' . '5 i '.y y ;C.V. 4-. the more we wit- 'J. i .J ? ' V " TOK TH RKOISTEIU ; ... . . r A VOICKRQrttEORES v '5At a resnectabt e meeting; of the in habitants :f r-Wnke forest- and its vi c;nitf. at Mr.' Harrison Smith's,' on the; ..9lh u! t. , convened coformablr td pb ilic advertisement.! "to cmfvrtt on th Zjbcfi'Wi'fy" Mn Joiiv Barham was rallp.d to the Chair, ands Mr. Samuel . - ' r 2 , - t it -i; jt inthan of sentiment, a rommittee , ?r.J.-A f rfv.mn. ?u W au v ions aniiv rciuiioiis cAUicaoivc u uic u ;m - r . ; - , FtfceTcported tl pre- : :5uf .il.w;c ,UJ,;,K sense Ol me .-Hireling' amble and resolutions, which were a dQptcd a very large majority: ' It is the right and duty of the people to ' consult on pubHc measures ; to investigate the conduct of their representatives ; to ex- amine tlw; pretensions of those who are can- djdates tor ottices ot ,tnst ; to guara against are compelled to acknowledge us con the iisiirpation of their just rights by bodies clusi veness. And vet not one harsh of rnenr individuals f their sentiments on . all subjects connected nnA ,r,T,;r,ccrth n,imn In the exercise of-these rights and in the . '.Tiprformance of these duties, frecofrnizednd guarantied by the 18th and 21st articles of JTirst, to the monstrous and, dangerous usur ration of power i)Y body ot men at v ash injr?oril" electetl and sent there for other and special purposes who, known by the xlious narRebfva" fejcihave undertaken to die " tate to the people of the United States who shall be their President and Jextt to the ' servile hodv of the1 same name and charac ter at Kalcigh, who have registered the acts of the master Caucus, ana nice the tirst have endeavored to peTsQade the. people into a tame surrenderor uicir.iiguis au jiiivnrg-es Against these practices and principles we en ter ouf most emphatic ar.4 solemn protest : r JJecriuse the members of Congress who compose the Caucus are elected foi other nurncses ; , , Jircavsc they maj' beetle the Judges of the election bv.the people ; " Jiecayse they are the constitutional electors in tlie last resort, and ought not to commit themselves bv pTeiudging the case ; Because tliey are exposed - by their local SiTUaxion ana puDiic .uui.ies, io mc immnice of bribes afid other improper infinence from official expectants that surround Ihem : J3ecav&e'hrY are too often office-seekers themselves, AvheiebyThejE sutl rages jnay be- come articles oi uai iyr anu saic ; Jiecausc ihcy ajwrvs r have ar.d from the pe ctiliarity of their situ fvtlcn, connection and hopes, alwavs win prefer a' member of the Cabinet, ' a man of executive appointment forming combination ot the worst features of -aristocnicy and monarchy affording too manv opportunities, and .too strong tempta tions for improper influence to, be practiced by the good or toleraterf by the tree. Bee use they exercise a power unknown to the Constitution, and not being recogniz ed isther fore forbidden ; 1 Because the pleas of expediency ami- ne cessity,' now and heretofore used, and forever to be "used which have in all countries -and ages beenr?''?? pTe.t, would justify all and every assumption of power ; i " " Because the further and more insuHiugpea refcred bv the Caucus advocates, that the people w'ant information and are not able io decide for themselves, is going at once to es- tablish the c.s, visit Ktihmission confirming bvr words what has been attempted in practire r , ; - I Beeauscm the snme-proportion i as a Cau cus has influence, it diminishes the influence and undermines the rights of the people and unless' the the tendency is exposed and the practice aesteuy will sobn grow up into a resistless power of aristocracy, and monarchy, the natural tendency of all free governments . . . i : n v. - t lio final rnnciimni'iTinn i i V.HIV" " -v - ! i of all: free governments that ever existed : FinalnV ' ' 1 l ; - Feeling it to be a duty to ourselves, to our Tostcnty and to the: worm wiucn may prom , . . - j.