I.', t - 4.- t ' t ii - A f p-r '?r4 . .v. i 4 a i ' X . 1 1 - i a n m Iff mm sin Mm u v-.. ..-v , . .-,. ,-, , I,,,!, Tatnfts Powder V - V , American Bole, v-'""W - - Crabs'Xves - , Ihe pubibct a'cai?i wisKea to inform' his friends, and tire public he! has lately ire-1 celyeid his Fall I -at. a Winter IsUDpljriwhich, .K witbf those ph hand, mak es bis assortment very J P t v.-i- i:,'- .oW ;nr l Bertram s White do Red do r -Flakehitc Spermaceti' White? Wax; Isincrlasj'v Itch Ointment Merc'l do v Blister do r adhesire ,v:Rochelle;3 do Diuretic , do , : JalapV pulverised .Columbtedob , Squills . : -.'' do 'Ilitter apple do K '-: - G. Arabic d alap ioot fdo Illuibaib root Gohimbo do ills'.rfl do Ipicac v - do Virga Snake do Pink . S , do " Ijqubfice V' do S eneka Snake do " Sarsaparilla do Meafereon - do . Ginseng' ,. do'. Alkanct d bladder - do Wiiite;IlelIebore do . - Black v da ' Orris Arrow . Turnnneriq : Gallangx f -TonpGntilla Gum' Camphor Dtf Gamboge' , Dp Scammonr Do Ammonite; ;DQ'jStorax; ' Do Benzoin : Do" Opium C Do Drag-on Do Arabic po Aloes . Do Assafoctida Do Guiac . do. do dp 'dp do ; dor- Bagging" and Seine , Twine. Bed C ords andVlough . Lanes .,r: llopesbf difTcrerit . sizes and qualities Blocking: Twine, " for Hatters 1 Hatters Trenchers Do StampefV JV Do Irons Do ted Sc vellow Skins ':5itate '' -Oil Peppermints Do Lavender i Do 5abnac v j Dp Hpsemary Do Animal ' v Do Annis Do Cloves ; Do Amber Do Peneroyal Do Vitriol V Do Juniper j)o Aimonas Do Cinnamon . h Dp Spearmint i Do1 Wintererecn , Do Origanum Do Cajtepu , Do HarJem Do Wonnsced ; ' Do Sassafras Do Sweet Do Castor Do linseed Do Lamp ' .Lemon. Acid do do do db do do Do Elenii v Do Myrrli , Do Castor Do .Mastic . . Do Lac Do Kino ; Do Catichu ; Do Galhamim l)o. Copal ' Do Shellac Yellow Bark ;:. Dr. Stanford s do ' Cascarflla do. f Ansjustiira If'doT- : Xlenryfs calcined: Mag nesia Carbon. ' XIatamcsla Small sqr- do Calcined p do Cream Tartar Salts do Vitriolated do , Crude do ,j Flake Manna Com'n do pFol. Senna p; Do IJva Ursi Sugar Lead , Extract do White Vitriol Elixir . ' do Balsam Copaiva Do.Tolu 1 Do Ixra : -pJo Canada j Dp Su!hur r3c Calomel ;v:pvv-7 V Corrosive Sublimate : Quicksilver Lunar &. Com'n Caiis- Red 'hoi WIrtte Preci- Crude pi. Ammoniac .Pearlash ' ! Klu e Stone C?lomne do ' Fly; tonerilip : : CrofeMariit vv Calc'd 7J : p AI et alic do' ''. ,Flbr Sulphur . ; ',.iaU;-;dop.-; Spanish Flies Cowhage , Fox Glove 'Bitter Apple , Sgo ;aiKl:Cubebs J:Martal'f,do,' JtjjlOgS dp .r MurPPl'iiv Oxalic Ttttafic Prassic Nitric Muriatic iMirous Tart Antimony Glass . ' . -doj Crude p doj Regnlus p dp( Ginnaber doj Gold. Sulph do itoboran's do Mercurial do. Lytharge: do -Court : - do pV Fine S purtge Coarse do .p Rotten Stone ' I Hons ' v : : Shaving Boxes f Pillv. do, -p Wafer . io ' pj Wax Tapersp'X, ' 4 Store and Family . p Lamps of diffecent qualities 4H Salts Hartshoen Spts. do, . Shavings do. - - . Spt, Nitre DovWine Do., Lavender p Do. Rosemary Dol Turpentnie Extract Liquorice DoJ Colpquinteda De Bark Do. Gentian : Doj Cicuta " Phbsplxate Iron Rust do Mur. Tr. do Filings. ; do Red Oxyd do Oxy muriatic Potas Sup. Caih do. . Sub. Carb. "Soda Caib. of Soda -v Phosphate do - Fresh lime Juice Ciniiamon-- Nutmegs i i; loves Coriander Seeds Caraway do Fennel do A.nnis i . do Carchimendo -K$s Peppermint Do Laveinler , Do Lemon Do Burgamot. Do Cinnamon Opodeldoc - K;. . jv J p ..i f.t w O r Jr qeivea ana loirsaie uf : ca I changre for Seed r Picked- Cotton, op the most liberal terms.