V V- -. t i 3? 6 u t o av V R esr ar - , j i i , I" -r- K POETJIY-I FOH, THE. KALETGU'REGISTEII. THE BURIAL GROUND. i -Pronv the unmeaning- crowd so falsely term'f V Society but winch is "often found , V - Nought,' save a confused m ss of beings, : Each intent Upon the selfish object v v ,' Of his own Jesire-vithout Mfeeling H I" KindredJn kimlness towards hisfellow man 'From this modern Babel, where, hearts like Move but in discordant harshness, without -Onerchord of love of strain pf harmony,' y From this world of living things, ! wander Towards spot, 'sacred to thought and silence, Fpr silence is the- awful tribute paid ; To the'departed souls of thus?, who late , Like 'yaL were-tenants of this living-crl obe This is the spot where man must feel himself Humbled, from all the tow'ring thoughts of . rinde. : - ... ; - ; . , .-. Ambitiorf,' rivalry of power or mind ; Now,flls a space within thiSj clay-cold bed j ? Large ashe whose broad expansive genius : Koserto, the stars and fathom'd Worlds un- . Tcn.own, . . r ' -:.r k ' Wthin the planet of th siTi nt night. . Honor, Fame, Affection, Pride, Love or Hate, All the turbid passions of the heart, here i Rest forever here they repose ; in du-t- ; That same vile dust to - which ; we all return. .ndO how sad, how sweetly sad the thoughts Of those who wandeHn this house of death ; To bend the eye with chastend-grief, v on . tombs " ; - ' ' , ! Enclosing all tlieir hearts held once so dear, Taught iy 7?rfirtWi.voice, that those who live .Jlivst die, but die, we hope, to live forever. Maik th slow step.of yonder apred mjm, Whoests His staff beside the grave vtvhich now 5 pn;:1 ' ' ;t;;;-" Contains the promise of his fondest hopes. . -Deep grief has stanip'd tlie wrinkles in Ids .' brOW, v ?:y,..';,...l:.:- ;J'..;' ; XJut resignation to the will of God " ; Uas smoothed tlie lines of care, and taught his sflul VT'":- r ':'.'' ;:v.' To meekly bear thbse ills, he cannot 'scape. JTet ecr n-:r steps shall Ie,ave this1 hallowed ' . ground, r A ' -i I .' 'f Let me not pass unmark'd one sacred spot ; For if the gentlest virtues of the heart, l' Affection, duty, modesty, combined v all the graces which make woman X. dear. -)W!i:y- :;':'i:;-'''--r tCi'-: Can .draw a sigh from kindred feeling hearts To thee, O ? one mournful tear is due. No stone vet marks the spat where thou art ..' la'uL " -j-""' 13i',, ':i',.v'.. v Hut those few plants,- by friendship's hand , . entwin'd " ' - " ' ' ' ' ' l': .:' Shall blpssom o'er, thy grave. What thou ' . 'wert once , . - : : " ; They arnow In -youth and beauty bloom w ing I i ..; :,v.:V..-".V' ' r'-':U.k'-k . 'K Like, thee,, they are born to wither and to die ! Rarcigh, July' 20', 1S24. 7 . t State oi X OTlv at liiia, . ' - v Rutlierfnnl Cotthty. Court of Equity Spring Term, 1824. James Bridges,. ) - " - . , vs'. " C Injunction. . Augustus Sackett. j - ' ' - . - . OiitDERED.-That publiGarlpn be made 3 ''months juccessivelv-jn thj:llaleigl Ue prister, notifying the defemlant, -Augustus Sackett, (whom it appears is not an i-ohabitant of this State) to appear at the next Court of Equity, to he held tor the County of llntner fordjlat tlie Court-house in Rutherfordt'on, on the 3d Monday fter the 4t!i Monday of Sep tember nextjiaii'i there and then to plead, an swerer demur, or Comp lainant's bill will be taken pro confess, and heard ex pat te. , Test, T if EO. F. B1RCHETT, C. 8c M. . May, 4,1824. ---v , U: '-'A . -''53 . fc', i. " .... v ; f TAKEN up and committed to the Jail of Wake County, on the 13th inst.a Negro .Man, who sa3r his t name jij LONDON and .thai he belongs to .Doctor Ward of Waynes borough, in the lower part of this State. The owner is' requested to come forward, prove .properly, pay cnarges ami taice nun ' away, otber ise. he-Avjilibe- disposect of as the law directs. ' SAMUEL H. P.U .July