POETJiV. Like 'orient pearls at random strung. The following beautiful and touching V lines were written in memory of an : engaging ? child. Their simplicity and tenderness, will recommend them to the taste and affection of the lo vers of genuine poetry. ';-'.' There is a flower to summer known, Whose leaf will fade as soon as blown ; Yet, for the transient space it lives, So rich a breath its bfos.om gives, It seems embodying all he powers . Of fragrance rare, that other flowers Ilave breathed, throughout thtir : longer f prime, :, - tn the brief moment of its time. So bloomed this lovely in feint here Scarce did the bud of life appear, Whe'i lo, in childhood's operring houf Peth preyed upon that charming flower. " Yet like the aloe's short-lived bloom, . , His soul exhaled such strong perfume, That centred in his life appears All that would bless and charm for years ! -In all he did, or spoke, pr sung,. ' , ' A nameless spell about him hung, ; An air so sweet, it s. env-d to tell He was not long on earth to dwell. Wve.her the joy devoid of guile, ' ;? Dimpled h s mouth with pleasure's smile. As rhe light frolick he pursued Tha suits with chiklhood's happy mood ; Or when he tried each infant art 's To wind about the parent's heart, "Would print his. little Hp an J smile, Full plenseii with h's successful wile j In alt a lovely spirit shone, Too heavenly for the world to own ! ; .Alls! his tuneful, ; warbling bradi ' - Is filled, forever hushed in death And tliat still heart within tiebier Can feel not e'en a parent's tear'; Bat faith will ra:se the stpaming eye . To worlds where nought) can ever die, "Where the you:g cherub waves his wings, And his eternal an hem sings, Aiid waits the Lour, yherj those who mourn, Like him shall be tQ glory borne ! ALL persons in arrear for subscription to The Virginia Guzette , and The Virginia Patriot, and Richmond Mercantile .Advertiser, to the 14th February, 18211 ; as also for the latter, from.tlie 14tli February, 1821, to the 4th February, 1823, (during the time it was Conducted by William Ranisay) 'are respect fully requested to make immediate payment to me of all balances to the said 4th February 1823. AUGUSTINE I) AVIS. Richmond, Virginia, March 10, 1824. NOTICE. I HEREBY authorize Mf. Augustin Davis to collect' and give reccjipts for all debts now due to Th? Political tjcpositort The Vir giiiici Patriot, and Richmond JiJei-cantile Jld vertiseri (while conducted! by me) for sub scriptions, advert sing and job work. Just offsets to be allowed. .(,".. ' I (Signed) ' WILL Richmond July 1, 1823. AM RAMSAY. I DO certify that I saw William Ramsay write the above advertisement and deliver it to Mr." Davis, of which pies. ' . WILI made several co 1AM R. HOSE. CYassieuA ScUooY. r T TIE subscriber having removed to the Ci ty of Raleigh, would tak e under his charge from eight ten young gentlemen, for in struction in the Latin and Greek languages, and hi the Elementarv Rranches of the Mathc- m j matics. If is wish m, to receie that number -into b.Is family as boarders that their moral and religious deportment and improvement, may be as carefully attended to, as their liter ary acqti-.retn.ents.- The accommodation prov fided for them will be kberal and genteel, and- the regulations of the school such, as to meet $ie important pur poses of advancement in science. - For the accommodation bf tlie inhabitants 'of the City, from six to eight, day scholars will betaken, but the whole nutnber taken under .charge,will be limited to eighteen. ' The course of study will be directed on a principle different from the modem mode of . tuition, ! and calculated to ruake the students sound and thoroughly grounk'd classical scho lars. The school will commence on the first