v; . v ' - ; . - ... . " : . --l::. - . ' : . - .yK -v -,;-v hV.":. tu.;; y v.-; -!' -.'. , . . . : . r ' i f - .. . . . .. ' . , - M - ' , :- - . , ' , .,- j .,; .i,.,,i ww- ir -nf- --.at.5- ... v" .. ...... " : '-.c i in i mm iw mi -l ii -1 -i it-mi n r -ti r--'i--.-...-, ,...hi f.iaaiiMMifliKiwiiMMMWa'iwMii i "'" - -) :. , ... ... mmimaammmBmmmmmmKmmm; 3 I 1 I 1 1 HI It if 1: 1 t t. Tro Faxm Tux Gajldct Tex Hocsxhoia ICce and Women On harms the cheese, and th the charms the he's. - t ; , " .flcrlmpinithe feed of fattening hogs, is a of min.' .;-. i So maiesaU things dificnlt, hot iad- try, all things easj. A tobacco rrorrer In the Connecticut Tal ler has sold hi crop af tobacco this year for $17,000, It amonntea to tweniy-eigm vom. i -Peanuts iaje been, raised in - seTeral parts rfLnfa, thjjeat. The producers say they axs as easilj raised as potatoes, and a much snre crop. 'V :' ":t. ,Th best coffee is made from 1 lb. Jara, end Of Uocha, Sk and -Martinique each 2 ounces. ;: ' ' ": la Tennessee, one cow, bedding for the family, chain, -one ran, and one dog are ex empt from tax and execution. An extra dog iauxedti;J;-.:::';';;:r.: Of the fire senses of human beings, trees hare that of feeling. Some trees are smart r 'thin ' others, for they life "where others die. i . . - Farmers who propose to sell out and lire in town, hare probably been taking lessons. mmA ther do net croDOse to malce any addi- . - tiona U our population. Ah English lease contains so many condi tional exceptions and directions, that wbena farmer goes to his day's work, it is often ne- Casary to read it erer. . .. . - ( .1 ... . ix At the next Illinois State Fair there is to be no horse-racing, and in all document the word "speed" is npt to be used, but instead -HUOD, WB1CB km nguicuua huuii. Tjtfrlhatfanaers ha?a ceased fo sow and - reap according to the moon, farming is more profitable than erer before, and while the price of ererything else falls prorisions holdthdr own.,-" .. I - The quality of the flour and wheat which is shipped to foreign ports is said to be su perior to any erer exported, and will, of course, add to the reputation of and demand for American breads tuffs. In Knox county, Tenn., corn is selling at 25 cents per busheL Near railroads or nar Igable waters it is selling, in that section, for SO cents per busheL la Canada most of their pork is fatted on peas, six bushels of which are equal to ten bushels of corn, and more can be grown from sn acre than corn. A boy who goes about through the weeds and chops down little trees to see thera fall, . ought to hare a longiprout taken out of the top and deroted to iraprotinz his under standing- ' England is in earnest about education, and tha United States are pointed to as haring a successful system. But there Is a great diffi culty, for where children can earn four cents a week, their parents t will be tempted to keep them from schooL . i i i - i ....... i W. TL TThite, of South Windsor, Connv says tne Early Sebec and arly Goodncn are the best potatoes is yield, and equal to any for .table use, and -he thinks good keepers. - The Garnets he thinks very poor potatoes. Old COWS should be fatted at fifteen years. The da3rynlin,'therefore, who has fifteen cows, should raise a heifer calf every yar to supply theracancy; if the herd ia thirty cows he should raise two calres, and so forth In Tasking miaple sugar me nobitt larger than a half iach, do cot ahare off the bark, bore only in white, sound wood, and do not leave the sirup in the kettles orer night, but if a poor boy comes around giro him SAme. - Boys in eitiea can scarcely learn trades be cause the journeymen ! combine sot to hare them around. Such boys should learn farm ing, get land, buy tools, take time, invest somethingand make their fortune. , , Mice and rabbits gnaw apple trees about these days. Rub with fresh meat,liver,grease, . or tie, up nicely with cloth, corn stalks, or straw. Itis doubtful if these remedies will do any good if applied on Sunday. The Paris Kentuckian says: - ?Mr. S. W, TeTtbaugh, of this county, has shown us some singular grains of corn, in which the ' grains, are doubled, each grain Living a sep arate heart He accidentally noticed a few grains as he was shelling his seed corn last year, which he planted, and they produced ears of corn with all the grains doubled." The reason why morning showers, follow ed by hot sun, are of so little Talue to the growing craps s compared with evening mowers is, tnat in the one case the amma mania brought down ia immediately return ed to the atmosphere, while in the other goes to the rery roots and feeds the plants abundantly. ' Cranberry wine, taken internally and ap plied externally, is anaouced as a cure, for scrofula, To make the wine, take the ripe perries, mash them in a mortar to a fine pulp, put into a stone jar," add one quart of water to two quarts of berries, stir it well, set away aad. let it stand a week ; then strain it through cotton, and you bare a beautiful wine, which with a little sugar,, makes! a wholesome drink, at once cooling and palat-, awe. it does not ferment. Mr. lasiah Mealey, residing three" miles northwest of this city, informs us that he made during the past year , 1,853 pounds of butter from seven cows, making witbta a fraction ol 285 pounds to the cow, which re .tarnnd Aire, averaging the price or butter at thirty cents the year round, $555. Frederick .