1- .1 3 :.. -.j I .J - : ! ' - t. - . , ... , : r . . i , . LOCAL, NEWS. j Public Documents. ' j We are indebted to Senator. Merrimon fir various public documents. . 1 1 Hand Hurt. f S William ' UeCarteret had . one of his i hinds badly cut in a planing, maclune in tliis city on Wednesday last.v , i .- j lIsCharfirel. j- Mr. J. G. Hester has" been : discharged From the secret- service fof the United Satesand it is now ' sajd ; that he is an 'lit - . ! 1 .: .it Li.It Baltimore on Wednesday ; for l selling liquor without license. Dallas served his A .f I il- If. . . r' J V roaster iu uiu juexicau war, hjju. buube- Confederate steamboat A Compldiejjtt to Judge HeneyWg I cepon of wme few young ladies who de- f CORRESPONDENCE. 1 Hcori politics $ rom - this point sincTtf, have been furnished for publication the sired to hear from !Hm? In regard to the war. jW all of .these now o, a nnentlv was i : rf -. 7 j . ; . nrnlr. . ! Dnrlnor fA -nrr Tirt lrJTld hifl man a fellowj in Richmond who quarreled .The i body servant of JMr. : Davis resides in this city. His name is James HJ Jones. He is one of the Aldermen pf the city of Raleigh, and is universally : respected for ?us lonestv, sobriety and ihis devotion to every measure -which looks toward the Ood of his State and people. j following compliinent paid to Judge Henry, of this place, by the Grand Jury I State of North Carolina: Haywood County. Superior Coiirt, Spring Term, 1877. Honorable J. !L. Ilenrv.Judfire of the 11th Judicial District, 1 presiding. When the foJlowinfi: proceodinjrs had : Un n the followinj spread upon We the more than one marriage. In case marriage resulted The TYmfMtoaa ready to fuini each PLANTING PEASE. To the Editor of The Register: O 1 ,---" . ........ . . - w . - . ? DPANISH "JllODE OF JvXECITTln v T? and every pledge 1 it hart rand In regard gIB:-The time is now quite at hand qarroie is a mode of executioner, e thereto. Alter thubieriber' Wtwm wlion every farmer should prepare his SilTT l rrr 'r1" lftnd for crPs for another'year, and nalisl seated a cli5r 6r on the dlstr butlon eonameneed. The mwf Ut. aV rk a ' . , , i f .oron a fetol, a n ) ' : t . I . i I lmorin at thA fnri nt r.hfi hnnrpmn I Jonrt alicant for;the cpnsuFfi 1 place at j" in order on citizens of Haywood County relative to Ion or"e'aayasne appearea a nor pno- lem. . - ' ! P1!' 1 - portions of her Judicial Hi S t T k h E letter descriptive of henelf, but in no case HnnrAtnA Vmrfc. The following canses in this cjdurt have . bcten disposed of as stated since onr last issue: . y k . .'' '.; - s t -. . ' Lar. Clements vs State of Ndrth Caro lina : argued. ' j , ' j J ! Elias J. Jenkins vs Wm. Oj Bobbitt : argued : j j ' " i ! Cornelia ; Churchill, udmr., vs Jimothy lieb from Wake t argued. ' The Jarlsdlctiou Case here seems 'to be a welt settled rumor upon thetreiets that the Supreme Court have decided the Question of conflict of -if N - : : - jurisdiction between the State and the united orates, in lavor 01 tne latter, it . 1 - fa . ; I i Monday, the 16th inst.: vii.i 37. State vs Benjamin Smallwooid. 65. McFayden et al vs bjmncil etal. 66. Barnes et al vs Brown, exV. 73. Brunhild et al vs Fifdeman et al. '. 74. States vs Wilkes Morris. 75. State vs J. HStrauks. 1 120. Morgan vs Smith. I 1 124. Paiure vs Hannat, Brice atidjAbra ham. v I . . -j 125. Earle & Co. vs Hadie, sheriff 162. Commissioners of vs A. & C. K. R. Co. j 165. Commissioners of Greene vs Tuv loret aU. ' ! i j 4t , . 