' ' . - . . ' . ,x ! t . - - -,-' - - ' ' ' ' ; - . i ' ', ' , v - I - V.Y . .,'""".''.'! : " ' ' .' S ' ' . ' '.r i - ' V " I. r ' '.: " ' '-' ' ! . . . . ::-:'. 7 . .. . .-. ...7 ... . . ..... . - .- - .. ; i". ; ,. ... :y z , y J :nt''V;'T v, dh?iv V - : .. -I 7 .7- 1 - 7' -: --; . : - - y , . , . . . (TI'JliTif-.A1(f)lJNi SlATE ftATE'TO-:. ' J .( ... . . " . t . , . j ' .... ' I ' ' " i ' , 1 i 1 1 i . . . i . , , , . 1 '..r.' ;:' I"- ' V " ' ;-Jr'--"-1 ' " Ours are the plan? of fair, deLghtful jeace, s J ; . ' . ...... r " '. ' ..-i''..'!"'.. 'f 1?. '''.'"I'r':!'' :v "hv-MC ""Unwarp'd by paryrage to live like brokers." 3,; " 1 ' ; ' . :r r".": i; ' ' . - ,r - c. I' . - ! i- -J .- - - - .',,.. - . - ,- . ,, .. . ,.......-.:,. ft -.. "S ... . i J, . j, published every Ttjesdat and Fninkx, by JOSEPH OALES &. SON, . At Ftvi Dollars per annum balf in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS jsot exceeding 16 lines, neatly inserted three tiroes for a Pollar, and 25 cents for every suc ceeding publication, ; those of greater length in the same proportion... . Gommui cattoks thankfully received.. .. Lkttxrs to the Editors must be post-paid. :- j.5 :;" ' An Act to regulate : the fees of the Registers of Wills in tne several counties witnin me District of Columbia.' : " - lie it enacted tiy the Senate and House of Re presentatives of the United '"'State i jff America, in Conz-reirs assembled, Tl) at; from and aft er the Tassm? of this act, there sha'l be- allowed, and paid, (in lieu of the fe-s how allowed,) to each ot tlie itegisters ot viiiss, tor tne counties of Vashingt6n, and Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, the tollo wing tees 'that is to say : ' : "1 '' ' For every probate of will, (where there is controversy, ee dollar ; l : . For granting letters testamentary, seventy - five cents ; ':'1 '- '' . '' ''. . Annexing will, for 'one hundred words, 'twelve and on-halt cents : , ; I?eristerinsr the ssme, for one hundred words, twelve fardl a half cents ; Tot grunting letters of administration, se-ventv-five cents ; 1 ? 1 Kverv bond taken of executors, "adminis trators, pr guardians, and recording the same, one dollar and fifty cents ; For filing and entering renunciation of ex ecutors, or widow, twenty-five cents ' , For exemplification of letters U-stamenta- rv. or letters of administration, under seal, one dollar ; . ' ' r' . - For issuing wrrrant, under seal, to apprais ers and warrant to swear them, titty cent9 : For notice of administrators to creditors, and orders thereon;- fifty cents; q t , Fcp entering caveat, twenty -five cents ; For issuing-citation, finder ; seal, fifty;cents; For administering every oath, or attirma tion, six and one-fourth cents ; ; v For filing list of articles appraised, twenty- " five cents ; -; '-h" '' '-' ' - ' i -. For filing, list of articles sold at vendue, twenty-five cents :i : '-v'. i f "" 4 x- ' For recordintr - the same, (if ordered by the Court,) for every hundred wprds, tvelve ann one-nan cents ; ,: - rt For stating, pass" ng, and filing the account of an : executor, administrator, or guardian, not exceeding seventy-five itemsi three dol lars ; every additional item, two cents ; ' ; For Examining the ouches vouchers, passing, and filing the account of an execu tor, administrator, or euardian, (not stated by the, Webster,) and not excWedlnp seventy-five items, two dollars : . every : additional item, two cents ; . i: ' .