, . . .,.'". ' .''.'-. p -'--"--:'-ry v' pv;;pP::'-' p .? .-! v -pj '- -p '. ;. , . - ',-pp - - - - : 7 P ;-V , : - - ':-P P"'-'Pfp- .YOL.LXU fit rttJBDAT M0BN1K6, MAfcCE 1832. PRCSID E3IT?S MESSAGE, r 1. , , We IJ bcToro oncretders tc-daj the Mei " : We entirely diasentTjrom tlie views of, lie ? It wiHie'seenlfrora itie MessaEfe'llrai tlie retewburg Express on-.tfie .question of gi?- President tbink there is ;sbinesbwsi my8te m" egress to'tKe tobtoeo nowneld4a:BeI-1 riqus in tbetsurfenerof'sb manv mond oj the gent of Ibe Preneb GoVern- men at Fort DonelsooL The escape" of Floyd The press of . Frasce'bai over anQ I witt gOOnaralfrwks in protestea that Lincoln's blockade I nby-dW not .12,000 - col, or, attenipi to cot inefficient ooe, and if .the ;Frencb I ibelr-' vaViroiis theWmv'f ?'This mystcTV Goyeroment consents to be blockaded oat of will, aot be cleared .np anU''tlte,ibUVfteA. is property ;by an Ulegal ilockadeV desired connt of tbe affairh 'receive.d.l-A' fpr lbe injury of the Sonthlet it abide the ': . ' ' I.1 "-' 1 - - d tbe President to the Confederate consequence let the tobacco be kept in U - ;f - v - cr e ( v J pj; . ' - w Mother. colamo, ,hat, wbscpption book Ctfjress. x "V? ."3 7 - , V? receive snbscriptiona to tbe?capital ik , tl the ie. time dignified -and frank- tbe blockaaais raised, and not befoFO.' No; h- n, - riJ rfli nflPredent inakwnoefbrttoslur over again was an inefficient olntlnn Li .-'")HrW' jwns re j jur ib,,u jixioeiomypi, put pniTUuag lor i ff o uaaiiciai system devised tT I.ID0 WlSdOttt 5Jvu- P6881 J tue Legislatore of that State. I the increase of the pay. ot non-com missioned of your predecessors! has Droved adeouAtl to mn. brn cooement of tbe .introduction of. officers and prif atesP i J, ; ' " ' : " plying alii the wants 0 the;goTeramenLnot- vi uuwes On oreisrn imoorta during thA hWfa-nda' I boat fnr IhnnftWv -. .. .- i-r ; . ? .1 misa f i-rnAn1tiiia nnltiVAA a. nL - 1 Al . 11 . m . M umree on Military Affairs enquire into Ube ex- kvucjt.ui casing ; possession of an tbe cotton. to secretseBsion. Mr. Lyons seconded the motion, and the doors warn inwrl. - " 1 . .1 ...ilmtanManMM.it inn II InnAnli tA ttimiif VkMi' anil Un I : . V - . : 4 i, tbe nice, m rrrrr-, :? t' m.Joaea.'Esqtha Cashier of said bank.- w L.' a renetioa of !tuem.Pi-omnent a easels o come into with bewar&a con, T v ; ' ?w in the term of the' increase senit) out ports in ballast 9 and take onboard tobacco and cotton. " If tobacco bought for the French Govei nment may be carried. away (by Sword's permit) wby inay not uuEt of our financial condidon is gratifying coJ-too, boogbt on British acennt, be carried jai encouraging. When we look at our ex- off by she same process ! i Any thing which -nirarea since the commencement of the will . reconcile . England . and France to (he Jtf, and that of the enemy, we must derive blockade;' and confine i!s bjury solely lo the ,3ci pleasure fioni the comparison, and feel South, would be jnst into Sewaid's hand, antl that we can pay our .way in ibis1 war If England and France want onr cotton and 'fon. 5- . I come and get it. Otherwise,' let it i-emaio m.. President evidently looks calmly for- I where. it is, or be destroyed, raJiier than Jet gjisinicnt by eoldiers.? ,Tha short, term of lBontaJ he thinks tends gieatly to the in- t th emeienev of the army.' His ac- sciioe liDeraiiv to inis- wort ; 'it , is a war i measnre as well as one of peace; r ! i .. -J. i '"' '- CONFEDERATE - CONGRESS--FIRST !."' : SGSSION. f . ' SENATE. ' - ! ' Richmond, Monday, February 24. : Mr. Brown, of Miss., presented a bill to levy a war tax on cotum proaucea auring me year 1862. which was react and placed upon the cai- eodar. mt. Urown gave notice tbat ne wou'd press an early consideration of tbe bill. Tbe following is a corv of the bill : X. Beit enacted, &, Taat it shall be lawful for each head of a family iff tbe Con federal e St ates of America, in tbe year 1862, to produce free ef tax, three bales of cotton, clear of seed, weighing four bundred pound for every band actually em- i " e oacco. and; otber products in the! Confederate jThe doors bavin? been re-opened, the follow- , . o'i uefcrugioa, wuen- mg ojessage was receivea jrom ue jrresiaent. l -. r j ue mreatenea- dv ice enemv. r ,VT?fijmfmj frnw Dur'oTrkTjixrfn Lir, Jiortcu nressented Stti CaroHna ' State uect tbatC aa mmours were toe lloanoke island disaster naederale forces behaved Congress be reauejted fucti rumours, and aCauaint tba Conveaiion th the rusalt. r p r! v ..