if 7 7 -.Pursuant to NOTICE. , '.: THE HOUR OF DEATH. , ' Leuves havertheir time to fall, , ; r And flowers to wither at the- north wind's 'V:y :. breatn, ' ' '.' ' ' r?. 1 And stars to set -but all, , v j Thou hast all seasons, ior thine own, U . Death! ' . '. i a decretal order of the honor able Court of Eauitv for the County of Wake, I shall expose to sale at the Court-IIouse in r;tf T?a1ifrh on Tuesday, the -Oth Ju ly nexVthat valuable LOT and improvements borough and . M'Dowell streets, and .known In th nUn of said Cltv as Lot No. 198, the nronertv of Margaret Eastwood. r rj "Terms of Sa!c nine and eighteen months f credit : bonds with approved security, bear- -a V . " I in? interest from tne date, win De requireu JOHN S. ELLIS, C. M. E. April 20, 1824. ' . 46-ts 36m Trimirose & Co. Day is for mortal care ; v. t?F. now receiviner and oneninc tneir finrinp assortment of GOODS, which for r - - : t V. Marl TTt;ncr round th ioroiis I varletv and elegance has not vet been excel- hearth; . v iieo inuiis)iiai&ci. . NItrht for the dreams of sleen. the voice 1 CThev deem it unnecessary to give in detai -""- 7- , ' l . r.x .iL a description oime parucuiararuucs viccu of prayer ; JJut all for thee; thou mightiest of the earth! -r. .' : - . - I ..- ...... r The banauet hath its hour. v Its feverish hour of mirth, and sorier, and .'" v. . I , . J , .... - . .. wine ; - - " There comes a day for grief's o'erwhelm- incr power. A tinjie for softer tears but all are thine! Youth and the opening rose May look like things too glorious for decay, snp.h a list would be too lenethv to grain; ad mittance into a newspaper) suffice it to j say their assortment consists of almost every arti cle of Foreigm and Domestic Goods smtapjle for this market and season : all bf the latest and most fashionable patterns. They have also received a large addition to their Medicine, Paint and Hatter's Material Establishment and have on the way ana dai ly expected, a superior assortment of Queens & Glass Ware. It is already known that they And smile at thee ! but thou art not of j sell for cash only, and as to their prices they those -t ,i oat wait tne ripen a Dioom w seize uicir prey I :' . Leaves have their time to' fall, And flowers to wither at the;north wind's j. breath, . 4 I , ' ' -" And stars to seS but alii - Than hast all Seasons, for thine own, -O Death! ; We know when moons sliall wane, Tien summer birds from far shall cross the TT'T.- ifitmn'fi fniA cVitll 4-Jnfr tTi err1 - . w ir i ' den errain - But who shall teach us when to look for thee ! Is it when sprinirs first gale - Comes forth to whisperwhere the violets . -'',, Is it when roses in our path grow pale ? J ' ' They have one season -all are ours to die ! - '-v , .... J-: . " Thou art where billows foanv; r ,Thou art where music melts upon the air ; Thou art around us in our peaceful home, . And the world calls us farand thou art S, there. '; 'v 't v- - . i nou art wnere inena meets iriena. Beneath the shadow of the elm tarest ; Thou art where foe meets foe, and trum . - ' pets rend - ' ' 'The skies,, and swords beat down the '": " princely crest. ' : c Leaves have their time to fall, ; . ' ; breath, ' " And stars to set hut all, . ; i nou nasr ail seasons ior tninc own, u : ' ':': k Death ! ' Oiie lluia Arei l)6ors REWARD. rETRTTHEREAS on the'evening of the 21st V v :inst. between the . hours ot 7 and o o'clock, some evil-disposed person or persons entered our Store, and stole from it Bank notes to.a'considerable amount: We hereby offer a reward of One Hundred Dollars to any per son or persons who will give such information "unll learl to the recovcrv or the monev so taken. We also offer a Heward' of Twentr Dollars to anv Derson who mav eive j . y i J m J 9 tuch information as will lead to the conviction f . . - -r ox tne person or persons concernea. Storekeepers are respectfully requested to pive their aid in making a discovery ot the oN o - fender; or offenders, detaining persons of sus picious