, i i ..... . . . ' "" -V ' 1r.' ' ' 1 ' - 1 -l . i ' - f. - i 1 j 1 - - - : - - - ' - 4; M:1V, ,. I-...., "1 BAtEIQU, TUESDAY . JCI;Y;10. ?77. J. C. Li Harris Editor, Mrs. I- B. Clarke, Literary Critic. W. M. Brown, Publisher & Proprietor. ' ' ! THE LATEST 'KEWS. j The Iodians in T(Jaho have been whipped .2- in a fight with Col." Whipple J : j ' V The irurks have" won some tvlctorif s in ' Asia intnor. The Russians jare retreat? ng. Elections for members of the' French As sambly will be beld in September. j Postmaster. General" Key will visit Vir ginia daring this month, j- ; j The Greenback party i a - Wisconsin have organized, held a State , Convention and nominated Ej P. Allls for Governor. if is reported that exjGov. Fenton, of New York, has been tendered ! the mission to Berlin. -I-! President Hayes, Vice-President wheeler, and the cabinet, will attend the Vermont centennial. t - - v ' ' ' Russia Is issuing large quantities of pape money, and the German fi nancies are great ly alarme! thereat. j f' ! The Musselinen are preparing to quit the i scenes of their murders and atrocities last year in Bulgaria. p?hey fear the vengeance of the Russian army and the Bulgarians. . President Hayes- says the relations be- tween him and Messrs. Blaine and Cham i berlain are pleasant, and tha their speeches at Woodstock don'f worry him. 1 Secretary Sherman, and Mr; Webb j H. Hayes, son of the President, were in Nor folk Virginia, on the 3rd, and were received by the' Mayor and other city; officials. The Senate committee appointed to in- quire into the means by which Gov. G ro ver, of Oregon, was elected tl S Senator, is in session in Portland of tnatjstate. One hundred and seventy , em Dloyeas of the New York Custom House were dis charged on July 1st Their salaries amount ed to $233,000 per year, ---tv j A committee are investigating the Cus tom House at Philadelphia' and will report the result of their labors iriext! monlh. Lirge reductions in salaries and employees are expected. :'!( Hon. Jame3 M. Comly, of The Ohiq State Journal, who was with the Presidential par ty in Mas3achasettesrsays that New England is solid for Hayes, and that Ohio will give 10,000 ftepublican majority in October. An information has been; filed in New Orleans against the man Weldon, who at tempted to shoot Gov. Packard, of Louis iana, some months ago. A requisition will be made on the Governor of; Pennsylvania for him i i .,!.-; A meeting of colored people was held in Charleston, S. G, on July 4th to consider a wholesale scheme of emigration to Libeiia Letters and speakers fron- different parts oi the State, represented that: the colored peo ple are ready and anxious to go. . - Virginia Republicans will make no pomi nations this year. The Democrats will have no opposition, unless an independent ticket is brougnt out, which the Republicans will support. Mississippi Republicans will pro bably adopt the same course. The Turks are making desperate efforts to - cut off the Russians from the river Danube. and thus separate them fiom their base ol operations. -Fighting near Sistova, where a great battle is looked for daily, has been very severe for the last, few Idays and both Bides have lost heavily. . Ex-Gov. Chamberlain made a speech at Woodstock, Connecticut, on the fourth ol July, in which attacked the Southern policy ofbe administration; Senator Blaine also made a speech assailing what he calls the Mexican policy of the government as em bodied in the orders issued to Gov. Ord. For the fieal yeir ending June 30th, the c Jnage of the U.iited Spates mints was as follows: . . ; ',. 