tl r i mm II 111. 1- . . I ( II J II I' ll it'll f . . i i r . i i ii i 1 II ii II 'II ill- . Ml. u .11. II II II 7 I I I I 1 . .:.. t 1 ' 1 .... , i . . r- 7 , . ' r-t r. -. - 3 1 v., , :' i V -r - . . - J , 1 NC)VMe7lnUr and PP"? L1J -- ' .. ! - . 1 - SATUUDVY AUGUST 22 .1S63. PRIVATES IN THE AM. -L -.ntilien'1 from Nifit Laro- II VUO JFII' . . ; - lioio cot desert iha trmj iii platoon?; or luu-ioy .gnSl tbeir cffiers in the hour of b.t If, U oot be for lack ofmdacements to da a'a held oat bj tin editor of the K.leigh Standard." 1 . he is BoVS.aadqu ch he , h.. t&ked himself there w no tct, n u, .r ck to which he ;n nnt'refiort. tiQ" r,gi at ,ha deonocUtioo which he received fromthe Orange 0. H. CoDTonUon, this toaa is now trymg F- r- Wo soldiers that .hey are the victims of the oppraWtoo ot the. 7roaicl oQ3,- w re; then, a, little be'ter than lae . To. ow .hat we d noinjonice to thia .n, we Uke the following Uom bis paper of Tuea- ...m .tna nn th army in - t thu4 wekd amunsr me a the tficeney ThH-a!0 oi - "-" crtirort iu -K.-.l .tftf-a fair ex fe.1 XiV'p -pe have as irTn .rkKnem. aniW- misreprsent- ,1 KS. th-1 td the ixwer do so, and 4- la-m, bHCaJ-lD ihii wrn?, but must bnr iv iti l-n jh , .aa n j d neetiag- .nio- . , , We Clisl unjuw i .:";uvl,s on thousands oi j .tir .r- " b me tw ritcums-arce?, if our brave boys , ;Vr tl Uemlves- a- well in the tr- ahoutd nt acqa u tfiev hae hereto- f.,red;n. iuebi. j w.U sestg thai" an ,t.rre4 "'''..ratr cU le or res, ect an . m Vho tl fMtS re-ptanu and office- ho ft it to .he cu coi-fidnceor pw--; , , " . m to r", at.u 1 1 ihA crrtnti battle ti n ttt .wi, ti.i th.- n nof the aw ful respon- 8lu,u, -: -- the army re.ts on ..Kim ... 1 int Diuir - I LSI I. T OU' BQouiuer!" i . s. " ;,.i I Bat t ii h. been 4rthek.and our.orv. L 1 . Virginia owe it to tnm ,, dWra la V irima owo " , . ln ip , co .nirj t r fipermr o . , and W h i--. L v tbti rm ni V wat - ... " . - - . t u lur OUIV e mul La f r inc in tbe field a. d fcti O it ff tifi r 'uP Si tb- l" it at bi'ui-. ou n u" 1 enari iuk 1 r ( - rabfw'ir-u I . We ate thankful thitr,we .1 f esn pay wi n truth .hit ther w tat oue Ui!iU in lbs -Jou- ftd faoy wi h beart fauuio euougb to he eiv'eu binb .0 .such .ea iueum r q".oHd, a-,d that W is Ue editor of the N .r-h. Carolina n.rd U .rbrave b,va" .re told tLai if bey do, not acqat .1 -I... ; tK r jole whca iu-- reod ibe'blauie w.U not .Leui but oa .heir J5 er,.; ti o.h ;r Word,, the pri a. .-a t,.IJ thit if they desert, runawa) from the Utiles, disobey . orde s, or in the eee shoot .the tyrannic! , &3ef?.f will be no more than a j ist re urtvon meir part for bad onage. U rests u u ::m- Utguage is addre sea Dy i-u.w v-. eduor to North Carolina -oldiers i: tbere a private in the ranks that will not .pum and spit ok a proposal so .insuitiug to his honour and mahhoo'd, so revolting to his pat riotism,.te pride, and love of-all that he is fighting forj To what lowerdepth of. m f can ''be editor of the North Carolina Umv "Standard" kfok His impious invooation of the u d oi irain to - wxuw b. -e - a :IH..aj'tha n tnr ir wi ness ihe felarmg falsehood that bo is not responsible .i-rino mischief which he aastduooaly at.ives to iu- flict opo-b his eouo.rj, u-j r thn bd man is to an wbsb. oi wFvu0.m-.v for what be does eiiher to Qod o: man. rinv. VANCE THE "UEAU" OP THE 1 isbEPESOETSCaS PARTY OF NORTH ! CAKOlilNA ! Wa are Indebted ti a" friend f.r a perusal . of-tbe FajetteviUe-'O .server," of the-17ih 1 iwt., from which we in;ake the touowing ex- : tract;: - :: : ! f fiftj - n.'.rit. PnT.mcs. It "can nolo"g ! a;ud tinted r u...-d th .t icon is a division in ..i.uA timAnt m S ith Carolina m the n hand a deter minafkm to resist feuhjuguioa by the vaakee eurnmt anduo aCh.eve the indejen- d-ica of the Confederacy ; on: tbe otnr. a --peaco rr?T i. w faWlvxall'd. that wmld be willing ! f rV::. Tnendenol but clamors f r pe-c-, with. . or w7thout de 7hftvQ V n." Sh. are unmUttka.' ! boad-nl by V11' . .Th , othetabwbe KdeigbtAnd.ra, iu,a w i r.rdna Jiili tbe length ,4 fudower. for it bas ery recently tec arod iutl oi,pc-dttarenruc;in of jtbo Ui.u n. We are exceedingly ';'$iad to cam "that Gov Vaoco' will le-d thV-party; in Nyrth n.