characters, who may have bills of a iarerer amount than their circumstances would seem to j Usui y. IIAZLETT & ROBT. KYLE. Raleigh, 22d April, 1824. ' 46- are content rliat those who may favor them with a call shall be their own judges, and will be thankful for a continuance ot that encou ragement they have hitherto soliDerally ex nerienced. i ! N. 11. Thev have received six trunks ot Ladie's, Gentlemen's, Misse's and Children's Shoes, also a case of elegant Parasols and Umbrellas ; and have a variety of articles not Usually to be found in Stores m tliis place or section of country. Raleigh, May 20. 54 6t Spy g and S ammY Goods. HAZLETT & ROBT. ready for inspection Valuable Lands and Plantation on Roanoke and upwards of Seventy Negroes at Auction for Cash. : KN. Wednesday the" 14th July 'next, I shall t V7 proceed to sen for casli, on the premises, and co'ntinue. from day to day until the ob jects of the deeds of .trust shall be satisfied, "the valuable lands and plantation lying in the States of North-Carolina and, Virginia, on'the. south - side of Roanoke river, occupied at present by Mr. Richard Uoyd, consisting of about 4000 acres. This tract; it is believedi contains more than 800 acres of flat land, in ferior in 'quality to none on the river. ' The entire plantation is sufficient for the employ- ment advantaireousiy oi ou nanus ; xue ing-n land bordering on the low' grounds affords healthV and agreeable situations with a num- ber ot exceuenx springs. i lie pwmaimn js veil provided with all necessary, buildings theri are two dwellinsr houses With necessa ry outhouses sufficient for the accommoda tion of the family of any person who may be liisnoaed to nurchase. These land lie a- bout.four miles above Robertson's Ferry on the Stage Road,, 70 miles from Petersburg, 30 from "Weldon's Orchard, - and 12 from Warrenton.. - Gentlemen who may be dispos ed -'to purchase are requested to view the premises before the day of sale, and I can not do.better than refer them to Mr. Henry Pitts and Mr. Francis A. Thornton, who live in the neighborhood, and will take, pleasure in affording any attention or information that . It will be an object with the Trustee, to J!.p.uia nt tVlK V9MI!lhl atatp in clrK Info n JlvUions as mav best suit those disnosed to purchase, and advance the interest, of the : At the same vtime and place, I shall offer upwards of 70 Negroes for sale, at present in the - possession Of Mr. Boyd, unless the j . onau e sooner satisfied. ; .These Negroes consist of all .descriptions, many of. them young and valuable as house servants, field hands or me chanics. Further particulars' made known at the sale. ' ;, , ; - , ; ; ' ; rl . ;. . ; ? ROBT. H. JONES, Trustee. Warrenton. NrC. June. T. 4 fiO KYLE, have now a choice selection of Spring and Summer Goods. No pains on the partot the proprietors, have been spared to render their assortment suitable for the season and climate ; and they feel the great est confidence in recommending them to thpir customers, 'as more valuable than any Goods they have hitherto offered for sale. The following is a list of the principal arti cles : - Persian Prints 4-4 wide London do 7-8 do , , j Calicoes in crreat variety new patterns for 1824 , , : 1 Muslins checked and colored 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Ginghams latest fashions .;' 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Cambric 4 4 5-4 and 6-4 Jackonet " 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 India Book Plain an dgured 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Mull Y ; I SeringapaTam and Sacharilla MtilJs ' Irish and French Linen Cambric Linen Cambric Handkerchief's plain and bor dered V Two cases Irish Linen 7-8 and 4-4 wide Waj ranted grass bleach j Lawns, Irish and Russia Diaper t. Superb Mandarine Cr.pe Robes Embossed do Nankin and Canton do i 4-4 8-4 and 10-4 Crape Shawls handsome co lours '. j Black, Blue and Green Italian Crape . Plain and Figured Levantine, different colour Do ; do Sarsnett and Florence ' do Gros de Naples and rich fancy Silk Shawls White and coloured Silk Handkerchiefs Gentlemen's Black and Fancy do Pelerines and Zelia do Greek and Madras do Ladies' and Gentlemen's Black and "White Silk Horse i 2,5 .TtfcNV : Ik tnf bound e'n apprentice Wiujam Mooiie, IS J. 