1 1 Gold ; Trade Dollar Subsidiary Silver Cia. Minor - i $44,078,199 9,162,900 19,387.935 2,265 Total $72,69 299 - The condition of the triple f Bombay in the famine districts, t diiy growing better. There has been an auu'uUaee oif raining and the planting of crops nis comiii-nced. The condition in iladrai i still deplorable. More than a million of people are on the re lief works or ares gratuitoudl fed by the government. i - j- f 1 The New Hampshire Legislature has passed a resolution protesting against the government leading its credit for the furth erance of any spicuiativei schemes under - the guise of interuul improvements" that may be for the advantage of any particulai locality or corpocaiion. This means opposi tion to Uie Texas and Pacific railroad, which has beea before Uongres lor teverai stswions . for aid.? ' ' v ;;?; J The government of Mexico; has instructed its commander oti me iiioj Ulraude topr : vent with forct any invasion' of the terri tory of that coun ry by the United States i' pursuit of robbers . who may depredate ano murder Amtttiatu citizeim. (Ttie authori Uea at Washiugtou have reused to modify , t,e orders isiued. to (Jeul Ord. it is dos sible a collision between the! forces "of. th. two countries mty x tate blace at an time.: The District Attorney of ft Orleans hu filed an information aKainst Messrs. Wtlls -Andt-rson, Kenner, and Cazenave, member , of the Louisiana BjturuinglBoarU chRr ing them wUh uttering and j publishing on the ith of December, last an Wue, certain nl tered, forged -and counterfeited, election re turns for President electors from the of Vernon at the election of NovemW by adding 158 votes to each the Haves i ' . j w wivm i il . .. v. h ... r-w -t " .- " 7 v. of the Tilden electors. All thedefendants have 'furnished bail. It is thought that Gov. Nichols will i pardon the defendants. Impeachment Is threatened if the: Governor exercises clemency r 1 ; ; ; Washington despatches of July 21, assert that the Treasury Department has absol ute; 1y declined to compromise a large number o violations of the internal revenue laws In thit State, s Senator: Ransom; Qen. Leach, Col Keogh, and Mr. John N. Staples, have been in W8uingtoii interceding for amnesty upon the! ground that most of the violations were wholly of a technical . character, and not othev ise i ntended to d-fraud the goy ernmenti Th deparjmiit neid 'that wheft no indictments had been f mud the Coin mis sioner of Internal Re ven ue could ai ree thav the cases; might be compromised, but that he could pending not take them out of the court trial on indiciments. The amount pi legal tender notes issued by the UnitedState8Trea3urj,andnotesis sued by the National Banks, outstanding oh JtineOth, was $661,445,777. This is the amount of paper currency now in eir culationt The; Treasury holds $17,000, 000 in gold, and tliere is $20,500,000 of fractional currency still, outstanding. There lias been issiicd $30,000,000 of sil ver to reolace f aciional currency. Ont-J side then of gold and silver ivliich may be hoarded! up, the tojal amount of all kinds of money now in! circulation is about $729,000,000. This is about twenty dol lars to every man, woman and child in the United States. j The unsurpassed, reception which has greeted "Gen. Grant in England, is most gratifying to every American citizen. While the continued ovation is a compli raeut to the United ; States and gives evi dence of the regarcl which the Mother country has for 'us, a large portion o'flie honors heaped upon Gen. Grant are on account of his position as the First sol dier in the world. His great services in the field and in the White House are ful ly recognized and most graciously ac knowledged. Washington, Lincoln and Grant occupy the first place in the hearts of the American people. It is possible and now eems probable, that THE PEOPLE m 1880, will again demanc1 of Gen. Grant that he shall administer the affairs of the nation for another Pros- idential term. The Vice-President is reported as being opposed to the recent order of the Presi dent to Federal office-holders. Mr. Wheel- er is represented: as taking the position that the doctrine of selecting good men from the part in power should prevail, i and that these ,very men, so selected, should in turn assist in every proper way in maintaining tlie nization ana su premacy of the Republican party. He contends that it is the party of progress, and to weaken or -destroy, it will be to set back the country fifty years ; that the de pression in trade and want of confidence on the part of capitalists to invest money in new enterprises, comes fiom their fear that the Democratic pjarty may gain control of the government. pThe