r .-I -- 1 it M" r M X . i jt I. t : -1 I . i i '1. ' ;h , . . - '. V' lit 1 ' ' ' Hiv : , tx i . f J ') S ' - 13 is - : In! i H 1 V: i s 7 i - : , v V ;i;The following beautiful Hymnfrom the Aslr atic J uTitaV as written uy xne kv itcv. ( -Reginald Heber, Iord Bishop of Calcuita. A IJycool ' Siloam'a shady fountain . ' v .The paths of peace has trod ; Vjiose secret soul's' instinctive' motion :- , Tends upwards to. his God;, . ' : By cool Siloam's shady fountain, t v ThUy must debay";' , .The rose that blooms on yonder mountain, Jv lust shortly fade away, v :A little while, :the better morrow; 'Of man's matuier aere,;,, fWill shake the soul with cankering sorrow POETRY; AAA-FWfmi'-: AA . f !.. 1 I I I 'I 111 ' '" .' .... ...... 1-V v J How sweet the breath otl yonder mountain 1 -w GALES & SONhav - ' Ot Sharon's aewy rose j: . - 4 - ; . v the North;. the following r JXJ SUCH UlCVCMllx w uuat jwung iv.iuuvti 1 1 -.iV. ; -:5i-rAhdasioiis stormy rage. ; . . - I U'.J ;?4 :; , -y. . '7 " ; J "-T;liMou; h wJioseevary year untainted t, , r.-p : AlnbAngelesvirtae' shone ; r ty4 1 . I.' vv'.:-'--1'V Preserve the "flowers' ihv srraceiias ntanteiJ; PsirVejl$lflOwers''ihy' grsfeelias planted; niJ "Ahd keep tbiem tilline own; u f ' C 5 .V Digest of the Statute Law! of t I 4 fi!?J!"H?M?? H A k " ;i "Si ''r V;V-' ;;-!' i v J - c v VTlll$9 Executors OntZ. JidminiStrawrs, - ' ihe Provision for; yidbw$9 k ' ' :' and the - i , - xrJHsirll)iilioh of Intestate's Estates. With lbsiracis: of the Adjudged Cases con - taming Judicial Expositions of me several - ' BY Ji L. TAYLOR. fllHE Trustees of the Tarborough Academy ; X take this ra ethod of - an nouncing to the public, that in consequence of the resigna 5rn rf i ftiMaxvnM! vt1xv hav erhnloved Mr. Eugene Faman, who js eminently ual- ifA tArh all fli fifanrVrQ of ."'Rdtira.tinn lirtnfrtr tfliio-ht m ihl Sminarv ioirether . with the French language. The exercises ; of the Academy will commence on the first "Monday in next months "j : r: V : DAVID BARNES, Sec. P. T. " Tarborough, SepU 4th; 1824. . 86-4w. . 1 'IVfiriNthe'stra bSok of Randolph, County, "h - ::iy on the 23dAiigust list, one bar horse four years old, four feet ten inches high, one : of his Ixind feetjivhite, and appraised to $35. v ixi, ISAAC LANE Dep; Hunger, . - v :'V For JO UN CRAVEN, Ranger. Randolnhv Sent 4 1824. v 85-3t. Orange County. 'ILLtAi C ABE; of said County, person- allvvanpeafed ' before me; the .under signed, one of the Justices of the. Peace for ,said fcounty, and made oath, that he is the iowner of ; Four, shares of the capital or joint stock of the State Bank of North-Carolina iv that thelccrtificate' which issued o him for the said shares, is either lost, -or so'rnislaid, that, it cannot' be. found and that he verily I''-beneves tht it is altogether lost or destroy- ed by sdirVe mcanslinknoWn to him. ', r? , -WILLI AM CABE. v S vvftrto 4nd " sub scribed, before me, this 30th Ang i82 MIOSES McCOWX.J P. AS HE COUNTY Aujrust Term 1824. f Tj Peter Grayhill to use of - .Christian Berfcett. 'y : 'i;? vs. . 'Ur ; Petition to re cover a debt.' k- t The .Real .estate, of Christopher Killan. 