'absconded, from my servierfe on Enster Sunday, lst,v .without the .least provocation I have al Wavs treated himnvith, great kind tiess and fenity, and as he fas left sne withr out cause! I am determined if possible to get him aainl Said apprentice is quite a like lv vmith aliont 15 vefrs of age verv well Uiade, ' witli a full facel - He wore away j mixed - coat blue xstriped Jacket, white pan taloons and a wool hat. :- '-xl S, t " 1 v I forwarp. all. persons from harboring said boy, as 1 4m determined to enforce tle law ae-ainst an4 such offender.. The above reward will be given for his delivery to me, 15 miles west of Raleigh, or his confinement iu Jail so tnat 1 get nim again. ' ; m , 1 REUBEN WHITEHEAD. ", Wake County, May 8,, 1824. ; 51tf Statfe orNorth-Cart?iina.-K j FraiikiiaCounty. I Court of ' P.leas and Quarter Sessions, March ' j.;. Term,; 1824. J ordan Denson, Qrinal .attachmei.t, leried 1 . VT ! . Con lands. ' Sterling Hams. 3 . TT T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, I that the! defendant in this case is not an in habitant .ofhis state : Tt is ordered, that pub lication be inade once , a weelih the Raleigh Recp'rster Uif three months, unles he be and annear i hetore the jusuces 01 our ouunw Pleas and ttuarter Sessions, to oe neia ior tn County of iFrahklin, at the Court-house in Louisbiirg, 1 011 the second Monday of June next, then Hand there to plead or replevy, iuderrrient final will be entered up against him, and the property condemned to plain a ' m 'i ... 1 un s recovery. Test, j S. PATTERSON, C t;. lat Stock SaV. r) ETWEES' oOa'nd -40 ; Shares .of Copf j Ft ar Rank Stock may be had ut theou : price, 6n application to , the printer! rent nereot. :?. ,: , . ;. ; April 20th; 1824.-- : r.46 CEitt lioUar s eovA. STHAYED or Stolen from the Stable of Archibald: Davis: in Franklin county on the night of th 9th instant a likely RAY HORSED ;witlv-a black mane and tail, both hind feet white, 6 years old this spring, full 15 hands high; trots retnarkdbly fast ah:l ve ry spmted.. The said horse got an acciden tal fill last summer on very! liard groupd, which took the skin entirely from both knees, the effects of which may be discovered if examined closely. No other marks recol- lected. ;i he above rewaru wm oe given to anv person, that will return the Horse to Dr Gillett of Raleigh, or to me in Louisbui g, and secure the Thief in anv Jail in the State ; or twenty-five dollars for the recovery of the ; Horse. ''" ' vK,'"S " V''S. i r Old T xaMy, bave received 20 1 , Vr Brandy, uncommonly -oo I 1 be sold cheap by the' barrel or pVi' H HAiiLETT,8t Robert 1' Raleigh, Feb. 5,' 184. 1 ' T. . '.r ' . '. - -' C. .1. T00W iaumet iviaicer Unljolo K EYING contract to furnish 1 1 : of Nortb-Carolinabee-s uJ0 ! the inhabitants of Raleigh hnd it3 vir- ' " ' he .about to establish himself in iwA Louisburg, Feb. 18. MILO LATIMER. -:-"-' wptf - line, ncrar the 'Capitol' Square; vliere if ji by the aid of goo( niaterials, srti uianship, and .some little .disMavnP merit a share ot public p'atrofWp c Muv 20. i I ft 1 ' ; . M COACH MAKING 3 om IS. Tlxoivias . TAILOR, KAVliSG Parker Oxford, N. C. L dissolved Co-parrership with F. Stone, respeci fu ly .informs his friends and the nubile in ereheral. that he I snnnlv nf M:if eri.ils- fiTm.r; t ' - - - . 