v!5. KV'r: -V"' :'N, Jailor. StaUitoiri QYtlisrcolina, Court of Pleas and'QuarifB Sessions,; y Mai- Sessions slS24i Orie'niaL "attachment, " "" & mm i Jn the nds oi ... v, IV . . iAVmJi.Banffh-and Kim- JNjmroaHagscUie, br,JosH ITT havine been made mneatMto the satis- - a facfion of the Cfatrti'ithat tire. Defendant ha removed fpom ithi?St5tevor so con ceals ,' himseifr : that thet ordihary process I:iw cannot be. ; servexUiupon ,nim ; -u is therefore onlered, t hat p i tblication be made in the Raleigh ie.'tet'i'fsixt days, that -i nlM th lipfhdM ritv corties torward -on or before the 3d -Monday 1urfAtfgust. next and replevy and plead, that jnctgment nnai win be entered .pro - confesso. aijd. the 'property "levied -on'.--will be condemned tot" plaintiff recovery.-- -By order, , ? - ;. : r.- . .,61- X,-p "i B. S. KING, C. C. Court of Pi eai and Qiu.rttT'essfbns,' ; "s:: '.May. Sessions, 1824. s. . Nimrod ltflgsdale, Vvm. Bauh and Kim- b rou gh Jone s. ' " t fWT paving been made appear - to' the salis- facijou pt the Court, that the "DefenlaTt hasremavc!d:from.; ih)s State, or so! cbn'cenV -himself, that the prdi par." process of law can ' -not be served on him It is therefore ordef fe.d, that publication he made in the ; Ralejgl Hetjister for 60 days,1 that unless the Defend, ant comes forward on or before : the 3d Men '-May in. Augustext. aridreplevy !& plead, that judgment w dl he, entered pro confessed am- ' ' t!J.p?3i J V,?( 0n 'iir condemned to -piamtin's recovervi - - By order, " vB. SPRING, C. C. F&r in this jast and common home,, an au Are equal j '-.and the wi letter peasant WFiAa !iSirr!-toTrrpi l iindipd in hls dailv toil rglJlE subscriber ii:1ndingtcf remorcirpm 1. Hillsbijrough; offoi-s for sale, the hih- j lv improved; lot in Uiattown uppn which Mrs. Marv 11. Anderson at -presentresides. The buildings are all nearly new and finish ed in .the best style... The dwelling-house contains sis; large rooms, with fire places, an excellent " cellar, 'a garret 'roorn and si clo sets. .There is, besides," . every riiecessapy out-hoase. f f - ' !i--."j ' .Pei-sons wishing to purchase are invited to call on the subscriber, who is disposed to make the tertns of purchase liberal- i. . WAT.KFH ANDERSON.' " ; 'Hillsborough; .Tilne 2, 1 854: ' - ":wtla;- State YtlvVP , v , Wake County. - v Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, '-f, 'r'f!.v'i MaySessions, lazh I ,Wcslev AVhitaker, Isaac Per ry and Sally his wife John Fow ler 'arid Lucy, his wife, David Whitaker, George Crowder and Eliza his wife and Hardy Crow- - to T5 C O . Pi .o Whitaker, . Samuel Whitaker, John Whitaker, Willis Whha kerrTheophilas Sanders $c Ins wife Angelina,' andThos Whit- alcer. r '-'. :: : i - - ' "B"T having been made appear to the satis i. faction'of the Court, that the Defendants Hugh H. .Whitaker, Theophilusv Sanders and wife Angelina are not inhabitants of this State : - It is therefore ; ordered that publica tion be made in the Kaleigh Register for 6 weeks, for the Defendants Hugh 11. Whita ker and Theophilus Sanders and wife Angeli na, to appear before the Justices of our Court 'of Pleas and Q.uarfer Sessions to he held for County of Wake, on the 3d Monday, in Au gust next, then and there to plead, answer or demur, to the Plaintirr's petition, in this case,Vothervvise judgment will be entered pro co?iftsso and a decree made according to the praver of the petitioner. ' ' m order, -3. I B. S. KING, C.C. TTAZLETT & ROUT, KYLE, have now AX ready for inspectidn a choice selection oT Spring and Summer Goods. No pains on the part )f the proprietors, have been spared to render their '-assortment-' suitable -for the season and climate ; and they feel the great est confidence in recommending them to their customers, as more valuable than any Goods the v have hitherto offered for sale. 1 .The