,,; :.-V -'V-:. j ; I K. 1 ? T J --v 'Ill-Ill I I , I I I f .i I 1,1 I I liJ I I,! I '--i : : V,T 5. 1 - ii II il VXI Vl v"Jl y 1 W V. W J w - - , y Sjr V A ' X .V" , I ' ' , yt.;;.-cjl;-.; - -1 ''?;-J;:'JV-;',-,:' 1... . : ,.D' vPrr FETEn l,fflLmXG-l?i V LTUEICON VENTION. 1 ui . Q ' " ' " ' - We learn ,hat 43 .hew Caaef r reported to y 5arneSj hii bceflt balldgd tp ua by t&a Ig mentioued, .r :z . . . . . . . . . . I hincr oorurrd on SatardaY: alnd 63 yesterday . . . . i .-. -. - riTtrr.i"l I L.not hv Rt&tA ATfoAuriM u if VxrmrjL.m I MniiiivY !ftiir wYwh thfl largest et reported. ior senueuwo tut wr.r .. r -Tv-,- -i . . .m A nrnAni v,.k lhat ; the people 01 tnei Oarf r Unwarp WAR NEWS-, We hare notbiDg of interest fromi tbe ic: .ion of the Polomao. The gTeat Iralk-of .McClelland army i3ob tbe Maryiand.side.oif four or ' fife miies irom 1w v ' - - - . - T-Iio nnmhPrAt InlftrmeniS in Viaauau vcuo- KAtnr.lav wm "ten. one beine from the th nnmlier of interment on Sunday wa .nine, two belot Jrom iae oouniry. had. gone! from, town, c4Jtjing wijwein .toe disease onUactea nereu. i. , ,t ..t 4 It Is eidml tben mat in a scope qiw that a larere maiority of a4-k will . tnnrnM tne.:-debisIon io'which. Rewards has come; not to Teassem- X iWDiUUU ' . It is eyi- bers haa been recently elected by the freemen of tbe State, and are familiar witn ineir xeeimgs ana presamea 10 icnow what burdens ) they for the laudable pur- any' other object de and I cannot imaz- the'Legislatare, chos eo bT t intelligent and -patriotic Freemen or North! 7arolina,v.illf ctih entire mumimity, maintaiB the proud psit'wnv which the Oonvenr linn has assumed in relation to the eternal sepa ration of North Carolina from the United States, nd .the tindenendence" forever iof the Southern the Potomac, some BuDter riill, where Gen. Lee now is. ' Ban ker Hill (U u pudQwniBanVerville in tie i.,t man) is about twelre miles west of ble the Convention i at , this time. dent from the aoUon of the.OonvenUon.when eracy, at any anwery sacrifice ; and that it last adoorneaj is Increasing, although tbfl mortality appears to pe H last iuW- - - nft1LR:nn f 1 the' foul lahdersupon crgoodoldSratebyAVA. ,.ther dimTnfahinfc 1 CJctttinly, the number ;of reassembling, except on the occasion of awne I . . ttalBtnd . officials, in representing deaths 4n proportion to cases is. wucn, Bmai.cr. j ncy vbich hey couldi not at We must leaHn mbd, however', f that the effect exigency . wiu .5 rih-Uriecessionf new cases yesterday can:., foresee, As, M Edwards jusuy not apocar in the mortality reports for some d-ya . A h0nVcnti6n ! designed to ,1. ,.L-r; 1 Wiocleaterbr about half-way between that tevn and Maitinsborg. I': I il.XU-. - X - Tbe news published input last paper that beea: expended for flbur I Oen. Van Dorn bad thraahed: the - Yankees hioU had igVipped to Wilm; at Corinth, has proveu to w t .i.Una'ild cetlhe better bf the cm .for although we did 'get the better ot tne jenemj in the first two 'day 'a fighting heavy rein f.rcements enabled him to force us back with ioo n nnr Tiart; 1 This is the first ie-. rious reverse. BuaUined by ! q e?r months- - Of General Bragga operations in the di roction of Louisville twe since our last issue. The Journal states ' that the J ewish citi sens Of f Wilmington' who are iowl refugees at nn.rlnttft have subscribed SllOOffof theTe- l lief of the Wilmington sufferers:! The mon- and Dacon, mmgton. in this connection the Journal says i. - friends la the country . Aih rvnL. that the want here now." not to much flour and meat (bacon) as it is articles , i in ih vivhr nourishments for the siek and their attendants, Wqd where those cannot be ooaveniently sent, that the-contribu.-lions be forwarded in money. Of course we feI deei ly grateful for every effort tjo assist us, but . think it riirht to Doint out the ,besj means. There is at present plenty of: flour.. ; , . have neara nom ng rnL mni'Pd fn this oitv to solicit subscriptions may: tale a hint from the above suggestion. Tho Journal of. Tuesday re'ports Gl new cases on Monday, being the largest number but says tnat 3 on that day our aims in the i - .1- - !