fj: THE PROTEST JVhirheverv man addicted to Brunk&iness ought to make and adhere I brotest that no more I'll get drunk rT;e tht- r.nrse and the plague of my lite, health: and my purse, My peace and my comfort and what is still worse, It vexes and angers my wite ! ' -'4 i'- -i ; " " ' - I -o that no more I'd get drunk It torment- and embitters my life I TV, .,; twntdd hurrv its vot'ry headlong, . ,iAMarf thai I'm auite in the ; wrong, . . And so do the tears of my wife ! - " 1 V- f I ArofesMhat no more I'll get drank . Krr. i-ori ti a wretched, vile hie ; ffo .tfp.nant are noertv. shame and dis- Disease and despair stare me hard in the face 1 And 50 does my heart-broken wite ! I protest that rio more I'll get drunk . T;a th r.rinr of all evils in life ! t; th niT of all curses! of mischief the .! worst 1 . 'Tis the plague of all plagues! 'tis a demon . accurst ! No wonder loud chides my poor wife ! I jotarf that no more I'll get drunk ; Knr I find it the bane of my life : ; Henceforth I'll be watchful that nought shal i "destrov. . "'. i That comfort and peace that I ought to enjoy In my children, my home and. my wite. W (j The Anniversary meeting of the Ra leigh Peace Society will be held at the Bap tist Meeting-House in this city, on Sunday the 4th day of July, and a sermon delivered on the occasion. On Monday, the d; y follow ing, the members are requested to give a punctual attendance on the business of the Society. - ' ' JER. BATTLE, Cor. Sec. June 16. 62 Late residence of Judge Potter, FOR BENT. FTW1S pleasant and desiraole Dwelling JL .House and Lot, situated near the South east part of the City, is at present unoccupi ed, and would be rented. The situation as a summer residence is preferable to a resi dence in the Cityuniting from its proxim ity to the City, the advantages of Town and Country. a The conditions of the rent, moderate and accommodating. . MATTHEW J. CO MAN. 4 Raleigh, June, 1st. 1824. 57- .TCRANCIS H. REEDER informs his custo JC mers and the public, that he has now on "hand an i assortment of STILLS of various si zes, -rile continues to make them, and will be liabled to furnish them of any dimensions at the shortest notice. r ? He requests those having Stills which may need repairs, to favor him with their work as soon as possible, as he may be unable to attend to them so well when the season for using them is at hand, and he is crowded With work.. . june. Que HuiidreSi DoWavs REWARD. TSTHEREAS on the evening: of the 21st t inst. between the hours of 7 and 8 o'clock, some evil-dispfosed person or persons entered our Store, and stole from it Banknotes io a considerable amount: We hereby offer a reward of One Hundred Dollars to any per"- sbo or persons who will give such information as will lead to the recovery, or the money so taken. We also offer a Reward of Twenty Dollars to any person who may give such information as will lead to the conviction sof the nerson or persons concerned. Storekeepers are respectfully requested to give their aid in making a discovery -of the of fender or offenders, detaining? persons of sus- riicioiis characters, who mav have bills cf a larger amount than their circumstances would seem to justitvv . , KAZLETT Sc ROBT. KYLE. Raleigh, 22d April, 1824. . 46- State o1l ortv-V)ai'oYUvai ! ' Wake County. ' Court of .Pleas' and? Quarter Sessions, , ' - Mav Sessions, 1824.