. . .''..-... . - " . " ' " t - 'V. 1 N' ''V , I , S t ' t I 'A - 1 1 -.' f " 4 - V ,. - . t i i r w, I i i I. if . . ; - i 5 j 1 1: 3I .It - -1 :i i it are U plae of lair d:itfU ce I'anrp'i by party rs te live like brutaert, UAX.EIGU, Ni C, . A5;t - WEDNESDAYMOBNING. AUG. 13, 1162. THE RJESUI-i; OF THE ELECTIO JT. ' ; Tb resold tJf tbe eiccuQQ cu -xwiraa. i last a4 wc"wi--T ,u Cotisfrnti 1tekt by an immense mjor- h h for lioverocr ana meaiDers iuo ': : U Well knowoi acd.our xeasoxjaLforU were re peatedW gxitn la tbiiptperir.Shorjld ib re salt proVe tbit tbiae reaaona werd onfouaded and TKk uneh eoDseauences as ire apprenenCed naU'ensBd upon this election,. noman in Inc. State Will be. more gratified I tbatfparsilf; and no man Will accord jmorcberfojaopport tor . sucb. measures as. in our opinion willt-ie-- dcund: to' lbeVwelfar:;of rtbBtate and cocnirj. ;". Tb : inconcaAbl ;'ealjOD jetor;eTertea8oi preeent ; time A, tbe'J acbievement Ut V 'A indepeodence of ws eountry, ana jne eiernii geptration of tbe'SodUi from the bated Yam fee natkn'A'I measte, then, fencing to tbeae'rrsnl ttl WmatteY by wtoih Vrigioated. wUl ie cbeirfalijrAc4V oj, and ,eexj measuro. teodiog. tp.an opposite rwulr,.wiji b tort if eaiai? Tiere i but ona ist fonthe rVotbern peopwio1f-nd - determine, Wed 'that :i?WHdt her W 4Valr-b alares or treetcen Tn oVi'eV oe ' freemn , enf sepraUon fioa ttox anxeeamns pt ejerniU ts a re-union witt beoi; wvpld.put tb,eal.of tboodage uponv-the jSoatoj Af v0 should be treatad bj them: as'subjagsC ? ted frfs and TtiValsV" Y?e trust, 'then f that the party Soon to b$ inaugurated mto power: io tfai8 State will ,b, tbeirJwordf ta -despair. -of; frciog - Nsh Carolina- into a xenbioovwi h'Uieoi.ltMa idle tbvaV n? that the Lintfolur O oernoj en rx attchl? on anlJal scuflaTeDt ia tbiaibai ?iu ab 'abcr Sute oI.te i'pa.JLern Confedt . racj. 'Of ib aideait 9nt ;bo . oyjKp dintustf. if we ood',nt,,e k conditiot'r of lbit gi'iqitjb-aeiWjuifib.evcjrjipatriouc man ciufft from lis rnuiost aonl deplore.: It would "W.ttteiyto eetef Jiito jany ex-, tended peculioB'as to the- eauses of tbf defeat of xhe i Confederate 'ariT .We 'maj reter, Lo wever , brif fiy " to ft wo '-promt ie f caufes. ;la '.?Thei pr ularil :j ofJCol.!Vaucv!" in the army ; and, 2nd. TbeonpopoUrity the conscript law, a ineasofo which was Eeroe- Jj aenuuoeea ? oy Cionscrrauf e.canaiaatn and ppk-rs"not only7 as ;nnco8titutfdnal, bu v otiWi Uid oppressive. : Oar -yieaf concerntpg be conscript liw baye been Te peateuly expressed, and we baroscen no rea son io cbauge onr convkrti',n8.: la car opi ion. it 'iu a lucasure. vitally escatial to oil ssceesa in this war,, and We f oHy' believe tbaV -when t nr indepeiidenpc ia achieved, and ihjfc. war shall end, ' greav inj7nty of those who den unro the conscript 1W will admif thi th v'have cause id thank 15 od' for its enaci- " - ' . : . . .- I3IME5SE fiUJllJEn OF TROOP5 tf.U ' V- tv " J- ,It will-be aeen by intelhgei ce, in to-day s paper, tbat.lf Iber 14 inch a thing as subdn-; ing the South by dint of nuaibers, tbe Lin coln'Government basket ernvined tbalitiball be done. . Six Hundied TAowanJaddi-ioDal Yankee, soldiers are to be immediately' placed in tie, field, and willwhen mustered into service, be portion of a Yankee army6f a?' least 1,200,000 men, tbe largesTarmed foree of .which modern history gives acyWccount, ere now are the denunciations oftber , :-!,,;. , - f " mucrtabused-eentcriptrlaw of tbe Southern -CSnfed eracy 1 But for this law we should have bad but the comparatively beggarly num per of tome hundred thousand men to oppose to the Yankee host which in myriads will Boon be in battle arr y agaiost us. . And yet the conscript law has been denounced as un constitutional, useless, . aod oppressive, .. by men who oucht to hve known,' and who d d know better. What will these men now say, when tbev are told that another conscription win oe neoessiry u iu uvuitv- . cress which will meet on next .Monday will find it absolutely necessary so to amend the : present conscript law as to embrace all men tetween .tha ages of 18 and 45 or 50 years t They cave soured the! minds, of tbe pebj4e 'agsiost the law as it now atarids," and we ar$ curi.us to kf.ow wbst jney wui siy wben jt "will embrace eyery m -n iu hfi Southern Con- fedtr cy . capaSlc of beai ing arms, , execj, t tVose who are. for" special ieisoo , exempted. Thai Ct ngresswtll ;ce ibe'vitsl necessity of .at otce eulaigiog the con-cnptitn, we do not io the least doubt. I It is a qaestion with as 'of. life or death lihrty ' or slavery. ';Tbe YaLkec'are determined on our sutjagatios, fand will unhesitatingly, resort to any means, no inatter bow desperate, to accomplish their i bellish 'oHeeti If a mUlion of men fail to ; a'taiii their purpose, they will jlace two mii- iliona in the field. "Tee me a of the Sontb, ' tin, must tnake up their minde that if they wouU either live free or die free, they must figvif - on uutil their . liberty . is achieved, or UOIll tua lUt iau u autcu auu uuUl UOi- hr 1 pent.'