f. A, V I. .S ." - . t.x6r, --,' J " ' 4f',; ' 14 sii.i i !! ,n i .r !:1 4 : ; v.- Si vi4 'II i 1 t T 1 '111-' i'i 5. Hf, t 'i i I M-r- r - .1 ':- i' .' 1 f ' r I 1 ., H 1" 3 t''t h 'I ; Mi i -1 Hi it f :!;.. r ' i'ii 1 i 1 - i . j -. 5-.;t . , - 1 , u . 2 1 i-li'il'lli." i 1 1 . ,"V . 1 .i . Ociorted bv hearing, the Rev.-Mr. Or ieclcfor comfprt- . -flhere is no Inilmm Gilcart, - r7tt And no Phvsician there.' ; My hopes depart, my prospects tuid, rv "Yea, life is oomfbitlcss knd drear '' .' There is no .balm iigrGilead, V . jrt . r . . ' v;MV heart is broken, torn and tost v " Upona troubled .sea, ' i. Jdy fo'ttmt: and jny fame arcJcsV, , r No refuse lft.for m. ' - . . - . . . - ; Oil ! Faith arise, and cheer.rny soul v -. ..Ulth comforts : rotn above ' . And While lif 's .ioiiinv billows roll, Tell me that God is love." -v -But a'; J, what ustre.. now is shed, AVhal voice salutes i mine, ear, Thl fe-IS balm in cVdcad, ' And af Phvsician there." Will -shortly he published . A Digestif the Statute Law of ; - Korth-Caroiina, v . '.. v . " 'rel itjve to .. .' ' JTills Execute rs dud Jjdminislrdtors, J Aht hrovisjon for WidoivSi ', f x and the , . , . Distribution 'of Intestate's Estates. "With Ats'racts of the Adjudged. Cases con taining Judici;iJ Expositions of the several Acts. . ' ' BY J. L. TAYLOR. Sept. i;ND for sale at the Bookstore of J. Gales J 8c Son, price twenty cents A Skitmov deliveretl on theAnniversary of -the Female Bene-olent Society,. Baleigh, Sundav the 25th July 1824." By the Night Hev. J; S. IlAVEivscftorT D. D. ' Tuanil " STOyejmg &c. Set. TUB subscriber: having- settled himself in this city, olfers his 'services to the pub lic as a Surveyor, nnd flatters himself tl-.at from the extensive practice hich he has hid,1 combined with a superior style of exe cuting niitps, and p'uuctua'ity ancl attention to His!ness. to .be ab!e to give general satis faction to those who may favor him with their (immands. Levels for. detei-mining the most eligible s;tiiat ions for, Mills, &.c. taken with accuracy. . OBT. 1!.. BKAZIKR, -Late' Assistant Engineer o the jtate. Baligli, Set.'ltly 1S24. 88 tlstJaii. FOR "tHB AWlOfl rsisteb. preach a Sermon from -the fd Mowing; text j . . . . . -. u There in Gilead and a Physi- - - V clan liiereV'V ! 1 ! ' V V;. ' V v , -V: ; . ' .-Where shall t huh t),is aching; head. . , ' "TSHE Subscribers having entered i?to c- :'B ,ai-tr.trship Hi the carriaj,f making br, , . sine?, under the firm; of JACOB VAN WA GENEN' h CO; beg ' leave; to inform their friends ami the public in general, that they can.be smo plied" witi any. work in their liin ' as law as it can be obtained elsew here. The . rvork in ey-ery initauce. ' shall be-warranted "--' . for tweiyi- rnoittiiN. " Persons wishing to pur civa?e cirriai;ts are resptrfully invited to X;'- calV'V, f.;- ' ,' r i .-f.:- .: . -VN- 'V .Carriages of every discription rc ' ? : pauc-d lit tfie shortest no' ice, and on the inost rN jeasonable terms. VV"' JACOB' VAN WAGV.XEN. ' ; V ;N WILLIAM F. OLA UK. June?, 1S24; . . 60-lwtf: "T"?. TILL' -be sold at .the. Court-House in - GrcVneviHvv I-itt County on the 1st Moi day iir November n xt, the following ,1intls'inti Tow n Lots, to, satisfy the taxes , ''itue thereon; for the years 1821, -''22 and !23, with cluirres and costs of a"h ertismg ; viz. 'T or 00 acres of land occupied by Had rian Van 'Noplen. " ' - . , '20.00s do. .belonging to the heirs of Sharp ,B:- mit. " '"-''' l; V -JjGO '! '" .' do Joel Putrick.' lot 34,'in the town of Greereville, enter- ed hv Mrs. Patrick. ' . - ' : i l3t Heirs of Ed. Salton, i ' V.'