-' i" i . u a t&mper, do not recommend a man to audits vicinity, feeling tlTTnselves row to be c 1 c .u :ar iU free, but with Itfearful looking for of .the tune first office m the gift of tne nationj in rnm W imoelled to turn their attention, a man gilted with such sound judg- by the succes?L0f our example) to use even' ' endeavor to h vert, or at least to delay soch a alamitfjus catastrophe to the only well esta blished free government on earth (after the hundreds that once existed but are Kow no more) it is-y this tneefmg. as a Weans of ' .giving effect to ouf desiresand exertions, Therefore, ' ' " '.. . ' r -v '!''- Rtroi-ted, That ANDREW JACKSON, coming frbm ther; ranks of the people ; pos 8ess!ng; neitlier. pover nor patronage ; unfet tered by .Co uiis engagements ; looking to ik) support jrlistinctfrom the merited favour of his fVlTow-citizens ;" whose whole life has been a course of useful devotion to the pub lic, service ; whose integrity has ever been abve suspicion ';' and whose talents in all sit .uationshave ensured success to tlie noblest exertions 4 is, in ouj opinions, eminently qual ified to protect;the rights and subserve the interests of the people, in the highland res ponsible office of President of the United States. i Besotred, That we approve of the nomina tion of or highly esteemed fellow-citizen JOS1AH CUUUOP, s elector 4on the peo nle's Ticket., . .. Resolved, That his Excellency Gov. . Holmes Jia our appro Danomanq tnanics, ior wis pain- otic d efettce of t he jtlst tights ot the people ara"n?t Cdncv usvrpniiaust in his-mertiofa-bte message to the General Assembly"of this State at its last session ," ' ' ' ' 1 1 l?kolxd. That ' Copy of these proceed ings s;gried by the Chairman and Secretary, be forwarded to the Editors of the two week ly papers in RaleighVfor publication. . Test JOHN BAJtHAMChn. -Sxw Atobt, Sec WILLIAM' H . ( RAtVFORB. TKOM THE aitHMOXD tJfariaER. f During the; whole Presidential Can v as,' we. never felt sonvarm nan inter est in the success of M r. Crawford, because we" never have entertained so deep a respect for, his character, as it this moment. His virtues and his ta lents win upon our regards, the more we hear of the man, na ihia ntiduetl: Circumstance? wUicfr have ;lateJ H:ime to our kndw ledVxhaveViinpressed in ..with the deepest sense of his vafue;:. Elevqtell alcove" 'ail the arts of intrigiie, he bas kpt hirnseVf from all the electioneer, ing expedients ofrihe Presidential con test. On every other subject he is as frank", as .bold;' and independent, in the exnression of his opinions, as Tho mas Jefferson himself. xThere is no trick , or temporising about him. He corned out at once, with a free and a I fprs. Of his patents and temper, hRepty to in. jrj wards turnisnes a conclusive -n . Hw jo a man. who lias been ., - i diseased for more than six months- t, his house during almost all penodobliged to employ a rea- der and an amanuensis, on account of the condition of his eves : Vet, under all; these circumstances, preparing: a ; -1 mJ .' . vindication out of a voluminous mass of. document?, so clear, so complete that even - his most prejudiced enemies word, not a single ebullition of ill tern ' . .o t- per towards his untirina-enemv. w will not extol the dignity ot tnis paper bv ahv v any invidious comparisons with any other. But, if such talents, and such ment, thus independent, thus virtuous, thus self possessed, thus elevated above the violence of the passions, is not-qua- lined to become the rresidefit ot the Onifed States, we know not xvhere we shall find a candidate who has hiirher pretensions. I Dunne; a penod of six months, when he has been so mucli afflicted (by dis ease, so much visited by persecutions, (and m a situation so well calculated to excite all his sensibilities,) j not one murmur, scarcely one complaint, has