1 1 , revealing me name ot ms iaay. fe.r-- The nove. to throaghout . v .u uvttu,;, , ..AiiieiraKMuieanjnal marrow where it unit oat stub le tl answer to plow and plant jwith the brain, and ca uses insttVneo or sow hrnfiri-oof I i ..t : -ri , ..... - a-tJl"LOU!5 L ,, , ueaun formerly the garroU was merolv If peasearc wanted for -sale or uw,plQw' a cord put around the neck and sudden I and plant the pease'in a drill, say three tightened by the twisting of a S feet wide bv tvventv inrdma nrf 1. J xt. : , . ln" , ... . j . . T. ucuvueu me coru ana tne Unci- r.f drill, and plant from six to ten pease in a the.nnWrV nl- "i .(k ! x c 1. r n novel drawing was tnrougnotn aLuju i 1 " . : i . , im,:wuWu: me cca-u ana tne 0 county tor the hrst time in manv years , 4 . . I and plant from six to ten nna in a I fh nwfannA.v i xi. that Wfi hftVA: to rkrKil a nvor onr ; I Jonrt. a r - I Illll to nrfiVftnt. thorn ,'-4VtT I K!Jj. .1 i 1 .. 1 . . . r. - , - - . - - wiU now notify by iai! each of its fairpe .1 nncrfi that, nna no snnonor on thn Honhr . . v. r IS said that Chief Justice Pearson has the lor et as 166., Coinniissioners of 'Greene vs Tav- opmion wntten out and would nave nied it on Monday last but for sickness. We prejsnme Iie . decision will be hied Mqnday afternoon next. ' tj : j on J lry Goods J. P. GuUey.i r rhe .attention of jour readers is directed to the advertisement of Mr. J. P. 0ulley whjjeh appears elsewhere. ' i ' I 3r. Gulley has been doing business in Raleigh for a number of years', and has escaoiisnea a reButation m tne urv i-roons andi Clothing business equal to thit bf any merichant in this city. First class! goods at fb)ottom prices may-be had of Mr. Gul- . ley. ' Collector of Kaleisrh District. We are informed that Cq. I. J;, Young received a telegram from Washington on Wednesday last stating that charges had been preferred against him as Collector. Mr. John Nichols of this city is in Wash- mgton, and it is said that he desires the place. It is also said that a cetectiVe has beei in this city and district for several weeks and that the! charges against Col. 1 ortng, were made by him. 7 1 Ool. Young left for Washington on yes terday morning. ! . Greensboro Collectorsbinl ! TJie Greensboro Patriot, of tlie 11th, saysj that UoL Wmstead returned from Washington Monday and reports that he 193. Giav et uh vs Av & K. C.lt.Il.Co. etals. : ' 194. Jones, adm'r, vs Hep'iphill pt als. 195. York vs Merritt. i 196. Brandon, adm'r, vs Phelps et als. 197. Henley vs Wilson et als 199. Spoon et als vs Beid jet als. 234. Graham -et als vs Tate, ex'r. 240. Phillips vs Johnston. 241. Newsum vs Russell & Wheeler. 242. Brown et als vs Hoover. i . 243. Foster vs Penry. ; 273. Simmons & o. vs Graham; 276., Steadman vs Taylor, i 280. Long vs Long. ' ' ; 281. Tate vs Phillips et als. 282. Owens et al vs Alexander et al. 283. Simmons vs Dowd, jadm'r. 316. State vs Laxton. ! 318. Clarke vs Wagoner et als. The foregoing list does not kiclude any- cases set, for hearing at tlie end of the docket from the sixth district. Cases from the sixth district, set lor hearing at the end of tlie docket, will be called im- x i . r r .i u u will now notify oy iqaii each of its fai rpe- Judge that has no superior on the Bench: ..wa,,Mrtf,.- n . , i . ii v Vif i clal premiums of the gentleman whose name who is able, eonrtnons and ever watelifnl ... ... , r. . 