded by, Capt. Sloan. We learn that at a meeting held in Greensboro, on Thursday night, speeches were delivered by Bx-Gov. Morehead, and others, lately strong Union men, counselling the union of the South in thie. terrible erisis. Our informant sUtes that Old Guilford will respond to any call that may be made upon her for volunteers to resist the usurper and bis myrmidons. igkty tftk roar of oar Iadapaadenca. JOHN Vf. E By tka Gararaor, OaAiaa Dates, Frirr Sttrtary. . ' .plia td s- KLLIS.! I i THE COVEBNOasi PROCLASIATIOBu The above rreelamation is brief, to the point, and eouehed ia unexceptionable lan guage. When the Legialaiure convenes, we trust that there will not be a moment's delay in passing aa act calling the Convention, and ordering the election of delegates te it. ;The Legislature is already organised, and there will be no excuse for delay oroolatory aeneo. e cannot believe that there will be any diversity of opinion on the subject, and therefore there will be. no excuse for protracted debate. The people will not be satisfied with anything less than the promptest action. When the bill calling the Convention shall have been passed, and the day fixed for the election of mem bers to it, the Legislature can Uke sueh addi tional steps for the safety of 'the Bute as its wisdom may dictate. When the Convention assembles, ia one hour after its organisation, an ordinance declaring th connection between North Carolina and we former United Slates Government to be totally dissolved, should be passed, and after that it. will be the prov ince of the Convention to declare what other steps are necessary to be taken. For our part we are of the opinion that North Carolina, and all the slaveholding States, should U united in one Confederacy. It will require the strength of . the united South ; to'driye back the Claek Republicans, who, like po many bloodhounds, will be let loose upon the South, and we protest against any subdivis ion of the South into a Border Bute Confed- eraey and the Confederate States or tne South. Let the South aet as one man, and it will successfully bid defiance to Lincoln and his myrmidons. t , .HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUli w. TiTiftfJ in candor, refrain from ao- cording to Gbvernof Kills the honor which is due to him for the prompt and decided ac tion wbieh be has taken to praee North Car olina in a condition to aet well her part: in the terrible dram a whioh is soon to be enacted upon the stage of this once happy country. Although enfeebled by disease, Governor Ellis ha displayed' the mental energy of a man in the full "Vigor of health. We trust that era long be will te enabled to, leave bis sick chamber and in person superintend the movements necessary to the safety and honor of the State. Governor, Ellis' telegraphio reply to Lincoln's Secretary of War j ia re sponse to the requisition for troops from this Sute was directly to the point, and hie proclamation convening the Legislature can not be improved. j . . We leant that1 our friend and fellow eitixen, J. M. Ijovejoy, Esq bae requested hu son, now at Welt Point Military Acade my; to leave that institution and return to bis borne. This parental request will no doubt be promptly eomplied ith, and as Mr. George 8. Lovejoy baa been three years under dentins and military instruction at West Point, we tare no doubt that oa bis return to his native State, his services in her defence will be tendered with promptness. If be la a ehip cf the old block," aad we do not doubt that be is, be, has pluck enough for two offioers. OK 1.1 ETJT. We reioice to learn that the old hero, Winfisld Scott, has thrown up his commis sion ss the Conruiander-in-Chief of the Uni- ted States Army.; We presume that no wiu come over to bis native 8tate. Virginia, and take command of her brave-hearted eons. The following diipateh is from a reliable gentleman in Petersburg, one whom we know well: - ; j '-: , ; i. JPxtxrsbuxg, Va., April 19, 1861. Yirrinia has seceded certainly. General ocott nas ocriaaiujDMguw ORGANIZATION OK MIL1TART COMPANIES. The military spirit is fully aroused now in the Old North State. We learn that more than lire thousand men had tendered their ser vices up toThursday last to Gov. Ellis to be em ployed on any serviee whioh he might direct. In this city the finest spirit possible prevails. A large sum of money has been subecribed by patriotic individuals to assist in the equipment of volunteer companies. A eom anv ealled the f Home Uuard," -composed of men beyond the age of forty-five and heads of families has bees- formed. As its name implies, the object of this company will be to protect our homes and firesides, while our young men are on the field, either con tending or ready to contend with the enemy. This company now numbers one hundred and twenty-two men. We understand