- :c,,r-- ' !' - -. : ' For copy of same, under seat, if demanded, net exceeding one, hundi-ed ifems, one dol lar ; every additional item,' two cents ; seal andcertificate, thivty-seven; .'cents and one- For subpeena,' thirty-seven cents ancl one ha'f All witnj?sses tobe piit into one sub ptrna, unless separate; ones are required by the party - Fori eveiy name "after the first, six cents 'and' ,on'e-fouTth ;.?;" -' y "' ' ; 1 For duces tecnm,' under seal, fifty -cents t For eveiv search,1 where no otlier. service is performed ipr; which " fees ! are allowed, eitrhteeh cents' and threefburths ; i V 1 J oV making out, atid filihgjthe. balance : of distribution of deceased persons' estate, lor each heir, one dollar ; ''" "'. i'or faxing ati cosl5 iu yiiv wsl, ly-iive cents '.? 'ti'yyl''"--. -v .' For a writ of execution,- on a'definitive sen tence, tinder seal, seventy-five cents '; Por recordinsr. and nun each: indenture cf annrentice. inc'iiding the" Court's faking recognizance .for same, or its approval when Uone by the Justices of the Peace, seventy five cents ; r' " ' v- : lf-'s F . , For drawing ddriosition of witnesses, for - -0 ..I..- - ' . . every hundred words,; twelve cents and one- half- v i . ' ;': '3rv For fifing all other papers, ; except as a pove required,) four cents each t ; ;t For e n feti n & annearance of ni rt v under twelve cents and orre-hall ? .. For entering retdvn of nrocess, twelve and one-lialf r.ent V ' : " ' ; .. ;- :r" For every' coritirtuaflce or ! reference, ehar- gcable to ibe applicants, twelve aiid one-half For commission to examine witnesses, or to au'ditorsX';itndereal, one dollar r -t .;', - M For mmm?sMon-to value Orphan's estate in the hands biruftrtlialiv'under : seal, dfie' dbl- -. lar v : : ; hWrt rl r - ? For entering 'every order of Court,ftwelve; cents and one-half ; - if rriore than ohediu .urea worasuieniax tne raie oi iwciyc wo and one-half 'tiM-hundpedH'".1 " For recording' if cobvtnsranV1 paper" for one hundred word- twelve eents and one jUf ; seal and certificate,1 ' thirty-seveh cents ' : and one-half ;' s ; V K C v ' ::-w Vr??:i-K. For filin g petition or' report, and entering be same on record; "(if iiecessar) fifty cents? if more than one hundred' wprds, at the rate of twelve cents and one half ner nundred For enterini' iudfrnent-'or rule of .Gourt ; entv-five cents i conv of same, if demand . ed.'for Ptrrv 'YnindrvH : wniwla.w twelve cents fnd onft.hAl 'sal-'ftnwTtifieite: thirtv-se For entering every motion in Court, twelve and one-half cents. :., . ' ' . For entering- appointment - of euardian. with certificate and seal of said appointment, one dollar ; every additional word included in the same certificate twelve and one-half Cents ; .-f. ":'' '. ',' ' !' For issuing . attachment and entering mo tion therefor, seventy-five cents 5 b or taking ja recognizance, twenty -five Cents'; .,. ,.!;v 1 - ., J: ' .... .. .7 .:'' : For; warrant. to . marshal to summon iurv. under seal, seventy-five cents J For enterine panel of iury, and swearinsr them, fifty cents ; 7 ' For taking, filing, and recordings, every bond, not above provided for, one dollar ; hor passine an jaccount acrainst the estate of a deceased person, twelve anda half-cents; to be paid by the applicant, and not to be retunded. . ii v : Sec. 27 And he it further enacted, That the respective officers whose fees are by this act specified,., are hereby required to make fair tables of their fees, agreeable to this act, and to set up the same, in their respective offices wixiun six.montns alter tne .passing 01 xnis act, in some conspicuous part of their office, for the inspection of all persons wlv; muy have business in said offices;. on pain of forfeit ing, lor eacn day. the same shall be missing, through said. officer's neglect, the sum of ten dollars, to be recovered as debts of the same amount are recoverable, one half to the coun ty and the. other half to the informer. c."3. Anil be it further enacted, That if a Register, of Wills;1 or any person forhim, shall take greater fees than herein before ex pressed, such officer shall forfeit and pay