4. it i , .. . fortune nas unKeo with her own, and wl of the interests of the people, and it is a1 .,, . . , , 4. ' . ' ii i j xi ' . also, when authorized by the ladies, forward our .special pleasure and pride .that we .pay tbeir otoaphs and letter to the luck, to his Honor, Judge Henry, a united bachelors afld widowers.a, CVy (Jf) compliment. ; . - T,mes. ' 1. M.Davis, b oreman. . - X Ratcliff, Jr., Clerk of the Superior OPPESSIVE TAXAl'ION Criven conntv l-V i TiJ 7 '7 J VVe regard that part of the act to raise Mra- Gonnv certify that the foregouiff is a true copy L 5" A i i t - i ! r J .i , -r .KJ- revenue as passed by the last Legislature. or tne compliment or uie uratid Jiiry to r u c n i n ' Hon. J. L. Vnry, Judge . of the 11th hich levies a tax of fivp dollars on every District, as appears from the Record on mercban.t Jr, druggist, grocer and file in my office, at Spring Term, 1877. ther. who, principal or ItIVPII linrlor mr lianrt unl co 1 .f , -- 7 ' w...v.oc ui.oliiiiik Court at office in Waynesville this the 25th day of June,. 1877. J. Ratcliff, Jr, Clerk Superior Court, ' Haywood Co.,N. C. Asheville C'tize. line c.f panih - - r - " mil 10 prevent them from running nnA Ifhlo rJrt r.;i i'. e . . ' o I v"isi 'Muuo v c!uuom, qarroie in or CllltlViltn trfoiiniiiI -- --- -vrv.. v a" wf "u cia- piguiiying stiCE. ;Uts Origin uiayprobal.lv tivator If httlc stable or other strong be trabed through- thef Moors or Arlibf to .manure bo used between the rows while the Oriental punUhment of the bow-.trin r cu Jtivating, the crop will be greatly bene- which in its primitive styleit exactly htted by it.- If it is intended to produce sembled. Afterward an iron collarv s - ft.v w tu tum unuer ip manure tne used.hy which the criminal was su Ul, , hind. t.hev maV 1m amirn A. I ' .1- I r.,. . i -ri . . . u "7 . uiu.wujtti auu uu i sirangiea. xiie piercinsr P jot tlie auu mun rc in part rease arc very marrow is a later improvement. scarce at this time, and tlm i'n I Lir il y spiiitil q 7 - - tuvi'ii uv. 11 1 II goods, wares or merchandise of any de scription, as unwise and oppresivj. The county lias the right also to lay a tax of 1 11 la . v ... rive dollars which makes rtlio privilege tax ten dollars. It is unwise and onnres- sive in that it makes no discrimination. ' J cr rn r rill.- Gt ... y vsvucn nuu jlu-lj cents, is very high and farmers should raise them :f or "the use of the farm and to sell at these prices. I hear farmers complain that the pea crop is tedious to gather by the usual mode of picking the pods off. Thi3 should never be dona When the pease are ripe or at th first frost, they should be mown with a common grass scythe and gather ed with a hay fork and loaded into a wjtgqji and' carried to SENATOR M. W.RANSOM. We are informed by tlie Associated Press Telegrams, - that " during the psist SIX weeKS senator Hansom. of Nrfh the barn or ccxmi The trader who bnv anU 11 w convenient place and thrashed as soon ah than five dollars worth r- l,a theJ arG thT enough. "1 hey should be ten dollars as promptly as thekOiest mer- f'fl01! the 0iirn noor t( 4.1 o.. rl i -1 season. It placed m boxes or hosh.ri chant in the State. It is unfair because it makes a few men nav nearlv or onite offe fifth of the whole amount of the taxes ' J : .i iij v. iiviv CLli-lLltllL Ul 1 1IC Let AUC Carolina, has been appealing to the Presi- collected. In Warren County there are dent and Secretary of fhe Treasury for. at least one hundred men who will have an ftirmestv fir all ln'a tnln -.l, j f . . . t. ,in . -itt wine Luev are ;.ry, uiey will jjeat an sp il If they are not carefully handlei n the harvesting they will shatter ; i there should be, much waste in ti lis wax an amnesty for all his ueonle with violating the Iuternal Revenue laws If ic end li 1 . k .I.