Monday in January next ; and there will be two vacations in the year, corresponding in time and duration witn thosq at the university oi the State. - cf beard and tuition Will be SI 00 per session! paid,' in advance, Avhich will in clude every; expense but that of books and! paper. (-1 he k price ot tuition alone, .will be $30 per ise-ssion, likewise paid in advance. The Subscriber is hapy to have it- in his power to say, that his plan has the sapction ot the Rt. Rev. tlie Bishop of i:h Diocese, and "the promise of his co-operation, hy whatever may render hrs servicts really pryfitable to "ttiose entrusted to Tiic:ire. 1 . " r ' V Gi:C. FREEMAN. . Raleigh, Dec 20, 1823. ' 11. : In giving the sanction of riy approAal to Mr. i'l-eeman personVilIy, aid to the plan of tiutlon proposed to be. purstsed by him, I am happy to present to the "Episcopal families in this Diocese, the oppc amity of putting apori tion of?their youth;nder th t immediate care of a gentieman f liy Competent to what he unflrtakeW j ajc in a few months will be in l(oy OrdJf :-mt ned toth by duty and j? vrest, to the most earnest endeavori to in stil in o tlie minds of those under his care, not. only the principles of sound science, but those sound and long-tried principles fhich are ihe safeguard, of pure ind undefilod tp. liion. In this pursuit, it will be my pleasure to renaer mm every assistance compatible with my oxner uuues. . .. t ' JOHN S. RAVENS C ROFT. Ilalejgh, Dec 20, l23 n t. r;LM living near the town ofFav- 1 i f . . -,IUI!, nters as a Str.iv, a - .t;l Horseyitb a blazejface, abotU thfr Va C "? " I. aj'rt oout ten ' i at hfteen dollars. u , 7 ALC0M4aY, Rantrer. Gwnberlwd oo. April 13, 1824. 34-2w. StatoN6rfli0aroiioa.'V 1 Warren rC ou nty. v. i j February Sessions, 1824. ' t ; William W. Riggan, Casttein ' , ' iVnVo vV'i- nf Hpniamm I Petition lor Riggan, dee'd. Mich'l Rig order of sale of gan, and James Riggan. negroes and T ve. f other p-oper- Samuel Riggan, Jeremiah 1 ty, in order to Riggan and the heiis of Jo- j a division. ' nithan.Higvan. ,, J. I T. appearing to the satisfaction ot me Court, that Samuel Uiggah and Jeremi ah Riggan, are not inhabitants or this Mate; It js therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for four weeks in the Raleigh Register, giving notice to the said Simtiel an,d Jeremiah Riggan, that they ap pear at.oiir next Coutt of Ple-sand Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of War ren, at the emirt-house in Warrenton, on tlie fourth Moivjay in May next, and enter their oleas .if4 any they have to enter, otherwise, the prayer of the petitioners will be granted, and an order of sale accordingly. ..' C. DRAKE, C. W. C. C. V J. GALES h SON, Have, just received from the North, an assortment ot Books & StatioheVy, among which are the folio w- I - law. Peer Williams' Reports new edition 3 vols. fiiiorln nrt th T.n- nt Vendors. C o. on Powers, do. Cruise on real property lrkVvtc rvn l-"r"iiiflj do: do. do. 4 do. - - on Wills, ; . do. 2 do. , Paleyon Agency, r ' PufTendorf's Law of Nations, AtkinVs Repots in Chancery 3o. Newlahd on Cdntracts Watson on Partnership . Man Ming's Digest of Xisi Prius Reports Iiammond's Treatise on the law of Nisi Prius MEDICAL. Thompson on Varioloid . Pans' Phar' arolotia 2 vols. Philip on Indigestion Thachcr's Dispensatory Underwood on the diseases of Childrefi. Ch .pm:ms Therapeni jcs . .2 uo. Kd-nburg Dispensatory . , American dol He' on.Puerperal Fever ' Robertson's Medical Police; or causes of Diseases. " . . f MISCELLANY. TranklinV Narrative of a Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years . . 