- i yt. Wesley Wliitaker,. Isaac Per- f ty nd Salty his wife, iohn Fow--ler and 1 Lucy , his. wife. David Vhitaket George Crowder and Eli23t hii wife and Hardy Crowv T3 el O 3 , deir and his wife Ann .Maria, vs. J Hugh Hardy Whitaker, Kobt. Whitakefr, . Samuel Whitaker, John AVliitaker, Willis Wlnta ker, Thcophilus Sanders & his wife Angeltna, and Tlios XV hit- O li t naving been made appear to the Satis A faction otthe Court, that the Dfefendants Htrgh- H Whitaker, Theophilus Sanders and wife Angelina, are not inhabitants of this State k It is theretbre ordered that publica tion be Imade in the Raleigh Register for 6 weeks, for the Defendants Hugh H. Whita ker and. Theophilus Sanders ami wife Angeli na; to appear before th Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for tjounty' of iWake, on the 3d Monday in Au gust next, then and there , to plead, answer or demur, tot the Plaintia's petition; in this tase; otherwise judgment will be entered pro onfes8Q, and a decree made according to tne prayers 01 tuepeuiioner. By oixler I - B. S. KING, C,C. J kit those Uoun- Uy . Merchants whe have been in thoha, w.v v. wii6 ior ins miu, mat he whu they revive in future, teust hi f th7 aw wivaviii BUIIIt cm avor.K on natlrt anH best quaHty only. - 'Nortli-Carotina mAKEN UP and Entered on the Stray Book i : b Thomas Mhroni one mare Mule, -12 J lianas s nign, oi,a uiMu " r t white spots on its back, no b,rand to be seii, supposed 12 years old, shod on the fore, feet valued to $60. Said T. Mhron lives 9 miles southeast from Concord on tne waters of Rocky river. - , f - - f June 9. ALEX. SCOTT, Ranger, , 63 St fliHE subscriber makes generally known that her Bathimr House will be opened next -Monday (June'-21sO and that Warm Baths can "be had only every Monnay, v eu nesday and Saturday, during the present season ; Cold BatHs can be had on all days in the week, as the subscriber has now a pump on her lot which affords plenty of water, all those that wish to partake of Bathing will not be disappointed of being accommodated with plenty of pitre water. r S. SCHAUB. , June 18. 62 2t N. R. Those that bought Bathing Tickets last summer and have not paid for them, will please to settle arrears No entrance will be given without the money, or a ticket that is paid for. t , . ' S. S. s . NOTICE. TAKEN UP, and now confined, in the County Jail of Warren, a Negro -Man about 30 years of age, of the ordinary size says he belongs to a Mr. Wheeler, of Mur freesboroughi i.IIe has passed as a free man, of the name of Samuel Wheeler for some time in this place and its vicinity ; and is by trade a shoe-maker. The owner is request ei to come forward, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be disposed of as the law directs P ' ALEX'R. CROSSLAND, JAiiKn. Warrenton, May 29, 1824. 57-5 w Goods. HAZLETT 8c ROBT. KYLE, have now ready for inspection a choice selection of Spring and Summer Goods.- js() painson the part of the proprietors, have been, spared J to renuer xueir assoruuciu suiiauic iur inq ' 1 -V i J .1. .1 il. 4. season anu cnniaie ; aim luey jeci uitr irt H'i estconfidence in recommending them to their customers, as more valuable than any Goods they have hitherto offered for sale. The following is a hst of the principal arti cles : ' fi- , Persian Prin! 4-4 wide London do 7-8 do Calicoes in great Tariety new patterns for 1824 Muslins checked and colored 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Ginghams latest fashions 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Cambric 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Jackonet "V 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 India Book Plain and figured 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Mull S Seringapatam and jateharilla Mulls Irish and French Linen Cambric - Linen Cambric Handkerchief's plain andborW dered 1' Two cases Irish Linen 7-8 and 4-4 wide a t ranted grass bleach , Lawns, Irish and Russia Diaper Superb Mandarine Cr pe Robes do Nankin and Canton do v 4-4 8-4 and 10-4 Crape Shawls handsome co? . lours - . - ; Black, Blue and Green Italian Crape, ; Plain and Figurel ,evantine, different colours Do do Sarsnett and Florence do j Gros de Japles and rich fancy Silk Shawls White and coloured Silk. Handkerchiefs Gentlemen's Blacl and Fancy do . Pelerines and Zelia do , Greek and Madras do Ladies and Gentlemen's Black and White Silk Horse Do Do Gloves do Cotton and Silk j Kid, Silk and Leather do do Buck, Doeskin and Be!