-.!. 1, II. il , a 1 i .1 i oivi jiv inn. wiiuiiiueu an Hrrnncr- iitr as riifi Krnn(i5iri T horn bo nir r ! : "w to pay this ten dollar tax. Warren is one of the smallest" counties, and if we take turn the 1 lojrs in, thev will save tl lei t A Kew Way With Woodchccks. A genius in this vicinity has.contrive.l a method of ridding farmei-s of rhmV 'worst pests, the woodcliuck.. The modus operaqai is tins : A medium-sized turtle is selected,a few Indentations are made, in liis shelly frito which a little kerosene poured, and a string is tied to his tail: The turtle is then placed at the moulh of a hole where a woodchuclr is known to live, and the kerosene is; fired. It does the far merfs heart good to see how soon tlie "ground hog" makes his appearance, co be dispatched by a few blows ;of tli talwart Matt's bludgeon. I m orolil.iv- stormed t uit he bagged six woodchiicks ne other day, in two hours, and the eaut; f t, i .mention is that the turfle -.e;ius to -like h:LjtchjiHd Enquirer. ment with the Internal Revenue Depait mcnthy which. 'all the cases in North Carolina can be compromised with ths government nder certain restrictions. The terms are understood to be Satisfacto ry to Gen. Leach, John N. Strp'es and Thomas B. Keogh, who are attorneys for the whiskey and tobacco men of North Carolina, l he terms will be mJade W tiovirn very clean, and be much improved by thJ privilege. Pease sown and used as a fei- thousand four hundred men who will v r.11IzeF s,,.oukl be turned -under moderately -IT " L'Vl ? ,J I . I . 94-.000abont one KivAnf th tavn f ULtT . wnen lllJ commence blooming fi1QRffQ fi. L c i...... AnJ hmd on which th niv wmic, iui uic Jim iicgc .Wl UOllli OUS1 ness. Such taxation is nneonal and on- . it .... . l pressive and should be en ton Gazette. abolished. . War DISTRICT A TTORNEYSBIP. The friends of Col. T. J D.,1 0 , """"" JLne ineuus oi joi. I. d. Uula are "itt i r i, J . JJistrict Attorney, for the Western tnt r a f9 J? i y ?" Vat lettCrS District of fforfh Carolina, tnai oenator itansom hus hpnn :Vny land on which thev have been ctowi should be plowed with a turning plowas soon as the pease have been removed fron it, the remaining vines and foilajre wih improve the land very much i Know a rarmer torn in rather poor condition when hp came in possession of" it. He planted this bottom in corn and pease every year for eight years. The land was much im proved by this mode .of cultivation, al- who had a, lare bot- nbove list have been concluded. From the Daily News. decisions digest of opinion8 0f june! term, 1877 - j w ..M-v.- b""' J tiiu in s,L I not lnterterri wifh oIi.f J4- . CrOp. I . uuuiiuioilitutC uuill's. On common UnA ch, ao ii UIuer "..Feiy, because m too many ten or fifteen bushdr rt Tt ' !T will require when sown broadca f rom t l running political Conventions one and a half to tJ lZTJlT sVuld have been spent in their of- ai " : vr- nccs.