- ' -v.- , - ' I S. BIRDSALL 5c CO vDec.-SO, ' -.VI p 13-tf aeries of scales! t Galloon binding, FiUtiS; db ; Vitr. iEtlier Winf ' . O-tyniel aquill v Syrup Ft do p ; -Vinegar do yrup HucKinorn 'Carb 4 -Bai-yt es P IP - Myr".v; do .- Manganese . 1 Metalic Bismuth HvOxyd:,f p doppv -if Do Spearmint Do Tyre, for coloring grey or red hair to a I Do Sassafrass "beautiful black. A Do Shark Skins Maccassar Oil, tor pro motmg the ; growth -1 iL A. I Fine Pomatum Lip Salve T ooth Powder Silver wire Teeth Brushes Common 3o do Fine Flesh do Shaving do Hair ; do Cloth P 4 do Macabau Snuff Rappee do Scotch '''- do' Cephalic do for the headaeh& . . ; Red, white & marble Castile-Soaps Rose , t - do Palm do ! Transparent do Blue, red and yellow Wash Balls Cosmetic Wash Balls for beautify i nt; the skin . u Windsor do Northern do" Soda 1'0 wders liochelle do Black and red Ink do Liquid Ink in Bbttlgs Markuig do Aihim SkltPetre Do FlafSc round bands Do Buckles Do Bowstrings Do Brushes Pumice Stone Coach Lace, different I - patterns Do Red Skins Do yellow do Whitewash brushes V Paint - do srround'and unground, all sizes Sash Tools j Scrubbing Brushes Furniture - do -Sweeping do Hearth - do ' Shoe ' da ' ' London White Lead in Kegs - Bry db . do ' Red Lead Yellow Ochre Stone 7 do ' ' - ' Venetian Red Enghsh Vermillion 1 Black Bottle &. Stone v. Varc - ' Bottle and Vial Corks Green &. White Vials Shop Furniture of eve- . ry description Ointments, Tinctures i Cerates, Syrups, Sc. f Cordials of cvctv i . . . ... .. . as-l kind will be kepi constantly prepared. He also desires to return hi grateful ac knowledgements, particularly,. to the; Faculty and country Merchans, and 'the pubhc gener ally,! for their. Very liberal encouragement dur ing i a struggle of nine years I to establish his business in this place arid further assures them, that no exertions, shall be wanting to mcritfa continuance of their favoursi I Orders will be thankfully received, and strictly attended to. A Very liberal deduction will be made to tlie Faculty and tliose who! purchase to sell agaViv The usual credit, six "months, will be given those who may be 'relied on. As this place hi;s become the emporium of the state for Medicines and Drugs, it is hoped Jhose who wish! to purchase will visit Raleigh before they supply themselves. ' I - He. intends keeping constantly , on hand, the following articles, hich wUl be sold low,- tor cash onlv Staught Steers British Godfrey's Cordial t Turlington's Balsam GowlandVLotion Church's;., do- ; Anderson's Cbugh , Dops for Colds, Asthmas & Con- - - -, sumptions : Worm Lozenges Lee's Pills -Anderson's ; do " v Brag &"Jones do i Duval's ... V-'- '"-cdd.-' -Hull's lately impi-oved self atljustingpatent Corkwood p ' Logwood .. P Fustic , ... . , . C ochinel v p ' : " Red Sanders ; . Yellow - do ' Fig Blue, . : .; ,p.: Annatto v . ' Spanish Indigo P American do . .. Apothecaries j . and weights . Best Crown Lancets Common? , dp. jspring do . Gum do , . Abesses ... do Full sets Surgical - Pocket Books Full sets Teeth Instru ments in Pocket v- r ' Books " P Teeth instruments, as sorted . . . .