- lt3; ' :. 1: Jos. Blount. Also the fol!ovving" Lots, owners unknown, Trii Nos. 3, 4; 13, -14, 16, 18.. 25; 26, 27,31, 57, 38; 43, 44,?45. 46.v55, 56, C7, 96, 97, 98, 10.5; 106, 116, 117, 118,121; half of 122 and 127, 13i; 132; 133, 137. 138, "147, one-eighth of 148. 152, 153, and part of 157. JAMES SUEPPAiJD, Sh'ff. KCreen'ille, !ept. 23; 1824;-t. s. - j .i. . . ' . ; ' ft t e t i o Yt-0 , "-y : ,N "'H;dtf;ix Coujitj. ' . ' .'Couri of PTejas and Qhar'er cssior.s, 'V;: . ' ' ' August 'fYrnvl 824.;. .;.' Warwick Ilackud Orivjr.al Attachment . . -I , ,u (Levied on "-:.V fHPdprimi . AleVr. Bavd.Tun,r.J'No.,16. 1 tract of land premises in District, AVV 5 & T apbaring to thcNCptrt, th3t the defend : . 1 "akAt .Jit th;scas :7l.,asfr?rnr'ved out of this State, or sV'cvnce't himself that the usual " ;; proesrCof, law'.cnnnPJ bestrved upon him : it is ordered by the Court ,J hat publication " . , bo Vri.lde. in thJ Register printed in the Civ s i': ,f IfalehV for".lhrc;impm hs" that unless the '" d- deLn'-nt h'ppaf,r.t'.mir .next Court of "Pleas ' " ' - anl Our.rter Sessions', to be hrld for the conn- euVtF-fAf the Court house inHalifax ont h. 3d f Vdmby of Noveiriber, next, re pie - vv th pr-'pertv no attached, cr plead tois- , sue.'tliat judgment final shall be entered and ' execution' awarded. ', ' '"' '" r.;-, A".truc copy, ""-.;.; Vi, -- k'" ' ,''.- ..r',, " -r Test.-s '" ' ' (, .- - . ,: i : - . - IHCHM. EPPE?, C: C. :. Ann-l 30:1824. ;.,: 87- ' Adv. $5 25. 'i rnntiiiir neatly xeuutca this office. "VfuA entered on t -erMav oooiySjm vf' v4 '1 coufttv, m the' 6ib or,tluai:s'anV-by MJ'i Jonl-sl'xvlw lives 1 6 miles 1i6rlh of l?nlp.rh: on nr. i near !.X.iitI Uiver, ronebay MAHE, four fep e glit inches hi gbv suppose ib be twelve or '-thirteen years bid, fbioth of her hind feetiutei' and hernghl eye puT. Valued to thirtv-five .dollars,-';." . dll t- 1 ; r EUriT DILLIARD; Banger. ;:..Sept. lOtlv 1824; -' X 'GALE'Sc SON have' received from I Charlestonr af Box of' - Dr. ; Walton's celebnttedQoncentrated Tipctitre of Yeljow Bark, a certain" cure for, Agtes. and Intermtt tents' and very useful in all complaints which require Jarge tiroes of Bark; :, A .tea-spoonful in a wine glass of water is equal to a lage dose of the p'owdef, and is agreeable to take; and -norp, likely to agree with the j.stpmach tban the powder in gross.. . , . .; ! ' Frice one dollar a bottle, with, directions; " Tli e wl i ili e l n ' Tliree;Pria,wijigs I rBHTE'final and finishing drawings of that ' Jl. patriotic and now very interesting Lofte- . Washington Jlonrimcnt tottery, .will take. pTace on.7iv? successive days, in the City of Baltimore, under ,the superintend ehcejof the poijnmissioners appointed by the Governor and Council of the State. The whole Lottery will be finished in three days, viz. the 26tfi, '7tht and 28 of October. : It seldom occurs that -a-' Lottery is brought so beautifully to a close, the ; wheels will be rich and intv resting, containing " i . - t v 20.000 Dollars, I 10,000 .Dollars, Besides 7 honsamh, Jhmdveds, &c. all para ble in cash, which is to be had at ALLENS OFFICE. Distant Adventurers should send in theirjorders without delay,-aji they will not have an opportunity of renewing tiieir prizes between the Drawings. .Should orders ar rive too late, adventurers may depend on leaving their, money returned (immediately-- Adventurers v. ill also be informed of the fate of their tickets as soon as drawn.' Tickfc's - . - 12 J Quarters i - - $T Halves - - .6 J Eighths 1 - - 1 50 . -t - To be hnd irnrravted ihidraxi'n, at Lot ten' and Exchange Orlice, lf6 