that two other companies are forming, one of infantry and the other of artillery. We trust that we may be pardoned for giving a word of adviee to those who will compose these companies. In their uniform and equipment let them steer clear of anything in the gew-gaw or "fuss and feathers Ene. Let everything about them be plain, simple and serviceable. These mt tha timta for holidav i soeerinjr," but COURIER Alf D ENQUIRER OH MAJOR ASSdttWa--.. Wa sincerely hope that the aext account from New York will inform jus that.Major Anderson has cut off the ear of that detes table scoundrel, James Watson Webb.i 4 A more iumitigated liar, puppy t and polUoon than James Watson Webb is not to be found ia the broad' land. . With a knitUag needle in his band Major Anderson could make Webb run with all the speed, which his ton belly would permit him to use. . : - . : : ; Ha?ORT MACON..' ' Weiearn that Col. O. Cw Tew, Superin tendent of the Hillsboro, MilUi7 Academy, u.m twum nt 1 Governor. Ellis to Fort Macon, to take command of the troops now in the pohieesjon . of that jFort. 1 Colonel Tew is now a Colonel lif the regular line of North Carolina Militia. He is an aooom plisbed officer, and the Governor oould not have conferred the command upon a more worthy and oompetent man. T THE SEW YORK TIMES. The "little Tillala," as Raymond, the editor of the New; i York Times Is called, is becoming more and more satanio in his rage against the South every day. Ia his issue of the 16 th inst., he makes innumerable threats as to what will befaU Virginia in the event that she unites herself to tha Southern FROM MONTGOMERY, I MoSTaoJfXB.Y, April WBfty thoatana Ten OMoes and Kentucky troopa offared this morning ai the llontgomery War Department. Government bas beenaakad from . Bow .-.'Orv leana for tha whole of the fifteen million loan. ..; . '. Tenders have been made for leUera .ot, marque aad reprisals.: . :; x ; f?i M f:f:-tr" saoOKB SATCS. K ' Mohtgomkrt "April -1 Ti President ! Dvfa' Proclamation will be issoed knorow 1 : -. r ' The CJaMnet bad a long sewion, and will proba bly call 1 60,009 mere troops ieto t be lektj v 7 PRESIDENT DA VIS PROCLAMATION. r Proclauatioa bv the PreaUeat tf the Con. .-. 'x-r? ftalerate Btalaa f Aaaeriea. U Wbereae Abraham Lincoln , PreeMent of tba TTnitH fltataa. haa bv oroclamation announced his intention of invading this Confederacy with an ..mv4 forca for tba numeae of eaptorine tha for- tresses, and thereby aabverting Ita independence, and .subjecting the free people thereof ta the do minion of a foreign power; and whereas has thuaWoroe the duty of this Gownnent to repel the threatened invasion, and defend the rights and liberties of the people by allsaeana which the laws i f nations and the usages of ciriliaed warfiare place at iu disposal V :. How, therefore, I, Jeffersoa Dn, President of the Confederate Slatea of Amorioa, do tsauathu my ProclamaUon,invkiag aU those that may desire to beof serviceln private araaed vessels on the high in id JkM havernment ia resistinar ae wanton and wicked an aggression, to make application for commissions or latter, of marque aad reprisal, to b issued under theSeaiof the Confederate States; and I do further notify aU persona applying tewers ot marque, to make a statement u writing, giving the name and a suitable descjiptioa o'rtbe charao ter, tonnage and force of vessel, name and place of residence of each owner concerned therein, and intended number of crew, and to sign such stale? meat, and to deliver Lbs same to the Secretary of State or Collector of a port of entry of the Con federate States, to be by him transmntos y uw - w TT. Laa atkaw IMA fn 1 CIl l Uonteaeracy. o i . ----rsLtea.nd I do further noiifv all ai- PHOCLAMATION AT THE GOVEKWUK : . ; op Virginia.; ;,' :.. The ibllowiag ProclamaOoo was issued yester dav bv Governor LrrcHXa. -;--The entire mUltary force of the Common wealth will respond with alacrity to the order : Lj' ; t:.; BY THE GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA.- .'ifcA PROCLATlAtlON. 1 , Wnxasaa, aeTon ot thm States fomaeriy oetn posing a part of the United States, have, by aa tbority of their people, eoteennly resumed the pow ers granted by them U the Uftited Stales, and have framed a Constitution and organised a Gov ern ment for thelnsehrea, : te whioh" the people of those States are yielding willinir obdiDC, and have so noUfied the Praeident of the United States by all tit formalities incident to such action, and thereby become to the United States a separata, nifiandant and forefoa- Dower; and, ' whereas, the Conatltatioa of Vx Uuited States, has inver ted CoBgreaa with the sole power "to declare war," aid until such declaration is made the Pres ident has no authority to call for an extraordinary fore to wage offensive ; war against any foreign power: and, whereas, on tae