Vice-President is of the opinion that f this very feeling of dread on the part of the people will bring out the vote of the Republicans in Oluo and Pennsylvania and save those States. He is further reported as saying that the order cannot be carried out without; break ing up the party, and that, therefore, he is opposed to it. . In a recent conversation President Hayes stated that the letter of instruc tion to Federal office holders has been mis interpreted by some of the newspapers. It is not proposed to prevent those holding federal offices from being members of their political party and exercising all their rights and privileges as electors, but he is determined to break up the pernicious habit of bffico-holders devoting most of their time to managing and controlling nomina tions, conventions, etc., when they should be engaged at their duties as public offi cials. He purposes that the order shall be carried out in good faith, but does not see why it should antedate political ap pointments already made. For instance : a number of office-holders are members elect of conventions.to be held this sum- mer or early Fall. 3?hey were chosen be fore these new civil-service rales were pro mulgated, .and the chiefs of1 departments will most assuredly use their discretion in these particular cases. He does not ex pect to bring about i the good old times again, when such men as Randolph, of Tirginia, stood at the polls with his hat in his hand and asked every elector for his vote, and bowed his thanks when receiving it, but he was, of opinion that the carrying out the order in the: civil service of the government would; work such reform as could not fail to be recognized and appro elated by the people. - , The policy of President Hayes toward the Southland his effort to reform the civil service, are in direct compliance with the demimrU nf Wa Wl w "oit-uiuMsu aau eieciea. xlis ao tion as President was marked ontiri plain; unmistakable language in; his letter of ac ceptance. ;Hr. Hayes was keenly cpn sciouathat the Kepublican party had fallen into disrepute ; that the f Cincinnati reso lutions were solemn promises of reform, and, were absolutely necessary, to be made to insure success at the polls. Being President he proposes to make good the pledges of his party and to redeem all that he made uponlhis own responsibility. Without regard to the public " service and the pacification of the country, with an eye single to the success of the Re publican party, tried by this standard he is entitled to the Support of every man who calls himself a Republican. The paramount objection to Gov. Hayes as a candidate for tho Presidency was the as sertion that he did : not v possess the back bone and nerve sufficient to hold the Re publican party to its pledges, and to defy Republican leaders if this course met their opposition. This objection was not well grounded. No public man has ever exhibited more moral conrage, and, more prudential stubborness, than President Hayes. Republicans who now oppose and antagonise the principles proclaimed at Cincinnati, which are now in process of execution, write themselves down as politi cal frauds, whom the people ought never to trust again, and indelibly stamp the au thorized creed of ! their own party, as a snare,ra sham, end a wilful, unblusliing lie. MARSHAL FOR THE WES'lERN DIS . J. B. Eaves, Esq., of Rutherford coun ty, is spoken of iu connection with the Marshalship of the Western District. The well known integrity and high moral character coupled with the efficiency and business qualifications of Mr. leaves, should he be appointed, we believe wmild give general satisfaction and assure an honest and faithful administration of jthe affairs of the district. Murphy Herald. A more competent man can not be had in the Western District for Marshal than John B, Eaves. He is deservedly papular among all classes ; the President wil 7 popularize his administration by appoint mi? Mr. .Laves whenever a vacancy oc curs. FULFIL. ISO the : pla tfor m People who are opposed to the civil ger vice policy of the President, are advised to read again the resolution upon that sub