1 el; Earnest '.and Catherine his .wife, '- Killar Veze Cape, and wife, heirs at law of Chris- - tppher Killan, appear and plead answer or demur, at the next County Court to be held tforflhe. covihty bf s A she at the cotirtb ouse In 'Jrrersonpfi"the: ;2d ""Monday of Nov ember next or Judgment pro confesso will betaken and : heard ex-part e. '. , . , Att eit A rTH0. CALLAWAY. Clk. S late of North-Carolina. ' COTTNTY OF UANDoLpiI, Supenor Court of Law, , , 4 Spring Term, 1 824. sweet. - '--yx 'John Sweet, '1 Petition for Divorce. ; -Niomi Sweet " ''Tappearihgto the Satisfaction of the Court, -jkS- that. the Defendant in this case is not an r 1 inhabitant of this State : It is ordered that i x publication be made for three months in the 1 VUleigh'ltegister and Hillsborough Recorder, for the defendant to appear at the qext term r V of this Court to beheld on the first Monday lifter the fourth Monday of September next, . then" and ft Ii ere to plead answer or demur, ' othei-wfse the petition will be taken pro con i feajjo; and heard ex partem V y 's nr-vV AvCopt, J. WOOD, C. S. C. ORDERED by the Court, that publication ' be made in the Raleigh Register, for six . veeks: that Jdlin Killan, Jacob KULm, Dan- aluvfel ljiaius Sale , t v flilE subsciiber offers for sale a valuable , iLlraccbf Land lying on the road leading . from Raleigh to Ilillsborougi, containing be- ; nveenjeight -and Vnine hundred acres,' and H t within 8 orS miles bf Raleigh; The laud is " k ! of excellent, quality,' and a great portion of - .jf adapt eirr to the. culture of Tobacco of . : course it wouW produce Cotton in high per I : Cfectionl i It has comfortable buildings .for a '".f -.' ' -sma!l I family, apdSvilI.-.be disposed of at. the 'A l . Ttfdi)ced price of tlireerdollars per acre with f ; -easy anq vj convenient 'instalments. ;'I'hosd I dUp'osecf ...t purchase, will apply to tba ' : Print t or Henry -S ea well, Esq. in the vici- a rt pt Raieigh. .v. L:.r. I ) J ' f A " akft 90Unty August U, 10t: 6ainp Meeting InpnEUEVjIl beamp vMeeUnTat: Pla M Chapel,-l2 mUes north-west of tLouis- h irir. 17 east ot Oxford, 37 nortn or uaieigu, and 20 miles sduih-west:f :3Voryentoit m I the 23d or September nexx August jW. 81, XionA for Safe X I njTILL v be sold, an accommodating terms, V Y a TctofrAhoV:bnninsf4S9;acr8, within four mile of the city 5 adjoining' the lands of WmHUl, JudgeiTaylotmd others: T us land is entirely wood land. torterma, apply to . The IMtort ofitAe liegfatfr ejust received from new boots : .... Cowen's Reports of Ceases argued iri the SuT preme court or jxeyxoTKt vou a. Starkie's Reports of. Cases at Nisi Priu3 in King's Bench and Common Pleas, .2 v. V Starkie's Treatise on Criminal Pleading, -: Archbold's Practice; of the Court of King's ' , Bench, 2. V. 'v v' ,.V' - . -v Binffam's Law' of Infancy and Coverture, with - -Notes and References to American de- cisions, ,- - ; ' :rw talcy on Agency,' , t Pete Williams's Reports, a new edition, Manning s Ingest oi .wiSl 1 rms Hammond's,.; Treatise; on .the, Prius. : - , 11'-' 'Vj. :;-t MEDIC AIj.--? Smltli on Typhus Fever, ' Mannine's Disrest of Nisi Prius Reports, LAW, OI ' J.MS1 Smltli on Typhus Fever, ' ' Murray's Materia Medica, 2 v. . uomestic Ateaicine, . I itupi?t t 'a "vi? V.TTQ Hailam's History of the Middle 'Ages, 2 v. Cowper's Correspondence with his friends; Belzoni's Travels in Egypt and Nubia, ' ' Miss Aikin's Memoirs of James I. do . of Dr. Aikin, Poinsett's Notes on Mexico in the fall of 1822, Montgomery's Prose by a Poet, 2 v. vmoyELs..; ;::v M' , Sayings, and Doings, 2 vol. j A' Daughter of a Genius, J Percy Midlory, 2 v. - : Winter inWashington, 2 v . Adventures of Haji Baba, 2. v. O'llalloran, or tlie. Insurgent Clitef, an. Irish Tale, by the author of the Wilderness, 2 v M:sS Porter's Duke Chiistian of Lunenburg 2v The.Spaewife, 2 v. author of Annals of the v; Pansn. . : The;Albigenses,'2 IThe Spy, -6-V.