I .4 1 MR. F: BROWjSP THIRD JTIGHT. ; On Friday, Ane:Q5th 1824, .Will be presented a much admired Comedy, in five Acts called J. A CURE FOR THE " r Youjto Rapid, ". - Mrv;Bbowhy : ' END OF THE PLAY, ' ; Comic Song (Barney leave the Girls alone) by Mr. Herbert. "''" which will be added -(for the first time ' here) a new Farce, "called THE DUEL; Tickets one dollar, (coloured to the, Pit 50 cents) to be had at the Bookstore of J. Gales St &on, and at the .Box office of the Theatre. ' N ' noors opened at 7 "o'clock, and Perform ance to commence at 8 precisely. s Smoking in the Theatre expressly prohi '.felted.. - " ; -. Nights of Performance Mandayit JVednes days an Friday a. , ' , . , Xeusfc liyei' "Land ' . for.sale TfTISHING to remove to the West, the f T subscriber orTers for , sale valuable tract of Jand 6 miles northeast of Raleigh, ly W on Neuse .Itiver", containing. 1200 acres-; it is tnveriovjto none In this partiof the coun try for, the cUlturfjf Corn, Cotton, &c. It is quite unnecessary to say any thing more, as to its qualities, con veniencies, &c. but invite jill gentlemen who are 4esirous to purchase land in this part ot the S?tate to call and view this before they purchase elsewhere. WM. U, H1NTON. ; W ake county. June 22. 64 6vv Stray.' T"7AS entered on the Stray Books of AVake TT county, on the iKth day of June, by Jr.' John Griffis, , who lives 9 miles southeast of Raleigh, on the road V which leads from Ita- leigh to Wilmington, say one certain Sorrel Mare, supposed to be fifteen or sixteen years ' old,; 4 feet 7 inches high, with a small star in her forehead and some white on each shoul der, supposed to have been occasioned by work ; which stray "was valued to fourteen dollars. . " " ? .-V:: MERITT DILLIAUD, Wanger. June 20. '. ; : ' - 64 3t State of North-Carolina,, War ren C o5-- n ty. s In EauiTT- Spring Term, 1824. . John J. Kgerton vs. . Simon Harris "ITT annearinsr to the satisfaction of this Ji. Court, that - Simon Harris, the defendant in this cause, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is ordered, that publication be made for six weeks for the said Simon Harris to appear on or before the next term of. this Court, to be held at the Court-house in WarrentonV on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in Septem ber next," then and there to plead, answer cw demur to complainantfs bill, otherwise it will be taken pro confesso. . O 64 GEO. ANDERSON, C. M. E. f State of TSTbrth-Carolina, : Varren County. Iw EauiTT Spring Term, 1824. John J. Egerton, ' "l vs. y Wilmot E., Harris. J . IT appearing to "the satisfaction of this Court, thatVilmot 2; Hams, the defend ant in this cause,' is not arr inhabitant of tliia State: It is ordered, that publication be made for six Sveeks for the said Wilmot E; Harris to appear on or before the next term of this Court, to be held at the Court-House in War rent oh, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Mon day in September next, j then i and tliere to plead, answer or demur to complainant's bill, otherwise it v ill be taken pro confesso. 'y . Test,''-'-! .'v.'v-u i: ... '. ;"a--.;v' G4 GEO. ANDERSON, C. M. K. State of NortK-Carolina, Warren County In EatriTj Spring Term, 1824. John .1. Egerton, John Bobbitt. 1 T appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, .A. that John Pobbitt: the defendant in this f iuse,l is not an i nhabitan'c of this State ; It is ordered; tliat publication be made' for six weeks, for the satdJohn Bobbitt, to appear on' or before the next term of this Court," to be held at the Court house in Warrenion, on the 3d Monday after the -4th Monday in Sen member next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to complainant's bill, otherwise it will be taken "pro confesso. . Te..t, GEO. ANDERSON, a M. E. Notice is hereby given, . piIAT those who may wish to purchase X valuable Lots in the town of Wirkesbo rough, ma)i find it to their interest to attend the sale of Lots, on Tuesday, the 3d day of August next. ) They will be--sold