-i;. U.,k !i rtfrminecl to fiiiht On. and VtlUUWI.nUIWi .w . - - - 4J . ... - " - . . . - 1. listen to nrterms peace w--- -f t4- ft.i-'tria indLnendence of the South. vide for the . independ i luu a, wa av w r r , , Tho suppose;! polincai relatious between Gov. Vnce and the .editor of the li.aU.fjtb S'in daridbaJegtVe'ri to the lat ;er(ibflaence, which, joider ier ciroumsta-ices,: he could not have wiaded.;:As the frUpervel' sa, uos nave wuiuea. . '--7 : -- f tbe party in favor of peace; is .led by .be w3l4ttdaId, and as the. attklk -hai Mb authoii" a'r, we may expect soon losee the m.pesing parties marshalled und'-r their re- gp'O ive leaders, Vance and HotdsH.. ; Th) f Obstrter,? bowetrtr, ii mistaken io supro v g that the editor of the -Stnda d,' 4oca oot go the leng h" uf reconstruotion. No loi ger aaO than hat Tuesday he said : , "It is irue we have declartd ihat if subjugation w'th all iu borrois kttould eiire us in the fece on th i'.tie band, with a restoration of the old gov. -tnn eni with all our right on tbe other, we should 6c p; ih laiter as the Jewer evil." - Whe'o wo remember that : a short time ago th man taid substantullr that the 'DVQ this uidD (ta suDstaniuiij. nt no uliIlionl,, . of the Soaih'o;uld not .ithstand tbetwenty miilions" of the North, it is very , , t. . hliin that he looks OD0XI the '-sablueatlOU of the South as a aaestion only of limeijidllheJKa . la .make Terms 00 the UMt - . . basis --reconstrucwo. THE TAX IN KIND. . . There his beea a good deal of senseless j !.,Ar ri,P.rI bv reeonstrnctieniMs, tpeace CODStrnctieniMs, "peace meu, ana au uitj Li. !-'.L!. Qt.l. V a (il.T in I treasonao.ein, - kind." In many of the Holden peace meet-I infr this lax cas Deeu-ueuuuueuu. auu m . ' V i J Jrt tKam ftnlftnmlv determined 1 Wui - """ J icai .is Knouia no, u p.- -"-"-5 the. advice Of the worst man that this 1,ol- SSuJ3,aing the plan adopted by eaJdiers of North Carolina, and warm admiration fAdaraet i cursed witb.did simDle men com- 'the Irtish Government, when it came to settle .for them, forced, "as.they are, t, hold Tback-wUh . ' -LL .s-Kion mu inem-eiYOJ uj cuuo w. nut if carried oat woald involve them in . the most serious consequences. The "tax in kind" is the Jaw, j and one of the supreme 4aws of the lands, and will be enforeecL That there should be not only a willing, but a cheerful acqviieseoce in its behests, we ihink will be conceded by all who will read tbe followiog brief letter.from . the Hon. J. L.'Puh. tIa a ;very few words this whole subjeot of "taxation in kind' is laid satis factorily before every impartial reader: " . Bjuxndidqx, July 11, 1863. Mr: Editor'. You . wl.l tlea publish the fol !oiiif pri'pofcitions on taxation and subsistence : by C01 gMS . without an apporUonment. R-n-. rcscmat n and diict taxe are tns-parabie. iM o aireci lax tan u- iaia wnniuwiiij( .cngiis no cenui cai be taken during the war. 1 U-Dce, who favor a tax on roperty, ana iMrtt m .rodu-i..n. incomes nd pronts, are xor the Co St U -ian. ' 2 A iajl uu b..M.r.v instead of, productions u d n. c -scarily Optrws the citizen, and soldier, . 1 . ; j k W . . .. I as mil - -tfB In Ml il te aoiaier tu wen ;- ttQ ) nua uo:m arivwn jnui m uviuo vr j nl mi kin mKbin;, th n p-operty must sell uu t e bairar to py eie. v j x3 TjiiovUion tx. or in kind, can op? ress no .mt 3 on person f pay. a ytbing if te m-.ts ..... K.. i,.n.. Ihit Lit ua Dfor-6 tV KUet Dfi ibti '-kuL on e-ery oi.e, aud paid in monify, 6cl"r tot Unamala pr.v sioos or grau aud we..-!. Th .k H al Mi.i th- funbr iaue i.f Cnted-raV. ....iix.' .miitiii tr duaHnwd and ct. ni-tice ibin, i.d u.e an, fed te a my abundantly A mx tin'., tiruwrtv- will McvOJiullaa neltnr of iuj rt kuhs. ;U 'fio I am iu iaVorof the tax in K-nd 1Q0 uixne) ux on ino -tnei and prolix, 1. . ! t.t . iuont t.mxou properiy ; " . , 4. ,V'Let tr j ou Uy a lax on. 1 r -perty or a Ux m uii.d. il miTbe tne ttnie on t very body, btr- LcAUit tbe prorty or crois of ,ny one,-wue b r ciux-tn r 4. d.-r, is excepted, - unuormi w destrojd and lb? tii'w ; uncunatitutidnal. ; v 5. he picvUiuH "t.x of one-tenth is all; tbe pU.ittr pa, wni e incomes from speculrtion.&c., aret-x-w as bigti a fltteen per cent c-insuiueu prior uiug uu f-anu,i-.., .: , - . 1-: .w. . . m .. r " -I'm.- iu nitHrijBd to cuard aicaanat fraud aud evasion ul the tax law.butcanoot embrace potatoes, pea, &. usuilb left in the field, as these have not Deev . . 1 r a m. a M a. .11 ,j nnumrd nrior IOTU8 huduh). wuwu ill be made as soon as the crop is gathered. 1 h cioverii ment will need ' erain, &o., at once,r itr ihA iirmff anrl itm ihfl increaae of Con- federate umny. Your obedient servant, : J. Ii. PUQH. ROYALTY OF PRIVATES. An intelligent gentleman who belongs to - i t - i lbe Arai 0f Northern: Virginia, ana wno iws 0 - - H. ln9 day i after the Convention . Nor-;l cjj ioldiew wat i6ld;.