:. ; v 1 " ' I O "' 'feV:'- :;: -V '4, y - POETRY. - STANZAS When morning hours of life are fled, And rifled pleasures shine no more -D When all. those hopes and fears are dead. That flutter'd o'er the heart before, How dear that shrine of other days, That breast with which those joys were i . known, ' " "Where fond rernembrance kindly strays To echo notes that thrill our own. ' Afrid such a shrine of youthful hours, ' jn tliee, my friend, I look'd to proye I thought again to cull the flowers, -'Of earl v friendshiD. early love ; - I hop'd to mark in later years, I The first young thoughts my bosom knew; To smile at Jong forgotten fears, i And live o'er blooming hopes anew. But fate forbade nor I arraign 1 ' The dread decree, or wish thy 'stay ; It were not friendship $o detain v - Thy spirit from a purer day ; Yet, oh ! if haply souls in bliss, 7 E'er think upon their steps of woe, Prom other worlds thou'lt think of this, ' And smile on him thou'st left below. Cpon thy simple grave I'll flinff ; Emblems of genitts cropp'd too soon j The morning buds of infant spring, . "Whose beauties should have burst noon . " V : - ' . ' And ever by the moon's pale beam, i. I'll wander to that sacred spot, And wrapp'd in other moments, dream ! Of joys that brighten'4 and are not. at One HwwAYe A Dollars REWARD. "CHEhEAS on the evening of the 21st inst.ji between the hours of 7 and 8 'clock, some evil-disposed person or persons Entered our Store, and stole from it Bank notes to a considerable amount: We herbby offer a reward of One Hundred Dollars to any per son or persons wb.o will give such information -as will lead to the v recovery of the money so taken. We also offer a Reward of Twenty Dollars to any person who may give such information as will lead to the conviction of the person or persons concerned.. Storekeepers are respectfully requested to give their aid in making a discovery of the of fender orJtirjflTenders, detaining personspf sus picious characters, who may have bills of a larger amount than their circumstances would eem to justify. , , HAZEETT & UOBT. KYLE. , , Raleigh, 22d April, 1 824. , 46- 5f orth-Carolina Female Afcade- - A NDREVV S & JONES inform the friends J. of this institution, that the semi-annual Examination of their Pupils will commence on AVednesday the 30th of June, and close on the i 2d of July. 5oi.i Medals will be presented to th6$e young Ladies who have completed their studies. . The Fall Session will commence on the th of July,'ther6 bein no summer vacation. About twenty new pupils can be admitted. Board and Tuition sixty dollars per session ; Music, Drawing, and Dancing, if taught, are charged extra. 71 s OxFoun, June 6. tawtjy' "OirAS taken up and committed to the Jail . , V V of Orange county, on the 14th day of 'May last; a Negro Man wno calls his name Bean," and says that he belongs to Nathaniel Whitfield of Lenoir county ; he is of light Somplection, about 23 yeafs old and is:5 feet ' 6 inches highi The owner is requested to come forward, prove his property , and take him away. - A . i : ' ' - JAMES CLANCY, Jailer. Hillsborough, JtineD. ! 61 3t Stray. ;VT EILL M'Arthiir, living on lower Little 1? River' hear M Arthur's Bridsre. enters a BttV .are, both Ivnd feet white, .14 hands high, supposed to be y or 1U years oia, ana , Valued at 26 dollars, " ' . . ;r MALCOM RAY, Ranger, i Cumberland Ju .e rf. 61 2w flHE Copartnership; of William II. Guy & JL James S. Mttrchie is djssoiveti nymuxu:ti All those indebted to said firm, are : requested to call on William H. Guy on or before the 1st aay or juiy nexx, Tor scux ( ineui :" all those who fail to do so, will have ' to settle with an officer. n .' wm. h:guy, . ; JAS. S: MURCHIE. " Smithfield. June 10. - I 61 3t