- A dairynUa writes the Practical Farmer that the best Coirs he erer raised had to be .rned acTCTaJ.Trotki before the period of pairing. This practic a preventive of garget, and tended to the1 general healtt pf the animals.: - It sometime happens that the .-defers tof the. cow become (freatly and pain- tsUj . dirteaied Jweekji.lf or"?ix ,aad( kbuAuv persona resort to the sensible prac- tice of plltftD them br milking:; -(If Jhis" Wrtrsinori er'4.Trpuld ' probably; leUa4otDplaiAtZ garget thaa there aoW rpHE3EST, BLOOD PURIFIER - ,t .1-1 IN. afeE WORJJD LAWREflCEfS CELEBRATED DR ! JR, O S 'A"D A Ii I S READ THE FOLLOWING ' HOME CERTIFICATES FROM PHYSI- We hereby certify, that the EosaJalis is pre pared br a Fnysician who is an experienced Fhar maceiitiat and Chemist, and that his remedy is an efficient and reliable one in ScsoroxA, Syphn li &c, h having performed some remarkable cures m this vicinity. f E. BARNES, M. D. . . i . , . , IL W. KING, iLD. . Wilson,N, C, February 4 th, 1866. Wa hereby certifv thai we reeard Dr. Law- naee'i Conpound Extract of Bxwadalis m a reli- ante AxiemuTo , , A. D. MOORE, 1L D, - - s . ' f I A. STITH, M. D.- Wilson, N.CL May ICv 1867. v ': . Edgecombe County, N. O, May Sd, 1867. Da. J. J. LawnxHCE Dear Sir" Please send m Immedlatelv per Express to Tarboro,' two dozea more bottles Of your Rosadalis. I have carefully examined its Formula, and hx a used it in my practice in a number of cases. ? I am well pleased with it.' I think it, beyond ! doubt, the best Alterative I ever used. I navtf tried it m several eases of Scrofula and Scrofulous affec tions, &c with murh satisfaction to myself and patients. I bare also used it in Secondary and Tertiary Syphilis, f one a terrible case of eight years standing-, in which it acted with surprising and satisfactory eltect mating a quicx ana ino roncrh cure. I ;have. therefore, no hesitation in recommending it to Physicians and others, as the most reliable Alterative now known. Sespectfnlly yours, Suu, A. 15. il. V. A 'Wonderful CureofScrofulou White SictU- x HOICK CESTmCATK.1 I I hereby certify that last September I was at tacked with White Swelling of the left knee and also with an enlargement of the glands of the neck -one tumor reached a large size.' The welling ox the knee was enormous, and was at tended with the most excroriatine pains. I was so reduced that I was confined to my room over three months. My leg was so completely drawn np that I could not bend it all. I tried various resaedies, and they failed to give me any rslifcfc I was in this condition when I commenced taking Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis. The 'swelling Sn the knee and neck began to subside before 1 took til at the first bottle. ' Sy the time I took the second bottle, the swelling of the neck entirely disap peared, and that of the knee nearly so. After taking three bottles I found myself completely well able to walk as well asjever, &c l -Ll&XULKK WILLIAMS. Wilson. Mar 12. 1867. S EomdaZit itilZ cure the very worse tatet of Chre- e Jineumatum. , hous ckkttficatk. 1 Wilson, N. C, May 6, )867,' I hereby certify that I was cured of long stand ing Chronic Rheumatism, by taking four bottles of Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis. ' JAMES WILLIS. BotadaZit Cure Carbuncle, Boil, PlmpU, dcJ CEBTirlCATX mOM AIT OLD AJSTD HTJCH RESt raCTEO CmZEN OF 6RXEI7B COC3TY, KOW X KX8TDKHT OF WILSON, K. C ' I hereby certify that, during the summer and fall of 1866 I was severely afflicted with Carbun cles having had as many as fourteen Jarge Car buncle, aad twelve ordinary Boils. I suffered so much from them that I could not eet out of the bouse half the time for several months. Being induced to try Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis, I was entirely cured by the use of one bottle of that truly valuable medicine. ' W. A. HARDEN, SB. vuson, May ntn, 18U7. i CtmtumptioTt, in it Early Stage ean la cured. BALTXHO&E, Md., March 4th, 1867, ' Dear Dr. Lawrence: Mt dauirhter havine- been' cored of a deeply seated disease of the luns by your Rosadalis, I feel it ' my duty to make the fact known to you for the benefit of others. She suffered nearly two., years with a Jurfd; cpughy wmcn trouDiea ner aav ana nnrnt : at last tne emaciated form, glassy eye, night sweats, together with the cough, told too plainly that it was Con- tumptum, beyond question, eating at her vitals. Uur Jrhysician s remedies brought no rehef. She was advised to try.yenr Rosadalis,. as a tonic which she did imagine my surprise and gratifi cation, when. I found her appetite returning. Slowly she regained her strength, her cou?h and night sweats gradually ceased, and she is now, after taking five bottles of your medicine, appa rently as well as ever. f x ours, respectfully, Mbs. E. ANN SMITH. RotadaH Cure all Skin .Disease. SALT KHEUlt CURED I REMARKABLE CURE ! ! Dr. Lawrence, Wilson, N. C: Mu Dear Sir r the last ten vears. nntil recently, I suffered with an inveterate eruption of the skin called by Physicians " Salt Rheum " wiiu wmui x sunerea lemDiy; me pam and itch ing was almost intolerable. I tried several of the best Physicians in Europe and this country have visited several celebrated springs spent thousands of dollars, and failed to get any better. Jn De cember, 1866, being in Charleston,- S. C, I was told by a gentleman at the hotel that he bad been cured of a bad tetter by a medicine called "Rosa dahV I resolved to try it, without any hope though of its doing me any good. . I procured a bottle of Messrs. JCing & Cassidey, and com menced taking it. - Finding, to