- On motionT of Mr. Orr. the resolatjon was re ferred to the. Committee on Military Affairs. X xne oenate tben went into executive session on the eoverriment for the ve&r haa'been Hin rnitnd numbers,r4ne hundred and seventy millions of dollars' ; lejs than one-third! of tbe. sum wasted by the enemy in bis vain effort to conquer us-i less than the value of a single article of export the cotton jcrop of theiyear. . i )' I'i 'fl I" r I' I K ' f. v'' ds'. f . ; our ! - Men. p !: ler-' r c v 0 a ! a- . ' -; ; 1 of.. for a resolution nasaed' hv m Mouse-or, Mentotm8.cj.tA l-i- xvf" T.lTI 1 Convention, to the f n":"- . uirrmtln rflUtfnn : la oDeoienca . to - tbe cCWdtua.onal. provision; " WfTZTJA?? V J that some of the !QI the Kariiv fiift nntiWL; lDe vonorress iniormanoa or tne state ot tbe 1 Vi " r. '"i"1 w v- naoiy, toe vxn rede- I J . - . , 1 stitutlou. whflo .mui M.Tt . r, toinvertirateibe ! ""7 T"" P t . Mk i t)Mu'j 6uuu uieagurM m bb uau jaage necessary r t tt- rf i -; V'-" It : ' . - I t p a message from tbe Presideut-and adjourned some fifteen minutes after. : r '.i t ; . ' aod expedient,! have to communio?te that, since my messaee at toe last session of tbe Provisional Congress, events bave demonstrated tbat thecov. enment had attempted more tban it bad power successfully rto achieve. L Hence,;in the. effort to protect, by our arms, tbe wbole of tbe terrftory tskV i.,A. the Patent Office and PuhH legislative (provisions will be required! which will be snecificallv statedin th v 6nAyi f h a head Of that Department lf I 1 j. i vibe una attention oi ijongi ess to the dnty of the Confederate Spates, seaboard and ; inlsni f W P"16 Cou tbe Cobfode- we have been so exposed as yecentlvtoencountAr ,1 w', ww we manoateoi .Whenvthl Oonfederacy..was, 1 V""tuv : ; 1 1 li. wxx$ 34 tUCL li IS W6U fcufc ut9 pcupxe oav icvwvwuu mew irV iuc u'-uumuc ouvj- aau lor every , auumonax oaie ox ioar nunarea itoiLuytdatobu,i.fi cm: -i - .. - : - j PPP S,L -iVtnntkeir minds to "fight on, and fight ' As germane to Ibis subject we take tbe otter, war taxes are assessed and collecJed, tbe - - i vr 4 ... ... I UJlIU QUI UUCitCO ! WMw.w. ! unaaown tojne Cbair tbat it was impossible to do justice to all, but he had done the best in his power : P ;f ,v,p;Pp pp,;:p .' - nOUSX STANDING COKl ITTJXS. , " On JEtefioW--Metsrs. Smith of North Caro lina; Vest ! tof MlssonriPStanbles of Virginia. Crocket of Kentucky, Gardinhier of Tennessee! Curry or Alabama. Claon of Mississioni. Dorkina of Florida, and Trippe of Oeorsia. - . " . Woml M'ans.-Messrs. Keonnr of Trfiniai. ana, Jonet fit Tennesse,. Bon ham of South Caro- una, uarnetK or v irgima; AloKae of Missiesippi; Lyons of Alabama. Macben of 'Ken tuctv. Holt of Louisiana and Graham of Texas.' ' ' P MUuUiiy Affairs Messrs. Miles of South Car- ouna, irryor oi v irgima, Jlenan of Georgia. HOUSE OF KEPBESEUTATIVES. ' In 6 Chairf annoucid. lb various standme committees of i the Houses re- formed, tba State eomnoafo it were, h thA tw- J" xerer ypu jo my message communicated to marking tbat there were so many new members collar cbaractfi of tbeir nnrsniis: and a'mlanl I the Provisional Congress in November! last for . . - . . . . i . t: t " r p r i . i - i ikL- . ... confidence in their former associates, to a ereat 1 t"1.l'uel1"1m.a"0" wucniogpne cqnauion exteotldesiitnte of the means !for the nrosecntion J PuBDUc n-4.as it might be useful tH lay be of the war on so eiran Un a scale aa that which it I1?' youi..JheL short interval ,whichh4s i.ince has attained. Tbe workslops and "artisans were W6? "9 -1- having produced iny fmaterial t malnlv to 1ft found in tbe Northern 8tates.aod one Cil?Sa wat, condition other than those lo A'fKaflHtntia. AatrnrkA n nnr. f ht a I wnicu, reiereuce nas airsadv been made. , .' meDt was to establish tbe necessary manufactories, . J.n elusion, I cordially welcome rdpresen-i and in tbe meantime to obtain bV pufebase from ?re bo, jcentlv chosen, by the people, are abroad, as &? as practicable, 'whatever was reeuir- ueu wim iueir views ana aeeungs, ana d for the public defence.. No effort has been LfoaDiy aayise me as to in needful proymons spared fo effect both these ends, aod though the result !&sve not equaled onr popes, it is believed tba; aa impartial judgment will, upon full lnveatt ga? ion,; Award ' to the various departments of the govern ment coeait for having done all wbicb bu roan power and foresight enabled tbem to pecom- 3 i RECESS OF TtlE CONTENTION. Ise Convention adjonrned on Wednesday t after a session cf thirty-seven days, to lietigaln on the thirdjttonday in April. . Tbe cloqnent and appropnato ' valedictory rP.-csident Edwards in response to a vote f tbiffks, will be fottpd ia to-day's paper. ' fflATHAJI CO ALKIK I. LI! liAIXKUAl mflPilV CITr . XVLi.(J ilUil. .-.kJ:.