- i KECOGNITION. ...t: Although we do not onrselC rely upon a er.u recoznition of ?out independence by K irooean nations, and believe that we should jet repor ted for any one day: .niihi war as if the time of that re- there were only, five.intermea coition was-postponed 16 an indefinite, pe-in Qakdale Cemetery. Whilp cannot help tninamg tua r not a rii.d. we barous proclamation of linco.n must abroad an effect directly opposite to" that contemplated by its aavage .author. The proclaimed purpose of giving over the most productive country on the 'face of the globe -a country settled, and cultivated by Chris- and des- tun ana wnite mcu , elation of an insurrectionary , servile, war, which can only end in the i extermination of either the white or blaek race inhabiting it, will, we' think, bring all the civiliaed tmns-Atlantio world to the conclusion that this horror of. horrors 'shall not be enacted in tbe middle of the nineteenth century. l'roverbially cold, as Governments are, there are periods at' which the mOral sedse of those by whose will they rule wUi. force them to lay aside the cold maxims of State craft, and and awaken and respond to the cry of out- ,red humanity. Lincoln's proclamation, mere hrutum fulmen, will cause tne occurrence of such a period, and we may ex pect that so far from securing for his atrocious cause the sympathy of the European world, u ;n k rrPPted bv a universal burst of ex- . : -;il rn rprarded as a clear (crauoD, wunc i. ---- : . admission on bis part that the strength of the Federal, Government is inadequate to the uak- !of forcing the return pf the seceded State into the Union; by any means' koown and rfccogniaed by civilized nations. j .....nvi.n AGAINST EXTORTION." i ...BtU Exemotion Bill which we iucv"s . .... nnr readers will with the enactments of the clause entitled, A Proviso' Against Extortion"" A tvle inappropriate than this cannot be wen gi'ned. Instead "of a proviso against ec- tortion it is an enactment to encourage legalize the charging of extortionate profits.. A single example will illustrate the working of this law. A boot and shoemaker is ex pnmtpd: and allowed to charge 75 per cent. od the cost of producing bis articles The cost of making or producing a pair of boots, we will say is 10, and on this h.e is permit ted to make a clear profit.of seven dollars ndfift3 etuis! Is not-this an extortion ate profit, and is not the (Confederate Gov ernment, by such legislationvencouraging extor tiou T The boot , ani shoemaker is ex empted from the sufferings ' and privations-of military service, and" shielded from the dan gers of the battlefield, only on condition that fie mlrnot make more man jtwmyvw there 'is an 1 n'Ai. .AflOflfl. IMP lUvi VwOw . w j v number of interments indicates a decreased mortality. The Journal statek that the dis- ..Li r -1 n-J nvn tfian it is in ease is mucu icas k . - the lower part uf the city. The Journal of Wednesday ti n. aicm ra rfinoj ine.oue plyiician to hear from. Tbe number of ill prooaeiy , " jr. v-a . i bays: ted.thi3 morn- cases wui i-.u near ui uut . -- - . . t 7. w,:k ;a tha mftUest number since me vjemoLerj wuiv ... j disease has taken its present scope. ' cJol.-Dahi."G. Jow Sf?; isfar, true to its partisan instincts, has alreaay Sq to assail Col. Fowla, Vhe Conservative nom inetffor the Commons in. ihis County- , . . The above is a specimen i for truth which scr. prominently the Editor of the Kaleigh .Sandardran in dividual who holds his veraeny .Bo ; n.t h never deoarts from it, exoept occa sionally, "for partj purposes." We have not "begun to assail Col. Powje." r e have not even said that Mr. Fowle took two chan ces, one for a Colonelcy in the 31st Regi ment, and failing in that, another for; the Hnse of Commons, a seat inhich is pref- able to the position of private iq the ranks of the army. s Here is -what jwc said aDout Mr. Fowle, and we think itj will puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer to make &n asgaulUipon Mr.F.of it r i A I ..CON6ERVATIVK" NoMiNATioV.-We under sta'nd that Daniel G. Fowle, Esql was nominated siauu ih fnnnaeratl ves" in MalurunV. OJ fcU, wuwi... f - ; of tS-SSaiy, as a candidate toJU.the vaca ncy 1 11 A n flllSU Ul m;uiuv ' that time ' remarks enter upon the work of amending the Constitution, it w quid have- adjour nef ' t p day ;c e-r :tain V: . ;!- '.'.I1 Poplab Mount, 4th Oct'r, 18C2. Coi DA.