- V. .:. -.- The Pioneers, 2 v. The Pilot, 2 v. DIVINITY. Adam Clarke on the Four Gospefs, Thatcher's sermons, f Iathrop's do. Barlas's '. do. Life of Dr. Tiiomas Scott, Biblical Dialogues.' ALOc0mJ?t. ete assortment oj school Books, Children's Books, ifc. J." Gales, & Son have lately purchased a Law Library, in which are the fol- lowing valuable Books : Cay's British Statutes, 6 vols, folio, Hawkih's Pleas of the Crown, do. Atkyns' Reports, 3 vols. do. Adjudged Cases in King's Bench do. Puffendorf's-Law of Nature, do. Burro w,'s Reports, 15 vols do. Newnam's Conveyancing, 3 v. folio, Davis's Uevisal of , the Laws of North ,Caro- , lina, . do. " . ,- . iThe Laws of Virginia published in 1773, do. Bacon's Abridgment, vol. 1, Z Jx 5, ao. D'Anvers's Abridgment of the Common Law, 2d v. do. ; k octavo. ; . - Bacon's Abridgment, 7 v. Loridn edition, Durnford and East's Reports, '8 v.. (the first 5 . vol. English edition,) East's; Rejports, 14 v. Espinasscs do. 4. v. . Equity Cases abridged, 3 y. Cowper's Reports, ;, - Story's Pleadings, -Foster's Reports, i Leach's Cases, ' Latch's ' do. ' : l . - :- Keyling's Reports, ' Parker's do. ' ; - Sugden's Law of Vendors, State Trials in England, in 1793? Ilimnington on Ejectments, Cooper's Bankrupt Laws, A succinct Digest of Bankrupt Laws', Martin V J ustice of the Peace, Haywood's do. j History and practice of tlie Court of Common Pie is, -Liw of Partnerships, s Cruise on Fines, ' Gilbert On . Replevins, on Common Pleas, Kyd on Awards, Morgan's Essays, 3 v. Vesey, Stn. Reports, 2 v. Hullock's Law of Costs, Williams's Justice of the Peace, 4 v. Conductor Generalis, Powell on Powers, f Park on Insurance Ualeigh June 6, 1824. 67- J State of North-Carolina. : Franklin County Court bf Equity, 2nd M onday after 4th Mon day in March, A. D. 1824. ' Jesse Reedj Complainant; 1. , -v.- v '- - ' George Murphy, j Villiamson Murphy, Ni- cholas Murphy, William Murphy, Pa. tience' Murphy, Amey Murphy, Elizabeth Murphy; Darby Thomas and Nancy his wife, Joseph Bledsoe, and Winifred nis , .wife, Frances M. Murphy and Temperance II. Murphy are defendants. ; . i IT appealing to the satisfaction of the Court, thatWilliam Murphy and Elizabeth Mur phy, two of the defendants in the above case, are not inhabitants of this State i It is there fore ordered, that pnhL'eation be made in the Raleigh, Register once a.week for six months successively, that ?the said defendants, Wil liam Murphy andr ElizabethMurphy; make tlieir personal appearance at the next Supe rior Court of Equity, to be held for the coun ty of Franklin, at ,the Court-house in Louis hurg, on the second Monday alter the fourth Monday of September next; and plead an swer or demur to the said bill of omplaint; otherwise the said bill will be taken pro con fesso, and heard ex? parte as to tbemy and de cree made accordingly.' f r ; Tcfcr- SAM. JQHNSONi C, IS. . . - . r,,,i.: , . - .."