-. ce. Oorbeitef is, that Seward bas given the Vie call auenuoa mj two luiwuKwsm jjriti.h Govern meot assurances tbar the-rebollion IeMiTor irivinz notice OI an election to woukl be crusbed m some very soon nme,- aou . . i . T. iv Viu ' . tbat England should tbeo have abundant supplies ee'd in this cuy on we tn mst.f w i ae- of aAUlm Thirty or sixty days may bave be-n spe- nied ;be qnesaon whether said city shall cified. With u-e assurances, Lord John RosseH kdb. the n of Sly oW. doU.r, J!JM Mnitil .LrV the Chatham Hailroad I tbwgimration of toe scecified time, end if tben " '.., k tUi unitnln maw nnt at. an Arwl. : i Tie oLcl 0. ; 2. Tbat tbe head of a family shall be construed to meaa a man or single . woman having the ac tual direction of a plantation or farm, but when iwo or'more persons have the direction of tbe same farm or plantation, they shall ; be construed. n one. and a band shall be f construed lo mean a person, whether white or black, between tbe'ages of fourteen and sixty, actually employed in tbe cultivation of cotton, and woo shall bave labored in tbe field more than ane-batf tbe lime from April 1st, 1862, to September 1st of the sanir year.' :'..'' i '.Pi JUr. rne.an of Jdiss-; presented resolutions u ru'utr wai ftf, will come forward and agree that Brpo.ation o Baleigb, the captal o the 4, suall dv its pari" in caiTyin'g ont a X3OTTint, w'ca, wneii accompiisnea, tile traitral ; of vast ' benefits to this city, i Sate. au the nbcle Son;hern Con fed. 9 following article from the Kichvucod Whig, and cordially concur in the vi3ws expressed It is stated as a fact by a London pftper, that as late as the 23d of January, Louis Napoleon was resolved to announce to tbe Legislative Co-ps of France, tbethe should Tecoguixe the Confed erate Slates, aod disregard tbe blockade. On that day he was- induced to forego his resoio'ta, or to defer its execution, in coosequeoce of sonie renmentatioos made to bim by Earl Bussel. What tnese represenTawoos were, we are cowoia; opted by the Legislature of Mississippi, in rela uut n hist nuk iw u.wt. wwuj.u.a c- i llon t0 tbe exportaDon or cotton. , , Mr. Dortcb, of N. C, presented reeoluuons adopted by the Convention of North Carolina, in i-e'alioa to tbe re-ealistment of volunteers. Go motion' of Mr. Haoer, tbe Senate adjourn ed ; and, at bia request, the senators . remained in Lhe chamber, to confer informally upon (be pp pnintment or the atAoding; committees. ' ; MOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. . - Mr. Swasn. of Ten n.. thought tbarthVdis eauioa of this IXou&a upon thr pressed atL4 suwti of such a, character ai to require that lis sessions aioa'd be held with dosed doors. Ttus he deem ed proper, in view of measures likely to be sul in"'. ted to the House for ,i& consideration this morning. He therefore moved tbp.t tbe House Pugh of Alabams, Davis of Mississioni. Harris of piwb. I Missouri. Swan of Tennessee. Brideers of North I Tbe valour and devotion ef tbe people have not Carolina, ad Ratson of Arkamas. ; I - 1 onlv sus'iaioed the efforts of the government, but' Foreign Affairs. Messrs. Poote of Tennessee, f bavegone far to supply its deficiencies. 1 Perkins of liuisiaria, Smith ef Alabama, Dejar- I The active star of military preparation among Queen of Sooth Carolina, Breckindge eiKenH when our agents fiist went sbrpad, in Wed on- delays ioi 'toe procurement or arms, i , j.r' for the public Bervice. I assure yon of ro v hearty co operation in all yon r efforts fad the cpmmon weiiare of tne) country, i p ! f i V ; J ! ; JEPPESSON DAVIS. The message was laid on the table and a number of conies ordered to ha nrinifA fnr thm 4ise oi" the fiouse. i' ' P ' '. p : ; Mfr Smith, of Virginia, called tin the resolu tion in reference to the supDi-essioini of intoxica tion in the jarmy:' The merits ot the resolution were discussed - by Messrs. Smith bf Viireinia. I Foote, Wikjox, Read and Bon bam. ,Tbe reso, Itce on p- tucky,. Preston of Virginia, and McLeantf North avoidable Naval A fairs. Messrs. Conraaof LocHsiana. Royceof South Carolina. Wrfebt of . Georgia. C'opion of Alabama, Carrio of Tennessee. Smith of Virginia, Paitber of North Carolina, Dorkins of Florida atd Cham bliss of Virginia. PL Jiu2o77T---Messrs. Gartrel of Georsr'a. Russell of Virginia, targan of Alabama, Moore of Ken- tucky ,Gar land of ArkaB&as.Heiskell of Tennessee, Gray of Texas, Ashe of North Carolina and . Hoicom be of Virginia. j v Commerce' hiessn " Curry of Alabama, Trippe of Georgia, Cooke of Missouri. McDowell of North Casolina, Lyons of Virginia, Sexton of Texas, Villeve of Louisiana, Bruce of Kentucky, and Chfcmbefs of Mississippi. ; p 'osi-UiTieo-ana irost noaas. Messrs.- udmtoi kt! iv TaVa.