- :f v :: ; .; . ; ' ' K k; t r ty We undwtandtht tbe Gifrernor and CMMiVt a mating in tLis C t, last wek. ap- ; poititi ue lion. Jufcn Ji.err.of CawKlt a Judge of tbe .Surfcr Omrta ,f Law and Eouitv. i. pKjrriL rora flak. A genUr man Ute In Washington reports to u what, he brd Grv Pp u; w-dT o( (n rimti toBt . itq-iitiooi now before tha j uh nt td WU 'eiuj thjr .bv got la Mlidtn(ih is iul f r rao lu ure what the color of mo .U'tTio will, help jne t put an nl Jt them : V b'inor n vtMiP rieer : if tbev will flib. thM- 8lll hav cham!" bronible Pp you v.-onwe toake wr, and, ypu will f Boston jrmv. -Proclaim ion Pope has made a bid a'art io bis programme of murder. If anj armed I jrall whipped bio on Samidtj, Qav. .-JUeteber will demand the 'prisoner! aken by Jackwo from y e Cucftiderale autborjtiesand try them, and hang them acoording to tM law's "f VirT ginia. Pope,fwefear-Wrill neyei be taken, w , -.. . . j. t aa all"aecountaf anree tliaY:ieisf one oflthe i aVrauV c?wardr aliW i :. - ;. J IIOTWBATHEIT. trTbe nlene1y hot "treatberWbicb haa pre tailed ferVthe laitweek bows no ign of abating as.wi write on'Taesdayorning. Tb$ mewaryiaClg yioojlpW;JUoxiday'e'ted att96 in thef-shade arid w'Vwotdd Wotte snrprised , if, atthet same, iiourr to-day, -tit reached !a bigber figure; ."- V ' Tfi: I ;4X37. Mr.-PoUn; the Operator bf the SotidiT crn Express Xelegrapo, has kindly, furnished -be press ef tbii cittrwith the followioi' lele-, MMJTT . A ri Qtl-A teoniat "tiemtAl I. , . , , wa m a . v . i a v w ih , v t w w - 1 v M vv toe "Aavcruser ana j.vpwtt3ief,'aa-ea , i upe loy AngV S b," ays tba - Ciioagd papere,oai.; Gaining."! Waahiogton dates .to ;th 1st,' have. bVcn jeeeiveJ there, 4ronx wh1c4Hb8yvg!ean 1Tbe,'rtportc'3rritai cf W.ConfecterateWinn bal fi?t Vi iMobile' aa .dUoredued bv the ?Nvy, 0epartnienrrv ' ViM.it:-'- mt n arily jx pec ed from "8 1 6o iralTJabkson. MClcllaa bad issued orders to-his commaad to b roady-at W wpmebt's notice. ' X C rP- peVarmyVdvaticeJfroui "arrenton on federal Jjovern men t demands an ex- pianatii'D rom . France resardbfl' tbe 'pres- tM.c of m formidable FreuQb fleet laAiueii- - V V. '.TIT w-TP. r. i - io.l j . wi jk- wMtui uk iiprtrt:e ioQ ana iObiosif f r, lie :l5b; if 'tbeirviq iofas)t!tr6eps re.uuii uiieu . ur -vviuaieermg -Ojipe times uimcu, iubiuo uoa uiuu tier cnjoia. A; great v a r me e tiug was-held a W il waa ift Ji is,, pu.tbc iiU.h ulti' Thet e were fifry hoasjDd people in at eodaace.- All the lail ruids tu tbe State passea-eve'ryfcod eefof Le'occasibu. Ail' bu iness! wis SuWeudcd. .V f eiijUon 'was passe4"reoomibeiiditig tne (UUb&tfjt millivn jf -men for the purpose j ut x;ruin tee rebellion at once.v tf 1 La'ge bU ub.ra are leaving i$t.:-Lou's for be- iJwutbtrnjarujy ) to -aVuiJ -tbe 'Northern araft. - A iumoer,bf arrests have been made Jitoereou cbargtsr of dislojftyv , ci' MfCapviifardtau the Confederates nave a v iscuiiain regiment surrounded. ! x x.l'biWr;iufi lieeo'' nghtiug at JJlooinSeld, Jo; Oontiutiing ihiee da. ; Addu oual. .oiucs hd'Dt;eti feeut'froiu Cairo to tbe as si.tacce of tbd YaLkica. : . lttupluo diopa obes of July -30 b state . ..hat Uei.:Uragg ua'a frce" of 5ti,UU0 uieu .u mbtiuU) and .euipbis Wssthrtikteued. lt sj:xpec cd ousuuo.iuua to navigation wiiij ue ebiaoiisuej aooye Jeuipnia. : - ' -Tbe guutOai fleet will patrol the Missis- fcippt ri;r iu oruer to" keep it open. ; "'"", ' f :. Curtis reluses to go'tuf. Vickbbuirg without 'aueut brdera Lrom tbe Preiident x - f - t ivihe-OunlebeiaHssrhave beeb '-defeated' at ;AU iiteclujg, Ky. Geo..-Armstrong rdtoxn e to-dar tiiingtog a nomberof nns and a j. ot stores eomprisinfe 10 wagon Wads. A special dispaion to ihe'Jdobtie Tribant fdate Orenada -Aug. 8r. eays that Northern 'ultgj tne 3rd have been xeceived there. - '.Gen.4. Be cutumander 0f the Federal f9xces Vn Kentu0k aunoces- bi de ertot uation tc disrefear(1 Paroles ; effected 'by guerrillas in KQt- rr : K i - Gen. Cunis and miuodore Davis passed 'Memphis on.Sai0". nght for Cairo: -' A rumor prevails th?Uftis' wholo army was Over, 6U0 stoi63 and private dwellings in Menipbid hive, becn taken possession iof by tbeYaokee aut.horitiej, the owners in tome instances beig expelled... CHARGE jOF POISON IN GA WHOLE .-7 FAMILY U N D E H A K REST, By order of Brigadier General Pendleton, Mr Alexanoer Falconerr bis e'nt're family and slaves, vre placed unuer arrest, Wednesday afternoprvj on tbe charge of poisoning milk sold to certain (Joi. fed e.