1819, 2Q; 21 and 22, with an appendix ' containing Geognostical observations , and remarks on the A.urora-Rorealis. Wars of the French Revolution, by Kd ward Raines, embellished with beautiful ert ; gravings & handsomely bound 4 vols. Allen's American Revolution 2 do. Iranhan's Military and Naval Lettets IIeme!s Tactics for Cavalry : L.ife of Tliomas Paine 4 H istorr of Greenland v Henry's Travels in Canada Thompson s Late War While's Letters on England do. do. Bell's British Theatre 12 Brief Memoirs of Krishna Pal, the convert ed Hindoo . ' Parke's Kudiments of Chemistry Carpenter's Assistant - ' Revolution in South America Military Mentor 2 vols. Mh abaud's System ofNafures , 3 do. Adam's Analysis of I lorst-mans! tip, with cuts Rural Socrates, or Memoirs j of a Country Philosopher ! vVhite's Trer t se on the game of Billiards with cuts ' British Iancers with colorec engravings. NOVELS AND ROMANCES. St. Ronah's Well' ' 2 vols. .The Pilot - ' 2 do. The Seymour Family- or a Winter in Wash HnKton 2 vols. - The Spae Wife, by the author of Annals of the Parish Z VOIS. 2 do. 2 do. Hero of No Fiction Story pf the New World Randolph Three Perils of Women Worthington Lease -Vic ir of lver Recluse of Norway Sir Andrew Wylie Logan, 2 do. 2 tlo. 2 do 2 do. 2 do. POKTIIY. Bvron's Don Juan, 9, 10, and 11 Cantos.- Scott's Nalidon Hid Campbell's Works Specimens of the Russian Poets ' Poetical works of Hutler, Do of Congreve, Cunningham, r;onitret,j Koscommoi), Mierheid, Gray, Col lins,jWejii, ami Parnell. ' Ajgre.1t variety ot School Rooks also re ceived, and a general assortment ofS'tatione. rv rt cles. April 12 A. W. ROB BINS, late of New-York, "I NFORMS his friends and the public gene .3 rally, that he has taken th HO TEL latelv occubied oy Enw'n Pa i tillo, in Wiirrentoii - i ne K,t.'iblisfiment lias gfone through repairs and is now fitted up in a handsome inanuer xor me reception ot I ravellers. His nxaoies are in good order and his Ostlers at tentive. A. shall W. R. podges himself that nothinir i"c warning on ins nart tn rnntr hnt. t, i ' a.1 1 . O tne comtort of those who may favor him with tueir company, v N.B..His Bar is supplied with choice Li quor j, selected from the New-York market.. djf A. VVs R. has constantly for sale a ge neraliassortment of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES,- which he offers for cash as cheap as can be purchased in the State. Warrenton. PVh 91 ep3m A CERTIFICATE of thirty-seven share of the Capital Stock of the Bank of Cap, fooo !ssu-ed e in January or Februarv, 1822, having been lost or mislaid, if I do not hear ot it jn three months, from the date Hereof, I shall apply to the said Bank for a new Certificate of said Stock. wr I JAMES SOMERVELL. Wtrrenton, Fefr. 21, 1834. SOSm. : ; TP GALES gives notitc to th ose . Coun- as inr Mercliantsi wia. nave Deen m tue u- 9$ . Ibit of collecting Rags for his mill, -that he has at present a sufficient Stock on nana , ana what thev receive fa future, must be of the best quahty only. r- - S i, ;. Johnstbn Count v. -h- Court of r.qiitjl,': Spring Terih, 18SH.,.- . T?nhfrt H. lielme. allm'roi'S ? , Thpinas S.'R. Brown; (jOfiginal BUI of t vs. ' f injunction. ? ' r Henry Guy. j J .. . ; ITTfapp earing to the satisfaction of the Court, II that the Defendant "Henry Guyr is not an inhabitant of Aliis St jitc : It is therefore oirfer ed, .that publication be m:uh- tlirere months enrcf tsivrlv in the HdleiB-h Register, that unr less the said lle'iry tiny, appears at-the next Court of Kquity, vij be held for the countv ot Johnston, at the Court-Housr in Suuttit.eici, on the fourth Mond ; v if September next, and plead, answer or demur; the bit! will be taken pro c o nfe sso a n d h e ard e-x - p Jir-te . Test,;; D H. If li 1 L.i) StL' of X t-Cuv oV Ina. . j johnstbn Gotinty. Court of KquitvL Spring Term, 1824. Hardy A vera & wiie, Richard