escaped mm. -s ' '.' i . FH03I THE BOSTOTf STATKSMAX. K TRIUMPH. It is well known that the Committee f o whom the charg-es of Ed wards njrainst Crawford wero referred, was composed of Messrs. Floyd and Randolph, who were favorable, and-nve other srentie- men who were opposed to his election. Jt is also well known, that Mr. Ran dolph has g-one to Eno;land, and that Mr. tioyu has been, dunng; the inves tigjation, conhned to a sick bed ; thus leaving: Mr. Crawford in the hands of his political opponents. , And what is the result r A most splendid fmumpfi: Ji c mi)' fp v rrdtcti'n from '-m charge! His whole conduct for a long; series of vears, investigatetl by a Com- mittee composed or supporters or otner candidates, and no spot or blemish found on his political or mora) charac ter. He has been weighed in the bai- pnee anti has not been found wanting;. His stern republican integrity has stood the test. of every ordeal which his enc mips run iIpvisp. and pvcrv trial hut fixes him still stronger in the affections . . , ,.1 1, .nnnlv W1 u,c l,culJlc rry The Anniversary meeting of the Ra leigh Pece Society wiil be held at the H ip- tist Meeting-House m this city, on Sud:t the 4th lay t July, and u sermon delivered on the occasion. On Monday, ti e d-.v roiiow- r 1 1 ii 1 - . in ir. ; me mciiiwcrs arc ici 'loict. to five u p,inctna attendance on the business of the Society. ociety, J ER. BATTLE, Cor. Sec. v " 62 Jurle 16. MR. EROWN's FIRST JWGIT. MR. HERBERT respectfully informs the :Ladies and Gentlemen of Raleigh and its vicinity, the Theatre will opc,n, for a b w nigh-Ts oi.t, on Wednesday evening, and in adiliiion to his present Company, has the pleasure of announcing Mr. F. Buowx, of the Cliarleston Theatre, who is engaged for Fivb NlfMITS. On Friday, Jane 1 Sth , 1 824, , Will be presented the Grand Popular Play, of PIZARRO, on THE j . DEATH OF ROLL A. Rcxi.Aj (of the Theatre Charleston) ! ' ; : ; Mr. F. Brown, Pizafro,' - Herbert, Aloiizo (from the Theatre Boston) Hartwig, Elvira, (from the Theatre Boston) : " : Mrs. Hartwig, Cora, (from the lheatre. Mon- trea!,V Mrs. Johns. End of the first Act 'will be displayed, for the first time, a Patriotic Dh.p Curtaiw, defsigned and executed by Mr. Esender. End of the Play, Mr ,F. Bbowh witl deliver, I Collins's Ocle o - the Passions, with the ,; original and appropriate Music, descriptive . j' of Fear 1 , Anger ! Despair ! I tope ! Re r venge ! Pity ! Love H ate ! J ealousv ! Melancholy i Cheerfulness and Joy ! ! , To conclude with a new, and'Uucrhable FARCE, caliedthe " RENDEZVOUS. , Tickets one Hollar, (coloured to the Pit 50 cents)'to be had at the Book-store of ,1 Gales & Son, and at the Box office of fhc Theatre. Doors opened at 7 o'clock, ad Pexfctrn ance tovcpmmence at 8 precisely. " - Smoking in the Theatre expressly prohi- 'Mgfat of Performance, Monilay, " Wedner day and Fridavt. ' r Carefnllv & attentively Impairs WATCItES, June 5. -A" OIAKV.K nn hv Cant. John Graves, at Cas- well Courthouse, on the 26t-h April last, a white Strav Gelrtinjr, shod all round, abotit 4 feet 10 .inches hicfh, about 12 y ars -old valued to thirty dollars; - - ' ; I ,.'VW.fT.F.A, Haneer.- Cnswell comty, pune 10. 623t. rpHE EXamimtibnf wyrrentoiv Academy cioseaon -v4iuruay the-12th instant' vc- i The second session will commence on the first Momlav in Julv. ' ! r m By an order of the lioard of Trustees, the price of tuition r ilf hereafter be twenty-five dollars per annum, f 1 I b . f A hi Mr. Otev, the Vryicipal, who occupies tne cademy builftings, will receive Boarders ; s terms will be pne hundred dollars per annum, f'J, i FOR SALE. ! , -tr.:- THE subscriber intending to remove from' Hillsborough offers for -sale, the high ly improved lot in that town upon which Mrs. M trv Anderson at present resides. The bm'dintrs :ire-iill nearly new and finish ed in the test style. The, dwelhng-house contains six lare rpon)s, with tire places, an excellent ceii.ar, a garrei roonM.m u clo- he,s; .l llCTC VY v.;?