following is a list of the principal arti cles : Y:-'- 1 . .. ' Persian Prints 44 wide . . London do 7-3 do Calicoes in great varietv 1824 ' j new. patterns for Muslins checked and colored 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Ginghams latest fashions 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 Cambric . . ' 4 4 5-4 and 6-4 Jackonel ") 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 India B Jik S- Plain and figured 4-4 54 and 6-4 Mull S Seringapatam and Sach.ui!l:t Mulls nshand rrench Linen .f Jambnc Linen Cambric- Handkerchief's plain and bor-i ,- dered ..;;.... - ' ..." ; Two cases Irish Linen T-S and 4-4 wide war ranted grass bleach 1 ' v j Lawns, irisn ana juissia uiaper i Superb Mandarine Crape Robes Embossed , -. . do . ' Nankin and Canton do . , , . 4-4 8-4 and 10-4 Crape Shawls handsome co lours r I lack, Blue and Green Italian Crape Plain arid Figured Levantine, different colour: Do - tlo arsiiett and Fl01nce do Gros de Naples and rih fancy Silk Shawls V White '.and -coloured Silk" Handkerchiefs Gentlemen's Black and i"3 cy Pelerines and Zelia ' cto do Greek and Madras . Ladies' and Gentlemen VBlack and While Silk Horse ; 'l-L. '. -' ;. Do do Cottonl and Silk Do I do Kid. Silk and Leather Gloves. H - ' i , ' ' do Buck, 'Dogskin and Bea ver :' '';.- -'. ' - - Ladies Morocco, and Leather Belts - , Reticples,,Waist Buckle, and Coliers h Gipsy and Leghorn Flats An elegant assortment of Plain and Figured Ribbons '! " ;V'-' " ' ' r": Real and Imitation 'Thread'. Lace and Edging Sewing Silks, Spool, -Wire and Ball Cotton, all colours Tapes, Bobbin, London Pins and Whlte-Cha- i pel jNeecucs Cotton Fringes assorted. 1 -:- : Black ' Bombazine's, and Circassian, suitabl for Gentlemen's summer wear f Cotton and Linen Bed Ticking Black Silk and Tabby Velvet 'A JManchestler Cotton Cords , " r f Shell Tuck, side and Long Combs, in great ; . variety ' j " .- -1 "r":- Horn " do : . j Umbrellas, Patent and Coirimm Suspenders! B payer Hats, of the newest shapes. Wool 4 do different qualities . f Superfine and Common Cloths of the latest-! ; importation . 1 : . ' -: , Do ,: ; do Casimcre-do-Marseilles, Valencia r and Toilangtte. fancy . ' vesting -j. . M ...... ' ..,. ; -j- Black figured Silk .. do V 1 Grandurell AVellington Stripes Nanking ! Sateen and Russia drilling for pantaloons ) Gilt coat and vest buttons of the first quality Pearl, Glass and Ivory buttons oat and buspender Moulds Domestic Gingham 3-4 and 4-6 wide ijo anmings and Siieetings all widths from y m& best manutaetoncs. superior to any -tl ' imported , .) -;-.' seersuckers and jTartan Plaids r Morocco Pocket Books various qualities fbilet and Looking Glasses ; '-. i ? " , f s,ve ass?rtment of. the most f vshion- 1 .tV Morocco and leather Boots and npes tor Ladies and Gentlemen, rrtiiidrens . ' ' r l i : TT A Rnnr ttt W1 - OrdieTctlS . and Castings ".--r l DoJ tifiojxbhtf w.e : j ;groceuies. ' f! ; ' Comprehenctingthe usual assortment.; T : .v liquors::5 y Cogmao and Domestic Brandy ' ' t' Jamaica andN. Ei Rum " ' - 'Z Madeira, Lisbon and Malaga' Wine ' . AI1 ot which as usualVill be sold on trocd terms, v u : , : - naleisht JlpHlE. - AKrAWAYlrom ft.- 23th inst. a'negi BEN, about 25 years went awav a robin coat thh mnrh worn-: he is a small man. abotit 5 feet 6 inche,? fiigh, djlalkjncpmplexion,; has a fierce look and fine! voice. 5 As he had other clothes, he probably, may change -his dress- l win give me aooye rewaru, u ucuvcieu iu me, living iii..bne";ountyl6'mne4;eisi)f rHillsboroughi or the same iff eonjined Jn tlie nearest1 jail towhVre liemay be" taken,4 and information given so that t get him;? r liENRY vFOHRESTij' rf-June 29.""