pet;Hon forJ Rivers, Joel Rivets, Lev s .V-H , f i ' Rivers and others Red- ; , anjs dicklHrghes & :vjife G'Uly.J j 8-T appearing to tlie Court, that the Defen-j dahts Reddick jlnghes ami wiffVare not! inh.'ihWWnt' of this" 'State a It is orde: eU that publication be niadefthree ino'ntliS suceessiver lv in the. Jtaleigh R giter, that unless tiie said Reddck liuglies and Gillyhis wife, do appear at tlie next Cpurt of jEquity, to be held for the county of Johhs: on, at the Court Houe in .Smitidield, ou tlleourth Monday in Sep tember next, and rh ad or answer, a sdc'will be decreed accord to the prayer of tlie pe titionersl . I l est, , . D) II BRYAX, C. M. E; I.I , .Rauloibh' County. Coui-t of Plens a tl Quarterj Sesssons, F hniaiATerm; 1824, Clement Wood, !:;' 1'8, . ''.' Tf-e heirs at law of Robt Fiel ls-, deceitid.; ; Scieri Facias f T appearing the SMtis.'acr)n of the Court, that Robert 'Woctl, Zbadee Wood. liar "Ih W obil, Jonudv.il Ah4xaiVler and his wife Arna,.aiiid Sar; h ('ailk, psrt of the Defend ants in. tins case, Hje not inhabitants-of this StaU, it is "i-d 'red that publication 'be. made f r tuTee weks i : the lia!eigh liegister, giv ing notice to the Defendants, to' appear at the iu xl Court of P easl.nd Quarter Se-si' ns to be lit Id (or sai comity, on the- first Monday oi May next, and paead to .issue, or. .lemur, otherwise judgment f wsll be entt ted i gainst them. j A .Copy, : " . JESSfc IIARPFJJ, C. C. C : 1 . -"- ' .. " " And for sale at J. Gales & Son's, Book - r-. . feiore, Price hue dollar. " IIF. possibility of approaching the North- Polei asserte L tv .the Hon. D. Ba-r.ng- toni A new edi ion, with an appendix con same subject, and on a ta:.n:nsr "ancrs on thef north-west I'assae tiv lj4)lone! l5eanTv, r. U. S." il'ustrated With k Mapi of the Noi tJt Pole, discoveries,- according to the lates ALSO,! P vice one dnllAr and Sftv ceiits Letters to Ladies, te tailing iiiiportant infor mation concerni.r.g-- ti em selves and"1 intants. Uv Thomas Ewei). -M.' I)J of Virginia, with nirte Engravings. ALSO, price Jifty crr.U, : The Prognostics anl Crises of HippodrateSj, tra?tslatel fii.m the fireek, with critical and explanatory Note; Iv Henry W. Ducachet; Aprd 9. IIHS Institution "nbw affords advantages ciuai ,.iu siiiv iii ine sou. :,ern! atiaes, oe ing -conducted upon. the m js afroveil prin ciples, and provided with superior Teacheif. in every branch of; IJsefitl ; ahd' (trnaipental Education .f-This, with its (healthy .'situation and molerate charges for Board and Tuition, must insure it a liberal patrohage. The strictest attention will; be paid td the conduct and morals; of those attending it ". .. ' ' Tl-.RMS'. f . - - . Female Teparirn.eiity Condnicted 6y Jlfra. .Hu mil ton xviih -JsMsla?it leathers. Rudiments, per. quarter. . f . i $2 50 Reading ami Writing ; i English Granimar Ahcient and Mo-. -dern (ieogi'aphy wth the Use of the Maps and Globes, yfllisfory, Chronology, Mythology, -Rhetoric, Belles Letters, Composition, Natu ral Philosophy, Botany with Plain -and Ornamental Ne-d!e Work. 6 Jlusic, taught by .Madame Villain the best . Jtulian style.. Per ann. taught in thelAcademy, 60, orx20 . per quarter ' ' : "'- --. H. Per ami. taugh out of the Academy, $100 per quarter $25. . ii i . ; Dra-ztnng, JJaintingi arid the French language' taught'by .1. Lasfnrrti''4i yati-fe of France, Drawing and Pointing!' per quarter $6 -French j . - Lj , 6 50 Classical Department, under Dr. G. Davis's !'., tuition. . The Iatin and Greejt Lantniasres. 1 '. Natural and Moral Philosophy, .Lo gic, Astronomy, Matuematics Geo metry and Algebra, , Jltal Department. Rudiments a f I Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Eng $8 lish rammar, Ancient and Modern j Geography with thfe Use of the Maps and Globes, J - . , .. 