1 11., - " t '-.k.y - 1 iirir nr, i! uucncu a oJiypuiic uwi iiuuvw 1 vnicrc, vviiitu win cjiaoie Him tn i'w 1 . ! r,. - 1 1 A -Li" 11.. I ' i rf . ' U U" KVie S oiore, wuere ne win uihiikiuiiv ic ordes m his line, and have them THOMAS COB OS begs leave" tft'- , the citizens of this placeman J tlV" i? ciftiprllv. tliat he haft incf rea;..J,.ii'.v,r1,"!J'. r v . . Z.J ikv Statcf of North-Carolina. " iFrahklin Gounty- Court of Pfeas and Quarter Sessions, March i Term, 1824. Nathaniel Hunt, !") Original attachment Jo- vs. j el King summoned Gar Archibald HGreen. ) nishee. . IT appearingto the satisfaction of the Court, ' that the defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State :? It is ordered, that publication He made in the Raleigh Register, once a wee K tor three montns,- that unless he be and appear before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the bounty of Frankhn, at the Court house in Lohisburg, on the second Monday in June nextl then and there to plead or re plevy, iudgment final will be entered up a- unst him, indthe property condemned-m the hands ot the Garnishee. Test, I S. PATTERSON, C. C. C. ceive all executed in the neatest and most fashionable style, j ' . ' h , . :-'-- - He pledges his word that, his work shall be done by the best workmen of the State, and under his immediate inspection, and punctual to order. : " ' v , i'-f- He also informs the public that he has made arrangements with ChaVG. Watson of Philadelphia, to supply him with two suit of clothes; one for the spring and one for the fall. ;He intends keeping them at his shop for public inspection. - A:-; , f . May 26. ' - .. - - - 57w3t N. . R. Two first . rate workmen may meet with constant employment and good wages, by applying as above. j jT UoivlractoYS Wonted, On the Pr:n els. riages and Harness, of all descrintion 1 ' tlian heretofore; t i ; 1 nsl0 )i To those not acquainted with his Estahl ment, he begs.leav to statethat th v 7 in every respect, suaii be faithful, elegant Ufdshigna ble mat.no- 'arrantta lie begs leave to tender Ms grateful knowledgments. to tlie public for the liberal encouragement they have been p!( ed to give him, and assures ; them tfc ? personal attention shall be given to hk in. iession ; ana tne worKr snau be as 0tf . can be afforded.' " Call 'and judge for jow selves, before you purchase elsewhere. Orders thankfully received and dismtA..j -.1. '',...-. ., . .-1 .. "i-wucu wiiu ccieniy. Raleigh; May 6. 4- 50 tf Do Do Gloves do do Cotton and Silk Kid, Silk and Leather do Buck, Doeskin and Bca ver r Ladies Morocco and Leather Belts Heticules, Waist Buckles and Coliexs Gipsv and Leghorn Flats An elegant assortment of Plain and Figured Ribbons Real and Imitation Thread Lace and Edging Sewing Silks, Spool, Wire and Ball Cotton, all colours ; . Tapes, Bobbin, London Pins and White-Cha pel Needles J Cotton Fringes assorted. Black Bombazines, and Circassian, suitable for Gentlemen's summer wear Cotton and Linen Bed Ticking Black Silk and Tabby Velvet Manchester Cotton Cords Shell Tuck, side and Long Combs, in great variety Horn do v . - i Umbrellas, Patent and Common Suspenders Beaver Hats, of the newest shapes.' . Wool do different qualities ' Superfine and Common Cloths of the latest importation , Do's ; . do Casimere . t!o Marseilles, Valencia and Toilanette fancy vesting ' Black figured Silk " do Grandiu-ell Wellington Stripes Nanking Sateen and Russia drilling for pantaloons Gilt coat and vest buttons-of the first duality i'eari, v.atss ana ivory buttons Coat and Suspender Moulds Domestic Gingham 3-4 and 4-6 wide ' Do Shirtings and Sheetings aU widths from superior to any the best manufactories,' . imported Seersuckers and TartanPlaids Morocco Pocket Books various qualities ' Toilet and Looking Glasses ' " SHOES. - f An extensive assortment of the most fashion ; able Morocco and Leather Boots and ; Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen " Childrens do ? " 1 HARDWARE: A general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery and Castings ' 5 " ; ' Do W Staffordshire and Liverpool WareV---"' Comprehending the usual assortment. ' " l ; - ; LIQUORS. Cogniao and Domestic Brandv v Jamaica and N, Rum- v ' ;,. Madeira, Lisbon and Malaga Wine. 3 . All of which as usual, will be sold on pond termv '" 1 v "SaMtrhJ-Jlbrit 2?;-- State of North C ar olina; Franklin County. v Court of! Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March J Term, 1824. Jordan Denson, ) Original attachment, Jesse vs. 1 1 Person and others summon Jesse Gordon.- ed Garnishees. TT appearing to the satisfaction of tfye Court, that the defendant in this case is not an nhabitant of ihis State : It? is ordered, that publication b; made in the Raleigh Register, once a week fpr three- months, hat unless he be and appear betore the ; Justices ot our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Franklin, at the Court- louse in Louisfcurg, on the second Monday in June next, tHen and there to plead or reple vy, judgment final will be entered up against him, and I the property condemned . in the hands of the Garnishees, t v Test, j S. PATTERSON, C. C. C. State cf Nor tli-Carolina. Franklin County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ' j " IVlarch Term, 1824. Encel Driver and Isaac Drive CAPE-FEAR RIVER between IVil mjng ro n and Fa tr tte vjl l e. THEjsubfacriber will be iready to receive Proposals, in writinET, until the 15th of t ,rr:i - ' X j.ri.t. t I " - ' ,uuc, ai, ,v-iimi.igiuu,'.or CAcouung u c worK MUberry Todd.! Iff iii-i:essrv iir 1 1 r. i.iiiisi nil .1 11111 f 11 jpii ir-i nn 1 m - . : . r J, i- , " .;rr" I 1 appearing to the satistaction of the Cnnri Cape-lev River between Wilmington th ' jA1illIltlM;,KPmf nZT Eayetteville. agreeably; to the annexed uc fft ' ""n m?' J 2 ----- - v i.uMtwuvvi kiiij OlaL" State of North-Carolina Superior Court of Law, Spring term l j Solomon Todd; ; I ' Petition for Divorce. ' vs. necessary lor the construction ot jetties on the and Specification! The Proposals are to be given in at a price per lineal yard ; the. Contractors are to provide all Tools, Labor and! Materials, except 2 inch plank, which will be furnished them on the spot fr ee of all charges. SPECIFICATION. it is ordered by the Court, that notice hf em-. en in the Ralwgh Register and Star byadver. tisement, f(jr three months, to the said Mil. berry Todd, that she appear at the Superior Court to be next held for the counntyof wane, at tne courthouse in the City of Ra . i w - j iNc, at nie ouirnouse in tne uitv x. i uc jc;uc5 sue iu vuiuJai oi a sinB"ie row I leiP-h. , nn thp tirt XTnnr oftot. th f,-v . . . . I 0'- p.. i.v.a nil. lliiUl vs.i 1 Petition for r " tition: Jacob Driver and Jordan Driver,. IT appearinf to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants in this case are not inhabitants of fins State ; it is ordered, that publication hefmade in theTlaleiffh- Rccriste'r once a week far six weeks, that unless they be and appearlat our next Court, to be held? tor the Countyjjot ! rankhnat the Courthouse in Louisburg, on the second Monday in June next, anti; answer theh plaintis petition of piles of 10 inches square, driven! firmly in- to tne Dca or ine river, at tne nistance or iu feet from each other. Each of these piles is to have a. tenon at the top of 3 inches thick. 10 inches wide and 6 inches long. On the top of these piles is to he placed a capsill 10 Inches square, with mortices on the under side for jthe reception of the tenons on the pile.?, there is to be a trenail of sufficient size to fill anj auger hole one and a half inches in diameter, to be driven through the capsill and tenon ; the upper; side of this capsill is to be 2 feet above thei ordinary heierht of summer water. Which will be marked at each of the shoals.: V" ' 2. Along the whole there is to be a row of 2 in fitted closely together and driven firmly into. the bed of the river ; hone of the square piles, nor of the"2 inch pile planking, are to be shorter than 10 feetand where the depth of tne water or ine nature oi tne sou win aamit of it, they , are to be as much longer as neces- sitj' requires ; each of the pile planking is to d , . 