? j . - 67--vti'--' State of Novlh-Carolinav . r Walye County--- ' r'''- Superior Court oftLawi Spring term, 1824. , Solomon Todd, I ' T8. ? Petition for Divorce. Milberry Todd. 3 ... ? T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court t. that the defendant, Milberry Todd, cannot be found and is not an inhabitant of this State ; it is ordered by the Court, that notice be giv en in the RaleigK ftegister and Star by adver tisement, for three months, to the , said Mil berry Todd, that she appear at the Superior Court :td be next held for the coiinnty f Wake, at the Courthouse in the City of Ra leigh, on the first jMonday after the fourth MOndav of September ' next, then and there to answer, plead or demur, to saui petition. i Witness, Ransom I linton, Clerk of our said Court, at Raleigh, itlie first Monday after the 4th Monday of March, A. D. 1824. , :l" 48 : ' . f R. HINTON, Clk. - Navt CoMMissiONrns Office. I : ! June 8, 1824. rIIE Commissioners of the Navy will re Si ceive Proposals for famishing, at the several buildincr yards rhe following timber, viz : :. ; y ; . ., il l Deliverable at Washington. i-'l 1 6 pieces vvhitc bak logs 45 feet long and 16 incnes square. ! 1 do. doi 32 feet long", 36 inc es diameter. I 4 to 6000 cubic feet white oak plank stocks ; 2 to 3000 cubic feet yellow pine do. None to be less than 35 and to average 45 feet in length. i; . 20,000 feet while pine plank and boards ljanu 2 inches, j ; i 84 .dagger,' and, 120 lodging, white oak knees, to side from" 9 to 12 inches, bodies 7 feet, arms 5 feet. 1 set masts and sspars entire for a 44 ship, with : . . gun H I bowsprit, 1 1 O IT - i v i mainmast, top-masts, top-gallant-masts, sprit-sail-vnrdj;'; top-srll:int-yard J royal-vards, ! )-Best heart yellow top-snd-vard, ; flyinjr-jib-booiri, vpMnker do. for e t o p -ste e ri h g- pine. Sad, i; ; I b 4 i i ' '186 small spruce spars, 57 to 15 feet long. . 1 108 do. ' bf 4 inches diameter j Deliverable at Boston. ; i 175,000 feet white-piner booths. Deliverable at Portsmouth, N. II. ' i,500 cubic feel white oak logs for caps, tressle trees-, Sec. J . 1 -J 1 - ..... : - - , '. Deliverable at New-Vork. 7",000 cu' Sc feeV white oak'logs none less than 35 feet, anl to average 45 feet long. V o 4,0d0 cubic feet white oak logs, ifor gun carnages, &c j 3 to 4,000. cubi4 feet ash logs and plank. 8 to 10,000 cubjc feet yellow pine plank stocks none to be less than 35 and to ave rage 45 feet "m length. j 18 yellow pine pump logs, not less than 20 feet long 16 to 22 inches diameter. 32 tons lignum vitae, large sizes. VI u 2S, ! 4 front fishes, i 4 after side fish 2 side trees. 2 mam top-masts, 3 half-main -yaras, 4 sprit-sail ... co 1 spanker boom' V Best heart yellow pine. 2 mizen spindle)s, 200 to 300 small 1 spruce spars, 57 to 15 feet long. 150 to 200 doi do . j of 4 inches diameter! (184 dagger, 244 lodging, white oak knees to side 7 and 8 inches. I i Deliverable at Philadelpbia. 7 to 10,00Q cubfc white oak plank stocks; 18 to 2500 do. d. yellow pine do.- None less than 25, and to average 45 feet in length.' p,ouu tio. z men asli plank. 3 o i.uuu superficial teet wlnte pme pianK ana boards,? 1 and 2 incles. 613 knees to side from 9 to 12 inches, bo dies 7 feet, arms 5 feet!' ' j ; , 4 cheeks for head ; i ; ; Deliverable at. Gosport, Virginia. 1C,000 cubic Jf4el W. s Oak plank stocks, ; oU,uuj do. do. yejilow pine do, do. -None less than 35, and tj average 45, feet in length. zm beams, tromo to 51-feet 6 inches loner. side i 10 and iy inches, mould 12A and 16 ; 123 beams, from 21 to 45 feet long, sided 14 to iy inches, moulded" 11 to 16 inches. half side trees for a 74 gun ship 2 pannches do . do v do do do do do do doi 1 half main yard ; 2 half top sail do do. do. do. do. do. do! do. . 2 topsail do 12 top gal. sail d( -. 12 royal do 10 slcy sail do 2 halves sprit do ,12 jib fl'"- r 2 spank ers f ' 6 swinging 96 stidding i . 