at. Twelve months cvechV . - ' iLSOt at the same time and place, Will be t to the lowest bidder, the building of a new Court-house, the foundation to be of Stone, t"e walls of Brick. Said house to be forty fret long thirty-four feet wide. A particular Fa.n ana aesenpuon ot tne house wm dc gi V- n on the day of sale." There being but fevi Mechanics in the Countv of Wilkes, foreign trs are invited to attend, as .they may get peat bargains, both in purchasing Lots, and building: the Court-house. It is well known be the most healthy part of, the State, ina provisions low and in plenty. , , II. B. SATTERWJIITE,- II. BROWN, W. R. LENOIR, J- HACK.ETT, 64 J. WELLBORN, f Y apprentice boy," Sidney Reeves, ll f X eloped from mv service on the 15th inst. 4 aDove rewartl will up paia lor.nis appi c hension, but no thanks.' All persons are cau tinned against harboring or employ fng said -pprennce, on pam of being prosecutea. :CH AS. FOWLER, Tailor. Raleigh, June 18;; ' , : . : 633t ; Fourth of JtJLy.-The Coinmtnittee of; ArrAngemVnt; appointed by the Ra- leigh niue,i(o determine on the plan ui ceieoranon m the.49th Anniversary ot our Indenendence. tak fhi mfKml of reporting : ' That, Whereas the fourth day of July next, h tnl o . C... 1 . . .. J w.. a ouuuay, tney nave applied to the rcev, uoct.,Wm. M'Pheeters, who has obliff- consented to deliver a suitable . dis course on that day, in the Presbyterian l.hurch. The members ot the Comnsnv are therefore required to rendezvous t the Ca pitol, at 9 o'clock, A. M. in full 'ress: with uicir siae- arms, to march to worshin , immnH;,!-!,, v- . 10 uieir; rendezvous, and dismiss for the da v. i. ... - - r '.'"' : ' - . That, at 9 o'clock, A. M. on Mondav, the Company will parade in the Capitol .Square, completely equipped, with 21 blank cart ridges each. . That thev h the Rev. Mr. Leigh, of the Methodist Church, after whiph an Ode, prepared for the nr.r ujeu uie ceremony on Monday, by Prayer , on win, be sung, to be followed bv the-read. . - . , . . asi- ing of the Declaration of Independence, bv Mr. John H. M'vethenj and an Oration to be delivered by -George W. Haywood, Esq. to commence at 11 o'clock. That the Ladies particularly, and the CitU zens generally, be requested to repair to the Square, on . Monday, by 10 o'clock, to join in the procession to the church. That the Committee hav? made arrange ments for the furnishing a Barbacue, &cl at Sharon Sririnf's 'at 2vVlrtrv -Kroiuiir 'ii a. ir i . I. . - I That the wnii;mA,m,t.L k'.,.7 i luua feaenii .&am.te be fired. to bring their instruments to the place of dining. i ' That Lieut. Alex. J. Lawrence be aBnoint ed Marshal of the day. ' J NO. J. S. TIUFFIN, Chairman. Jjfo. G. Marshall, Secretary. Mr.- John C. Stedman, havino; re- signed bis office of one of the Citv Constables, -Mr. Bobbitt, has been up pointed by the Intend ant and Commis- sioiiers to supply his place. . i - - . Supreme Co u rt. Th e Summer Term of this Court commenced on Monday last. All the Judges are pre sent. ' . J ' ...L ; V The Index to Mr. Hawks's. 2d vol. of the He ports of this Court is ready for delivery, and ! bound copies of the 2d vol. ma y be had on application at Ir . .1 the Register Office. T ( ii -i - jtt, i ' - ne following young Gentlemen hav- ing-passed-approved examinations, were,, . ' . . . . .- . c t g-j. x lienjamin F. Haywood, Raleigh, 1 1 enry Miller, , Do. James L. Gaines, Moore County, Henry A. Martin, Stokes County, James K. Belden, Fayetteville. Another young gentleman applied for a licence, but being born an alien and i: i i, '.. ....... . i At a meeting of the Democratic ci tizens of the city and county of Phila delphia, friendly to the election of Wm. H. Crawford as President, and Al- bert Gallatin as Vice President of the United Stafes," held on W ednesday afternoon, at the county court house, aaAddress and Resolutions were adopt ed, and Delegates were appointed to attend a Convention which is to be held at Harrisburg, on the 9th of August, to form an Electoral Ticket. John Tod, of