- ssary nnt-hniise. . li ' ' ; ; Persons wishing jto purchase are invited to call on the subscriber, who is disposed to make the terms of purchase liberal ' ' WALKER ANDERSON. . HilUborough, June-2, 1824. wila. Valuable Lands and Plantation-on Roanoke and 'upwards of Seventy Negroes at Auction for Cash. XTltN Wednes !av the 14th July next, I shaU :!- proceed to sHl for cash, on the premises, nd continue from day to day until th- ob jects of the deeds of mist'shall be satisfied, the valuable Huidsand plantation yingin-the counties of Warren and Mecklenburg in the States oNorth-C'arolina and Virgin'a, on the south side of Roanoke, river, o'ecup-ed at ' ore's. -nt hv Afr. liichkrd Bovd. consistinc ofl about 4000 acres. This tr&ct, it is believed, contains more than 8;00 acres of flat land, in ferior in quality to none on .the river. The entire v lantationlis sufficierit for the employ ment advantageously of 50 hands ; the high land order-iip- jt n the low grounds affords healthy :uid agreeable situations with a num bfr of "excellent Springs. The planta?in is well provided wjith all necessary btpldings and improvements ; in different .parts of it there are two dwelling houses with necessa i v rmthnis-s sufficient for the accommoda t.im' of th.- fmityof uy p(-rson ;wh6 may be isoosed to purchase. Thtse lands he a ' out four miles above Roberr'son,s Ferry on he St.ige Road, 70 miles from Petersburg, 30 from Weldon's Orchard, J and 12 from VVarrentn. Gentlon.n wlio may be dispos-. ed to purchase are requestecL to vi: w the premises !efore the day : ofl sal: , and I can not, do better th n refer tlierri to Mr. Henry Fitts and Mr. Francis A. Thornton, w ho Jive in the neighborhood, and will take pleasure in afl' rdi ng any attention or? infonnation that niiiv be 4lesirel. ' ' ; 1 It will he an object with the Trustee to dispose 'of .' his valuable estate in sucfy lots or divisions :s may best suit those disposed to purchase, and advance the interest of the parties concerned. i j At the sanjfe ime and "place I shall offer upwards of 70 Negroes for sale, at; present in the possession- of Mr. Boyd, unless the purpose for which they were conveyed shall be sooner satisfied. These Negroes consist of;ill descriptions!, many of i them voting and valuable as house servants, field hands or me chanics. Further particulars made known at the sale. '-. ' ' ! :'' ROBT H.JONES, Trustee. Warrenton, N. C. June 7. g " I CO S AVING duly qualified! as administrator de bonis non with the iviJI annexed, up on the Estate of Col. Ransom Southerlartd, dee'd. I shall, in. execution-of the last Will and Testament of my testator, proceed to ex pose for sale to the highest bidder, on the 10th of August next, at the late dweuiner-house of the deceased, in the county of Wake, 18 miles north of the City of Raleierh,. the real estate, consisting; of 27 or 28 hundred aci;es of good faml, of which the said Testator died seized and possessed.. This land lies on both sides, of the main; road leading from jRalejgh to oxiord, .and" contains vamable lmprove- mentsr-consistincr of aiarge la' d fcomiiiothouS iwehing house, with the usual houses appen ;dant,; necessary for the accdmniodaiion of a family, ahd all the necessary farm hoiisen a small dwelling-house with other, houses ne cessary for a small family, to which is attach ed a good store-house, and an ordinarily good Grist Mill. There arc few truds of land bet ter watered than this ; it abounds with good springs, and never failing strekfns. Terms of credit will be one, two and three years ; the "Durchaser civihe' bnni.i With thr -W Jiyveu securixes J. W., HARRIS, Adm'r. June 4th, 182fl 59- t ANA W AY-from, the subscriber living in j. i 3iuiiora coinv, on the 20th June, 1S23, two negroes, CALEB and JUDY.