- ver Ladies Morocco and Leather Belts j l?eticules, Waist Buckles and Coliers Gipsy and Leghorn Flats "' An elegant assortment of Plain and Figured - Ribbons j j Real and Imitation: Thread Lace and Edging Sewing Silks, Spool, Wire and Ball Cotton; all colours. f':' J ",( Tapes, Bobbin, London Pins and White-Chapel Needles 1 Cotton Fringes assorted. . j Black Bombazines, and Circassian, suitable for Gentlemen's summer wear -Cotton and Lined Bed Ticking Black Silk and Tabby Velvet Manchester Cotton Cords Shell Tuck, side and Long Combs, in great ? variety ' v ' . . ' ' Horn do Umbrellas, Patent and Common Suspenders f Beaver Hats, or the newest shapes. Wool do different qualities Superfine and Common Cloths of the latest importation j ; . j Do . ) do Casimere do Marseilles, 'Valencia and Toilanette fancy vesting -Black figured Silk do v Grandurell Wellington Stnpes Nanking Sateen i.nd Russia drilling for pantaloons Gilt coat and vest buttons of the first qualiti Pearl, Glass and Ivory buttons h Coat and Suspender Moulds ; Domestic Gingham 3-4 and 4-6 wide i i- Do Shirtings and Sheetings all w idths from tile best manufactories, superior to any imported ' i ( Seersuckers and Tartan Plaids ' Morocco Pctefeet Books various qualities Toilet and Looking Glasses SHOES. An extensive assortment of the most fashion- ade Morocco and Leather Boots and Mioes tor Ladies and Gentlemen Childrens do I HARDWARE. A general assortment of Hard ware, Cutlery ' and Castings ' I f Do Staffordshire and Liverpool Ware. ' GROCERIES. r ; Comprehending the" usual assortment; J , LIQUORS. ! Cogniao jsnd Domestic Brandv 1 T: w ?.c.. ' Madeira. 1 Wh lit : . .iV.. .... 1 ; W usual," will be sold on good Mmieigh, Jipril26. ' - i-i. .. . -til .GALKS & SON liave . just received a i fresh'supplv of Vr. Dtott's Medicines i amontrst wmcn are tuose. viuuic fluwv3, Stomachic Elixir, Nervous Cordial, Stomachic Bitters, &c. , , , - 5 T3LeNaYiV.v Y bound en apprentice W111.TAM MooB-t absconded from my setvicee on easier Sunday last, without the least provocation. I have" always treated him with great kind ness and lenitvJ and as he has left me with out cause, 1 am, detennined if possible to get mm again, oaui apprentice i vui.- . ly youth, about 15 years f age, very Well made, with a full face. He wore away a mixed coat; blue, striped jacket, white pan taloons and a w ool hat. - ?r T for warn all nersons from harboring5 said bov. as I am determined to enforce the law atrainst anv such offender. The above reward will hf frivri for liis deliverv to me. 15 miles west of Raleigh, or his confinement in'Jail so that 1 eret him. again. REUBEN WHITEHEAD. Wake County, May 8, 1824. .51-tf 3st "SLcfcVvfeflLV And .Air sale; by the Subscriber, WlkU. ROBERTSON'S Stomachic Elixir E.F Health, for the cure of Couglis, Con- sumntions. 'Asthma'. .Bain in the Breast, and most diseases of the bowels. Dr. Dyott' Anti-bilious Pills, which prevent and cure all Bilious Complaints, malignant fevers &.C Dr. Vicker's ointment for the Tetter, &c. Matiy's apprdved plaster cloths for the cure of ulcers, and sores, either fresh or of long standing.- i RANDOLPH, WEBB. '. June 7th, 1124. 