my surprise, that I was improving, I bought four other bottles ; but before commencing on the hist two, I found I was completely well the disease having entirely dis appeared. . Enclosed find One Hundred Dollars, which please aecept as a token of my gratitude, ' Wby do yoa not make your invaluable Rosadalis widetv known? Your sincere friend, ' ' ; W. T. SELTZER: i Major John W. Dunham, one of the editors of the ilson North Carolinian, Bays in the issue of the 20th April, 1867: I believe, from per sonal experience, that the Rosadalis is the finest sonic ever prepared. t9 Beware of Counterfeits. ,. J Or See that J. J. LAWRENCE & Co:, is blown on the bottle and stamped on the cork. -flFf 1 . . . . ; ALL 1XTTSRS OT ISQUIBT, &C., FROMPTLT AX8WERKD. Address J. J. LAWRENCE, M. D., Wilson, N. C. EWSent anywf.ere ly Eepress on receipt of For sale oy m . WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. Druggists, Raleigh, N. C. A Certain Cure for Itch. jljl, This troublesome disease can be efferto- auy curea m xrom two to six noun by the nse of this remedy.. ;AToid all P01SOSOU8 OINT MENTS, they are Dangerous. . 11 This remedy has been nsed witarcreat for nine years and has given satisfaction to all whohavwasedhV.!-.' 1? .2 1 j M :i.'lr. . As a cure for scratches on hnr it ! nnr4 vallsd, ;eff acting a perf act cute ia front 2jb 4 days. Certificate from mail contractors and farmers cer tifying to the cures it has effected will be shown to any one. . -r . , msiztl (; Prepared at the Laboratory of - Jlr- I 1 u - I TJITTT . A TIP.I.PHI A . '.I 1 IrKnln W A rW I'iuiu 4t Jt r I K I I 1 N' ' R r 1 1 IYI 4i J I I 1 I H JjCl II. ... , . Trrrr k nrr tttt k UniYersity .of . Mediane and burgery. Organized, 1848. ' Chartered by the, Legislatuns, February 26, 1853.. . Amendments to Uiarter, j rebruarj JS, 1860, andMarch 15, 1865. 4,. ' Two full sessions of Lectures each.- year, mencing the first of October, and contmuing un il ApriLt..lhe Dissecting Kooma are open,, and briTate lectures and Quizzes continue during the entire year. The first session continues until Christmas, or for three months, and the second' until the first of April, or three months ; th4 onsUtuting one full course of lectures, jsxanu oatioQ of candidates for graduatioq will occur, at ne ena 01 eacn session., , . , . ,. , -rt-wr ttto Tnrrya bnB -tt k 1 TT A TTfV ) The requisites for graduation are three sessions of lectures, and three years only; or four sessions, Deluding two years spent al the Tniversity. THE SYSTEM OF MEDICINE TAUGHT, . The University j ia a liberal medical, . school, in- which all branches of. mediane and surgery are teught, including the preparatory studies, without i . resard to any sectarian news. rience,wnuetney deprecsto.the.exdusiveness of Apathy.JHomo palhy. Eclecticism, dropathy,'.etc,.tbey believe that all principles of cure and therapeutical agents should be taaeht m' all weU-retrulateU medical schools: and that every mi thorough practitioner ia entitled sies and privileges of .the profession without re gard to his peculiar notions ia therapeutics-; vi The fees for all branches, including all' the i ets, matricubition,: and dissectipB, are sixty dol lars a session, or one hundred duars per year. Those who purchase tickets only have , to matne ulate once, which makes the second session Fifty- five Dollars, including demonstrators fees, or One Hundred And. flteen Dollar for a full, course. To aid young men of moderate means, the Uni versity has issued five hundred scholarships, which are sold to . first-course students, for Seventy-five Dollars, ana to second-course students: ana clergy men for fifty. Dollars, each constituting the hol der a life member,' with the perpetual privileges of the lectures, and all the teachings of the school. The only additional fees are a yearly, dissecting and matriculating ticket, each of which is Five J Dollars. . ; j ' -. , , t$ ..jmJI THE ADVANTAGES OF SCHOLARSHIPS. " The student holding a scholarship can enter hi College at anytime daring the year, attend as I long as he chooses, and re-enter the Institution as frequently as desired. " " ' lk reqmreB no previous reaumg or siauj to cu ter the University- on scnolarsnips, nence all pri vate tuition fees are saved . ' Students by holding scholarships, can prose-' cute other business a pari of the time. The candidate for graduation can present him self at-any tune, and receive his degree as soon as qualified. -V" ' ' ' ' ' 1 - ' i In case a student should hold a scholarship ana not be able to attend lectures, it can be transferred to another, thus preventing any loss. Parents, guardians or frionds ef students wish ing to purchase scholarships -for them, a year or more before their attendance . at the University, can secure them by advancing one-half the' price, and paying the balance when the student enters.. Physicians and benevolent men can bestow great benefit upon poor young men, by presenting them 8 schelarshifi, and thus enabling them to obtain an honorable profession. JAKS McCuktock, A.. M.rM. D. Professor ol tne rnnapies and iractice oi ourgery. : i Wit, PAU.E, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Pathology. C S. GxxTSXi A. Li M. D Professor of Chem istry, Pharmacy, and Toxicology. E G. DALTOJf, A. M.k M. D., Professor of Physiology. ,: '. f ' - - l H J DotrCET, 'A M., M D., Professor of Mate ria Medica and iberapeutics., ,,. . , A R Thomas; M D., Professor of Anatomy, Vienerai, Epeciai, Aucroscopicai, ana 1 atnoiogicai. , Joseph S. Longshore, M- D., Professor of Ob stetrics, and Diseases of. Women: and Children. ; E D BcckhanJ M D., Professor of Minor Sur gery. '!,.! ( ' (.