-- f . THAKEN uri 'and committed J9 the Jail of ' l; "Wake cbuntyoV.the f5th instant a Ne gro man,7 dark complexion, spar ( builtj about 18 years old, "who says -his name is JOE and that he.beloncrs ..to . Samuel Robinson of S. Carolina, near Cherawi Hill. , The Owner of said,boy b requested to come torwara, prove propeixy, pay vciiarg anu .hjic aihii, r; 4 Raleigh,; Sept. 6. NEW CiAT.F.S 8c SON. have just received Boxvof rtew ; fWimi Philaoemhia, a- Books, amonerst which are the following : Durjonceau. on the Jurisdiction of the Courts ? of the United States, , V A- E well's Medical Companion, a new edition, Chapman's Therapeutics,, v K l: v Red Giuintlett Scott's last new novel, : i Trials, a Tale, by Miss llurney. - " Miss xVi Kin's Memoirs 01 4ucen raizaueuj &CJ&C.; ' "'-A ' A;:.- ': IN the Village of Chapel Hill, in which the -University of the State of North-Carolina is located, Four Acres of fertile gi-ound with the following Improvements thereon, viz. a Dwelling House containing six rooms, with a fire place to each, besides a large dining room in the; Cellar, having , also a fire-place, and Pantry. The Cellar room calculated to dine thirtv-five persons together with all the- ne cessary Improvements, a Kitchen, Smoke- House, Stables, &c. ana UKewise a weu in tlie t yard, I affording the best water in. the place. ' . - . - As the Subscriber is determined to leave this place shortly, she will sell the aforesaid premises on the most accommodating terms. . Any person or persons disposed to pur chase would do well to call and view the pre mises immediately, as delay may lose a good bargain; and at tlie same time as to further .particulars, any information 'wanted can be had. 1 'A ;:' , - ' 'v :i'- Froni this situation being on the best market street, and from the construction of the build ings, the convenient location thereof to col lege and the .eligible scite, this property has a decided advantage over any other in the 83-3w MARTHA PANNILL. T jyOTICE. ja. m. Tivmock, & Co, WOULD inform the citizens of Raleigh and its Vicinity, that they intend open ing a large and elegant assortment of ready made clothing, surpassing in style and xvork mansliipt any heretofore offered in this mar ket.' They offer the following articles at the JVeib-Yerk prices : Elegant Black aud Blue Coats, Claivt, Green, Olive, Blue and Cinna mon' colored Frock Coats ; Green and'Mix'd Coatees, (a very fashionable article ;) Black. Blue, Slone Drab, Light Drab, Fancy Drab, Hibbed Drab, Black and Blue striped and Ribbed, Mixed Ribbed, Blue mixed, Oxford mixed, and Cor nation Cass. Pantaloons; Fig ured' Velvet, English silk, French do. India do. Valencia, Toilenette, Biack and Blue Cass. Vests and under Vests ; Blue, Drab & Mixed Loose Coats ; Camblet and Plaid .Cloaks, (some with elegant Seal skin Collars) from &8 to $18 ; Cottoii Drawers, Gloves, Suspen dcrs,!llandkerchiefs; Cravat Stiffeners, &c. Sec. 03 Tne above Clothing' we vcurruvt to be madq in the most modern slyle, and of the best materials. . - ; (jN. B. Clothes cut and made as usual.pO September . 1st, 1824.: 84. ; : .: PROPOSALS FOR rVBLtSlHNK X NKW.SPAPKn IN THIS TOWN, I ! ENTITLE O The Fatetteville Weekly Gleaner. A B. H. Talbot, Editor. j ' PROS PECTUS. In accordance with custom, it first becomes necessary that the Editor should make an ex fio.se of his political tenets, .and. -"then 'unfold his plans: in compliance therewith he would (as a creed by which he will, in his political career; be guided) beg leave to point to the Farewell Address of the 'Father of American Independence ; and when he shall depart therefrom withdraw your patronage. : His plans are' to make this Journal equally usefn-1 and interesting both to the Merchant and Agriculturalist ; ;tQ give weekly, accu rate statements of sales, public and private. Also, an estimate