4 ringtail 4 stud yai-d "I I booms do. All the articles (must be of the best hualitv, Subject to a rigidfinspection, and be satisfac tory, to the Commandants of the yards. - Persons ofTering will please stste f their terms- - j - . . PlvT!!!!6. and yellpW pine plank stuff ur asii iog per 6? JOOt ; " For asbpjjitrh'itB'f pine boards-per ForJignum vital per f onr vf.feV:!';r4 ;; J Forneesper.semGA. 'f: !' M. v All offers mustf be. addressed to the NaW C6mm issioners, scaled and endorsed on the bS5k' f00as to designate the kind of articles oflered for. Thi is particularly requested, as the Commissioners do not wish to open a nv offers until theday of, deciding on them shall arrive. N r - - , ' Proposals 'for furnishing masts and spar timber will be received ill the first day of September, and ibr; all other timber till the first day of August next.; ? n , eptlS pmanbv the-hame oti: . .. . . - A ;t " P?PF8 was lound in the -road !.'" 01 age, naci on wncu uc .c M 7 ILL ; be sola on accommoaating terms, y"K '"'cji lu inpuse uy one rViv . Subscriber on' the ' vv NEAPv RALEIGIL ' r . ; ft ONTAlKIXG a' sum cfmQnevaU and pantaloons ot cot- V V a TTact of Land. contaimnsrl39 acres, -i-vants a lew days past. The m-n within four miles of the, city j .adjoining the lands of Wm. Hill, Judge Taylor and others. This land is entirely5 wood land.' For terms, apply to r. j The Editors of tli& Jiejister. N ff GALES &' SON have just received from 0$ m the North, the following new books : .1 " LAW. . Cowen's Keports of Cases argued inlhe Su t nxJi preme Gourt of New-York, vol. l.v;; Starkies . Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius in "' King's Eench and Common Pleas, 2 v. ';- Starkie's Trearise'on Criminal Pleading, " Archbold's Practice of the Court of Kings , Bench,. 2 v. - r , . . . ,-' Bingam's Law of Vnfancy and Coverture, with ' Notes' and References , to American'de cisioris, ' ' . " ' ' P'aley on Agencj, " Pere. "Williams's Reports, a new edition, Manning's' Digest of Nisi Prius Keports, Hammond's Treatise I on: the Law of Nisi - Prius. ' ' ."'-'' -':'- 1 . - MEDICAL. ' Smith on T3Tphus Fever, -Murray's Materia Medica, 2 v. Thomas's Practice, a new edition, . Domestic Medicine, .-; Thatcher's Dispensatory- , ,-. misceijaKkous. : Ilallam's Iistory of the Middle Ages, 2 v. Cowper's Correspondence with his friends, Belzoni's Travels in Egypt and Nubia, ' Miss Aikins Memoirs of James I. do .1 of Dr. Aikin, Poinsett's otes on Mexico in thefall of 1822, MontgOmej-y 's Prose by a' Poet, 2 yx . ovelsI : V - v- ' Sayings and Doings, 2 vol. . . A Daughter of a 3enius, , ; - ,' Percy Mallory, 2 v. i. ! Winter in Washington, 2 v. ; Adventures of Ilaii Haba, 2 v. ' -O'Hallorani or the Insurgent Chief, an IrisI 1 aie, DV tne aiitnoroi tue v nuerness, v. Miss Porter's Duke Ghnstiao of Lunenburg 2v The Spaewife, 2 v. author of Annals of the Parish J : .- ,'. The Albigenses, 2 v. T - The Spy, 2 v. - w ' " The Pioneers, 2 v. 'Hie Pilot, 2 v. . ;; j .- DIVINITY. -:jr .,j Adam Clarte on the Four Gospels, , Thatcher's sermons, j Lathrop's do. . . Uarlas's f do. v . J ! Life of Dr. Thomas Scott, , '. Biblical Dialogues. . " ' ', ALSO, a complete assortment of ' Schooi i Hooks, Children, s Books, lc. r ? , J. Gai.es, & Son have lately purchased a Law library, in which are the fol- lowino: valuable Books : Cay's British Statutes, 6 vols, foao, Hawkm's Pleas of the Crown, do. Atkyns' Reports, 3 vols. -' do. Adjudged Cases in King's Bench do. PufTendoi'Ps Law of Nature, do.' Burrow's .Reports, 5 vols - do. , -Newnam's Conveyancing, 3 v. folio; Davis's Revisal of the Laws of North Caro- . lina, ' do.- ': .' -' , The Laws of Virginia published in 17T3,'lo. Bacon's Abiidcrment. "vol. 1; 2 &. 5, d. : D'Anvers's Abridgment of the Common Law, 2d v. do. :;-.v octavo. 