-tofini U8 lhal in two ' Brigades with which he 11 perfce.Iy familiar (ttamseaer'a . .and iver- - - V : nfi. thiri are not more inan nrteen mea who anorove of the-cburse of the'Ra ndard.'rThese men fc oou,p.n, in the Vorihirn pirtf IhU far from the Drivate aoldiers trod rtortn Vyr- j . ia - T . a " AT W , - , . .1 olina sympaihixing; wiin .the editor-. or -tne, Statidard in bis treasonable praotices, our iDtorman.t is of .opinion that the life of that iudividaal would not be worth a moments purchase if he were to :enter witba the hoatids of a North Carolina camp, in North- ! -Virginia. 80 deeply is h&COtttte e xecrat- & by privates andeficers. ; j ' . a " 'i kAat at Citv Point There ha. bea no nag i' J for tea days. It is presumed the Yankees nave sua-. ponded the exehangedUf prisonerslndefiaitely. o Inwrvlew has yat taken place between J adge Ould aa ihe?ew Yanka- Commissioner. ; ' " .' : Since' f na naaiaaaLa. aaa " m4 iu a a a va 11s ana w -c kt- n-m r- l'a fnr tha noose VAAV aaarw - . W w - " ' " " I J 1 l.t .vkBAl of Repreaeutaures, Tjaere w s.iwiwaiw.-u "P-0" . 1 that he may be sent to the Senate as sucewsor of Hon. T.IL Vaio y 1 . . of as orobably the success- r YaorlljG the latter having Col. ltf.Alw. -T , . . i - t ... o-r a ii nima. ... - Gen lloodeonualicts . tto hAinnUnd of the Oft to the fcommand or tneeavairy ' vT A disp itch iron Orang C. HV.,S7ayl it is rear tain- . . ' .. 1 v. rliAi Kantc aeross IvroorteltaU$aa-Anasv.M''-"-" -' u-. 1 iyrporwi-4. :. w.u-aidtobef theRappahannoex-. .'11 personal assistance, he is fmJler thin ever harorav.ea w -a--. 1 0wktothe. Nrthfor the purpose of. eodectlng - '.ee.siyts. - ; RAtElGH WEDkESDA tIiis confederate FINANCES. ' The Richmond Sentinel publishes a very in-tere-tingle-.t from Robert Tyler, Fsq., Regis ter of the Treasury, on the subject of the Con federatcFinances. from which we extract iu followini;: - ' ' . - --'. The whole amount of Treasury notes issued since the Government went into operation is ex actly $64,000,000. ' Of these . there have been lunded in borCs and 8tocks.$126,000,000, and about a million of notes have been cancelled tn onhection. with the post office and office of the ntaT f Tf OA Rn b tract the amount thus fna ...4 a ,onniia frnm t.hft. amount issued, there will remain outstanding .$497,000,000 tor pur: poses of circulation ana aome-nj; os- oqooo.UOO have been invested in bonds and .k-- and to this sam mUst be ad led $12a,000,- 000 intweA bearing -Tasurv notes, sum of $325,000,000 of funded debt, , . ,h..lQ Anht. : therefore. Treasury notes, miu"'s including V1 u-uuV'f"u'"" L'Tw V nf Ka ,.hTfA nil the cotton and other assets oi whatever description, now held by the Govern ment, i r;. " ., tViA TMiW5 Aeht dof3 not " nnnoM t h ih rates of 8. - srt nfl 7 ner cent. " Does anything in ihi3 statement present the vernmentinsuch a-coh statement present the voveranjnja t-v ; mM nira. 4ta nKlirrniinnS." At 13 BUUllltcw V"- fl Vatilfaction of its creditors. But wuu m vie-wt wuwui"s tmn of lih-j intrinsic' worth of the bonds and notes tl0n or tn- intrinsic wrfc"Y - f.. of the Government, we wui supposw u c-vu t . case. S , s of iuirrtnationaUebtourGoverniOTntwereto .? tnff titjf Tle u ..;r, nffr tn its creditors consolidated stuck converting thi entire deot atl . . : .a. 1. krs1 A JJiSrM fold. At this rate or mieresi i Ai.-4i.t.Mf a LnttcMn Tiinetv-ono and ninety. A C nlede.atf S Atea three per cent, stock, lour. ith intent prompt y and duly paid, ougbtno. to fall below sixty in the Jiundred, and wouio moav Pobaland higher. vW bo doubts the ability Sf the Government, with - peace restoredom- merce revived.and our teruie lanos in suceews.ui cultivation, to meet the interest upon this debt J But if this were done, it would follow, that every j j.i i P.,r.rai notJHi. Ahteriner m- nuwatuiH. ' yw------VfiT - would be wtb not lss than sixtv ddiars in spa- cto InothSr words; it would require notten dol- cw. m k wi j . . . vo purcnase a oour 6 Mr, Tyler eta es tbe causes which have pro- duced the present depreciated, condition 01 tne 1 jjuj-ency follows : TkMA i nthitri then, in the military situa - tion, or in the character of out public debt so far as the solvency of the uovernmeni wuw u tr enable us to account satisfactorily, fori the un- favorable condition of our currency. W e must .i.v.