60- COACH-MAKING THOMAS COBBS bc-;s have to inform the citizens .tithis place, and the public g erVer l v, Huit he has just received his Spring sunn v ot Materials. vau Ntw iork an.- c .'se- where, which willl enable him to finish Car riages and fhirnesvofall descriptions, lovvet than heretotore. ' I n ''. To those not acquainted Vvith his Establish ment,5 he bee's leave to state, that the. Work, in every respect, shall be executed in i faithfuL eleeant &. fashionable manner, equa to any made n tins country, ana warranted in every instance. . He begs leave to tender his grateful ac know'IedguietUs to the public tor the very libera .encouragement thev have been pleus cd to eive him. and assures tiiem liis pernoia I. attention shall b given. 10 his pro fess ii ; aiut tiu work shal be; s iow t can be afforded. Call und judge fur ou. belv vs, befure viu pui'c!i -j. escwhei'e. ' , ' Orders. ihankfuBv received and dispatched with celerity. 1 - Kaleighv May 6. 50 tf State of North-Carolina, Bandolpii County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, . May term, 1824. ' i . i Stephen Cox, ) Orig-inal attachment, levied vs. on 3 tracts of land, 23 head Samuel Aston. of hogs, 9 head of cattle, and 1 waggon. ; ; j T appearing to the satisfaction of tile Court that Samuer Aston, the 'defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant ot tins Mate .it is ordered that publication be made for, 6 weeks in the Raleigh Register, giving notice to the said defendant to appear at the next County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for said county on the first Monday of August next, and plead to issue or demur, otherwise judgment will be entered against him. 63 A copy JESSE HARPER, c. c. c. Ijtonl Xotes Lkost. IIIE Subscribers mailed a letter at the v I Post-office in this place on the 2d April last, directed to Messrs. Tr?dwell, Kissam & Co.. Merchants, New-York, containing- the last halves of Two Hundred & Fifty Dollars, viz. the last half of a 100 dollar bill on the State Bank of S. Cahox.ina, No. 179, dated at Charleston, August 13, 1818, signed by C. Lee, President a 100 . dollar bill on the Nkwberk IUsk, N. C. No. 87, dated Oct. 7, 181 5, signed by Jus. M'Kinley. President ana a ay dollar. bill on the Bask of AuouSXAC! signed by Thos. Cummingi President" We forwarn all persons from receiving or trading for the above described Half Notes. The first halves have been received by our cor respondents, and, the Banks have" been ap prised ot the loss of the letter and navmnt of the same, stopped. " r RANDOLPH & YOUNG. Salisbury, N. C. .June 7. 61 3t , State of North-Carolina. ! Franklin County. Curt of Equity, 2nd Monday after 4th Mon l -: day in March, A. D. 1824. - Jesse Reed, Complainant: George Murphy, "Williamson Murphy, Ni cholas Murphy,; William Murphy, Pa- lltience Murphy, Amey Murphy, Elizabeth uiurpnv, jjamy 1 nomas, and Nancy his !vvife Joseph Bledsoe, and Winifred liis jwife, Frances M.t Murphy and Temperance in. .ixurpuy, are aeienaants. YT appearing to the satisfaction of the Couri 1 iat, William Murphy and Elizabeth Mur ry VVO of the defendants in the above case, arfe not inhabitants of this State ; It is there fore ordered; that publication be made in the Rileigh Register once a week for six months successively; that the said defendants, Wil liam Murphy and Elizabeth Murphy, make their personal appearance at the next Supe rior Court of Equity, to be: held for the coun ty;; of Franklin, at the .ourUiouse in Louis burg, on the second Monday after the fourth Monday ofv September next, and plead an swer or demur to the said bill of omplaint ; otherwise the ; said bill will be taken pro conl fesso, and heard ex parte as to them and de cree made accordingly. s I Test, SAM. JOHNSON. C. M. P.. mm Lik ianlc StoeTioY ; Sale ; "OETWEEN ,30 ahd 40 Shares f Cape S3 Fear Bank Stock may b hatl at the cur rent' price, . on applicaUon .o" the printers hereof. April 20th, 1824. 