Market st. Where was sold thc lU,000 Dollar Prize. in the 5th Class of this Lotterv, and where was sold the 10, 000! and paid the 10.009, and 20,000 in tlie State Lottery, and in a former State lLotterv, sold nnd paid the 100,000, the 20,000 and no less than 8 of 10,000. Orders fori Tickets enclosing Cash, will be promptly attended to. Aildress i '' S. Si SI. ALIEN, -Baltimore. ' Sept. 2S, 1824. ; f .LOTTERY . i Second Class! r ' TJOibe drawn on the 11th day of November next, and completed in one day. SCHEME G 6 6 6 138 6S0 6072 t 6.924 rnzes ot tjj id $30,000 ! 6,000 r 3,ooo ; 1,278 of of of of of of i,ooo ' 3S is is is is is 5C0 213 0 12 6 2,7(a 8,280 I 36,432 $37,750 Prizes Blanks 10 616 17550 Tickets Present price of tickets S6, Half f3. Quarter SI, 50, Eighths 75 cents. Package of nine whole tickets by certific te ?33 60, Half package 16 f()t Quarter do ?B 40. Orders enclosing the cash or "prize tickets' in ..iny of the' northern Lotteries for tickets or shares will rec. ive pi j;npt atten tion if addressed to ! J IVii ite-s Lot tern Office, ' 82! . Petersburg, 'V':-. btat.e of uS'orth Cnroliiui. " Northampton Count v. ? Court '.of Pleas ur.d Quarter Sessions . .lime Term, 1324. j is .1 oiinson, r Orifinn; attnrh.. nf 1 y 1-3.- V V 1 " 'lk",v-" :l)n:ryj Nelson. 5n la,uL ! ?r'.Iuiguifcjit by default is granted, the Plain tlffand tlie juoperty condem-ed, subject to the' Plaintiff's recovery. I Tappearingto t!e satisfaction of the Court, -iLtliatthe defendant is not anlinhabitant of this State : , It is therefore ordered and de creed by the Court that publication he j made in the -j Raleigh Register for three months suc cessively, that unless the defendant Drury Nehen appear at tiie next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for tlie Countv of " Np'.hamptoh at the Court 'House in said County,-on tlie first Mondav of September net,yand replevy the propertjf so attached J and plead, to is-ue, judgment fintl will be en tered against him and execution awarded ac cording!'. " . I V . Witness, Mhn W. Harrison, Clerk' of our said Court at Office, the first Monday of June A. D:jl824, and in the 48th year of American Independence.- 63 J. V. HARRISON, C. C. C. . Issued June 11. J 'Adv. $6. Navy Commissioners' Otlice ' ' , I ' . . .. 17th Scfit'-mber. 1824. r?nf. Cornmis-voners of the Navy will re ' reive proposals until the 15th dav of October next, for iurnishing the following descr bed TIMBER, tobe delivered at the Navy Yard at Philadelphia, by the 1st of Ainl next,' or sooner," provided" that satisfac ory evidence. can be adduced that the Tim ber has been cut or girdled. .'at am time be tween the 1st of November and last of' Feb- ruaryj All of which I imber must be of the best and most approved cfualitvyiand undergo the, inspection of the fai j Navy Yar:, t r such o.Her.inpecti'..n as the Commissioners of the Navy may direct. ' I ! : . ' ' 22 ".Beams of . lonjr-Tesfed Southern YEI LOW P.IN?:, from 14 to 40 feet ia length, to be mru'ded bv the TOouId Tor Gun Deck Beams, which has a curve of eight inches to 56 feet, nine inches in length, and to be sidell V 1-2 inches, 'mculdctl 11 1-2 inches.' 5.650 cubic feet of long-leafed Southern YELLOW PIN E, for Carling and Ledges, squar;ng 9 1-2 inches io-;l6 12 inches and fm 22xfo30 feet in length. J ! J : : 6pq0 cubic feet of WHITE OAK for PJanlc Stocks, to average 45 fettj And none, to be less ttian o Icet long.'