iin inifc,u ident of the United States, in plain violatloa f the ConatiUtioo, has issued a Proclamation call ine for a force of seventy-live thousand men, to cause the la ws of the United States to be duly ex ecuted over a people who are no longer a part of tie Union, and In said Proclamation threatens to exert to is. unusual lorce w compw oueuieucot. his mandates ; and, whereas, the General Asaem-r bly of Virginia, by a majority approaching to en- tire unanimity, has .declared, a Its last session that the Stale of Virginia would consider such an exertion of force as a virtual declaration of war, to be resisted by all the power at the command off Virginia ; and subseqoenUy, the Con veatioa now in session, representing the sovereignty of this. State, haa re-affirmed in substance the samepolN h almost aoual naanimity : and, whereaa, the Btate of Virginia; deeply sympathizes with the Southern States, in the wrongs they have suffered, ' : HOME GUARDS,;.:; tk.' unAraiorned aifree to unite ia fotmUig a J a" Military Company, for the protection pf the City of Balelgh and its immediaU vicinlt vr wbaa titty names are hereunto subscribed, aU of whom . . : shaU be either heads of families, or men too for ; advamsed In life for actual service in .the regular J army,- and of steady and moral bsbiti: .,a , . ,-. ' ; 4 - . . . . - . l 1 . k.vln n'nat Virginia is formed that tne eoitor ox Bh'f .ra.iA beforeanv commission or letter f ,. ou neacmblv to compose the dlf- the Times will lead it. ' ' , of marque ia issued to any vessel, or the owner or j drmC)M whicb have severed the Union, and have owners thereof, and commander tor tnauroe oemg, that they are required to giro bond to the Con federate States, with at least two responsible bum: ties pot interested in such vessel, m the peaal turn of fivetbousandidoUarSjOrittoase sugh ves sel be provided with more than one hundred and fifty men, then in the penal aum of toil thousand dollars, with condition. that the owners, officers, .nil rr who shall be emoloved on board such commissioned vessel, shall observe the laws of the ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING IN RA- ;- : ' - " LEIUU ALL PARTIES UNITED' IN RESISTING THE USURPER, LINCOLN n A large and enthusiastic meeting was bold at the Court House In this city a Tuesday evening, which was participated in by alj parties. The meeting was presided over by Dr, Pabiuo Jf Hay wood, U B. Boot, Esq., acting as Vice JPresident. Speeches were delivered by HonJD. 3i . Barringer, t who explained the object of the meeting,) John W. St me, Esq , Hon. Thomas Bragg, Kx-Governor Manly, Hon. L. O'B. Branch, Paul C. Cameron, Esq., of Orange, Gen. SisgleUry, of Pitt,! sjor H. W. Hurled. W. H. Bunn J Esa., of Wilson, and J. W. Thomas, Esq., of Davidson, all unitiag in nrging our people to Join together aa one man in defence cf the South, and in resistance to the tyrant and usurper, Abraham Lincoln, The sentiments of the speakers were responded to by the large crowd with the oynootanthnaiaaBa.: . j Daring the evening the following gentlemen were appointed a Committee to draft reeolutiona expressive ol the sense of the meeting, tia : A. MJ Lewis, Eq., Hon. Dj M. Barringer, O. B. J.iha Wi Srme. tiarnaoD, , ; . If Esq.. Tho Committee, through their Chairman, I AJ M. Lewia, Esq., reported the following resoiu- j ( tionsj which were unanimously adopted : Whxkxas, The Black Bepubllcan Administra tion have in ita filiy ana WKjaeanwu, roi. receive the Commisasoners of the Southern Coo- will be a meeting of the "Home" Guard,1 on Saturday night, at 7i o'clock, at the Court House, for the election of officers, and other imytant business. It is understood by the signers to the Home Guard that the most active mem bers will patrol the city every night, when so directed by the Captain, and that they are ready to go to any point where their services may be required, here and elsewhere. . THE PRESS OP NEvirYORK. We are not at all surprised to sea that the unprincipled eoouudrel, James Gordon Ben nett, editor of the New York Hetald, has turned his dirty back upon the principles whioh he professed to hold, and has taken his filthy carcass iato - the midst of the Black Republican camp. "But we are surprised that the Exprttt has imitated his example. The editors of that paper have long been dis- Dxath ofDa. Wait A. Nonwoo'D. The HeBdersoo (Ey.) Daily Mail of the Sd inst, gives the following account of the melancholy death of Dr. W. A. Norwood, who resided on the Sulphur Springs road, some eight or nine miles from Hen derson: 1 On Monday evening last, Dr. Norwood bad occasion to go out to bis stable, and while there discovered a negro man concealed in the 'loft. The Doctor asked the negro who he waa and what be waa doing there. Hie reply was that his name was Jim Brown, and that he had run awayirom