-o Carolinian. L,yA uiiL-ii cuwu eany enongn, say by the HuntlVVS Whttner. A hnrwl i tri Tfin Kxt or hrtlHa 1.Q H,Tl. i 1. ; : ' i : i . . . "- j-yi-. jiiuui to ms Burpiise vne i ,uau wom a to mace equality in a par discovered, when he reached Washine-tom tition of land is yoid. ? iudictrne'nt should be of the pomts urged aganst him, Hen , ror3 whd preBeuted -v..Dv" wuiivuu 4118 case up vigorously was drawn ks a fur and iad succeeded in having hia papers at issue in the sam maae ont ana sent; up to Hayes for his wnen.case signiture i ' A Armstrong vs. " - Hfenderson Iiaa alao LL..,. . i i , t Jr. no inventory, rendered mt us poie win oring dowh the persim- made and offered to make mons. vcrv hanl for tl pardon of nerso w S .?r.;-''- '"e po- most doubling the eighth year the first raediatelv after case i "ave been convu-ted for viohition of tlia 1 1 ic " i . ot lu jears s , w rrr....v t . l t , m " niuiseii auu saiisiacnon to the u-overn- hK 7if l.o A..i.,h..i . . I internal Revenue laws,n. To sav nothinoJ mnn . i,. r . r . .V e . j i ii ii f uiuiiL , uui wc are in lavor OI rorflfion in as to whether these persons ought to have office; and think that some otWfer beer convicted or not, it shows a. deter- ing man, 8l0uki now b lac!e , mination on the part of Senator M. W. stead. ' . owusiiLiienrs. and i a :i.n. l r . . . i . ' . when he finds then: in trouble he doesnntL ;i r - ---- iuimiir oi dune, in this climate they will stop 4o inquire whether they are mihv or W V ' 7 H ,nU m tMe matl,re'' sown by the first of July innocent, but goeswork SiL" a True SfA H 1 at 'i" C-1?rd ordinary, seasons they will mature in Representative to get them out of the r f " i He, L ? pn"cm;of -erlina: part and enough can be gathered to sow trouble. - OI ieH a,,lllt C8' and nndoubted integrity, and the same way another year. Now th. a Democrat in thJ Pn in the gift, of first of July is the time to sow pease to i . a M I I III' llllf Willi f I 1 O " i . h I A II . V & : . f r . - . .uuliu uuc :UJU manure by turmnff them under in the f!l11- A FARMER Raleigh, July 12th, 1877. THE LATE ORDER. Thereout order issued by the Presi dent to Federal office holders simi.lv .neanathat the first duty 6f the incum bent is to the government:-that politics nust not be allowed to interfere with of dcialdnty. This is right. Further than this would be an infringement on person al freedom. It is the right of every American citizen to-exert all legitimate influence on .politics of his country and he does not relinquish that right by accept ing anloffice. The President does not in tend to be understood to ieoni"i- or v. mull poiuicai activity provided 111 S. it If we are to have COL. L. W. HUMPHREY. There is an item c-tno- the ronnrl of The First Son. It as a custom with manv firradnktmo- classes at the different colleges 'to 'have a nice present manufactured and laid awav to be given to the first boy born ! to a member of the class. ' The ment, it is sufficient cause moval. no! account and rV- ' T Tenons other than po- He v ,to justify -his re- quest Ifi p Jie. ,makes H business re- Jear cl . N quctofi the Indent, or at any of the ed lO.Oil OppOIK lie has several times represented in tlie Legislature, and some or our fetate excliansres. that is de ........ - - 1 . v . unucii .mi -1 lMf. iii mar tod thi ""neuior. ve nonaaprovctthimse f botIuinpetent and Reqiested to resign. We notice the telegrams of Saturday 'that C. w instead, Collector of -this district ha, been requested to resign.. We- thoud everybody was satisfied with Winstead. We have never heard the slightest corn plaint of the management of his office. We-very mheh (l.nilff Kia ;ai.,.v,.. will give us a better man m his stead. We had concluded that he was one -of the men- according to Hayes, whom tlie founders of our government did not in tend should be turned onttl, of ;a fi,f Wilson hnd Shober v. Rank of Islington. tmento Ww.ihgton, it should be 1 , . HI. I resnected. and w l.,.i;r. .. .