, - -r - . . , . . , - - " .V . , . '.-.'..- " - ' : . . ". 'VL A x - v - - , . " - ' - - . ' . ',. -. '..'-,. - . . " . . . . . . . - , .. : . . . . ; - ; 'it'C-j'..'.'-"r--iv- . . - --::r:.v:-v;'::- t - ' f . .' . V m:-miiiimi ,-' 8 1 J I. ik . i r - mm 8 !'!. I M fey;" c :- j'-V. f V. A . . 8 ii : 4 jt ii I 1 It - 'rr" mm-. I I t ? " e J - V I " 'if I.I'! " r - V ..... ' .. n ir- -.'X. - ''ii' . . 1 Lear W&du Varo' Tian.dy ttd. n. Anir Afrit TTadesfcoro iua diy by 7 p. m. , . LitTt Roeliaihwn Monday, Wedawday and. Fri day t5in. rArtT at. Chrvr.amdaji.by ': 'LeftT CUraw Monday, Widaaaday and Friday at .1 m. Xrrir at Rxiagbam day. by 9p.m. - From oklBzlam, hj Dotkvrf Store, Letha and i , Bear Branch, to MeIoxial4' Milla, 13 nulM and back, " ! .. one k vaek. - v ' " - :- -'J'"-" , W.. --j :" - tw Ttftckinrtiam Tnnndar at 0 a. m Arnre at McDonald's Milia tama day by It m. y Leara McDonald' Mitfa Thuraday at 1 p. to. Ar rlra at Rocklnrbam aama day by 7 p. m. r ; ' . Irom Lnerrilla, by Franklinburx, to Bocklnjbara, ? IS mil and baok, one a eek. . - Loara LUarrilla Triday at 6J a. m- Arriva at -1 Reeklni-aam aama day by 73 m. . - v . v " r : - Leara Rockincbam. Friday at 4 pm. Amra at LUaiTiUa aama day by p. ; ."J. - . Bonra 214?. (6201.) ' From Albeaarla U Swift Ialand, T milaa and back, :--';.-0Bt waek.'--. ' '-ir;; ' -V f - ..'. Laara Alba'marla Saturday at 161 a. m. Arrira at . Swift Iiland tama day by 1 p. m. - . ; . ' " ' Leara Swift Iiland Saturday at 7 a. . - Arri?e at ' Albemarla lama day by 10 a. m. v - , ' .Rotttb 227. (5208.) - v -. From Albemarla, by Efird'a Milla, Morgafla Milla, Bi Llek, Lara'a Level and flarmon'i Milla, to'Aldy J marie, eqaal t 13 rnllea and back, one a wee. - Lear Albemarle Wednesday at Si p. m. Arrire at Albearle Friday by 19 a! m. From Salem, br Winston, Sedfta Garden, Ger mantoirn. -Walnut Cote, Plna Hall, Madison, rieantiil and Wentwortb,'toEeidviUe, -" miiM and hack. thr Uraea week". - ; Leara Baltm Monday, Wednesday and F'Iday at 7 am. Arm at Maduon same aaysDy up m. , Leate Madison Tuesday, Thursday and Satur ' day as 8 m. ArrlVe at ReidsvUk same days By 4 p l " - - - XeaVe BeidsTllle Tueaday, Thursday andEatur day, after arrital of the Dantilte mail, say at 1 a m. ArriTe at Balem same data by 7 p m. . -Ilonte-40. -5205. - a TTrom Winston, hr WalkerstowD, White lioad ! and Blakely, to Wsinpt Cove, 2? railes and back, , once week. . - ; '. Leave Salem Saturday at 7 a ra. t Arrive at - Walnut Cove same day by 6 p m. Leave Walnul Cove Fridayat 7 a ra. Arrive ; at Salem tame day by 6 p m. . r - Roate 2250. 5206. Prom Salem, by Winston, Oldtown, Bethania, Flint Hill, Little Yadkin, Pilot Mountain, Tom' : Creek, Flat Shoal, ML Airy, Lovel's Creek (Va.), Hillaville, Cranberry Plains and Jackson's Forry, to Wythetllle, 93 mUea and back, twice a week. Leave Balem Tueaday and Thursday at 7 a m. Arrive at ML Airy same days by 9 p m. Leave Ml Airy Wednesday and.Friday at I ' a m. ; Arrive at Wy theyille same days by 8 p m. Leave Wythevllle Tueaday and Thursday at J a ra.' Arrive at Mt. Airy same days by 9 p m. - Leave ML Airy - Wednetday and Friday at 3 a m. Arrive at Salem same days by 4 p m. - Roate 2231. 5207. From Salem, by Clemmonsville, Lewisville, Panther Creek, Hanutllle, Yadkin ville, Hamp tonville, Locust Shade, .New Caslle and Brier Creek, to Wilkesboro', 70 miles and back, twice a week. - . Leave Salem Monday and Wednesday at 6 a m Arrive at Wilkesboro' next days by. 12 m. Leave Wilkesboro' Monday and Wednesday at 6 am. Arrive at Salem next days by 12 m. ' Route 2252. 5207 A. From Wilkesboro, by Reddle's Kiver, Wilbur and South Fork, to Jefferson, 30 miles and back, " twice a week. i ' - Leate Wilkesboro'. Tuesday and Thursday at I pn. Arrive at Jefferson same days by 8 pm Leave Jefferson Monday and Wednesday at J p.m Arrive at Wilkesboro' same days by 8 p m. Route 2253. r5211.1 ' From"- Madison, by. Beaver Island Crooked Creek, Colearille, Peter's Creek, Francisco nd Westfleld, to M.L Airy, 42 milee and back, once m mm mill ' Leavo Madison Tuesday at 1pm. ML Airy next day by 6 p m. . Leave ML Airy Monday at 7 a m. Madison next day by 12 m. Jloate 2254. 5212. From Walworth; by Eagle FalU, Arrive at Arrive at to Leaks- ville, It miles and back, three limes a week. Leave Wentworth Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday at 8 a m. Arriveat Leaksville same days " by 11J am. ' Leavd Leaksville Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday at a. m.- " Ayrite at .Wentworth samo days by 8 a m. - Roate 3255. 5213. From Leaksville, by Dan Bifer, Oregon and ilayfleld, to'Stacey ville, 16 miles and back, once a week. - r. ,"-.' , Leave Leaksville Saturday at 6 a m at StaoeyTllle same day by Ham. . :- Leate Staceyvllle Saturday at 12 m at Leaks rille same day by 5 p'm. Route 225. f5215.1 Arrive Arrive From Winston, by Mount Tabor, Vienna, Red ' Plains, -East Bend, Five Mile ork, Mount X ebo, Booneville and Walnut Lane, to Jonesville, 50 xnilea and back, once a week. - Leave Winston Friday at 7 a m. Arrive at Jonesville next day by 12 xo. . Leave Jonesville Saturday at 1pm. Arrive at Winston next day by 6-p m. . . Route 2257. 5210. Fromi Germantown, by Wilson's Store, Neat man, Danbury, Bed Shoals, Martin's Lime Kilns, Smith'a Valley. Colesville and Avo (Va.), to Pat- ' rick C. H. (V a.), 42 milea and back, twice a week. Leave Germantown Tuesday and Friday at 6 a m. Arrive at Patrick U. 11. same days by 8pm. . . " j ' Leave Patrick C.H.. Wednesday 'and Saturday at 6 a m. Arrive at Germantown same days by 8 p m. '. - -c'- ;" ". ot 2258. 5217. 'v From Mount Airy to Hay Slack, 14 miles and back, once a week. LeaverMount Airy Wednesday at 6 a m. Ar - rive at Hay Stack same day by 11 am. Leave Hay Stack Wedifesday at 12 m. Arrive at Mount Airy at same day by 5 p m. ' Route 2250. f52 18.V From Mount Airy to Do bson, 12 miles and . back, once a week. . Leave Mount Airy Friday at 3 p m. Arrive at Dobson same day by 7 p tor ' Leave Dobaon Friday at . 