- nXi f ; ; "TTN. can'cqr r :e of some unforeseen tccbur- jJL(rences-at . z Tm.e.Yiien-:nvap.p"ii.ci was -jiulilsliev". orHlie-Neuse DistrictOchfe- ence to b,e he! a atHvfjitaker's GampfGrpund;. including iamp-leeting,there;iwill1 be no..Campjjeeirtg;: sit at 1 1 pi land's; M edti ng- House,- 9 miles south of Ttaleigl: , commencing the ,14 th of .Octo ber." vNVM. COMPTONv Sept. 11. 87 r. I: ': VV:'':: V ' : FO II pieces many useful and interesting Miscellaneous articles, Medical .Keceipts, Arlecdotes, &.c. ; a list of the Ofiicers . of the GoYernment of this State, and of the United States, with their salaries ;the times" of holding all the difTerent Courts in this State ; the Members of ' Assembly, "tic. &c. ' s : Sold wholesale and retail by the Publish et ; by tu:utjt;rdsall, &;co.Fayettc jlle ; ) Salmon Ifall,Newben), .and retail by most of the Storekeepers in the State. - . Sepu.23, 1824: C oiisxes sionaV Resist ex . ' GJfice of the N ational Intetligc?icer, ' " I ; September 1, 1824. , t-CCORDlNG to an intimation heretofcre l given, there will be published at tliis Office, during the next Session of Congress, and, if encouraged br the approbation oft he Public, at every Session thereafter, a BE GISTF.lt OF DEBATES IN CONGRESS, intetuled to coni)vehend a more full" Report of the Speeches oh topics ofgeneral interest, in teach House ;of Congress, -'than has ever heretofore been published, or than can be jriven'to the public thipugh'.the ordinan- ar-d limited channel, ! the columns of a newspaper. 1. his compilation will be ot the most authen tic cast, printed with great regard to aCciira- cv, and .m Vi fm for durable preservation. This undertaking is not of course intended to substitute or s'npersede the Reports of De bates for the National Intelligencer, but ra ther, bv withdrawintr the heavv and erUend ed Reports from its columns, to enable the Proprietors of that Journal to furnish, every da-, in a comprehensive form, intelligible Reports of the Proceedings and Discussions on the day.pi eceding in both Houses The ' Register" is necessarily an expen- mem, out it is an experiment tne success of 'Which we see no reason, to doubt. Even one who takes uti interest in our politxal his tory, as well as all those wno engage in the duties of political life, must have felt and la mented the want of a Record of Debates in Congress, ih a convenient foim, with index es'which might lead the inquirer to any ob ject debated, and to the name of any one who engaged i.n debate. 'Such a. work would be an eiementay book for young politicians, and we have no hesitation in asserting that the possession of such a one, from the commence ment of the existing government to this day, would be of immense value to the nation,' were it only to show what lias heretofore been said upon questions which are conti nually recuTring- for cliscussion, and produc ing needless consumption of time by super fluous debate. W hat is true o the "years that 'have passed, will, as soon as they are gone, be equally true of thqse in which wc live. ' It is not only, therefore as a vehicle of present ; infonnation, but also as a book for future reference is a National Political Re pository and Text-Book, that we hope-this workHvili be both useful anl popular. , Frpm the low ness of the subscription to tlie w orlj, it will btj seen that it is no part of oiir calculation to realize any present profit from it. On -the contrary, we shall, .in all probability, lose money by it for a year or two", j hoping that thereafter its established character will ensure it a sufficient- patronage to make it profitable. ' GALES & S EATON. CONDITIONS. -of - " : ' The publication of GALES & SEATON'S REGISTER OF: DERATES IN CONCWtESS will commence : as soon as the Debates at each