- .11 1 wuson ana stiober v. Bank oi r Lexinafnn. I r - - ocm, Where a p.aintiff sues oi bffl oThhS a,H andli,..hr.f. iJ ' .H Wilmington Pod. . - c vrimiu VV HO Will make themselves parties to the aedott ftnd enters into terms with the defijsndant, one of said class of persons, who failed to make himself a party, can not prevent the case ve tli at it will be. YO UNO WOMEN IN A LO TTER Y. A MISSOURI PAPER'S ASTONISHING PREMI UMS TO 8UBCRIBBBS THE DISTRIBUTION OF 240 LAblKS.v The great special premium distribution of unmarried Ken tlemen subscribers to The on docket though; before any'aote rin, " rVZ" "l.V . ,he Opr ment entered M T " 0 I imouucea, ana wps a genuine Branch v.Tornlinn a ' r""uu " ,u u.n' q"Vsai success. Between , w.. vuuiuucu inese- woras ; 1 West Point, who recently graduated had ' fT' .preyfc t.he"CMe i , o uaLru iiaa going off the docket bv eivioeiiiotiCft of hia a ciaiis cup made, valueo At. fh t ' , -..uwuuuuiKu .".uuuu w uc uuaue a parry after jthe ar- .iuuuu xne cun is sn8nndH a "MJgeineni was made between in Jain hat qi X 7 Jf I ( ClUlt defendant and after "costs paid" entered dollars. miniafture army belt, with the scribejd thereon To our "gon." Aside from the natural inclination to mar- y, uiu prize tor the hrst son, will ddubt- ment of money contained tlZ'.fr t nu d CIOcK he audience at the Opera less have a tendencv to in,., ft,. herebv area tht t r;n V. T A jouse was largely increased by the presence p sfeg Sp5H :S:ithe "sa, lfgoMeofrtoi: -Unotentorart XZTX "V lnte8ted that for several Statev Jones 1 A ini- J i U" M Fnk R' Alien, stepping to the front wpasthave; materially decreased in to cotmthl fj? Sg?!! ?f the stage, said that in behalf of 7Ywe, oiumoers, greatiy to f the relief of thd an- after havhk- sworn r LUl uia 8tate. the drawin though Pointing power, i Ttt k ki i ,r examine him- .o t. Z Tr4T w staruingiy noyei, was a genuine o .e. Oae vr andidate for Coxisrress. and rectiv ea 1U,(K)0 votes, beins the largest vote ever eriven a Renubl ican in tin's flistn'.t. The campaign .was made at much person al sacrifice, solely for the good of tlie par tv, and we mw feel that lie should re ceive, as he deserves, the merited favor of his rnends, and his appointment as JJi . . . ' . . ... trict Attorney, would meet qualified support of the en this part of the State, regan Wiikesboro ttness. vv e are not mlormed as to rvl TTn I .k r,.' i 4. uuc vuu warns omce. mamance Ulean phrey s olnect of visitmsr Co omdo if U , - -.11 A 1 reany contemplates such a visit, but CAPITOL TOPICS. HOW WELli PRESIDENT IIAYE3 REMEMBERS niS FRIENDS. whether he does or not, there certainly Cabbage Forms. Mr. J. Y. Whitted exists no nrovoeation friftlm r.;,i I tall. . r - - f'"iiu press vixo uo uc uit-u last summer witn coocl comments he and his family have been effect a mixture of three parts unslacked subjected to in that connection. We un- lime and one part-fine salt, dusted on , , . """"g or ciesinng yeur. ror worms, ami cabbage any omce he is entitled to no such bad plants looked as if t.b J- - ..