-Caleb is about thirry .years of nge, ligfit complexion, stout made, broad across jibe shoulders, speaks slowly, and is about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches- high. He has a long, loping walk, and bends forward considerably, as he walks ; he has marks of the whip. He had on when he went away, a brown bombazett suttout coat, a striped (yarn) black and, i white,, jacket! blue cotton pantaloons and a wool hat. Ju.ly is about forty years of age, middle size, copper coloured, quick, spoken, and blinks her eyes very much, when detected m an t error. 3he also lias the mark of the whip., Judy took among otljer clothing the following with her; a blue grounded cotton cahco frock and two muslin ones and an old fashioned black silk bonnet. She is an ex cellent Weaver. . ' , , - ! - 1 . suppose they are lurking about as free persons. - I, wiU give the above reward for their delivery to me, or confinement In Jail, so that I get them, or in, proportion for ei- r-!,' ABRAHAM PEEPLES. . Guilford county; April 26 1824. 49-3m. i Masonic HE Celebration of the npproachinp , i .. .;-" T -- No. 58jTarboi usrh, will be connected W'th circumstancf s of unusual interest to -the Ma sonic Fraternity ; It will beTattended by the officers and delekutes of the Grand Chapter of Nordi-Carotina, which holds its second annual commu nicat ioi on . th e i day preced intr. At the same time and place will be held a i Convention of Itoyal Arch-Mnsons The ancient tereinomes'.of -the order will be observed, and a discourse delivered bv Dr. H. B. Hunreri in Trinity Church. The mem- bers of adjacent Chapters -and Lodges are respectfully invited to attend. i . i E. L LOWE, Sec'v. Tarboro June5th 1824. 60-2 w. NOTICE, Pursuant to a decretal order of the -honor able Court of Equity for the CoUnty of Wake I shall expose; to sale at the Court-House the City of Raleigh on TUesday,the 20th Ju ly next, that valuable LO I" and improvements in the said City, situate on the corner of Hills borough and M'Dowell streets, and known in the plan of said City as Lot No. -198, the property of . Margaret Eastwood. ! Terms lof Sale "-nine and eighteen months credit : bonds -with approved security, bear ing interest from the date, will be required. I lOHfr & ELLIS, C m. E. " April 20, 1824. . 46-ts li oar II uiis e ! W1 at Huntsv be kept bv the Subscriber, during e ensuing S u m m er and Fall M qpth s, He, eight miles south ot V arrenton, and immediately between the Shocco and Sulphur Springs. The medicinal qualities of the latter (which is. 'of recient discovery) are valuable, haviirg-been fully proved the last season. ' " J T ' ' ''J:"--.:-'-'J Having added several rooms to his d welling house, he i will be ablfc to accommodate from forty to fifty Boarders with convenience, j Price of Boarding, one Dollar per day, six Dollars 12 cents per week. ; Childrtth and servants Iralr price. Horses, lit ty cents per dav WMK. KEARNEY. May 17. ! 54-lawtlJy. WVWiarAsoi Academy. TI IE Exam. nation of the Students of this Ins'itutionl will commence on Wednesday the 9th of June and be closed on the evening of the 10th with select Orations and. appro priate Dialogues. ; . - 1 ; , Parents and Guardians are solicited' to at tend, also those who 'are friendly to litera ture. . ..H ; The second Session will begin on Monday tne th ot June. Board may be had at James Hilliard's and VVjllium Burt's (two or three hundred yards trom the Academy) for?;33 per session. The pricie pf Boaid, the healthiness of the place and the assiduity Of the Preceptor, en- xiue tnis institution to iinerai patronage. ... .By order. ' ; v WM. BURT, Sec'y. IS ash county, May 2.5. 56 ot t tiiufov Sale, yrHE subscribers offer for sale the Lands ?" belonging to the estate of Thomas Bon ner, dee'd,"! Jv nag m Bertie county, on the waters of Cashie river, adjoining the lands of ? 