5 Pens and Ink provided the Students jvitli- out charge; A tax of 25 cents each Student for wood, water,. &c. J ; Board, including al the above Branches except Music, $35 pet auarter-bavahl in advance.- jr -K IS .. ; ,.1. ." ' I ;..;'-!: ; J;v.'.: VM HAMILTON. For the satisfaction dfParents &' Gi the following Gentlemen may be referred 1o, AUAXKRojr, Esq. Prest, of the Schoo9 committee. RevM R. H. Mokusy. State North-Caroliita. v Edgecomb County Court of Plea,s and Quarter Sessions, Fe'. rua . , - ty Term, 1824. , Lavinia Noryell, ") Original attachment. - i vs. ' iCSDericer L. Hart, sum Exum' X,. Holland. S moned as Garnishee, - . . , i : A.'-e. -m. C J I f appearing xo tiie saxisiacuuii -hi h ' Court, that the defen .ant in this case, I n? removed himself out of thip .State, so that the usual process of I .aw cannot be served nn him : It Is ordei ed that publication be made in the Raleigbj Register for six weeks, tlha' indess the defendant apoearat the next term of this Court, to be h. Id for said county, o the court-house in Tarborough, on the fourth Mondav of Mav next; nl-plead to issue, the nronertv will be condemned in the hands of the Garnishee. Fiom the minutes. V Test,- M1CIPL IIKARN", C. C. (,unty of Cranvill". Le is Reavis, surviving partner ' ' jot Evans VancUck Sc Co. lTn Equitv. 'ft ry Wilkinson Co. J ; ""j 5 '!' ajipearir.g to the satisfaction of the Court tiiat Henry Wilkinson & Co. the defend ants in this case, are not inhabitants of this State :' It is r rdt-red that publicatiou'be made in the Raleigh Register once a week for six weeks successively, that unl - ss the said Hen ry Wilkinson ife Co n pah)' appear at the next term o this (iourt'to be held for the county of Granville in the town of Oxford, on the first -Monday of September next, and plead, answer or demur; the lull will he taken pro confesso against them, and heard exparte. '. a copv. f : Tfins. H. IdTTLEJOlI, C. it -E Stale o V XoYV-l!nYoIiia Kdjrcotnhe ( 'ou nty. Pie s and Quart r Sessions, Febru Cou'ri ot : r -T. rin, 18 24. . , " " ""-''".., ' Original , at- , . , , ' Ctachmeiit. Kxum L. Holland. J Spencer lJlla'r summoned as Garnishee. 9 T a .pearinq: to the sntisfbetion of the j Court that the defendant in thi has removed ttimsellxiu o:" this State, so that the nsus.J '.process of the, jiw c ;nnott be served on him : It is ordered, tiiat publication e niaiie in .the' Ru'fMgh R. :-g?s.ei tor mx ; w unless the defendant appear at ' he next erm ?t this Court, tobe hf Id for said count v. at t.ir- c uri-house in Tarhqrough," on '-'the fourth Monilav of May next, and pitNad to isue, the propeVty will be c-n emned in tiie hands of the. Garnishee. i . From tlie minutes. . i Test, - MICIPL ii earn; c. c. State of North-CarDliiia- ' Edgcombe County. Court of ih and Quarter Sessions, Februa ry T rm, 1824. : Henry Drake, ) Original attachment.- vs. ' C Sptipcer L. Hat, sum- Exum L Holland, j muned as. Garnishee. "ff"T ?pp aring .to the satisfaction of the Ji' Court, that the defendant in this case, has rem 'veci himself but. of this State, soihatthe usual pro':e s of law canu- t be. served on him: It is ordered toat publication be m ide in the Rah igii I'e JsTeif tir six wees, that unless the d f .id .nt appear at the hext term Ot tins ( ur.t, te he hld for sal county, at tiie court-iiou?. in Tarborou . h. 