successive Session of Congress shall afford materials to fill a half sheet, (8 pages.) The work will be printed .in tlie octavo form,"; on a super-royal paper, made for the purpose, and 'on a ' brevier type, in double columns each page -comprising nearly as much niatter as oiie of the columns of the Naxional Intelligencer. - It will contain as full and accurate Reports as can be obtained of all Debates on main questions, and of. all interesting Debate's on incidental questions ; with an Appendix, containing a. List of the. Members of each House; the Yeas and. Nays in each House on questions which have been the subject of Debate, such Documents, connected with the subjects of. Debate, 'as ma- be deemed essential to enable the reader to comprehend them, and the pror Indexes to the whole. The; Debates of the next Session, it is com puted,!, will, with the Appendix, make a.yo hime of five hundred pages, at least, and Vill be furnished to subscribers,, through the Pcst Office,; in sheets,' as published, (or reserved at this office, at the subscriber's option,)at thhee ?oliatis for the volume, be it more or less, to be paid in advance in all cases of transmission beyond the limit's of the city. The sheets wilt be transmitted ascompleted, without regard to anyi particular days, as the publication must of course be regulated by the prejjaration of the matter of which it is to he composed, j ! T'hc? subscription 'will in no case, unless .v-.'ithjn the city, and not then unless specially indicated, be understood to extends beyond the volunie actually paid for in advance." To. non-subscribers the price will be ocn dollars! bound 'in boards, for the volume jnow announced. " 1 . . . ? -. ! The Debates of the Session of Congress following the next, and of the first Session of every 1 Congress, will, it is supposed, fill abou t orfe thousand pages, orv perhaps more, maKingj one very large volume, or two oa handsome size the first Session of hi.ch Congreb being nearly ' double! the duration S- t"e, second. The-; price of the Register for the fu st Sessioi 6 each Congress, ble its contents more or 1 ess T; than 1000 pages, will be , fixed at five dollars "to subscribers, and six to noii-snbscribers, :v. ' '..,.: ' ' (Ln Subscriptions to the above publication receiea.at tne Hoot-store of J, Gales &Som .ONTAlNpeuJs; ,.e Astronomical and Weather Calculations, soine valua- on .mmmsr and uurai attairs j Ih Eanf. Jl ylandRoberts ?i btb er s tfT II IS case- being rcferrext to me tp lake all s - ;- ;jL 1 accou nt ; h t r by i give - pt cft 0 th e parties coiicnedthaf J i shilt proceed to take the account on the 4th? day! of. October next, at tne 1; JerK anor-jviaster's uttice; in'tne Town of Aslibbrough;lNjCarolinai 'L Aifgustf 1 8w vjjHj'-ti 2Coridc; CohlraElbrs; "OUOPXHS ALS - will 1 be received until the, JL ptirst ciay OT jcernner neTct,. rnr puiiamg a Toll Bridge, across .Roanoke' River at . the town of Halifax, NC,.'-5;t Any Communication on the.' subject, .ad dressed to the subscriber will be attended to.. ' EDMOND B. FREE MAN, Sec? Halifax, Jiilv 9. ' " 71-law tlQi W OST on tlic.'road leading from,p)ttsbo?p to Salcjnr near Mrs. AlstpH's. plantation in "Chathan.counfy,i 01V the 14tlir;nsU a Red Morocco Pocket Book; conttfiningiabptU one lmndretl dollars in casli and sundry viluablej papers, togetner Witn a goia.nng ana a jarge gold watch kev on which ; were the letters G; S 'Amongi the papers .were .the follow mg, which I hereby notify all persons from trading1 for; ; and I J also, notify those from whom they are due not to pav them to any person out myseir, viz : a noxe on ruj Fooshee, Turner Perry and Thomas Rog&ES, for $558 or thereabouts, made payable to xlu Administrators of Alvis Burns, dee'd ; a,not on Joseph Skurlock for about $100, 'made payable, to Orson D. Alston ; a note on.Willi Estes and Willis Est.es for about. 