- -"; v. Surgical Needles : Do Scalpels FoldingTenaccullums Thumb Forcens Trocars and Directors 'Graduated Measures Glass j Funnels1 Breast Pipes . Nipple Shells Large Injection Sy ringes Male i do Female do Ivory ear do Cupping Glasses Marble Mortars Composition do . iriHE Subscribers are now opening, and Pill Plates and Marble I will in a few days receive the balance of . . aiaDS I their extensive' Spatulasdifrerent sizes I . 1 ' , . SIUUK VP IrUUUS, -yW hpr Sale. T accommotlatiine terms, 590 Ury Land Ivinjr within 31' miles of Raleigh. I Ahnnt 60 acres ofl It are cleared and .the re mainder iiiwobdsf p Any pierson disposed to nurcliase ttmv know the nerna oy nappjying I to the Subscinber who is now in Raleighuid in his absence to Ji Gales & Json :v t Raleigh,. Dec. 8i ' 'v .- ' ' TfN consequence of JL the death of J)A VID HOG AN,', late Bookseller, of rphi ladelplua, . a large tStOCKOt I. BOOKS AKD STATIONARY has been 'placed at! the disposal of the Admi nistrators ot jus estate, to be sola at reducecl prices for Cash; Merchants can be well sup plied witli all the chool and Classical Books and Statiomury articles generally used. , The Stock also comprises one of the best collec tions of Miscellane)us Literature in the coun try, including. a grat number of valuable En- gusn ajooks, wiucn wiu oe soici ax cost.yaiue, and in manv cases below it.: To Clergymen it will arfoi'd a good bpporttmity of furnishing themselves with standard works on J neology, both Enghsh and Latin. Orders forwarded, or application made at the Store, Np. 255, Market-street, to ! ; : - - ! ... I JAMES IIOGAN, Jr. will be punctually aiteneded to. . Philadelphia, Nov, 10, 1823. v 2 - OCT The Editors of the Columbia Tele scope, I Augusta Chronicle, and Lynchburg Virginian, will "each insert the above four I times and forwards a .paper containing: -the same to James IFogan, jr. at Philadelphia, with the price of advertising annexed. weTl adanted to themre&ent and annroachinfif .. ( ., -j i-- r i -j o season Amongst vhich are the following : Sheppard's Sc liirat'f extra blue & black Cloth Blue, black, brown4 olive, and drab, 2d do. Supf-rfine blue and black Cassimeres, . with a great variety of fancy colors ' An excellent assortment of blue and mixed Satinetts, with other colours, some of which are of a very superior quality 4 a' - -POF THE UiaTED STATES..? f ' " : For a!e by J Gales, tfJt Son, 'Raleigh , ' ,k PEW coPt bf1 "The, ANNUAL A LAW REGISTER -of ;the UNIT ED STATES Vos. 3d. & 4ttw,(Royal 8vo. Pages i452.ycnntain'0 State. Law nd Reculatiobs frcS'A By William Griffith Esq. Counspllbn at L;h w and late one of the Judges of the Circuit Court of the Uni ted Stares, for; the third Circuit; Price g5 h volume. ..v .. . . . , r , This original and extensive Worki rm t ai n sr a ful 1 vie w; ofvtn e fa ws, and'pecul U Hip negmarions in. tacq or ; tTie4 states, becessnrv tojSeVkubwlto gentlemen xf .he Bar, Judged Exr yeyancers, C reditprs. Merchants, Land-' holders, andlther Citizens throughout the United Stkes. vS MV't-- i The Digests, being com pfle'd from'corti'f rnnnications ib fwritin recently compos ed, by eminent Jurists a ndProfessori; of Law, for theexpresa :rbibseo'f :givina practical and" Accurate account, drawn from an actual