'on. the t mnh Mo day in May next, and plead to issue, the K-rtv wdl :'.e condeinned in 'the Iwnds propc -j '1 G riusliee From the minutes Test, -II EARN, MIGHT C C. State, uXVviv i li-l avbliua, rtford ( bounty. . Court of Pleas and Ouarter Spssioiis. , August i'ernt 1823 ' , 'Morris- Hachvdl j-ieyieci on Ainridnon Urown's hbu--&- lot in the town of Murfrees boro' adjoining the hit 1 Albridgtcn II row n v ur. iison a oincrs I T a'-: earintr to the "satisfaction of the Co .it, -that the 'defendant in this cas in not an inh-.bant of this State, it is ordereci that publication be mavle in .the ' .Iia l i Hi, gist er for three months, t hut. unless the ))t fen ant appear tiie next Term of tins . Court, to be held for the county of Hertford, at the Court-house in Wmton.'on the, fourth Ma- day in November next, replevy the rperty so attached, or ph ad to is-ue, that judmehv shall be entered against 'him, and- execution awarded., ' -J- . i -. - -1 . Witness, I L. M. CO v' PER, Clk. '. . Granville County. Februarv Term, A. D. 1824. ' Original attachment levied one tract of land on tlie wa ters of Grassy Creekatijoin James Noel t ing Willis Lewis and others, enntahiinp" lAfiif) arrf-s nnp. (- vs .- j .1 I r "O r : Alex'r. Boyd. ther trac adjoining H. Strum : 1 -&. others, 36 negroes Sc other I property. - i - "W T appearing to the Court- that the Defend tL ant tn tlis case is not an inhabitant of this .S tate: "It is therefore, ordered that publication be made for three months in the. Raleigh Re gister, that the ' Defendant appear at the Court of Pitas and Quarter Sessions to 1e held for the county afdiesr in Oxford, on the nfstMontlay in Mr.y r ext, plead, answer ot demiiror final judgment will be entered up against him. . r Witness Stephen. K. Sneed, Clerk of our said Co-.rt at office, in Oxford the first Mon dav of Februarv, AvTJ.T 824. , " STEP. K. SNLE1), Cx-'k." State Xw-liiia Wlkes County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Session vEebruai ' ry Sessions, 1824. . ' 1 William Baily.l Original attachmenti sum, V9 moned, Walter R. Lenoir Baily Johnson, f and S.amufcl F.Patterson, T appearinir to the satis action of the Court, that the Defendant is not an inha bitant of this State ; it is therefore ordered, that publication be made for three months successively in the Kaleigh Register, printed in Raleigh, that the Defendant appear at pur next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Wilkes, at the Court-house in Wilkesborough, on the first Monday in May next, then and here to ple: d, or Judgment will be taken according to the Plaintiffs demand. : Test, : KOBT. MAUTIN, CPk. i, viave reccivea oarreLa of Brandy, uncommonly good, wliich kA nntat. AflAnn Vlf'4t VA-M.,1 . i I HA ZJLKTT & ROBERT KYI Raleigh, Feb. 5, 1824. r ;j 2-lti' State (it ortti-C ax oVni Sampson County Court, , Februarv Term, ,1824 ; Peter Cromarte antl Sally Cromarle his uife Jones Peterson and Winifred Pftervon V;.' wife an 1 Hthslieha Henng, co-!ieirs ins and ht-irt-sses, of Riehard Sessions, ilec'd. od t'ail county o bam pso;i, i. .'I 1'9. - Joseph Sessions, Richard Sessions, Tesse'Pr .si(!ns, u rcsi'Jiib uriaii oesioi:S, p Sessions. John I:;dfl .indMary DorM wife, and Roon Sessions, co-heirs anj esses with the Plaintiffs of Said Richar I' , s'fins. decM. , '. ; I - ! p li : ir es.; 1 fjpHK petitioners havinV;'fiIed their peti 07 Ja praying i'r a pannion "T tne jaiuis s4 .t U, chard Sessons dec M. am(,-:is his heirs and it appeaiini!; to the Court, that the fendants are liilmbitaiyts ot other btatt s dered. that Publication be made for 6 w successively in the State Gi'iette, and at. Courthouse door to file their.ansers bv tl;t next term of this Court, or the Court proceed to cause partition to be made accord mgto tne prayer oi tne petuion. Test, , i- . JAMES HOLMES, Cik. JSEW GOQDSl TIIK Subscribers have just receiyetf from New-York n vd Pbila elphiaV.in'. addition to tKetr fbrfrier Stock; the fol io win r Goods. Suocji'r Cloths. al colors', from fine U ; suprrfinc nt 1 Oasimeros, different colors,' at all prices Bearskin and Drab Cloths, for Great Coats Satnetts in gre: var' tv, at Jov prices , Point Blankets of all sizes, much lower than they have been sold I Rose an 1 Duffel Bankets, at reduced nrice White and red Flannels from the best manu factories i Green I;dzes and Flannels parpetug and Hearth Rugs; a good, assort- .'; - ment - - .. ' ' A large assortment of plain and figured Boil- ! L bazetts. at low P'ic 's j Valencia svd Fancy. Vest-ings Tartan Plfdds fot -Mens'.Cloaks j! CaroU'ie' Plaids of sup -rior quality for Ladles wea-- ..,:! -'v'J...