tne party injured fifty dollars, to be recovered as d bts i f t lie same amount are recoverable. Provided, ahvuys, That the Judges of the Orphans' court maj ullow to the Register of wills, reasonable fees for any service, he may hrive rendered, not specified, in this act. 7 Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, lliat the Register of Wills of the counties of Washing ton and Alexandria, in the DIstict of Colum bia,! shall be allowed by the Levy Courts of their respective counties, for all record books , and dockets necessarily furnished for their f respective offices, which allowance shall be levied and collected as other county charges 1 i.: are. ' -'. 1 i. Approved, May 26, 1824. 18k fAJOR GEN. ROBERT R. JOHNSON of the 7th Division of the Militia of N. Carolina, hereby orders the Muster of the following Kegiments at the times and places ; herelnafier specified, for the , purpose of be- ; ing Reviewed of which the respective Com- , mandants and all others belonging to the re giments are required to take notice and go vern themselves acc rdinglv. . ' The Regiment of Franklin at Louisburg, Friday lGth day of September next. ; The two Regiments of Wake, at Raleigh, Wednesday, the 15th day , of September. The Regiment of Warren, at Warrenton, Wednesday the 22d September. On the day preceding the musters for - re view.1 the Commissioned. non-Commissioned i a, non-tommissioncQ ; officers, arid Musicians of each regiment of . infantn', will assemble -at the place ot regi- mental parade, at I I o'clock, tor the purpose ; ,om Wavne counly in this State, to his mas 6f instruction and discipline. All except field tfMV whose name he'savs is Saniuel Wilson officers are required to appear.vith firearms, hev with side arms. On the dav following each review, Courts Martial will be held. By the General, ' 7 THOMAS J. GREEN, EDWIN D. WHITEHEAD, . :' Aids-4e-Camp. July 12. ' - - , -ir-" . - " 70 ' rHE Subscribers having entered into co- r l a pHrir.ersiiip lu urc wiuv. , ..' r- f rnnn VV W A 1 . - i . .i, metmir rni- mess. under tne nrui ui jauu '"" ""i fiFNEN &CQ- beer 'leave - to intorm , tneir ftie.KU.nd the '.pubfec in genl, th . they t ii- ,i .:4k xirnvlr jr thvir linf can oe -suppiieii wun an; . l . " 1 1 ri '1 no Irtw seat ran De ODiailieO USCWllcic. ic iv " . ...... .1 ; pvprv instance shall be warranted for twelve months. Persons wishing to pur- chase carriages are respecttuiiy invitea io call. ! . -f -7 - !-s" - if. ' ,. . . : NjB. Carriages ot every discnption re paired at the shortest notice, and on tne most reasonable terms, n i t lr ... r. Jkv' JACOB VAN WAiiiiiNiN. WIIJ.I AM F, CLARK. j4 'k '5 :-kt June 9, 1824, C l - : ou-iwti. ; 7 : 1 Notice is hereby given THAT those who may wish to purcnase 1 valuable Lots in the town of Wilkesbo- rougb; may find it to their interest xo avvenu .t. . r r rrttPr1av. the 3d day of uie saje ui iuj -v , " , August next! They wdl be sold ax x weive months" credit." ,: ; -;7 77 777 ;7 ; , ALSO; at the same nine and place, vvm oe lei to the lowestbidder, the.buildingoia iieW Court-bouse, tlie foundation to be ot ; otouc, fi, rfi RriftbM Said house to be forty fuo wi thrtv-fnur feet wide. A particular ! plan antLdescription of the house will be gi ven on the day of sale:" There being but few xlWbariics in the County ot WUKes, ioreign- ers'are invited- to attend, as they may get tJnkU A&;ne lsth iri nurchasinff - Lots and Jr. KiMlr1inrtVit Court m biiildine-the Court-house. 