- -.v.... ...niM anr it fteema to me these sTrThTieTol unie f the currency quantity much beyond that needed for necessary purposes of circulation. - : r .A Tha nnnbHhirui trade carried on soexten K.t,n the Confederate States and the' United Suites, tbronb the lines of the armies, both in the feast and West. , . "i 2d Tn blockade running between Cnarles-. ton and Wilmington, and the port of Nassau, ...... ;n r,..iiT and of dealing in State bonds UlibCB AUU ft , - . and in State bank notes., f r the purpose of mat ing exchange in New York and elsewherere in the Federal States. v ' He droposes the following remedy for; the evils of whieh he treats VI v Fi st. Coneressshould proceed to fund, in the terms of a law draft- d for that, object, all the tweutv. fifty and hundred dollar note3 of all the issues up to the 1st of July, at 8, 7 and 6 per ct. interest respectively, as mterest-Dearing xrap A.Krtmi thus at once, without, in HI Y 11VK v. wv j - w ..- - - I 3 . 4h. MlAf aitiea.. Ited and punisueu tyr mo . Third Any exportation of cotton, exe pt on Government account, sh uld be strictly prohib- itd, and no importations on private account .h.uiM h excpnt bv special license un j dar the hand of the President of the Confederate st ta- countersiimed by the Secretary of the i Tid.n,v . if " - fc,.rt h Anflarinrrsin State bank notesgold, or State bondswith .the intent Of establishing any exchange at any point within the United States, should be prohibited, and the prohibition should- be enforced by the severest penalties. DiJTT TO XJaKj GoTXRNMEST IS, .TlMB . OF .WAaU-We copy the following considerate re nsarks-from thetottanooga utou. . iiwr: a. r-vta cm uavau cbsv imw - oni- way to bring peace to the country -7 " uie??1-' Crii.. t and a speeoy ao u - it "ITfc5 fi iiAri una amies . 01 nia dixu auu ; reuvuw fui ufSce. T : -A-n0r Tviitiid education we Vol on. .-ing ttiiU off, .-tf t oftfW. 1, PP1. of ,ib.:youp? ; Coer, ratu during tbo and trying in nia course to uaiir bu vufc iifciiio u ouw- dlb Llbe . murmurinij. ot: the discontented whw " ...H.ith'liia riHt.rt.annninttnntand.l "T S Jea oYnerSal revenrre and M Jiath doUDs n paixiouaoi, auuuo . m i3Aj JKSwIba to bim a reckless disregard of the inier faU coQntriB Qg ia the directorship Of various departments" ofv the army the ad - TAnceaiQnt of tome commanders and the.displace- ment or neglect of oibers, is absolutely Usttrcl-. 1 iiw. xns cniei buu u, um aUuumiuawo -r-T f APA 1 the establishment of the national indopen Ce 5Se resWtion of peca to his oJoved . - . n.v.nm ho hoi ihiv nraaia country. ' ; ' . - - i;' adsat the people of th. .Confederacy u tm "l momenUQ peilOl.. -f AVe repeat, mo. r. "A'.r.r-5.. t.. m.L &iU loll 1 mi ina axiixa xia a . - 1 It behooves us now. aa'a pe 'P'e. to wioaa , . j. K,f..l njiilinneeaio bis recem m . - " .. a I- 1 .:.. .i,aJatrt Ida nation; ifi-n' prociaiaMu . . . :-; L onmuremeni of his countrymen, and I 1 m. . w... ..P Qjlim' un srncula.tinf I . l...s it.... tkair tnam' fnr Ji I 4tn ifli pmcww i uMHHj ... -i ----- LQuae nerors ; uui. mar . vuium kv I. : . ! . l . . U a ,infaHaidtn -I ' - l j . a. . -t a s in Yankee currency, wuqih mo v.v.. . wD4tthey were dying ; tney onueveu me wunu at States; of dealing and speculating m Btaw oaaa q, lp! wut a pnae worth the cost. Ah I it j s j a iit.iA 'aaii1 am fi 1 'ha aotnnn narL ssi i.ixe-1 w ui & we ca svuEk ' - . "1,. fiat wuh a ready response to his ear- - . " MORNING AUGUST' f.irt to Inr.rciftn and strentrlhen 'our military or trHn'xitioni if wilt materially j aid him in the turtterttnee of our independei c, Tmd insure be vond cavil or doubt, the certain safety of our Government ,F om the a9hes of our reverses jfeftbere taring up new hoieiand a spirit purified and revived and strengthened for, svill greater and more heroic ffFortsJ- - , - " ' " Fur the Register. h0lden peace meeting ik new Lusht. district? " ' - Nbw Liqht, N 0 , Aug. 18,. 1863. ; . Mb. Editor At Hulien's call a portiQn of the people of N vw.LlghtPistricUnet at Law's Scots', on Saturday lat,: (when the big dog barks.tbe 'little ones muBt bowl.) It w& composed in the main of the fathers and "brothers ol the deserters of tbe district. Some called it a. Union meeting, others a n ace meeuine They, passed the ueuai ofanoerintendeht Bradford, after he has already! been removed, and above all,' the resolution com- mending Holden and his paper to tne puoiic. Thira im nhoot 25 deserters irk New ltght District, some of wbictf attended the meeting.--r, Thpv havf become very ooia, is saiu, biiiv-" nrrsnuniatioa of amnestv by tffe. President, and y -.end out a hundred procramationft.and. J-----.... ... ,uftJnia,i-.,. r friSrtl Served, ALT. XliUllur, lunvsu iuomsoviw "w famines who reaa me.oianaaru. mod tna rsrTinjirn - . i ; DIXIE. y Prom the Richmond Enquirer . . paROT.TNA TROOPS n.. cannot but feel sincere sympathy with the one handle puW rentier, and with the other to keep down, away in their wn-dtatadtjiomest wmcu is sown oroauvwi. aujuugo. b.T.oVpopuLto tbeyh.,. left WUd Omn I The soldiers ot nootne 6uch an ordeal as this Carolinians dxesa u . -W. l mvaiing nosui io iruu, uj feeling that treason to the sa in tneir TW? tne peppie ,wu ,nwui- .""