- Barnes :f ; - j ;'"! " : !;' ' . Dear Sir : I duly received, under your cover, two memorials from a portion! of m;y . fellow-citi-zens, for whose intelligence, patriotism and worth I entertain the highest' respect, requesting me, as President of the SUte Conventionale reassemble that body "at an early day i" an4 a few other eminent citizens, by letter orotber wise, expressed a similar desire. ,Tbeir suggestions have. been dnly and maturely Icohaidered, and I have con suited several gentlemen, whose talents, experi ence and pubtic services: entitle their views upon any question connected with bur State policy to ureal weight, and, after a careful and anxious re view of the subject la all its bearings, and avail ing myself of all tie lights accessible .to me, I have been unable td perceive any sufficient cause, iXthvi time existing for calling the Convention together. Respect for the opii ions f my fellow citizens, as well as for the imposing character of tbe solicitations made to me, and just.ee to myself require that I should state some of the leading reasons which have led to this por.cltuion. j The memorialists Tepreseiu bvhUIuSI of the Convention is rendered necessary by "the unfinished and impe!fect condition 'm which the Constitution of thVfetate was Jeft at the late ad journment;" while-others desire one to meet the Jexigencies of the war. The ConventWn, on the 30th of April last and at its fourth session, passed a resolution in these words: '. ' ; ' - "Haired. That this .Convention, do, on Tues day, the 13th of May 1 next, at 2 P: M., adjourn, subject to the call of the President ; and in case of Ms death, inability or resignation -ot Messrs. Ruffio, Brown, Graham, Osborne and Smith, of Halifax or in case of the death of one or more of them, then the residue, at any time from now .:. .u ' i. Mnmw.. 1862: and if not then called together by that time, that this Convention do stand dissolved."; ', ; ' . . As to remoddeling the Constitution, there is reason to believe that all further action to that end was abandoned! by, t,he Convention itself. i- uinnld have adiourned to some named dav as it did on three tormer occasions, and net have left H as a mailer of discretion, with its presiding- officer, or his! alternates, to call H together Or not as they might think) proper. .vVhetber moments were neeueo or uptcerwuijr v THE MiLFTABY- EXEMPTION ACT. ' ; v,Tbe following ia a copy of the Exemption Act, as fi nallr passed by both Hgoset of tooogrs -t v.A Bili. to exemnt certain oersoni from mttita-1 ry service, and to repeal the act entitled 'An act j to exeinpt certain : persons Irom enrol aient fof ser vice in the army of the;. Confederate StateVrap- preved the 2 1st of Apniis INVAtlDS, OThCKBS OT GOVIRKMKST, CtSRKS, rra that." targe portion Ot nex peppra arteriam MUnion'fsentitnents and'Union" sympathies.-- nTo condense my views in a very succinct form, I will say, that I cannot, according to my under standing of. the true meaning of the purposes of h Oonvent OBi eo. in search Of reasons for reas iemblmgt; behind the date of the adjournmenyi nd that ho event has since occurred to require another session. - . . i . ; For these reasons, I am constrained to aeenne a compliance wiOt the solicitations maae to m. If I were clearly satisfied that public opinion de manded another session of the Convention, 1 might yield my own convictions and act accord ingly ; but from the best information I have been able to obtain, public opinion neither demands nor would approve it. - It is proper to state 'that the memorials are signed .only by eleven? persons, and that but a few othera have intimated to me, by letter or otherwise, a desire that the Conyen- . The power conferred upon me by that enhghU a Ia .f-?niirt hnrfv the Convention of Wortn ri0.ni(n. tmxnaa tnfeftnf of favor and confidence will over exist amongst the most treasured me morials of my public life,); is one of grave re sponsibility, deep importance, and great delicacy J-a power to be exercised with the highest degree of care and caution." ilegarding it in this light, tW. A..,,0 it Tpniae should be clear" ana sat- isfactory. I see none such at this time. ; ' I With sentiments of high regard, : I Your obedient Bervant, l - W N. EDWARDS. 1 . ,2 : Congress .of the CopfederaU Staus pj America da enact, That all persons who shall be held Unfit for military service in the field, by reason of bodily or mental incapacity! or imbecili ty, iinder rules to be prescribed by tbe Secretary of War, the Vice "President of the ; Confederate States; the officers, iudicial and .eXectttiVe,'or! the 'Confederate and. State Governments, including postmasters appoints by the rresiaeni ana oon firmoj Ko t.hft RAntA. and such clerks in their Offices as are allowed by the Postmaster-General, and now employed, ana exciuamg an owur,pvv- aVotils tkr awlsWOW anil.olOTkSi nd,T exf such Stale officera'aa the several States may. nave declared, or may hereafter declare by law tone liable to militia duty; the members of both Houses the several Stataa; or by contractors to furnlah the same to the s veral State uovernmenu,wnom wm . Goverobr or