.. - i' .. T - .- ... 1 1 111 '" (ft W3 : - yol. xxm KAIiEIGrH WEDNESDAY- MOENIT 1862' if,. .1 -' nN044 -.,;jO; 1 egtster; Unwrp'd by party rg to Uto lik brothers. . RAtEIGH, C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOV. 1, 1862. CONFEDERATE i MONEY A LEGAL of the Confederate .GoTerDment.1 "Who bo blicd as sot to see tbat Yankee cunniDg is at vork to destroy that credit maintained, willlbfee aud defea whiob, if a)l tbeir efforts to destroy os ? .And ye men, intel- EXCELSIOR IS TUEIR MOTTO. . : The speculators and extortioners are fiiog ing the first line of the old nursery song, v -'Hera we goj-opap" with a total neglect of the succeeding one of iTr . i' ' . . - Jieent men in the Confederacy, are co-onera- . j... ' i . ... ' : x-r ; - 'Abe iiag wnn inese aeTiis incarnate, ana aji ior tbe sake of exchanging a cnrreney which they are themselves depreciating for a permanent investment in other pTopery'WhatrfoIly, whaUmadness. or what treason ! L . - In connection with the above, we cop the pfolIowiDg article from the Bichmobd. Whig. It will be seen that to meet the emergency, it proposes certain measures which are just If the Coogre& of the Confederate States bad at its late seesIbD, instead of piddling a'wsy so mnch.pr its i time m discaising State Bight" bestowed its attention on the currency of the. Government, it would j as unconstitutional as an enactment by Con hive been employed core profitably for its gress that Confederate notes shall bo .& legal canstituenls. The" depreciation of Confede- tender in payment; of debt. Tbua tbe stop raU moDey is becoming more alarming every . page 6f interest when a crcdi pr refuses to day, for while it is , going down, ito fall" I' take Confederate notes ia payment of his necessaries of life are risiDg on swift and untiring wing. . 'Up up'j' higher, higher, is the word.. Butter is ' up to 1.25 cents per lb. " But butter! who! cares for butter? '.A fico, for the thing. We can do without it, and so can everybody else. The article is ranoid. . It offends the nostrils and smells 1 as rank unto Heaven as the cdour of 'so vil? laooasly stinking a commodity can rise in the direction of that pure region. But the necessaries of life ;are soaring above Alpine heights, h'lour has risen to $30 per barrel, corn meal to 1.90 per bushel, bacon to 65 cents hog- round, &c, &c. ''And the cry is, bcne, of wbat was reported to be- a big fighfats Prankliq onr SatardayJ tastAccordirig -to . tW versidb given by - ibis- Informant, 4here .was : n fijibt at - al). Soma. 800 or 1000 Yankees from Suffolk, crossed Black water :Kier, at a point 1 known as Bowjden Seine Hole, and captured six') f2U-he wen round a curie ahont "a half fojbree qoarters of Jaii!e' 6onth: of 'Waire Forrest Sta- t:on.-Udlmaa approacbtd' bjp " la W 'the whits' smoK or Bis. engine and. immeditelV 'blw. hia wuwire BBu revwrsea uis jpnginoi ;s ijus Detore to 18 could he. well done tb e en pi n ej; were al most i b i - iiiwwumi,vi(otbi ma. Hud t( couiaiugt na, tne ecgneers saved and six. miles north.otr lyartklin.? Inforns nion;' tbetnielves by lumping off The en-inea met and was speedily, conveyed ' to a heavy Confederate pluflged into eacbi:)tlier with a' fearfuf crash force notfardistantbut before ther could : reach where ther the jpptlha Yankees, suspecting a-inaelhing ; of me boi t recrossea, ana male ror.utt.Jit; Uut of; tbis comf actively ; inBigni ficant' a&alr grVw the thous?H and one rumours': wbicbr; were adwt id' Petersburg Sunday-some of tbem ; reproenting that -jve Bad met with k dieastroos defeat; - We have brave troops in tbat d ir cti on , wli ,u n-; der the gallant and diatinguisbed Gen. Petigr.cw,' will achiavegloriotis results whenever opporWnty rners. i. r T.mtinff qd nominally 4 every spec es oi pro- debt, would be ex post facto, and, therefore, I . . ; , , r o . - i- - - r i - . . , , , i ter xo., nour to tu-per ooi ana corn certv and article of necessity. io, wnere i unconstitutiocal, and -the compulsion of the . , , . . Fef Jr . - I , , , . tr, . ri meal to $3 per bushel, people possessing suoh IS tulS IU vuvif iuu uur 4i u wvfiu " vauuui hue) kjiutcs iu icucivu vumcuviaiu neither speculators nor extortioners- to live, Treasury notes at par,' and compelling depos- andhow are otir armie to be kept in the itors to receive them in like manner would field? We leam that the Sheriff of Wilkes stand in the same category."' Xn each" case, county is, or has been in lialeign ; for - tno i the enactments would be a .violation of vest- articles must act upon the maxim of i , i . . '- "Fast bind, - -j . Fast find,"; and be happy if bolts and bars, watch and ward, will secure to them what Major Dal- People won't purpose of consulting with Gov.Vanoe as ed