State at X oYtYi-eaYoliiia Wake County. ' Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions, x - ' May Sessions, loz4. Wesley Whitaker, Isaac Per ry and Sally his wife John Fow ler ''and :Xucy his ! wife,, David Whitaker, George Crowderand V Eliza Ilia wife and Hardy Cfow- C c a .2 -3 c2 c o det and fus wife Ann Maria, v. J Whitaker, Samuel - Whitaker, John Whitaker, WillU v hifa ker, Theophilus Saiiders & his wife Angeluia, and.Thos Whit- 94 aving been made appear to the satis- ftfthe Uourr. tnac me vcienaams Mtaker, . Theophilus Sanders na, are not inhabitants ot this efore ordered that Dablica-! . . .. tlie- Raleigh Kegtster lor 6 .en ndants Hugn li.. w inta- us Sanders. and wife Angeh- L the Justices of our Court Seions to be held for '3d Monday in "An 'e to plead, answer ltlrtn. - 111 thta will ne entered tde according to Lking,c.c. I II ' J NOTICE, nnAKEN UPind now confined in the ;8 County Jail of Warren, Kegro Man Kiit SO vears of acre; ot the ordinary size says he belongs to ,a Mr. wneeier, oi Mur fre reesboroygh. He has pissed as a free man, f the name of Samuel Wheeler for, some iJJ- .J i-!initv anil li hv time in this dace and its vicinity; and is by trade a" shoe-maker. The owner is request ed to come forward, pay charges; and take him away, or he will be disposed of as the law directs. " -.- - - . : ' ""v'"' ""'" -:Vl:'; ; 1 - ALEX'R. CROSSLAND, Jailer. Warrenton, May 29,1824. 57-5v 3om TrimYosc & Co. k RE nbw receiving and ' opening their J Spring assortment of GOODS, which for variety and elegance has not yet been excel led in this market. j ''' I . . They deem jt unnecessary to give in detail a description of the particular articles (indeed such a list would be too lengthy to gain ad mittance into a newspaper) suffice it to say their assortment consi sts of almost e very arti cle of Foreign and Domestic Goods suitable for this market r and season ; all of the latest and most fashionable patterns. They have also received a large addition to their Medicine Paint and Hatter's Materia? Establishment and have on the-way and daiy ly expected, a superior assortment of Queens & Glass W'are. It is already known that they sell for cash only, and as to their prices they are content that those who may favor them with a call shall be their own judges, and will be thankful for a continuance of that encou ragement they have hitherto so liberally ex perienced. N; B. Thev have received six trunks of Ladie's, Gentlemen's, Misse's and. Children's Shoes, also p case of elegant Parasols and UmbreUas ; and have a variety of articles not usually to be found in Stores in this place or section of countrv. Raleigh, May 20. 54 6t SYing auA Sujmmi! Goods. HAZLETT & ROBT. KYLE, have now ready for inspection a choice selection of Spring and Summer Goods. No pains on the part of the proprietors, have been spared to render their assortment suitable for the season and climate ; and they feel the great est confidence in recommending them to thrir customers, as more valuable than any Goods they have hitherto offered for sale. The following is a list of .the principal arti cles : r. Persian Prints 4-4 wide London do ' 7-8 do Calicoes in great variety new patterns for 1824 Muslins checked and colored 4-4 5-4 arid 6-4 Ginghams latest.fashions 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Cambric 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Jackonet ) 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 India Book C Plain ard figured 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Mull S Seringapatam and Sacharilla Mulls I j Irish and Freneh Linen Cambric Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs plain and.bor- dered Two cases Irish Linen 7-8 and 4-4 wide wai