of imports and exports, with every transaction allied either to commerce or agriculture, that shall i come within his knowledge ; and from his experience "in the commercial world, with the arrangements that will be made to effect this object, lie. hopes tliat he may receive the favorable con sideration of an enlightened public. It is likewise the intention of the Editor to report f verbatim et literatim' all trials by Ju ry, in the respective Courts held here 5 whe ther Involving questions of law, or. made in terestingly incident f and he will also occa sionally step into the " Town Hall,", and Jus tices Court Rooms'. As the Editor entertains tlie opinion, that ithe Glean e it. may be still more interesting by giving the proceedings of our State Legislature in exieiiso, he intends residir gsin Raleigh during the session of that honorably body. ,A synopsis of Congression al Proceediiigs . Avill always be found in the columns! of this JounVal. Original matter, i. e. Communication, vrin be thankfully re-, ceived, to form a part bf our miscellaneous chapter but the Editor cannot - hazard the reputation of his paper, by lending its pages to the circulation of unworthy Essays.-his respect for the public should, and he trusts ever W ill preponderate, w hen called to exer cise his editorial veto. , A -:A -A j 5 An extensive and well "concerted News Hook will be opened,; "where" Newspapers from all parts of the Union will he kept on file, and to which Subscribers to the Gleaner may have access r; A:' :.'Aj:. f '. - 'Tiik Gleaner will be published on Wednes days, ort a super-royal sheet of good Equality. Due notice will be given of its first appear ance. ; No subscription taken; for less than, one yeari 'h 1 V-j--iri AS " TEJtJti&hTf&tiottstt arid a Half per annum : to befpaid on the delivery of the first numoer. ' r. FayetteviUe, May 20, 1 824. : ; Printing neatlyexecuted at this Officer' dArA-ytAiM'i ,r w ' . .i:3SPUIJiEN; Jailer , ' i 'iA', :AAy J . A-rA - ftiva ' aa a -1 , ; vfc -u -, , A-'.-A - t'" 1 V. ? I AtX sorrel Mhivis entered oh the X.vL' Rboki of the 'Uang6r;of Cumberlaid, and is' noWin liis possessipii at lusj; plantation -'ai bout six miles south' of . thej' town of Fai:eti e vitlel;- The Stray isv4 jar,5 yearsold, about 101 .nanus nignvJising, , innuioot wniie,,;anc yaiueo.ax.oa. MALCOr RAY, Ranger. Cumberland, August 22, State of .DSTortliV Carolina.1 : A ;;Eigecomt 'Counter?". iv. Court- of PJeas and ' Quarter,; Sessions, May v"-Terrri, .1824:, ' " ' ' Wiliiarn .WorsleW l fAl attachment le ! ; - t . vied on one improved 'Ji; nlWAxV Po "the . tbwn'of Tar Bennett Barrow. -! TTT appearing to the satisfaction of the. Court, Jfcthat thel De kJ, 'C!.;; ' t.. :' vvA 'A ' K . , li ' iicatibn. be;made leighVttejsterfo at the next Court. tV, Pleas and Quarter Ses sions to be heldor tliei County of Edgecdmp; at the Court Ifbuse iii Tarbprpugh, on thq fourth Monday of August next,vand plead Sec. btheVwise judgment final, will be "cnteifed against him. - - Teste, . A :ii AkiAAAt. MICH'L HEARN, 9,Cf August 20. 