7'.;"'" Bacon's Abridgment, 7 v. London edition, Dumford and East's Reports, 8 y. (the first 5 vol. English edition,) East's Reports, 14 v. Espinasse's 'do. 4 v. . Equity Cases abridged, 3 v , : Cowper's Reports, , . . Story's Pleadings " , Foster's Reports, " , ?. Leach's Cases, - . ' Latch's do. . Key ling's Reports , . V Parker's do. ;l Sugden's Law. of Vendors, State Trials in England, in 1793, t Runningtonj. on Ejectments, y - Cooper's Bankrupt Laws, " ' 4 A succinct Digest of Bankrupt Laws, Martin's Justice of the Peace, ' Haywood's jdo. Historv and practice cf the Court of Common Pleas, i '' - Law bf Partnerships, " " ' Cruise on Fines, Gilbert on iiejev'ins, - - on Common Pleas, Kyd on Awards,. . ; Morgan's Essays, 3 v: . Vesey, Sen.! Reports, 2 v. Hullock's Law of Costs, Williams's Justice of the Peace, 4 v. Conductor Genc ralis, . Powell on Powers, Park on Insurance. .1 . ' '"? ; Raleigh June 6, 1824, 67- COAOH-MAKINGr HOMAS COBBS; beers leave to inform the citizens of this place, and the public generally,' that he has just received his Spring supply of Materials from JNew-York and else where; which will enable him to finish Car riages and Harness of all deecriptions, lower than heretofore. : 's -. . . . '. . . .'. To tose not acquainted wjthhis Establish ment,- he begs leave to state, that the Work, in... every respect,, shall be-: executed m a faithful, elegant &. Jus Idonable manner, equal io any maue in xius couniry, ana warranted in every" instance. - ' - " 'i - . He bejrs leave to tender his cTateful 'ac knowledgments ; fo: the' public for lb e very liberal encouragement tney nave been pleas ed to trive hinv and assures: them that his personal attehtion shall be given to'-hisVpro- tession ( ana me worK ' shall be as low as it can be afforded. .,l Call and iudcre '.for vour selves, before you purchase elsewhere.. 1 1 Orders thankfully received and dispatched with celerity. ; . ---1' r - - -' I Haleigh,:;My , "50 tf . ceive the same nn snnKont:.. . . , ' yvu 10 me, and mg the pnee of advertising. - MARTHA JONF - ri st July 19. f GALE& gives notice to. these Couv try Merchants who havebeeWir, ii, ' bit of collecting Rags for liis mill, th-t has at present ai sufficient Stock on hand ard what'ihey , receive, in futme, must be of tI best quality only.- '" : :rll; "Relax , , INTENDING to close her , business, offek her present stock of Millinerv! nn i. " Goc-ls, at reduced prices for CASH. She means to keep a constant supply c" Milli neiy until 'she can close her J business Those indebted to her are (requested to hi ij-t payment, or close tlieir: accounts -by notes' else she will be under the disagi eeahle r.t cessity of taking the speediest mode of Cc '- fection. '-r?'.;.;:L ' r- . i :, - ." -. June 18; 1824. v g:r . , N . - State of North-Carolina. ' k RiKDOLPH Corif.TT. j . Superior Coui t of Law, Fall term, 1824 John Redine: and .... " ' I Jonathan Reding, Cetiaon to emancipate , exparte. S ' asvelck. n IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Com that Joseph Reding and William Cosand and his wife Lovy (heirs at law of Joseph R;( ing, deceased) are not inhabitanjs 0f State.. It is therefore -ordered that publira tian be made '.for six, weeks in the Ralekft Register for2the said Jdsa,i!i Reding and wji. liam Cosand and wife to appear at our Superior Court of Law to be held for th county of Randolph on the first Monday afiS the 4th Monday' of September, then and there to ple.ad answer or demur, othervv ise the petitibiivrillbe taken pro confesso and heard expthte. ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ' J 36 . .-A copy. J. WO OI), c. s. c. Cabinet 'ltlaker & UDliolstprpr . "JTAVING contracted to furnish the Caplt(i of North-Carolina begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Raleigh ar.d its vicihitv,t'.iat he is aboil t to establish himself in the above line, near the Capitol Square, where he hopes by, the aid of good materials, scaind work manship, and Some" little display of taste, to merit a share of public patronage. . May. 20. - ; ; ': - ' j 54 State of North-Carolina, . '. . , Wake County. j Superior Court of Law," Spring term, 1824. Sherwood Haywood, Agent of the! Bank of ' !"