Mr. Watson, to whom be was hired. Dr. J. thesi told the negro to come down from where be was : but he refused to do so, when the Doctor seat to the boose for bia gun, but before it arrived the negro shot bia through the heart, killing him almost instantly. The villainous perpetrator 1 the tool deed fled, and had not been captured at last accoaats. i., . . s Dr. Norwood waa a gentleman of high tanding in this somanunity, aau waa university "T -" respected, and bis sudden and violent death has created a deep feolMg of Borrow, mingled with in dignation ia the minds of the people. Dr. Norwood was a native of this place, and resided here until the spring of 1853, when be re moved to Kentucky, and took up nis resiaence in Lexington. While here he was greatly esteemed aa a gentleman and an able physician, and it ap pears that in his new home be made himself equally respected and oTed.JTUUboro' Recorder. We knew the deceased intimately. : He . , a .v Tnto. Vnrnrnnd. of was tne oon oi ui 6 " I TT.Tk- flP .ml nravented all the HUl-boro', and a man of high character and y whlch,ra favorableet- fine talent. I tlement of existing oimcuiBea made, ana a xair suujim . r. -r ertv in the seceded States effected; and whereas . .-' . V vtAnaivn nrenara- tUS ac waa ww!"""" A ' ' - tiena in one Department of the Govenmen de monstrating beyond all question, the object and intention of the Administration t be that aet forth In LincoU'a Inaugaral Address, and as re cently reiterated to the Virginia Commissioners, and still further shown by the , fleet sent round to Charleston, of whioh principles, preparations and objects were not only not made known to the Boathera Confederacy, but carefully, falsely and T.:.nii,rwraI in order that the wicked uow rr r- ; . M . o ofr. work or coereum migns tne tuallT be commenced j Tnerefore, ! i . ; JlLolvtd, lsL That we take this occasion to express our most unqualified disapproval pi the course pursued by Abraham Lincoln and b Cab Uet towaida the seceded States, and especiaUyo wedenounce the reioolion by them of the Commis sioners of tie Southern Confederacy; , , . - -j iPk.i . ,m nm-nmnromuinelv opposea to eoercioo in whatever form or shape "J M attempted, aa well aa to such causes as will lead to H either directty or remotely. ' . , . , " 3rd. That by climate, soil, production, .interest Md feeling, we are with the South, that God with hlTown omnipotent band has planted us with the Sooth, and by Hia help, we inlend to '.UkslrSaurviveor perish" with the South. j 4th. That we earnestly request fthe Governor of the State to convene the Legislature, so that the proper steps msy be vaxen in wu r , " our political connection ith the abolition States, Md to resume our separate independence. - ' - m aaMaa lava Centrl i. tw .unnnt thrnuvh thit unwarranted act en the part of the President ; and it is believed that the Influences which operate to produoe this Proclamation against the seceded otaiw iwu brought to bear upon this Common wealth, if sne should exercise her undoubted right to resume tha powers grunted by her people, and U is due to the honor of Virginia that an improper oaerclae of force against her people should be repelled; ThAmfore. 1. JOHV JjITCBKS, P. Fw Pescud, L. SI Perry, . H l A M. Gorman, . . Thomas Bragg, . - W. R. Kicbardaon, a W; D. Hatchings, William Grimes A. M. Lewis, . - . John G. Wiliiama, : L. CB Branch, v- . -D. M. Barringer, ; : A. Wiliiama, . John H. Bryan, William R.- Cox," ,. : R. M. Jones, . M. A. Bledsoe, -E. Burke Haywood, Thomas E. Skinner, . WF. Askew, . U William R Andrew W. D, Johnson, Albert Johnaoa,! W. VV. Vaas, James M. Pool, , RufluH.Pag. ; t A. Creech, ; '.;,;: H. A-Depkln; J. J." James, f . , Willie J. Palmer, J. Deverenx, C Dewev, George W. Mordeeal, i Tboh.as H. Briggs,- A. Kline, John W. Ryme, Everard Hall, Joha Armstrong, -Jacob Soheib, : L'E. Heartt, M. Grausmaa, ' . W. Wauoe, M. B. Boyster, John Spelman, ' : Robert Dobbin, . Charles Kuester, " B, J. Perklnson, : J. M. Perkinaon, John C. Palmer, C. B. Harrison, T. M. McGee, ' Ebeneaer Emmons, . r commissionea vessel, subji owwn m xneretore, i, wohh unvuns "" i a rr Youn Confederate States and Instructions given them J Commonwealth of Virginia, have thought proper l Maddox r... MwmWinv their conduct: that ibev shall satisfy J , -ii armed volunteer reeiments or oom- I 1 for regulating their conduct; that ibey shall satisfy n )mina done contrarv to the tenor thereof by .ok mw) dnrin? her commission, and deliver up the same when required by the President oT the Confederate States. 