-."'.xS withering away meir ranaa Dj..crtuuK u. lion, doubt and despondfency-ciunseling nhmiion wliich would give up to tnat 1 disaffec a base -. t. Stit6 & fhl f0,-a0d make a pre; 8ent to Mr. Lincoln jf all the young limbs that have been shred off; all the rjc hblood that has -nourad ouu all the nneht aves Jhat . . brav-gt 80n? Blood f ftn4 Jivefi QhQf)t fally offed, for waf ? Why, for tnt absolute sovereign ngnr, 01 xxorm r-riina tn withdraw from olitical association ,,h iwA RttrfPR wbifth are now -waging a deso- 1 . i. mrtA k.ik. rnutt TBnr unOn hor. Thev would not haye thfjd one drop of tnat 0100a,- nor have 1 p-if-' with one of those limos, lopurcusso p . Q . croen back into the hated Union they 1 Ieftf tika hounds in order to sae some- ... nnn.mi o-t.'U -in rrder that , titirhir-i-ir "'"W yuoiw, vu.u rorArd f.r beiiitf the first to crouch an J grovej in the dust baf-re m vi torius iYaokee. j VVe say tbe dead .North Carolinians now sleeping, on a bun Jred battle fields, ay-, and the dead Virgin iiis whob ll by their sidef; would sbriek.out froqi their bloody graves shame and imprecation upon toe abject wretches who act-d or onunbelad such . t . - mi. I . UAn. . n Alt an ljuominiou oeseruon. xuey &uaw "uw w tOHV.bkd drt-amed that they were to perish in vain to die as a fool dieth 1 Thank God 1 there is no danger of this. If the creature who lie at home at ease in North Car alina, and who think of "nothing, but .10 turn the life and death struggle of their state for indepen dence into unwerthy coolest for party power and emolument, why, tbe soldier who hold really,in their charge the int urests and bonor of iheir S ate, will at last rouse themselves and read the traitors ueh a siern rebuke, that thef ears of him that heareth it shail tingle. . . ' W-do nut adbire. nor. encourage ppliUcal or but to execuie.juswt;e Wa ah..u Id advise the Derson ifi&mw w - o - a mhat ia his thatoncern to go Norths time, nis uiRce that or a worse, if worse there be. , . : i- . OUR DEFENCES. - - ! Thnn rotiirnod to Mississippi Wednes- I Ik.v .a ral dava dfli'en tl v .employed 'i . ? a .1 jcnr,n anr inmiiririi' into "the inUnsp;ting the defencesnd inquiring into the lU JUiJ o y-wc .vi .o..tto if hia visit S7A resources 01 mooiie. v4 uo iCBuiv, h?ve learned, some taings-whicb, of themselves, there is no barm in telling, and others which it might -not be paoper to ventilate freely; but ir- hana if we Should speaa opemy uu tum? pvM silence uponothers would be its own interpreter toTokwho, irsulU thosCat fhehead of affairs fo beHeve. never know any thing hoflawful to be known about-the affairs of the Confederacy until they read it in Southern papers. . "' . All then, tbai we can say, is in general terms, that, the strong and the w.ak points of our de-; r",A nf the commanding General, and provi fAfiea have been cioseiy . acauuou jr. ." nrbmntiv strinethenine such Darts -U,ito-.A , nu.o.tvu. j ... . , . 1 dictate, attention was first Deswwea .upon wi .S!2 jg,?S2LZ: 1 r - ------ , .. . - .2 ed, and the third Is now In steadv progress.nor do we fXnfSCt that It U1 OS SUSpenoea W iwB I enemy defer their attack, whether the delay oe impossibility if in - rTniht ha would find Strong natural obeta vt"A.-. f iHa nnaition with which Our OWU tarai'iariiy has bred con tern pi, rouuerw midable by the best engineerine:that has any- . " ' a S .3 -i ll.itlAN nainni ilia TJifltr- Ytfkm .hoa hflon nut in KoaUition during the wax : hind thema well organix-d,. well-armed i"d de--mfr.n Kvi nf ritizen soldiers. manyi whom would not then for tbe first tim e look war in the face -. and irk f ont a suracient iorce 01 uw veie rans of tour or IT fve armies to render nugatory any 1' 1 '.-t.inn nnipurin ffreater'streni'th lhan be can hiw J. W at thia lanetare. In the rear would n. M issiaainot a war mi nar with the enemy's fleet, its f-r.h-p hank lined with his batteries : - but a HifAr in our on secure posfcesbjn, ,by which supplies of jvery kind would be brought to us in abundance, cot u spVak of the State' troops, who l.v iha route W .uld soon hesdn'to pour In to ren der our defence more secure and his defeat-more signal and d.sastr us. ' And one month later he 1 . would nave lotncounerui uwe uiiumo.1w- stacles. -1863. r - .