80-3 m. ' A? A (ce of: the National Iiitetiigencef, '-sAiA r- :a""41824.j:-;V " 4 ACCORDING to an .intimation heretofore l; given, "there will. be published; at, this Office, during the next Session of Congress, and, it encouraged oy tne approoauon or tne Public, at everv Session - thereafter; a: RE GISTER OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS, intended to comprehend a more full Report ,01 ine oiiccwics uiiiopiwui cficrat liiiciepi, in each House of Congress, tlian ''has., .ever heretofore been published, or 'than can be given to the public through tlie ordinary and limited channel, the column of a newspaper.' This compilation will be of the most authen tic cast, printed with great regard to. accura cy; and in a form for diirable preservation! This undertaking is not,of course intended to substitute or supersede tlie Reports of De bates for the National Intelligencer, but fa ther, by .-withdra'wing.the ; heavy arid enterid ed Reports ;fi"om its columns, to enable the Proprietors of tliat Journal to furnish, eve.ry day, in a comprehensive form) intelligible Reports of the Proceeding$ and Discussions on the; day prccedingin both Houses. f -" The Register.' is necessarily an expe ri ment, but it1 is an; experiment the 'success of which we see no reason to doubt. .;, Every one who takesjan interest in our political his tory, as well as all those who engage in the duties jof politicaMifej'tnustlhave felt and Ja mented the want of a Record of Debates in Congress, in a convenient form with index es which might lead the inquirer.to any bb ject debated, and to the name of any one who engaged in debate. Such a work would be an elementay book for young politicians, and we haye no hesitation in asserting that! the possession of such a one, from tlie commence ment of tlie existing government to this pay; would; be of immense value to the nation, were1 it onlj7 . to show what has. heretofore been said upon questions which are conti nually recurring for discussion, and producing- needless consumption of time by siipt-r-fluous debate. ' What is true ol the years that have passed, will, - as soon as they are gone, be equally true of those in t Which we live...),; " '- . -..y' "'; I'A. V.' It is not; 6nly, therefore, as a vehicle of present information, but also as a book for future reference as a National Political Re pository and T.ext-Book, , that ,wq , hope this work wil! be bothuseful. and popular., j From the lovvness of the subscription to the v,DTk',it .will be seen that it is no part of our calculation to realize any present profit from it. On the contrary, we shall, in all probability, lose; money it for a year or two, hoping that thereafter its established character will ensure it a sufficient patronage to maice it. profitable. : ; AAIA: GALES 8c S EATON; .CONDITIONSJ- i The publication of GALES St ST.ATON'S REGISTER OF DEB ATES IN CONGRESS will commence as soon as the Debates at each vvsuccessive Session of Congress shall afford- materials to fill a half sheet, (8 pages.) The; work will be printed in the octavo form, on a super-royal piper, made for the purpose, arid on a brevier- type, in double columnseach page comprising nearly as much, matter as one of the , columiis of tlie National Intelligencer. f j: :'-" It will contain as full and accurate Reports as can be obtained of all Debates on main questions, and' of all interesting Debates ori incidental:, questions ; . with an Appendix, containing a List of the. Member bf each House, the .Yeas and Nays in each. House on questions which have' been the subiect of ueoate, siicn JJocuments, Connected with the subjects pf Debate, as may be deemed essential to enable the reader to comprehend them, and the proper) Indexes to the whole. The Debates of tlie next Session, itls com puted, will, with the Appendix, make a