rights, ex post facto, and unconstitutional, getty would sail their provant. Pe to the course to be pursued towards persons Let Congress go to the wot of tbe matter stve 'it they .can, help themselves. iahis County who refuse to receive from him Confederate money collected by him in hia cf5cial capacity. : A " in Wilkes, sq it will be iu other counties, unless remedy for this most alarming evil is found. We cao think of but one remedy, and that is for at once, and make' Confederate notes a legal tender ; The CrRRixCY. The State Legislatures wilL I we believe, -all be in session tbiawin$er and will j thus have an opportunity of acting concurrently upon any matter falling within their jurisdiction, involving the general "wealr and on which they could judiciously or usefully take action. . We do the Congress, when it reassembles, promptly not conceive it wise or tafe to leave eyerjthiDg saw tw " l n r j . AnJa relatiog to tbe yar to the legislation of Congress , Wo do to make Confederate tnqney legal tender. vhf.diweUn.of the'EawavIthe.iVrlT been. We know it will be said that such an enact ment will' be- unconstitutional. ? Bat grant ing this to'bethe case,1 b knot better for us to violate one provision of the Constitutioo for the purpose of maintaining the Govern ment which has.been created by it, than, by tenaciously adhering to such provision, lose Constitution, GoVernnient and all and be compelled -io uouji w u - triumphant enemies i may choose to impose on a conquered people V There is no disguising tb.3 fact that such is the alternative left W U3. As we remarked In our last paper, a more blind- and infatuated policy than that of depreciating Confederate money cannot concijedrisajr cause in which our. liberty and onr property early stages of the contest the, powe of the States was brought to bear with the most telling effect. The armies first brought ints the field were raised and fquiDp"!! almost wholly by the States, j But, we would not recommend legislation by them now on matters purely military, lest conflicts in policy and collisions cf authority might result. THE FEVER IN WILMINGTON The Journal Bulletin of Tuesday says : The number of interments yesterday in Oak dale Cemetery was five. This we , Eubposevwas about tho limit of burials .of white persons, but does not include negroes, who are going off much more rapidly than at the outset of the epidemic. Tbe negro cannot withstand cold. . We ourselves two colored funerals yesterday, by acc djnt. notkuow bow many mare mere may have their consideration is the currency. It has. been suggested that tho States should give their indi vidual endorsements to tbe notes cf the Confed eraie G vemment, pledging their laiib and mans to tbe redemption of these issues.' 1 Butj aa it is not believed that the depreciation in Currency has g'on out of any want " of Confidence in the Coqftlerate Government, it may be well 'doubted whether such endorsement is needed or would prove of practical benefit. As ' this depreciation results almost solely from superabundance of cir culation," a wiser policy would be ihe adoption of measures calculated ' to reduce and restrain such excess "A contemporary suggests, as one fruit-; lul source of michtaf;!the fljod -of shiriplasters" by which the auntry it inundated.' , Measures ii KAis'- f hould ha HdoDted for czcliidinz from cir- cf everv description are involved, and .the cufa ion everything-but Oontederate Treasury men engaged m the work, however loud may denomination and of every description. They amount to a serious evil, tha worst effects of which we have not yet realized aQd tbis consid eration, of iiselt,' would bs a sufficient reason for their suppression : but it becomes absolutely im portant in view of the large arbount which they add to our already ledundant currency. We have no idea what apiount of these sbinplastera are afloat in tha Confederacy, but there is scarce ly a villago" or cross road in tho ' country from' which tbey are not isaaed, -and of .all denomina tions, from five cents to five dollars. This evil should be corrected at once, 'i The Confederate Treasury is iseumg pneandtw'o dollar bills," and no other person -or" cwfboration in the country should be permitted td issue"' bills of tbatize.