ranted grass bleach Lawns, Irish and Russia Diaper; Superb Mandarine Cripe Robe3 . ' - c-i' Embossed do ; Nankin and Canton do 4-4 8-4 and 10-4 Crape Shawls handsome co lours Black, Blue and Green Italian Crape Plain and Figured Levantine, different colours Do do Sarsnett and Florence do Gros de Naples and rich fancy Silk Shawls White and coloured Silk Handkerchiefs ; ; Gentlemen's Black and Fancy do Pelerines'. and Zelia do I : Greek and Madras do A I Ladies' and Gentlemen's Black and White J Silk Horse Do Do Gloves - ver ,dd Cotton and Silk ! do Kid, Silk and Leather do Buck, Dogskin and B'ea- Ladies Morocco and Leather Belts Ueticules, Waist Buckles and Coliera Gipsy and Leghorn Flats An elegant assortment of Plain and Fisrured Ribbons .Real and Imitation Thread Lace and Edging Sewing Silks, bpool, Wire, and Ball Cotton, ' " all colours 1 Tapes, Bobbin, London Pins and White-Cha pel Neeoles Cotton Fringes assorted Black Bombazines, and Circassian, suitable for Gentlemen s summer wear C6tfon and Linen Bed Ticking Black Silk and Tabby Velvet Manchester Cotton Cords Shell Tuck, side and Long Combs, in great variety Horn do Umbrellas,. Patent and Common, Suspenders Beaver Hats, of the newest shapes. j Wool do different qualities 1 Superfine and Common Cloths of the latest importation Do do Casimere do Marseilles, Valencia and Toilanette fancy vesting Black figured Silk do ! I", Gi-andurell Wellington Stripes Nanking Sateen and Russia drilling tor pantaloons I Gilt coat and vest buttons of the first quality Peutl, Glass and Ivory buttons Coat and Suspender Moulds j Domestic Gingham 3-4 and 4-6 wide ' -.'!' Do! Shirtings and Sheetings, all widths from L athe best manufactorjCS) SUperior to any imported Seersuckers and Tartan Plaids Morocco Pocket Books various qualities Toilet slid Looking Glasses ! SHOES, . '.:.-.' An extensive assortment of the most fashion able Morocco and Leather Boots and Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen i Chddrens v ; do ".. HARDWARE. 1 A general assortment of Hardware, Cutlirv and Castings : J Do . .. Staffordshire and Liverpool Ware. ' . , GROCERIES. Comprehending the usual asscrtmen , v LIQUORS. Cogniafc and Domestic Brandy ' - ' Jamaica and N, E. Rum Madeira, Lisbon and Malaga W ; i A11 f whieh a usual, Will be ine. sold on e-ood j V hmmden apprentice1 WiVit aW M Sunday Ust, Without the Jeast . provocation. I have always: treated him .with (great kind ness and lenity and as he has lett me with out cause, l am determined if possible to get 1 1 1 in attain. ortiu xiviiv ly youth, about 15 years of age, very well maue, with 4 fill!, face. -He wore away a mixed coat, blue striped jacket, white pan taloons and a vobi hat, ':'.'. v .';", I forwafn all, persons from harbdring said Uoy, as I am determined to enforce the law against any such ofFender. The above reward will. oe-given ror nis ueiivery iu ic, ninv. west of Raleigh, or his confinement in Jail sb thai I get hint again. ;i UKrmKNAVHITEHEAD: Watp Hnnltv. Mav 8. 1824- 51-tf State df North- Carolina. ' Franklin County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March . Term, 1824. - Jordan uenson, i oritn rial attachment, levied v VS. ' ! Cou lands. Stprhnp" Flams. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case is not an in habitant of this state : It is ordered," that pub licition be made once, a week in the Raleigh TJpo-icter for three months, unles he be and aDpear befbrell the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held ftirthe County of Franklin, at the . Court-house; in Louisburg, on the second Monday of Jiine next, then and there to plead or replevy iudement final wijl be entered up against him and the property condemned to plain- tin s recovery, j Test, .. : S. PATTERSON, C. C. C. State of North-Carolina. Franklin County. u Court of Pleas" and Quarter Sessions, March ,-' Term, 1824. ' Nathaniel Hunt, J Original attachment Jo v$. Cel King summoned Gar Archibald H Green, j nisihee. fT appearirigto the satisfaction of the" Court, that the defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of .this State : It is ordered, that publication be made' in "the Raleigh Register, once ' a week jfor three months, tliat unless he be and appekr before the Justices of our Court of Pleas! and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County ofFra'nklm, at the Court house in Louisburg, on the second Monday in June next, then and there; to plead or re plevy, judgment final will be entered up a gainst him, and the property condemned in the hands of the Garnishee. ;; Test, S. PATTERSON, C. G. C State of North Carolina. Franklin County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March Term, 1824. Jordan Denson, Original, attachment, Jesse vs. Person and others summon Jesse Gordon, j ed Garnishees 1 T appearing tpthe "satisfaction of the Court, a that the defendant jn this case is not an inhabitant of this State. :. It is ordered, that publication be madeinfhe Raleigh Register, once a week fortthree nionths, that unless lie be and appear before' tlje Justices of our Court of .Pleas jand Quarter Sessions, to be held for the Couhty of Franklin, at t he Court house in Louisburg, on the second Monday i.n June next, then; and there to plead or reple vy, judgment final will be entered upagainst him, ami the property condemned in the hands of the Garnishees. : Test, j $. PATTERSON, C. C. C. State j of Nortli-Carolina. r-Fnijiklin County. Court of. Pleas and Quarter Sessions, . March Term, 1824. , Encel Driver anil Isaac Drive T, Petition Jacob Driver ana Jordan Driver, f ' D heirs of Shaw Driver, dec. , J Partition. TT appearing tr the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants in this case are not inhabitants of this State ; it is ordered, that publication be matle in the Raleigh Register once a w.eek for kix weeks, that unless they be and appear a our next Couft, to be held for the County of FranklinAat the Courthouse, in Louisburg, onthe second Monday in June next, ana answer the plaintiffs petition. judgment pro cojhfesso wHl be taken against them, according o the prayer ot petitioners. PATTERSON, C.C. C. C Test. S S tate of SlST orth-Carolina. Franklin Countv Court of Pleais and Quarter Sessions," March Term, 1824. John P. Weathers, Tie. d Samuel Yarbordtfrh Original attachment levied on lands. WT appearing to' the satisction of the Court JL that the defendant in this xrase is not an inhabitant of this State ; it is ordered, that publication be mWle in the Raleigh Register once a Week fori three months, that unless he be and appeai before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the Counky of Franklin, attht Court house in Louisbujrg, on the secobd Monday of June; next, then and there to plead or replevy, judgment final will be entered up against him, and he property condemned to plaintiff's recovery." i . Test. S.jPAlTERSON, C. C. C. , ; State of North-Carolina. Franklin County. v Court of Equity,. 2nd Monday after 4th Moh- . day in Mirch, A. D' 1824. " j I Jesse Reed, Complainant: " ; Tft. ' . I . .'