Bedford, late member of the. House of Representatives of the United States, is appointed to be Pre- sident of the Courts'of Common Pleas of the 1 6th Judicial District of the State of Pennsylvania. Charles Shaleris appointed to be Pre sident of the fifth Judicial District of the same State. Colonization. It appears that the Rev. L. D. Dewey, of Ncw-ork, an avent of die American Colonization Society established at Washington, without consulting the Society on the subject, wrote to the President of Hay ti; to ascertain on what terms he would receive persons of colour who might emigrate from this country. The Pre- sident, probably considering Mr. Dew- ey as authorised to make the enquiry by the Colonization Society,' at once expressed his wilhngnes to receive sucn persons on terms which, if such a dis- position of our, free coloured , people ; , . . , were advisable, could not be objected to, and immediately sent an Agent to New-York, fb treat en the subject, with nxr enfflripnt to defrav the exnense fnfsnrh arniVrhtbe ready to . a - ... - iro. But, we earn, the proceeding or Mr. Deweyw-as hot onljr unauthoriid, but entirely disapproved by the Colo- nition whosviews ar, con fined entirely to a cploniationan Af- Secretary to the Board on the Spanish rica.t f . " ' , , i Claim,) has been appointed in his place. i - On the i 5 th ipst. the: corner stone 6Hhe Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and. Dutfib,j : was laid, under, the direction of trm .Ri:-Revi.Risnon'White: PreSldeht: the Vice Presidents. Y)irec- tors, - . The BisHop rdeliyeretk an appropriate address on .the occasion, as did also. Joseph R. IngersolU Esq. t ,:.i t.i. :' t i is said, thathere are in Pennsylva hia'.alonty 44 "ipersohs deprived; of earing and speech, :most of vvjioni will probably be inmates of this institution. ... .... . - V Method ?st Circular.. At a . meeting of a jiumber of the Itinerant arid Local Jirnsters and Laymen of the Metho- episcopal c hu rch, convened in the city of Baltimore, ( from different parts of the United States, for the pur pose of, adoptingj such measures as, in their judgment, shall.be best calculate e to eftect an imp-ovement in the go vernment of said church, Dr. S. . K. Jenning-vvas called to the chair, and Dr. Francis Yaters appointed secre tary . when, after due deliberations and a free interchange of ideas, the foi- lowing measures jvvere agreed; upon : First To institute a periodical publica tion, entitled The Mutual Itkrhts of the Mi nisters and Members of the Methodist Epis copal Church, to be conducted by a commit- tec ot Ministers ana daymen ! Vfllv .1 rnivit sAfif'tiisj in all rarto nt lm l . l . i V ri. United States, wlrOse tiuty it shall be to dis sminfte tne prindiplesot a welt baan iced church government, and) to correspond with each other. . I .. J . 3dly, To appoint a committee out of their own body, to drafjt a circular addressed to the Ministers and Members 6f4he Methodist Episcopal Church,! and to forward; the sam forthwith to'all pavtdof th United States. The following persons were accordingly appoint ed : Dr. Samuel jK. Jennings Baltimore ; 1r. John French, Norfolk W. Smith, New Vork ; Gideon Davis, Georsretown. D. f Jhn Wesley Koaully, and Phi eroon P Hopper, Esq. E;-stern Shpre, Maryland. The Circular shall appear hereafter. Extract of a (letter lately received from a lady! living in Madison County, Alan, to her friend in this city. iM I never heard of -ivorms doing sOnuch rmschief as they have done this spring. The Jfrmy aud Cntn'orms. They have not" been in our neighborhood very much ; but they are not far off; t'vfey go in armies through cotton fields, wheat patches, gardens and grass lots. They seem almost like bringing r ; -n i i on a iaiiuiie in some Jiaifs. reont: nave got to digging ditqhes f' r t' -em to fall into, I arm Liit-ii kui iitr-ni uy iinisiicis," wiiic stain them with hot watir. T,lev annear harcl to i . , a i . . . conquerj5. Marquis -De Lufriuette. In the Le gislature of Massachusetts, on Satur day, a