'It is wellJc mown "th most ' healthy part of tlie State, and provisions low and m,plenty. i 7 ; H. B. SATTERWHITE, II. BROWN, 7 W. R. LENOIR,"' J. HACKETT, J. WELLBORNy 64' i. .v j - i 4 Camp-Meeting' will commence at(Sted- ib. man:s, 8 milds above Pittsborousrh, or Chatham Court-hoiise, the 2d of September. i I A Camp-meeting will commence at Bethel Meeting-house, 7 miles from Oxford, the 30th of September The Neuse District Conference, will com mence at Whitaiter's , Camp-Ground, six (eight on the 14lh of J miies south ot Kalei October, includiilsr a Camp-meeetinK, to which the local preachers of this District are respectfully invited. , WM. COMPTON. FRANCIS II.. REED ER informs his custo- Li mers and the ntubfic, that he has now on hand an assortment of STILTS of various si zes- :Ks continues to make therw and will be enabled to furnteh them of any dimensions at tne shortest notice. 11 I lie requests those having b tills whi h may need .repairs, to fifvor him with their work as soon as possible as he muy be unable to using them is at hafid, and he is crowded with work. I June 2. I TiwiVViAin-i! 1 . . , . Arrived safely m Raleicrh on the 5th inst. according to a former advertise ment ; and will be let to Mares at 25 dollars the seasoni be discharged by the if paid on or before the payment of 20 doll tentli day of Augfist, at which time the sea son will expire. - 'iShe subscriber, may be seen at anv-time-at Mr. Wm. Ruffin's. or in case of his absence Mr. lohn Ruffin, who is fully authorized to transact his business. j JOHN7C. GOODE. , July 9. 69 3t The late W tUTMELL ALSTON.1 A VB TITO is to cive lotice, tliat'Whitmell Als- mm . J i - ' -v ' -j ------ - JJ ton, of Warreli county, is dead, and at a COUrt held for saidl county,.-in May last, .Wm. K. Kearney. Esn. hualmed as Administrator with' the will anneied of said deceased, since which, he has appointed the Subscriber, by a proper power of attorney, agent to said estate : the Subscriber there fore frives notice to all persons indebted to said deceased, recAiirinir them to make pay ment to'Vim, without delay, (excepting such whose bonds. &c.l have been passed, to the legatees, in nart ofltheir leear.y, which will be made known on ptoper application, tbe lega- tec s having the proper rule over those in their hands,) as indulgeice canriot. be given ; and. a persons having! claims against the same, are required to present tliem to me, properly authenticated, witlin the proper time for set tlement. I DENNIS O'r.RYAN- Warren, July 1824. 69-1 aw4t. A ND committed' to the Jail of Stokes IxjL county, N. Con the 27th ultimo, a Ne Man named DJAVID. 5 feet 10A inches iurh Wrv hlaek. about 27 years of acre. He SMVsthat he ran avUav-from a Mr. Mr. Robards, at th popar Camp iMountain, Vir -inki that r0bards wasrcmo-vn.2r lim with o,tker negroes and lives somewhere m Tennessee, but that he does not know in what county. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, jav charges and take him away, or he wifl bk dealt with according to law. i JllsSE BANNER, Jailor. iGermanton, April 29. ; 561m : State of oortli-Carolina. Franlllin County. Court of Equity, 2hd Monday after 4th Mon f' - day in Majrch, A. D. 1824. 7 if. Jesse Reed, Complainant t . ' -: ' -i VS. I ' '- . George Murphv, IWilliamson Murphy, Ni I cholas Murphy William Murphy, Pa t'tonr.o AInrnhv. Amev Murphv, Elizabeth Murphv, Darby 5 Thomas and Nancy his wife, Frances MIMurphy and temperance I Mum nr. are (leicnaaius , ; . TfT a-rrnno tn fnP satlptaCtlOn OI tile COUTt. h rt" r -- -- . Al - ; uiai -nuain .mji,j "."r" , " It; f c .n A? c. r ar not inhabitants 01 this state - .... t Ia.o r-l ornn publication be made in the iu'i. wxuv.xv.vx, v.. Raleiffh Rejrister bece a week for six.mohths sitrp;vlv. that Sthe said defendants. Wil liam Murphy and flizabetlx Murphy, make their personal appearance at the next Supe rior Court of Equitf, to be held for the coun ty of Franklin, at the Court-house in Louis burg, on the second Monday after the fourth Monday j of September next, and plead an swer or demur to the faid bill of omplaint ; otherwise the saul bill will be taken pro con fesso, and heard ex parte as to them, and de cree made accordingly. -si: Test, SAM- JOHNSON, C. M. E ': Lenoir Gountv Court. -! v 7 Tuly -ferm,v1824. adm'r. . of: Henry J. McKinfie, - I Petition to ..