Secretary of Stata thereof may certify to be necessary to the same; all persons engaged la ' ; rr the CDnatroctipn of ships, gunboats, engines, aaila, . or other articles neotssary tothe publiej defence1 ' under the direisUon of the Secretary of tha Skrji v ill superinteBdenta, managers,! mechanic, and, , ;'. miaeraemployed in the prodacton and manufao- i t ture of salt, to the extent of twenty bushels per J day. and of lead and iron, and all persona engaged in making charcoal for making pi add bar Iron, not to embrace laborers, measengera.; wagonera, and aervanta, inless.employed at work eonduct- . r?. ed underthe authority and by the oflcerf or aeenti of a State, or in work employed iit,: the H u production 01 iron wr tne vwwwo1, r l'? r '.; -V L. STOCK .SAttgBSV ';- ' ' ' 1 . : " One male citizen ; for every 500 head of cattle, : for every 2501 head of horses or mules, and . ona shepherd for jr ery 500 head of aheep, of such par- 3 sons as are engaged exclusively In raising stock, provided there; ia no white male adult not . Jlablt ta do military iduty engaad whh roc paraona In v raising said teak.-?,; -..' ' t. ' A M. 4 'V .-' V OVX88XKBS 0 rUA9TJ wa , i t " To aecure the proper police or the country, one , .1 : - . 'i i iiimirl nil mill ' ' of the Congress of ihe Confederate State., andj of P; Tflg - rV the Legislatures of the several Otaies, i jj- . . he UWf 0P ordlnancei of ftnyBtate. respective officers; all clerks now in the officeaof hJhjlhere I, no white 'male- adolt not the Confederate and State governments annor- d( maiUry gerviee, and la Stataf haviag J:i no such law one persbo, as agnt, owner, M ovtr-i . an i oiiiwm"" - ---- - . - f that regard ed very little indeedi:wn JutureoontingeR, 1 ?3 r nt in"i course Of a few months, by UngUlSlies 6' eUe,!in the exercise of adiscre- I . . rrua Vniflntuin. at tne UID8 o lionary powur. w.iiournment. had lSee StVJSrc fcoto the Constitution as fulW as the President could have them in tbe S2 7and could determine for itself at the time, wTSit devolving -the duty upon him. ; A care S reading of the Journal towards the close of alSlon. will, I .MHSS it would be assuming wo iuu. Convention contemplated amendments. My own impress, decidedly is; tha tbe final dissofution of the Convention was V?oto the 1st of November in consequence of the War, and for that can oily. There seems to me very nule r'easbn to doubti but that a fland.bsolu e adiourhment wpuio.navo nv trv had been in tbe4 enjoymani. oi t.c. -an adjournment would have also taken place, not an aajouruuic . -p nhnvpnlion had been' W ecur up to the time be Struck death of llenry W Miller. , ro- C1V11 more iimf . The people oi YTaCouty hive already pi A ..--,nBt (rlnal secessionists for ci office Tfiy bold that the fact thaU person was aTSginal Secessionists is PrM facie evidence that such peraon It -wanting in tat Mcaa. ad olnd, duccriminatihg jadgmentjwhich are ndia-. penaabie to a successful management of J Jit af un Guided more by passion apd prejudice than by J Treason and patient invertlgauon. their .rial overleap. Ibeir JadmenUe to can- L. miR to-lhe body poi s c. - . . sequence yjrr jtoteighStanlanl 1. Lr -it ihU ?s..thatrinTthe l ne meaumg wi. - opinion of the writer secessbn" was .wrong, . . .. . i!. fttoriffinallv ad- and tnat tnoso.wuv i n , , vocated it; are responsibH to the South for initiating a measure which withdrew her from the Union-in the languagejof Major Jiuss, "the best Government the worm ever , Jfnaii rrftat iniuries upo 5"rin the resolution to reqre the exer- on of its bi-h powers. Thg CouTention por tion ot ita ui f J fi r j the . caivea i-Mh-.i.in exi ' trrani of hostilities to renuoi - SdtaS- For instanbe-the State might be inva P1!" . and many counties so aea D7?, I "::rnn I hostile! armies, as to make blefor & people of at large section Ko elet members he- Genera. semo y jjr- . -J a mfilAMtV Ol tUUUlinj , nai-,1""'"'------ .Ltv fifforts then eo- 1 THE FIGHT AT FRANKLIN, Yf were enabled : yesterday, through the cour tesv of a eentlemen who had conversed witn officer present at the -fight, td gain a few addition al particulars concerning the fight of Friday ilast. The first approach of the enemy was heraided by a loud report from one of the' Yankee gunboats, and upon examination, it was discovered that three other boats followed in the wake of tbe first. AJ large number of Colonel tFerebe's" Partisan Hangers irom North Carolina, were quickly pos ted in the dense undergrowth on the Bides ofthe river.' No sooner had the gunboats got within range than , the