vo- luiuc uj live liunureu pages, ax least, anja win Jbe furnished to subscribers, through the Post Office, in sheets, as published, (or reserved at this office, at the subscriber's option,) at three hollars for the j volume, be it more or less, to 1 be paid in advance in all cases of transmission; beyond the' limits of the 'city. The sheets will be transmitted as completed, without regard to any particular days, is' the publication must of course be" regulated by the preparation of the matter of which it is to be composed. , . . : K-,.'"..,.. il.. . The subscription will in 1 no case, unless wiuim me cixy, ana not taen unless specially indicated, be understood' to extend : beyontl . ..nil AAiiiMltM v. t . 1 mn n .1 . n m a l.'.' ' t To non-subscribers Jthe pnee will b4 rotrn dollars, bound in boards, for tie volume now announced. ",, , Ari ' - " v 17, . The Debates of the' Sessionf Oorigress touowing the next, and or the, first Session of everv Conerress. -will, it is sunnosed. fill about one th dnsand pages, or - perhaps inior; making x one very large volumes or wp, of a Congiess being nearly double the" duration of the second. The price of thqsi Register for the .first Session bf each Congress-, be its Contents more or less than 1000 pages, will be r fixed at nvEV dollars .to subscriber, ;and six to .non4ubsonber&. A&fyiw fe' I ' , - OC Subscriptions to the above publication recei"ed at theookstdrd of JGales"& Son. m BLANKS A for asle atthk office. . Hquso.cpriertaiuJe, m .. . '' ' r " f V t, ''j-Iii j Ei1 M ;;J'--In"Fl A - X :' AA-.'.' '"' A ' ! ' MAiMJ kxv.t, X nMsTaoxc. iA nrl rnmmnrlmiK! , . . . I'T'k- House, .is-well , prepared to OPT ftl t'fll,! 1 T-'!' accommodiv r.U.Tntv--..rx.-'Txx7rr Vtxts - xitMinm. . approaching Assembly .v.-ith IJO , , takes 1hi-oppoTtunity to' jnfTirmthe.'n iCl every attention shall be paid so a tb 'rc u'lo their entertunment comfortable . and a-reca b!f - lef House- is large, affording crmveni" ent and. private Jiooms for Families arid ''. h V XU - ifiunished.wrthit ijestbt Liquors. ,.i;,f..':v-i : A 'j-'A':i Mtfoll .b6ac$romol dated asitsualas there j& an excellent St! bl 6n the lot; veirfutnishe4V:wilh;Cofiji,?l derOatsJ and every thing riecessavy in!-. Terms ot tioara.are iovv ana reasonable. Raleigh, "Augf 3Q.v:-: 34 T.the late Arisrust term of Chath-i ty Court; the Subscriber qualified is! ccutor of the hxst Will aiid Testiimentfj ia. sil Manl, deceased.' ;, 4 I A AJlpersons indeHt Testntor are .desired tow make immediate pavrnpnt tliat tins distribution of the Estate may be spqeclily efl fected,iind ;the Creditors' of the sarnerare' hereby' notified to presentttheir claims clul v au uicuuuacuv w iii 1 1 1 ,i ucv i j 1 ic prescribed b v law. r .; ' ':-i;lCHAS.I MANLY, E v Raleighll4th-August; 1824; 79Jlfn K'xr. r.u'A i .i: VIVIXVVs.. i ; Cabinet IVIaker HAYING cxjritracted;tofurnish:tiie'b of North-Carolina C begs .lfaye -to1 inform tlie inhabitants of Raleigh and its vicinity, jtlut he is abeui-to estabhsh himself jnl tlie allove line, near the Capkol Square, vvhere hp 1 36 pes by thej aid of ?good yrrlajterials, S6und work manship; arid spme'. little display of tastel . merit a sliare of pubhc patronage. Mav20. 1: 54 JjOTTEllY. .1".;;; Second'. Class.; !): fSO be drawn on the llth $Jay of Novetb': a next, and completed intone day. a :o 6 6 : 13. ' p. 690 1 C072- Prizes of $5,060 is; $30,0 P0" : bf -. of of . : of of;- '.Of v 1,000 . . 