survev, of their; existing codes, of tbe rnbst imporJMihieffal pro-i visions and ju'ridjcaV institutions in Ithejf respective states; sh uects iney aeree wi common law of Engl the variances which statute law , and loca different states 1 to body of miscell with the jurrsp whole wtng in what res t ii 1 the statute and tnd, and - exhibiting ex. st dot ween . tne regulations of -the rther Iwith a great nive been more -agreeable to me to hae simken ;more : Darticnlarhr . nH point, f the utility and excellency of the work, h wppod that my .feeble tes- . timonv' would haVK iu"L . Extract a letter from : 2?J Es rCounaellorat law, Richmond, Va, 7 .. Let me congratulate you uo your Dro gress, which far exceeds my utmost ex-" pectationsi I have examined the important hearjr which- compose each of th num bers, as they came bn ; 90 far, your friends havevery reason to be satisfied, and the. pubiick at large must acknowledge, that " fou have fulfilled your eugagemeots to the letter.;!. - . . - Extract of a, letter from Jr.CaBell Brecfr iWrtfsr, 1 Secretary-&$tate- KenZ ' tucky,:: Bimc: "j : '; " grzi exceedingly that the subscrip 1 it Fnt thro volimdU J !Jt.', . ..... ..... iQiuouic aiiu lui-cresiing worV Kentucky ; but here; X'li-r Haines, , Esq. Counsellor, at lav, JVeivl L am very anxious to obtain a copy of your .s invaluable work. T will f notice' it merits in the next La w. Journal." We have -examined the '3d. j& 4th Vo lumes of the Law Register' of the TTrt;.i States,' Just published, by udge Griffith .,.,K,,0.,i6,,a aumuiitry 01 otate Law and extensiyely circulated in am- satisfied it will sell laneous matter; Connected Regulations, for each of the 24 States, rudenqe of each state ;, the Having taken the liberty in:Decembpr 1 to convev to the Rar.i to! i20, tp recommend to the inrended to convev to the Bar. 1 to Judges, Executive Officers;' Convey an- lhe American Public, and particularly to cers, and Citizens ofdheJU. States, what- the gentlemen j oflthe Bar in the United ever is deemedfessent all to be understood StatesjMr. Gnj?zfAY eenefal i dpip-n irv s uy tnem, in respect, riot only ot tneir own mc juaw negister; we are of particulai. la w,oo many important heads pinion that in the execution bf that branch of it.lbut of all those) nrnVisirins in .vprv pf it Comprised in these Vnlnm TV.T other state of the Union, adjoining or more more remote., necessary to be fully knowi in order to secure proprertyi and under stand the rights of persons in such other states jn regard to real or personal estate, however circumstanced. ' " i- I Among the numerous other important S1 Griffith has comnlptplv pledge feiven in his prospectus, and that the work will, be a very important addi tioa to the Library of every Lawyer. KICH. tlARRISOX, Thos. Addis Emmet. JOS. OGDEN HOFFMANi John Wells, Saml. Boyd SlfJONES,i: :lt, NewYork, June, 1823, i t i lt NOTE.