- To meet tbt necessities for. change, the Jianfcs ht tbecountryVsboutd be Required 10' issae' Change' bills .lrom4ve tofiy ,?enie,And the issue of tbe should1 not be allowed to:;exceed ';a;. certain per cent of their capital."' ". Xi."J- ', V-l -.V, , In the next place toe Banks should be required ti rnvivn Confederate Treasury! notes on deposit the lace J ' ie iXO no jjc "v .g,-" i n par, unuer.peuauy iooiirtu uw wiuuvst : :ltt;'. v- .zr 1 and deiosltbrs should also! baconjpelled to receive rint. hnl tn tnft lnieillCCUfc ! vy . niivo , I . f . - n - The number of new cases reported for yester- terday.is 15. These are the cases reported by the regular Physicians, but we are requested to state tnat there are sevei at negroes, as well j as seme white persons, tdwhom no regular 'Physician is oalled That tome aire treated empyrically, and others not at all: and that therefore the regularly Toe most imj.ori.ant and' bt fitting subjpet for I reported cases oo not fepreent thowhola amouLjb ot lever, but only an approximation to it. - f Frim the State Journal;' J f i' ; FHIGHTPtJL ACCIDENT k K AXi RIG II AND .GASTON RAILROAD. ropitiiTLIO AKD; SIXTEEN WOjjND-i I LIST OF KILLED AND WOUN&J$D.. be their professions of loyalty to our cause, are in very truth and jdeed fighting a most efficient battle for our damnable foes; Mo ney is tbe sinews of, war. ..Without money we can neither equip, or. feed and keep on foot our armies. It is, therefore, manifest that if Confederate currency depreciates to a point when it will bease, or nearly cease to be. regarded as money t as an equivalent Tal "ue for property of any idescription, .we must look to either a'disbandment of:our armies, or a seizure by the Government ,of all articles necewary for tLeir maintenance.?: To one of these complexiona.iit musts come' at ; last. Why, then, will not inei look' this matter in ( The Bulletion of Wednesday sajs : The number of interments of whites at the Cemetery yesterday was nine, and we have heard of sofoo seven or eight colored intermen'si For this we do not vou':n,tuttnuik it more thin likely, an,d not &r from correct. !-' i; - Twelve new cases are reported as bating occurs red yesterday, This is a decided . falling ff, al though there would seem to be aa increase in the mortality, ' J ) .', .' We expeot that as far as j the number of eases is concerned, the epidemic has reached its, climax,. and that there will be a gradual falling off until a frost destroys the Desiroy-' er, ' There h-s been no frost in Wilmington as yet, although there, have been several days of cool and bracing weatner. ! .7 . :: , A most frightful and fatal accident occurred on .Raleigh and Qaslon .Railroad yesterday (Tuesday) morning, resulting ia the instantane ous death rot three'persor a. and wounding some fijtfeen others, three of them, it is feared, fatally, ! and in tbe destruction of two engines and several cars.- .. . . j : ; :. . ' t , ' From what we can'Iearn, it appears thai after the, morning mail train had lefy-an engine and two gravel cars started out' from Iialeigh On reaching Huntsville the engineer, resolved to run 'through' to ForestviHe, intending to make that point at which to pass the accommodation train coming South, and dashed on at a rapid rate. On neaHng its .destined point, and whilst dashing round a short'eurve, it came upon the heavy. ac- cpnamodation train, running at a sp-cd of about tWeptv naile8 an hour and down grade. . ' V The collision, was frightful. Ihe force was such that, we are informed, tho engine of the gravel train, was forced over; the engine and tender of the accommodation,; and into the first car. of that trai4 dashing the passengers violently to the' back xof the car " and through its shattered sides, and . windows.- As we have stated, three persons in-, stany lost their life and. fiitecn were wounded. The engines are a t-ital wreck and.the car. were terribly smashed up. ! : ; . i , ! Jrs. McKee and JE3.il! of this city, on, Rearing J or. toe acciaent, lmmeaiaieiy aepai tea to tnescne of destruction with a special trair., Un their re turn we hope to obtain full particulars. ' i We learn tbat the accommodation train i was a little' behind time whan the accident took place. in consequence of having to wait for the op mail traini ' ! fsome ear they can heverbe disen tan fried w ,enuer.xi xioiieman'9 ' tram was ;Torced with a bo jnd over the iadiea car. Dassincr ever it in an angular directim, and smashing every thing w a.vius. , xiic mriiute euuenng ana loss 01 me which we have recorded is the deplorable conse-quen-fce.-'1;.--- -:,Z:.rJ, - r:,. ; We bave nly to add that; we heard it remark edi by passenger, that if but one freight pat had brcn between the lender and ladies car, this iv fol. catastrophe, in. 'human sufforlng and fos of life, would have been averted. ;! We saw ' lit. Lindsay, late ot Norfolk1, who saved his life bv instantly faliing down on the' floorof the coach, at thejahie trmo dragging a-by down with him, whose life was aleo saved We further; learned tbkt in consequence of a 'consultation among the surviving passengers about punishing Hinton,'. the engineer, tbat gentleman has not since been seen. We can only say, in behalf, of tho public, thkt as be was running out of time and, as it is said contrary to orders,-he has incurred an aw ful responsibility. - v f.