1 have at least 2 wrought spikes of 5 inches long afa 1' driven through the, plank into the capsill. ' ' ' Monday of September1 next, then and there' to answer, plead or dplriur, to said petition. Witness, Ransom Iliriton, Clerk of our said Court, at Raleigh, v thjE' first Monday after the 4th. Monday bf March," A. D. 1824. -48 ' IR. HINTONT. ""ILL be kept by the Subscriber, during f the ensuing Summer and FallMontbs, at II intsville, eight miles south of Warrentoni and immediately between . the Shocco and Sulphur Springs. ' The' medicinal quaiiti.s i u ' r L -11 of Jthe latter (which is of recent, discovery) length of the capsill a- Valuable, having been fully proved the nch pine plank, to be w SPson. , . , 3 . Having added several rooms to his dwelling house, he will be;able to accommodate from ' Price of Hoarding, one Dollar per day, sii Dollars 12 cents per sveek. i; Childrn and servants half price. Horses, fifty cents per : "VVM. K. KEARNEY. '. I 54-lawtlJy. : 3. When any deviation or alterations from the Plans, Sections, or Specifications, as the case may be, is proposed by the Engineer or Contractor, where ov the work may be in creased, altered or diminished ! due! notice in writing shall be given of the same by the party proposing such cicvjauon, or -alteration to tne judgment pro Confesso will be . taken against other, and the Contractor shall5 not 'begin, to them, according lo the prayer of petitioners. lest, p. PATTERSON, C. fi. C. State, of North-Carolina. t Franklin County. Court of Pfeas and.Quartef Sessions, - I Match Term, 1824; John P. Weath!eis, . ") . . ."iA , TS f Original attachment Samuel Yarboriutrh. S IcviVd on lands- TT appearing o the satisfaction of the Court X that the defendant in this case is not an inhabitant , of tiis State ;lt is ordered, that publication be fnade iri the-Raleigh Register once a week; fox 'three montli.-?, that unless he be and appear before the Justices of our Court of Pleas ind Quarter Sessions, to be held for the Cointy of Franklin, at the Court house m Louisb)irg, ' on the second . Monday ot June, next, then and there to plead or replevy, judgment hnal will be entered up against him, ami the property condemned to piaintm 's recovery. v Test. S PATTERSON, C. C. C IIKSUAKT' to a Decree of the Court of Equity for the j county of Wake, 1 snail expose, To sale at jthe Court-nottse in ine cuy oi itaieign on: ssaturuay tne Jul)r next, the foftowing pioperty, viz. cne hTl ri'W rf XTri", 1 A t! Sii V o nlnn'of city laid off On the west side of said lot boundedas follows ; on the west by Wilmicg- ton street, on the south bv Harerett street, on' the east by part of said lot, and on the north State of j North-Carolina Franklin Count v. Court of Equity,! 2nd Monday, after 4th-Mon day m larch, A. D.' 1824. Jesse Reed,C6mplaiiiant : - 1 vs. ': . I' ' ' " ; : ' George Murphy! Williamson Murphy, Ni cholas Murphy, William Murphy, . Pa tience Murphy, Amey Murphy, Efizabeth Murphy, Darbv Thomas and Nancy his wife, Joseph filedsoe, and Winifred his wife, Frances M. Murphy and Temperance H. Murphy, are defendants. J : : . IT appearing textile satisfaction of the Court, that William lurphy and Ehzabeth Mur phy, two.of the defendants in the above case. are not inhabitants of this State : i It-is therp.. ore ordered, that! publication be made in the Raleigh Register .tonce a week for six months successively, l thai the said defendants. Wil- iam Murphy and! Elizabeth Murnhv malrr their personal appearance, at the next Supe rior Court of Equity, to be held for the coun. y ot- rranklm, at the Court-house in Louis burg, on the second . Monday after the fourth Monday of Septimber next, and olead an swer or demur to the said bdl of omplaint ; otherwise the saidbill will be taken pro con fesso, and heard ex parte as to them, and de cree maoe accordingly. Test, s 6AL JOHNSON, C. M. E. - t execute any part of the same until a price is fixed and an aETeement made. 1 otherwise he shall have no payment for what he does, and I by lot No. 161 ; also one piece or parcel of in case the deviation is arrreed toJ and t hp land in U'ak muntv. tmrth nf the city ci demand made bv the Contractor for the , I I-i f - ..