- - Two cases Irish Linen, 7-8 & 4-4 wide Ir.ish Diape s a'd LaWnsy all wi iths Linen Qa mbr c vmd HaT i k fs all qualities " Cotton Fines. a good assisrtment of whit and colored " j ' i i . SHottedj FI-n.nelfor childVns wearj'-' ; Worstrl and lamhs wool Hose lor gentlemca Rlack and w hire Worsted do. for la lies Pd k 'ard white Cotton ' do j do jjilo' black at.d white S'lk d , at reduced price ;A good a4so:Tm nt of pla.n and figured Cas- simere Shav's. "r !-'' ' A lari'e ! assortment of Calico and Cambric Prints. latest natter'fS. suited for th i .i, - . . . 1 season & 6-4 dark Cambrfc Gjnghams, very fine 4-4. 6r Cott or Cambr ics 4-4 ?c 6X4 'Jaconet Muslin 4-4 &. C 4 Fancv Musliri, handsome patterns 4-4 614 Pook Muslins, very fine i Bombazines, different colors! j Plain aiul'lHcrured Poplin Mniiciannei tirppe itores, nanisome pauerns C'anton and Nankin Crapes Canton and Mwkin Crape Shawls, all sizes and prices Merino Shawls lilack fijred. Silk, handsome patterns for la ches dresses ! ' Rlack Sinche ws and Sarsnets; sup'r. quality IRack Italian Lustring j Liiien an-l Cotton Bed Ticking Brown Shirtings and Sheetings from 3-4 ' do1'"'.'' 6-4 wi Bleached do do do 3-4 anl 44 domestic Plaids, warranted I.idl go dye . j r a 1 a ' t " t o-' ann Apron unecss j- Rlack Silk and Tub by. Velvet Drab olive Manchester cords I Men's bejt Buckskin, nd Dogskin Gloves I adies lieaver and Kii Gloves Do Lnsrlisb and French do 1 An el e ga fit assort m e nt of fancy : Rib bonSv fashionable rjatterns "1 ' J 1 Plain and Pigureh Pearl Buttons V" ' ; A good Hfisortmfcnt'of Gilt & Coat Buttons Suspender and Ciat Moulds (' . j j. A large assortment of Shell Combs at lov. ; - pnees. ; ; . , j; '. " - -i ; ': An assortment of Common Shell do.. Spool Sc Floss Cotton' b' st quality !f. ' Italian & Canton sewing Silks, Ml Colors .Gentlemen's Carhlet andTarta.j Plaid Cloaks madel up in the best manner H A good assortment of Hilfc, Umbrellas Fine Reaver Hts fashionable shapes j uoi nii(ui an ipiauiies - i ' .v;; SHOES. ' Wellington arid Monroe Boots Tailies' Morocco and Leather Shoes, a rood 1 . ; r assortment .''-..' - ' -j. - i Il ' - ' A large assortment of common Boots 8t Shoes " for servants ill ; , HARDWARE. ' I"' A good assortment of Hard vvare and Cutlery AlsoXI good assortment 'of Queen's ware anil- Glass ware I GROCERIES. Jlrown and Loaf Sugar Coffee J '. . J" ' Imperial and Young ; Hyson Tea. , Indian gladder -Pefip'er anl Allspice iinger, Aium, ivutmeg -Window Glass, all sizes. I test Mould Candles Gunpowder and Shot, all sizas Muasses, Copens, Saltpetre A good assortment of Letter & writing pa v'T Cut Nails, all sizes, at reduced prices' : S.wedes Iron, all sizes, warranted ,lhe est imported -----'- i f.-" ; ' - Whitteriiore's Cotton &. Wool Cards, all nufl- -f bers ' ' 7! v- j LIQUORS. Cogniac and Apple Brandy Jamaica and N. E. Rum Madeira, Lisbon and Malaga Wine i The abbve goods being purchased later at Austion, latreduced prices, we are ehabl d and will dispose of them much lower than formerly, in order thUt we may merit a co tinuance of that share of public patronage we have so hberallyxprtenced. since the open mg of ourstablishm"nt.vr i I II HA ZLETy v& R OBERT KYLE. w wry i Ralegh, Jan. 33 184. ! 20 ?: -1 ' 1! 1