- - -;-t X'f t. vvo learned at 10 o'clock," last night, thatlJlrs. Brtland w9 d-ing as well as could bo expected. Surgeon , Gen. Wflrreh ' assisted, tue other physicians mehtioned in tb; amputation of het log. "' '- . -..'.. . . ! i. -.-.i From the State Journal of Thursday. THE ACCIDENT ON THE RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD Of tho-wounded reported bv tho latenccident. Mr.1 JJarras, son and grandson are! not seriously huh. Sergt Jno. H. Hardy, 5?th Rcgt N. C. T. had his left arm 'and right '.leg badly bruised. jute caiiea at cur office Wednesday morning. ; He ha3 Got been able to usq bis arm since tho accident, b'H ho Will soon reebver. He has'left the city .in tending to Bpend a few days at his brother's ;in jMortoampton county, lie was hero on detailed Service, v " ,' "- "'';-" ".-',' . ;..'. ; Mis. Roland, of Sianlv, whPse leg wss ampu- iieu, is ewppiug at Mr, j. u.. uroraeil s, and was doing well yesterday jeyening, thoughj'suffcring much, pain. , . 1 , jj. . Airs. Jane liey worth, of lUvflsonls stopping nxt aoor. to jjir. iroraeil s, andthocgh her face is oaaiy oruisea,6he is not thought to :be seriously n BATTLE BETWEEN FLOYD ANDV.T11B .4 Cajptain Stephen i lIaUey,.f Foyii :cetnmandy ; arrived at juynenpurg on Sunday evening anarc- Lawf f nee ciouniyi JhTy chSojiday tha,! Jtbinrt z i',. ana;; onemy-, wwarvjanur9ugv Hf-. rtwnjnu,fi. . ' boraoed about .tuWrallc.i Co! Wwi-i.iV-of' ; " ' COmnandea;on our 'iCj-and recoivci , patmal j ivbu'nd In the dI.cabt?VirfI Sfrimes wa'tni' thin tbrofiia tie''tliisb, and' rava'ia,5 Hantpfori 'x and Ball were wotrndedr , the IUBrrpdsd itypt be mortally, as" be w:w shot iliroughtle lungsy , ; ,Wf captored 20Aorsc. Wd hPad of fea'ilfl, Mid fix- ' prisoner.; .'Cat: ilaley t jprojent? Flby '& cmn. 1 j mand as tw;ing,wpll clad' well rmtl, Iwilh pDn-. ty of prof ision, ntti in goopiril?. p' Y " . t if JtEWAltD.h.r. IVIXIV GlfrEI Tilt!"-' anorn rowara for 'XftUtv; minuu ccrr; - . if safely- difivenxl Said Trunk was somewhere 6n tho kTEK, nttsboro 30th'll. Ji. U. T, f . 64 to te Express jbB, in Raleigh. 7 ' lost about th" 15th of last 21aroh,"T l0 line of the Central Rsjjlrod.r , Notice-,;- t-. iv.. j I WILL iAY;TlI2 UIGMliST JjlAKKET ' price for Fodder, Oats orflay, delic"r4 at my t . fcjtaoics, (fo'rmtriy ClaytoaV.) Ralolgh 21., C, oppuH . site Market Square. , I. IS. l'llAXKLW," . oc 2'J Im" Jonrnal ami btandard copsf 1 toon to. 1.7 77 ;-t ; Negroes at Auctidri. TN TUESDAl TIIE FOUrtril OF'O- J vernVcr, 1603, at tu Court ,Iius4 opir: in .O iprd, C, I ' it ill loll," o tha highest bidlor, a MAW, a WOMAN and B0V--lI youn and ratfcly.i Thert mil be n rosarye and no by4iduer . oo 29 tds r."B. AictioneAr. , r ""- UEAPriArttTEus otn Kho t X. O, xnoors Cauip near Winchcstor, Va. Ort. -1S W62 wr . l w m a a at , a m . 4 ar titk vn m m m 9 r I 131 Ui, JULjI AU31i.ll- HllJlUlirf jLi Ioiv,o Iroui Cth r. C iroojto : . - .- . James Case;, ia a Pattlsan Corp Term I fiacc 2Iet ,. o n vouv. in a raruan wrDK. icnn.. tanca 2 lit oi : - jane. 1004. v . ,' - . J W Bowman,, in Qailford Co, N 0, sinda 1st Aug '! iA7r Hf r T i. .v. t. n-oirrtw,.'.v-J jumi arm uroaen ana DOin less oaaiv I , ; : yi.i. Aug, isa.. ..mTvi tha itmnrant are led aatray. -There is not an intelHgent iwwjw does not in hia heart know tbat. if ihe "cagse- p!,tie Oonfed: efaoy.abaU sink In, roini tall Itbe property. in it wiU be ettbcrwVested-Yrpmb its -owners, or subject ed- taiuch 'ajj 'enor moa taxation for tbe finrposa' of Jiaidating; tie immense debt incorred by th Yankees in tbe will .render "it them lit the same' rates," or lose" their deposits. Stringent laws shoald also be passed by whicb theiiiterbst brall money depaaods, b.eJi cither by individuals or corrxwatiqns,jbrjrptd be stopped from the date at which a; tended of payment was made, in Ooniederate' Treasury7- notes'. ;:! W.e be iiave some siicb iegidlatfoh as' that iuggestod above is demanded, aod werbefpe to eee' ibe subject en gage the attention of. our btato legislatures. work "of oar Babjagation, as ,.ill ,'iehder well-nigb valuelesatIr is the interest, tnen of etery man wbo is not traitor t heart- who is not ready when the enemy ge ts hia fob u hold on oar soil to swear fealty to him to no ODly abstain from doing anything to disparage Confederate eanency,bfct to do eTerythmg m his nnWav tn maintain its. credit. s If wo suc- ceed in' acteiring ouf independence, every dollar of Confederate carrency will be re deemed, for jfitji-nr .cotton, tobacco, and the multiplied pfb'ducU.and resonrces of our innn'M a shall have a basis of credit "u,,;i -r " whicb ViU Enable our GfoTernment 10 b.orrow mon ey a Droadj Create sink tDg and for the mrlmi Mwmint of "tho debt, and the re- dempion of all ?its ' obligUions to the last dollar." On the other hjand, if we fail to win oar. liberty: there will not be a dollar of any o.tate ranc currency woiou wm . wo more than the paperi on : wbioh it is printed. 