-wv v. CI mg such Principa then the deviation shall be more than: the j lands of Thomas Daniel, in said borough, be- Engines sliall think reasonable, erinningr at a sake at Daniel's south-east cor- Board of Internal Improvements or I ner oti Hawkins's street! and running; thence the Principal Engineer shall have it in their! north with Daniel's line to his corner on Boy- power to contract or agi-ee with any other wn street, thence west with Bpylan street to person for the same, at such under mice as i stake On Marv Rrbwri street, thence south they may think proper, without' the Contrac- along. JIary Brown street to Hawkins's street tor iiaving any demand against' the. Board or Engineer aforesaid, for such transaction, and the Contractor shall deduct out of the contract price .such sums as may be saved by such de viation. . ; - ;! '..-":';"; . 4. Should it anneir "at anv :.timfr?ur!no-'h''I iruished iii th nhn or air1 Rnrouerh. as a execution of any part of the contract to the seven (No. 7) and bounded by Boylan street said Board - or their Principal Engineer, that on the north, Hawkins'street on the so-A u uuiicior is not executine his work- a- to a stake, thence with the same east, tQ tl'e beginning, containing by estimation one acre and seventeen hundredths of an acre. Also a piece or parcel bf land in tbe cojKi X.f and Borough aforesaid, known and cusUn- gTeeablyjto his contract, he or thev shall cive uuuee uj mm or sucn aenciency, and in. case he does not immediately reinedy; the same, they shall have it in their power to stop the work until he cart shew them satisfar.torilv that he possesses tlie power; of remedying the sJiould hb fail in performing the"' same, the Board or; Principal EnVineer shall: have it in their power to thscharge the Contractor from the work and take the; contract out of his hands, " the value of the work executed, and materials and tools oh hand beihg previously ascertained by the Principal Engineer, and which shall beimmediatelv paid But inca?P the Contractor. shall have been furnishing un necessary tools and implements for the work and which, ifrthe Engineer's opinion may be of little or no use to the work, the said EngV ner may reject such tools and imnlements. should he tliink proper. ; , i L IV ; 5. All the work must be done to the entire satisfaction of the Principal v Engineer, and sucn aiterauons may he made urthe work or and bv lots 6 and 8 on the east and west ; containing six tenths of an acre more or less Terms ,of sale- 9 and 18 months with approved security, will be require4r bearing interest from the tlaxe. , U ' -".: . - -tNO. i ELLIS, C. tf : Raleigh, MaV 22, 1824.! ,- jf i54vV Slate of N6rthCarblina. Superior Court of Law, Spring term, Sherwood Haywood, Agent of the 13ani oi :'. v ' ' ! Newbern, 5 ,-;' . vs. i -Nathaniel M. Taylor, Charles Taylor, Le . ; Taylor, 'Richard B. Taylor. - - . Judicial attachment, levied on a ho. .. . V and lot in the town of Oxford the pJJ ;i - perty.of Charles' Taylor, one of the a ' 1 fendahts.": " :'.A A 1 T IT appearing to the Court, that Char Taylor, one of the defendants, .n0J inhabitarit of this State : it is ordered, t. the Raleigb tS a e ., 1 . i;, Yiit tAP materials as mav. from tlmi tn tlw Be"or months,, successivvv, . to him necessary WeernThV t;; 1 saidCharles Taylor appear at our ; uITa Court next to beield for the said county difference of opinion shall arise between the Superintendents of the work arid the Contrac tor, respecting the explanation or meaning of any part of the Plans, Sections or Specifi cations, the same shall be UtXto the Principal tiiguiccri wiioso uecisionnau oe final HA3tni,TON FULTON, ; --'! " - W " - ' State Engineer, Raleigh, 15th May 124, . M z T7i;. k' a, mia.t fr the few Monday of September next, then and tQc to plead, , answer or replevy, otherwise property : will be condemned to the sausw tion of the plaintiff's demand. r " Witness, Ransom Hinton, Clerk of our Court, at Raleigh; the first Monday alter fourth Mondav ol March, A., u. io- Clt-