- PROFESSORS OF SPECIAL BRANCHES. A Ltvezet, A M., M D., Professor of Clinical r i : ' - i .Medicine.,: . .,-, -, . .. , ' J S Longshore, M D., Professor of, r ,C Obstetrics. " ' 1 ' C J Lane, M D., Professor of, Diseases of the Eye (and Ear. L Oldshue, M D Professoof Urino-Pathol-ogy. ' ' L 1 Lukens, M D., D D S., Professor of JDentis- iry. C MURPHT, M D., Professor of Medical Jnris f rudence. W M Cornell, M D IX D., Professor of Ivgenen'e and Physical Culture. K B Weayeb.; ,M, M D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. NEW BOOKSv J i 'oif J . Paine'3 Practice of Medicine. The work is now complete. It is a royal octavo of one thou sand pages, and contains a full description of nil diseases, including thoseof surgery, and of , women, and children, together with, their; pathology, his tory, symptoms, an4 treatment, and is claimed to be one of the most complete, elaborate, and exten sive wooks upon these, subjects ever issued from, the American press, ; ' Price,. Seven Dollars ; ppst- age, 50 cents ...... ;r. ,-; . .,- -New School Remedies. An octavo, contain i mg a full description of all tne.. concentrated and new remedies nsed by all schools of the profes- sum, and a complete alphabetical materia modica Price, Five Dollars. To ' those who order both books, Ten Dollars postage prepaid. ' : ! UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. A Semi-Monthly Journal of Medicine, Surgery Phisiology, Hygiene, and General Literature, devoted to tne Aroiession and the 1 eople. The cheapest medical paper in the world,- pub lished every two. .weeks, at the. .University Roilde mg, rmth street, south, of Walnut. Single copies,.',"-' '" t'":A "" Five copies to oiie address, " Ten- ' " .'-' -'-',' - ' ' " Pif4ut tJ ' ' ',f' 'I'PO 4,35 '5 '30 10O0 m. u.wa4 Twenty - - The getter-up of the club shall have. . cue copy gratis. It is also the cheapest advertising medinai in the. prorld, as it reaches nearly all physicians and. druggists, besides having a large popular .cir culation. The price for .advertising is ten-cents per line, seven, words.' making a line.,;. No papers sent or advertisements inserted: unless prepaid, -. . Address, .' i -..vj 1-.,',- a , W. Paike, M. DEditor,. , , 2tf , (,l-5 I ; , ;? -..iu Philadelphia, Pa.? ' TTTANTEDl tO MAKE ARRANGE; , V V . nientwithaiiyS MJij evcry coun ty, who' wishes' to maie' money, an'a can give good references. ' N capital .reouired. , WiD. sell .a business now paying $1,500 per inonth, ahd nely nn htk nrnfia frhr mv hat " A ArtAaa'1 v j. a itLTciN. .1 'juL 9 3L . Pittsburgh,Pa. JARREtL'S , HiGH-ppiNT, : a, ; ... 1.' :'; '. i A R B E I h , f 1 ..- Pj opr i e to r.. iThe traveling public may. rest assured of finding gooa ana conuortaoie aceonmicuiaow at uus house.. ,4-38-pVit 4 THE TAEBEOUGH ' HOUSE;; 1 1:1 ; ; "Fayetf erllletrref RALEIGH. N. .C; Have the pleasure of announcing to my friends ana the travelling public, that I Have leased tie fora term elf years! The house wine&Arrso and Furn ihued .with new and elegant furniture at once. ' J ;"' ' ,1 return, mneera thahks tq my patrons fcrheiij verv kind and liberal Dattonaira. reoaived whiliri chAr p EXqHAyft HQxhiscij . promise that the.taxbrogli Honsf riaUhfje; to suMrior in (he South. MfU 1 f-K In every of North and Spnth .Carolina, to canvas and sell of- UbrOr America on the face, and a COUNTY MAP'of the Unitei States ou the back, eoveririg 24 square feet of muslin, with rollers, &c. ; Other agencies ean.be. given, if desired, i, Agents make from five to twenty dollars per day. . -Ui yu j WARREN R; MARSHALL.1'' rut ta-'-K Tiiri 'Gentrat Agent Uoydla Mapii , .Columbia, S,C,;i rAllCarouna papers inserting this notice to the,: wuoiun vj. Q win receive a wyj w. urn y? .Ji. Crr-PER.CE3?T.1SAVEB;. o ,V"-it7- 6f yU7Ljfl By using .B.T BABBITT'S , Labor saving Soap'. J1This Soap is made from clean ".and pure -materials, contains- no Bdultsration Of yl kind, will not injure the njost Plicate fabric, and; is 'especially adapted lor woolens, which will nof. shrink after beinVashedf with this Soap.JIt ma i nam mm i u4 uuru uniwib ' wMOBt'"it wui ivwv.vi . t -n t,-n -,nn. TSTS Soap. "Directidn sen widi each barjlor nlaking- t6r .mUim mt handabmeson ooao -j erom ixiv j" B. T. Babbit's,Soap5 and take no others B. T. Babbitt, Nos, M, 65, 66,. 67, 68, 69, JO, ' 'MAlOSYUUJti'OTVW' tSUAr.W'per cem. saved by using iB. . Xj Babbitt s puraiuonceniratea Potash or Ready Soap Maier.v Warranted, doubly, the siren'gth of 'commdnPotsh 'and superior to y eerfcaponffer. or fey irk' the r market: PnVup5 in can of.pound;3 pounds 3:pOHnlsi5.'ponnd8 And ,1? pounds withfuli directiops, in EngJh and Hflrfnani for makinar Hard 'arid Soft' Soap," 'One 'pound, wflt taakef 1& gallons of soft: Soop.