sharpshooters opened on tb'em, quickly clearing the decks. For several hours the gunboats endeavored; to move forward, but as M sunlv the olaoes of their woond- a nA hitAA tha new-Comers were' picked itr, when the enemy at last became disheartened,? and ftdfl movement of the steamers com- meecedfr Our. sharpshooters followed the boats .A,i w,iiA4 Hnwn the river, blazlne away at avi oovu 7- - . . v . every crevice and aperture, where n was thoggbt a bullet wuld be likely to fihd its way to a Yan- kee's body. It is esllmated tnat ai lease one nm dred of the enemy! were killed and wounded in this affair: The fight on our side 'was conducted solely tythe sharpshooters, not a piece oi au non having, been brought into action, Our casu allies were Very trifling But two men wen wniinded.anM neither of them mortally. ; ! Ti.ino-thAfiArnoon of Friday, the enemy iwas seen approaching inconsiderable force across the ,r,Kr., miiifi' frbm the direction of Suffolfc This new demonstration was made by- about ,2,00 infantry, six pieces oi v "- Caotain Grahama Petersburg Battery, and:l wo sections of Captain wngni s jvockbi. AaroA into noaition. and when the enemy got within range, our gunners opened onlhe Vandals with fine effect. The fight continued Jot ahot and shell fell so fast ized by law, receiving salaries or fees, toltjktkxr troops. ' ' ; 1 .... An Mih nlantation of twenty negrroeai and on All volunteer troops heretofore raised by any wfaich there . ia no whlU male adult not jlablt to i State since the passage of the act entitled MAn act military service, and, furthermore, for additional further to provide for the public defence,?' approv- police for every 'twenty regroea on two Or more' e i April 16th, 1862;' while such troops shall be in piantationa within five miles ot ach . oiler. : and A.nA an.triui nniA.N ttA ofiinnrirv: nruviumi bui i atn nftTinir irm lum ftwva.i. vt vw. nUUVO DGl T lw UUUQ. .. , .- - v.. ' O - , - I T. . this exemption shall not apply to any person wno was liable to be called into service, by virtue, of said act of April .lGth, 1862. . ' . . . TRANSPORTATION AND TXLXQRAPH COMPaSIXa. All pilots and persons engaged in, the merchant marine service; the president,' superintendents, conductors, treasurer, chief clerk, engineers.man afotmn a.ronta Bft(!tiori masters, two expert w, " - O ; I . - .. i . .. 1 I BMHUWU - : ' . W - j . track bands to eacn Beciion ot wuk t enght to ee exemptea, are aereuy ""r i mechanics in the active service and employment fQm . jMrvice in the armies of theOpnfW-'. i'-' of. railroad cumpaoieJ, not to embrace uporeij, i erate States; provided that the exemptions nerein, ,v porters and messengers; me presiuen, geuwai i aD0Vt enumerated snail oniy conunu frintendent and tooeratofs of telegraph compa- exemnted: are actually engagedl in their . j nies. not to exceed tour in numberat any,iocaniy i rB8Decti7e pursuiU or occupaUona.. , bat that at tbe seat oi governiuui u v""1 i ; . Tnat me act entitle -an ; w rate States; the president,superinrenutsu,vil," .inaAa n r iot n I tr it mtmj ixitftjBJi&taia a as erw - CilglUOCIS vV w-- , lutes vs iw w. - v service and employment of all companies engaged A rfl j862j nereDy repealed, in: river and canal navigation and all captains or :.--.. J : : Boats, and engineers tbereon employed. on . . . ... ' l.li. ..4t.lt nr.) Ifahlil t' ' wnicn mere im uu n uiwtr wpn - . fc mHiiarv dntvJon person, bein tbe oldest of the. owners or overseera on auch plantations. , . .. , Also, a regiment raised under and by authority s of Ihe State pfiTexas for the frontier dafeice, now ? : i v in the service orsaia taie,- wnue in suc ryivoi and such" otheir persona as the President shall be -.v-..' .; tttiatlifl Ail ATCOUni Ol 1UBLlCa WlUlbj. vi s-twww- exempt cer- - tain persons from enrolment tor service ih ihe x mies of the Confederate Stain," approved the 21st baited by. 1 GEN. LEE TO HIS TflUUi'Sf y. i -1 - : v- editors, printers w , . rba followine address to .fits troops, B editor of each newscapers now being pub- v , r , j..w. r. Uf anara.! orders, on , iriotnr mM eertifv unon oam to iw muFou"" I w. t-, ---. . . .j. - nnAnhin th tinblication; the public printer and those employed to perforth "the public printing Aitr ot Northxb -VtRQiNia, V .' fortheConfierateand9tateGoverAmenU;,every Hxadqrs iiRMT M , 182. -' , r i;nnhnri7.nd to nreacn accord- " ". ! "' minuw.ru --5--" : ." r ftp pM1,.pd GENERAL URDIRS, I , ,,: . . . - . ing to-tne i uie-oi uw o- - i No. ?16- j ' jj I - - charge pi-mmisterw uuw. - jn reTiewing the achievemenu or iae army uu religious nok combatants.' ; ring the present campaign, the commanaioe Men- . - - eral cannot withhold tne expresaiou oi u.. . t ah roronna who have been and. now are mem- eral ... i . . lU ::- i m r oi uuo,-i rrr".