'These are facts which defy: contradiction. Why will not men pause la 'tbeir smcidal ca reer, and heed them ere it is too late 1 VTiy will they peneTere'in'aidfhg the yankeo?"in their efforts to subjagatd us; end either, con fiwate onr property outright and directly, or by a slower but not less sdrek prooeas, take it away f om ns by grinding taxation to pay the debt'ef 1,500 or .52,0500,000,000 which thej will have Incurred in ihe devilish work ot onr rabjagation. At tnis time we learn that the Yankees , oa our ' cokst are taiting, and profeating to an entire rexdiness to take par cotes of the Baaisvbf this 6 ute while bj wiU not luiadle wipr of topp thcae ' THE RAILROAD DISASTER. ; 1 We had' barely . time to notice, briefly in oar last paper tho dreadful 'coUisidnwhich took plaoe on Tuesday morning on the Ral eigh and QaatcinaiiroadL..Wogive to-day Ihe detail? of the disaster, as stated by our neighbor of the . Stoic. 'JwrtialiZ The hus band of Mrs. Rowlandi 'wbose ;r remains she was brioging home f roar Petersburg, was the individual who, iq a fit of insanity while in the Hospital in Petersburg, made the terrif ic, but fortunately not" fftal,; assauU on Dr. Warren, and afterwards rjumped "out of a window ani kHled himself by the fall. ; Her' situation is most pitiable, indeed,' and truly it is well for her that she is sustained by an unshaken trrut in'hcr. God and. the comforts of His holy religion. ; j , - -;'''- hi "For twenty years the Raleigh and Gaston Jttiilroad nas Deen in operation, ana ine iaie is the first disaster that can be traced. lo the nepligenoe or misconduci of one of (ts em ployees. '-The Road has been noterj for. its exenip'ions irom oomaiuua u ,D7'!f60 ur." L Tho scenes on the occasion of the disaster are saia uy inifxwgou bwis ovv unhurt to have, been of tbe most horrible d - scripfion rOne man -had he jtpp5 6f I bis head knocked off,', and with the brains .ex posed, lived Jong enough : to talk for some timein "the "most: erratio manner;. Others were'iamm'ed between broken pieces of tim ber ' apej with crushed and bruised limbs, lm-1 nlnred in niteous accents to be released Iroml their condition of -horrible; imprisonment. The reckless engine i driver, ?w boee .condact eansed lhis scene of deaWand'xnisery, should,' if ia no other manner,- Buser.in conscience more than the pana he naa inructea. I ..R.arl nn.l.ilo ' fT.l I Stalls it llrtn ff1 rf f "-rrrr--'-rM in ,BI of her favorite hvmns which she was Stal-federates.,, i ln trotfi, he thinks that iben fiihgipg. She felt happy under the inflawnci all the blood shed W this ( war is upon the' of the magic drug and gave vent to her feelings in . -... )-. - ".- - ' -'r, -fV- her'accustomed-Bong.- ,DJ;'.v -' .r skirts of . Jefferson DayiS and the Lonfeae- :wa vkited the Aleesrs. ' Barras at Mr. Can- raie States." .- - ! 'ri v i " : LcingimVI hotel, in this city, .and-were g;lad to COIFDEKA.T15 SOUTIII5UNER-- It ia hard td forget old habua of expression and conform our language to new id?ai and new con ditions of things. HeBCo it is that we so frequent ly hear- the worua tjouthern States, Northern States, true Southerners and tbe iiki. These were all accurate as terms' of.dutinctioa before the dis solution of the late -fJuion, and tbe formation of Our Confederacy. I ; Toe late Union had it3 Southern S:ateVand its Northern States. 'But what were the Southern Slates bave become the! Confederate Siates.leaving the Northern Stales ta retain the name of Unitt d Stales. The, former terms pt' distinction are now, therefore, inaccurate; and unnecessary. They have become impediments to right ideas. They are In the way oi'a full realization ol the new or der): They will gradually disappear from" "use; but we should hasten the time by carefully avoid ing them. j . - The term "Southern (Mates", suggest tneioea of some still unbroken jink of connection with tbe North. jtThe term Confederate! States'1 tells of entire tndepeh'dence. jWe do ncj; like to hear even of iSouthern books. or Southern paper; it implies 'opposition rather' than Iseparation, and Southerner is no longer tho . proper word for our citizens! A gqqd "Southerner" jmeans simply a good and true cuizeh of the Confederate. States. -r-Wby not 'clearly recognize this fact instead of :usirig"a terra whtchTlmplies that he is, perhaps, at some liberty - to bestow bis allegiance elsewhere 7 ' A Northerner" in our