46 Examination. North- C arolina' Female Acad e- - s " ' my- : : A NITRE WS Sc JONES inform the friends I of this Institution,- that the semi-annual Examination of their Pupils will commence on Wednesday .the 30th of June, and close on the 2d of July. Gotn Mkhals will be presented to those young Ladies who1 have completed their studies. , z The Fall, Session will commence on the 5th of July; theye being no summer vacation. About twenty new pupils can be admitted. Board and Tuition sixty dollars per session ; Music, Drawing, and Dancing," if taught, are charged extra. . : Oxford, June 6. tawtjy. A3Aat ao o cie . THE subscriber has esfabjished a FERRY across this River at a p'ace commonly known as the Shallow Ford, in the upper part ofDe Kalb count)'. Travellers from the Carolinas to Alabama, corning by way of Augusta,' Ma d?SQn, Rockbridge, &c. will find this much the nearest and best route. Bridges will be placed over the water courses bevond the Ferrv. J COlJ R. BROOKS Mav 18. ' 56 4t -1 NAVf COMISSIOXKRS OfVICK. ; - June 8, 1824. THE Commissioners of the Navy will re ceive! Proposals for,, furnishing:, at the several building yards the following, timber, viz : . ' I ! -, Deliverable at Washington. 16 pieces white oak logs, 45 feet long and 16 inches square. " 1 do. do. o2 feet long, 56 inch es diameter. ; " i 4 to 6000 cubic feet white oak, plank s ocks;" 2 to 3000 cubic feet yellow pine do. r'Noue to. be less than? 35 and to average 45 feet in length. - ' t ' i 20,000 feet white pine plank; and boards 1 and 2 inches. , 184 dagger? and 1"0 lodjrinjr, white; oak knt-es, to side from 9. to 12 inches, bodies 7 feet, arms' 5 feet. , '1 set masts and spars entire for a 44 gun ship, with ' - 1 bowsprit, - r 1 2 mainmast, top-masts, top-galtant-mnsts, 1 spnt-sat 1-yard, 3 top-rallant-yards, 3 roval-vards, 1 top-saihvafd, 1 flying-jib-Boom, 1 .spanker . do. 2 foretop-steering sail, i ,8 other booms, VBest heart I vvllow pine 186 small spruce spars, 57 to 15 feet long. lUo do. ' of 4 inches diameter Deliverable at Boston. A 175,000 feet white pine boards. Deliverable at Portsmouth, N. H. .. , . 3,500 cubic feet white oak logs for caps, tressle tree?, &c. ''. Deliverable at Nev-York. r 7,000 cubic feet white oak logs none less than 35 feet, and to average 45 feet long. 3 to 4,000 cubic feet white oak logs, . for gun carriages, &c. . ; ': " ' " " 3 to. 4,000 cubic feet ash logs and plank. 8 to 10,000 cubic feet yellow pine plank stocks--none to be less than 35 and to ave rage 45 feet in length 4 y 1 18 yellow pine pump logs, not less than 20 feet long 16 to 22 inches diameter. ; 12 tons ligiVum vitae, large sizes. 4. f ront: liRhPS- l . - - - 4 afterj side fishes, , 2 side trees, 2 main top-masts, - 3 half-main -yards, 4 sprir-sail do 1 spanker boom, 2, mizen spindles, I Best heart j-ellow 200 to 300 small spruce feet long. i : -pars,. 57 to 15 150 to ;200 do. do. of 4 inches diameter. 184 dagger. 244 lodging, white oak knees to siae ( ana o inches. v Deliverable at Philadelphia 7 to 10,000 cubic white oak plunk stocks: 18 to 2500 do. do. yellow: pine" do. None less than 25, and to average 45 teet in-length. ao men asu plank. in i r nrn r i j-. . ... w iu u,wu supernciai teet wmte pine pians: ana ooaras, 1 ana 4 inches . 613 knees to side from 9 to 12 inches, bo dies 7 feet, arms 5 feet. - s 4 checks for head. Deliverable at Gosport, Virginia: 10,000, cubic feet W. Oak nlahfe stoots. 