resolve, requesting the Govern or and Council to make sm li arrange ments as will secure to this distingush el friend of our country an honorable reception on the part of this state, and to draw Sns wanarit on the Ireasurv aw nis fr any expense incurred tliereoii, was unanimously adopted in both branches. Dutch CannL Nearly 30,000 men are employed on the great canal from tiie Texel to Amsterdam. The marshy earth which is found; towards the bot tom of the canal is taken out with bag; nets and fills more than a thousand boats each day. 1 The canal will be twenty-five feet in depth, so that the largest East and I W est Indiainen may pass direct to Amsterdam? without un loading part of their cargo at the Tex- el. I ne canal will be more than six- ty miles long, and will cest, without including the. great Hood -gates, more than ninety millions of guilders. - . i -mm- M An unfortunate accident happened to one of our ships of war, the Frank lin, lying off Valparaiso. In fitting oil t some boats for the purpose of cap turing a Spanish privateer in a calm, a quarter-gunner, in trying a flint, com municated fire to a number of cartridge boxes, an explosion ensued which blew up eleven men, two of whom have since died, the rest are recovering. j A" letter from New-Orleans, of the date of JMay 16, states that there is a deficiency in thelCottOn Crop of last year, compared with. that of preceding years, of 20,000 bales. . This amount of deficiency, however, considering the vast stock on hand in Europe, will not matenallv ailect the market, . . . i "i IJ Vommittee ot investigation c os- 1 ed their Investigations on Saturday, ravill prusec g refused an application of the prosecutor, Mr. Edwards, to summon certain individuals of Illinois, and ail the Senators of the United States,) and I their Report may -be expected to e . rrimn ptpi . we understand, to-dav-' or to-morrow. Nat. Lvr. June 21.; (Judge Van Ness having declined the r J . Hie House of Representatives of the i State of New-Hampshire hasi; ? y aote of :Q5 to ;101-neiratLved; a - motion to proceed, the present; session,' ." to the choice of a Senator in Congress from the 4th of March' next, when Mr. Par rott?s term of service Avill expire. ,:. I - . 1 . ' - iThe lluntsvilJe Bank, in the State of "Alabama, is. to resume specie payments on the 19th' July so far as to redeem in specie one-half of the amount of notes which may be presented for' payment, issuing new Inotespayable on demand, (that is.;as ive understand, whenever it shall be able to redeem them.) It is said to be the intention of the. Bank to surrender its charter, aud wind up its affairs. . By this measure, a large ad ditional amount of what have been term - ed unavailable funds will, be realized to the government. -v Political Kconomy, Proposals have been issued from Baltimore for a peri odical publication, under the title of ."The Political Economist, , and the Emporium of Statistical Philosophy," by a society of Gentlemen. The Pros pectus states. " that-the cultivation of a science which is so' immediately es- senna I to rne staoiutv ot our Aiovern ment, aid tr the prosperous operation of our Jnstitiitions, has been neglected, is the niote extraordinary, when , we view the expanse of inventive genius, and promptness to impnive the. skill of others which has signalized pur free citizens, and raised the character of this Republic. To that neglect we ascribe a state of injurious depression and ge neral embarrassment, which prevail" amidst the lessings of peace, arid the abundance of materials for every com fort manifestly proving the fatal pre nonce of some defects or the lawetlta- hle absence o f a just understanding the proper cayses 'oj. national happi ness. . The earnest exertions of this society vvill be employed to find the source vf existing evil, and to illus trate a course of policy which shall give activity to every interest quick en the, march' of amelioration, wdim prove t h e condition " every class , and grade of people. They will endea vour to