1 1 do further specially enjoin on all persons holding offices, civil and military, under the authority of the Confederate States, that they be vigilant ia the discharge of the-.duties incident thereto; aad I do moreover solemnly exhort tho good people of the Confederate State, as they love thrir country, and as they prise the blessings or iree government, mj the wrongs otthe past and those which are now threatened 10 an aggravatediform by those whose enmity is more lmpiacauto unprovoked, that they exert themselves in pre serving order, in promoting concord,5 in main taining the authority and efficacy of the laws, and in supporting and organising aH themeas- .hiXh av be adotrted for tbo common defence, and by which, under the blessings of Di vine Providence, we may hope for a speedy, just and honorable peace. ;" - . 1 in testimony wnereoi x raraiuwro I my hand and seal, this 1 Tth day of j April, 1861. " : JEFFERSON DAVIS. By the President r . :. , v Bo. Toombs, Secretary of State. SEAL. ' MILTON BLUES. Wa bad the nleasure of seeing on yester- the times for plain, practical, stern business. 1 CapU Mitchell, of the Milton Blues. - W ara reauested to announce mat uicid i ... ... -al Mtnrned from CbarieStOO, ana - 7 . , I U. umm J-"- , . tinguished for - oonseveratism, and a strict regard for the right of all the parties em braced in the late Union, aad it is a most teutons sign of evil when such men are foreed j miloQSi jet them oome when they may came to Raleigh to tender the services of his .Jl- iA tfi Oorernor. The offer was GUUJWJ J w ; j accepted. . ' C" We publish the following communi cation from Lady " in order to show the pirit which pervades the ladies of this city, Nearly every lady in town was for accession long before the war was begun, and now they actually want all the men to leave una go into the field, while they will protect them selves ! Hurrah ! for the ladies of Raleigh. They are as brave as lions, and setfa noble example to the sterner sex.; -' But we must beff leave to dissent from the views of oor fair correspondent. Tbe noma uuara . u to be composed principally of men who are past the age for seryioe in the ranks, yet, when" united into a regularly drilled corps, they will prove an effectual protection to our homes and our firesides, while there will be plenty of yoang men eager to serve their native South in tne cause w reaiawBg At a meeUng of the Executive Committee of the Southern Rights Men of North Carolina, on tbe 18th day of April, A. D-, 1861 in the City of Raleigh, the following 'resoluUons were adopted. ' Resolved , That events since the Inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, and especially those of a recent date, plearly demonstrate that ft ia the determination of those in power to reduce the Soathera States to submission by force, and in our Opinion , the fegue presented thereby to the South is one of un condftional submission to a military despositism, or resistance ; we therefore think the South should unhesitatingly adopt the latter, and m view of im- rjendine evils, that tne otaa vi au. Jhould at once take position with her sisters of the South and share their fortunes, whether for weal or for woe. " : ' Resolved. That the recent aeiaare ana wup- psnies within this State forthwith to hold them i fir immediate orders, and upon tbe reception of this Proclamation to report to the Adjutant General of the State their organisation and numbers, and prepare tbemfeives for efficient service. Such companies , as. are not armed and equipped will reixv t that tact, mat tney ayji -properly ripDUedjV'V'r? v:--V ,v ' ' '' ;' ; 'l ' in witness whereof, I have hereunto set my r k'oni .ni naiiM)! tha seal of the Common- U s- I wealth to be affixed, this the nth day of ( ) April, 1861, and w'tfl KR. Common wealth. JOHN LETCHES- GOVERNOR LETCHEBS REPLx" TO SECRETARY CAMERON. 7 r ' EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. 1 :Y.. BtCRtfovn; Va. April i, 1861, ; X " Hdn. Simok CamiboS, Secretary of War : rtr i I received vour telegram of the 15tb, the genuineness of which I doubted- ' Since tba Ume I have received your communication, mailed the same day, in which I am requestad to detach from the miUtiaiof the. State of Virginia "the quota designated in a table." which you append, "to serve aa infantry or riflemen for the period of three months, unless sooner discharged.1 . rln reply to tnis communication, i u say, that the Militia of Virginia will not be fur nished to the powers at Washington, for any suth use or purpose as they haye in view. Your object i ,n ...W.Kr.tatha Southern States, and a requisi tion made upon me for such an object an object, m my judgment, not within; the purview of. the Constitution, or the act of 1796 wiU not be com plied with. . You have chosen to inaugurate civil war, and having done so, we will meet it, in a spirit as determined as the Administration has rhihitai towards tho Souttt. . - ,hr -flsnectfullv.-. '- JOHN LETCHER. . E. Hunt. Joba Kingy Henry Keim, W.t J. Young, 8amut E. Philips. Baliwh, April 16, IML; Wesley Jeori, George Utile, 8. Smith, Reuben Moan, X. C. Fisher. Frederick FjtZgerald,; E. B. Freeman, j Charles E. Johnson, AldartSmad '. v-. 