.:. George Murphy, Williamson Murphv, -Ni- tiioiiis jnurpny, w imam. Murphy, pa tience Murphy! Amey Murphy; .Elizabeth Murphy, Darbf Thomas and Nancy his wite, Joseph Bledsoe, and Winifred iiis ) wife, Frances M. Murphy and Temperance II. Murphy, are defendants. , IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that William urphy and Elizabeth Mur phy, two of the defendants in the above case, are not inhabitants! of this State , It i W fore ordered, that Jiubhcatioh be made in the itaieign Register dnce a week for six months successively, that! the said -defendant xv;r ham, Murphy and jElizabeth Murphy, make their personal appearance at the next Supe rior Court of Equity, to be held for the coun ty of Franklin,uat i the CourChoiiKA owg, , pn the. second Monday after the fourth t jiuwiay or September next, and dIpaH swer or demur tothe said bill of omplaint ; "U1CI ls uiesaia piu win be taken pro con fesso, and heard ei parte as to them, and de cree made accordintrly, "aTV bdmnden apprentice Wiutimmooiie, Jjf absconded from my seryicee oEaster TesJ, BTOLIVN from;' . the .subscriber, in the neighborhood of Mr. .Muring's, in .Chat harrt touuty.'abdut the 10th ihst. ASOHTtEL MARE, 4 feet 10 inches high, botlv hind feet white, and it is believed had a white, spot iri her forehead. On examination .will also be discovered on her shoulder the ; remains of a fistula : no other mark recollected; r ; The subscriber has every reason to belie ver that the said Mare.was stolen by a man of the name of JOHN CU MONTAGUE. He is believed to be a .native of Henrico county, Virginia. lis about 30 years of are, six feet high, '"".-light hair and sallow complexion.': He wears a dark homespun coat, light panta loons anil straw hat. lie has attempted to sell her but offered her so low as to ex cite suspicions, as to the manner s in which he obtained the property. On being ques tioned where he got her, lie showed a bill of sale from Mr! William Burton of, Wake County ibut this is a forged writing. He left haligh on Sunday last at 3 o'clock, after Having triexl ineffectually to dispose of his ill-gotten spoil. I will give the , above reward for the apprehension of the thief and the recovery of my property. ' ! THO. H. SCAHBOROUGII, Living 10 miles west of PittsboroV - ! , Chatnam uountyj June 14, 1834. V V: 6t-2v. : ! NaVT COMMISSIONims Offtce ! ' June 8, 18241 I THE Commissioners of the Navy will re ceive Proposals for furnishing, at the several building yards the following timber, VIZ: P 1 . '. V ... ;r Deliverable at Washington.; 16 pieces white oak logs, 45 feet long and ft inches square. 1 1 . doi . do; 32 feet long, 36 inch es diameter. .' st 4 to 6000 cubic feet white; oak I plank stocks; 2 to 3000 cubic feet yellow pine do. None to be less than 35 and to average 45 feet in length. J ' J. 20,000 feet white pine plank and boards land 2 inches. - j ? .184 dagcrer, and 120 lodging, white oak kneesj to side from 9 to 12 inches, bodies 7 feet, ;.rms 5 feet. . .. 1 set masts and spars entire for a 44 gun ship,- with 1., 1 1 2 3 1 r bowsprit, mainmast, top-masts, to p -g; 1 1 an t-ma si s,; sprit-sVl-yarcl, top-srallant-yards, )Best heart y el low i royal -yards, 1 . top-sail-vard, 1 "flying-jib-boom, 1 spanker do. 2 foretop-steering sail, j 8 other booms, . I pine. 186 small spruce spars, 57 to 15 feet Ichg. 108 do. of 4 inches diameter Deliverable at Boston. ! 175,000 feet white pine boards. Delivjprnble at P.nrtsmoufh. N. Tli ; .uu cubic teet wnite oat logs tor; caps tressle tree?, &c- Delivcrable at New-York, 7,000 cubic feet white oak logsnone less than 35 feet, and to averaere 45 feet loner. to 4,000 cubic feet white oak logs, for gun carriages, Ccc. . . 3 to 4,000 cubuJfeet ash logs and plank. 8 to 10.000 ctibic feet yellow pine plank stocks none to be less than 35 and to ave rage 45 feet in lenrth. j 18 yellow pine pvimp logs, -not less than 20 feet Ion gf 16 to 22 inches diameter.'i t 12 tons lignum vitae, large sizes. 4 front nshfts, 4 after; side fishes,' 2 side trees, 2 main top-masts,' .3 half-main -yards, 4 sprir-sail do 1 spanker boom, Best heart yellow pine- i; mizen spinrii es 200 to 300 small spruce spars, 57 to- 15 feet loner. i ! 