10 a m. Arrive at ' Mount Airy same-day by 2 p m. V Itoote i2GQ. f5219.1 Fromjllockord, by Richmond Hill and Mount . neDO, to iadklnvilie, 15 miles and back twice a 'week. . . .j Leave Bockford Monday and Friday at T a m. Arrive at Yadkin tills same days by 12 m.' Leave Yadklnville Monday and Friday at 2 'f ti , Arrive at Rock ford same days by 7 1 m. Route 2261. CT222. . From RoJtford: bv Siloam. Stonv. Ridsre. Old Richmond, Bethania and Rural Half, to German iownSS miles and back, once a. week. " . '. Leave Rockford Monday atO-a m. Arrive at . ucruikuwwa uuiq oay oy T p. m. . ' . . . ;- Leave Germantown Saturday at Gam.. Arrive 4 v at RoeVford same day by & pm. . ' f - . . Route 2202. 5223. j . h From Bockford, by Kusk, to Dolrfon, l7 miles . and back. once a week! .. 4 Leave Rockford .Monday at 6 a,m. .Arrive at . ;Dobeon saweday by 12.m. . . . .".."'Leave Djb6n Monday at 1 p m Arrive at eukkioui same aay oyj pm. . - Rente 2263 J522I. FrotonesvUleby Elkin, Slata Road! Oberrv Lane, Glade Creek and Gap Civil, to Indenen- V I r ' (V.), 42 miles and back, opcaa week. . . . i ; : - M - Jeava jonoa.ville-Wednesday at 12 m A rrivA at xndependaoca next day by 12-m. leava Independence Thursday at 1 p m. ; Ar rive at Jonesville next day by 2 p m. " ' - -m'-'" Hwt 22G4. 5225. Y . From Hamptonville, by Zion, Union Grove! Hew Hope, Mount Pisgah and York Collegiate Institute, to Taylorsville, 35 miles and back, once a week.'" .--- t - -. - .., r"-S- i,IImptwvU!e Fiday at 6 a m. Mrrfvd - .t yorsuie ssme day by 6 p m. ' . " "i?eTifvi!J ? Sstnrdav f.f. A a m-V Arrive " Leave Olin Friday at ft a m . ArriTftt BtotM- ville same day by 12 m." , , - Y. - : -1 . Leave tateiville Friday, at l? p.m. 1 Arrive at Olin same day by 8 p m; ; ; - --i -r i : ; Route 2260. 5227. , J . ' Jrom Hamptonville, by Oak Xevel, Auburn villa and Lovelace, Id Wiikesboro, 29 milea nd back, once a weeti''.---"---.--.'. : -t - Leave Hamptonville Friday M 12 m. , Arrive Wi'kesboro' next day by 11 a m. i v : ; - ' :1 Leave Wil kesboro' Saturday at l m.. Arrive at Lovelace same day by .5 p m. ; '' ) - r--V . ' - Leave. Lovelace Friday at 7.A m. : ; Arrive -at Hamptonville same day by 11 a :. : " j m v -S - Route 2267. 5229. ' : From Wilkesboro', by Hay Meadow, Trap Hill, Elk Spur, Cherry Lane, Glade Creek, Gap Civil, Elk Creek and Potato Creek, to Mouth of Wilson (Va.), 50 miles and back, once a week. , ' Leave Wilkesboro' Friday at 1 p m. . Arrive at Mouth of Wilson next day by 7 p m. I -. Leave Mouth of Wilson' Thursday at a m. Arrive at' Wilkesboro next day by 12 m. i Route 2568 - 5230. 4 ; From Wilkeabo'roV by Mulberry, Laurel Springs, Stony Hill and Scottsville, to Mouth of Wilson (Va.), 40 miles and back, once a week. .Leate Wilkwboro' Thursday at 8 a m. ! Arrive at Mouth of "Wilson 'next day by 12 m." " X- Leave Mouth of Wilson Friday at I p m. . Ar- .rive at Wilkesboro' next day by & p m. . Route 2269. 5Z31.J . Prom Wilkesboro'. bv Parlear'a Creek and Rotherwood, to Boone, and back, by Botberwood, Stony Fork, Maple Spring and Lewis' Forki to Wilkesboro , equal to 38 muea ana dbck, once a week. ; ' j " -;l ;. . Leave Wilkesboro' Monday at 5 a m. Arrive at Boone same day by 7 p m. Leave Boone Tuesday at 5 am Arrive at Wilkesboro same day 7 p m. " i KoCTX 2270.. 5232.1 ' From Wilkesboro'. by Elkville. Fort Defiance, Lenoir and Copenhagen, to Morgantown, 48 miles and back, oqce a week, with ah additional weakly trip from Wilkesboro', by Elkville and Fort De fiance, to Lenoir; and back, by .filing's Creek and Warrior Creek, to Wilkesboro', eual to 31 miles and back. . " Jeayo Wilkesboro' Monday at 8 p m. at Mcrgantown next day by 12 ml Leave Morgantown Tuesday at 2 pm. at Wilkesboro' next day by 7 p m. Leave Wilkesboro' Friday at 8 a va. Arrive Arrive Arrive at Lenoir same day by 7 p m. Leave Lenoir Saturday at 8 a m. - Arrive at Wilkesboro' same day by 7 p m. - . Koutk 2271. 5233. From Wilkesboro' by Hunting Creek, Zimmer man, Poplar Bridge and Union Grov$ to Olin, 30 miles and back, once a week. .Leave Wilkesboro' Wednesday at 7 rive at Olin same day by 6 p ra. Leave Olin Thursday at 6 a m. a m.( Ar Arrive at Wilkesboro' -same day by 5 p m. ROUTX 2272. 5236. . . From Jefferson.-by Beaver Creek, E!k Cross Road?. Moreta'a Mill and Boone, to Sugar Grove, 30 miles and back, once a week. Leave Jefferson Friday at 7 a m. Arrive at Suarar Grove same day by 6 p m. Leave dugar Grove Baturday at 7 am. Ar- rive at Jefferson same day by '6 p m. ROUTB2273. 5239. From Mocksville, by Clarksville, Hampton- ville and Jonesville', to Elkio;32 milea and back, twice a week. . : - . Leave Mocksville Tuesday and Thursday at 7 a in. "Arrive at JUKin same aays or o p m. ' Leave Elkin Monday and Wednesday at 7 a m. Arrive at Mocksville same days by 6 p m. ROTTTX 2274. 0240.J From Statesville, by Fancy Hill, Stony Point, Taylorsville, Little Rivor and Deal'a Mills, to Lenoir, 47 miles And back, twice a week. Leave Status ville Monday and Friday at 7 a m. Arrive at Lenoir same days by 10 pm. Leavo Lenoir Tuesday and Saturday at 6 a m. Arrive at Statesville same days by 9 p m. . BoTTTK 2275. ; 5242. From Statesville, by New Sterling, Elk Shoal and Taylorsviile, to Wilkesboro', 43 miles afid f back, onco a week. ? - Leave Statesville Saturday at 5 a m. Arrive at Wilkesboro' same day by 8 p m. Leave Wilkesboro' Friday at 5 a m.' Arriye at Rtatcsvillo same day by 8 p m. Routs 227G. 5248. From Statesville, by Bethany ChurehTurners bare, Olin, Williamsburg and Eagle , Mills, to Hamptonville, 23 miles . and back, twice a week, 10 Olio, and once a week the residue. - 1 Leave Statesville Tuesday and Tnursday at 7 a m. Arrive at Olin Bame days by 12 m.. . ljeave una Tuesday ana xnursary at i p m. Arrive at Statesville same days by' 6 p m. Leave Olin Wednesday at 7 a m. Arrive at Hamptonville same day by 12 m. .Leave Hamptonville Wednesday at l p m. Arrivo at Olin same day by 6 p m. ; Route 2277. 5245 From Morgantown, by Perkinsville, Colletts villa and Globe, to Valla Crusis, 36 miles back, onco,a week. , LeavejMorgantown Friday at 1pm. Arrive at Valle Crusis next day by 5 p m. Leavo. Vallio Crusis Thursday at 7 a, m. Ar- rrive at Morgantown next day 12 m.' ROUTK 2278.1 5246. From Morgantown, by Linnville River, North (Jove, Gra&sy Lreek, liakersville and Ledger, to Burnsvillw, pi miles and back, once a week. Leave Morgantown Wednesday at T a m. Ar rive at Burnsville nexl day by 6 p m. Leave Burnsville Monday at 7 a m. Arrive at Morgantown next day ,by 6 p m. ; f RoUTJt 2279. 