16 dolLii-s, made pavable to myself as the administrafjor of John Siler, dee'd ; a note on Peter Farfar for 6 dollars payable to myself . i two judg ments ;.gainst Joseph Lea for 50 dollars each in favor of myself, granted by Wml Ragland, Esq. sometime in May last ; besides a num ber of others .which I do not recollect. 'J. . The above reward will be given .fo the book an its contents, or a reward of ten dollars will be paid .for .the papers alone.'.;! suspect some dishoivest person has found the book, as my nam. and residence! was written in it 1 if so, I hope they wilLhave the good ness to put the papers where I can find the m and keen the money; " ' ' II. D. BR1DGFS. Chatham county; N. C. Sept. 17. ; 89 2t AT the last term of Johnston County Court, the subscriber qualified as Administrator on tlie estate ot .John We lions, aec'ct, an: requests all those indebted to said deceased to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to pr.t-sent them duly authenticat ed, within the time prescribed bv law. ; I hat tne estate may be se'tieti as soon as convenient, there wit! be sold at the dwelling- house and wrrk shop of said deceased in the town, of Sm1t.hfie.1d, on Wednesday the 22d of September next, "all, the Perisha ble Estate of said deceased. . Consisting of Hogs and ('atlle, Household and Kitchen .1.1 I 1 I l I I 1 V. , V 11V. (lUIVt II I IV. I J L. . . ....... . . Gig-maker's 'lob's,1 among'which are several verv rare and excellent articles, not easnv gotten. One new Sulk, and tire wood 'work of two small waggons, and many other arti cles of value not here mentioned. Six months credit will be given and bonds with ample se curity will be required. j Also, on Monday the -22a November, I shall sell on a credit of six months, 'Lot No. 41 and improvements, the late residence of said dee'd . . It is an eligible situation for a private family, - haying a good frame house and convenient outhouses attached thereto. DAVID THOMPSON, Admff. Smithfield, Aug. 30. 85 lawot "57 apprehended by Robert vfirdon.and 7 ?. committed to the Jail of Granville County this day, a-black negro man abput five eet ; or 4 mches.higti, about o0 or 35 vears old, well set, of an open countenance, has the scar of a swell or cut a little above the left instep and says Ins name - is Edinburgh and is called Ned, that he belongs to Saiulv Mer- ton Ifassell, whom he left the night after he passed Hillsborough, on his way tp ATaba- ma, in company with his -uncle Bemamir.i IlasseM. . I fiis runaway is dressed 111 & short round jacket, blue : cotton: pantaloons! and had a pair of half worn boots, rights and lefts, too small for him to Wear ; and hiaif worn vir hat made bv Ives &. White (New-York,) marked inside A. M. H. He wasarmed with i new horseman's pistol Well chained, which was-marked on the upper part of the guard, B. D. II. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, and take him into possession. DAVID MITCHELL; Jailor. ; September 5, 1824. ; ' 88- . j - - ( FOURTH CLASS SCHEME. 1 rie of ; S5000 is S5000 5 6 '6 6 138 690 6072 2000 1000 500 340 50 -10 5 1 0000 " 6000 3000, 2040 1 6900 6900 50366 S70200 6924 Prizes 10626 Blanks. 