-v 1VIVIXVV4. IV 11,11 tieattnent, no matter what his politics buckshot. ;Thcabove remedy is cheap and may be, and in that we oppose him as ve- simple, and ought to have a trial bv everv o rtuj iu. our Aemocraric co- guuaneT.uiusooro liecorder: t ni in ii ii mi.w. 1 . . . . T . , . r. I -viuiaucs, uul inuru is a proper time tor ..11 n.:. ixr ' P)intipg iPower. i It) is doubtful wUw the Jorth Carolina politician do4s j not sorpa8 his Maryland brother Wcheek and impudence.! As a bull dozer he is certaifaly his su,eribr. So long as these gentlemen remained in town it was almost nseleto attempt to make a selectioffor ledejil oces in that State. But 'now that they have left it is probable that such changes as the President deems proper to 7tkewillbe effected. . He has'thS of ! the several candidates before hiXd peeachhjsjte that re rtil Mvk? ? ct ' S-Cat eemnt: Dallw id colored ' , lo was araignedin a 1ud?e to nflfia nnnn V, iil.i.. lijl IT 0 w. urwiiDuny pt a witness, u rate ( taia tnerft 14 a H.Vmnf7 that men testify truly and nptijfelsely. 3. Itis also error to change "if J be! witness Zr7J , defendat drev his pistol in self-defense it was an excess of fee and de-fendantguiUy.- The same actlcan tnol bemfefenseand also anj excess. W Ja'y to. fr force decessary'fbr usea is in excess of what self defence. Tl uis vs mount. Where in sqit1 brought hyaid,an again8t hi9 Pessbr, who had been removed fromoffice, ari account and settlement the same attorney ed both for the Plaintitfand thefenlnUWs is sufficient to sustain the 4ikS Jury In a suit by th. w.rd, thiJthre was PrauWed no be'-shorn TT P. Xr?f 10 a 0886 ari8i der?the a a Mil hundred and sixteen young ladies, from far and near, had requested The Times to place their names on its list of matrimonial pre miums, and with their requests had sent letters descriptive of themselves, their ages, looks, accomplishments, &e , and had at the same time sent their photographs and thA consent of their parents that they should do I T J Jl fit .'a , . - ov.! iu auuiuon 10 tnid number there were "j.jjr jruuug wuiw woo naa assed a place n the special premium list, but had not yet sent their photographs. From the mass or jetters received 124 had been selected and their writers j would be termed list No. 2, those who had sent photographs forming list No. 1. The list No. 1 would comprLe 116 young ladies and the lit : rcv, o cpmprige 124 young ladies. Nearlv 1 onn KMUBiuen csuoserioers to The Times had ap plied for tickets in the sneeiald one of whom had over his own signature stated he was an unmarried sired to participate in the distribution. Mr. f11 8Hwea..tBat TUe Times was authorized to transmit the ohotobranh anA ing letter of everv ladv tlar0r, v . r gn- " eeuuv ' , . neir numbers, with the i. It is said, in Washington that Hayes never forgets a friend. Those who have ever done him a kindness or been oh inti mate terms with the President have not failed to let him know that they still lived, either by calling to see him or writing their congratulations. A man named Rudy was a soiaier in a Maryland regiment. Hayes was a major in an Ohio regiment. They were in the battle at South Mm Hayes had hi arm shattered with a minie ball. Rudy and a brotherf Hayes' carried the now President to the home of Rudy, a country house in Frederick county. The Federal surgeons declared that Hayes' arm must come off. , The elder Rudy protested, and said that he knew a J)r. Baird, a coun try physician, who could Htfvo ih r, Young Rudy rode p st haste and brought Ur. Baird. The arm was aaved, in tne meantime the Ruds doing the nursing Young Rudy found his way into the BifT- more custom ious3 as a packer of good-i in the Appraiser's office. He anoiied o Hayes for the place or Naval Oifl -er. The President compromised with him and ves terday signed his commission as DetTlnv now liviiii? un all this. We regret tq see such men as Col. Humphrey leave .North Carolina, for, anart from "hi imli'tlna i, 'A. - J'.i nvc;, lie lO O, lliUBl excellent, liberal and enterprising citizen, and whatever wealth he possesses, we be lieve is the result of honesf, enterpr:s3. It was not made in oi&cG.Goldtboro Mes senger Col. Powf;rs Retained. It was juntas we expected. Through ralsrepresantations, plausibly made, the President was induced wiemove sjou fawERS Irom the Coilector shipof this Di.