1L W. Huated, ; : M. Andrews, '.. ; ' -William E. Pell, ... r Jamas M.Uarrlsa,, . L , J, J. Christopher, . - i . Joaer-h H. AUlnaon. i ... K M. Andrews, . William Whita, . f .' Jaok M. Tewlea, -J. W. TuCker, ,;- fi . John Maunder, ,, j,. Georq;o W. Haywood, , T. H. fielby, ; W. C Upchurch, i . ;E. M-'Faan.t, -. . V John MitcheU, - W.J. W. Crowder, ; Cbarbe Msnly,; ; , -"A. P. Woodau, A. v Jeff. Fisher. , . P. H. Winston, - ' J- Ml. Lovrioy. James B. Sbeperd, J. Brown,'. I 4. i 'WilUam Yaarby, O. L. Burch,' J, J. Lanadail, IX L K.ystar, IVMcGowaa, R X. Sauedm, J . Horton,. ' It. Porter, ' , J. T. Williamson, S. U. Pariah, W, D. Hackoey, I Jaioes Dodd, .J.C Flawing,. ; Harris Vaughn; , F. K. Strother, ; Joseph Kreth, M. A. Pendergast,.. W. D. Williams, N,S. Harp, A. Hardie, - ; ' " John Ray, Jr., ' K. Smith, : v.: BmsoD F. Jones, j; &. Bonn, 1 : FROM WASHINGTON: . - ' 4 WASHncoTOir, April It. It fa reported, hot not yet confirmed, that Government has called out 150,000 addUional troop.. ' ; x. .r . .1 i. .... ...Intuir. havasnlacted noSltlOnS tkn of the Federal Forts m North Caroluul, by fo tho erection of batteries m and around Wash command of his ExceUency the Governor o this 1 a for ttae protection otthe city. - " Uemanaea oy hw . 71H..riol Charles Lee Jones, Adjutani uenenw vi Quia aawaaa crisis, and meeU tbe enure and eoff! P fa District MUitia, threw up his commission to w7,f this committee i and that, In tne opinion 1 .T? "... ' 1 . - ... r nnlW and 1 UJ. ... -' -w ' - . . ; N ... J - Khnda island volunteers are vruoiou w of this committee, the dictate of wfae poUey and j theaafety and honor or xnortn uaroiinareqnxr , that that occupation ibwm w wnBuaw dLi Thai thia committee approve the ac- V r nim(ir of this State, in calling an extra session of the General Assembly on the first ; a f Mav next, and endorse the views of bia Excellency expreaseo m u y1'""''.- f : W. N: EDWARDS, Pros'. " S. J. ZoriXtoKSec'fy. ; 7r:J 'Z':Y r. The Cir.lilnfAn I Capt Stuart, of the splendid Georgetown Cav alry. nas resigned, v :'-'': ;" :tV n wi. boildins- in this eitv is now openly Warded, day and night, by onusted soldiers. The D . " . m 4t O a Ain. LKYIa waviin TFas 'pX:t V From the Richmond Whig. THE YANKEE DESPOTISM. AT WASH- v -r--v .INGTON. - ?';'! - . ' A The declaration of war againat the Soulhera States ia a grew and flagrant tisurpatloa. Tbore is no authority given by tho Constttotion to the Federal ExectUi- to make war at alL The Fad-, oral Omgrtu itself has ne power to aaake war upon , the 8tatesi . That " power was proposed 'to 1 bo 1 : .tL ia the Convention which framed the Constttotion, and expressly and emphatically re- fused. ' - .: "x "" ' .1 '' s The action or Preaidant Llncole, la 'there fore a palpable usurpation of dictatorial powers. It is a clear invasion of tbe riglta of tbe people and Ue Stater, and a subversion of Free Govern ment. ' '- '-' . '" ' "."'.' ' ' T. The contest no w is the same In which, our fata- . ers foogbt-ltU for the great principle, of rea . Government-It is for Liberty or death. The . authorities in Washington and at tbe N orth, while professiag Peace, hae been during the last month exerting all their energies to organixe an army fof theinvasion, and aubjugation of our land. Their act Is purposely, without an oMsjt, It It does not oomtemfJate-oar supjagatioe.. Our country 1 lobe overrun by Invsding'armlee our lives endangered, our 11 berties oppresaed, our nilUad. our hearths profaned, 1 aakee Proconsufs are Jtoba quartered upon the people to harrv and daspoll them. This k the programme , or it is the most senseless and useioss piweeeaiag ever perpetrated. ; snaii we- tamaij aa necks to tbe yoke and shcA a yoke t : . J ;k Rather the Roman come again. The Saxon, Normaa and the Dane1; ; I ' In all the chains we ever wore. " We grieved, we sighed, we. wept we never : .,. blushed before, ,?:;'. ., vTbo eountrynsea and kindred of Waabington, uw. r iba Iaat the Raadolphi, the JeHer. . sons, the Harrisons, tbe BUods, the Nelsons the -IJlu r YuikM Task masters I Better tea thou- , sand times to stake everything life, liberty, area-... neritv.' altars and aresiaes, uss swm aw - . radatioa. Great and manifold are the horrors of - . Kv.f ihmirs aveaser avuo waa. mwj sa our pOKmS TwUh nro- r,fw";; wouaded aad humiliated U visions in barrels and boxes, and guarded. V I f honor, U a nation lortad lost beyond . An ammunition train passeo along toe i redempttoa. r 5tn- That we are opposea to v of the Border Statee into a Ja-luili w V Sfederacy, but think all the Slave-holding States should as speedily as possible unite witha Soathera Confederacy, tnereoy su.u6-i,-., DOr-t j LinAoln. and hismvr-l a nreventlne war, rood OPP i' "3T.T,:. mav. , VZSZZttZL refrain