17550 tickets. I This Lotterv is Xi blanks to i prize, formed by the . ternary Combination and PeiTOiitation of 27 numbers. The fate of the above U7550 tickets will be determined in a few moments by the drawing of 4nunibrs out of 27 put into the yheel. QjF The drawing' .will 'take plage pn Thurs day the 25th day of November, or at a much earlier day, if the sale of tickets will warrant iti - . 'Pickets and Shares in this Lottery, can be obtained w ithout any advance- on the price, by leaving orders for the same atther BookstoTe'of J, GALES & SON, Raleigh. , Whole Ticket 5 00 ! ' Half do 2 50 ' - Quarter-do 1-25 ' Parcels of 9 Tickets may also be had ; purchased in that way they will cost ?45, and are warranted to draw $20, less 15 per cent. i Should a parcel be purchased by certificate it will cost only1 ' "? . v-. " " " : Of Whole Tickets 1 , 28 ' Half do - " v- ' . "14, 1 , , Quarter do 4 ' A .7 ; ., : , : K Prizes payable 30 days after the . drawing, and subject to a deduction of 15 per Cent. L ; (CT Orders' from the country (post, paid) will meet with prompt attetion..?'H'r,:-' :';.Jury!fl0.;v:if;,.: e,6th dJ.v of I)f corVi 4.. soitdbe1 01 e 1 h tW'A r ohr lianfebf Nort iCaroliiia, orty kiu ,.r C'aViUl-'StokR'saut'Baiikj-antViVtv of the Barild ofCaneEear. ' Vi ' ' Ac at The nhbiic flte riisnrecl 1,k . . - j TV !,. vit-ninvi lf;f wjll certainly be sold.Wthe sale is o Kt.n.C m ibrtler tbjdose..' the . aisignnr - of' iivbvr,' Cochran'Sejfrects tP'the I Jinted tat t si" ., Terms iwilf be n?de known ft the djly,, by application Hitber of the su'bVcri-rs ' : VrM;"iW; JWE., X'is e; i -. T. P. DfVEU'r UN, Dist. Attn ; ; ; Raleigh Sept; 28 f. ' ?-, .; ! - .f HE stlbscfiy' is. 'happy;'. .'o ' infn-m'hfs friertdsind'tble' public, t fiat! hV wil v;J.; Raleik'i)am1about, tleioth.. OctobeV,! . . a genera! and' elegant assortment of RADY MADE CLOtHlNt;, and'all other aiticks in his line. Tlclarticlcs have a)l bt n rn-.de. Wf the best materials,' bf,the la evt fish ions, :Ui bv the btstyorkrach. . TliefIibeial''-e:ppo:i; racement.her has heretoiore met w-ittr-j I' Cil.l his friends Ws this place, has indue d 1, '"1 n exteiid' tiTs assortment this season far he those he has neretotore aa ; ana he t!rf't.rs himself that the superiority jpf jthe ar cles will secure to him & comiiiuatiop oj p patronage. m:co(k. if . n Releigh, Sept.,20. Boartliiis: & Entertaintiieni . THE subscriber begs! leave t6 inforn public that he has rented! the large the and for. commodious IHouse i, Wiliktm?borougb merlv occupied by Messrs. Jones Antlrews, forUhe purpose of keeping a Boarding House and Private Entertapiment'. lie (can Icom fortably accommolate 10 or 12 Students of the Academy Lwith board and! lodging, to, whose morals the utmost attention shall he paid." It may. be observed that the A eademy s' in a.most flourishipg. condition: and, piom ses to continue so. : R- fcreifce jmay be made to en. Jcsl IT. Bryan; the Hon. Leod. Henderson Colonel Wm. Robards P. Tlaf iltort, EsqV !Col. -Thos Turner, or Mr. A. Wilson, Principal ot the Academy 1- JOHN AV. BURTON. V: illiamsborpugh, ' ,? un Ja Granville; N. Cl Oct. 2. S ' AVING i removed his ofhee to Halifax JL crfeis Ins services to, tne people, i tvid eprvirps 1o the rf OnTe' anr ami hopes to recejive a part of -.their patronage-; le las taken the house formeih' pecupied bv 1 r. "MaiTast Hotel, and ses fidelitv the practice .ct the proression. jiicnas on hand an.dntei)dsi;keepinga gencjal - . ASSOTlTt lKN;r, OF MF J)J C1.FP,;' ' y-. " which he will sell at reduced prices for ca-Ii, or on a shef t credit. t ' f f ! . r : ' ' i f ... 