ject adopted at Cincinnati in June, 1876 which is as follows : " Uacfer the Constitution, the Pret-ident md heads of departments are to make no mi oations for office; the Senate is to advise and consent to the apiointment, and the House of Representati vet is to accuse and prosecute fait hles officers. The best inter ests of the public service demand that these distinctions be respected, that Senators and Representatives who may be judges or ac cusers should not dtetaiH auuointmei.ts to office. Thn iuvariabierule for appointments should have referent to the honesty, fideli ty, and capacity of the appointee, giving io the party in power those places where har ouony and vigor of administration requires its policy to be represented, but permitting all others to be filled by persons selected with sole refereuc- to the tfficieney of the publittflervice, and the right of all citiz- to share in tlie honor f rendering faiihfui service to their couutry." If this resolution ' was an honest utter ance of the representatives of the party, then the President is bound to enforce it and make it a part of the policy of his ad ministration. If it was only intended as a snare to catch votes, some man other than Rutherford B. Hayes should have been nominated for President. NATIONAL FIXANCJbS. The fiscal year for the United States ended June 30th. The aggregate receipts for tm3 vear were $271,325,677. This amount was derived , from the following -r- t ti c r a nf tin. sources : x rom customs, 5idu,o,ji ; from Internal Revenue, $118,438,278; from miscellaneous sources, $22,447980 Compared with last year, this is a decrease of more than $16,000,000. .Receipts from customs decreased more than $17- 500,000; internal revenue receipts in creased over $2,000,000. Ordinary ex penditures were $116,454,432 which is $12,000,000 less than last year. Interest on the public debt is not included in tbese figures. . ; The .National debt was decreased $3,219,119.11, for the month of June, and for tho 'fiscal year $39,281,121.73. This si an increase in reduction of more than $10,000,000 as compared with the pre vious fiscal year. Inhere are $6,000,000 more than is required to be paid into the sinking 'fund. The funding of a large amount of the public debt has decreased the interest charge for the year $1,943,625. This is a. very creditable balance sheet, and we have no doubt that the first fiscal year 01 . the present administration will show less expenditures and greater revenues. r The people can console them selves a little dnring the hard times by. the fact that the debt is decreased every year,- - , RALEIGH -FEMALE-SEMINARY THE AtL TERM OPENS SEPTEM , , ,1 BER4 1877, ,7 f U .. : 1 . -J" 1SOWI. Pr -.Qvmh tuUionf per se88ion m Apply for caUlogue to p jjoBGOOD, A.M., !:: 16-6W I ; Principal. T3EPORT OF TUB CONDITION OE THE CITIZENS' NATIONAL B ANK, ; U Tiftlii--h. In the State of North Carol! uar af the close of business, 22d une, UB77. - BESOURCES: Loans and discounts, ! . Overdrafts, i I U. S. Bonds to secure circulation, 1216,615 46 5,351 '0 100,000 Oo 30,000 00 , 3,000 00 1,679 95 6,605 83 3,097 38 28,500 00 3.707 62 U. S. Bonds on hand1 Other stocks, bonds ajj: d mortgages, -Due from approvedjessrarved agents, Due from other National Banks, . Due from State Banks and Bankers, Keal estate, furniture and fixtures, Current expenses and. taxes paid, Premiums paid, I Checks and other cash' items. Bills of other National Banks, : . . Fractional currency (including Dickels) Specie, . I " 14,60 00 3.737 51 11.916 00 533 Gt 1,800 00 Liegai tenaer notes, 35,000 00 Redemption fund wit& U. S. Treasurer (5 percent, of circulation), 4,500 00 Total, ' t0,675 07 LIABILITIES : Capital stock paid in. $100 000 00 J 6,000 00 Surplus fund, . Other undivided profits, National Bank notes outstanding, Individual -deposits subject to check,1. Demand certificates of deposit, Cashier's checks outstanding, Due to other National-Banks, Due to State Banks and Bankers, Notes and bills rediscounted, Bills payable, 13,4 W 04 9,00 00 181,193 88 6,07 14 5,184 77 11,750 39 11,926 4b 30,000 00 Total, f 470,675 07 State of Nobth CaboiJna, f County of Wake, ss I. P. A. Wilev. Cashier of the above - natmd bank, do solemnly js weir that the above state ment is true to the beat of my knowledge and be lief. ; P. A. WILEY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn t before me this 6th day Of Juiy, 1877. PHIL., H. ANDREWS, Notary PubMc. Cokrkct Attest: ' W. E. ANDERSON,) A. P. BRYAN, Directors. . R. H. BATTLE, Jr. J U 28-lt DEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE , RALEIGH NATIONAL. BANK, of North Carolina, at Raleigh, in the State of riorlh Carolina, at the close or business, June 22, 1S77. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts, '$378,864 04 Overdrafts, 10,;00 00 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation, . 400,000 10 U. 8. Bonds to secure deposits, 1 150.000 00 r U. 8. Bonds on band, 70,000 00 Otner stocks, bonds and mortgages, 12,o70 w Due from approved reserve agents, . 30,302 81 Due from oiner National Banks, 9,89611 Due from State Banks and Baukers, 5,135 li Heal estate, furniture and ti k tares, 116,934 98 Current expenses and taxes paid, 8,539 89 Premiums paid, 33,178 11 Checks and other cash items, 826 20 Bills of other National Banks, 1,000 00 Fractional currency (including nickels) 126 84 Specie (including gold Treasury not), 4,600 1 0 Legal tender notes 20,000 00 Redemption furTth U. S. Treasurer (5 per ceonf circulation) 6,100 00 Total, LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in. Surplus fund, Other undivided profits, National Bauk notes outstanding, Dividends unpaid, . Individual deposits subject to chock, Demand certificates 01 ueposit, . Cashier's checks outstanding, : United States deposits, Deposits of U. S. Disbursing officers, Due to other National Baaks, Due to State Banks and Bankers, Bills payable, $1,258,004 79 $100 000 00 66,000 OC 31.8U0 79 360,000 00 967 00 178,977 50 17.M5O0 15.7S6 78 92 299 56 3U. H76 3 a 477 5t -564 50 60,000 CO Total, 1 1,258,064 79 oTATE OF flORTH CAROLINA, County of Wakk, ss. I, John C. Blike, Cashier of the above uauied bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge aud belief. JOHN C. BLAKE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of July, 1877. JOHN M. SHERWOOD, Notary Fnblic. Correct Attest : C. DEWEY, 1 JT. O. MO KING, Directors. D. M.CARTER, J 28-lt JJEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE STATE NATIONAL BANK, of Raleigh, N. C, at the close of business, 22d June, 177. RESOURCES : . Loans and discounts, 254 9J1 81 Overdrafts, 6,443 33 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation, 34 000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mo rr gages, r 139jjy 29 Due from redeeming aud reserve agents, 13,846 09 Due from other National Banks, 6,330 54 Due from other Banks and Bankers, 11,936 69 Banking house, 25,000 00 Other real estate, 14,664 66 Current expenses, 2',939 39 Premiums, 1,194 4(5 Cash items, including stamps, 2 23159 BilJs of other National Banks. 14,017 00 1,340 65 868 69 Fractional currency. Specie coin, guM, ' bilver, Legal tender notes, Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer not more than 5 per cent, ol circula tion, 1,800 00 40,100 00 1,530 00 1447,134 44 LIAB.LITIES: Capital stock paid in, $100,000 CO- Pruht and loss, . 105,926 80 National bank circulation outstanding, 30,60.) 00 Individual deposits, 175,526 62 Demand certificates deposit, 13,927 65 67 41 7,32 73 11,535 60 1,611 63 Cashiers' checks outstanding, rime certincates deposit, uue to .National Hanks, Due to other Banks aha Bankers. 447 134 44 I, John G. Williams, President 01 the statu relational Bank, ot Raleigh, N. C.. do solemn lv swear that the above statement is correct to tn oest 01 my Knowledge ana belief. JUUW U. WILLIAMS. President. Subscribed and sworn to before me the 6th Haw uiuuijr, ion. vy . a. rniMKUaK, . Correct Attest : Notary Public. JOHN G. WILLIAMS, I WM . R. COX, ; Directors. , UAJNlJbilj li. FOWLE, J ?3 1t NORTH CAUOL.KIVA. Wake County-.S: In the Superior Court of Wake County, June 4th r -a., jj. la v. , Ed Graham Haywood, Plaintiff, Against John Creen and Wm Nesblt. Dr-fendar ts. NOTICE IS HJ3REBY GIVEN THE DE lendants above nafhed, that