150' to 200 do. do. of 4" inches diameter. 184 dagger, 244 lode.iner, white oak knees to side 7 and 8 inches. i ;Bl Deliverable at Philadelphia.! 7 to 10,000 cubic white oak plank stocks: 18 to 2500 do. do. yellow nine do. -None less than 25, and to average 45 feet in length. 6,500 do. 2 inch ash pUnk. ij io i,uiju , supernciai leet white Dine pianK ana noaras, I and finches. 613 knees to side from 9 to 12 inches, bo- aies teet. arms 5 teet. : i 1- w n 4 cheeks for head. , " i V Deliverable at Gosport, Virginia.' 10,000 cubic feet W. Oak plank stocks oU,OUU do. do. yellow pine do,- do. None less than pa, and to average 45, feet in length. 20 beams, from 43 to 51 feet 6 inches lon 9KIC1 uuu 15 incnes, moum-i and 16 ISA beams, trom 21 to 45 feet lone-, sided ao io i j incnes, mouiaed 11 to 16 inches, half side trees for a 74 qrun shin " panncnes . do , do. 1 half main yard do do; o uiflh .u ' j -' i 7I 1 . w, - . llti.ll IUJ OM.ll uu .1111 (IO. ' ! t- C s if 2 topsail ' do . do do. ; 1 2 top gal, sail do do do. 12 royal do do do. 10 sky sail ,do ' -do do. naij 0Jit AVJ J VXiJm I 12jih j z spanera 6 swinging 96 studejing 4 ringtail -booms do. 4 stud yard J , I All theiartieles md:st be of the best quality, subject to a rigid inspection, and be satisfac tory to the Commandants of the yards. ' - Persons offering will please state their terms ' : - - Fdr white oak and yellow pine plank stuff beains, or ash logs per cubic foot ; : - For ash plank or-white pine boardsper hundred superficial feet . ' For ligpum vita per ton For knees-per sided inch. 1 All effers must be addressed to the Navy Commissioners, sealed and endorsed on the back, so-as to designate the kind of articles offered for. This is particular! the Commissioners do not wish to open" a uucts uiiiu mc uay oi aeciomg on "them :. Proposals 'for furnishing- masts and 'spar timber will be received till the first day of September, and for: all other timber till the first day of August next. eptlS BLANKS for sale at this fficel Old . E have received 1 9n be sold cheap byV the barrel or cr,n,llc!l . i "v-wtiiiijiiiv nnni i HAZLKTT &SROBEUT KYlv Raleigh, Feb. 51824. "l Cabinet Maknr & TTwk. . , w I'iiuiJi!1 X of North.Carolina-begs leave to' the inhabitants of Ualeiffh and its vTu he is, about to establish l-.imJlf:::r ts . ... Jll yia .1 me, near.tic Capitol Square, where heh ?fc be aid of . good rnaterials, sounH r raanslnp, and some little disnlav rf; merit a slare.'of pub liq patronage ' May 20. v,.. . i & ' . 04 CpACH-MAEING rjlllOMAS CQims jbetsfleav to JL the citizens of this place, and the J,?? generally, that he. has justreceired 4s :,lC supply of Materials, from: New-Yprk an I where, , which will, enable him to finish r riages arid Harness,' of all descrintinn. r than heretbforei 1 ' -, 1 lw To those not acquainted with his Est hv ' ment he begs leave tb state, that the vS in every respect,, shaiJ be execntp fhithul, elegqid &fefc$7fa6e manner Pn,-.t io any maae in uus country, and wrarranV: inveryTinstVnceif .:.;;:.V '.iea He beers leave to tender his rrntr..t knowledgmehts toth'e public for the ve liberal qncburagemenij th ey have been ule ed to give: him, and jjtssures ', them ' tht pergonal; attention' .shnll be-given to his pro- xession ; ana me wori snail be as WaV; can be afforded. Call and iudce fo? selves, before you purchase elsewliere. vjmcri, maniwiuiiy receiveu ana aisban w Raleigh, May 6. 