-tr.ct, but on leaMiing the real facts in relation to him and his manage ment of the office he promptly decided to retain him.. This is both a vindication and a triumph for Powers, reAlly slrgthen ing him m public esteem. re understands the duties of his office and he faithfully p. r forms themi Nort Carolinian. A Poetic Lover:- A languishing lover says-the pullback on Kis girl reminds him of the drawback on sugar. Boston Trav eller. , Getting Grant into the Field Again. One of the most intimate friends of General Grant says that the European tour of Grant and the honors whieh showered upon him will be but the pre lude to greater honors to await him on his return to, the United Sffoo .tt.. , - n-' .wvfc, IXC says that if General Grant remains o A us he probably will, for two years, on his' 2?nMD' return the American people will have be- lHK KeG come so enthusiastic over him that, hp will receive such an ovation as was never CAnoLiK4v Wake count,--s : known, and that ha wilt inevitably be tbe Supe"or Ooa Cnty, June 4th nominated and elected President in 1880. Ed Ornhi aawd. piaintiff, - He says that ia every speech made bv r j0h..i alIlst. . . . w a t. . v,j aum ww ill . u . trsr m Tati.i a r a As the v bountiful comesm, don t jisteb. forget crops of this reason to subscribe for Naval Officer. ; Baird is , r. . tv-vv" "j rfuuiiv refill and Wm XeWi; D. fA.i.a. t General Grant in England he shows tha Toripa i SiR&YSaftui! 'he is looking ahead in 1830, and he in- 2 5 iStttrf?.'!-41 !? if01 stances DartieU,lv 1,Q anu au 1?..1 'f1" "Ja. by tin DE- action was the said farm in VW!!cT t"L ' " J'vl,, wnrr' r"- - ol,cch iuhuo "Jf fiS77,M '"'f"? ""i "T VZ iT. .All " uoi yet applied f -.vrrant on Tuesday last to th I ir:"' r iur a xurtiigq mimon.PAUadejjMa Times ' London Resiq NTm. Tn y, av hue atn-rested to the ears of the eral Order. "NTo. 9,9. ianiil uT IiV . A ' worKmomen, was intended meet the eyes of the dent, June 28; IS 77- in wluVl. di f . ernment omce-holders are rroln'hifoi . cuve pare ia oolitica n, 1 t. j . 1 -: conventions, ea.. Col. Thorns P vuoao Passes General M.t .vki 5 nuance. . iy tne adroit and unscrunnlon mn controlled .national Kepub- on Tuoe.low lacf f 1.1 (JSLV) five liuudred dollars, with interest thnrMui " . .i vfcjjit 1UOI I. W Li in I U rt. i - . ... i mt , .1 uo 1 uay. or iay, 1877, until raid fur workinjnnen. Ihis sneech. hn I work and iki ' ..w . : . . -' - . - t u. luinii .1 1 1 1 1 i,n . C .1 l Said 4lffiirJaif- of rliir- . J Plaintiff: lias filed hiM ninm,.int in ) ..;.... - , , 7 1 - - . .v. aiMiij. 0.v., ao iiiieuueu .10 au "as eaea nut vrranta of AoftPiimntflH- dressed to the shr'rirXi of Chathun nH fr.r America and tO be , treusnrrH ! I Ues "ganst tae properly orsHid. def. n lants to hourf T treieured np in their seeure and satUfy said Wtnd o 0 aiKl inter II Carts. In connection wlfh o 1 est. which warranto ru hu.hji.. oo the 8th Mouday: ar er the 2d l7,m!aj of au- 5 1S77' ltwU ch ' Piw the said defendants are hereby requ net iu appear aud anawer or demur to said complaint. (Signed , j. N BairriNO, 12-w6w SaXenr Gnrt of Wake county.. .wlio have

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