1 tlr11' -V 1 jonatnan cooper, v imam jonnson anov.o thers, containing 1000 aen s by estimation, most ot it wooft land, well timbered and wa tered. Tile land is equal if not superior to any in the neighborhood. It may, not be improper to observe that the continuity o this Land to'the river, may make it desirable on account of the transportation of lumber, &.C A tarther description vt deemed unne cessary, as it is probable any person wishing to purchase, would hrst view the premises. Terms madej accommodating to the purchas er, t or tarther particulars apply, to the sub scribers living in Franklin. 1 OLL1VER TERRELL. WILLIAM T. BONNER. Franklin, April 6, 1824. 42- jni. S hereby that the giv-en to .the'-, public generally, Stasre Line from Rah ifdi to Newbern will be continued. I was under the impression,' for some time past, that I should be compelled to abandon running my Stage. on this route, in consequence of my pay being too inconsiderable to defray the expenses of this establishment, but knowing that it was a 'desirable tiling; to, the public generally that the Stage should continue to run on this route, I fiave lately, together with many respectable gentleman, petitioned the Postmast er-Gen en 1 t o gi ve me some additi onal compensation for conveying1 the mail in a "Stage, and thereby enable nie to continue running a Stage for the accommodation of Travellers ; and, through the means of my respectable friends, the department has a greed to add some additional compensation to that of my former contract ; therefore 1 shall continue to run a ' Stage punctually without doubt This Stage route intersects with the Fayetteville and ' Norfolk line, of Stages at Wavnesborouch. I have latelv added another team of horses to the roufe.4 Jlu. "7i oisRe ;Oeini in erooa repair, l niedare myself that nothing "shall be wanting on my pui t io renaer, inose, comtortable who may think proper to travel with roe. , I have1 a good caret id driver and good horses on the line. - The Stage will leave "Raleigh, and Newbern as heretofore (say) leave Raleigh every Friday at 6 P. M.; and arrive in New bern on Monday by 2 P. M. Leave Newbern every Tuesday at 6 A. M. and arrive at Ra Utgb on Thursday by 6 P; Mf) t Any person wishing to send trunks, boxes, or - other packages of any kind; shall have them con- vet ed,safely, and at reasonable rate. T there fore hone , to merit a nortion of me'nt from the public. .' - - r MERITT MILLIARD, Contractor. Raleigh, June 7.. " 60-3t J ;rear llanlc Stockfey be had XV e uereoi. ;; .; - . ",).. ! -1SiOUTII-CAK()L1N - Cabarrtis Conntw ! : ' EKXJgHKn on the tray Kooks, Mar -1824 by Kli.Neryel,: a Som-1 near15 hands high, supposed to be 10 years old, no brand to be seen, vith a rVV white on one hind foot. Valued to $ V e n-.1 Concord on the waters lof Hockv UKW east ALEX! SCOTT, Itangcr I niowH CpTjXTT, June 3. IfiOt T vii uic , o i a t .i rt y jasi, ujie small , eve , both hind teet whiferabout 12 veapg u valued to S12Taken up bv and few' J. LANE, Deputy for 59 jonn iJiaven. ?n. ..-- t Tv,iiuctiiiuuiuii;ii vcatiemv TJJEi Subscriber continues to have ch;r ot" this Institution. 1 He pledges l.;U.'s,V t make every exertion-pn his power forth advancement or tne young gentlemen intrust ed ,to his-care, both in niorals and literature The. situation is. known to be one of th ml jiciimui mi uic r lAir. ; fwnru may be had Stlldpnte .... here be j prepared for the Freshman or 9n ohomore Class .in the University. I The vv ercises will be resumed on Monday dip 9k; instant. ....