- vg. 1 77 -r: 7- irecover aeDi .1 wm MeKinne iho. Simp- i &c. under son, & Cbelly his vlife & Bal-I act of 1789. lard Wood and. Anil his wife. J i ; frr appearing to the satisfaction of the ! Court, that the! defendants in this case reside without the Emits of this State ; It is therefore ordered, that publication i be-made five' weeks in the llaleig-h Reudsterr that un- lfs said defendant! appear, at the Court of Pleas und ;. Quarter! Sessions to be hel4 for the County of Lenoir, at the Court House in Kinstori. on the firsts Monday in O.toberriext and plead: answer oi-demur the said petition; will be taken pro eonfesso, and heard ex- I 71Svrs &i DCASVIXL, Clk. 1 to ars 7 State of North-Carolina, Warren Connty. Ix Ecluitt Spring Term, 1824. John J. Egerton 4 7 Simon Harris IT appearing to the satisfaction . of this Court, that Simon Harris, the defendant in this cause, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is ordered, that publication be made for six I weeks for the:said Simon Hams to appear on or before the wext term of this Court, to be held at the Court-house in Warrenton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th iMondav in Septem ber next; then and there to plead, answer or demur to complainant's bul, otherwise it will be taken pro confesso. - Tkst, ..--.. " ' 64 GEO. ANDERSON, C. M. E. State (if North-Carolina, Wnrr6n County. Ix EartTT Spring Term, 1824. John J. Egerton, vs. ) Wri!mot Ej - Harris. TT appearing to the satisfaction of this - - voun, xiiai. w nmot r. uarrib, me ucicnu- ant in this cause, is not an inhabitant ot this State: It is ordered, that nublication be made rar six weeics ior tne saia vv umoi narru U ' ur .1 . k:,-1.v Coutt, to be held at the Court-1 louse in War renton, on the od Monday alter the 4th ilon dav in September next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to complainant's bill, otherwise it v ill be taken pro contesso. 1 est, j 0 64 GEO. ANDERSON, C M. E. State of North-Carolina,' Randolph Count'. Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, - May term, 1824. . Stephen Cox,1 ) Original attachment, levied vs. 7 J on 3 tracts 01 land, Z6 heaa Samuel Aston. j of hogs, .9 head ot cattle, and 1 waefiron. , I T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court 13 f 1 - A. that Samuel Aston, th defendant in this case, is not an; innaDitant oi tins ataie it is i ordered that publication De maue ior o weeivs in the Raleigh Register, giving notice to the said defendant to appear at the next County uo r -oi Fleas ana yuaner sessions to oe hel. 'for said county on the first Monday of Aut,: nextj j and plead to issue or demur,; otherwise judgment will be entered against him. '17 ' 7 63 A copy. JESSE HARPER, c. c. c. State of North Carolina. .Northampton County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, June 7 ; Term, 1S24. ' tiias Johnson, Original attachment, levied vs. Drury Nelson on land. 1 Judg-ment by default is granted, the Plain tiff and the property condemned, subject to the Plaintiff's recovery. ST T appearincr to the satisfaction of the Court, .8. that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State : It is therefore ordered and de. creed by the Court that publication De maae m the Kaieign register ior tnree muiiuisut cessiyely, that, unless the aeienaanx ururj- Nelson appear at the- next -Court ot Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Northampton at the Court House in said County, on the first Monday of September nextand replevy the property so attached and-plead to issue, judgment final will be en tered against him and.execution awarded ac cordingly. i Witness, John W. Harrison, Clerk of our said Court at Olfice, the first Monday of June A. D. 1824, and in the 48th year of American Independence. 