engage the best talents of the nation to aid the object qf their under taking, review with candour the various theories which may appear, and test, their truth by the rules of practice.'9 The work will be printed on fine pa per, and distributed in numbers calcu lated to form a volume, containing from 250 to 400 octavo pages, at S2 50, pay able iq advance. Brazil. By thearrival of the Spar thn, at Alexandria, we -have advices, that on the 25th of last March, the Brazillian Constitution was ' sworn to, at Rio de Janeiro, by the Emperor and (leads of GpvernmetU Departments In consequence of this act,, the Bra- zilian tJhanre d'xViiirs in the United States, has received orders, we under- staruU from his government, to make oath to that instrument, before a pub- lie magistrate of this City, and after- of insipid objections as tohisf quaiifica wards to receive the oath of every Bra- tions, &c. and with this formidable zilian ciiizen resident inthe U. States, band of unnatural heroesat Jiis heeis, to record the same, and to send to the I presume he designs marchihgithrougb Secretary ot State, at Rio de Janeiro, a copy, duty autnenucaieu. : By the newspapers from that countrj' it appears,? hat from the 4th March to the I rtii April, seventeen American vessels arrived from different parts 6f the .world, and that twentyrnine de- parted for various destinations. I tap-- pears moreover, that the navigation oe- tween Brazil and Russia underlie A- merican flaj is a pnfitableenterprize. Mr.Kobert tCarr, an American cit - izen, thrtitign the meaiaiion 01 iir. Raguet, United States' Consul at Rio de Janeiro, ofteredito the government there a box contaiiriyg.a collection: of seeds of various North-American plants, which are" to be planted in the nation- al botanical garden, now in charge of F. Leandro ae Sacramente, who had thelhas Drought in awtui array against Ml. honor of being elected, on the 5th of this I Crawford's pretensions to the Presi- month, by the Columbian Institute, a corresponding member of that body wvaf. .int. Ifrices VjWm'eiit. . AT -A . Wilming ton. fune 13 Fayette ville. June 17, Cests. Newbern Juv 9. Cekts Cexts. Brandy, Cog. 125 125 a 150 50 a 55 150 , Apple, Bacon, Butter, Beeswax, v Coffee, 5 Corn, , Cotton, Candles, Flour, bbl. 40 8 a 9 6 a 7 7a 9 9 a 10 10 a 16 33 a 35 30 a t$ t4 ti a iz 20 a 23 A 44, a xiu 38 a 40 14 a lv5 42 a 45 14 a 15 oi ? 4 9 a 10 12al2 550 600 450 a 475 A a, g S6 a Gin, Holland, - American 10U 42 a 45 85 a 90 10 23 a 26 150 90 ; 90 a 125 43 a 45 125 ' 45 a 50 Iron,' per ton, -Lard, Molasses, . Potatoes Rum, Jamaica, $90 a 100 ?120 - 8 a 10 9 a 26 a 28 26 a 28,1 80 a 100 90al00 W. India, 65 a 70 70a-8CM 75 a 85 Rice,, per cwt 260a2S7 350 a40CH 350 Salt, Liverpool Turk's Isl. 50 45s; . 75 a 80 70a '65 22 10 75 ditto. 18 a ' 20 10 Sugar, Loaf, v Brown, 10 ' -$4 a 4 8 a 10 40 Tobacco, cwt." Tallow, 1 Whiskey 300 a WS 6 a 71 10 a' 12 Via r .15j 40 ; Z,'. ,Fba the ttEGjsTrL r.j . Gelemen It is a ,monstroi23 evil that prett dice should possess the powj er of bhndihga man;: so as to rend ef himincapable or observing-the proper bounds oficonsistency, andof confining himself within T the" sacred limits ot truth. - '; " r " y t 1. 1 noticed in the Haliflix Free "Press, a. piece bearing the patriotic signature of Ji .Friend of. th People which piece '. certain! v" adds some little credit to ihrf author's ingenuity ; but on the qthe? hand, is a. disgrace of considerable magnitude to his veracity inasmuch as he has painted the.. HonVAV'illiiim. H ; Crawford iri false colors, and made use of every defamiug implement thai his genius possibly couhi ihventr'fur-the, sole purpose .of- blasting. his.. Presiden tial prospects. , - - i - " :- Shall we, .therefore look- upon tins. Friend of the People to be a friend" in reality v when he has thus attempted to iujure the people by this most formida ble .endeavor to deprive them of the man who is unequivocally the. most suitable for their next .President and whose election, in the opinion of every wise