- The JEditor,' by; the, original terms of subscnptibn,l)rciosed confine, his annual ..Volume, to 500 pages; at the price of) 5, or one cent a page. But in order to comjjrise the whole f this important subject of ' tate .Law any Re gulations" (which it, was one part of his design; to obtain from -gentlemen ' who would undertake the labor of it, and which they have performed) under. one viewit became necessary, to occupytwp Volumes ana o exceed, ty nearly 500 pages, the Chinese' do Drop Lake . Hose Pink KingJs Yellow ' Chrom 1 do s: Pat. do " -Naples do Turkey Umber ColcothTitrbl ' .Terra Desseinna -i Ivory Black ' Lamp do. ; Cake and Ilay Saffron Prussian Slufi H iWlute Cannella Oranpe Peel 'NMX-Vomic CirNofts fji&l Prnnel lomrmwobdi iuassiaqod:', 1 xmj oimaiouoa uSavin mhv if7 r?. Sand-Paper Gold Bronze ? -',.' Qrange Orpemint ." Gold and Silver Leaf: Blue Smalts ; Copal yarnish t Japan -do c " f y$ Xt9qis Blood " Bed scaling Vax . , LOngi Cayenne Pen- Black;do White Arsenic, - Lead Pencils , iowea nuhl Solu Indian llubber . - ,-tion ;;: v4;Reeye'a Water Colors. rj-nrop ii ninjeral i; .jandboxeaud'eakei Loaf; and Brown Su gar Molasses Coffee Tea and Chocolate Alspice. Pepper and . Ginircr Copperas . l Basket Salt Powder, Shot and Bar Lead . London &. Pliil Porter - . Receipts from the "Faculty and others, will be thankfully received,; and put up with the utmost dispatch and carefulness. UANDOLPII WEBB. Madeira, Sherry, Ten erifi'e, Malaga, Port, Claivt and Country Wines French Brandy and: Holland Gin Jamaica and Northern Hums . Apple & Peach Bran dy, WhiskeV, &c.i ; Liquid Stick Black- Cra Shawls ing ot sup'r quality B,a k Senshav XlUIlg Ot iCVVCi MTU per; r ,r - Raleigh, Nov. 13, 1823. ll-r-3w. N. B. The highest price, in barter, will be given fori clean Flax Seed aiid Beeswax. ; " B. W- AS Bateau 3xst VVeceiveA v for sale at J. Gales &. Son's Book- r Store, the Genntleman VAnnual Kemem- brancer,1 and Ladies Pocket Book for the year 1824-Price $1 25. ' j 1 j 16-3t. a : -erw G o o A s : y FTTHE Subscribers return their sin U cere thanks to the citizens of Ra leigh and the adjacent counties, for the 1 jberal encouragem e nt tbey h ave receiv ed since the opening of tfieir Nfcw Esr ta n li s hm ent aiid beg leave to infoiLin them that they have this May received an additional supply 04 Men's Beaver Hats, fashionable shapes Youths do ! J ' Servants Wool J do j ; -Gentlemen's Wellington Boots ; do fine Calfskin Bootees : do do Shoes 1 . Coarse Shoes, Bootees and Brogues Ladies. Morocco. Shoes,ythick sbais ,-;io Calfskin do - - T : 'do Irunella Shoes. . ' .Women's common Leather d ScotchCarpetingj hforent qualities IHiia IMiHctti iter . . r ;i. V';a tor Servants wear. Uouble-milledrabdo ' f Hose anH'Pblnt BnkefSf hi reduced price; WhiteV Red and Spotted Flannels Plain and Figured BombazettsM yVK1 CrbnneanaCircassian PIai&?. Cassimere Showls. assbrteUcololl-'r?: Blk f andr White . and Plaid . Calicoes, new S wiss'and Book Muslin ' ; :f 1 4-4 and 6-4 Cambrics ; t - T Indies and Gentlemen's Worsted Hose - ; SO'-BagS-Cbflee;;: '.r : ,,s4; llhds. Suganfc:. r&v-- V HAZLETT & H0BT. KYLE. H&ylXorsl9 . 1' 3tf . ; India ami French Florentine, for Testing Real and i imitation Tartan Plaids for mens . Cloaks ; ..; .;'. . . Suneribr Caroline Plaids for Ladies wear A large and well selected assortment of plain i and figured Bombazetts, all colors Rose, Point, London Duffel 8c Striped Blan- kets,xf all sizes I W'hite, red, and yellow Flannels, at all prices Green Baize and Flannel Drab and olive Manchester Cords, which are very cheap ' ' Black Silk and Tabby Velvets lilack and assorted cqloured Bombazines Merino Shawls and Handkerchiefs Cloth Shawls, plain and figured