5247. , ' From Morgantown, by Dysortsville, Miners ville and CuDa, to Ruthefordton, 39 milea and back, once a week. : -. Leave Morgantown Saturday at 5 a m. Arrive at Rutherfordton same day by 7 p m. Leave Rutherfordton Friday at 5 am. Arrive at Morgantown same day by p m. ROUTJE 2280. 5248. . ' From' Marion,- by ; Black Mountain," Stone Mountain and Edney ville, to Henderson ville, 44 milea and back, once a week. "t . Leave Marion Saturday at 6 a m. Arrive at Edney vilie same day by 6 p m. Leave, Edneyville Thursday at 6 a m. Arrive at liendorsonville same day by 11 a m. , Leave Hendersonville Thursday 2 pm. Ar rive at Marian next day by t p m. Rout 2281. 5249. From Grassy Creek, by Rose Creek, Childs- ville, Yellow Mountain, , Cranberry Forge and Koan .Mountain - (lenn.), .to- Hoe. River Cove (Tenn.), 5"D miles and back, oncJ a week. . Leave Grassy Creek Friday at 6 a m. ArHve I at Doo River.Cove nexfrday by 12 m. f u i rive at Grassy Creek .next day by 6 p m " .. " . Rout 2282. 5250. From Burnsville,' by. Day Book, Red Hill, Fork Mountain, Limestone Cava ( Tenn.) and H Doe River Cove (Tenn.), to Elizabethton, (Tenn.). lacuies idu inconca a wees. Leave Barns ville Saturday at 1 p m. Arrive at EUf abethtown next day by 4 p m. Loave EHf abethtown Friday -at 6 a m. Arrive at Burnsville next vJay by 12 m. , .-R0UTK2283 525L. From Burnsville, by: Bala Creek; Ivy 'Gap, Paint Gap, Ivy, democrat,' Stockville and Reenis Creek, to Ash ville, .39 miles and back, once" a wk. '; . v" . ;;'f-" : . . . '. Leave-Burnsville Mpiiday.kt .6 a m. Arrive aCA h ri.lle sam day-by 6 p rn. " . Leave Ash ville at Tuesday at 6 a m. 'Arrive at Burcavillo samo day by 6 p m. .-; Rout 228. 5252. : From Burnsville, by Crab Tree, Falls Sprjjce Piae, Grassy Creole and Turkey .CoVe to Marion, 34 miles and back, onee a week. - ; t. . . Leavo 'Burnsville Friday at 2 p m. Arrive at faripn next day by p m. " Leave Mario Saturday at p m, " Arrive at Grassy Creeksame day by 6 p m. ( Iave Grassy Creek. Friday at 6 am. Arrive at Burnsyjlle same day by 1 p m. , . - j EoutJt2235 5257. . : ' . ' From Lineolhtoh, by Whita Pine, Buffalo Pa per Mill, Shelby C. H., Fillmore, Stephens, Mooreslwre', Webb's Ford, Rutherfordton, Green Hill, Grassy KtHt 'f?h?mrmy RV-Pir VVtllow f and Fairsijw, tp. Ash ville 85 -jmile S back, 1 Saturday at 6 'wmlV Arrive at ijhyille saitte days by 6 p mi." V- $-t-.'' w '..s:-' '"'r-z,!.-". v Leave Ashville Monday,' Wednesday and Fri day at a. nu Arrive at RutbiTdtonr same Leave Ruthertoratott auesaay,? xnureuaj Saturday at 6 a ro. Arrive at AshvUle same aays . . RoUTX-2286. 5258. ; "From Llqcolnton, by Nail Factory, Yestel . s Ford,' Dallas, Pleasant Ridge, ' Catawba Creek, Crowded Creek, and New Centre1 (Sj.'C), Jo Yorkville (S C), 41miles and back," twice a week, . Leave Lincolnton Mondayand Friday at 6 a m. 1 Arrive at Yorkville same days by 7 p , Leave, Yorkville Tuesday; and Thursday at 6 a m. Arrive at Lincolnton same days by 7 p nv - , : iRoutb 2287. 5262 e ' From Shelby, byPierceville, Double Shoal and Garner'i Ford, to KnobCyeek, 18 miles and back, once a week, i , :.: -'"!' - I Leave Shelby Monday at 1 p m. Arrive at Knob Creek same day by 7 pm. ' J;- : Leave Knob Creek Monday at 6 a m. . Arrive at Shelby same day by 12 m. i f . (Routs 2288. .6283. " ! -From Shelby, by Stlce'a Shoal. Erwinsville and Grassy Pond (S. 0.), to Limestone Springs (S. C), 20 miles and back, once a week. - . Leave Shelby Wednesday at 8 a m. Arrive at Limestone Springs same day by 12 m. . Leave Limestone Springs Wednesday at 1 p m. : Arrive at Shelby same day by 7 p m. .. r 5 j Rout 2.289. 5264.1 - I From Shelby, by Birchettsville, Nicholsonsville, Camp Creek,' Grassy Pond (S. C), Algtwd (S OX and Templematf Mills, to Spartanburg C. ti. (8. C); 36 miles and.baok, once a week. j Leave Shelby Thursday at 6 a m. Arriveat Spartanburg O. H. same day by 6 p m. i Leave Spartanburg C. H. Friday at 6 a m. Arrive at Shelby same day by p m. , ' " I- IROUTB 2290. 5265. From Shelby, by Muddy Fork, Old Furnace; Dallas, rprowder's Mountain, King's Mountain, White Plains andX71ingman, to Shelby, equal to 26 miles and back, nee a week. Leave Shelby Tuesday at 6 a m. Arrive at Shelby next day by 12 m. ' ' Rout 2291. 5266. ' . From Newton, by Flint Rock and Fisher's, to Catawba View, 2U miles and.back, once a week. Leave Newton Saturday at 12 m. Arrive, at Catawba View same day Dy 6 p m. Leave Catawba View Friday at 5 p m. Ar rive at Newton next day by 11J a m. Rout 2292. 5267. From Newton by Vesuvius Furnace, Cottage Home, Stanley's Creek, Woodlawn and Walnut Shade, to Stowesville, 44 miles and back, onea a week. "j Leave Newton Thursday at 6 am. Arrive at Stowesville same day by, 7 p m.i Leave Stowesvillo Friday at 6 a m. Arrive at Newton same day by 7 p m. ! Rout 2293. 5268. From Beetle's Ford, by Long Island and Law rence's Mills, to Newton and back, by Mountain Creek and Dry Ponds, to Beattie's Ford, equal to 30 miles and back, once a weeje. Leave Beattie's Ford Saturday at 6 a m. Ar rive at. Newton same day by 6 p m. Leave Newton Friday at 6 a m. Arrive at Beattie's Ford same day by 6 p m. ! ReUTK 2294. 5269. From Rutherfordton, by Sandy Plains, Earles ville (S. C.J, Gowansville, Miilburg, Milford and Chick's Springs, to Grwnvilla (S. C), 52 J miles and back, once a week. Leave Rutherfordton Thursday at 6 ft m. Ar rive at Greenville next day by 11 a m. Leave Greenville FrISay at l pm: Arrive at Rutherfordton next day by 7 r m. i ROUTK 2295. 6270. .;: From Rutherfordton,' by Logan's Store, Oak Spring, First Broad, Duncan's Creek, Polkville and Camp Call, to Garner's Ford, 44 miles and back, once a week, ' j LeaveRutherfordton Friday at 5 a m. Arrive at Garner's Foirt same day by 7 p.m. Leave Garner's Ford Thursday-at 5 am. Ar rive at Rutherfordton same day by 7 p m. ' IRoutb 2296. r6271. From .Rutherfordton, by Coopers Gap and Mills' Gap, to Columbus,22 miles and back, once a week. (... Leave Rutherfordton Friday at 6 a m. Arrive at Columbus same day by 12 m. . 'Leave Coumbus Friday at 1 p m. Arriveat Rutherfordton same day by 7 p m. " j Routs 2297. 5272 ' ' From Rutherfordton, by Brittain, Patten's Home, Golden Valley and Dysortville, to Marion! 