50 tf State of NToi th'-C; iii'inma. 1!. i ' , Wake County. Superior Court of Law, SDrinirterm. Wi Solomon Todd) . U j , Petition for Divorce. Milberry Todd: J ; L f i T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court n thathe defendant, Milberry Todd. camior be found and is not an inhabitant of this State ; it is ordered "by the Court that notice be en in the Raleigh Register and Star by adver. tisement, for three months, to the said Mil' berry Todd, . that' she appear at the Superior Cmirt. to be -next held for: the counntv of j- Wake; at tle. Ccmrtliouse in" the City of Ra- iejgn, on tne tirst Monday alter the .fourth Monday of September . next, then and there o answer, plead or demur, to said petition. Witness, Ransom Hihton, Clerk of our s?id Court, at l?aleigh, the first Mondavfter ftft 4th Monday of March, A. D. 1824 48 s R. IIINmV, Cl'. A ND committed to t he Jail of Stoics XIl. county, N. C. on the 127th ultimo, SNe jto Man named DAVID, 5 feet 10 inche? high, very black, about 27 yearsof ae.,He says that he ran away from a , Mr. Robards, at the Poplar Camp Mountain,' Virginia ; that Ilobards wasTernhvin him' with other nefcTOfS from Wayne county in thi$ State, to his -master, whose nai2j.e ,he saysiis Samuel ViLrn and lives somewhere iri Tennessee,: but that he does not Jkjioin what4coimty; i The) ownf is requested to come forvan, prove property:pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt iwith according ta law". : '. .. : ., gy' ESSE -BANNER, Jailor. r Germanton, April 29. j i 51 6m "PURSUANT to a Decree of the Court Jt, of Equity for the county of Wake, I shall expose to sale, at the Court-house ia the city of Raleigh; on Saturday the 12th of July next, the following property, viz. cne third part of lotNo 145, in the plan of sat cityi' laid ofTbn the west side of said l anJ bounded as follows : on the west by Wilming ton street,' on the south -byjHargett street, on the east by part of said lot, and on the north by lot No. lil"also one piece or parcel of land in Wake county,, north of the city of Raleigh, in Polksborough, ' adjoining the lands'of Thomas Daniel, in said Borough, be ginning at a stake at Daniers south-east cor ner on Hawkins's street and running thence north with DaniePs line to his corner on Boy lap street, thence west with Boylan street to a stake on Mary. Brown street, thence soutb along Mary Brown street to Hawkins's street to a stake, thence with the same east, to the beginning, containing by estimation one acre and seventeen hiihdredths'pf an acre. , Also a piece or parcel of land in the coun ty and Borough aforesaid, known and distin guished in the plan of said Borough, asXo seven (No. 7) and bounded by Koylan street on the north, Hawkins street on the . south, and by lots 6 and 8 on the east and west; containingsix tenths of an acre more or less. Terms of sale 9 and 18 months. Bpni; with; approved security will be requireur bearing interest from the date. ! fXO.i ELLIS, C &- State of North-Carolina. V ?' Wake County. . ' .Superior Court of Law, Spnng term, '.iS'- Sherwood Haywood, Agent of the ct ' - . :.'' Newbernj j Nathanlel Mv Taylor, . Charles Taylor, U Taylor, Richard B-; Taylor. Judicial attachment, Jevied on a nou and lot iii the town of Oxford, the pr , pejty of Charles Taylor, one of the ie- fendants.'- ' - I . T appearing to the Court, that Chariw .Taylor, one 'of the defendants, is not" I inhabitant of this State : & j is ordered, advertisement be made in the Raleigh Reg ter foV thrpf mnnthQ ' airrfsslvelv. that tp said Charles Taylor-appear at our -.Supen court next to De held itfrtne saia cuuv h Raleigh, on the first Monday after the fo" Monday of SeDtember next, then and t!) to plead, answer, or replevy, otherwise tirorirtY, will hr rnnAemncd to the "513 r , tion of the plaintiff's demand. .- r $ . Witness, Ransom Hinton, Cleric t Cour at Raleigh, the first Monday alter fourth Monday of March, A. i).1824. i oapu j W1WMSOW, C. IL E. i A

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