A; great assortment of handsome Calicoes, of j the latest fashions and patterns 5-4 and 6-4 dark Manchester Ginghams 34 and 6-4 Jaconett Cambnok with, some suitable! for ffejitlelrien's cravats 4-4 and 6-4 Cotton Cambricks, all qualities Striped arid figured fancy Muslins for Lady's dresses, handspmejpatterns 4-4 and 6-4 plain and 'fiffured Book Muslins Mandarine Cranes arid llobes. elesrant srOods Nankin and Canton Crapes, all coloure ail sizes nshaws and Sarsnets, very superior - good !; XV- r K$l . - - ; Figured and plain Italian Lustring French Satins and Florences, all colours Italian Sewing Silks,jblue, black and assort ed colours, of a superior quality . , A g-ood assortment ofl Ladies worsted,Hosiery Ladies black & white cotton Hose, all prices, DO do 1' do English &. FrenchSilk .' A 1 . f Stockings i Do i : do do do do for Geirflemen Men'sj white and mied Lamb's Wool Hose, Do- ,' : . do i Half Hose, . 1 Men's best Buckskin Gloves, " Ladies'. Beaver and Kid do. . v Do English and French Silk do i . A large assortment of Ribbons, ; Domestic Ginghams, warranted fast colors. 4-4 anl 6-4 Brown Sheeting, very superior gcKids, at very rediced prices. ; 3-4 and 7-8 Brown Shirtings, at all prices Bleached Sheetings afnd; Shirtings, all widths :::andjprices';, .; : . ' Linen and Cotton.' Bcji Jicken Three Cases 1 fish Linens, 4-4 and 7-8 wide, warranted Field Bleach, which will be sold very !bw: - , - ' - '-' 64, 8-4, 1-4, Table Diaper, very handsome. 34;Towelhng do Irislr Sheeting and Klnting Black Silk! Handkerchiefs, very fine for Cra- subjects, created of inlthese Volumes, the manner of executing Wills, Conveyances, Mortgages;, and other secu rites, in the different States : tosrelher with soecial di- rections and forms tq be followed .under j all circumstances, whether made.withip or without the Siater ijn order to their va lidity, are amply discussed and exhibited. The Close investigation of so manv laws as exist in each state oh" these headsand the necessity of precise instructions and weir considered precedents, imposed ta prodigious labour upon . every gentleman concerned in this work. Few persons except Lawvers and Conveyancers, can comprehend the difficulties which must have beep encountered on this article a- f quantity ot matter which, regularly, by c tenuis ui auuscnpuou,- nicy were to contain. -; 1 his unexpected addition, of most one third; with the extraordmarr of the general titles! under which tlie expense and difficulties which attended information cont ained ju these volumes, is I the. 'publication bf this branch of his, work, distributed. Theyim perfectly, nevertbe-1 seemed t6 the Editor, at first, to justifv a' ciaim upon nis suoscrioers ana tne pub lic; to-bej in some measure compensated, at" least tp the extent of actua.1 expendi ture. Under this view." he . stated that two dollars would be expected from his! subscribers for jthe additional 500 pages, an d that j the Book-Store priced woul d be,! Si 4, rather less than one cent a page, the ordinary rate for. American.Iaw, works in Royal 8 vo. size.) Nevertheless, on reflec tion, aiid although gentlemen ha ve,'iwith out any exception, "cheerfully f submitted to this, . thef "Editor holds himAelf bound to the letterj of ;his engagement, ;and his a-, gents are directed to