-;. '..-.4.- v-..m shall furnish! each into the lar membership in their respective denominations, provided members ol tneoocieiy onn , ai-- ireues, Mennonists, . and Dunkera, substitutes, or pay a tax ot uo public Treasury. , PHYSICIANS. . an nhvaioiAna who now are "arid for the last five years have been in actual practice of their profession. i . t. . SHOEMAKERS, TANNERS, ETC.. . All shoemakers, tanners,, blacksmiths, wagon makers, millers and their engineers, millwrights, skilled and actually employed as their regular vo cation in the . said trades, habitually engaged in working for the pupiie. ana wnust bo w.i,uj -. - i - - : t-niA narannl shall mftkft OStU empioyeu: proviucv in writing that theyj-are so skilled and actual y tson of the indomitable courage U has displayed in battle,and its cneermi or vauranoepriTai, v.4.K4n nn tha fna.Pih' 1 . Since your great victories aruunu 4mijv have defeated tbe enemy at Cedar Mountain, ex- r ; pelled him from the Bappah annock; and, after a . conflict of three days, utterly repulfed him on the nlaits ot Manassas, ana ior r WT - within the fortifications around hla capital. . , .Without halting for repose yott croasod the Po- . tomac, stormed the. heights of Harper's Ferry,, made prisoners of more than eleven hoosand .j men, and earitured upwardt of seventy pieces or .: artillery, all their smalUrms and other munlUons of war.-.- ' v- i "' -'' !k ' : While one corps of the army.waa thui engagaa, . the other insured its success oy axrwuug m v -boro' the combined armies of the eoemyi advan- ftini? under their favorita.General to the relief . their beleaguered comrades. tvvr:. i ; On tbe field of Sharpaourg, wun leas aubu-; iu v u . . . . . I a sri luh utjiu mja twaacai aw a- r X third his numbers, you resistod. ff o Ight un- ; J one oriiB we w., . r, nirb . the wnoie armv ox taeenujjri . - ... , -k -r.. k v? idence of the facts therein ata- jjf intvs j ted; " . " . .. ' , . 1 ; . T EXTORTION. puUed every attack along bia -entire front, of more than fotir mileis in extant.- .:, . , I r. - A. PROVISO AOAINSl herein iwo uuma, - ... : frovuiea junior,, 1 . , . . amoug the enemy, that they fled in great confu-. persons by reason of their mechanical sion. Our men behaved admirably throughput g v nation or employment not connected Captain Uranam s uauery t DUDiy, 8eryica shall be subjectto tbe con- Auinn that the uroducts of the labor of sucn ex- nf the enemy in tne miguij r- - . . - . j r i-tr inn nnniH- nn in the invasion oi v iS.t - - werful army under MeJ -and thereby entailed great injuries upon her If tbe Editor of the Standard has not talked sheer nonsense, this isj the meaning of whatbe says. .XndyeheU becomeex- ceedingly irate if any one insinuate8 su.--. - t. ift- the flesh-Dots , of the . . . a i ita a nanaeiiUK eunwa - a. In ihe nme of conmon eense, ws h6 wouW not permit him longer ialition over before neara ors " ""6"- nn them. .1 to nuzzle , -e ii rxihoV mannfaetnred ir- go on ana epeouy . tides, but one Ulustration is sufficient. W ho would not be a manufacturer, and keep out of the army by paying the penalty of not charging more than seventy-five per cent, profit on manufactured articles 1 . ;. THE FIGHT AT FRANKLIN. I From the account of -the fight at Franklin which we take from the Petersburg Express, it would seem that the affair was much more important than wis at first represented. . Eighteen 'months 'ago' it would have been called -a hxlllc. At any rate, lei it be call ed what it may, the affair was highly credit t able to our troops.- r . ; , ' j r. . . a ' Death Vt CAPT.-GtKHK. We record w.itn : deep regret the death of Captf Chalmeii Glenn; or Kcckingham, of the l3ibTT. OregimenU Ue feU upon the battlefield of Sharpsburg and wa bu ried by h'u comrades on the- IWd, his grave na v- JJEATII OF REV. FRANK STANLY. The Rev. 