37 miles and back, once a week. ' Leave , Rutherfordton Wednesday at 6 a m. Arrive at Marion same days by 6 p m. Leave Marion Tuesday at 6 a m. Arrive at Rutherfordton same day by 6 p ra. 1 Route 2298. 5273. , From RujEherfordton, by Cedar Creek, Otter Creek and Sugar Hill, to Marion, 32 miles and back'once a jveek. " Leave Rutherfordton Friday at 7 a m. Arrive at Marion same day by 6 p.m. Leave Marion Saturday at 7, a.m. Arrive at Rutherfordton same day by 6 p m. I RoUTX 2299. 5274. , From Ashville, by Sulphur Springs, Homming Creek, Turnpike, Pigeon River and Richland Valley, to. Waynoaville, 34 miles and back, twice a week. s 'Leave Ashville Monday and Wednesday at 6 a m. Arrive at Waynesville same, days by 2 p m. 'Leave Waynesville Monday and Wednesday at 6 a m. Arrive at Ashville same days by 3 p m. . 'RoUTB 2300. T6274 A. i From Waynesville, by" Peru, Caler's Hill and Webster, to franklin, 36 miles and back, twice a week. '.j .-- j '. . ' ( : Leave Way nesville Monday and Wednesday at 3 pm. Arrive at Franklin next days by 9 a m. Leave Franklin. Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a m. Arrive4 at Waynesville same days by 8 p ta. ,---:--RoUTB 2301. (5274 B. v From Frankiin, by Aquone, Valleytpwn, To matla and Marble Spring, to Murphey, 60 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Franklin Tuesday and Thursday at'9 a m. Arrive at Murphey next days by 11 a m. Leave Murphey Wednesday and Friday at ,12 m. Arrive at Franklin next days by 2 p m. RoUTB 2302. f5275 ) From Ashville, by .Sulphur Springs, Avery's Creek, MM River, Boilston, Claytonviile, David, son's River,! Dunn's Rock, Cedar Mountain, Ca ble's Fountain (S. C), North Saluda, Titurcy and White Horse, to Greenville (S. C), 84 miles and 6ack, once'a week. Leave Ashville Friday at Cam. Arriveat1 Greenville next day by 7 p m. : Leave Greenville Wednesday at 6 am.- Ar rive at Ashville next day by 7 p m: ' , ' . -i Route 2303. (5276.) ! From Ashyille; by Dick's Creek, Turkey Creek; Sahdy Mush Cross Rock, Spring Creek, Fine's Creek, Crab Tree and Jonathan's ,Oreek,.td Wavnesville, 66 miles andback, once a -week. "Leave AlVville Friday at 6 a m. Arrive at Waynesville text dy by 8 p m. - , Leave Waynesville Wednesday at 6 a m. Ar4 rive at Ashville next day by 8 p m. ' : .1 Route 2304. (5277.) '' From Ashville, by Flat Creek, Ivy Bend, Wal nut Creek and Jewell Hill, to Marshal 40 miles and back; once'a week. p . . ' Leave Askville Tuesday at Ga m. Arrive at MareHall next day by 11 a jn.- I. Leave Marshall Wednesday at 12 m.: Arrive at Ashville! next day by 5 p m. t Route 2305. (5279.) . , From Waynesville, by Ivy Hill, Quallatown, Gftvernor's Island, Nantihala, Stikoin and Fort Montgomery, to. Valleytown, 78 miles apd back; once a week:. - , . - Leave Waynesville Tuesday at 5 a m. Arrive at Valley town next day by 8 p m. Leave Valleytown Thursday at 5 a m Arrive at Waynesville next, day by 8 pm. - ' 1 iWUTE Z306. (5280.) s ; t From Waynesville, by Jonathan's Creek. Cove Creek, Cattaloochee Creek, Big Creekfs Hopkins ville (Tenn.), Hackletooth, Denton'i : and Fair Gar Jen, to Dandridge (Tenn.), 70 miles and back Leavo Wavnesville Mondar at 4 a m.. ; fii:S& aUDa-tdridgext dayy 5 p ra.-:i -Ti xjeave xancnaee Wednesdav4a!f a m. -..ai- yaatAr tfiYHU celt digr by ftjol rr"'." iagaanan. Tennessee, xuvj Tiger, Suquee andTallulah, to Clarksvill (Ga.), . Leave Franklin-Tuesday, at I p Arrive at Olarksvuie next aay, oy ,e p m. , - 'js s : Leive Clarksville Monday at; 6a itf. at FraOklm'nextViiyby 12 m.ft M Is . t : Route 2308J r5283.! :' Arrive ' From Tupquittee, by Fort llembree and Brass- town (Ga.) to Mount ISOlia.-zaniies ana pacjs, once a week. Leave-.TuBquittee Monday at 6 a m at Mount Eolia same day by 12 m. -V Leave Mount Eolia Monday at l p m Afrrve Arrive at Tusquittee same day by 8 p m. ; '' 'v.; . i - ... ; Route 2309. 5285. :M y- ?y vFram Mnrnhevi bv Noltla. liollin (Ga.), Hot 'House, Edom and SantS Luc,:to El Way (Ga.), 45 miles and back, once a week Leave Murphy Friday at 5 Ellejay same day by 8 p nC . m. Arrive at i Leave Elieiav 'Saturday at 5 a m. 1. Arrive at Murphey same day by 8pm,- - "t . Route 2310. 5286. .' I" Irom Murphey, by Ivy Log (Ga.),1 to BIairs: ville, 22. miles and back, once a weak, ; ; Leave Murphey. Monday at 5atn.' Arrie at Blairsville same day by, 12 mv Leave Biairsville Monday at. l'p m. Arrive at Murphey same day by 8pm.- I : Route 2311., (5288.) , From Henderson ville,' by CalbounDavidson'e River, i Cathey's Greek, Uborryfteld, Hogbaok Yalley and Georgetown, to Casher's .Valley, 53 J miles and back, onoe a week. ' : !. Leave Hehdereonyille Thursday at 6 a m. Ar rive atCasher's Valley next day by 12 m. T- Leave CasherV Valley Friday at 1 p m. Ar rive at Hendersbnville next day by 7 p ni. : iRouTE 2312. 5290 ; From Cherryfleld, by French Broadflocal), High Top, Cain Creek (S. 0.) and ToxaTway (S. C), to Eastatoe (S. C.),,35 miles and back, once a week. ' . - '! Leave Cherrvfield Monday at 6 a m. Arrive -.' y ....... w; at Eastafcpe same day by 8 p m. i ; Leavo Eastatoa Saturday: at 6 a m. Arrive at Cherryfleld saroe day by 8' p m. , i Route 2313. 5291.1 : From Oxford, by Barea and Centre Grove, to Allensyillv 25 miles and back, ouce a week. t Leave Oxford Saturday at 5 a m. " Arrive at Allensville samo day by 12 m.' Leave Allonsville Saturday at lpm. Arrive at Oxford same day by 8 p m. . U ELXTRA'CTS FROM CONFEDERATE LAWS OF THE STATES, &c. 