an action was tnis aayrnsiitutea in tne saiu court by the said plain tin6 against the said defendants, to rAnnvai. (500) five hundred dollars, with interest thereon from the 231 day of May. 1877. until nairt re work and labor done bv the said nui said defendants at their request ; and that th plaintiff has filed his complaint in said action and has sued out Warrants of Attachment ad dressed to the sheriffs of Chatham and Moore counties against the Dronertv ot said Hflfcnof D secure and satisfy said demand of f ?00 and inter est, which warrants are returnable hAfw ttw. court, at the court house in the city of Raleiich on the 8th Monday afcerthe 2d- Monday or aV Buov a ion, m wmcu uwe ana place the said -defendants are herebv renmrAri an.. answer or demur to said complaint. . voiklb i ; , j. j, bunting, 12' w6 W Superior CJourt of Wake oonnty. evPA'dvertisements, In the matter of John..,. . ' u . bankrupt. ' - L Tins is to give Notice, that on the 9th day of July, AD. 1877, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, against the estate of John A. Harrison, of Casfalia, in the county of Nash, and State of North Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own Petition : That the pay ment of any debts, and the delivery of any pro perty oejuiiKiug u euuu ua.uo.rupb, iu uim, r jot his use, and the transfer any property, iy him, are forbidden by law; That a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate. will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy,-to be bold en at Raleigh. N. C, before W. Shaffer, Resrister, on the 3 1st day of July. A. D. 1877. at 10 otcock a. m , I ' i - JOSHUA B. HILL, ( ' law-3t . Marshal as Messenger In the Matter of S. 1. Harrison, isank- 1' -:!v nipt. '" TIHIS IT TO 01 VE N OTICE THAT ON THE 28th day of J ane, A.. D. 1877, a warrant in Hankmptcy was issuea out or the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina against the estate of Sidney D Harrison, 01 rvaieign, in me county 01 wake, JN. C, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition : That the payment of. any debts and delivery of any property boloncine to said bankrupt, to him, or his use, and the transfer of mty ui vjjorfcjr , uj null, nm luruiuueu oy 1HW ; Thiit a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt. to prove their debts, ' and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden at Raleigh. N. C, be fore A VV. Shaffer, Register, on the 12th day of j aiy. A.. L' i77, at 10 o ciock. a. m. JOSHUA B. HILL, 16 3 w Marshal as, Messenger. NOTICE. COLLECTOR'S SALE ; of Blockade Whiskey, tobacco, "VTOTICE IS -HEREBY mvuv' tjtat Xi will expose and offer for sale on Tuesdav. iuo m nisu, ui. iub vonrt aonse aoor, m the city of Raleigh, N. C, thu following articles sold unuer suctions &,iB4 ana 3,4WI, &c: 255 Gallons Whiskey. 25a lbs. Manufactured Tobacco, various brands 2,500 Cigars, various brands. 1 Backet Fine Cut Tobacco. I Lot Empty Cigar Boxes. 1 It Presses, Clamps, Moulds, Ac. t Set Scales and Weights. T 1 Tacking Press. a atllls, btill Worms and apparatus for ; tc ". ttC. ; same, I J YOUNG, !6-law3w Collector 4th Dist., N. C, UNITED STATES INTERNAL RE7EN0E. CoiiLECTOR's Office, 4th Dist. of N. C. XrOTI(:;E IS HEREBY GIVE V THAT THE JO roiiowing articles were seized by me for vio latioa of United States Internal Revenue laws in the 4th District of North Carolina, viz : ' On June 11th, 1877, at Sneedsbbro, in Anson county, N. C, 40 lbs. manufactured tobacco, said to be the property of B. B. Bailey. Juno 11th, 1877, at Rockingham, Richmond county, N. C, 32 lbs. manufactured tobacco, said to be the property of Henry Powell. June 9th, 1877, at Albemarle, Stanly county, N; C, 27 lbs. manufactured tobacco, said to be the property of Thomas J. Shinn. June 9th, 1877, at Albemarle, Stanly county, N. C, 7 3-4 lbs. manufactured tobacco, said to be the property of J 8. Atkins. June 12th, 1877, at Ansonville, Anson county," N; C, 34 lbs. manufactured fbbacco, said to be the property of S. H. McLendon. June 12, 1877, at Ansonville, Anson county, N C, 52 1-2 lbs. manufactured tobacco, said to be the property of S. H. Treadgill. J une 12, 1877, at Ansonville, Anson county, N. C, 61 lbs. manufactured tobacco, sa'jdtb be the property of David S. Leak. - J une 13, 1877, at Fayetteville, Nfc., 20 lbs. of manufactured tobacco, said to be the property of J. B. Barnes. June 13, 1877, at; Fayetteville, N. C, 2 lbs. of i manufactured tobacco, said to be the property of t JL Barpes. une at r ayettevine, jx. c, 80 lbs. or manufactured tobacco. Owner unknown. 