'Frank Stanly djed suddenly in Danville bn - Sunday r last of a fit of appo plexy. .He was man of fervent pietyi and in his death the Method church sustains a great loss. Mr. JasanatJrve of this State, P? , .i r i noverrrbr, hd- and a Drotuer oi w""-(-.'ri rard Stanly. K I f - . . . , Ttrannville. h.l Kffkin OCCUIMtM v - - . ine enemy i 4 . - . ' . t-. . - i i,-Aa thnusana Florida, having lanuea a sure? y y men, on the 2d instant, turning pur batteryat t ...t.j, Thn'TtrD. and compemng mwuiaoi " , . . .v,. Baldwin, which fOUS SOU - , . Jondi. Sr Fresldeas therelore'clothedwith toeMouary fwer fo" act upon emergenaes.as fi i r t irine I h the contingencies mention dd 5?heftrs thii migbt b readily cenceived anotherriession of ihe Convention might have anouiBi:w . ges.lon as 1 Seive, was conteniplated, except in consequence r A Extraordinary event arising after tbe ad of some extraor oina cy v fae Sngof tilUtiion S theevident inten; meaning oi tu tiDDi i3 resuicted; to events of Uo" 0f.! Supon which th, body could Sn2Cd H "lend b those which Had already taken place. . . It will be remembered that1, at the time of the It wui ob r . the affairs of the Con- 'S5 . :cHe .he .W--" J 'K rifht calling forfThe exercise ot the high and fA. rmirAnn our iiiuo ; i- . Aniirdmiinished, ind he" has made po progress fjfiZrtkr irt. He-has been yi.-"--fm.Virrinia.! W'nh the exception Eion A I, . AnMSffOmOnf. fl. .hu . which exploded m the very roidBt of a body of Yankee infantry, and, as has been since stated by a farmer living near, : kil ed six mu nflmn frri(d off three: wazon loads i.sii .n,i wnnnded.- The Confederates bad Wright's Rocket eiins are said to have - iyr.Zi: Vuh the Yankee cavalry. S The Uorce whizzing of the rocket, and its fiery train, r.Lv - thn Northern horsemen, produc ed graaUerror among the Wd theaaimals snorted, cavortedhed and reared, and,then L a nfF in the wildest confusion,; An Yankee equestrain. One fellqw, l'Lbu l.rninltl from, the stirrups, reigned V IW1HH 1 1 'tl I. n aa w - . ' up hii animal, to regain a footing, when a rocket ? u i,r' head, and the next moment Biruc. - w . , , ,. .. t.aa the rider lay helpless ana oieeuiug - near Dj. . - u at; thA Valt of Oar forces are in . j ' Va. .'m;VthlA demonstration, and anxious to eet another chance at tbe dastardly invaders wPh.rn there a force sufficient to repu s ar.v effort the enemy may inake to cross the river, at him trv il wneu uo . . i4,ti Bino-nUr. that in the morning we Repulsed his gunboats with our infantry, (it m repuiww i B . . -UeA infantrvl and.u n,ir r5:" 'fci IntotrvV artillery and cavalry ..were'compelled to take the Dack track Wnnr artillerv alone. ' I i ; ; ' '! The Rocket Battery used on this occasion ww captarea-irom :fTr,:L Gaines', aim in June nwi., . .-r-t-- -the onW one of it kind on this continent. It ia .k.t nrt vx, ,.r ravalrv can stand before it. bbiu J " j t . ro Th. hniA hf the fbllowlnir dav voo awoa pre- rared to reaume the conflict on tbe earn ground, and retired next morning, without, molestation, t; across the Potomac tl - Two attempU subsequently iriade by the enemy ; to follow you aoross tbe river bave res ulted in-hw complete d!sco?nfiture and being driven, back With V rV--lJi. ' V.V.U 'iha. .manlvl much ; wiiu yuitu . ' . , .j i- . A.cnievemeuut.'vubu -- , ing seveniy-ut F r - . -wthw l arnples ot greater lortiiuae anu - A.tnnr, r within a. maximum to be fixed by tbe 1 "fF . t.. L.wsKit. I am comaaissiooed -.1' empU, or of tbe companies luuf.lV ,7 "7 .:.V ' hn thev are connected, ahall be sold and 3r may prescribe; and it is further provided that u I aLg for tbe undying fameyouhave theprdprietors snHMW!r won for tbellarm-rw ' - . m i n " a tain anna ui im uu i : . . -f lishment snau ua auuwu uju milted to and judged icy too p1J " to have violated, or in any manner evaded, the true iritenk and spiritofthe foregoing proviso, the f nnh as rod have done, much more remainajq be acoomplube4. ; The enemy, again threatens ua wun invasion, uu w jw' ' ti v. Ur- were neve? mor5 bjigbt and cheering. rrenXotDthee enemy- ih North Carolina .s of a few of the Extern an- "- in otner aeciiu..-. r nfttion- . . j iv nnra. lucii. j al maepenae.. nn,v o far as the fA a firih session oi mo ? . , war is concerned .?. What reason exista for any Dodr. wnicu did not exist iu . . . 6oMin. Ia9t as u -. h reoefitl made ar- creaseu iotcb, - ... j. -u?ment has also passed an act wuu.u. 6.rv, . i the parPof the 4 ::th lis evat:uo". wwj --- . I . a ill r I ha river itnd retired to; wo - ... ., 1 U at tbe intersection of the Jacksonville .-.K th Railroad from Femindina j to ..Viar TTnvl. - - ! hoata had attacked our batter on U,e first instant and been rer-iUed. On the, 2d .7 i:! in fnmfl-on Greenville Point;. and tney u 7 Ued.rta eveacaali torningour battery comper-' , : v 1 mira ' :.-'' . t i ' ' t 1 , -.mn nn StatoSrCarolin. which tha sety-of .the sSL :ud I her necessiiies may require, it appears SUta. v;Th. nel Assembly baa ample au- tomwm .w?h thA prisia mav thority to do every imi.g ""'- - - demand." It is a wen . "' "u ! the Gen not prol Cocstitu fore it i AlsJm bT pi?PaU iaws the General Aawjnjiy D , , Confederate not frouin "' therefore, has be ?DTiffdiveel4 oi ; rower.