-ate soldiers, and, brought to 'Petersburg Wedneedaf-nigbfand lodged in Jail. Tbe "Ex- pres" gives the lollowing facts in regard to the case:" ' ..' v ' - f. . . I vjn 1 uesaay evening, a memoer ot tne "irvtne Arvillery," Capt Lann, utationedja abort distaaoT below ietersbprg, went to Air. falconer's hoosw and engaged iwo quarts of milk; for which lie ntid ihe milk to bedHivered yoster.iay morning Awurding u engageamt, the-soldier -failed f t bia milk jes'.erdav fnorring, and; took it-to-bia camp, wher the balance of bis 'mess (iwVotheU) shared W. ATier they bad tinubeJ breakfast, tbev pateed what remained of tbe milk to two a?rvaftt4 . f aA adjoining toeta, who 'drank St.; These ser- Tanta, w unoVrsvand, took nerningise for their brehkfaAC: bhortly attt'rwarda ail five of-them were Uktrr violently ill -be symptoms and sik- ness in ecn ct Leing; exactly similar, .though "m worse lhan others.: It was7 the opinion iof tbe burgeon wbott-nded them, that , they hai Nri poisoned and that tbe txisn had "been ad minwred to them by the milk. Tbee facs" coming t the n tice of Gru Pendleton, be caused aurorar uard lu be placed around Mr. Flco ner'a bius-.witb ir.slrtcti ns to allow no one .to (Htss-otit until tbe time wben . tbey efe all sent up to jaili 5 Tbe case has Dten turned over to the Max or for invesiigation. 1 Fa'o.ner is,well known in Fetersbtirg.wherii he has a largo number of relative and frienus. The family rf which he is a member is greatly esteem, ed for ita liberal. and bene'voInce. ; , ' - jr, - Tbe Eipress of Sntuidav says that the parties arrestee! were taken toJPri nee George on Friday; and' tried; before an examining court of mag- istrates. There befog no testimony to convict tbe rame, aad all tee soldiers who had beeo made sick by drinking the roi'k-baTing nearly recover ed (ihesoUiors themselves testifvine that tbev KE, l j romtljr acquitted and ruleaed. f t. GUBEllNATORIAli K EQ'T 1 0 If . fiE- Dvidson,v i T :i63 i 132 - U3 161 1241 40T 394 2tJ9 i : : 1363 t i. - (1359 Ired-W,- MaikbenburgJ Kowan, T - 1513 '"421 ' 1243 i ;1930 ' ; 532 GuilfTd, T4 fr1 I iii 1 itmmme 463 New IJfHiveri r n Wv,ia3i.,- ; 287 Wilkes, ..;w. iVarron r-i. .'..k;; -Cleveland e'A.i :U-. 5;:115::' - U278 7 - jmaj 660 4-438 r-. 154 iS. 523 427 '7 : 909 maj 260 -.1427 ; 372 ;:!339 507, v 10 Wayne,- rf:-.-.- .-'"f-Chatbam, j -,Vr"-c.-f 119 Gaston iU: 4n- Edgftoombe, ' : : j ' -"604 - 113 J". Tbe Mecklenburg vote includes; 1 1 of the 00m paoies frdap tba coon ty -Four or five more com pameaareyefto bWbeard frbmr.-.-i'---, ;The -JFbrtjthe Vote jincludes 'six- companies from that jQun,ty, jeavipg thrwe, to be bear d f r om TbeWbqie.army . vote is included inT the re tutu a VroimtBo wan and'IredelK:T;:V. v;V jft Tbe-"Wake. vote does rhbt Include tbe soldiers' - . j lie yyue or o iopnun tuuuue , iu Mrjuujr ko withtbe. exception of jpne company-; iC-Tbe returns IfroinNw ilaA'oWiinno'::ifi wlearoryoteofbac vf-Tbeote baps ipther. . jcoqoties-. .nameW?lneomp)efe8oae "(LEOlSLATUEfi 1AND SHERIFF We give below all the returns or members of the Jjegifllpiture. and Oheruw.wmou nave.come, 10 .bind h-.i Von Ypung Jel eleted ;v i;' f;:'--'-.,Tr.f '-; :;:.. ; fpy&i i pAvipspy.tf'Hi-Adama 809 i Robertl 168; Cbwmor-Bll 7iaj AValeer 70l' ; jaenderson 302. SA-" Lofiin 858: - ; ' ; Rowan. iSfenate Ramsey 920; Wiseman 583; Chnmons-- S.ober -1008 j Flemi ng 704 ( Davis 500.V :5ftersWarton 1036 5' Shavr;49K:1'" VDAVik rSrnWe Rimfey 644'i Wiseman 2p5:, CtoJioJ Howard 14 1. Ijvnea 2511 Z 1 3 - c FostTnB:St"a?e--Matbews'-". 1330. 1- Cbm- mcms iN iss n ivti i A.rner . iyay ; uosun ; Ooia 518 .SAeri" Mfiteo 1 1 73 V $H i:: f -M BCK'tBNi7B.'i&WerToung 55$ ; tVUcn 250; : PriLcharct'35 f; ' B.1 V;A!exander .23? J ' Ji. A. ; Young. lecte.d. -Gwimos Brown 985 ; Grior 92 ; D Armon 322 ; J. B Alexander 181. John It. Brown and E. C. Gi.ir ele,ied.4--Str'' V hjte2V; Hoo 03. ,; RV-M . . VV bite elected . BLAnsar. Cbm?7joja4J, W. Russ i 295 ;.N. Kelly 285 "i&felviri is re-el ectt'd Sberiff. In the senatorial district composed ot BUden Brunswick and Columbus, the election ot J.. W.- E.lis seems to be. conceded." ' . J . ." ' '!':- We, have not received tbe vote' of Columbus f Governor. U. L. Williamson - is, ekcted to the Comraona, jand Lewu Williamson SbeXlffl ? Ia Bru iswiekD. L Russell is elected to the Com- mons, and Rufus Galloway Saeriff. Neither fid acy opposition, v. 1. ' ; j .-"U ' Wo learn that Captain M alloy has pretty cer tainly been elected to the Senate from Richmond and Robeson, oVer Giles Leilcb. ' a Vance obtained a', majority of 201 in Fayette- .,, - t r. . . f - -. . SAMPSoir.' SfendC. T. Muri by 518 jTbos". I. Faisori 567 " QtmtMnsthck. 11, Holmes 663; Wm. Kirby;734; Bizzellk624. iSArf--Oats 990; Frier 112. . - ' It is reported that Wayne cdunty h as given a majorty for 'ance.' ' u ' Nkw HLaJioviEB.'-i&nate Hall 1023. woks Person 882 ;JHawes 564 j Larkins 484. 5wri-yann 1074 ; Collins.183, , '": ' S, . jofCsaToxt--&maU--(). " B; Sanders elected oTtsr W. H.: B. WstVbH. temmdns ":v H. Avery; and Wodda'll e! ecied-, - Caswbli, In -this county Hon. Bedford xrowo xiu oeea eieciea to tne donate, ana measrs. iSaul S.Harrison and ."m. Longj to the Com- mans. The following is,the official vote 'i. Senate -Browu6l7 1 . Smith 237. Commons S; Harrison 5l7flVniLoBg-6n juntfWdc Gtthee 2$Z.