--The AtlaoU the vrar in this country was not at an end, En- tA r i jnrn ia -l' inter veouoa. tbout sora such pVdrw i this, we cannot ao- Wace, and we bone the citens, in aq eu- for the change of purpose on tbe part of tbe i )fKW spirit Oi comoioea patriotism uu Jobn is incnarac:er with tbe man. He is one of yoirr sentimental cbampiom of liberty, and would look on and see a free people crnnbed under tbe iron heel of despotism, wih perfect composure, if his fanatical dogmas were notappareotlyinvided. Listening,as be was very willing U do, to tbe lv jcg tales of Seward about abolitidn, and assured tbat cotton should very speedily be foKhcomiog, he was we'l content to star d by and passively aid in the subiu?alk)n or extermination of tbe only. M. - . f '. . . ' A 1 ! M I . 1. a r 1 I. 1 .1 - . Jltt, J here IS no power Oi VIVI uuuiuug i poruon ot me aireritM pwpm wuu upuu-u citi '. - . I Pi - iv t.J I libertv.P . P . ' V ;,-P. kn-ac ot luilroaa ivaumiwm wb- tu . . h93LTilna -Me thfe'oart of hp KWer region, ' Looking .t . tbd am- tba'Srilisti mid-stry,' a duty of a Viul cbaractor L l- ii - f Kwfit devo'ves on us.. Shall we sUnd Idle abd with Wet in the narrow view of the benefit foUed dyerm this iniquitous game to be lt would accrne to this place in the sin- played out T "We know tbat our Colton and to- Vle of fnei, obtained convemently general ptofperjty of both those countriss is de pendent upon these articles. ' Ten months ago, in Jid bands Of a wise government of one of ordi nary forecast these great staples might have been used to purchase abroad arms and ammunition amd steel plated i (-earners, which would have ren dered us invincible and enabled os, at this very the coatls aod rivers ot tbe ours exposed to their sbort S'gbtedoess the iiuat prices, and burned at the ibcoa-l moet marvellous and deplorable, oar rulers did most bave cotton and tobacco, and ttay flattered themselves that tbey would break tbe blockade to get tbenK Now our enemies are" using their precious treasures, so criminally neglected by our selves, to ensure our subjugation. - Seward under takes lo furnish foreign powers these indispensable articles as tbe price oi totir neuirauiy ana toeir ?2 TRADR WITH THE tVORI.I BUT THE YANKEES. r ' . : rejoice to see the movement . of MrV iijof Louisiana, to secore free trade all the world bnt t TTpited States.- !'t ;;. . ii ' j ' " " i I nass into the bands of the enemy t' If we do we movement be followed np. bv aSeth. fale tbat wiHfSHow, 4, -P p oanes on tbe manufaclores of tbe I Every consideration oi zwoourana saieiv aic- that steps should be lmmedia-eiy taceo, ke'aply,irsieat! of fuel now OiJ:ained m expensively and inconveniently, ana e'-iins noon the asaisiance of the ..Oity a prt. to a reasonable extent, carhot be de-r I Not a winter goes by thatevery fanv. I a Rale ch does not sijU for good coal at time, to be ravaging the coj I . . . j u - "wi. Tankees, loBteadf of having fwab'e onces, instead of swaoby wnod at deprea.,tjOBI;i: R0,iih m i Ices, and bnrnett at the ibconr pence o; constantly mutooz np tbe lire . I. . . " . w. . . . ; ake lime it is lruted in tue moniogr 3 U is peimiUed to sink into 'mbes t 'a for coal, theu, go into secret session: ; Mr. Poote obtained the .floor, aod expressed bis sarprise at tbe proposition, of hi3 colleague. Not only was be surprised.but astounded aod agonised beyond description, by tbis mouon, made by. colleague without consullstionia a matter so vi tal to every interest of the country. Tbe people of the country bad 6howed- themselves entitled to reciprocal confidence, and he never would con seat that'tbey should be shut out from Hie public deliberations of their representatives. At some Jengt'a, and with great earnestness, 'be . opposed tbe motion of hs colleague. ; . Mr. Lyons-of Virginiaaid that he entertained tbe highest respect for the judgment and patriot ism of the gentleman from Tennessee, -but tbat be bad matters io submit to tbe action of Ibis House which he could not, and would ndt do in open session, and be tberfcore concurred in tbe opinions of Mr, Swann, tbat tbe doors should be Closed. . J- .-" '.P-l,-., t r-r r : ' Under a rule of tbe House requiring tbe doors to be closed upon motion of a member, seconded by another, tbe Speaker ordered the k ball to be cleared of all but its members and officers; and tbe dopi" were closed. ;. - ... - .. ' ; SENATE. J : ' : T tsos-Y, February 25. , 1862. Mr. Hunter, of, Virginia, from a committee se lected la the informal , meeting of tbe Senators on yesterday, tc recommend nominatio.es. -.; to tbe etaoding committeesmade.the following report. . , The committee recommend the following re port: .."( - -P.-r .i . --; i Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. Orr. Of retnect for an inefficient blockade articles which South Carolina, chairman ; and Messrs. Yancey haexn onlr obfaixi ov our subjugatloft. f I Our own f of Alabama, fVYigiall of Texas, Clark of . Missouri, - . .-. .-.Tl ... . I j t - e it: ana- jrreson oi v ii-eiuih. v . - Ot Finance.