- No linie , required, , T Consumers, jwift fin , fhis the. Cheapest rouum m me huukku , , . ,B., jr. Babbitt; SNos; 64,S,'B6',i'r;,68i B9, 0, 72, and 74 Washington street New. YdrkJ i' ua i ! SO . PER CENT SAVED- by using B. T., BAR-- BITS qes Mjedicaf'Salaratus, "made from com- . mon salt-1 jsreaa maae wiin ims oaiantius vuu , tains, when baked, nothing but common salt, sva- : Nos. 64, 66", If; 68," 69, 3 76,' 72', Wd '74, Washington street,- Tc-TKT T I 5E&AlEiAMal fcy using! B.!T BAB BITT'S Star Yeas ftf : A6ht Biscttit or any kind of Cake may De 'made 'with this Yeast Powder, in fifteen minutesi Nb 'shortening re quired whSh sweet milk is usedT Nos. 64 to 74 Washington street, New York. ltfJ- -. - ! -"V: DHj CHAUSSIER'S EMPRESS If ,..' A FRENCH PREPARATION , FOR THE HAIR. It is not a Dye, but will restore Gray or Faded I Hair to its" original .color in. one. week ; .cures all Diseases; of the -Scalp, removes Dandruff and all i . j x X! 1 1 , any canse : C6fnpelft "new " HAh- to gtW on bald head when fallen oS from disease ;- ia fre from ' 11 1.1. . rmnll ttII nrkf oil ' firwof linen 4 is the. Finest Toilet Article ever produced (elegantly perfumed.Vand is warranted in every .instance or money Teinnaea. ror saie qy lrng- gists generAlly. -. .Weeks. & rotter, Jio&ton, sole Agents-for .the United .States, . For Physicians' and Clerervmens certificates, see circular ,witn each bottle. . . , 1 ltf -i - J ' 'l Richmond Type Fotmdry ; ; 1 4..i'.VU,V$ i.' - - ' THE i ONLY MANUFACTORY OF TYPE 6n sontherA soil, south of Baltimore. y. The Proprietors of .the above Foundry have al so united WUB their Jt oundry a complete : PRINTERS! FURNISHING WAREHOUSE Having cm hand or -furnished to order, every ar- I tide requisite for a Printing. .Office, From it Bodkin to a Ten Cylln- Type- stodiPrrating Material from - any Foundry Piorta tnrnifched when.reqiui-ea. We. can and will manufacture in Kicbmond as ' mwt an' art 5Ta'" of ihtt ojaniA ' Vtftfvfmpn nricAX an b" - s-r r anv Foundrv North, iv e resDecttnur solicit tne f TnasM,' J- -K ' 1IENKY .' G.' PIXOinZE & CO. We rcSro ii HaH PHnfeT.ia (Jft City. We also desire evefy Newspaper an. the. South to copy '. tiiiB advertisement for one "month sending us one copy of their paper, and receive their pay for such advertisement upon purchasing hve tunes tne amount of their bill from us. H. L. P, & CO. 14-lf , hii, i f' .... a- -a Valuable Water Power For 'Sale: THE- LIBERTY- ISLAND WATER-POWER, 3 miles from, the Depot at. Company Shops, on the North Carolina Rail. Road, is now offered for sale. It is located oti I law River, has an abun dant arid -constant supply of water and good fall. It is one of the mcst easily: developed and valua ble mill sites in the State. Will be sold or put in as stock in any gob4 manufacturing business. The ' power is sufficient for any business, and the cost of improvement' would be' small in comparison with most sites. . . For further information apply to the Register Office, or to the subscriber at Com pany Shops. ... .,i,A'-K. fcJLALrTSUJN. o-om. " ; . jj JJATCH & PnELPS, .. . -... : - : . AND i ) BROKERS, r BANKERS. GENERAL PURCHASING AGENTS. U. Si &, JForeign Newspaper Advertising .Agents..; ..a .i 19 Broad St.;' Airr) 57 Exchasge P1.XCE, ; New " York ' ,:'-'' "- 3tf ' i ' - ' ' T EMINGTON'S FIRE ARMS. ' JX .-S0LDJ3V THE TRADE GENERALLY. UPWARDS OF 200,000 TURNISHED THE I -V A-A'A tjJ. gi GOVERNifENT' - - -Army Revolver; 44-100 in.. Calibre, Naw Rvolwr. 3S-100 in. Calihre. ; Belt Revolver, (Self-Cocking,) Navy .Calibre. Police Revolver, Navy Siae Calibre. New", pocket Revolver, (with Loading Lever, ) - Repeating Itol, -(Elliot pt, No. 22 Cartridge. Vest Pocket KstoLNo..2iJ, Cartridge. ...Gun Cane, using No 32.Cartridge. , , r f -Single" Barrel Shot un. ' l,ifRevolving -RmeVSlOO in. Calibre. T I lircech-Loading Rifle, .No. 33 Cartridgte. " i. f Breech Loading Carbine, No, 4$ Cartridge. ' IT. SI Rifle'. "fSteel Barrel- VsHth Sabre BavoneL 03 U.- S: Rifled Muskef, pringfielov Patfefn. (3 Our new Breech Loading- Arms have just been approved and adopted fpr .Military service in Eu rope. E. REiHNGTQJMk. SON'S, - llion, JSew 1 orfcj wirrr,"'--,ri-".:' it Moore & -Nichols,. New York: Potltney' & -Trimble. Baltimore : Henry. Jblaom A-Co., New Orleans & Memphis ; JU M. .Uumsey & . Co., fet. Louis. undsay;u,m,7 " "H . . ,,'UiliUii:i::' Ut Ai;,:i ibi-.r.' :.! jr. p.e . i F- o ii ii i e:r:,-A '' iji.iiT. -jU" ii'it.j-'l f !XA . . -T M'J t.l 1 New York' Ott;' r The Register1 is pr i! ' d on type from this tSjetabUshmcnt., . . .. . ,oit.' 14-tf TjAOTEtO, ', r. .a T T-aB NE YS-A!T" AWt1 : . WiU WMca.in. the SupranConrt Carolina, the United State .'Qroak. CeTt, tthd )8nperjo;Conrts loiake, JobjtoAend jOiaVj ham countMdiAAMtt-Qfi 4SkrDryi to Oil the COUrte- . , J. . A -ju-rj M ,vl -rrir fnri . PB'tIGS 'A' N D ' ; M EV 10 IN E3 I Q& :B&L& AT LOWEST XJASH PSICXS AT K. W. GLENN'S DRUG STORE,, Market Street, N S B O R O, - ' 'Qu E E N. C. m,i bnn Jhave a very large stock of ;f :i- '-' i . ii- .flmiaiftHnff Ckf7- f. fin rprry.fi PATN.KIT.LER.MU8TAHG UN- i AMKNI, &AJi8AJrAlULiJjA.. VHMitUSX. I'iv-and YSALSAMS fftraU kinds, , JJlAKtlllKJX. Preparations,, WORM JJKal MU i aKti VERMIFUGES: , CASTOR .OIL. ; COD LIVER OIL! PAREGORIC, -.t :lA UDANUMs -BATEMAN'S . . DROPS, GODFREYS CORDIAL MRS WmSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, m vie a ri( ur, y villi jv we? &aijbam .BILES BALSAM - OF,. MONEY, THOMPSON'S EYE WATER, ""FAMILY MEDICINES ;o . ... ArcwJ i. ".U.'.'.iA "' ! T 1 TXT. . lnAr DlanV .rft ',PAnA- Pr.AAAliltik Farina Corn Starch,' Tapicp, Barley,; &c, ,4, i Pancy Toilet Soaps,. ColcgnesExtractsPom mades, Hair Oil, &c, &c. a " ' '" ' ! Dr. Chaussiers celebrated Lf liH,bb prepa ration for the hair, Starch Gloss, Emperial Blue, ! v-v ..-cSIEINGES.! - i . - i Syringes of Rubber, Metal and Glass, 1000 now on hand...