'The Postmaster General requests ' that bidders, guarantors, sureties, and all persons concerned, or intended to be concerned, in mail contracts, will carefully read and examine the abstract of laws here presented, and also the forms ana instructions, in order that bids may be mads and liabilities assumed understanding! y. and that all misapprehension or eausa of complaint hereafter may be avoided. . . .Postmasters are required to make themselves fa miliar with these laws and instructions, that 'they may be able to inform ann" direct others." An Act to continue vi force certain iaw'i ot tlie United states oj America. j Be it enacted by the Confederate States of America in Consrress assembled : That all the laws of the Uni ted States of America, in force and in use In the Con federate States pf America on the first day of Nor rveinber last, and not inconsistent with the- Constitu tion of the Confederate Mates, be and the same are hereby, continued in force until altered or repealed by the Congress. j , I Adopted, February 9, 1881. jt Pottmattert, clerics, and others employed , in post ojfflces, ; j. cannot be, contractors, ', ' Sac. i2, act of March 3, 1825.! . That no poltmas- ter, assistant postmafitef, or clerk employed fn any post office, shall be a contracajr or conoerned in a oontract for carrying the mail. ' ! Sac. 26, act of July 3, 1836. That if any person employ e"d in the Post Office Department, or as post master, .shall become interested in any mail oontract, or act as agent, with or without compensation, in any matter or thing relating to business in said department, for any contractor, or person onermxi to become a contractor, he shall be forthwith dismissed from office, and shall be liable to pay as much money as would have been realized from said contract, to be recovered -in an action of debt in any court having jurisdiction thereof, in the name of the Confederate States, for the use of the Post Office Department: and it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to eause pros ecution to bo instituted. ; i; j. Contractors, carriers, fc, fo be 'sworn. Sac. 2, act of March 3, 1825. That the Postmaster General, and all other persons employed in the Gene ral .Post Office,, or in the care, custody, or conveyance of the mail, shall, previous to entering upon the du ties assigned to them, or the execution of their trusts; and before they shall be entitled to receive any emol ument therefor, respectively take and!; subscribe the followin g oath, or affirmation, before some magistrate, and cause a certficate thereof to be filed in theGene- . ral Post Office : " I, A. B., do swear, (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I will faithfully perform all the duties required of me, and abstain from everything forbidden" by the laws in relation to the establishment of the post office and post roads within the Confede rate States.", Every, person .who shall be, in any manner employed In the care, custody, conveyance, or management of the mail, .shall be subject to all I pains, penalties," and forfeitures for violating1 the in junctions, or neglecting the duties required of nun by the laws relating to the establishment of the post office and post roads, whether such person shall have taken the oath, or affirmation, above prescribed or not. Conveyance of letters', 4bc., 'on post roads, forbidden. Sac. 3, act of March .2, 1827; That no person, other than the Postmaster General, or his authorized agents, shall set up any foot or horse: post, for the conveyance of letters and packets, upon any post road Which is or may be established as such bylaw. And very person who shall offend herein 'shall incur a penalty of not exceeding fifty 'dollars for each letter or packet so carried. x m4- r"H (Penalty Increased by 9thl0th,lltji and 13th seci tlons of the aot of March 3, 1845.) j In relation to failure to .enter iuto contract. t Sao. 44, act of March 3, 182.. Thatlany person or persons who shall hereafter make any proposal in writing to carry or transport the mail upon any route' or routes which. may be advertised to be let, and such persun or persons shall be determined by tho Post master General to be entitled to the contract by vir tue of such proposition, and SUoh person or persons shall ail or refuse to enter into an obligation, with good and sufficient security, to perform such contract within the time required by the Postmaster Genera! in such advertisement, such person or persons shalj ferfjpit and pay so much money as shall' be the differ ence' between the amonntcontained in such proposal and the amount of the Postmaster General shall have to pay for the same transportation of the, mairbri such route or routes, which suih mnv 'b. tocivtiA "by the postmaster General in ;an action on the case. Liabilities of guarantors ofbiMe fs who fail to-enter .'.: j" . into contract. - . - ''.ggt'- . Sec. 27, act of July Z, 1836. That 'every "proposal for the transportation of . the mail shall he accompa nied by a written guaranty, signed by one or. more fespdnsible persons, to the effect that he or they uu dertake that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid Toe accepted, entdr Into an obligation, ' in such time as tnay be prescribed by the Postmaster General, with good and sufficient sureties, to perform '"the ser vice proposed. No proposal shall be considered un iess aocompanied by such, guaranty'. If, after accep tance of a proposal,' and notification thereof t& the bidder or bidders, he or the shall fail to enter intC an Obligation' within tha time prescribed by the Post master General, with good and sufficient sureties, for the performance of the service, then thePostmaster General; shall proceejj to contract -with some other personor persons for the performance of sai service, and shall forthwith cause the difference between the amount contained in the proposal so guarantied and the amount for which be may have contracted for the performance of said service, for the whole' period of the proposal," to be charged up against the said bid der or bidders aad hia'or their guarantor or guaran tors, and the same may be immediately recovered by the Confederate States, for the use of the To8t Office Department, in an action of debt azain either or all of the said persons, ' , r Bids of failing contra0' mi& be rejected. Szo. r 24, act of July . 1836. That the Postmaster General shall not ve.oound toconaider the bid of any person who srt have wilfully or negligently iallei' to perfor? or execute a prior contract, " S jt 'relation to comlincniom aii j'bid, A-' t -' ' Ar biddina. A H - tern to prevent '. 