- Mr. Barnwell of j South Caroli- of Atabatna.Conro ofMisaoari. Bovstonf 'Axl much ss I am not only nnwUling, but unable, to Jba.Jobneonlol?ftfi people have sur- A i. T I C J J oar efforts vo import military supplier of all xutoilta i -xao ine jAtiaow (ua.. sorts, j' ' 1 I p; JS .iwiftpnfcontains adlspatcb; freus the Men' ! x nave nopeu ior several oays to receive omciai i pme papers! dated tbe 2 ls 'staling, tbat Columbus island and the fail of PorDonelson, They have lA t- J t, .j TJ 7 not yet; reacted me, end X auo,,tbereore, unable .lo communicate to you so en information of tnose events. ! and tbe consequences resulting from them, as would enable, me td ; make recommendations founded upon the changed condition which they have produced. Enough is known of the surren der at Roanoke island.to make us feel that it was deeply 'humiliating, however imperfect may have been tbe preparation for defence. The hope is still entertained that our reported losses at Port Donelsbo h?ve been '- greatly lexaggera'ed, inas- wAKh that on which we chiefly xel'ed is em- nfoyed as tbe most effective means for our ondd- ing. shall we nerroU it?' Tbe cotton' and tobacco are still in our ba?ds, si)U we oerm-t tbem to iiif-.-- .1 ; t . j I itA3 that steps should Ts, ana .nign , tonnage uuue. on -h wiJ! eo$urelhe de8tmction of -every hogs- "'PPUg, and we Will SOOn consign I an- head of tobacco and bale of cottony sooner than PUim in l :r suffer them to lau into me nanus u tuo eueuivi ' "W BUI3 Lr 1 - i. TU Ul V IIII1IMH 111 IIKLflllina I I - Win irufWr,: ' P " 5 We WhAM there are large Quantities accumulated in any city, they should be at once removed to some f 0n rfnt tn the interior, and fagots prepared to make cbair are request to state that a Ibe destruction certain, when the occasn soau Nete officer is now in Kaleieh; wbol demand. This is especially a duty here lhEicb viuccr is now lu xtaieigu, wuy i . a ,. l tlmi hiler born eVerv hogs- V) enlist men by companies .for .the 1 bead than, let the enemy get it or any foreign ihe battery to which he is attached power through - the "SeDcyitne enemy. re .. . , - " i nave naci a gooa maoy iu,wi iu. ujmg tL'e-beat in -thn mV. .nd ' the I ?j i- ..n with Frflnrh WmIps in Hampton Roads. " Some said tbey brought sealed packaea of recognition ; others that tb-y bore a permit from tbe'LinccJo Government to enter the waters of Virginia and receive a cargo of tobacco. We know nothing." " We should dislike to do aoy- thlng nngracios even in appearaace. to jj ranee. value. It may not be yet : . ... - il. . . - . t.. .u- An.Tin (in. it wh. ior luh j , i too late. iut inn "v v j' --i - --- - n aifetr and eif-res- .L.-.i . ' . . . ' ' - ' . I -taKiw i-.nnJftte the aotbonty of Lin- jj -ortiy, and all who ClesiIO W go : fcSd T.bould be shipped, and tbe aulhorities shoufd forihunih remove from the eily all tbe tobacco row-here, and deposit it in some p'aca where, if the exigency arises, it may be cer tainly and speedily destroyed. I " fi , ' -: . -"A like course, and bat tnsantlyt should be adopted with respect lo cot ton. - Place it - where its destruction will be em-e, before the . enemy can get it. Our salvation may uewuu -uu MWHiivm : . - . . - . in too service. commanding it is one of experience TLbse already enrolled . and not bto the State service can j if they bo t in siht of tha : Yankees in fortt- Nji w , . tumg ungraciov , f by enlisting under this officer. Properly approached h 'o which thbiBcei i.'.tthed SJS F WllU lDtft a fi,1,4 ... -,lat- ' 5lBg it. The officer referred to'ean be tYarborongh llonse.-"'. ; j5KEE PRISOKCRS BXCHANGCD. I ge number of prisoners from' Saliar I And yet, while all this is going on, I ,:4 .-rA of the wealth -"Ce lrOVnmar JmI.hi t Vi. Qtnfk I . ... e A vairtflrt e hi - iest and most In uuenuai citizens . --"' 0a and aayg, and does nothing!! t 1 nfactureof small arm. f " l! !' na, chairman; and Messrs.. Hunter of .Virginia, Davis of North Carolina, Ssmms of Louisiana,acd Henry of Tennessee. ;. :- Oi Cbmmercs.--Mr. Clay of Alabama, chair man : and Messrs.: Maxwell of Florida, Dori-ch of North Carolina. Peyloa of Missouri, and Burnett of Kentucky. .- 1 - , - OnMiU'xiry Aftnrs.-l-hLx. Sparrow of Louisi ana, chairman ; and Messrs. Preston of Virginia, Johnson of Arkansas, YY lgfall ol Texas, ana iien Ty of Tennessee. ; ' t a r . .. ir-T r ir:..;..- ? Unicivai Affairs. 'ju.r. ruwu ui ju.ieejMppi, man; aod Messrs. Oldham of Texas, .Baker of Florida, Simms of Kentucky, and Dorlch of North Carolina, - a. ... ;. it P i-.-- -. , 1 -.x , ,' P 0 Judiciary. Mr. Hill of Georgia, chairman ; aod Messrs. Hayoes ot Tennessee, Pbelan of Mis sissippi, Semms of Lou'siaaa, and Burnett of Kentucky. ' - v p! 1-- -p :-Ps On Indian Affairs.- Mr. Johnson of Arkansas, chairman ; and Messrs. Clay of Alabama, Oldham of. Texas, Peyioo of Missouri, aod Simms ,pf Kentucky..