-.:heriJfjeU C Griffeth elected fcy 8 majority. '- , ,'-y ' :: Ps33oy. Senate James Holeman elected over Winstead by 80 majority. CbmmonsLt. M..D. C. Bumpass elected. ., - - ' ' ' CHirn am -Senate Taylor' 648 : Straugtan 665.X 'fXwwhoaafHarris T63; Headen 690 ; M Q. Waddell 612 ; Griffin 579 ; Bynum 460 ; Fear ington 382 ; Ellington 262. With Capts- Ward' and Lasater'S Companies to bear from Sheriff- R. B. Paschall 964, Seares 469j , - Catawba, Gabton? and LtNCowr. Senate- J, H. White. tl Cbnios--GeoT S. Hooper r in UitawDs, a.. . vyo8iuer in, jjiacoio, anu jx vv Davenport in Gaston. 1 CABAaatra. Otwmow W.' S. Harris, Wo op position Senate Cabarrus and Stanly Bmitb, no' opposition, i J. L., Bindy Sheriff. ; j ' - Jesse Stancell, 124; Wm:.S. BattleJ 54 1 Joshua Barnes, 19. ; Onwona tDvid Cbbr 249 ;?Rob erL Bynum, 102 ; Tbea.. Atkinson,' 9L -Sheriff Jos CobK 472; for rjtisnua'Killebrew5i90 There were 71 scattering votes given for tbe SeW ate, and 100 for CJoim'Ht). Tba vite of the dis tricbr in the coaity of Wilson voting with Edge combe had not been" received-' ,":".;V 7 Elected---Je&se JiiPo well, Senate;' David Cobb and -Robert BynumComtnoas--Joseph Cobb, Sheriff. ' f ' K.tfT. Salt. Dr. Wrth the State alt commission er informs the Editor ot! tbe Standard that he ia now manufacturing for tee State, on ail average 200 buhels of r salt;, perjday, which is divided among tbe coun ties. and sold to the commissioners of eab county at ?3 50 per butbel, "which lis about the cost of it, ,Tbe whole quantity of "Salt made in tbe vicinity of Wilmington is alxnit 800 bushels per day. .Private manufacturers sell it at from $6 to 7.50 per bushel. ANOTHER ARRIVAL. -7 r Mobtlx, Aug. 8." A schooner from Nasstu ran the blockade yesterday morning, Tadn with pow- aer,ieaa, caps, salk coflje, cavalry sabrei and companies irommose xounues - remaining yet io soap. DESTnUCTIpJT OF TIE ARKANSAS. ,Wo r nainpd u record the dctruatan-of tb'si nobleVessel, whose-brilliant exploits rfctntly in rtnnIngtbroughJthe Yankee dtd-at tl itk&1 ofiHyazv river bad filled the lieartst of rour paopla With hopes which" were destined too soon ta"bedisappoined;,;'; Witht th d stroctlorf of this poblVvessel the fast of tbe'tJop federate Navy dw-; appeal froml vie wU: Uo w evet much we i may xe-f gret ber, destruction, it would appear that it was a j matter of tleeessity, to leep htBt fxomifanifigiilto; the haBdof our enemies, and therpforo peitber the Navy pepartment nor the oncers of the vessel are censurable for the disasterf1 According to.in foratlon received at"tbe" ilavy; Department; in Bichmosd, the-Arkansas left Vicksourg lasf Mon day week to eooperate iri the attaclt Vjwn'f Baton Rouge After passirigBayon Sar Whet sehioe became deranged, iwdfcabled'Wbiieengagedn. repairing, a fleet of gunboats from beiow'attackrd berr-S Gallant resistsence Wsrtoadeuibe;T'ese1 had to be abandoned aed blown Wpt The officers and crew reached shore in safe. Xielrt evens, i of uth-: CardinaV c6mmandea CoBroWri? 1 hM i bating jecovetiedt from tisdundSi 'v f-! 40 special difpatch to 'the Mobile Mdvsff iAd Jiegisi&i dated :JacksQnfAt3g.'flj wytff0lt Getu Van Dor n permits me tp copy the follow'--: ingl&paiebefiVr S 4lAmiie ltiver: Axis: :.AbouVorid o'clock 'tax?. mornir-g tbe Federal gunboats attacked the Jn- i federate ram Arkansas: TMefsengorSjRfprm'V me that She fought them treli for sonretrme it: flicti hg gtetrdamage.i",She -was tben6towriyK byibler crffw.! Tfie messenge Afciofe theyaliwapedlil'j 1 fSignod) AH JOtiN 0 B R ECIN RIpGf ! Wo occupied the whole of ihe-Owniby the battle -"field ktil etlnfng, feaV ho ;deeiiV"il4i was gainea a'wr my ias -iwi-awsu,'-; aju vt'js hofWatef between; here arid .ib'e;Ml3sgpf"riH;: nonirupiHfi lnft' tri merfl."!;lm6Vei at mi dwh' tir4f, ttnxio .0'rex;t--'i-Tbe-Arkaosi day ' yesterday.'" Her commaiider ?ent na' . word last evening t"ha lie "word try to get ber 'up'tB'' iver, And sks if jt be jossibl tosend him a. biat: td aidbinr'-Fr'm ihererts unserviceable. IWe bunt nea'riy all 01 tceir camk s, I and aiare 4tmoantif stores, and cuMhexr up bau- i RuujbrSaya that d,Gtiik0 W prlsoneH-- Parties from the fidklr' say-1 that our- vatery wa complete. The ground was Birewed-wiih lb dead . UU VVUUUCUl 1 i - ' - .:. I . STUART'S CA"VvS LR YJlQ AIN IN.THE Jn; V The train, which-arrived at. the CentfaV'depot last evening from HaWver iurt-H"6u3elirjouJl?t ? 96 j'ederai soldiers and, 16 negroes, icantureo y Stuart a cavalry,- on I VVednesdayat.