-.: - - ; - a- ;.:v, '.iw.hw o . Such is the t esent ostore and the state cif pre press of bur affairs. In jthus reviewing them t has not been .our purpose to raise-the spirits of our peoilp, -Tbey do not 'need U. It matters not that there are Croate and cowards among us, or if It does it is 'an argument of out security else why do they stay bere? But theyjm not pur people. We." wtsh to r'e-apsure tioe abroad who have been deluded by the misrepresentations of such as these until'they imagine that Mobile is destinod to fall. almost w hether it be attacked o'r not. " - ' ' L ". ,..-'' km 1 , ' L: v ' PROCEEDINGSX)F. A MEET IN Q OF THE OFFI 5 CERS OF MAJOR '' GtfJT; ;Vf. D.' PENDENS ' LIGHT DIVISION," HEtD AT THE. HEAD : QUARTERS OF BRIG. GEN. . A. SCALES, 15TH AUGUST, 1863. , , -, . Tbe meeting was convened by calling Brig.. Qjen. E. L. Thomas, of Georgia, to the chair. - i -( , , On motion of Maj. 7os." A., Englebard; North Car- f A. a. VsjikilL A. Gen. Mcowan lioaUrCarolina Brigade, and LieuLJ. M. Riadfi5T A. A, Gen, S mles ITortb. Caroluja jJrigsaa wonj ap pointed Secretaries of the meeting. . i. ' a'-" I Upon the request of the president &ng. uanjooaiea explained the object xf themeeting aad introduced . a motion to appoint a Coianuttee of five to draft resolu tions to express the sentiments of the Light Division in reference to the death of -Mai. 3en. tV J. Pander. The following Committee waa appointed r BrjgC Qen A. M Scales, N. C. Brig.' Gen." Jas, H.LaijeN. C, CoU A. PemnrJs. . Col. A. t?immons,'Ga. . " t l - . Maj. Jos. A Engelhard, N. C. j The ConunltteeJiavuig retired, returned and present- ed to the meeting,through Major J os; A. Engelhard Ae following Resolution,Which were unanimously adopt-. Witktivax' havintf learned with fee'ines of deep re- eret and sorrow, that our beloved commander,! Major General WYD. PENDER, has died of the wounds re- rvrA at GettTRburc. Jalyzna, A80d,ana aewmg to axpresa the mingled feelings of pride and sorrow at his untimely death which that event has caused, there fore: . . . . . '. ' , Rcaolvid Tbst in his death the Wgnt division ns sustained an iiTeparible loss. ' . ') y n..iA That while we. members of his military family, are conscious of the extent 6f our bereavement and can appreciate that yet more sacred woe of . his widow and orphans, still we regard the loss as greater to the cause in which we are all engaged 1 and for which he so freely gare his life. . Resolved, That as a soldier he was brave and obe ffiiMr imn&rtial and iust, and as a com mander, skUlfui and vigilant, and while we honored him for his many military virtues, we admtred him yet more on account of his character as a christian and a man. - '.'!. ij?.rrt: That. hfia.rt.Uv rvmnathise with bis be rAt fumUv - and whila tfaeY hare a rich legacy in his unsullied memory, we are proud to show with them an inheritanee in the works of his life and 4n h mannAPnf Ma death. . I ( '" ' ' Xetolved, That a eopy of. these resolutions be for warded to hU family as a feeble expression of our sot row and sympathy, and that they also be furnished to the Press for publication.. : - - i ' Measures having been taken to raise a fund In the Division for tne erection of a monument to Map or Gen. Pesdbb, the a; eeting was adjourned. ' ; . Brig. Gen. ELTHOMASj President.. Vapt A. V. 11 A.O&.CiljXi, A- A. V. Lieut. J.W . RIDDICK, A. A. A. G. MEETING IN ONSLOW. COUNTY- At a meeting of the citizens of Onslow county, assembled at Jacksonville, on the 3d day of Au gust, 1863, J. 33,. Wooten, Esq., was called to the chair kahd A. Johnston, requested .to act as secretary. . The chairman on taking bis seat, in an easy and fluent ttyle, explained the object of the meeting. . ; - , . O a motion of 0. B Sanders, Erq , a Cpmmit tS consisting of H King, H. H. Bandlin, J. B4 Morton, Dr. C. Dun"v, Jr., A. J. Murrill, Lieut, D. "W. Simmons,', Ed. Fartell and Salomon Gornto; were appointed to draft resolutions for the occasion. Tbey reported, through their Cbarman, XL D. W. Simmons, the fdllowing preamble and resolotione, which were j unani mously adopted : -!". ' r.c Whebkas, The time has arrived for electing a candidate to represent the Third Congressional District in the next Confederate Congress, there fore, - 1 . JJ . ' 1 - ' t " ' Resolved, 1st, .That wa behold y?ith pride the tower ot strength, as exhibited in the President and Vice Preaident of tbe Confederate! States, and we have ever v confidence in their, patriotism and ability to administer the affairs of Govern ment, and we 'pledge them our hearty Support, while we still continue to look to a just "God for hi protecting care over us. ' . " . Resolved, -2nd, That we fully endorse the manly and patriodfc coarse of Govenor- Vance, of North Carolina, and we pledge bim every meansiOf. sup-' port in our power !" : ?' 