- iora i.b m . se exemptions therein graw5u" y " "7 w tnnratiVAa in tended to tnem. Buwjrniwuuouw w. -t idStaMishments.V they, and one of them, shall bo for.h with enrolled under the provisions of thisact,ana oraereu .uw " -r federate army, andshall in no event be again ex- . k rann of said manufactur- emptea tnoreirvui-yj. ; . ing establisbmenw or emp-oymenw wioru.u. HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, &fc. . .. : .nta r4 nublre hosoitals, lunatic All BUPB luvDiwuui. r- T . . .j-.T-. th. rArnir nhvsiciar . nurses attend ulu therein, and the teacher emp . . . t-.. tha HAftf. dumb, and achapTth fShS. oneaDOthecary in good Standing, wh lilt uiu'- l - ,.-. ... ., . is a practical apothecary. . WOOL, COTTON, AND PAPER MANUFACTfjRKRS. SuperintendenU and : operatives in wool and cottoS factories, paper mills, an aupenn ten SeTand ani. who may be exempieuo w-!r.u ' " .i triotiami the country looks with confidence ror , . .. n. '.mi nut Arnlditi eive as ' aeiiveraoca uu hi.m j - i t , surance that thU confidence ia not niwplacw,. r k; . it. St. JUAA, General Commanding . DOWN ON YANKEEDOM.,' j : ! UHATTAMOOUa., vvv.i . Tha Hon. A. bJ Nelson has come' out in a long address to the people of East Tennessee.condemn- ing ' the recent proclamation of lancoin , ana ue daring it the roost outrageous: act bf gaurpation ever contemplated in Europe or America:. .! j He says : shall feel it my duty to encour age the most persevering and determine! ts tfnee against the tyrants snd usurpers of the jauuooi, j..u haA hliutted bur hones j .I(i(r n tt every man who is able to Ood will not prosper . mu w uv.o. ;- --v-biVe heretofore brpocriUcally pretended to allege ey were xor wsnuwuvi., "7" throws off tne masa aiui wj t. - " taat they iT The address will have great-effeet in east Ten- nesaee. He will raise a regiment. a -; inrt.nt naval movement is said to be on rJUfc nni-Head'. probably war:Svanjh i ij-i'ii- ttn.1 nidition" to be under tte tounand of Commodore Dapont. r-riMfillESSlDNAL. : 1. . , : Ibichmond, Oct. 7. In tbe Satiate the House bill to PtiS? Shoes ' j for the army, was passed. Also House hill to ea VrZ tr -inileavbusr in the aevSral Con.. . a- nf D,M FT.r,V .mln.ttnn h Suf-- tlind:- nliul:in the diacuasien ofjconstitn- tionalquestionaVUing froui tbej cons Met the bill to punuh InsurrecUon or rebellWo.agalnat .S:rnMLnto8tatea.and'thebiUto proViaions of tbe SequeaUation act to persons with-, -fnthe Confederate1 State., who refuse MPgV; the Confederate; OovernmenU. The indenmwiy postponwui w ""-"v -.- tbTT tht SenauWwMpwaed eui ' Provided te?rofiuVf auch. establishments shall . horizing the PreaWnt to. receiV. the aer- -provided tnejront. . COfit noriB mvmtitlia aiid battalion s heretofore , - rlntiaa to be determined opon oath ol tne : M ,r. k:'4- of pr()ducUoo, to oeo . ?'-'.-... .h..wiA from the CherO- :i kee nation, was admitted to a .seat within th bar , 0& 't?.ui, tb. so.pea.idU of tW writ of w-discussed until tb4 bourof "tVtbeTame penalties for violation " is- hrAin contained m are bereinbe- ?oreeTic mechanical enpymeuv. , -a KDTJCATIONAX RXXMPTI0N8. esidents and teachera of collegea,tacado- All pr v ...i hiArtal aaminaries who have regularly engaged as such for two years pre ceding tbepaasagepfthiaact. - t :;.; . iMPfilTID ON "OOVERSMXST ww-.. avOiio" - - . '-. adjooroment. TITED t: Nar Marianna, riorida, on the J6th SapUmUr, at th. ilofllr. ThVmu Barns., J6BN. C0T tav Infant wn of W. D. and A. C Barnes, ag4 esUblishment of thegpyernmeov k MifM.sftia nrn nsiiiui Bbuawa bwmw tureof armt,orunauw,v. - . . : - i , Tolt UQlr muniUon. ol , warwnc . , - - ' WvJifRCPERS ABE CAUTIONED officer in charge mereo,, "TTT w .m- H "Ti 7o.tU about 19 or 2 yar. ei. Ubluffment; also aUMisans, f l puvu a Maaajt BBJltK . iS I . . . a a vit.i a an nam. a-ft- . . m a . tia larr v na aruuruaiii w so a kftr!"-! 'rjnnd an4 rsxi-teriaf hUj aaa. a. nioveea in the- eUblunment, J-i-C t . w iiiVmL AurwU, Otv. a.d M.IMaei.ja,.: ornay rma-ordnance.ord- are Ue had on a.Hxht gray irea and Othir munitions oT war, aaxid eaJ wt the Yarbore.gh Be. . - ir . -.t -tui vneir vna tv ' ' . : a-l n 111 III UI bug IJUI Lvu, - t 1 . . . ii i officer authorized y;him for the purpose, ahaU omc kT.w. .,thr of the otterativea required Saucb estaWiahment; all peraoua employed manufacture ot arms, or orouauvtf v.. j -. r tii It niall POTATUlia Vf A.n - i 0U ID at