30,000 do. do. yellow pine do. do. Mnm- less than &5, and to average 45, feet in lencth uwiiu. uuiuto 10 ox teei o inciies iono . . t .1 f t j t n 1 ' - - 8.1UCM 105 ana iyj incnes, mould 1M and 16 Ma beams, from 21 to 45 feet long, sided iu .r mimics, iiiouiueci 11 10 io incnes: half side trees for a 74 gun shin paiincnes ' 1 half main yard 2 half top sail do 2 topsail do 1 2 top gal. sail do 12 royal do 10 skv'sail do ao do do do dd do do do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. c 3 2 halves sprit do lJib j -. 2 spankers 6 swinging 96 studding 4 ringtail v 1 a 3 tn O booms do. J 4 stud j-ard All the articles must be of the best auahtv. subject to a rigid inspection, and be satisfac tory to the Commandants of the yards. Persons offering: Uvill please state their terms . - n ,-. For white oak and yellow nine nlank stuff beams, or ash logs per cubic foot ; For ash plahk or white nine board -nm hundred superficial feet For lignum vitae 'ter ton For knees per aided inUL All offers must be addressed'lo the- Kaw Commissioners, sealed, and endorsed on the back, so as to designate the kind offered for,4This is particularly requested; a" the Commissioners do not wish to open1 ny offers until the day of deciding- on them shall arrive. ..;.' . Proposals "for furnishing masts an rl 'h9i timber will be received till the first day of September, and for all other timber till the firgtday of Avust next. eptlS Carefully Si' attentively repairs Watcmt at -NTew-Salem,. Randolph CQunty, n, c June 15 : ' n n v " ' . ' . 0l" G. 3. TJ.ookiM?, Cabinet Maker & Upholsterer. HAVING contracted to furnish the Pw ' of North-Carolina-begs leave toin?' 1 the inhabitants of Raleigh and its vicinity v he is about to establish himself in the "a line, near the Capitol Square, where hehne by the aid of c-ood materials! snnn.1 . manship, and some little display of taste T ihltr a Mine 01 puonc patronage.. to May 20. 54 NOTICE.1 Pursuant to a decretal order of the ho able Court of F.quity for the County of w?" I shall expose to sale at the Court-IInn n rt ,4 . 1 , , . '1. in the piHii ot said City iis Iot'No. 193 .i property of Margaret Kastwood. ' 1 e .Terms, of Sale nine and eighteen -meat! credit : bonds with approved 'security h " ing interest from. the date, will be renn?! ' JOHIM S VT 1 16 1 ,1 'tv- April 20, 1824. . , Vv. $1. iE 46-ti State of North-Carolina. Wake Countyj SuDerior Court of Law. Sm-inVtM io r, .t t , ' u ao aoioinon;iouu, j , . vs. "; y Petition for Divorce. Milberry Todd. 3 .. 1 I T appearing- to the .satisfaction of the Cou H that the defendant, Milberry Todd,' be found and is not an inhabitant of this Sta it is ordered by the. Court, that notice be ?iV en in the'Raleigh Register and Star by adre! tisement, f)f three months, to the said jp berry Todd, tliat she appear at the SupericJ Court to be next held for the coanrvVc Wake, at the Courthouse in the City of Rt leigh," on the first Monday after the fouri Monday of September next, tlien and there to answer, plead oc demur,; to said petition. ' "Witness, Hansom llinton.'CIerk ofour'I Court, at Raleigh, the first Monday after' 4tii Monday of March, A. I). 1824. 48 R. HINTON, Clk Y virtue of the authority in me vested bv the last Will and Testaments? Gabriel Dubrutz, deceased, I shall offers Public Sale, to tlie highest bidder, at the fee I'ayetteville, on Saturday the 20th day of J I !y next, (and continue the sale from day to day,, if necessary,) a large quantity of excel lent Leather, consisting of sole, skirting, har ness and upper leather ; about fifty cords tan-bark, all the - working tools and imple ments, necessary for the tanning business, also, two excellent marble slabs, for dressing leather on. ; Likewise will bej sold, or rent ed, the Tan-Yard lately occupied by the said