(J.; ;.' , '. . t- juuiu Iji ijy u; dim, ujunjy j. o, f Pocket Cases, tc. Pure Liguors. for medicinal, purposes. u-iiihl) -A r.n MENNESSYi "I'i Cognise J3randyr. Char les; London Cordial Gin, 01(1 Bourbon v Whiskey,, ScuppeniongvVuie, j -"k " warrahtea pure juice of. the grape", Lon- . ; "' ddit Porter, Scotch Ales; ' &c, &C. Our friends from the country will please give us a caii, it upiipg our jjiieuuuu lv a CHOICE AND SELECT STOCK I thereby hoping to' give the ; t -; U I : . iTHB SESX; SATISFACTION.; , ; :' EPrescriptions carefully compounded at all i hours.--; ' ' : ':"'; .' ' .::..).'.;. . ITI shall continue in the practice of Medicine, and attend to calls in town and country. Calls promptly attended at all hours. 1 jjhaye added to my means.pz cure, ,, : Dr. IIadueId' Equalizer, Which is unequalled in the treatment of Chronic Rheumatism,; Epelipsy, &c, and will take pleasure m furnishing rlrysicians with this apparatus and the territorial rights anywhere in this State. April, 1867. -i-n -.-- '. ' J;f"k m for sale, The j subscriber offers for sale thi valuable Fartt, in, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, con taining ,; ' .,, ii.I - 500 ; Acres. The farm is situated in the Southwestern portion of the. county, in the midst of the best Coal and Mineral regkra of the State ; being fax one mile of . i .. u; ii T 11,.l- V,t l,..., LUC ulc Xixl1 " ul-a u"r f ally worked dunnc the late war, The celebrated Mineral Springs are also about one mile distant. The improvements consist of a large IvvO STORY DWELLING, well finished and painted KITCHEN and SERVANTS HOUSE, Large Framed BARN and STABLES, all in good order. ' The House Is beautifully-situated on an elevated, position, surrounded by a large yard of about four acres, filled wuh forest trees,, which form beantiful scenerv and effectual shade. . 12a acres nave - been- in cultivation, tne Datance in original forest; consisting; of Pine, Oak, Hickory, Dogwood, &c, &c ( 10 acres in '. ' GOOD j MEADOW, ' ' u:. . '1 J:! :',-nu- ' ,:n. : ' j: j.'.' "I: :. f .' ' and 50 acres more could easily be added if wished. rmJ' ' 1. . . 1 nere is a FINE TOUNG ORCHARD - of selected fruit, just coniing into bearing, con- Ji? ' t 'i : u t' ; sisnng or hippies, x eutues, . x tau, vyucmco, ott. Afeo,: tai Oraiard of about acres of ; the natural fruits in full bearing,, many of the varieties are equal to tne grartea Kino. . The Western Railroad', from Fayetteville . Greensboro,' (now building) 50 miles now in ope ation passes. seal. -the? property the Ore Hi Depot being vvithin, a mile of- the land. The cars now running within' 10 miles of the farm, and the Road jig -expected to be finished during the next year... The Chatham . Jtioilroad, now paruaJly , graded, and the Cheraw Railroad all centering in the mineral region of Unatnam county, wiu pass aear tins property. ; : Thus making it very valua ble forinvestment,- Good Mills, Churches, School Houses, Masonic Hall, large Tanneries, Ac, all within convenient distance; The subscriber being about td remove to the Eastern part of the State is unable to attend to the property and will sell on reasonable terms for cash or credit. ' . ' "" 'Tb)any 'nC ' wanting U' good Wheat, Oat and Grazing1 farmyi with; good. water and healthy location, the, above offers a chance not often met with." Address' ii .TARLTON THOMPSON, sepl7-tr , - GoldsborQ,;N. C,,;j Or would refer to Dr. A B. Chapek, Raleigh, N. C, who fennerly lived on the propertj'. , . 1 WLLLJA3I. J. SHARP'S , rmprdVed IJIliiard Tables, :".''- '"ii J ! rc?i-, 1-:.'? .'! t . ::' :if '. irWITlt HIS PATENT CUSHIONS, f ; i :, fr? :-.u -; v.f '!!' j T t--. rs' . ' i' "i-.;. ) Well known to le , superior to any now in -yse. Manufactory, 43 Mercer st., New York. . THE great popularity of Sharp's Improved Biiluurd; Tables has rendered it necessary to make extensive arrangements, in order to supply the increasing demand, and Tie is now prepared to fill any order with 'which his patrons; or the public generally, may favor him. i . W. J.' Sharp having1 had practical' experience for nearly, twenty;j years,- inj the 'manufacture, of Billiard' Tables, and having made a number of val uable improvements, he guarantees a Table, which for elaslacity of touchmechanioal cotistruction on scientific principles, and. elegance, of appearance, will challenge competition. 1: His newly invented patent Cushions having been pronounced by. the most competent judges to Jbe superior to any now in nse he is enabled to furnish the best Billiard Table manufactured in the -United Siates,' and'sustaih the name which gharp's Tables so ustly have acquired, c ? d T ' Balls, Cues and iyimmings constantly on hand. Old Cushions repaired' at short' notice. 'Orders by iHuTpu&kualiy atteUde(td''f":irj,' stir nr h , f, Sfad fop descripljve jdrefdar and; price IlsW.) sfeetT&H WlfPrR SHUTTLE SEW1NQ 'MACHINES dOO toanertof .to.aU.ctlcr3nie(i Maanf actnring-1 owj ilaVffJ toi not p3tt1aiVn J!W EMPTRESJ Mcb. overt 1 ruTDQses- I T 7 Tf I Earing: purchased the JTOB JPRINTINQ DEPARTMENT, of the Registkb office, I shall be nleased td see all my, old patrons, and all others that are; desirous, to 4 hare printed either pamphlets;" . : ,- : :. ) ! . , POSTERS, ; j ; . -; Inn iilhy Lv. :, . 1.'.;') -! ;i -: i.J HAND BILLS7 -y, , . .;,., '.: llivNKS of aU kinds,! . lu'y.ttir'.-) i .; : ": t. .- - s ; . ; PROGRAMMES, BUSINESS DS,;-' WEDDING CARDS, "' VISITING CARDS, : INVITATION CARDS, l;.-: 4 ; ; ...CIKCULARS, . . .... , -( BILL HEADS, i.V .; LETTER ; HEADS, ' " '' COTTON LABELS, ' - TOBACCO LABELS,' . Or any other kind'of prinfc'ngy t All work promptly delivered hen lised, ;i and guaranteed to give satisfafr- tion. Terms ; C.rO. D., .Prices reasoiMible.. v ; ' JAS. W. ALBRIGHT, June 12. ," ' GreensborQ,N. 