--' ' -r .,'' '"; i! Newbern, vs. Nathaniel M. Taylor, Charles Taylor, Leris Taylor, Richard B. Taylor. Judicial attachment, levied on a house and lot in the town: of Oxford j the pro .'perty'of Charles Taylor, one of the dc- lendants. --) . I ' - appearing to the Court, that Charles ST a t Taylor, one of the defendants, is not an ; inhabitant of this State : it is ordered, that advertisement be made in the Raleigh Regis ter for three months, successively, Cnat the said Charles LTaylor appear at "our Superior Court next to be held for the' said coimtv, at Raleigh, on the -first Monday after the fourth Monday of September Jiext, ' then ami there to plead, answer, or replevy, ctbervise the property will be condemned to-the' satisfac tion of the plaintiff's demand! f I Witness; Ransom Hintcn, Clerk of our saal Court, at Raleigh, the first -Vonday after the fourth Monday of March. A. D. 1824J 4S." R. HINTON, Clk. i PROPOSALS ' j FOR PDBLISHISG A JJEWSPAPER I. THIS T0W5. . I-'.; 1 v, - i'li ' KXTiTiEn . i ji- ;:v The Fayptteville Weekly Gleaner. j '; B. H. Tai.kot, Editpri i V - PROSrECTTlS. ' ; 1 . Jn accordance with custom it first becomes necessary. that the Editor should make an-x p6se of his political tenets, and then unfold his plans : in compliance therewith he would (as a creed by which he will, in his political career be guided) beg leave to point: to the Farewell Address bf the Father of American Independence-; and when he shall depart therefrom -withdraw your patrenag-el His plans are to make this Journal equally useful and interesting both to' the ' Merchant aid Agriculturalist ; to give weekly, accu rate statements of sales, public and private. Also, an estimate of imports and exports, with every transaction allied either to commerce or agriculture, that shall come- within his knowledge ; and from his experience in the commercial -world, with the arrangement? that will be made to effect this object, he hopes that he may receive the favorable coc sideration of an enlightened public. ! ' It is likewise the intention of the-. Editor to report " verbatim et literatim," all trials by Ju ry, in the respective : Courts held here ; whe ther involving questions of. law, or made in teresting by incident ; and he .will also occa sionally step into the ' Town HalL" and Jus tices Court Rooms. v As the Editor entertains the opinion, that the Gleazk may. be still more interesting by pviiig the procr edings of our State Legislature in extenso,hi intends residing in RaleighJduring the session of that honorable body. A synopsis of Congression ul Proceedings will always be found ia the columns of ; this Journal. Original j. matter, i. 'e. Communications, will be thankfully, re ceived to form a part of our miscellaneous chapter ; but theEditor cannot . hazard tae reputation of his paper, by lending'its pages to the circulation of unworthy Essays : ni5 respect for the public should, and. he. trusts ever will preponderate, when called to exer cise his editorial vetoi " ; ,.:-. . r An extensive and well - concerted J"9 lloos will i be opened, where' Newspapers from all parts of the Union wUl -be kept on file, and to which Subscribers to the Gxsasi may have access jr-aftV." ' , , ; TheGliaxer will be published on Weaves days, on istiper-royal sheet of good quahty Due notice will be given of its, first. apP?' ancev. No subscription taken fbr;?less m" one year. tv ; -'c "-'. - V s.r TjEi?wir.S'. Three Dollars and a Hali p annum to be-paul oh the delivery of Uie to-. number. - ' . :: L . Fa etteville, May 20, 1824. . : I BLANKS for aste at this ofijee,