midst is simply a traitor or a spy. Let us call him so. 1 There has been soma repugnance tov conceding the name of United Status to our enemies. But that ia ajl gone now. Thsy .have made it odious, as weu as everything else that we betd in common with tbeui. Besides, 'United States" means a thing v'erY different from its former' significa tion. - .... :-: . Our own tiamo is a!very convenient one for' comoion use; much more so than ','United Statea.' Confederate is a noun as well as an adjective; and we can very appropriately, as wel as euphonious ly, stylo our citizens Confederates jj whereas it re quirts the phrase which we' here: employ to do-" Xet iis comlorm our xpresoions' to the charged conditions. iiot us evince and cultivate abecom-, ing dignity and self-respect by jusing ou'r" own good name rather than; terms of mere opposition to the Yankees. . Conlederate Siates, Confederate citizens. Confederate books, Contedeiate papers. . Let ujorget io.o Yankees, sutficiently to u&esuch terms as tuoao. Richmond Enquirer., t ; - f i 'I The Enquirer should talk to "Conserva tt'e'MIoldeQ. ' That worthy "can't abide the word "Confederate." ( It lis offensive to bis ' APDITIONAL PARTICULARS.; j Since the foregoing was put in type, the dead and woun.led bave i bceh brought lo. town, of wtion tbB following 'list has been furnished us by an iiRKnsva inena; fumseu,we oeueve, at assen ffer Wlhe illfated "train. Tab list rcaeied .us through Mr. W. C. Ujchurch,of this city, i List of Killjcd and Wounded. . j . . KILLED. j f-. ..... Nesbitt, supposed to bo from Concord. N. C. , liteiit. Utarke, JNewbern, JN. C. " ' .IJ 4- JBerryhillCbarlbae, N, C. Tbamas Roland, Stanly Couulyj NC, , -i , Col W. slight very tpigbtly, 1IT I' II XT WOUNDED Robt. Mowman and son, Newberry, S. 'C , V. Kivvin, Darlington Diitrict, S. C", Seri't'IIardy, 59th Regiment, Bertie county, f. U. breast bruised,; not seriously.-; : ; Wra. Cr. Templetan, iredeu county, JN. contuson in face, j r ' Andre. J. Wright, Grariville bounty, left leg brokeLi -'r .f.-en:-:;-.;.' -.- . Mrs! Jane Hay worth, Davidson county, NV C, badly cruised, no bones broken i iMrsS fiva Cllotandj Siaoiy county, N. C, left legbrdkto. i'' lf fa f fr . "' I f Mr.ltofcCoe; Barrasf Pollookg vil I e, Jones coun ty, N.jCI, breast bruised. ; ; . : John A. BarrasjdittOi bruised in abdomen, not eeriously, . . v " ' ' . ; . Alexander G.'Barras, ditto, 5 years old, hip andJleg bruised. t - ,1- 'j WiHiftm. Moore, High Point, .N. C, arm sbat ered. ! '-'."' i ' t -" Li L, Conrad, Davison county, N. C, left foot cut off ' . -jjjm- ATert Elliagtony Henderson, Granville county, Nv C both legs broken below the knee. " Dick, servant of Air. White, Louisburg, N. C , ancle broken. .1 i Henry, brakesman, servant of Maj. Yass, Treasuier of the R. & G. R. R. Company, Iwgs bruised. '" """ '!" I- ! . - - : ( Severa others slightly injured. . ? ; ! Wfl' sa the bodies . of four dead men as de cently laid out as circumstances would allow and tying &id4 : by side in! one of the cars ; near tha Company . Pf'tffe sad spectacle, more . will sug gest itself to tho mtnd of the reader than we can no iay. f . fi ' "'' " - ' ';': ' ! . Lleufc. Clark was a ion of Col, H. J. B. Clark of Craven county, arid tvas an officer in the 2nd R?gt: N.jC. Troops. ; ' : ' : '. : ' . ' jlra, Roland, who ii mentioned among tho in jured, presents a lamentable case. We icarn tbat sne uav nome accompamea oy u?r latuer-ia-iaw, o visit her sick husband in an army hospital, but tuunu.,bini dead, f She was returning witb ms corpse, and by tbis sad accident h6r.fatharin'law was killed and she herself terribly . mangled. Doctors Jill and 'AlcKee, of this city, put her bnaer tbeTinfiuence of chloroform and amputated one of hef legs Tuesday evening about 4' o'clock. Previous to the amputation she bore, her ' pain with mdr than human 'courage, owing, it iaaid, to the genjuine christian" piety for "which she has b en distii'guisbed. We were accidentally pas- sine the hjiuse where the operation was perform-' ed ana more or jess tnannian wouiu bo wtb been, who could bave withheld a tear on listen Milton llarbio, in Maduon Co, siocv 22:SepV ISi m jf ernilk in Alcuowell , - 'ii , Dan'l bhehnn; in Kiobruond or Petersburg, :- June, 1502. a ..',r xvicnara saaaao, in xiicnmonu or t'cierur, iaca - . i since 17th V1 ' 1st July. 1802. Portland Baily, in Burke7 Co, N C, rinco 17 C W Burrows, in Randvlpb Wm O'Datiiol, in Davidson or Orange ojtinty, cioce 1st July, S0Z. ; ,, CoXPANT ". James Scott, in Orange Co, N C. sines I Jdty, 1862 James Carroll, la Orange Co, N C, since 9 U. Uarrard, V ;'f a . 16 T .. U "II tt ' I. It I. 4. m t uutjiiiai, umt arm uroaei bruised. 