-Missaponiox OhurcbV j eighty xnileS r tuja si; of ; Frede ricfesburg.1;TbWpn.f'f rs are mostly (fpm Irjdi-7 ana, tbouc.b there, are some from the 20tb, 2ist f 33d, Jsnd 35j,h JJew York infantry..:. There are no cow missioned officersambng tbetn. vfbicb is - aiubl iect of iegret to a. people wpo desire to see the re-' hpeW some of ibis class from Pope's com ma nd;bWt tho prisohw say 'they ran a way WithT su'cb'' sVfd I have 1 ecei v fd fxpm a partiei pan ' fuUcou.nJ of this bold and successful esptiolDwl-i"ap- ; On. last Mondav rnornin' M jor-Gn Stiiarf, with a detachment of bis, dlvsion, consisting of tt e 2d brigade, com posed of the 3 Jf 4th, 5th t and 9th Virginia cavalry, under cammand oi Brig. G4n; Ff z Let and jthe- Stusr. horse artillery, under co nrra a n d of Ca pt. Plham4 started on a Bcoot to wards Federiffceburg. Tbey msrehed around by Port Royal where ft cavalry, picket, eleven strongy was captured,, which, had been posted there toanop the smuggling trade across the river reaohing a point tght mifes from towjin Tuesday evening. Here .information was received that tbe eoemy had come out tbe place in; force on the telegraph- road- leading down Lward; Uanoyer . JdnetionVTti ascertain he; truth of the report, and, uomaafc tbe onemy's design;" the command was moved i across the country to, istrike-, this road at -Massaporiox Cburcb,eigbt miles from Fredericksbunr .which Jt reached ?about 1 2 o'clock on j Wednesday . Here it was J ascertained - that two brigades (Hatcbe'8, and Gibbon's,) two batteries of ttttillery, and cavalry in proportion, had passed darings the night.tgwarda the Hanover i unciwo, ?eviaentiy for the purpose bf cuttingoflf communication! witlr, Jackson. : It was al&9 aoserUuned.tbat a train of wagons with some sfxty or seventy soldiers liad : justgone back towards "Fredericksburg. , The col umn, halted before reaching tbe road, and the 2d regiment, under command of Xieutr Col. ThOrn ; too,, which .was in- the advance thatday,- was Or- dered4o-draw sabres-i-the 1st' squadron,' . under Capt. Berfce'ey,' - to pursue t'he-jwagn trainVad the restOf the regimen .to ebarge the rear of tbe main.bodv. l-?Most. eallantlvid ttbevf perform i their wcrk, turning" to the right and rleft as 'they cam-tohochurch. - Capt. Berkeley overtook and captured tWeen'tire'party.''0f wagons nd men, after a gallop of a couplenaiIea eol.Tbx)Pnton overtook tnd charged the rear; guaTdneacMrs. Stanard's, four miles from the church,' capturfrVg: Fa several wagoris and some prisoners. :;Tbe 9tb, J under commana or un. yy . tiffjj-i.?jjne, who two ieces of cannon, moved jrn after the 3d, to act as a reserve..;. Tbe prisoners confirme.1 tbe.accouhts received, and placed tbe strength of tbeeipditi ri at6,0od.. Tbey stated that Barns-id arrived in Fredericksburg on Tuesday evening' hisTcoromand having receded him, and that jthere were 20,000 men in tbe place. - !'-""! . - Alter remaining at the cborch fYrr 1 four ; hours Gen. Stuart proceeded down tbfi road for some dis tape-,' but fiddieg- tb enAmy making a heavy dei mbnt-tration towards bind 1 he tuKned towards RW ling Green,"?bringing-: off (everything safely Tbeseweie 96 prisoners of wr, 15.' negroes",- and 12 .wagoK8, with superb teaus, som "wfthVsit hortes. Our lots was tne man! "mortally and two seriously wounded. ' The let f Virgin ia caValry was operating cn the front wbfle Stuart was in the rear, eoramanication : between . the., two- com--mabds being kept up by boldnortfemen woo knew the country thoroughly, and who posted a ound from one to the oth er repeated ly during the, day'. . . Otk ': Txeth-t They decay, : hence uneemly mouths, bad - beiths, imperiect'.. ma8ticatron.- Everybody regret it. What is the cause ? I re? p.yt want of clean lihess. ;A clean tbh'never' decays. - The mouth is a warm place98 dearrees! Particles of. meet Jbet ween teeth sbori'decompose. f Gaus and teeh must sufir-r." vf -il v Perfect eleanlines will preserve -the teeth In old agft.Hoi shall it be secured ? 'Use ouiif ua pica, anu rrnae .ine mouin axier etl -jarJJrusa - J 1 a. . 1 . . x . ' : - caeiire soBp every mornintr ; tne pru.h ard simr ie water on goir g to bed. Bestow Ibis triflu care upon your pr-cious teeth, and youi will keeptbm uu ruia lUB ueffjiis. -t jsejfieci lt, aOu JOU Will na sorxy all you fives. ; CnildrenforeetJ ; Wath tbmV; Tne first teeib determine the cbaracter of tbe second seui. Give them eauat carets ft Sugar, acids, saJerattU and hoi thinr?. areTncth- Ing w ben compared. with!, rood, decomposing be- i teeh; long useimay r wear -onC! butJkeen them- ut aau wej hi never aecay. yinis advice la ly.- lien. W juliams, at.a otner prominent. vwyvr ' are-kifled? -: ')' r , - " j ,'; tf"($i&iSI& JOHN C. BBECKINRIDGEi worth more than' thousands of dollars to eery the. absence of the regular;, army',:, the corps, if boy and cirl . yt , U:;1'? T-vtxaisedJvrfil ia(nt il'raida hooks nave been written on the wbi.t:Mi Vr ...;-l . , .v. 1 1" r;; 7 -JTT .f ; j vuuwuia u c3axuuuu---A-. f iXaots." ; r . . ' -V;'.;v11'---' LATER F ROif Tri St if OiitH. Jnr hr r n wr" t . . lh 4'h ifist. have been T6- 1 4ve4 U&mAjxu W e: i inotbingof Impor tance froni McCI .Uaf.'s" arby.'s A: regiment cross eiHh'e rjver and detiUojed tle "bbiiaes and levelled tHe; lrees'on"hoprxteide waich" screerjed : lh6 Confederate artillery on the nigbVoi the last at tack. The Confederate dashes" are going on brave 1)S. They have captured Cantpo,Mo.nd a quantity of arms. - They a're also reported to have a Federal force surrounded" at ' Bloomfield Missouri. The Governor of New York ia te issue, bis proclama-- on lor killed in'McCfellari'fl Camirbv Was&oyefovostuaird ft'tblj&ldQMan-- j aioWt iepaneder bigh to d6 acjto rtte i'ATkansaa;kowH?M iT9 heena dead.fi volunteeVed to runipio ierwithlth'e ram .tueen, with aickSfrlw hia'sbTp torn to otaodW plating of bis atfagntA JlfaiU." niaeb jbittif ir?criiP9lpatio anl eng t eem mWorei . v-'vlt.'