'i- " Rsolved, 3rd, That In view of the faithful and consistent course of the Hon. Thomas Uuffin, of Wayne county la the Congress i of the- United States, and also of his patriotic' and self-sacrificing example as a soldier in the: field,, ever fjhee the war began: we recommend bim to the ped 51 ef of said District as tbewaost suuaoie man .10 rep resent us in the next-Confederate Congress. , JlesolvedSiih,' Th&l we ofiar our sincere, beatT6lt thanita. ;to our noble soldiers In the field, lor tneir devotion and self-cacriflcing spirit, as displayed in suffering and' enduring so: much for tne. cause oi liberty and ctvu rignia, Resolved, oth mat we earnestly recomuit a w iVa tanf thi district- the nroprietv of cailins a convention of ; the people, irrespective r,t pariy at Goldsdoro', on the 2d Alonday in oeptemoer. n Resolved. RihJ That a copy of these resolution be sent to the rWilmingtod r Journal, for buhlica tion, requesting the other State papers- tq copy. In pursuance of resoluUon No. 5 should a Con vention be called,' on taotion of Soli Gdrnton, the following eenileman ; Capt- W ,T. Eennett, LA. JC. 1 orter, jonn oneparu, a. a, oauuito, v Stephens; Dr. C. Daffy, Br., j. ju.raDKiin, ju Wi-llafget," A j.-.iu.urMi,--'. ouw amju D. W- Simmons, Jasper Etheridge, Ed. Jrarnell, Stephen Henderson, D. A. Harget, B. S. McLean Solomon .Gornto and A. Farnell, fwere appointed' delegates to said Convention - f . - ; i '.- One motion of Lieut. Simmons, the meeting adiourced sine die. V . ,"i - JAS. M..W00TEN; Chairman, ; A: J. Jqbnsxqw, Secretary. ' ' ; Cokscbipts Ur thb SptrxH General Pillow, who has agsin Jbeea :assigned 't6 duty as chief of the Conscript Bureau, has established his head--quarters at Marietta, Georgia. , Hi geographical riAnartment cbnsistsjof the States of Tennessee, Al abama and Mississippi; and to bim is assigned the duty of filling up the r'anks of the armies of Geo erafs"Johnston and Bragg. p.ttv!r T. HPMTCHABD. This eentlemsn, pastor df the -Franklin Square Baptist. Chnrch, Haltimore, has incurred tne ampieasare oi iuo Lincoln ofiicial,- andbeen thrust into prison 'in hat 'r;tt and it is probable that he wiU be sent South. His old friends in this State will give bimi c'-'." -- - ".'.-''"' :- i i ' 'i '. . "'.,'f;.--i;" "--Feosi yiCKSBTJBO.'a-The Ftderal troops In Vir.kbiiT are reported to be dinc at the rate of 300 a day, of a violent throat di3tenper. Federals J asd citizens have Deetj.turnea out oi vicasourp, and it is to bo field as a puresy military post,1- No part of Grant's arm v is said to have passed above 4U.OIjyMlAr AtliWIf onj Itjrww. .: .. , THE i TALK JFOB THE TIMES." ' ! If the"Boulhis ever conquered by the Yankees, remarks a cotemporary, it will make an anomaly in bletory it will be unprectdened in the annals Lof warfare. - It. will, prove tbat we hive been ei ther the grandest victims of the most stupendous .' bladders upon record, or that our population is the -.. most debased open tbe facrof tbo eartb. The man that talks about obmif?ion on reconstruction U contemptibla tcry, and deserves the execration- of ma kind. ( Away with all such chicken hearted wiea now, and lot.nohp .oilier rifthlsTrrembling, voice. PcL Express. , ; j ! Gas MoaOAjtf .Not 'III TaEA.Txi! It has been published, cn tbo antbority of Jfortbern p-- borsi that Morgans bad lKin; lodged iq the Ohio penitentiary " and Ircalcd ai a felonV having his hehd shaved acd. suffering other indiguitles. Go th other ,-band, a later has ocrn rcdeircd in Ao-r gusta,-Ga.;. from 31rs. MctS.' etajjlng ttTalBbe had late Inteljigoncorom her hwst n(ndin which . fco--.iLj.hat ha ja kindly treated, atiJ to bo with hr on his pHrgld iu a rtcu Ww. - , ' BISHOP ATKWS05'$ ACrOINTMENTS. Christ Church. Rowan Coi ' Aucast53rd R- .Tjittiar'. TrnrfplK ' av ' - 25th ifitb 2th SOth- " r .I.-- :. -. Statesville, - . Owinna -Chapel, Wilkes Cou ' Wilksboro', - a tA ' 4 Grove Chapel, Caldwll C V) St. John Baptist, Watauga, C?. 8cpt 1st " - 3rd Stb th nth , "f'Wth . nth 15 th Morgantoa, . 4 l Cbitdsville, Mitchell Co., : ' Asheville, :. . w. i" Waynesvilie, naywood Co. Hendersonvflle. Henderson Co.. St. John's in tbe Wilderness, Ilendersen Co., JOth St. Paul's in the Valjey, Transljvania Co., Calvary "Church, fKndarson Co., : - f (Rutherfordton, " , " ,' f. 2lnd 2ttn Shelby, Cleaveland C04 LincolntOD, ' . f Charlotte, A 1, Concord, ' , j( Salisbury, .. . Lexinston. ' , : - 2th , Oct' 1st I 4th fJth . sth, m i nth , 13th " 1Mb, ' -w lth' " JBth , 20th 2Jad . . Wth Hairston'8 Chapel, Davie Co.,-St-'Andrew, Rowan Co., MoekSTille, ' , Huntflville. Yadkin Co., .' Richmond Hill, Yadkia Co Salem i ' ' . German ton, Stokos'Co., Mountain Chapel, Rockingham Co., Leaksvillo, Rockingham Co.; Milton, .t ! ,. Yanceyville, ; . j."