'C. GUILFORD LAND ' AGENCY, ,, : - ' - u : " OF IVOKTII :CABOUNl. . .. ........ 1.4 . - BRANCH OFFICE, Raleioh, N. C. ' ' PRINCIPAL OFFICE, GRebsnboro', N..C. Persons havmg Agricultural and Mineral Lands, Water Powers, Town Lots and all kinds of Real Estate for sale, are- respectfully invited to place them in our hands for,that purpose, as our facil es f or bringing purchasers from Northern States ad olacinsr nropertv prominentlv before the pub- 'lfc, "through oar ad vertisemehts, nd also "through : 1 A....AJ....4b iw V, X'rtVV. West, are unsurpassed. We are now waiting for LANDS to be placed in our hands for sale, in brde? to sell to a party of substantial farmers from the North. r '' " . . " Our -terms are as follows: Persons placing propertyvin the hands of the. -f . GUILFORD LAND AGENCY ., of North Carblina, Hl be charged five per cent, commission on all amounts realized. Five dollars entrance fee must be paid when the property' is placed in our hands.; ; ; r : ;.t Persons at.a distanre.wishing tO place property in our hands should give us an accurate descrip tion of the same. If Agricultural Lands they should specify the soil, number of acres of cleared and timbered lands, the kind of timber, what, is raised on ' the ' land, what kind of improvements are on the premises, how far from Railroad and from county-seat : whether it is well watered &c. If Mineral Lands, they should state what kind of .Minerals, tne indications, sc., alwavs sending a good fair specimen of the ore. It would also be advisable to send a sketch of the land tO US. ' ".' .' V . -' " ' 'SEPEBBKCBBl'j'j His Excellency Gov; Worthy of NJc., Hon. W. A Graham, Hillsboro', . ... Hon. Z. B. Vance, Charlotte, . , Thos. Webb, Esq., Pres. N. C. R. R., HiilsbOro; Hon. John A. Gumer Greensboro. ! CoL Thos. Riiffin,- Graham. ' -'. For terms of sale1, entering Lauds and all furth er information, address or apply to ' ,y , , ; PH. THEIM, Agent. . jul.'2-3m. . Italeigh, N.'C. WATCHES AND JEWELET. B. F. STANTOX, WATCH MAKER. AND JEWELLER, j ; Greensboro, X. . , ; , WATCHES, , ., , . AST CLOCKS ' '' . . .... , r i l i -. . i ' ; - ' , ' Neatly repaired, by experienced workmen, and on reasonable terms. , . j . ;.,, -All fine Watches warrentedi twelve months.' ' I AH kinds of Produce taken, at cash prices: in exchange, for goods or work done. , j ltf - ' pqiAAiL & SON, 1 37 Jolm Street, near Nassau, and i. . ... 692 Broadway, near Fourth St. New York, The first Manufacturers of only GENUINE MEERSCHAUM GOODS cm this Continent The largest and finest selec tion in New York. Lnabled by extensive and fa vorable purchases of the raw material for the next year to , sell lower: than tiny . bthef house. Pipes and Holders of any particular shape cut to order. Also repairing. Boiling, $1. Every ar ticle stamped with our name, and warranted gen uine, j Send "ior W holesals or dietaU Lircular, Letter Box, 5845., . .:. , ' , ' T0 CON StlMPTIVES. ' -'1:1.7? - tit ic lyv:-. . a ... .::'.-' '.The advertiser, having been restore I to health in a few weeks bv a verv simple remedv. after having suffered for several years with a se vere lung aff ection, aad that dread disease Con sumption- is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. -. t. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direct tions for ; preparing and using . the same, which they will.' find a. surecdre for CoKSyMPTIo, Asthma, BROKcarriS,' Cocghs: Coitos, and all' Throat and Lung AffeetiQns.r' The only object of thejadqertiser rin, sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives' to be invaluable', and he hopes every sufferer will try bis . remedy, as it .will cost them nothing, and may prove, blessing. Parties wish ing the prescription, FRRE, by return mail, will please address Rev; EDWARD A. WILSON, 18 ly Wuiiamsburg, lungs Uo., ew iorfc. T7" EROSENE A' GAS STOYES. . , , XV ' Tea ahd1 Coffee Boilers. Glue Pots,' Oil Cans; &., Ac2ia .V'DfiJ .vi.i t4.i-j;h'..r-j All the Cooking for a family .mar he done with "Kerosene , Oil, or Gas, with less trouble, and at less expense, tnan ny any otner met'' u " ' ":irs ; Each Article manufactured- by this Company is guaranteed ,to perform all that is claimed.for it. , 'KEROSENE LATVD? HEATER CO j'-1 '''' l50BeajrlStreey Toimoxibr, f, i in) Thoroughly qualified to teach the EnirlishAnd French languages,VthMusicJ6htheTiano4a first' rudiments of Latins' desires ' a ' Isituadim-m ,some priyite ftttnilyfciiThe.)e8t:iefera)ce8 will be1 given. Address, C, IDA MAYS, "v ! -J",wi PMsant HfllJ K.!7. j ; PUBLISHED.DAILT, EXCEPT SUNDAY AT WILMINGTON, BY WILLIAM IL BERNARD ... . NO. 5, South Water Street. 1 The Cheapest Dailt!New8paper in Xokth I on South Carolina 1 -ft :v.t! i The, STAR contains latest leieirrnri ches; Lbcay -New s r -Reports or m Vets and General Intelligence. - ' '(('.-. f ..- .. Tmis or Subscriptiox : Mailed to SuW scrrbers at' Two Dollars an Fifty Cents for Six Months i OneDollar and Twenty-five cent for Inree Aiontnsv. .r.,i r... )i i.-ii; ADTERTISINO SATES Lower than those of 'any Dailr Newspaper in either of the CarolinasI -' ; tW Address all communications to ? : ;. W. Hi BERNARD, Proprietor, .'. .- . '-.. Wilmington, N.iC. Nov 5 lm ).' , , i ' SATURDAY EVENING POST-A BEAU TDj L, , PREiUUM ENGRAVING. Kc- duced IMces to Clubs. "The Saturday Evening Post gives a beautiful steel engraving names One of life's Happy Hours,? 