. s-.- X'':-'- X"VfV -r.t--,Vr,;,..- A ."'..-:V:lv a-' v r-X Xx- X v. r'::-'sx vX;''V vX -vr, -r-;:v. ; . ,. m , ' u - -'r .-:x v - . 1 X "v-- ; r I . y' ;; -.' . , XX- " : -', X-- " v X-' V' X- , . . .-r 'I, -u v Vv,v - ;;.vOv, ' ,.-.j; :v- ;V.- X, v, v J-- -;X ' ; : C'VU Vii-'Xv.: - gXXXIigMil 4 - ;C -v-""v.v-xV'' xrf'vAM -:x:x"xx -;x v i v.-:. : , ; .... i .v. - ' . t , VoVi .4. . -f - 'Is'published every TcrjssiiAj and Fribat, by , ; ,? 7; JOSEPH .GALES & SON, X - AX'Tpnt iJollara per annumhalf i advance. . ; ADVERTISEMENT3 Not exceeding ild lineieatly inserted three times for a Dollar, and 25cent9 fo every sur-r r ceedifi publicatiqnv those of jreater length in the ;same , proportion.. .ConwuwirATiows Ahanltfureceived.Ls-rTERS ; to the Edi tors' toust be post-paid. -X - - . jFVow fA Richmond Visitor. EARL STIM SON'S FAHM. : - . i-, JMk' Stimson of Gal way, Saratoga county N. Y. fifteen miles from the i Spring ofl that ijameis well known as ;havi hg obtain eel tli i e ' pre nil u m i n 1 8 1 9, offered by the- Agricultural Society for the best cultivated. farm in the county. ' And that his success was not owing to the want-of excellent farmers to vcon : tend -with, is: evident- from-, the vfact, K that -b'e otainefLtheremium over one, who, the same year, gathered ;1 75 bush : " fels ,qf ' cornjv from one' acre,' and - 714 , bushels of potatoes from another. . No irigle acre of Mr. Stimson's : farm e qualled either ofithesbutUheprerpi ii ni wasXaward ed him , nj-th er grpu nd that the profits,orhe: w j v those s of any others (armVihthe county h of -the same extents xXNoifWonder that his house is resorted tot by agricultura lists from airparts;bfthex.6ntyV;'ish tng toj profit byhis experience. 5 A cor respondent of theAmerica who appears to be a citizen or iviary Ianbasl given an interesting acco of a visit to this celebrated farmX From X this j we have iselectedl the mosCinipor Mr. Stimson1 went to Gal way in 1812 I " with nb capital, except a sound under standing, a resolute "mind, ' and habits ; t. industry and economr. The ave:- rage crops ofithe farm,1 at that'perioi were SO .. bushels of Indian corn per acre, 15 ol. wne at, ; u oi , Dan e y, 01 oats, and 1 tons of hav. -In 1821, his average' crop was, oats t0 bushes per acre, corn 94, spring wheat S4, barley 60, and clover and .timothy 31 tons. .The clear profit of eiht acres; from 18 1 2 to 1,821, a periml of 8 yearsv af ter deducting the ' interest on the value ot the land, as well as all expenses c its - cultivation, amounted to ' S 1,030 ;. His whole, farm consists, at present of 250 acres of arable land, of which a . . . considerable portion, is -pasture ; and 1 00 acres covered r'witKxVool.'.When. th' e ..writer, hoX fu rn ishetl these state -men ts, was J here early : in August lasf Mr. S. 'was reaping his f princi pal crop! and from" appearances, mst vears. he calculated on catherins 1 50 tons of hay, 5000 bushel s of pota- l toes, 5000 bushels. ot gram, ot all sorts and 10,000 lbs. of pork.1 X MrX. Stim son'sr regular number of laborers does nht exceed six X biit no less than SO . were then employed. The' Writer here X veryiiustly remarks how eminent the aqvantage, wnen you can; mu uuc ia I borers to meet exactly the demand; on vour farms,"" and - having accomplished your purpose, discharge them; and tree yoursel f from further, expense.'? x X , "; An analysis of the soil which -yields such heavy crops, , gi vies the following results i-waterw 9. y5; animal andv ve: etabfe jnktterXl2x5; claylir 5, sili cioug t sand 54 carbonate ofHme 3, so Juble salts U r and oideoTiroii ,1. . , . flMrXS. never has' resource to naked fallows, but keep3 his land almost con stantly covered with crops His plough never sinks beyond the depth of three : inches, arid is " always drawn2 by one liorse-i XHisTnahure h alwaysgiven to hisXcfojis spread-on the surface, and -turned in with a light har , Vow. V-His general system is. to' sow clover and timothy,, the first of which disappears afteri the second "year. X He never Thows ; his " lahdX -moreXthan four, and seldom more than three yearsj' and whenever itXdoes not yield at; least 2 tonsXpervcacrevX he pastures it downX '-thenXtorns'pyefettiesod the furrows -lieXxjos iiure (fiveX large! ox loatis to the . acre) and 5c5jfi)oii.'