-i7- v.;. Grgpnsboro', ", ' j- r, .j 27th 29th 31st 1st rd Nov a"'. DIED, ;- '.'t ' " :i In Raleigh, August 2nd, 186., Mrs. REBECCA E. GOODWDf, in the 72nd year of her age; -. - ; For more than half a century she haw been an ex emplary member of the Presbyterian church of this city, and her death sunders one of the few remaining links that bind us to the distant past;, Paring all ihis " period she had besn a faithful and fervent follower of the Lamb. Naturally of great force : of , character, her strongest con vietionsj aad sympathies wero these connected with the duties and hopes of religion. In all the relatious of life- er religious character shlone forth With remarkable lustre; as a mohr, wtle aad suitress, she a pattern t o her sex. She discharged with' energy and bore with patience - tbe' do ties and trials of her ieartMy lot;f and nntkr wax the nnifbrni tenor of her life that no One who koe her' conld doubt that to lej-sdying was but going heme;? thawhen her worn and wasted body rested ia the gave it. was in the assured hope of a blessed r amotion,, pre cious in fight of the Lord,'ri . . 'u "J. M Ai t ' At Winchester, Val Jaly,lS&.3 ef wiurida received in the battle of Gettysburg, Capt. PETER P. SCALES . of the.45th" Reg; Jta TJ'. tt y " - f '! . " "H's memory unburied in the earth will remain a cherished and beautiful jand holy thilfg in the suuls of hundreds. When sudh a man passes away he leaves the world lone and desolate to those who knew and loved him. Oar Prayer to God is that such memories " may bate a chastening and purifying and elevating ! influence upon us and fit na, to- discharge our duties better than wa nave ever yetaone. 4 - -iw. nVTATIIAN.T. WATKINS, ESQ.YOU JA wiU tLkecotke, That on the 10th and 17th days ot October, 1883, in the Court Heuse in Warranto, in the county of Warren and the State of North Caroil- " na, the'despositions of Robert D. Puchall and, otbars Will be taken by the subscriber, to bo read as e vidanee in behalfof the plaintiff upon the trial of a sutt more pending in the County of Warren -and the Stale of North Carolina, between! Marx Schloss, PUIntiffi and ' yourself and others Defendants.' v " "I , v. Augf22 ltj;--fix:z '-f MAKX SCHLOSS. '. ;' Hillaboro' N." C.MUltary Acc8aa-. rpUEaECO.ND SESSIONQFTjaEl'IPTII JL AoademiaT year of this Institution will eommenee . oa the 1st of July next. V ? - ' '4 Tor circulars aad information apoly to v 1 . May 27 2m ' . SaparinUndent. rilllE NORTH CAROEINA AND VIXl JL ginia Christian Conference will meet persaabt to adjournment with ihe .Churoh of New Providence, Uraham, N. C, on WEDiNESDAY before the secoad Sabhathiin OeteberX. , . WM. L. LONO, . j j29 td. - "' Secretary. Rton tho Thief 1 flrv a. REWAltJJ-STXit- liiUAl,' Q pasture on Saturday,- the 1st inst., one BAY MA UK. about fifteen years old, 4 feet 10 or 11 inch es highlight, hind foot white, to or near the fetlock'. She also sueklod a oojt at the time, and by a close ebservatioa this fast of itself wiU be good evidence of her identity. .She wag in ordinary, work order, j The above reward will be, given to any person whe will arrest the thtof or. secure my mare so that I ean get her arg8 ot Pacific, N. C, iS Charlottd Female Institute. ftlllE EXEnCIiJES OF -TIII SCHOOL X will he resamed oa the lath of September, j The. scholastie year is1 divided into two sessions! one of fourteen weeks, the other "of twenty-two, with a short vacation at Christmas. Board arid Tuition for the next session, 9 ICS. Ornamental branches -'extra Charge. Music will .be taaght by PrOf. A. Baataann, , assisted by Miss Mays. ! French, Drawing, and Paint ing, by Prof. W. J; Myrvver. Address - A . .f , j -,: ' X' REV. R. BURWELL, jy 25-lmpd' - ; .-i. ' Cbarlotta, N. C. ' . John Cr- Willlama Co., j ' T " : STOCK AND MOSEY BHOKEltS. ; CONTX?;UE TO CAUY OH THE BUO kerage business at their old stand aa heretofore, ia all its various braneaea. F 25-Cmpd " lilVtV Diclicr. Ilcvr Hovel. - 'HllEjtt: - I ti a . - uy v;aaries mc&eua (.uos.j - -Price,-:, . f.i ,K ' u i 5f " IS.CO When sent by mail ff,- - : 13.25 For sale by ' W. JJPOMEROT . J 1 Envelopes. 400- CArDL? AT "V7nr",AKr:r.,s. "' ' ' Gilnftiirird r.I.-inurJ, ' """-as , it-: VTEW EDITION -CONTAINING JN PLAIE3 F0RCASU OALTf, ,' ... . K-iiir w 1 1. u ii a . ff"" tio to-' Price Fee Sale by W-L-POMEiiOY; I 1: v

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