6af. 9t4tj&Srt "at'avct'raet for th tawportatioa of tho mail 'shs.ll- lcaowmg!v.be I made by the Postmaster (Irenoral with nnf person 4 wTtt, ms-rt, entered into any owuinatioajrvo-J poseatat -aUBKo- togiteevrforanderatibn &nS5$4nlm lS riVr?VED mail contactor; ha way ferthwith fiijmiwed from; t. of f.h 1T)artment l Ptovided,- That when-. ever the Postmaster General shall exercise the power snaix- transmit otu iur mo uaueiut,'uvw v - v i 11 v -' AAitn ran shall receive any pay; until ne snau flv..u.r his contract according to law and the regulation set the department; nor shall any payment be made for any additional regular servioe in the transportation of the matt, unless the same shall have been rendered in ohediencerfo a prior legal order of the Postmaster General.' Esautrina service to be let to the lowest bidder, &cf fe i - SjbC. 18, act or Maxcn 3, iB4. xuat . duty of the Postmaster General in all future lettings 6f contracts for the transportation of the mail, to let the same, in every case, to the lowest bidder tender ing sufficient -guaranties for rfabful performance, without other reference to, the mode of such . transpor tation than may be necessary to- provide for the due celerity, certainty and security, of , such transporta tion ; nor shall any new contractor . hereafter be re quired ito purchase5 out or to take at a valuation the stock or vehicle of any previous contractor for the Same route! - ;-;'-", -; --'P''''-'-- s ;'; -r r.. ':. y- ' l 2f6 additional allowance unlessor additional service. 1 : Sxc.i43y act of Maroh 8, 1825. " That no additional ailowance shall be made by he Postmaster General to the contractor or carrier of any mail, on any route Over or beyond the amourit stipulated in the contract entered into fo thetransportatioh of .the. mail on such tmite. nnlesa additional service shall be required s ahd then no additional compensation shall be allowed to exceed the exaSt proportion of the original amount to the additional duties required, i i " r -f ; v t I i '- -rA -, :' --y--i'-r-r- : . Consolidated bids jrphibited, and increase bf ccnpeH ..-;';',! ' . .. 'f': . sation restricted. . ' . ' Sec. 25, aot of July 8, 1836. No conflal.i.dated or combination Jbid shall be recefved, and no additional (Compensation shall be made to any mail contractor, so as that the compensation for .additional regular service shall exceed the exact proportion which, the original oompenSaiion bears to. the originar servioes Stipulated to be penoraed, ana no ,exira; allowance shall be made jto any , contractor by the Postmaster General for an increase! of expedition in the transpor tiornf 4h mail, nnloss thereby the employment of additional stock or carriers by the contractor shall bo rendered necessary ; and in sucn, case ine aaaiuoaw compensation shall never boar greater pfoportion to the additional stock or carriers rendered necessary than the sum 'stipulated in. the original. contract bears to the stock and carriers necessarily employed in its execution' .i :") -,:V '.'' iK By the same section of the same law no change can Remade in the 'terms of an existing contraot"' that is', the schedule time for1, performing a trip cannot be increased, norj can'' horse service! be" improved into. stage service, two-horse stage. Into four-horse, c. Changes of these kinds can only be effected by re-ad-vertisins; for a new letting, and making a new cen- track superseding the existing contract . and service. Schedule's to'be furnished and posted up in post offices Regsters t be returned and reports Made. .s Sac. 31, act of July 2J 1836. That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster ; General to furnish to the postmaster at the termination of each route a-sched-ule, specifying the times of arrival and departure at their offices, respectively," of each 'mail, a .copy, of which the postmaster'shall post Up in some. conspicu ous place in his office ; and the Post General shall also furnish a notice in like manner of any change or alteration In the arrivals and departures which , may be ordered by him. And it stall be the duty of every postmaster promptly to report to the department eve- ry aennquenoy, negieci or maipracxice oi tne contrac tors, their agents or carriers, that may come to his knowledge.' And the Postmaster General shall caps to be kept, and returned to the department at short ' ... . 1 t i . ll . L . and regular intervals, by postmasters at the ends of routes, and suoh Others as he may think-proper, regis ters showing the exact times of the arrivals' and de partures of the mails. j ? ".'- ;V ' . - By act of Congress, approved April 21, 1S08, no member of Congress can be a contractor, or be. con Cerned,- directly or indirectly, in any contract with he government : and by the same act it is made a high misdemeanor forUy, officer of the United Con federate States to enter, In its behalf, into a' contract' Mth a member of Congress. . ' The. 7th section of the law of March 3, 1825, enacts that no other than a free white male person shall be imployedin'carrying the mail: and, by regulation of the department, no carrier should be employed who is Under sixteen years of age. . ,H The authority to establish post routes is not vesied in the fostmaster uenerai, nor can ncextena or "engthfen those already established, lie can only place mail service on such roads as have been declared post routes by aot of Congress. All railroads, plank toads, canals, navigable rivers, and other waters, are, however, post roads bylaw: and also the road from the nearest post office on . an established route to the court-house of any county which may be otherwise 'ltnout a mail; , -. j. The Postmaster General has mo power under the aw to release bidders and oontj-actors and their guar- ntors and sureties from their liabilities on the alle- ation of real or supposed mistakes of any kind; in makinir proposals.' He partioularlv reauests that. before bidding, the fullest inqulry.and investigation be made in regard to the route, distance, service, Weight of mails, cost of stock, feed, and all expenses! existing and likely to occur during the contract term, and with due' consideration of the donsequenees im posed by law on delinquents. ' ; .'"";! ".ji " " A ) ' - ' - " I The Auditor of j the Treasury for the Post Office De partment has found so much inconvenience, risk, and expense to result from tha practloe of contractors in making drafts on their pay in advance of the quarter ly settlements, that he has been compelled to' adopt the following regulation,sso whiclf he will rigidly ad here, and of which contractors and all concerned will .taka'n'oticerf-'; , r-'crA-''l :':;'ij 4 " But one, draft! for the"pay on each route per quar ter will ba paid or filed for payment" In this office.' This draft should state on its face that it is the only one for the quarter and the route (both to be specified) on which it is drawn; and the signature thereto attest ed by' the postmaster at ths place where it may be drawn and one other 'witness, and each assignment thereof should be attested by two witnessex" ; It will ba perceived that a draft so drawn can only be received and filed in the office by courtesy of the Auditor ; it cannot be accepted- as business paper is usually accepted and imposes xno' obligation, and raises no claim on the Confederate States, except to pay the amount at the "the proper time, or so much as may pe uua tne arawer on tae quarter named, and no other. ! But if the whole amount due the contractor be hot sufficient to meet the -draft, it cannot be sur fer lered, butTthough a portion onlv be Daid." it must' remain in the officeas a "voucher" for the payment; .as the law requires of all vouchers. FORM OF PROrSAL. GUARANTY t - The Undersigned, wjibse post'office address county or , State of pro poses to convey the mails of the Confederate States. irora Juiy i, 1803, to June 3W. 1867. on KouteKo, fbotween ; 4 and .' under the advert wement of the Postmaster General, dated December 31, 1862 "witn ceierityy certainty ana security,"' . for the an tnual sum of -4-- dollars. , v v A Thts proposal is madewxth full knoudedae of the distknee of the route, the weiaht of tktt tttnll m A. Wied and all other particulars in reference to the route andservner and also after careful examination of tne taws ana insirueuons-anacnea to tne advertisement. . i . , ..I.. - .. .-.... . JJated : ,j ;-.!. i': ' r -... '' ' A'- ' ' ' r G OAKAHTT'.'' ' "' "'..! "' aho unaersignea. residing at , : Kfnt-' r undertake that, if the foreeoinsr bid for olrrr. ing the mail on. Route No. .- be accepted by the Postmaster General, tha bidder shall, prior to the 1st day of August, 1863enter into the reouired blija- ti?n or contract, to perform tha service proposed, with good and sufficient sureties. ' m '''.' . . ! This we do understanding distinctly the obligations' and liabilities assumed Jw guarantors under the'2'lth section of Ake act of Congress of July 2, 1835, ani now in force in the Confederate Stance, by virtm of an act approvidith Fehrunr 1S1 Dated i. .. . .; . ' -; A, " '"V'-i' ' CaanricaTal '' " :;-'''' The undersigned, postmaster at -r 'r,' istata of , certinas, trifnaa nit oath or office, that ha ps acquainted with; the above guarantors, and knows them to ba men of property, and able to- make good Hhatr twaatys-'''': vr. ff... dilated Seeact Of Cohgnu Jfarah' 845, sec 18: A ; . OP19 PJrP'"al must be signed by th bidder or bid- ders, the gujaanty bynot le than two guarantors', aad the tifieat'bva ooatmn.f.. ' eonftrrea ori him by this section, ne.snaii transuu to bono more delay tHan is sufficieot for an exel fiopy,pr statement o the;eridenoe on wb of4hi.Bail bags... ifr j --. - 11 ,' Congress at its next session. C-rV'; '..-';' :.: 2, On railroad and sUamboatlinas, nd other ii,, : f ' . v. " " f ' :&?A-'i tiT;'-j! Vj, where the mode ef.'eoivayance admits of it k. H U mtfivntcmtracUixar WJi,. cial aents of the'Posf Office DsparttnenL a!.! J j for additional ervict k"P,etoul3 Va office blanks, maU bags, locks' in kevs ia H $ Sac, 20, act of July 2; lS3J.:lhat no person whose conveyed wi,tholli extFa charri! J- Sevc4 xnintites ar allowed to each inUraM- ' officeiwbmjaottflherwlse steciflad. for Ul ' 3. Steamboat, companies era', reaulred'to .v. . mail from,1 and deliver it into, the post ofBcti wiuuwuBDUicut uiu, vuu. va tuir XOaleS, and to 1 from all offices not more than eig-htv roda frnm . "i. ing.' Proposals may be submitted for ths auvo o. u vuim biuv evrnce -iut IS, lor OOcsi tn eighty rods from a landing. . Receipts will be rent, ed for mail bags conveyed in charge of prien ployed by railroad cbmpanlas..Therewlll tit ' way bills prepared by postmasters, or other ... K ' ' J wm-m mm.mur, BUCU 1 ing the number and destination of the several 1.3 111 llin UZU hlilDU h. bU.MHJUUllTM.nW 1. 1 H Yn .11. . . . 1 On the principals stage routes, likewise, rseeipUV be required and way bills forwarded; thelattsru , examined by th several postmaatecs. to Insure rr ' larity.in the delivery jf mail bags. . '-''- -f C- 4 Jfo pay will a made for trips not performer and for each of such omissions, aot satisfactorily plained, three times he pay of ths trip may bsiurf ed- For arrivals so fir behind time as to break . ' knectionrwith depending mails, and notmfflcleatlj, subject to.forfeiture. (Deduotion will also be ord.f . for a grade of perfcrmknoe inferior to that speciflj the qontract. For refloated doHncmencies of th. viJ 4. herein specifiod, enlarged penalties, proportios4 the nature thereof and ths Importance of ths a4 may be. made, v'; -,'f. '.,',,,, 1 " .) 54 Pi Or leaving behii dor throwing off the malli any portion of them, f r the admiasion'Of passesW . or for Ibeing concerned! In setting up or runnin J ' express, conveying Intelligence in advance of ti) mail, a quarter's pay xiay be deducted. , i , ' . - 6. Pines will be i imposed, unless the ealinq'uea'ot J yiviuipnj niu .ttnomutoruy ezpiainea Dy tnertt'4 cates pf postmasters or, the affidavits of ether wmft. ble persons, for failing to arrive In contract tiius , negiedting to take themail from, or deliver it into post office; foi' suffering it to be wet, injured, dottrc : ed, robbed, or lost; and for refusing, after demu to convey the mail . as irequentiy as the contract in running a coach, eat. i runs," r is concerned, steamboat on a route. 