- r -..-i . vi.' .-p - ' Post Office and Post Moods. Mr, ., Oldham of Texas, cbairmanj and. Messrs. : Haynea- of Tennessee, Mitchell of i Arkansas, aod Baker of. Florida. -: I . . .. - On Public Lands. Mr. C'ark of Missouri, chairman ; aod Messrs. Baker of Florida; and Yancev of Alabama. ; j v 0.t Patents.- Mr. Maxwell of Florida, chair man ; and Messrs. Haynes of .Tennessee, and Hill of Georgia;- :r . - :' : : ':,: , On Clairns.-SL. Davis of ..North Carolina, chairman; and MessrsJ.Burneltof Kentucky, and Peyton of Missouri. . t p , On Territortes.llr. Tyigfall of Texas, chair man; and Messrs.- Brown of , Mississippi, and Yancey of Alabama, sp i ; On Accounts. Mr. Mitchell of Arkansas, chairman ; and Messrs. DortoU of North Carolina, and Simms of Kentucky, j; . ! j; J p On Pjiniing.llT. Pbeian of MisstssippijChair man ; and Messrs. Hil of Georgia, and C'ark - of Missouri. P -.v- : $ -y ... On Enrolments. Mr. :.Phelan i of Missouri, chairman ; Maxwell of Florid-., and Mitchell of Arkansas. : t' . .. -; ' Carojioa, Clark of.Georgia, Welshvof Mississippi, HiitoQ of Florida, ad Herbert ot Tuxas 4t;S i&mtoriei and Pvblic iianrfs. Messrs. Wilcox of Texas, Marshall of Louisiana, Jenkins of JVirv ginia, Jreeman of Missouri, Foster of Alabama, BaUon of Arkansas, Lewis of Georgia, Ewing of Kep tucky. Menees of Tennessee. . r Indian Affairs. Messrs. Singleton of Missis uppi, Elliott-of Kentucky, Hunly of Arkansas. Dupre of Louisiana, Goodeof Virginia, Tibbs of. Tennessee, y ngnt ox Texas, Arrington of North Carolina, and Bawls of Alabama. .. Patents. Messrs. Bell of r Missouri, Lander of North Carolina Read of Kentucky, Chilton . of .dLir oama, ompies oi v irgima, jviarsnali of .Loa- jsiaoa.llllto of Jj'londs, Strickland of Georgia and YVnght jof Texas. . ? ; ; ' . CZpiws. ilefesrs. Smith of Virginia, Clopton of Alabama, ( Burnett of Kentucky, Vi'lere,of xouisia:na, ciapp oi Aiississippi, McLean of JSorth UArolma, Munneriynn of Georgia. Farrow of Sooth Carolina, and Gardenbier of Tennessee. ccoufts.Messrs. McO.ueen of South nmli- na,Uosr ot Alabama, Hen an of .worth Caro lina, Strickland of Georgia; and Hunley of Ar- Rules and Offices of the Hotse. Messrs. Jones of Tennessee, Perkins of Louisiana, Boteler of Vir ginia, Lewis, of Georgia, and Smith of North Carolina, f . P: v. Pay and Mileage. Messrs. Burnett of" Ken tucky, Singleton of Mississippi, and Bridgers of North Carolina. : : p -;' : ..- : :P;-.v- s;- p - Enrolled 2iiUs.-r-MesBrs.: Elliott bf Kentucky J Chambers of Mississippi, and Tibbs bf Tennessee. -' Pm7. Messrs. Barksdale of Mississinpi,' Jenkins of Virginia, -".Wright of Georgia; Menees of Tennessee, and'Dapre of Louisiana.' p ' iFlaa and Seal. Messri. : JJoteler of Virginia, Smith of Alabama, ana uray or Texas. Mr. Garlrell offered a resolution to the effect tbat tbe , Committee of Military Affairs be in strucled to enquire into the expediency of increas- log tne. pay doujuuiuhsswubu uuiuers anu privates of the army oi the Confederate States. 'Passed. '...;. t;v;; P-'-p.... Mr. Perkins presented a bill ; to; admit; duty free all wares and mercuanaJBe imported to the Con f ederat e States, . except i such as may ' be brought from 1 the (Jniied States of. America.-- Also, another bill with reference to the calling before Congress, heads of departments to gi ve in formation which may be desired or to answer to any charges whether a necessity existed for such action. f.' i :. PJP'f" '. . Mr. Foote had intended to offer an amendment) to this.but in deference to the request of his colleague be would not now do so., He thought that "some measure or rule should be . adopted by wbicb, when a member ol tbe Cabinet was voted down, be should, forthwith resign. This had been the uniform practice of tbe English Parliament.. And Mr. Macauley had expressed the idea that if a government officer were to refuse to resign, when voted against by a majority ih the House, oi Lords or Commons, it wovfd cause a civil rev olution in England. ''ip?;fir:::' Mr. Smith wanted to know if the! Cabinet Bbould be thrown into the jminority whether or. not ; as a matter ot course the President would be li ke wise subject to be thrown put ?P P" ? P Mr. Foote said the Kingupr the Queen of England were never voted out.' . Laughter. 1 Mr. Chilton, of Alabama, movect to refer to the Committee! on Judiciary, which, after - some discussion was finally done. fpr p PPP : The following bills, resolutions, &c., were pre- sen ted and referred to appropriate committees ; Mr. Marshall, a resolution concerning the des troying of tobacco and'stores to prevent their seiz ure by tbe enemy. P '-''! iP ' " -. 