fx5m expressinz 1 . i 1 It is rumored that fighting haa eons- raenoed at Harpex's Ferry. V.j " , , either by their own convictions or by tne fear of a diseased public opinion in tbe sec tion in which they live, to take part with those who have undermined, the jallars of this onee great and glorious government. As for the JVVw York Herald; we do not ex aggeraU wbea we say that the dailj eircu latioa of that paper in North Carolina is three times as large as that of any viekly paper published in the State. Will it be sustained hereafter in this State to the im poverishment of our own press t v: Will the people of jNorth Carolina now continue to put money ia tha pockets of a pres whkb jj daily urgag cruaada against the lives, fortunes and liberties of the people of tha South 1 We hope noL t PATRIOTIC XJaxiJSS. Ws learn that tfie ladies of Newborn, headed bt Miss Annie. Dares, are busily en raced makios mattresses for- the use oi tne . . . troopa at Fort Macon. - Three nunarea nave already been sent, and they are but the pre cursors of suany. mora. The Itdisf every where can and, we doubt not will be, uiefal in this erisis, as they can do In without com promising utir ismiTHim ctaiisacj. Vn'mi diBoLrvxs OnoTs- The number of man which oldLiaoola's requiattion requires from North Carolina to aid la subjagatiog oar South rn brotbreo Is 15SO two- regtaaeata of ISO men ; f Von teb RxoisTxn. HOME GUARD." r iinma k bosv. and I hear that some are trying to form a ban in this city under the above title. Will yom be kind enough to inform tne energeue mmt that tea ones wno are engs - "- a eompany. TeU them to go waere .. . Thm Father of the fatherless aad UwysriBW"' l ... . Husband of the wiaow wiu ftwx " their safety this prayer shall hang upon our lips : Thou who oloreat tbe raven's wing, burnish the swords of our precious friends, and shield warn in tbe thickest of the fight.- ,;-:. LADY. Fon tbk RxoisTXa. Tha friends of the South, without distinction of mrtv will have a meeting at Springfield Acado- ' !H be addressed bv Hon. S. H. " -. Roeers. W. B, Cox ana otners. 7 " . tKa true cOuraee, boldness ana daring of the army of the! Confederate States In . j ; .tiir nnoB Fort Sum. the recent ana buuwwmi -r - - - . ter. 7th. Is Insdeouate to express our disgust at the foolish and Insulting proclama tion of Abraham Lincoln, aod we heartily endorse tho patriotic answer ot uovernor x-uia . hU foul . aMMi-tA- itrwHi nam fir l lavsa raw m A BLAST FROM THE UNIOJI TRUMPET, The Lynchburg VtrgCdea whfch has bttherto battled maafully for the cause of the Uaioni thu rasposdsto taMoaTtmXT- "But the Ust feather which breaks the camel's back, has been applied. Not enly-Jtava Federal troons been sent upon a mission of wart nut tne man who, above aU others, held the destinies of this great nation in bis hands, and could, by a word, have restored peace, has drawn the wofd They that take the sword shall yerlsh with the sword,' is tbe strong language of oly writ. Let thero be a HtaralTulflUment of the prophecy to Uatanna -CUV i bat tha wretch who wrel erred violence to peranatkm snay.U hirai vietta of hiuon. . J3l lum a wan vm inn SU ments, I M warouaaw - - v t,. f. . & . a sw a. a ana as r aa a am ri ls. aviiuwii ssksi asis mmt rit Tariffia a groat outrage uoon the, people or North Carolina, and well calculated to oppress indlnjutheS while it was "tended to foster and enrich the North at the expense ot the South. I In presenting the report Mr, Lewis took occa ioa to say that the retolutions had been drawn up with a view of avoiding anr expression of oarty sentiment, or uaing; party namea.fe He bad himself neretoiorsj p"i B. ! Am,. rA nMrretown..':Drobably to supply the bauery, whkb is said to bo erecting on the Heights ot -Geotgetown '- -V . The Light Artillery are le-nigu u w , r.JU.tn twrminrl of Virelnla. k appointed District Attoraeyberi J, M Fleming laj appointed District Mtorney lor aastant iwiwbw.- r -; . THE REIGN OFvTERROR IN NEW YORK. Naw Yonx. April 17. Terrorism te inaugura ted nere. The office of the Journal or wmmsros baa been surrounded by the mob, and compelled to put out the U.S. flag. It k said that the office of tbe Daily News k to be attacked. ? -J- ; Border 8tate stocks are depressed by a combina. 