.'.-4 BKGISTlfniOTQj tHK CdST A -BAF.FXiLC ' CTJMTjtAjION :OFDS3T. 3'- ,s'e:folJ5wi ng tr from-thei3uil waukie ?-Wis.) Mff tha i;itimoili m't-pn. a'tssi'njie telegraphic report; whfeh bnoua3 oea the adjournment of Congress,; we are l-old fbat nearly eight hundred million of dollars' have been toprialed dfngthewlteeessiont' V" 1 UjTereateDow.aboa 4,QQ&0QQ yotera in alltbe tjnlied Statealf tbsum UppVoprfaAed SfVm' et$A Etiisingteedo wet e appfetrroiiad ambag ferto'pay.r.; ' r ' The Sitate of fwisxwAinno fhbludeUearT e twenties oj ? eNarpier p poplwojfbe Vilf doubtless bo f freed. to meet quite one twen- tibfNes'apWitt m hi ty?i itiuio 4 wjjfa JWwi Ut pV ftriion of tbewapropfiatieVia'everi then MaretwSall fitlle; 'TJhi-Beit rjiia-iuid'jiorfe tavtt uxwpUhd mueicipal)' expnses.abd adaitioo.to itVbBe 'nas;beerf grtchis tbe'CO6t4jsjWisc0nsin &L . thrrst re&uutr I ?ion..of a-RepiibficKn, CjOPgr-ss under' .a Repub-r liban.NationalHAdmin'istration.'r' " " '" :4 Wefii I .'not noTwetop to inquire -wfeetberxWis-J coosirr caToay ; tUisi rsuWjsv.bwe it so far- aj Congress ban raalc& nf owe UI TAnd weow'e rnucn mvbetiaeVe1t'wW?.rW! tuitiieti o dollaroinuldHm hjcfai . Congress hay jiot yet provided vTlt isVaTe to say tha't,"atf te end ol the pseBt Wconsihr : fr ijlWe- mb'e-than all he real and; personaPpro'perty in tbe.-'SW would pay if to i toe, the highest .bidder. .E'ery acre oT fand""5aWry";.boildirr'rfery artk-le rf er? sonl pnperly, everything "the people. of Wiscon-iin.- bwt , .movables or ' immovable, ? is virtually mrtgagt;d to its Ju4i 'value to- pay this dbt. ., ; ; 'vO ctitlei Ttcaniei bawpd genera ajionsWrUiit bepd;h AiWendeli PbUips says the strength , tbe fiindr the bandsol eery ebird n the cradle is mortgaged to pay the interest upon rWYjpt jshal goifHtaSv8lI tMs. expenditure of-mo- noy..'acbompusbd '5'KWe artf fanbor from Unin to-day tban when.the war rommw nced. There are n ot so many .TJ cioh- awtii in th e SoutheT h St at this hour as there were on the. mrning when Mur .armipsi wer, suwmdfttd to the flld. Tbe people) i)tVrgi n ia and Tennessee,. aid 'Ken t uck V snd Misouri were then 'ai muBiunauimottsty . for -vte Uuion tbey ara now . almost- unaoimofUsly ajlaiist it.'-fe ''!;"4.-ift;n --' :".. ' "We do not parade these f-tcts for any sinister ec, l4 worthy puroseibutbecause they 'may vlead tkr fleetioni and .to1 jaotie&v TChere iasome-4 where a fatal mistake in the management of pubv ito afi'cktKi op we should ot have expended literal ly nearly our last dollar tnua in vain.. - , THE FEELING AT THE NORTH. Fronsi t he Ner Yerk dPosl' (Editorial) July 24 It ia nut to be concealed .that A feejingvof gloom and desnbndencv pervades tne public-mind inx6- fefence to bur aiiohafffa!rfl hlike the tern- o)rarv,WmhreB.ess- which .followed the Battle o Bull Run, the present 'depression seems to deepen witfr-Vime That was a great reverse, but it did notr lessen our $ot)fideace iifcvpurfuJejts, or in the gallautjry, or endurance of our ; troops. wen. in-teotlr Immediately tb reD&ir the disaster WftbTi degree of alacrity and'hope' that wusTus lhe-4d4 miration of. foreignynations,; Nothing, ;xemarks I bate been; mbreVhonorable td-the -ortlieffters 111.1. . J. 1 VI1VUW M - 8.J WUUH W I WM4 than , the. fraAkoess w,ith wbioh they owned fbat Wlln wulCB Dcr uoro Lueir rerones auu tuo riiwr- 1-1- .1- v . . 1 . ; ft v- with wbieh, they vproceedea te. reitoir, tnnm Have we lost that spirit of 6ejf reliance? Are out resources fewer than iney were then f J.S our mill tarcoBdiUoawbrBet w.?viv irZ The repulses we have suffered on thePeninsalaj - & . ' J : . t T 'Ma'wA Linn vamv oA-i . J. .. IS uiuet Uo auuiiticU) uaio wopu. oijr bdi luua uui noblest army.com posed of tbe flo wer "of tbe North, and led ... by. tbe kmost experienced j generals, . has b'aendriv'eo from iU position, and is tow cooped up oirthe James riverr unable to move until it shall be reinforced, or-tie orjservuon of tbe etie- my aiveriea oy a coupler assauu in some otoer quarter-?It a8uiban been greatly pfotracted ' by iW and pur exhausted finances still further disturbed. ,But the worst eif feci hHS' neerithat' weioet much of our reliance in our military chiefs and 4 r our civic1 rulers; v Tne1 most devoted friends Of McCtellan 'pronounce him failure, and even the sagacity 'and;wisdom., of I mrxancofn; is questioned; "There nas been jacb an 8pparei3 want vf foresight and energy la the administration, ; and.)herejs still such janapiarsenv iciuiiinuiu id Bumi cttiucew unu UW13JVB piOWS, tbat tbe most .buoyant! natures fbejni to. despair - j , -FROM THE NORTH; From an.lntelligejit gentleman, who iiaS been, on a trip to the Northern , cities, anu wfio left' Washif'gton last Mnday, we have some interest ing iwms of news from Ynkeeland. . ' Our ioform'aiit has no doubt that tbe three hun dred thousand . m-n. called for by Lincoln's . last ; proclamation will be obtained -in the next sixty day a by ad raft, and that two hundred' and fifty thousand of them will be substitutes.