'T -. ' 1 t Mr. Conrad, ao amendment,' to , vne euecs tnat we will deat.rov ali sugar, tobacco, rice and other stores whenever such shall be deemed; necessary, to m eveut their falling into Uie, hands of ? tbo' enemvT and that the IConfederate States . shall reimburse the bwners for the property thus .des troyed. I ;' ' ... -'';'- rPA - -;!p ,pv Mr. Kenherof Louisiana, a resolution to the effect that the rule 27 of the House, which resolves the House into secret session," he rescindeoV and that Jl tbe men,; guns aod'sioresj had been removed tpj an island, forty-fitej miles dqwn the river, which is being raiiidly fortifl&d tinder the special Ins services of planters. peption of Beauregard, 1 ,000 negroes, ; owned who has tbe by lbs rim CoNxniaATic PoSTAGC t . , . . i cents slanine hereafter issued will be blue. mis red,. as aooounced oflctaily J ten cents : Sraiirs. Ti oflctally ue fits and the J rendered without a desperate edbrt to. cat their way thronigh investing forces whatever may bave been their hnmbers and to endeavor ' .'to make a junction witliVtbe other divisions of the army. But in the absence of tbat lexact in formation, which! can only be afforded py official rerts, it would be premature to pass judgment, and my own is reserved,! as I trust yours will be, until .that information- fs received In the meantime, strenuous efforts have been made to throw forward reinforcements to the armies at the posi-ions threatened, anfl I cannot doubt that the bitter .disappointments we have borne, by nei ving the people to siill greater exertions, will speedily secure recruits more accordant with . our jyst expectations, and as favourable to Our cause as those which marked the earlier periods of the war. ' . -.- " . ...ii. p The repoi Is of. the Secretaries of War aud Lhe Navy; will exhibit the mass of resources for the conduct of t he war wb i ch we have been enabled o acebmmuiate notwithstanding tlie very seri ous dimcumes against which we bave contended, r: They afford the oheering ! hope that our re sources, limited as they were at; the beginning of the con lest j'.witf, during its progress, become ' ' I: .' ' ''1 '.' , .. ' The nolicv of enlistment for short terms. against Which I have steadily . contended from me commencement of tne war. has, in my ludg ihenLr contributed In no' immaterial degree to the recent-reverses which we have aaffered,'and even now renders it difficult to furnish you an accurate statement of the army; ; When the war first broke out, ' many of bur people could with difficuliy.be persuaded" that it would be long or . serious. At was . not aeemea possioie that anything so insane as a persistent attempt lo suoiugate tnese Df-atea couia oe maae , ewii less that the delusion would so far prevail as to give to the war the; vast proportions which H has assumed, f The people, incredulous of a long wron. nr Aia n a f ni a 1 1 tr evaraa Tf Ihnnp nn hafrnnr: and the early legislation of ' Congress rendered it impracticable to obin volunteers for a great er period than twelve months. --Now that it has become probable tn at the war will be continued through a series of years." bur 'high-spirited and :.;f; DIED: At the residence of her siater. Mai Willis B. VThit- aher, new this oily, on Saturday lAt, ftr a sadden but seve illness, Mns. MAII'J HA. COURTS, wifa i f la tlie of Daaiel W. Courts, Esq., State Tropsureri sth year or ner age. , - , j j -1 Mrs. Courtd was on a visit to her. suiter sud rela tires, and was! in her asaal health, when kbe took leave of that j tuiblj Iipme and endowed fauilj to which the WMj to retorn no. more. ! She mm, how ever, bat thoii ditnce rlmoved fxom tbem, aud had the Consolation and syonpathy wtiioh eonjajal i love and 'filial aSection can impart in the jhoor of fcfflctjoo.' HeC attck m sadden, end t.fe tfr)j iu dications to her physician that lie who kadjudded the eMily house of her 'iAeinacle bed wdeied in dissolution and would be obeveu. j Ilet hacbantl and . 1-ela.tives were lunimoned to ter bedside, but only to moorn ever and share the sorrows which tliey eoald not soothe, End sympathise withbeipCerias which they could sot feel. This poioeu iibe iriow which.' pieicetl their beaits,and eonstitM the n$ aieh which they now jjeel, and which tbe hind! ct Time -may eventually Boften into ttielaocho'j- fesijnation, but can never obliterate. While life UsU, tie tijae hat band's ejections will never cense So pay a catial vieit to itie lonely tomb' which contains the hut of all what ;waa jouie lovely in his eyes. P j ,j l' ' . . To point oat tbe virtues of the ideoeased i i only a tribute due to the memory f her irhp lu now no more, in common j with hose whose lireahnve added lustre to female excellence. Amonj sacb, ttxi lamented Mrs. C has been, always regarded, aawnj her acqalntcn- . cea, n miaMe riraL The meuiory df these vu-tues will flourish