7. the postmaster genera! may annul the oontrJ for repeated failures' to run agreeably toontraot; f, violating the post office laws, or uisooevinK tut h Structibns Of the denartment: for refnalnv. if. A: charge .a carrier when required by the dcparMnt i do so ; for running an express as aforesaid i or (J transpjorting persons or packages conveying nuils'Jt matter out of tha mail. . . . - i 8. The postmaster general may order an lnraH toi Ht uu a ruuio u augwiDg taereior a jro ro'. inoreaio on the contract pay. Ua may ehaog'tched ules Of departure's and arrivals in all cases, ad n., fioulaoly to make them conform, to" connectlci ' Tauroaus, witnous increase or pay, provided th niR i nmg t me oe nojt abndgod. He may also ord.m h orease of speed, allowing, within the rfBtrictw , the lau, ajoro rata iuoreasfl of pay for tha aidioni stock n carriers if any. : The contractor ma;!iot ojntratt, by giving prompt notior to tha depaaei l - inai an preiers aing so 10 carrying ins order ba ell lect. j 'l'he. postmaster general may also cart I A rata dfecrejose of pay, allowinr one month's extra in pon8atjion on the amount dispensed with, whcnar'.if his opinion, the; public interest require tha ehaag.f in case ne aesircs to supercede IV by a dtllreflt g 9. I aVments will ba made by collections from drafts sn, post masters, or otherwise, after ths ei: ration uf each quarter say la-February, Msy I gust and' 'November.., t ' " A f.i i 10. "The duUuoes are given aoeordlng totlalJ lniormjation ; but no increased pay will be lW shoulJ they bo greater than advertised, If tha poid m va euppueu wo correouy iiatea. jfidders mwtt orm.tAemselves an th pont, ah.d also In refereart the we ght of the mail tha condition o'roads. hi weaynb, 4c, and all toll bridges, ferries, or ab-trJ tion's of anv. kind bv which Tnni m. v K. nn.J No clafin for additional pay,- based on ju'eh grouil can be considered ; nor for allefed m'ntakv oral apprehension as to tha degree of servioe: ar f? bridge! destroyed ferries discontinued,' or oiber e U ns increasing distance, occurring darinrti1 t term. Offices established after thia mA,I t is issued, and also during the contract tori e visited without aktra nay. If tha disUnut reae.ea. . w. vm .mw.w..vu auu uyu HIV or witioutjhe guaranty required by law and sa iinoaie as 10 iae sumoienoy or such guaranty, can: bo considered in competition with a regular prop reasonnpio in, amount. . . . , : 12. bidders should first propese for Service itrl aOOOrdnDor to thn IkHvtirf.iia.mjtnt an1 it.... IftV.. Bire, separately for different service t and lthe ten L.J t . 1 1 . . . ... oitt OB in lowest onerea lor the advertised irr. tha othet propositions may be, considered. j 13. There should be but ooa re a ta bid for la a pdsal. Consolidated or combinatloa bids ("propw one sum for two ar more routes") are forbiddVj law, aid cannot be considered, t' . 14. Irhe route,' thai service, tha visrlv vuf. ii name and residence of the bidder, fthat ii. hit m post office address), and those of each member arm, where a company offers, should ba diitla sUtedi . v ;' . ., -r.A: : . . ... . : ' !.' 15. Bidders are requested to use, as far as pra vie, ua priniea, iorm oi proposal rurnlshed by tb partment, to write out In fulUha rum of their I'i etain copies of them. ; '-. - if. ed bids should not ba submitted'' nor ti noo submitted ba withdrawn. Na mitilfi der or guarantor will ba allowed unlaat iX oeived,before the last day for reeeiviof prf a . ..'' ma ausi usl ba guaranttad by two respowU , ranties cannot ba ainltted. Tha F . ihouM bavni,plalaly with ta I ' BraL guaranties iaranty ahouW plainly bf each person. The department reserves the riirht tr retaet bid whica may be deemed itravacant. nd alK disreg . i ii. a 1 A A . a ' .... ru mo oias or iaiijug contractors aad bid 16 ne uiu a noma oe sealed. sunrserU4 ?i Propopals, State of addressed " Chief of Contn ..' 1 oiiiureau,.iuohmond, virrinia.,' and " mail, Ot by or to an agent : and noatmaaTara wi enftose proposals (or letters of any kind) in their . teriy reiurns. r . . - H 17. flhe contracts are to be executed and re1 .1 IjjI to the dopartment.by or before tha lat day of M 1863 ;E but tha servioetnust be commenced on k of Jaly preceding, or on the mail day-nexl alter . t . 4. 1 lxV I aaie, waetuer mo coniracis oa executed or ncu proposition to. transfer will ba oonsidersd ontt contracts are executedand received at tha depart! anu-iuKH do iransier wiu te auewed naleas g" sufficiep treasons therefor are gives, to ba deters by the department.. In all oases tha retiring to'-' tor will be required to become one of tha rant the new contract. '' jfl .' '. ..- .'" ,j jl .18. Railroad routes are' not advertiaed.. sol masters at'offices on or near railroada. hat. mors eighty rods from a station, will,aJmmadiately aft ovtu m uuareu next, report their exaet diatausa Hhe nearest station, aud how thav .r AthrmJt plied With the mail, to enable the postmaster g to oiract a mall-messenger sapply from the lit u next; ...A,h- 'At ,',..., . t 19. Bocliqn eighteen of an ajt of Congress spprj u 199f anomaza section af aa act spp lotncw aiarcn,:i5l, provide that contracts. f transpbrtaUon of tha mail shall be let "in aver; to the lowest bidder Rendering sufficient guarsB faithful performance, without other reference t" the mode otsuch'transportation than may ba ci ij ioi proviaes io,r ine cue eeiertty, certalttty, " curityj of such transportation.. fuVr the ' bids that propose to transport the mail with "d' certaiaty ahd security," paving been decided to ' 6nlyfyal bids, areconetrued as- providing for tire mdilf however large, and whatever b ks conveyance necessary to insure its "t.ltritu. ei! and security," and will hitvdthe preference or otherej' . . ... . " .. 20. A modifixation of a bid ia stay of its en4 terms la tantamount to a new bid and fcarmot A oeivadl so as to Interfere with a regular comp' X- after the last hour set for receiving bids. M ' new Ud, Willi guaranty and eertifioeia. ia ths oat to modify a previous bia. . 21. Postmasters are to be careful not ta eeru-. sufficiency of ggarantors of sureties without D' that they are persons cf suffieieni responaibuiv ' , . all bidders, guarantors and sureties are dlatis'r uaea taat on a xaiiure to eater into or periw contracts for the service proposed for in the " bida, the legal liabilities will be enforced araia' 22. Present contractors and persons knf i V department must, equally with eths, prvoura m toraand certificates of their suGcIcncy suF in the forms above preacrhstL 1 he certlS ficibCoy tevxit 1 a signed by a t - A 1 .r . i meuis) but, on rauroaa and steamboat ronUi 1 - r T x t - i structib contraf tisemeji are tob not ind 11. A .. j WFDV T I ISHTI Y Rnimn