63 J. W. HARRISON, C. C. C. Issued June 11. Adv. $6. WlLLbe sold at the Court-House ip Lum berton, on Monday, the 26th July next the following; Lands, or so much thereof as wil be snfBcient to satisfy the X?xes due thereon with charges and costs of Uvertismg ; viz: 125 acres on Beaver Dam ureeK, supposea to belbner to Bartrum Robinson, not listed j 140 loininsr Sullivan's, is. ot i en xuiie Swamp, "given in by Stephen Baxly. 99 J do joining Mr. Uv armaeu s ana vrav- rds given in by Robt. Ferguson. 7 246 do between Great Swamp and Ten Mile Swamp,! given in by Robert Hart. .. 100 do on Gum Branch, joining McMillan's and Tudor's,1 given in by Alexander M ae. 365 on Cole, Camp Swamp, given m Dy Arch'd M'Neil.. : 146 do S. W. of Raft Swamp, joining Mc Lean's, given in by Mary M'Nabb. SO ioininir Fersruson's. Davises, crawtora s and Brown's,' iriven in by Etfic McDearmaed. .. . " 400 do In St. faurs liistnct, given in oy Stenhen Powell. . 1 " 2224- i:o on Gall Berry swamp, near wiaaen County LineJ given in by Mary Sims. 406 do on Buckhorn, given in oy unam Smith. , ' j ' ' ' - ; '. 200 do ioinin- Ferguson's and Graham's, civen in by Norman M'Leod. 250 do near JNevan raiuian s, nsieu as uic property of Duncan M'Millan, dee'd. 300 do S. w. oi lseaver uam ireeic, jom- M'MillanVand others, the property msr the heirs of Duncan Ferguson, dec 100 acres joining ot, near M Kemmon s Lands, given in by Normand Finlayson. 50 joining Johnson and M'Donalds, given in by Macolm Galbreth. ; 7 100 do on Great Mars, near IlettorMc Kinzie. given in by Alexr. "MpKinzie. - 258 do joining Ferguson's and Johnson's, given in by John McMillan.7 ? K; - ? x 7 ? 50 do, given in by John M'Pherson. -' ; ' 50 do S W. of Little Marsh, joining Josh ua Council, given in by - Allen MjcSwain. 150 do S. W. of Lumber River, joining VVatson'sand Oxentline's,f given in by David Oxendine.. "7V .-7; vYY '""-' v"""; ; 100 do joining Lo'wrie, and! Red Banks given in by James Oxendine. ? ;J ' ' if 160 do joining, John and David dxendincj given in by MosesOxendine. x " , - -7 i 1 70 do joining Joseph Cv Lbcklier, ami Wni C. Locklier, iven inbj Robert Locklier. .. ! 200 do joining lriscilla Jones, given in bV . Thomas Locklier. . v ' .. :' ; 350 do joining Rooert B. Locktur, giverii in by Wm. C Locklier. i 7 100 do N. E. of Drowning Creek, joining M'Neil's and Watson's, given in by Willi arri ' Locklier, Sen. ; ' 7 - , 1, 7 200 do between Raft Swamp and Mil! Swamp, the property cf Alexander Hender son, not listed. , ! 550, go' joining McNair's, Belches' Mat thews's. &c the property of Heirs of John Council, dee'd. not listed. ' 7 I ' 7 . f 200 do (more or less) on Bear Swarcp, joining John Campbell's the property of James Lourv, or Silas Strecklin, not listed: 7 694 do joming'the above, Sr W. of! Bear 'Swamp, the property of John Campbell, not listed. . : '7. :-. . " l'"; . 1 50 do (mor e or 4ess) on Buck h prn, j oin ng Millan's, supposed to De tne property ot John Newsoro, not given in. ? -' . I 844 do on the Raft Swamp, joining Hardy Hurrels, belong to the Heirs of Phereba Him-elU dee'd. not listed. I , 100 do joining Thomas Lockher's, given in- uv i,p'nh P. f.nr.klirr7 " ( do (more or less) mining rnomas ix)cir. , . r - , iier, the property of Priscilla Jones, not listed 4 100 do 011 Bear Samp, joining Etheldred' Tudor, given in by Morris Tudor. I ' ) 400 do on Bear Swamp, joining Joseph C Itocklier,1 given in .by Etheldred Tudor. 