1 . Halifax, N.l C. Aug. 18th, 1824. : 8 3JOW in." : ' T.Ust.yS;'!' teJ sold for cash, bv 1 virtue. TILL Of ' ? deed in1 trust, executed bv, Col. EdW.M Jones tp Alexander Torrehce, , Esq . j of I resell H ' ount y.jfor crtkin purjioses'' therein express ed, at the "dv eliirig house " of said Edwkrri Jor.es, on P"iday the 22d..flay jof OcUjier. n xt,; tli e following- valuable propeity, viz . 500 acres of land lying on IIaw Riveiy adfo5.iV ingthe . tract j on iwhich he now lives and Including- his Terry.i';250 'acies'ladjoiining the above mentioned tract, including anislakl of 50. acres vJh'ch isf. very fertile j:f'50 wcte? aljoming. the, last mentioned jtrjftct ; . eij Negroes, amjong which are some I 'alii:. house servants i a M'acrs-on and team ; t ht 1 p:e two other Hcisesj a stock of Cattle,! Sheep an 1 .Hogs; an excellent assbrtmenttpf llmtsehpid. ' and Kitchen Furniture, among vbicl is siwc veiy valuable, PJate, two Still-? with distilljng" apparatus a set of -JilacKsmh'sj tool?;, two' Canyallsy a large and well. selected hhraiT . together with4 a variety of Parming btev.ils. ' H. I. PinpGES, Agent for 1 '.' :;' - . . I Alex. 7)rrer.cev Trnstce. CHatliam cpvinty, N. C. Septi'JO, Ji9s Some literary 1111ilysts jslwvhl sfitett.dl Jfiefuts, relx-fe9indty'exeiifitibtit!, nsefkl to ind . 'condeii&e thejn iiito a portable volume. j I - V '- ' ' i"';... Lockt:. vIn the Pressj afd slibrtly wl be published Jo. 165, Chesmit street, ThiU:delPhiay -vj'IVE THOUSAh D "RECEIPTS :?J? ALL THE Constituting' a complete-anq uhivtrsal ' PRACTICAL LIBRARY,; ;! . And Dp erative Cyclopaedia. By 1-OT.lv; A S the obiect of all study, and the en .1 lection 01 the tnost annrnven .HffCeints. in a' the branches of doiTi5tic and social life, iiKv be considered as a volume cpntalning 'nearly, the whole, of hewisdom'ofaiil wor; hyi oi preservation." Tn ruth,'theprfrsejit yolurne has-been comjj.ltjd under the feeling that if; all o4 her bookof Science iii 'the world "Wre destroyed, this single volume wbutdbe found to embody tlie results of t e useful experi- ence, onsservations, ana uiscnvevies of iu kind during the past ages of the world. . ..Theoretical reasonln?-flnd bltorical .' details have, of ccurse been avoided, and the object of the compiler has been to ecoromise Ins space,, and cnie at once to the oint. JWhjM- ever men do, .or desire to do,- with the niate- rials with which nature has supplied them, and with the potvers which they pbssess,! is here plainly laught and succinctly -. preserved ; , whether' it rcgapl complicated manufactures, ! means ofcuring diseased, simplej processes prr various kinds, lor tlie economy, happiness and preservation o'Jli.fe. .-.. . ' ';.:' '. : -'"' I' I ' '!.; The best authorities have been resorted to, ; , and innumerable volumes consulted, an t wherever difTerent processes of apparently equallvalue, for attaining the same epd have been fqu nd, they have been introduced. "jj A general, rather than a scientific arrange- jj mcnt has been adopted, because (Tie object i of the' work is popular and .universal, though likely to be seful to men of science, it is more' especial ly addressed to the public at larffe. In likeZ-mannerras far as possible, technical andscientific language has been. , 't vni A fr an1 rrnii?m nomca anrl S?mtile dcS- f criptions havebeen preferred.: 1 1 , This volume will contain more than 600 pi" ges of closely printed matter; and it is de termined to charge itJo subicibers at, 2 50 per vol. botindso that it will be one of th cheapest books ever published. ; 1 " Subscriptions received at the, Bookstore 0. BLANK DEEDS ANMop. : j Miy be had at this offi ce. - I .. - ' '7,-4.' ';:-Wi'vii:V:3f - 1, f.

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