-... , i - AIlEXMti WlLSmr Wdhamsboro', June 71 I ,61 im 1 refer t-o the-Hon. Leonard Hendern Itev. Wm. M. Green, Uev. S, ,L. Gphm Col. Wm. Robards.Col. miomas Turner, ?! Hamilton, Esq. and Gen. Joseph tL''"Br'aP for information relative to the governmnit cf this institution. ' ! ' ( j . A, V. State, of X OYt-CaToUva i i j.r Kiitiiertoruroti nty. ! ; -Court Of Equity Spring Term, 1S24. James Bndges, v j i jv. ' Injunction. Augustus Sackett. i " ; m fcuwtiHi-w, i iiiiii jMiMuiijuo oe man j Vr -months successivelv in .the Rahnrh KV. gister, notifying, the defendant,: 'Aiigustim Sackett, (whom it appear is not 'an inhabitant of this State) tu appear at the next Court of rl u it v, i u uv ut;ii i, lor.iii'M county oi Jtutuer fcrdf at tljr CcortduHtse ii Rutheribrdton.on the;3lMp'Vl4 -'"aii the 4jh Moridny of Seft trrter ntt .xl there.and th?n to plead, an. svver or demur, or Complajinant's bill will be Taicen pro contesso, ana heard ex parte. Test, THEO. F; B1R0HETT, Q. till Mav, 4J1824. r53 TAKEN UP and committed to the Jail of Moore county, Ni C. n the "5th Instant, a necro cirl, yellow complected, about 20 years of ago, 5 feet A nches high, with a scar' on her forehead overhej: left eve. She saya her name is EADY, nd that she belongs to John Askey of Northampton county in this state, and that she absconded from a Mr. Wells who Was carrying her southwaidly to sell. The owner of said- Girl will apply, pay charges and take heij away,1 or she -will be disoosed of as the latf directs I DAJTL 5INEILL, SbfT. -Cartha.cre. May.-15,. " C 1 t A ; 55 tf STRAYED or Stolen from-the Stable of Archibald Davis in Franklin county, on the night of the 9tl instaMv" a ' likely BAY HORSE, with a .black VmaneVand tail,' both hind feet white, 6 .years , eld this spring, full 15 hands high, trtits fremarkably Fast dn l ve ry spirited - The said horse got an acciden tal fall last summer on. very -hard ground, which took the skin entirely from both knees, the effects of lnch mayj'bej discovered if examined closely.-f jo other marks"; recoU . lectecl. The above reward will be given to athy persprl that will return the Horse to Dr. Gillett ; ofjialeigh, or to me in Iouisburg, ahd secure- the Thief in any Jail, in the State; or twenty -hve dollars tor theTecovery o tne Horse. :, k; ,- ti r. -r V' Louisburg, Feb. 18. V i MILO LATIMEK. J wptfi StatM JST ortbf Car olian C-:-r:- 'Nash CotrWTt. .!';':. . Court of Pleas and- Quarter Sessions,1 i . - May Term. 1824.' Rhoda Ricks, widow, &c. "T Tabitha Hicks,1 Temper Petition for do w ' r er in Lands. ance Kicks; Martha. Ricks, David Ricks and Amos Kicks, heirs of Joel Ricks deceased.:' j... "'':. '';; - ; T appearing to the satisfabtion of the Court, t that Martha Ricks, oneibf the defendants in this case, is not an inliabftant of this State,, it was ordered that publication' be made in the Raleigh: Register tbee ( weeks in succes sion, that unless she shall make her appear ance at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter sessions to be Keld for the County of Nash, at the Court-house in Nashville, cn the se cond Monday in August neit, and file her an swer, the Petition will be taken pro confesso as to her; I .: V ! - J' ' ; Witness Henrv Blount. Clerk of our saul Court at 'office, the 2d Monday of May, A. IV 1824. 60- H. BLOUNT, C. C. C. 3ovivlV. TAipmas. TAILOR, i Oxfori N. C HAVING dissolved Co-partnership witn Parker Y. Stone, respectfully iiifonns his friends and the public ini general, that ne bar opened ; a Shop one door above Rohert Kyle's Store, where he will thankfully re ceive all orders in hi line,; and have tnr' . executed in the neatest and most fashionable He r pledges his , word that his worK be done by i the. best workmen of the State, and under his immediate 'inspection, aa punctual to order. '-' '' ' - i j lie also informs the public that be has made arrangements with phas. Gi Watsc" of Philadelphia, to supply him ith two suits of clothesTofte for the spring and one for tne ran.- tie intenas Keeping mem .May 26. - . - J ';57w3t ' N. B. Two first rate workmen may nicet with constant -employment and good waes; - - resDectaDie tamnes in tne vi ap-P ht in session ; or if preferred in the family cf th. m Subscriber at the same rate; by applying as above, 111 ' ' - - '' - ' - M n "

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