500 if ' f 6,000 is '3,000 O X t? o r 14. I k,4(X5 20 is i 2,750 XZtf, is 8,20. ' 6- "is 36.432! .. l t J ,. -i. 1 1 .. 6,924 Prizes 10,626 Blanks v 7:Aso. 17,550 - Tickets Present pr,c,e of tickets! 5, Half S3, Quarter,! 06, ' Eighths 75, rtditsy- . 1 . Package of nine whole tickets" by cerfid-ate 60, Halt package ,16 80, Quarter do $8 40. Orders enclosing the wsllpr .prize tickets in any .of the' northern l Lotteries fur tickets or shares will receive prompt attta-f tiori if addressed to A. -..y AY- .. J4 . JVhiie's Lqtterjf Office, 82- ' r WyA -7 Petersburg,1 'T the lastterm ofJolinston Count v Court, the subscriber qualified as Administrator the ei;tte . of John , Wellbns,! dec'cL'and recJtiestsVall those indebted; to said deceased tb make irnmediate payment, and those bay-' mg claims to present them duly pithnticat- ed,-. within1 thetime prescribed bv Iav. . ' ..That the; estate may be settled as sodnj as con venierivthre Will be .sold at thel dwell- r ing house and; work shop of.said deceased, . in tne town 01 sm.mmeid, on v eunestuy the 22d of September next,';; all the Perisha- . ble Estate of said deceased. ' Consisting: of . Ilogs' and ' CattleJ. Househbld and Kitchen t Furniture; a general assortment" bf, first rate Gig-rakei's Tools, amongjwhicli are jsevera! very' jrare ) and excellent articles) not j easily gotten. One new Sulky, and the; wbbil work: of two7 small waggons, and.mawy other arti cles of value not hereinentioned.; Six tiipntiu - credit will be given and bond witawpe;sc curity:willibeVequired.i'; -V ;'5 ! li ' ' "Atsooniilon November, I shall sell on a credit of six; months, Lot ao. 44 "an d i m pro vie rrients,: the! 1; said decdi It isan e lierible late -tesifisac0 ot efiDie situation-iui private family, liavinrr a R-ood frame fioise arid convenient outhouses attached thereto. 'DAVID THOMPSON, Adm'f. SmithfieldV Aug; 30. 85 laW5t r TTI AN A WAY from the subsbnbeil WW A in Cl.irkcounty, ' Peoria, tlie follown negroes, viz 2 a woman by the name of SAL JLY,. abtfui 35 years old, who left me sofflC; time in My ; she' is a so.t; likely I woinan, rather light complected, has lost one, of her upper4 and one of her lower foreteeth : . wastaken up andfiut in Abbeville jail, Sj C. xirliilt..tlp' ehA .atfrnnlo x na:I for! d fre woman by thei'narrie of Eliza j she broke and has -probably gone 1 bvards Hambwffi SiC. A rewanl 'of tert dpl!ar37 will b$ to anv persrtn who will apprehend and sattf ly confine! in jail, said woman, so tlit I gej her again J 7 Also three others, viz : 'SAM small' black fellQWhiri visage, qujek spoken and . very (active in walkipg. X.AHKIN, 1 years bid,1 a very likely y el Iov fellow, vpry active; haSsome of his upper foreteeth qui, supposed to weigh 150, about 5 feet 9 or, indies high: SAM, a mulatto boy about i yeawold thin visage, with .rather a rt couriteriarice. Two of the! above Negrof ; kviz VSalI: and yellow - Sam, werebrous j three weeks since.' It is probable they may attempt to return to Virginia ; they may procured free passes or be j run off by s0B white J- person.?-' A re warn ot ten iiece fbrJLarkin arid black Sam,1 nd five l yeiiow oam, twui pe jitcu h erision arid confinement1 in for their appfT jail so that I uteui aKiin. ROBERT IIESTEB Salem;4ClaTlc county ' Georgia, ? 35 : , i A T the B ookstore'cf J. Gales & , Son, asirtment 07 Music, consisin k. r ,.TT. , vu iuauc Lll- Til -(4' most fashi,aablc songs and pieces. i-i ? '.'ff' 7--' ' ' 7 7.: V. -'V J