antl good man, would , be moie conducive to the interest of the. south ern people than any o the r . .of the can -didates whatever ? If in fact,1 an act of this kind 'ean with propriety be call ed frienitiy to' the people, why I will then give up that Fam just as ignorant of the true signification of the word Friend,, as I am of tlie number of an gels that inhabit the regions of) eternal felicity. No, Sir. It is visible to eve ry human eye that possesses " the least particle of discernment, tnat this most anient Fiiend of the People,1 as he styles hirtiself, is not afriend in. reali ty but, on the1 contrary, a mock' friend; who Jias dragged , on this en, d earing garb of friendship with the sole . view of covering his hypocrital defor mities.. But I assure the gentleman, the texture of his cloak is "too flimsy not to be, seen through ; his deformi- ties are exposed in defiance of j all the . artifice of his scholastic ingenuity. But, while I am chastising this gentle man on the one hand,; I feel it a duty' I owe him on the other,". to confer on hTra at least one" solitary honor, byf admit ting, that his academical education has given a considerable pre-eminence over the most of mankind in. the beauty and power of logic, and indeed, he really appears to be endowed with the super natural talent of transformation, as he has nearly succeeded in metamorphos ing a wise man into an idiotj and iri changing a Igpod man into a frightful, bugbear (as for instance Mr. Cbrawford) and it real ly does appear that the gentle- f riian is somewhat disposfd to transmogri fy this good man, Mr. Crawford, into a very devil, and give him' for employ men.t tlfe dirty business of, sjiearing hogs, and no doubt would provided hs could see the least possible 'chance, filch the wool unseen. And Jwhat is still more vain and illiberal in this gen- Jtleman, he has absolutely, without rea- son to guide him, or skill to perform, , introduced into the field against Mr. Crawford, the curious army of a par- eel of sheared swine wkh the Devil at their head, together 4 with a puny: host the whole rcpUDiic, with tire and sword in aaim, iu iaj ndsie every .yesjuge Oi preference to Mr. Craw ford, "and ulti- j mately reach the Capitol of the coun- try, anu inere rear on xne jrresiaential Throne his fivorite man, let f him be tyi-ant, tariff-man, aristocrat, jor what not, which if they be in reality the ob- ject oi me gentleman, i 3 ouiU: advise, him to abandm the idea of Bo glaring aa enterprizT; for I can assure hint it will inot omy prove a irumess one, out it j viii.pruve a. xiiiai one aiso. Having done all that my feeble pen will allow in behairof Mr. Crawforil,' and in chastising his enemyI will now conclude, by simply stating, that with all this gentlemants collected Ifbrce of swine, devils and objections, which he dcntial L hair, it appears that the piti I ful aggregate amounts to something like I me pow. uguic nine, wiin iisi tail am putated, and really;' thfc gentleman I ..A. " J. A. ALT' 1 . -w. U1US ,lu,1,e1M' w paiiry ;orce would cut but an infamous fife be- fore the walls of Troy; Therefore he ' 1 oites against a me cease Viper. TIMOTHY. I TABRriprr Jnn tTK- TQcrJi CCy- As.the Rev. Dr. McPheeters will deft ;r a discourse at the Pxesb terian Church.' on the Anni versary of our Independence, at 11 o'clock, the Sermon In favor of the Peace 1 postponed tUT3 o'clock, - JJj"22!0- In NewBernl on the 6th iafet.' Mis. Saralt i Webber, consort of the late Thomas We h lOlber. Esq. t . . At SaKsburv. cn the 21fh nit Xfr r" ret Ferrand, wife of Dr. Stephen L. Ferrand; and daughter of th late Gen. John Steele . . At 'Bakerton, In Tennessee,' on the 12tT ultal'ter a lingering iihress," in tlie -42d yexiV of her lgv, ilrs. Mary Biount, wife of Wifiie Blount, Esq. fonp'trlj Governor of that ilate. At Baltimore,, oil the lOthinst. aer a lin gerirjg illness, Mrs.' Anne Nik-wife cf He zekiah Niles, Editor' cf tire JZejistwr,' ftd neavlv 4-i vears ' ' T - - -

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