.xst6fe;after! ploughing and v spreading the; tnanure, sows his l5j:"Wen UeIonvaSy this strangemoef cultiyaH6riiSo'op posed to". erlratmnalX au bj ect thisi plamj matter fXiactinan gave this " pertinent reply Hi pre tend not to beXde ply versed7 in thei fiJionajffaBgj juijll)usiness is with it results can - only i tell your " that;Hi tillingvfnyt Iahdf - attest a dabo iousttiusinessiy Wecrflclear fit- vV have trieci all the systems thaivfe heard of, and can only say, that the dne I .follow is the one which most improves my. landarid yields1 me 4 theX greatest nett income fromlabof and capital t tlt'was stated that Mr. S. had no ca pital when he went to Gatway in 1812., He has now, in addition to this profi table fafmXart excellent tavern7 ami two stores " He .h? s grown rich, and other farm e rs,1 may, ' b Vw in d ust ry an d by , wh at fh e; w ri t er cal I s, , ' ' ad h e ren c e to the Spanish proverb- Go not to your doctor for every-ail $ nor to yoilr lawyer for every quarrel ; nor to your bottle for every thirst.'" . .' - 'f THE VIRTUE OF PHILOSOPHY," Doest thouioeU to be angry for the gourd?' ,Orto fret at any "of the petty acci dents of life P' Thou discontented mor tal,X undoubted descendarit of"-Jonah, why dost'ihou .suffer a cloud to gather on thy brow, because n there; is a little one no bigserJhan a man'shand rising in the sky! Be serene thyself, and it will. Import the little whether it rains or blows." ' . Of all the vile habits that of fretful ness is the; least tolerable. Many of fensive things which, vulgar people do, are sometimes laid aside, and their neighbors are occasionally freed from annov. ButS fretful ness is a kind of perpetual motion excited no less by a creaking thah' by a . fit of the gout. It is a tyoracious monster, and feeds upon minute as well as vast vexation. Iet us strive therefore to pluck off this blis ter from the heat, and even in the hot- test and most oppressive days of life, care not whether the shelter of a '.f gourd"., be extended over us. or taken awav. X. ' ' W ' '''X"'v ftX;0ri a4 review nf what T have thus far written, I believe there is no occasion tblpok so far back as the history of an ancient prophet for an instance of anger employed upon trifles. If I should lift the window sash of my study, I should discdyer whole companies' fretting and fuming for. the " gourd,". X'-X-- Walking in a studious mood by the side oPa neighbor's garden fence, I ob served Jiim stamping upon the ground with such disorder-- that I concluded fie was in convulsions, or practising a dance.of t. Vitus. Humanity urged me towards Iiini, and 1 meditated medi cal, rather than moral ai'UX But to my eager question of ' what aileth thee ?,? he replied tcmyastonishment, that thp bugs had blighted , all his cucumbers, and was not. that enough to make a mart mad ? I endeavored to compose his perturbed spirits,,, and quoted to him Seneca on tranquility of mind, and paof an ode of Basil's Homilies, but all in vain. I retired. X - 4 The Lay Preacher." " THE POET's DOG : The mannerin wrhich Pope, the great est of English poet?, was preserved by1 the" uncommon .sagacity of his dojr, was truly X Remarkable. This animal who was called Marquis, could never. agree with a favorite servant of this illustri ous writer j he cnnstaqly growled whfen near him, knd wouhF even show ; Ins teeth wheriever this servant" appeared. Although the English poet was singu larly attached to this dog (who was a spaniel of the largest, species) yet on accou n t of his ex t re me n eat n