'He ls.doine wtll, Mr. L L. Conrad, of Davidson, is at the Fair Grounds hospital.: Dr. E Bhrke Hay wood, Sur ge .n iij cnarge, amputated his leg on Tuesday night." lie stood the operation Very well and is geniag on lineiy. . - ,. - . t Atti consultation on WedoewJavrnorninz with Dfb. C. E. J hnsoD, F. J. Hay woods, and R. d. Haywood, nr. js. Uurfew Hay wool amputated the leg of Dck, servant of Mr; White, of Louis burg. . He i also-is doing well. . ...... We &Juld not learn where Mr. Ellirirton'. of TT 1 . . ... rienaerspa, was carried to, out Will probibly do" j m i i. i i . so io-uay.; jie naa oo;n i?gs orouen and we have pni woh ot mo general touciiuae to K.now now he Ot Mrl .Wrkht, of Gransville, we could like i"e Jearn notairri. Ah y' person' inlorminz us of the coodiuon of these centleaien will confer a "1, - ;' vOmpajit . H. ... -.: : ; fvur uouijiw.iiwflmra Alexander Coleman, in Caswell Co, since 27 Ang,'t .- ..:-' ''- " ' Albert Dunavant, ia r .-,., A?, ', t i' i t :'j 1 -- w Li; T ' mm . tt m i 1 ""a ivo titi. ittiUAijs, jt, a. j. a.v I r Alvis Simpsoni in V" " ' " 1 , ,i -.October 22. 1862. i f -A h r . . Comamv "r.. J At a meeting of the officers of . this Brigade. I A b' in wake Co, since 15th. July, 1$62. n ttt': . J.iiMnjey,,in r - lzta- wu.oucu iu unuijj, iu uiiioD uBiuj vvincnester, i . . - r - Compajiv"''K" .-JJ .Tmnna Mnrnir. In N f? Ar V Company ,- Wm BuchanaQ.in Mitchell Co, sin6o'S March, 184 liace Jiyrd, in ... - . " f 30 Adjust MerBrry Slale, in " . " . ,-.. I-H . " James llatchios, In N Cor Va', tf )0 .u John Hatohins, in Bui ke or Mitchell, rince 2!T Jane,'rj2. i. Jefferson Taylor, Alamance Co, since 20tb Bitot. 1862.' i Ihomas Ray, in ; ( , 'j : i " r ,1st -:, Bobt Albert. " " " lit Dct'r " John Sykee, ; - ' : adtWAiizt J 2j. 62. . Ya., this day; to express tHeir regreC and sorrow at the death of their lata Commander, Brigadier General George ; B. Anderson; from the effects of a wound received at Sbarp6burg,Md:f' On motion, Colonel Bryan Grimes i was called to tbe Chair, and papt. Seaton Gales requested to act as Secretary." ' ' ; The following Resolution, submitted by Lieu-" tenant Colonel Cox, were unanimously adopted, viz : ,-' ' -?.c k . 1--. - Whercai, We haye heard wih profound re gret that b,ur late Com miander, Gen. Geo tJ. An derson, whose pare and unsullied lifeL profound ability and manly virtues, won him j numerous admirers among all who knew him, has been re moved from among tis by Him who ;"doelh all th ngs well," Bo it. . : , j - - Resolved, That while - we bumbly bow in obe- dient to His will, yet we can but express, t ur J D Wolf, ia Orange county, since 3rd MaV, i8rtt $ 4 John Woif'V H I- ?':' ' :",! Thomas L Kay, ir4 Oraniro Co , " John: Haghes Alamance v. ' List of Conscripts who dcierUUnfaf Stadntotj Va.f:'i about 1st October; before reaching the Regiments -. 1 Emanuel Utnioxu lbomu Denton. Job a JnltittnnijJ'jl Thomas Moses, Joseph iUinser. Jacob Ii MooneT. i v a I' ". a id. k T . t m -V it a. . 2 i . Aivx. omiHi, ivouen iv varsncn; yono uioqti, James .-- Pool,; Job n 31 oQ rath, R C LaU, Wljf- gIaki X III Jiff " Carswell, John D Cook, Ueiiry Smithi' N CjCarswelli . Sam'f :Puett. r John Bwink Wia Cbanniaa. .Jbkiittu PBet;G V Smith au from Burke Co., Ifl C' fTha-,1 .-t usualipriee of $1 will be1 palfl ' for th'a apptebeasioa i v 1 and confinement ef any onr of them in atfv couat t ' f T - 1 AAA . V . 1 i ' . . . J"v . I . W an, or 4u jor ineir uenrery to cspu Jlovoy at oaiisonry, orat ia. uamp or iomuctlon at Italeizh. VI CUIUUIfUU vt. VMM, tft , AVI(T f I i "Lli' oo 2V 3t : N. JRAY, AcUdj AdjuUnt. State Journal and Standard eonv three times and 3 forward accounts to Regimental Qu.vUrmaalter, ' . ; : J . ' V. Sale.: rt';t-' j uificl'injh '. heartfelt sorrow at our great los. which denriVes ITILL Itl'i SOLD, O.N TliliSDAY TIIJ& " vil . il afOJWlsoifteTdfsb-ff -11th orrembcr, IM2, at, the Coutt House '. and our C8.use.and out State, of attainments' so df " Rutigh, the-MtowsBg lic. the Ipropwt - f 7t ; rarely combined, . - ..I , : S-o, vcjoy, , H- K Feather . Dcda. . I MatrnuM mil K.riMH. . 'I 9 UT..V L.'..