deliver,' these vo-, lumes at ISlO,' tfie subscription price," to such of his subscribers as may choose to have them at all, and Bo.ks'eliers to dis pose of them atf the same. As the work is out just compieteo, anaioniy a lew co- less, indicate the .extensive range of par titulars included, which can only be ob tained from inspections ! s j v Titles, of State Law and Regulations. iAdministration. Aliens. Alluvion. At tachment. AttOrnies and Counsellors, i Bail.,. Baron and Fernet Bastards. , : Bills ofExchange. - Book Accounts. Chance ry Decrees in. Choses inaction.' Con veyances. CoUrts (Um States.) 1 Courts (State.) Curtesy. : Descents. Distribu tion. Divorce, Ijower. English Law Books. Entails. ; Estates for lifeJ Fish ery. Frauds statute! of. Fraur'ulet Conveyances. Guardianship. Interest Insolvent Estates. Insolvent Law .-'"Joint tenants. Judgments and Executions. L and lord and Tenant. Lands -Pu'dic. Laws -Law Books. Law Associations. Limitations. Le gisl a t d re 1 eeti n g of. Letters of attorney by Executors. &c Rules of -Court, balaries. beals, beat ot Grovernment. -Set-off. " State Officers Taxes! U. States Olficejrs. Uses and 1' rusts. Usury, Willi, ' .1 i j " i OPINIONS., , ; 1 Editor in subjoiring the following ofiinions'of the execution of this depart-! ment of the Law Kegister, hopes to be acquitted from the imputation of censura ble egotism, from any quaner ; cfrtain he feels that those who aria acquainted?with him, will not draw this inference. Indeed he can make no pretension to any person al merit beside that of having obtained. with indefatigable- perseverance etiiploy- The sUfujre ;nieeting of. pies sent) out the difference which has y;. Payment of . Debts bee'n paidj by those; to whom jthey, have ;. Promissory, j Notes! been' delivered, will be returned as soon The result of this is, that the; Digest, fo . each State will cost. the purchaser abou-: 40 cents, a sum not amounting on the ave rage, to a tenth part of the posta'ge' paid on letters writtenand for the packets of manuscript transnoitted to the Editor, in relation tb every such state, j1 i - : - f Tbese Volumes, 3d. & 4th; Con tain a distinct: branch, and no vay con nected with' the 1st & 2d. which comprise the Fecieral Systeia, arid are: in pre paration. I So that purchasers pr subscri--hers; need not, .'necessarily, have the 1st &i2dissv; -f )' :. K- 'T.; - ': '" : iz was tnougnt roost aavisaoif, to.m cludei Sfiate Laws and" Regulations9 to grther, ip one body, and to publish them first, as being of j roost immediate import ance.". j . -;-. ;.-'' C . .' i ! ,-V -. work is com- gerttlemen jn vats X ed tor. nearly two years. materials irom which the biledi the contributloiisl of tbie several states, adjusting themjiij their present form, and effecting the publica tion atran expense and tinder ditficuUies, to himj almost insuperabJe. ? But persuaded that ttir nfrmation to be eaintd from tUisjcompiIation, wJien ex- ammea ana ruuy apprccptiicu, mu. 1,1 the highest utility to. tne oar ana. tne Publ'Ck, by; supplying 4 desideratum, as well to practising Lawyers as to all others desirous ot knowjuer something ot the 'in stitUtions and muncipal laws ot tne Ame rican Stales, he feels iusl.fietl, 011 tuts ac- i(J Boxes FavettevmeIcMi CanV dles, recetVed on consignment, and fal sale at the low price of sli Cents" per December 11. pnee or -1 cents pej b. iilRDSALL ci Co. : Plain and fismred Pearl Buttons ' A' very handsome assortment of Shell Combs 01 tasnionapie sjzss uw A eroott; assortment ofj Common Shell Combs j petent than his.owo superior AJoat . vesi siuuous . ( . A, good assortment otiCom; buttons . Coat. Vest. & Suspenlier Button Moulds Spool Floss & Ball Cotton of the best quality 4-4 and 3-4 Apixin Clfeclcs, Indigo, aye -MK-ni y:J ". f - , -. . 