4w MirlitAn those States. " ' ' , ' ; t" 'A. HUH W .. . ... '' '--'- 1' - . r' MOB LAW.IN NEWYORKfe Naw Yoax; April It. The Day-Book news- no uiw . - - , lumuiu . i.v i i Ym. bavedowtoeirworsti and from newseforttnothiBg and execrations, deep, bitter and endnriag, await nlaved bis infamous part snaltoccupya blcbon bktonr wbo'bave destroyea ,ine peace jiisv : , "Let him send bis myrmidons to Invade our j 1.av shall be welcomed with blood UU, J - .w-'i-tli i j. Wn.nii.tviM trravee. ' xae war wui wo w. of extemlnarlon-let tba be waorstoodthe berlaning. Neman wao uxea op ru jw s MISSOURI " AND .THE PRESIDENT'S EE- ; i ;s':quisition: ! StLotjm. Aprit it--It k nndersiood that Gov. Jackson will refuse tocomply with the , requunuon :3 if 'TENNESSEE MOVING; 'jy: i .Mimfhib, April v n-Tbere U letense excite; ment here. A here last night,; whan Mempms jmm resoivou There k nothing left for aa, but to fight for aU that k dear to us. i very man, womaa ana tn the Commoawealtil foals the fc ismskforeodupoaus. WP witr to lgat either fordtyotism or forqyaaw to side aiUfat with oar enesnka and oppraiors, or cur friMds and kisswL- TBS Northera Prealdeot leaves as ao alter native; it wuaerty w tion, glory or the grave i ; J "'V; '- .. FRGM GEORGIA.' Aoril 17.2-Verv little doing In cot ton In the Southern saarketa. Little oflfarisg. , Holders demand aa advance.. - v .. , Ltncola's Prockmatioa te exmdemied aad ridlcolad, and aaacy coosidar tho offers of Northern volonteers mere gsaoooade but hnndmk of i bat. taUoeaand regimenk of volanteere are qoltety forming la tbe Sooth many secretly to moot tbe Norther volautaars U oase they eao be found. Aa waparaltakd war spirit ts aretawd l the Boutn. ' Men aad means are freslyaod kvishly. offared. It k believed Impossible to satdoeit short , ofagraadaatiofial Waterloo coat let, . IiTaEcio--Hsar the story oT tho hUdtbai. went forth Into thoaaouataia ravtoe. WbUe to child wandered tiwre, be erkd aka Jo brtk tb. lnelteest, and beard a twos wuwo -iTttteeaie tone. ; He aalkd; ajadv M k. thought, the veice egnia moei with anger, be rwshed "to Aad SwhTdin JS and snme equally hard thing, had been said of wlSU V? h - i LI a MANLY, : W. R. POOLE, JNO. H. JONES, J. B. JOPJ1S, . And many others. THE GOVERNOR OF KENTUCKY'S RE- ....... , PLY. L .. . Gov. Magoffia, of Kentucky, replied to Lincoln's requkiUon as follows: , - Faayxronx. Aorfl. 15.-To the Secretary of - ;.t v r Cfosansor ef Ktmtueicih It ketated tbatGovBicka, of Maryland, has iafornttdUe Secretary or War that MaryUnd . -mm.M- ava.cfaBaata tui n - him, but he believed that tbe whole South were now willing to unite in a oommpa wummm v. villint? to forrive others for all they bad ever said about him, he trusted that hk recent i .tfaries would meet him In a nxe IXtt aa that w aH might onito and prepare for antrlt.l the contest which was now upon us. adjournea aoou w FORT MACON. ' ,; The meeting The Committee of which were a member, bavlnsf performsd the pntmisfioa they were isont to des returned by a special train last tiighW There are now about 150 to 200 men under arms at Fort Macon, and everything k being put ia iorder. Should a Governmeat vesselj attempt to enter the harbor, they will tJ-TM fMfJK tlon eartain. . Severe dameatio af&lctkm win nre- -JSt' nv it war comes. Paducan. The New York Courier and Eoqoirar of Mon day last, buttm following amiable parsgraph about tint Anderson, have bad W .f2,." I' andEBSON BRANDED AS A TRAITOR, Aat of the soldier ana wo nw em man. , xws, v - -"iriZJxZZ , i infi! witn- tunerserviceaDw wa wtfiv. nfade the Swlh, should know tbarthey take theif lives la ttSr hands, and taatfrom every mountain gorge and akv nnerrtojrfle of the JUieVaer; wllTaste tr affrigbtod rauka-:.r-n ' KENTUCKY TBVB TO TR BOOTH." L6TrravtttArtTAA artie -tethir was beM hlJ9 opposition to Lincoln's war 1- 5 Tunanimously passed that XaMU7.4U -s. tt a .wt hr nf traont snlsit tb iywa- U Confederacy, but wU 1 ahara htt4l. a aimiiar maeuns: wm w . tif4j,ir'' tymi8i& ;..j;v MsloT Aaldenoa t Sumter baa tallen-surreiMlered, we tear, b a .if. .v tbkt traitor Maior Robert Andaraoo. Thk k harsb ' language, but k the' langUago of truth demanded by what appears to be tha grossest act of treawtf ever perr)lratlj IS this or any oth r coontryr The treason of Twl- Is adadttod bv a to have exceeded that of Ben-ilet Araoldi ba the names of both Arnold and sTwiggV i sink iato toaignlficanoa, indeed, are almost ren dered aaspectable, wbenbompared with tbo asove j..in 'rnfamv which, front the present appear anv mast fdrever attach to that : of Robert Aa. mocked him. Flushed td bo oas. Ue wen . . . . . a. . t called out to bias la ranger, ana wim avw StiVetTaS efThicb weVe aattUUry rraed nVm.Tcaong with rage, the chiM ran tohk Lther, and oomplalaad that a bojr b lUej od. had Insulted him' with words. But the mother took her chili by the band and said t -My child. thtL awsWwere but tb. echoes of thae owe SS.' lend forth Jrr? tboasbalt aever have a clouded day tarry SoutV vindictive spirit, and even in tie Itowere Satt lurk curses. t Thou aba receive evJ"V Jhoogivast, aad tka alone.-, Always,- said the nedir, k thatcbild ia tbo owntaia rossen aad ll!!,Vmn and womaa k that child,- - r . . , ye I sola 6w.' XaI8SOLUTIO!l-TB FII13 OP T4M, ' II Ai HOLT was dWeeUeJ by asawsleea- 1 " t T" " 4 t.K ,-,'k 'IT. . . a aaaws a . v V tint . ' ' f " . ' ww . faw ava , g '..t'r aw Jtlvsr, H, 0. ? I ( I I 'V n