-Am n defence of-: that South which he devotedly Toilet st. 2 wrA.hil i.i, nL:..j !nL-. cherished, and in: tioholding those rrincfples of i Violin, besides other articles. , . ' I .' , .. , freedom, which are sought to bo wrested from uis .Terms of sale will be six! linontlis'cre(liCth bond "L f andtwa approved retiM.l . i r r cltf?i .'31 t by tyrarnny and usurpation : and tho patriot oI- dior can ask for no death more glorious, tban ontf received in defence of so sacred. a causal Resolved, That ; wbile we would not obtrude upon the deep distress of his sorely-afflicted faml ly, yet wo request to be permitted to mingle our tears- with theirs and to assure them; tbat'we sincerely sympauiise 'with them in their deep aiiiiution. --;. - f ' . Resolved, Thlt a copy of those' proceedfnga be sent to the family of tbo deceased, affd to the 'j lift- m n 4 t t ' - i ivicuuiouu ivnig aou Eipquirer, ana inai men. 4J. papers ba xequostcd to copy ;t hem. r ' . ; . The meeting then adjourned. -"" ''' ' BRYAN GRIMEJS,1" ,:. "' ;:tv:. M ;. Col.; Com'g. Brigade, ,, J3fiAJW2f Gali:3, A- A General, . Jw,," -' 1- Secretary. :"r!: Jy; North Carolina papers please" copy. : ea 1--tdpd Mrs. Hi T. Miller - I f ' 4 J WILL DE PJlEPAtlFD ON THfii'IflST ' of next November, to rocivo BOAJIDKRS. V -1 . both with aud without rooms. ' , , i . ,'11 v: 4odi tf. 6epC20, 1862. :3j.i-y! ?tf;a f'T. . r V. r.'.Orawford, rv ;' ATXPUNKy; "AT LAW,-4 l:l bA ILL PROSECUTE CL4IJ1S AGAINST, j j the Confoderato Slate.' Particular attention 1 wul be paid to those of Deceased Holdicr. ' All i 'u7 hecesary papers wilf.be prepared and' forwarded -bv.. J bail on being informed of the facta of the'eaie.. " .'y. .. 00 25 lm n.nini n.i.in n.t.(.i?i . SOU yarda BRO WN: DENIMS. - j? ' : r j: THREAD, riOOKS tad PINS, c;" " 1.. . At oe 8 w3tw2t EYES, ; NEEDLES, i. C. MURRAY'S.) (up & 'THE FGHT;AT FBANJUiNU It seema froba the ifollowinff f article from the .Petersburg Express of Tuesday that the fight at JfraakliDlv Va.,-tarns oat 10 oe no fight, at all. Wei laytf - jtlwajVffcit nervous about the line of road between Pe ersburg and Welddoi knowing as wo mustll do, its tiul impottance to the CoBfederaoj. ; I We to repeal an as- hop that We are prepared Bault upon It i "vvi ! Thi Fjiurxios AJTAEt We saw Ta genile-; xaaa' yesterday afternoon froox tha immediate. find tbem kittinr up1 and conversine: upon tleir providentikl escape.; If not inter nallj injured, theii wou4d are not Berioos iu?4 -i ' Charjes-fiolleman, the engineer on Jhs wrecked train, is urliveraaHy 'acquitted, as far , aa we could bear, of all 1 blama. By -waiting f lhe'mait train going No!tbr at Wake forest, ho was do4 tained 15 tmiuutea behind scheduler time, and as toon aa that train passed him, he started his train J rr itaieigo, not expecting- ina any oue train would boon the track. But Sidney Hintoo, en-' gtbeer of a gravel train, atar ted from Hantsvillo immediately after the mail, train going North, which had passed Holleman'a train At Wake Fori V of courae to reach tbat point before 'HoileW man's Wain oould switch off on tho ; track. , Bat h was too late. , ' i '1'; !.' " j Vice -Yresidex Steth-uss' Advice to thi PXAJfrsiECA correspopdent of the Oolumbps (Ga.) Tunet writing trom Sparta Ga , uhder date of October 1.7th, informa . "that journal that Vice-' JPresiden t Sphens made a speech there.one- day uunmr me. wirua,iH wuicu ua iaiu iuat tue people mustplantcotton next yearthat we can not please 'JiDitnfit of Albemarle, Rvcky Mount, MO, May . 1 PaLmeraton better; than by not rauingl cotton " 21. .ifU tv. h'iA U, i- 1 tic to be riven ia the Kaletirh lUrffter. tLm SI C. 4 . J Notioe to Garnishees. V v i ri ONFEDEit ATE , 1 0 TATE s CPUllXeii.irn . - I. ft:. . . T m ... ' &c i t. . Ball.akd CHi.i2Tr. rhe Beast Butleri has con-. demned Uriah G. Patterson, of New Orleans, to be confined for six months at port 'Fickens, at bard labor, wilb a twenty four pound had attach ed to hia leg by a chain"fof an "insultibg rand seditious - report to tbe autboriuea ot -Uie United States. "rMi'' ' ' a ;'f J (: It apf'ears that Mr. Patterson registered him self aa an enemy.oi tne yonsuutuon, as inter pre Standard ud tha Plata Jonrnal, weekly ft fau week ' : . prtcedlog the next term of this Coan. to alj perioai .' . who have been earhiflheed in- this D.triet; to ancear f at tha next term and answer tuakovto ucb karouh !. menta, or farther prpeecding? wUl bateeompi . answer'--- :? , '4 w5 r? .. i Ji : '1 i- oe.18-i.w4w: -i. . JOS. BAMSEY, Clerk. ' .r ' Valuable Xiand and Saw Mlil for 'c j i:l'i3i!-vi4Sale..i;:-. h e Itl&xU ' - . -r M-a arl MM Afmmmt kr-. va. r i WILL SISl'-' HU; iliaui yar xiasA (j, : . - . . . J- ...... I W . I w bJrf Ak?IU rn- lWwlktoh57..ida, 10 m2e. aoathVe.rof RaleigS, J Arnment of UmT Dia-TTniled.StateB. but a friend of .S5-Tll ka r -mv .hf.t jtn ar. in id-. :! H the Constitation and Union, aa interpreted by hof Taaolt bwvoa ftepremiaeaoomfortablellonseg ; - tmnhJTlaiirpuro Henry play , v 3.;-, Md coirvement Bara. ' V v "..MIW.'' On tbe land ii a JTo. I STEAM. tAI4 MA.sna : ;7rt ?i Goo Jaws.-VVa are credibly informed that J plenty f long. W pine timber.' Juii .wiU ba aold r aaieaknerarrivedih acohftideratepoTt soma days j either with; or without tha land.'- i'P'-. t J1 0 t-f , tMTo with a careo of ahoea. biankeu and nowder. II f ..GEOKOC W..AIJrJyl60S. . - LCoeli-wtf .Etaadard epy wkly fbld..- J v