7- i 179 do (moTe or less) joining '.M'Nabb's and M.'Lean's formerly belonged to Alcxan- dcr'McNabb, not listed., v 98 do on ten Mile Swamp, belong, to the Heirs of Duguld Campbell, dee'd. joining Davis' and Campbell's. ... j ; .50 do on Scolding Branch.7 joining Duncan Hnjrh'j the property of John Smith, .dee'd. i"50 do joining the above, and Duncan Hush's, belong to John Smith, dee'd. A ! 50 do north of Little Marsh, joining Shaw's :tj 1Uim not 11stet, anil 11 11 IVlll OVJ 11 a 3U UUUJl-Ll 4.1 UW1UHC IW ai V m, 100 do S. w. of Lumber rryer, -supposedt to belong to the Heirs of Geo. Moore, dee'd i 150 do on Coward S wamp, joining Hinson and Watter's, supposed to belong to Sealah . not listed. . , 7 j 1800 do in Gre?t Swamp, part of a survey of 3000 granted to Hewlett, not listed.) 1 1000 do, joining ; t!ieT abbvej granted To Hewlett," not listed. 7 7 '- t r300 do between Flower Swamp and Lumi ber River, granted to John White,; not listed 107 do in St. Paul's district, .near Little Marsh, given in by Darcus Jessups. '. 1 192 do on GumBranch, late the property of John McKinnon. 7 ' 100 do joining McMillan's andBarlow's late the property of MktthewParliafn7- !256 do onvIong Swamprlisted as the pro- perty of William, Moore,- dee'd., j 150 do ( moreT or less! N. E of Lumber" river, -given in by Daniel Wilkinson, near n by o be Campbell s bridge. ; ' 302" do joining Jacob Wilkes's given Angus Ray. ': ' 175 do on Jacob Swamp, supposed j nrODertv of Alexander Scull, not listfd. ltwj do moreor less.JNorin or anoe ipei Swamp, joining M'Leans, formerly beloiiging to John McNair, decTd. .1 52 do joining the above, formerly belong- ing to John McNair, dee'd. . !. : 68 do joining the above, and McLean's for merly belonging John McNair, dee'd. . j 100 do" between Cole Camp, and Buck horn, joining McMillan's, not listed, owner" unknown. 7 - . ' " - ' 7 -50 do in Marsh 'Branch Whortle Berry Is land, joining Samuel Johnson's, supposed to belong to Pitman, not listed. . 220 do joining John Britts, given in by Burwell Britts. . : J ,' 50 do joining or near Princess Ann, giverl in by Samuel Sealah. 7 x . . ..' . 276 do In Burnt Islands, given in by Win Heslers, Sen. ' , - 225 do in Burnt Islands, given in by ;Eze; kiel Parker. . . -". j. 57 in Burnt Islands, giyert in by Jas. Par ker. , 7 . v 565 do on Ashpole and Horse Swamp, given in by Kennith Black, Esq. 1. -r , 50 do joining Stephen Thompson's given in by Wm. W'oodall. .1.7' 500 do on Jacob Swamp given in by Jai Barfield. . " . ' 't . I; . -' : 300 do on Shoe Heel Swamp 'given in by John M'Leod. - " . . 100, do near Fair Bluffs, given in by Joa Mears. . " 7 7- ;v ' -; - , ; 720 in Big SWamp, joining Sullivan's sup- posed toEzekial Allen, not listed.. A 500 do more, or less) in the Raft Swamp granted to John Cocke, joinings Patterson's Lines,' not listed. - 7 ,:. i,. 50 do North of Lumber river, supposed td belong to Pattesson. not listed. Also, The following Lots in the Town . - of JLumberton, vi?: ' r i Nos. 1, 6, 7, 91, 97, 98 102, part of 120, and No. 132,V supposed to belong to ' Neil Buie Esqf.' not listed. --"' 1 Nos115 and 114, supposed to ' belong to Angus Tavlor, not listed. ! '- " 7i ! : , Nos. 3, 8. 9, 10, 11; 12, 29, 30, 31, 55; 33- 34,92, 103, 114, 115 116, 126, 127, 128, 129 off and prt- of 107, belonging to the estate of John McNeill, dee'd,: Nos. 27, 28, and part of 119, grren in by Edith lvey: 1 - - x . v-- . 4 v Nos. 80 and 120, belonging to John New- oro.v-'--'--.' -'V-Y'-Y'--: - ; Nos. 95 and 96, belonging to John- M'Kay.- 1 Ixit in Princess Ann coniaimng about one acre, supposed to be , the property of Noah Pitmam ' ' r --i'-D; McALPIN, Sa'r. . Robeson Co. June 14th. 1824, ? M 63-5t 7 Jxist 3? t y;. ;jtv JJ Gules & Son? Price 25 CcntL ' . A Yiew of the Pilot, or Ararat Mountainv i ifSL in North-Carolina, in a letter to a frictvdy BY LOWLAND ROVXr- June 19. cents and 'one-haltV -7C rt 5