2G inches long:ly 20 inches wide, to every single (2.60), subrcrikr, and to every one sending on a Club. j 'It will commence in the first number of January a new story, called The Outlaw's Daughter ; Tale of the South-west," by Emerson Bennett, au thor off Hie Phantom at the Forest," f l"ruirie Flower," &e." "); -; "' 1 - ':- -This. will be followed by other aerial storie from the best authors. Shorter stories, e&suvS sketches, letters,, agricultural articles, kc, ur regularly 'gin. -I The Post is neutral in politics being exelnaSve ly devoted to Literature and does not discuss 1'o-t iitical or 'Sectarian questions-fleaving these to political and religious press, 1 , v ; It offers among its Premiums, Wheeler & son's Sewing Machines, Silver Plated Tea Sets, Spoons and Pitchers, Gold, and Silver Wateliw, Double Barrel Guns,' Allen's Rifles,. Mckxlemw, . Clothes Wringers, Appleton's Cyclopedias, &c. . New subscribers' who subscribe now for 18C.7, will have their names entered on the lint of the Post at once, and receive the whole tear lt!G7 be sides. ..; .: , , , . Terms. 1 copy,' and the large prcmiinn ' en graving, 2.50 ; 4 copies 6.00 ; 5 copies, and one copy gratis, 8.00; 8 copies, and one copy jn;tis, 12.00; 2Q copies and one cojiy gratis, 2H.IXJ ;" 1 copy eacn oi l ost and Aatiy a r nena, t.mi j lie getter up of a Club will always receive a copy -of. the the Premium Engraving. Member of a Olnh wishing the Prenuuin Engravuig must remit One Dollar extra. Those ' desirous of . getting up Clubs or lVi--mium Lists, should enclose u cents for suuipli; j a per, containing the particulars, Address ; ' IL 'PETERSON & CO., " tl . i i i 19 Walnut,8treet,rhiluleljbia. ' $100 Q11 T:E!N qjts. Only a few more subscribers are required to Insure the speedy issue of the Great Illustrated Paper ' 5 THE -WEEKLY PBESs", . m which in size and appearance will resemble .. . HARPER 8 WiCEKiY, but in value wilffar transcend that publication. The PRESS will be an einlodinient of the sjiirit .of the age. Each department will sparkle with the genma of the most eminent writers of the day. An original ' ' , ' .', 'SERIAL STOlty of the most brilliant character will be commenced hi the first'nnnilier. .-?.- THE ILLUSTRATIONS wilt be'entirely original and of tlie most attractive stjr la and nature. k The ereat expense and lulior involved m tins enterprise render it necessary that we should sturt witnan "l.'-vn if. . . . , J"!'; 'jNdRMOUS ' CIRCULATION.- " i. In older to do this,. we shall do as follows : $10,000 in .stuns df . 100j will be distributed through the first edition. To every given niinir beri of 'papers $100 will be allotted.' Evert ropj of the Press will be enclosed in a stout wrapix r, so that the papers containing the greenbacks will not be known by their external appearance, Snd all purchasers will have an' equal chance for the monejr nd gifts.- ' - ' .:':.) . . ' Besides the a 100 UlLLS, orders will be enclos ed in certain copies of. the' edition for the follow ing p-.. -J' .. . ! :'.i:,:ii - 1 , ,.. ,, .t; GIJTS: - ' ' ' ' . -; Each 5 Grand Pianos' (Steinway's). ' Value. : . .$.VM) 6 Grand Pianos (Chjckering's). Value. ... UK) 1 Carnage, from CWittrs Repository. . 10 Gold Watches....... .......... . l.V) 175 100 73 4.5 ro 7." 4.V 10 5 Afelodcons. 10 Ladies'; Gold Watchas 10 American Silver Watches. , , ...... . 5 Music Boxes'...'. . '. , . .. . . .. . . .. . ..... 6 Elliptic LockAstitch Sewing Machines. .. 3 Wheeler and' Wilson's Sewing Machines. 4 Wilcox & Gibbs' Sewing Machines. , . ; . 60 'Photoirranh Albums ............. . ' The-balance to consist Of Accordeons, Tea Sctn, Silverware &a. No . Dollar ' Jewelry. No gift worth less than Ten Dollar. , THE PRESS will be mailed to any address upon the m e f price, 'TEH CBNT8, or eleven copies for 1, t v'V three for $2, and sixty for $5. j ' ' Address ' ' ' i i '-' STUART dV CO., i ' M Nbw York Viox? v : No, 61 Broadway, New York Jity. Nov. 8itf. ' ; ' , ' ".' ; ')':. I j ::. . MPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. I1 ipninpiT. avricK. C4C Broadway, . " Kew York. GrAt imnrhmnnt in SetsTu'e Machines. Em pire Shable; -Crank Motioo, fcWwiog Machine; It is thus rendced, noiseless in action. IU iiH)tion being ajl pqsUiyc, it is pot liable to get out cf or- '. der. It is the best Family iloclnneL xouccis called to our new and Improved Manufacturing Afairhine. for Tailors And .Boot and bhoe ractory. Agents wanted, fto whom a libcraLdiscount will be given. No' consignments tnSdej " ' ' ' ltf iu - EM11KK 1SW1JU MAUIUMV wj; ' . ''.I: j i 1 1. r Foundry ' " jVSt) 771 I'hi-.iil till) :mC0A'sn(,Greef C. T The .underairned respec'tiullv announces to the public that h is' sole pr6prktor of 1the alxrve m tahliskmen V and having rvfited 1 And ) far&itiLed the same with aew , and., improved machinery, he is prepaired to do, in the best manner, all kinN of casting and Machine ;work; t' s&ch as ' aaanafaitar- lrjg and repairing Threshing Machines, Horse Tow ers, Straw Cutters,, Corn bhellers, Mill Gearing, Hows and Plow Castings, Ovens, Skillets, Lid, and -all kinds ef casting, t. m. I' -)' JUlackstiuthAHg and Woo4 work, promptly dooe. Work taken from the depot La Greensboro, and delivered tdihe railroad agent free of drayage. All kinds' of ' marketable produce taken in - cbangetor,y9rh-f;i (-r, j 4: JLLTAltFLEy. ...... juanuiiturers oi tne IiTi PBOVlEDrTSilPLfc lUNOt j ireypjtd, Curtflar Vtoof SAI is, nWiVh Crauhpatjon and P'owdcj-Proof Loti - . , Vyarruntea free from, Dampness. iaM&'uiacWy7 18td 192 West llouston St. i J. ltf 618 Broadway, New York, , Care of Ww, A, Bwtoor. ton,:. . ..