-. Brooklyn and New York ' city" are-filled with' recruiting ofiicers, but both" cities 1 together do not average a recruit otav.. Those who would 'enlist for tbe bbunty, were no draft spoken of, are now. reserv ' ing themselves to serve as substitutes. -"The draft isiconsideredcertairi. and ilbe' whole Nrrth-tt community is making iu ar-ranzemenig accord mgty. -Tne price vf a substitute nas -been - fixed jat one thousand d'dlars. On last" Monday there lwa tne .rowrinienseiciieme'iV in Baltimore, and TOn8teraUonJin , Wwbingtbn; on account of a rumored- plot for rebellion among' the seces sibotets, ofMarland.; Thef deteeti vi' force -th i Baltimore alone has beenincreas-dthreenundfed.' No i arirculars of tbe riot, if ; there- was such a move in euhtemp)atiobt bad tranSpired.'V f w- , -J Humerous elaborate -and extensive earthworks pave been constructed along the line f the rail load between Washington -'and Baltimore' de- signed to oostruct the progress of Grneral Jack soitatter ne snail have tiken-the fbrjner Jtyf Our- informant crpssed the Putomae near Ao iia creek:pHe?sawgreat' numbers " bf- transortS landing troops at j the ereek; .which," it ia t aid, wiere rinfircinentg sent to Pope by MiCieilan.' ftj&ZiZft ....... .. . i ii .-; , jf7 Among those who have been ! conrmissioned by the retaiy of W jdjepnJ S.j beei ofiMurfreesbo nt. V rV-&K"" rM, WrfenmWg those tbeartmery attaca- jiroteci tne communuy. we merexore -wisa sue MOVEMENTS BELOW mrjHsioND. I On Wedn sdayrrirrMgOUr amy &i i0w in force tcfler battle la the? enemy .i MaW Hill, Butn reacUog khe now fami beiKb2 only a lew Yankee Itraglers were to beieen th main body, as was: learnedlfronqt sorae of tha stragglers, who were taken' prisoners, iatiD cipitately towards their encampment at Bfrkeu i.7 It dc-ea not appear toi have been -tb4 H;, our generals to-re-occupy. Malvern Ijili, but more than4nco menlisnfedln 4h)S paper, the tJ tion is not; for us a desirable'bne, but it thL iijpew.a oUotjcbopsejUiaiaha .eoimjl abali Loll it in quiet?po6fcession.A i : . , 1 u !:, JYbeathe'c)inion expresled In wfell infortn. ed.fmuitarv circles tbatj the, recent advance of , Snemjr pn this position Was but a feiqt, daicnJ to cover his evacuation Of hist James driver tul If this 'cdcjectuce be certeoVtbe late detoonstra. tibn iW the Ireciin'of, Petersburg was tindoubt ediy a parfof'lhe same design 1 In ibis coonaJ tion, the fact of there being sojarge a nuo.Wr of apparently .Idle transports lying lathi fiver t time of Gen. Pendleton's night attach) atsunje.' Is. the absence' of all- means of arriving . certain conclusion we forbearo expresaa d. cidaj opinion on tbis MyURic&mond Eamitur. HDnta from' wounds r irMrived , on tris" battle tel s near Qaiii faravoo the 27th of' Jons, 162 L .k Zlst year of 'Ms age. U . HENRV A. VtED boN ' ! lth orthJOaroUna jolunteers, ; f I''91.1 Yhm has fallen anotner brave and jioile victim t this Infamous war, waead agaiast as by iforthera fa. liatics. - Private WeddV was a cftixeti ofjRaleigh N a, and' being on a- visit to bis relatives in Cawi! county at the hme the eall w made for voluntMT. loved and esteemed -bv ali i hi ,mf..i.. .. i . , . dfeply felt by very oije. that knew him fj, tii formed a great many atoaaintaacas a-biU ia tba Coi, federate army, aadf "a loss.ef 'aholr a'n axcaJIeDt bd agieeal)ljooag maaTls irreparab BuL lai! beii gone; no more shall bw iairthl jroica bi heard iwiti, them in future. Tha deceased leayea a fond tawher two brorbers and one sitr( and many fulative and friands, to mouro over ala sadden dejiartjuro. It ii t o8olation to thetn, however, that he dieid, u'be bad lived, a virtuous and good young oiaol Ilia death was instant; at receiruig fbewadnd, tranqgil and peaceful as are the dyinioaienti of a'T who lire jD vuiearoi upa ana ui ouuntry'arlithe ' who ''tempers the font to his bereaved mother, ajaUir, and brotuerj. and uuurciuua uu suuvarwi renin es. .jreaca be with the racnaios of him who sojbravely losthia lije in i oVtace of his country and his aouhtry's riajbt. !llu retuaiug were interred upon tho jmeaiorabla battle-fiia near Richmond, Va., by ha eonjt44dea.irt armsl 1 A biesaing halloars thy dark cell: J We will not etayU weep farewell. , V . ROGaRS N0PDEW. . "Died, in Jfarianna, Fla , on the 3rd inst