1 . . . " ". i ; -' -' Also an extensive assortment of every article in the Grocery and -Hardware Line, with large ; assortment of Men's and 'Ladies ; noes. and also a general assortment oi nais Of all qualities. i allocs 3otic.e f B1AREX tJP, and committed to Jail on' ih M 20th instant, a neero man who calls hind count, u jirt)uio; .isui Mmauuu uiiuci 1 gen hill, anu says ina ne.oeicmgs to ait. sanction of opinions whidh may be deem-1 Thomas Briggs, of Fairfld fdistrict, near ea more impartial ot cersaiuiy mut e tout- i tjamaen. outn-;aronna saia iieuow is a i. - - bout 5 feet ,6 inches high ; stout imade and Theonlv dirbcuity which meets him, in 1 hgutcomplected-rsavs. he has been runaway about three years, j The owneris" requesteu to come torwara, prove properry, pay epen ces. and take.lum away. " , C..B:M0RK1S, Jailor. . . i UStf. ; part, is .tnat ot selection, trom tne great number of commendations received. and he can certainly SuV Mat t nose lew which follow are preferred only on ac count ot their brevity. ;j ' ii r 1 Extract of a letter from. Davtid Hoffnan EsoXFrofessor o iow in the Urnvtr- ' nil it nf AfnriiJund- 1 '"! '-..:-"-- -. December 27. . -i , Uf The above Goods being purchased lately in ii ew Y oi k ana r iiuaaeipnia, pnncipauy ior oasu, at very low prices, warrant us in " '.i i mil--' saymg, tnat eyery article wui oe soia on sucn Hoffman, and in reply td s ietierin which terms as will srive. sreneral BatisfactionVe .ui t? a.. ' iJ!J ::t- - wm also receive ah additional fluppM bf ne w ' "VCU . - us vSt " " irobds everv moht h. whire aryfeterrnin. Cular tt?U the foregoing extract, he ob- r coll at oeni iui1iirnil nnoos , . ' I "V ' Vf, . v A , Trust Sale! 7TT L he sold bv virtue of a deed in trusr ' r to me executed by Francis Drake, for- 1 am much delighted, with the work 1 certain purposes tnerem expresscu, uu .nwi. as far as it haV progressed,; ; It Will be in- j day the . lbthday of February4 next,' at the vniimnie to int counrrv ar arw. ---, f. i hnnse oi saia rraiica.-t i v -"i- A ftr fn rAnv f vio I lvin cm Haw River and its waters, in the. plete had - been received, by Protissoe. fjk MS-1 ed to sell at very reduced prices. ' , Raleigb Oct. 1828; 56 regret that you suoukl deemed -.it at x all necessary to fortheruss of 'x the little. extract Utter: I confess however, that it would naye apologist frbrri-ir.y r. ntv, of Chatham and .near the 1 Town ofl ITavwood. one containini: 320 acres, the other lQOacres. ' Also two Negroes; a" stock ofj .' '. 1 f t.-B ...II HorsesiJJattle,ogsjpou Furniture, ;. "? -r , Cash will.; be. expected;, for all porcltases made at tne aoove sale.; ! ' II.. Ut B&LUVXWt 15 ... V : . F- y ' ....... : , . . - " - ' : 2- .. . V ' -. - ' -- I .... 1 - ...!'. . - ., I - . k. : - A. ' - . . i ' I li . .. I i I January 1.