deceased, ahd which is as well lcuated for carrying on the tanning business as any h. the state, having every necessary out-house?, " a good two story currying shop, bark mfU, 6cc with a co"mmbdious, lot, attached thereto, containing about two acres of ground. "Also will be sold or rented a two story brick house, oh the west side of Green-street, m excel lent repair, calculated: for a store anddrell- inn. " y j " Any further particulars may be had by inquiring of Mr. John Crusoo or Mr.; Charles B. Jones, "Fayette ville,' who are duly autho rised to transact any business for jne. t Terms of sale, ail sums under 10, cash. For. the perishable property, air sums over 10, six months' credit ;r purchasers ginn? notes with approved security, negotiable and pTAUIW ttV klUltl Ulr'lUC XAllJk lit X VV.l.-'- ville. : -,. ' i . On the tan-yard -and brick house a credit of six, twelve, and eighteen months will be given ; purchasers complying with the above terms. DEBORAH DUBRUTZ. Ex'ri. , , " -, -v PURSUANT to a Decree; of the Court of Equity for the count v of Wake, I shall expose to sale at the Court-house in the city of Raleigh on Saturday the 12th of , July next, tlie following property, viz. ce third part of lot No. 145, in the plan of said city laid off on the west , side of said lot and bounded as follows ; on the west by Wilming ton street, on the south by Hargett street, oa the east by part of said lot, and on the north by lot No. 161 ; also pne piece or parcel of land in Wake county, north jof the city of Raleigh, in Polksborough, adjoinina: the lands ofThomas Daniel, in said Borough, be ginning at a stake1 at Daniel's southeast cor ner on Hawkins's Street, and running thenca "north with DaniePs lin tn his eorner on B'- lah street, thence west with Boylan street t a stake on Mary Brown street, j thence south along'Mary Brown street to Hawkins's street to a stake, thence with the same east, to the beginning, containing by estimation one acie and seventeen hundredths of ah acre. Also a piece or parcel of land in the coun ty and Borough aforesaid, known and distin guished in the plan of said Borough, as Jc. seven (No. 7) and bounded byBoylinstree . on the north, Hawkins street on the soutn. and by lots 6 and 8 on the east and west: containing six tenths of anacre!more or les3. ' Terms of sale. Q and 18 months, londs with approved .security will jbe reque- bearing interest from the date. ' , .TNO.i ELLIS, C.&M. " T9m1:,.1. 1 act i net J ".--V ; I CC 1 rv State oforthCarolina. " Wake County. . Superior Court of Law, Spring term, lM Sherwood Haywood, Agent of the Bank ' - .-Newbern,-- ' w. -: l:. - . ' . - - ' Nathaniel M. Tavlor. Charics Taylor, Ley- . Taylor, Richard B. Taylo. . Judicial attachment,' levied oh a hca and lot in the" town of Oxford, the p perty of Charles Taylor, one of the - fendants. , Jje I fir. - ' . . . V. . I'M i anrjearinp" to tne uourt. uwi. Taxdor, one of the defendants, m inhabitant of this State i it is oraeret!, nS advertisement be made in the. Raleigh Reg ter for three months, successively, that to said Charles Taylor appear at our Superw - A. a 011111 Court next to be held tor the saia cuuv Raleigh, on the first Monday after the Monday of Sentember next, then and wf to plead, answer, or replevy, otherwise property will be condemned to the sausw tioh of the plaintiff s-demand. . ' ' .-j itV-rt OUTS v itness, itansom inipn, s-. r- - t Onu'rt t KflL?crh- ther first tonday atteri- Tttii 1 11 r n T inrp 1 1. ly next, that yaluable LO r and improve . in tje Siiid City, sit uate on the corner of boroutrh and Ml)owell streets, nnrl (ourthMonday f March, A. J-1824. rY;-;'-;r:v: v; ' ;'::" - L - - 7- r- j "- ' . r";"'-. ' :J. 48