JEPfrlE F bMITH, daghrer" f K-L, and Bettie tsaiitb, aged 2 years aod 3 mvntjbs. ; .4 i9 j., . . -..I . . . L 1ST Or.XETTUUS JtiirJAlMti I N. called ft.r;in,,th -ttialebjr,b PjwitOtfiooJ August II, Austiu Mis Polly ' v Andrews, Granvilla i5art)oe, V U ' B-ewer, Mrs DS Brown, Soluiuoa BareSV Miss Fanny Britt, J3 vJno , . , Bremer, J , Jones, D B I. Klapp.C F. i.; . .: J Long, Thomas A iLoui?. W S I Ler. Miss Sat j v Linddey, Maltiiew Mude,.Arcbv.JS . ' M"vrt, John W .' Murton, u W " Mj-era,MiEV , Mouill, Wm oj McRee, llnUitb J JHeddUnMU sa Ann Mereer, Wm . ' .Noa;I JJ Hfaoawod, Washington Blake, alr Ann a Baa, Arter But. Th-s B Brewer, Win Brown. Jos M x Crawiey, LitUebstry V ,; Cul urn, u vv . ; Carpente,' MrS E1 Calloway, J ? yrriaa, Sunual .. .,' Overman, J J! Olirar, Pining 3 Conn, 1) Q ; - ; Cobb, Peter" v i " Colbni, tbos S vv CLapp, Weley . Cartra,valis Elisi" Dayd, WUliana Mo Davis, Mrs IS A ; . iaier;Ja-Y."-C DisbrowMrsMEB Elli; Carlott l' ' .. Fields, Jai'fj PowellJ V! Park bum, DrVTm Pugh, Jjf, Poole, Geo T PeaevN'W Parrott, Jack Pasl, Jno T ; Rusae'l, Messrs W 11 1 L lieeves, Jas ResaelL 14 Dli ' Fountain, Nl 4 v RoulhAe, Miss: Catbsrine FloyeVl! U 8ia,pton, brry ' . (8rfis;apt-VYtt.jy iUgO WiA, (Tjt, ?- .-; tfdre, Major . Soott, Corp F J , eadwiaMrsi3fll PvV Sudthi.fIVf ; Gray, .W-S : jit ,, '. Soott, Jaaab fct U ;i , ' ,. HeltonV Wm . ' 1 ' j Soathgate, Dr Robt . . Hirnseoi Miss jant E . .1 Yaokermaa Wm v ' Bines, W . - r Wiatt, Capt A V . . . Hidks; thsadore fWalstotr, Jarratf . ? Ilppkias, J.JP Jt i-Wbaa Jaatf j - -. " - , Hatris, Jno T ? Wade, P D Harrt8M Ja E' ' ' TWalkarJ. j i'T j efferaoa, Miss Sallie I Walker, Mrs Then Jordanl Jno B . : younar. W E" . Jones, Jnd b: .vlVk.;.-r. &?i:rtf- ' Call for Advertised Letterr.aftd a-tva the datt bf the List, 1 o 1 GEO. T. C0QEE, P.M. ' "Notice. . . i sbatt send V car 'eVertoBichmond fre&i tblanlaea on FridayABUraing sext, sad J shall ba glad ' to re ceive as many oatriDuttnsto rcgetahles.'and fra'U ks possible. ?l wiU fcnrchaso-tt'ein lrn5 thoia who hava and are net able to give Everything; ahber o ib- irtuuieu or i or aaie, intended to De aent lir tall, ear, mast b sen V in on TattrBda,T' FofrMtvliley Frank. lintonA,DungTille,JIendr8oa; and ;-WarreDtoo-aa mak u'e oftbis opportuiniry. " ."( , - Daring toe week of. the battler, arouod .: ftichawBl, or the week after, a box of varieties whotesoms and nsefal, was reeehed from the ladier of Murfreesb ro, N C and iwme'Jiatf ly appropriated to.tbi bsnefll of the woundisd and iek N. Carolinians. Tail no'ioa i Urasura ftem that their 'Idoaatton was rMHinl aod appropriate. . . . L CUAS, & JOIIO.W J4 Dn the"latday of thia tnonth,' in the town of JV tembitrgVa., i banded a Batch tl, with the lettera A. B. llayarXTftinpany F, anth'Ber.'N C.jYtluater, princed on a yellow label bait, and a nairJof old bliuk. s&ddle-bagu, . to ageatienian who said pm lived , ia Edj?ecornbe county, nearT"boro,,.t' lak C til I went to tbe N, C. Hospital, abd when 1 re'uraad to the dapot, tbe train had left, fend I bave'not heard from him ainee. -1 wdl gfve a reasonable! rea-ard ti tbeaaid ientlemaOand pay all exoedfea if be will send them to the Hickory Sration, or give me any is formation so tbat X can get tham again. I . s- valaee,g. Aug. i 1882. , an 13 - 3t ... f t -... - . . . ! i' . ! . , t HaApQCAareas Dhtiict or N. C, if Aaoatab, I86J. i enter V with the expeoUtion of Staying, about Uuir homes aod always beyond baaoon shot of .the anomj; notice is hereby "given, tbat all enrolled l inen Is tba district are subject to Orders from the Ueadqaartrt; and that more active daty will be required ol tba Pr- iiuui umb oi ouier aoiutara. wneo tae oraeri active service are not promptly compliad wirb, tba Partis in eompanies will be dubanded aod enrolled a eoBseriptff.- "r--.- " f D. U. UtLL, au 13 tf .. -". Major Oeneral Cotamaadioe . v.. y. - HaADQeiRTCRS Ttr BaioADSVl Aaar or tea Panlic, , f July 25th, 18. : ) OeWebAl Obdebs, No" Id. ' I ; TTT1 Ri arXKIt SO I FLAG OF '.TBUCE ji wiU be-sent to Newbern ualeit ordered by;tbe depittment commander, and lo no ease will a eiusea be permitted to ro beyond pur lines.' ' ,1 - " - -v u - r ri.i uJ ur. '. t au 'IS -8t '4.-'jrr 'ri- J ; ait PEOKAM. AJ A AJ .A "v,vi Vfc VW.UVH. Tiui,sav. v i To iall WTiom it mav fconcern. fjnilE SUBS CUIU CUS AHfi PKEPABED D to aaaoufacture braady from eidfr, for tboaa . ae- ., , ... v.- nr lUii ' Birug m -.. Aney wui euuor ywwa-v 7 j i:.ad . -- " "",. iifr sonal "wao. gallant corps woo were among" tio firt li r.,nA , a Datutnir fur tha tuht (f defefice of their homesj Afav n,.,i vriadltortba ahora laintt." RESPON8IDLE PARTIES, IN NOBTU ' Carolina, baving reported tbat many are enur ing? the PartuaaRaozera' eervice. or orofeiio 0 at the stilt T' n - t ' lit z place tf Tbomas Ruflu, Jr , resigned. X- ..... 1 . Baiaisb, Aag. tUb, MfiX: v: :-i. - i.: ft

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