1 Any and all persons claiming any interest in any portion of said property are required to ap pear and make such claim within 30 days from this date and show cause why such property should not be forfeited to the United States gov ernment. - Given under my hand and seal of office this 9th day of July, 1877. I. J. YOUNG, Collector 4th Dist., N. O. 16 wlawSw .1877. - SUMMER TRADE. 1 " - t FRESH ARRIVALS AT J. P. GULLET S, Of pretty Prints at 5, 6i, 7i and very best at Sic PRE TTY LAWNS, - . GRASS CLOTHS AND FOULARD CLOTH, , CRETONS, BLEACHED & UNBLEACHED DOMESTICS At Extremely Low Prices. CLOTHING. I am selling at very short profits. With our re cent additions we Lave a lair stock and good assortment on hand. fSBI.1: SHOES. IgSIf: I am still ahead in Hand-Made Work, for dura bility, style and comfort. Good shoes of all grades at the right figures. Beautiful Jjadies' Button Boots 3.00 to $4.75 shirts. Qinrrr 13 rpQ shirts SHIRTS. , OlIluLXiXO. SHIRTS' Our white and colored shirts for gentlemen can't ba excelled for fit, last and beauty. New Lot Hats, Umbrellas and Parasols. j HOME INDUSTRY, Call and examine .my sample lot of NORTH uuviijx a jsi ajjuj csii UxlOS for ladies. They are nice and warranted good. Coats Spool Cotton 65 cents per dozen. Frank Leslie's Cut Paper Patterns for salo. , J. Jr. UtvLLEY. 3tU tf ; , IS BUY ONLY FOR CASH, at Casfi TXPERIENCE HAS PROVEN THIS PLAN UJ ne O 3 tier I'.tr ine DUVer and SAllAr Whan I vou vi nil r iuiuu ill tun irntvrv una rr Provisions urain Ki.h .nH t I any other line, call at' Noa. fi and 7. Harirtt St.: I or sena oraers wita cash to j , I t ' It I I lTTrTT?T T . , JJ. J-L. - TV KJKJJJXUXjXjj 25 tf -Box 118, P Raleigh, JfifJ. THE SAPTEST THE M The Markets. THE RALEIGH MAilKETsT - , -Reported by B. II. YOODELL, Grocer, 5?& 7 Harnett, COCNTBY PEODDCE. KETAlt " Bacoh,hogr'd, 10 l-2all Bacon, yB0CfiY. la i h urown nens, zzjaaa should 2 Eggs, 15Corn.irhn' riour, N.C., $8 5oa8 75 Coffee, 'o,, . 5 Hides, greeiL 4 1-2LFlour.Wt V.' 4 1.2,0?i!"F'lrtni. ot. xuaxeainer, red sol, Jl Oats, slieiled. Leal. , ' eheafr-?lal 2oMolasses. onnJ Potatoes, sweet, 75a8d CnU ' 40 t.r. Irish, . .,.$2 Nails. ' Fork, sy 8a9 on basis for in . Rags. 9 Oflolt ol '"'ME 31 85a2 Tallov ea7Sugar, yellow, m n mrt light, 2ah 12aH Miscellaneous Mvertlsewpiiu. WILLIAM SIMPSON WrnMM MAOIST AND DRUGGIST, Fajettevilje Street, EALEIGH, N. C, 1 Keeps constantly on hand a full ami assortment DRUGS ' CBEMMals, FiSIIl Y MEDICINES, . Toilet Articles Imported & Domestic Wines, LIQUORS, &v., for medicinal -use. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Francs, EiuJisi and .German Perfumes fin i nxranr Qt4!.l .-.o-.n 1 a r i i .j uauoujr ji.epi in a nm class urug score. . Orders from country physicians promptly at tended to. - toa4-vtf NATIONAL HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS EQUAL to any in the CITY BeUtjutfutttj Miniated, NEXT TO CAPITOL SQUARE. RALEIGH, N. 0. IN THE BASEMENT IS THE BEST SALOON AND BILLIARD BOOM IN THE CITY. G. S apl27-tf BRO W 1M , , PROPRIETOR" NEW FAMILY GROCERY. SECOND DOOR BELOW TUCKER HALL. 11. GRAUSMAN HAS OPENED A ' . at his his old stand, formerly used as a tail oring establishment. He has on hand BACON, LARD, BEEF TONGUES, HAMS,. IRISH POTATOES, all kinds of GAMED GOODS, COFFEES, TEAS, CRACKERS, ; of eTery description. PICKLES, MOLASSES, SILVER DHIP, ' GOLDEN SYKUP, - ; 7 CljGAKS, V t ' ' ' SNUFF, - , .:. TOBACCO. He keeps on hand the finest and oldest brands of wines and liquors for family use. ; FRESH GOODS ' arriving every day. Everything used by the familv ran Ma ha1 nn oriIiatir,n Customers may rest assured that they -will re- oeive the best of goods at the lowest prices pos- siDie. Cail before baying elsewhere. 2-tf 9 j