And bloom nntil her b4ti acqoaiauanoe has joined heir id lier distant home, and will perfume the ah which drinks the dew from the sombre willow which overhangs her , towb. As I wlile ii li;, her chief happineas consisied in fulfilling the enk of her Creator, in Whierer relation she oceapied, stia cannot fail now to be -''dressed is robes, washed and male "wliii in the blood of he Lnnib.. ,To the :trickn hearts who she has left -eliin wei oCer oof warm est. svnioaahv a,td earnest condolence i id view of' our common mortality nnd the cer'-unly jof its HenUble baSjupercepUblespproMU. ,,V f; l :. it r i 1 TflOMAS UKISIVOID & (. i'XFORRLrVE GOpprdCH.) VV4JIVI VUM M AtVJ-Jk NEW" ORLEANS1 1 ! are, from the.faciof having entered the service k intfttArmnviia o Sr ivi tv for a short term, compelled in many instances, IVTkSwar? woRDa iS kti TA, to go home to make the necessary arrangements ior tncir aammes aunng uieir prujyugeu u- sence.: - . . , - i - . The auotos of new regiments for the war, called for from the different States, are, in rapid progress of organization." "he .whole body of our new levies and re-enlisted men will proba HX ACCOCJTflMIJST8r and importers of WATCHES! DIAMONDS, CLOCK?, I BRONZES FOCELAINE, PLATED-WAKE, GUNS, CUT-; p ; LERY and FANCY, GOODS. K" The subscribers, ' WM.- M. GOODRICH, i HBNSY THOMAS. Ja.. and A, B. GRISW0LD. call atten tion to the change in the style of their Arm, which it hit be ready in the ranks within the next thirty j still conduct.d by the same partners who bare mu days.! But, in the rmeantime, it is exceedingly aged its afiurs for the last fifteen years, with Ue same Capital and business facilities M fonaerlv.' We sball luive always on hand for the inspection of our friends and the public the largest and , best; selected stock of goods in oul.liile, in the Confederate-States.' f ' j ailUJIAB, UJX1SHUX.LI VO. e 7-wlzsi P I . ..ji r ' ' : .- difficult to give an accurate statement ' of the number.of our forces in tne neid. ? xney may in general terms.' be stated at four hundred regi- mAnt.o nf infftritrv. with a brbportiohate force of cavalry-and artillery the details of whicn win . a aft a : .-' TIT be shown bv tne report oi tne secretary oi w sr. I deem it i mpfoper to advert 'to I the fact th at the process of furloughs .and re-enlistment in progress lor tne - last montn naa, so iar oisor irstnized and weakened our forces as to impair ... ;,;A--fti a4. i w T ilv-1 Courts el tae uonieaerafe " states, tn si Carolina, be held at th. times nd pbioe. fol ria,u'a i: '"zrz'z lowing t-r r-r rr. p n , ., loreseen.ana was power lean y pre yvu, ur 1 be said to be substantially at an end, and that wa fiball not a?ain. during the war be exposed to seeing our strength diminished by this fruit ful cause of disasters-short enlistments. " ' Th teonle of the Ctmfederale States, being principally .engaged in agricultural pursuits; woro nnnroviM flb the commencemenf of hos tilities with ships,3 ship yards, materials for ship buildingor skilled mechanics aud seamen .in sufficient numbers to make the prompt creation of a navy a. practicable tasJc, even u tne required appropriations had jheen ,maue ior tae purpose., jfot withstanding our very limited :- resources, - . . . .Itiii; A lIVia however, the reportoi tue oecreuiry wm exuiuiir tn .trim a satisfactory : "Drogress, in: preparation, and a certainty of early completiton of vessels of a number ana class on which we, may conuueu-. lyTely fori contesting the vaunted. control 01 tne enemy oyer vur vvia. CWFEDBjtATB STATES OF. AMERICA, ) ,District Cettrt for tue District or fax Lice, IT. C. J ., - i l ; Febraarv Term. 1861. Ordered taat tbe rollowuir term oi the District Courts ef the Confederate- States, in the Distiict of ' For the District of Pamlico, at the Court Bouse la aau jxoTem- f. ibnrt; on the first i Monday In Jaai and Decern- ! i 82,1! - W.JL WATSON, Clett. shorn', FeK 12th, 1861. r u 1 1 feb 19-.w6w . ' ii : ! i.-P .! 'i Goldsboro'Jon the 4th Mondav in Mar ' For the District of Albemarle, t , the Court House in Edentoni on Tuesday next -after the 3rd Monday in May and November, 1861. . p ' I , '' --i . ' . - Tor tba Dittriet of Cane Fear, at the Couit House inSalisb bar, 1862 1 Goldsbort i P J uun ; f xu-a.w jhjv o p ;' . . i; n a. Vlflil i' i I . . PMonnments, Tombs, II eds tones. itlarblft Mantels stnd Farnlture. WORK FURNISHED AND PUT UP. v TWlff-nifornishadfor Monumentie if required. -Orders by iaU punctual Attended tj . . pMked and Warranttd, - p I mat w4 E 3 r i! ' -ft- .: - - T ' " t 8 - , . .m ... -If-: -fgt.it -II. . T -, f . .t -l - - M V:p ::'-;,H pi ' jv' i '' ,:p p; :v.iip y::v vP.;) - - ,:' "-i J'- 'z.'1' - !-- ' '-:r'- ' . . I I VERY TIGHTLY BOUND

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