ess, w h i ch he pushed almost to 'excess, he would never allow him to remain in his clean chamber. Nevertheless, in spite of the most positive orders the spaniel woujd frequently sneak towards evening into the apartment of. his- master, and would not be driven from it withou t the great est difficulty X One evening, haying slipped very softly in, without being perceived, this animal placed himself upder Xthe bed of. his "master, : and re mained there scarcely breathing. To- wa'rds , niorning, the servant rushed hastily in to th e chamber of Pope. At tnis moment, trie laimiur ;uog suuueuiy left his post, and leaped on the villain, who was armed, with a pistol. The Po et started from his sleep he th re w open the window to call( for assistance, and beheld three highway men; who had been "introduced by his serydri into the garden of his - villa, lor the purpose of robbing-him of his most valuable pos -; sessions," after having" assassinated him. Disconcerted by tfce unforeseen acci dent, the robbers hesitated C a tnoment andXthen fook to fl ightXXTheX servant thus betrayed by the watchlul dog,-was seiitehced to forfeit his Jife1 Hiiw-pow- eriul O'thb' instinct of thi fait Hful am- mal, by Avhose astonishing sagacity Was thus- preseryecf utheXflifeif ?av:inarirof eular event, exhibited ariot his rVmdrkable instinct mg ooet -afternoon in a little wood, a boutthree '.leagues -distant ..from hisi nouse, lost a watcn ) Ol.iuimense vaiue. j On returninghome the'Poet' wished to know ;tne hour ; ana ,Tounu nip waicu wan not in his fob. Two or three nights had Relapsed, and aiViolent "storm: was just commencing- The master called his dog, and making a sigh which Maiv quis very well . understood, he said, fc I have 'Iost uiy . watch, go look for it," At ; these ! words Marquis ' departed, quick as the e flash which lighted his steps 'and repaired no doubt jto every spot 'at which his master, had stopped. It so happened that the poor animal Was so long occupied in the search as to create great anxiety, for midnight had arrived and he had not returned. What was the astonishment of Pope, when on rising in the morning, he .opened his chamber door & there beheld his faith ful messenger laying quietly and hold ing in his mouth the splendid jejeU; with which he had returned - jerfectly uninjured, and which- was. the more liitrfilv ;vlnprt hr fht nrat ia It hail been presented hhn by the Queen of h.nj:land ; ON j Saturday the ..4th of December next, Will be sold at the Court-house in'tlie city "of Raleigh,' the f;ll.-ving Lots and parts of Lots, or so .much thereof as will satisfy fhe City Tax due thereon, andcosts of advertis ing', viz :.'- ' . ' . '-. ! In the Eastern Ward. Part of Lot No. 86, given ingby Thomas Pow ' ers for James Powers. I J 1 Lot No. 143, gtvenJ.i'by I vid Itoyster. of 123 and 107, supposed to belong- to Elsworth Vancle rift. j i 2 Lots N(.. 76 and i 77, the property ofSa- Tidi Glendin ling. ; I 4 Lots Nos. 206, "207, 222 and 223 the pro perty of Stephen Hayuopddec'd. . Part of 236 and 252, occupied by Benjamin Kag-sdah. - v ' " ! ; In the Middle Ward; X Part of Lot 146, occupie by Thos.' Powers. Parts of Lots Nos. 163 and 226, the property of John Y. ..Savage. ! r Part of Lot No. 130, the property oi William Thompson. - , . X Pari of Lot No. 114, the property of A. S. H. Barges. . . Part of f.ot No. 130, supposed to be the pTo- pertv of Devereux and Taylor. Part of Lot No115, occupied by Susan Schaub. ' j ' . In theWestern Ward. 2;Lqts ;Nos. 9 and 10, supposed to be the nronertv of Mrs. Foster oftFrankhn. 4. Lots Nos. 12Q, 121, 136' and 13, the pro- .' ' perty of j James M. Henderson. 1 Lot No. 232, supposed to be the property ot John G. Marshall., 1 Lot) Now 216, the property of Marshall's heirs, i Part of Lot No. 1 67, formerly occupied by Millington Richardson. By order of the City .Commissioners. L i. B. RAG AN, Collector. - Octoher 20, 1824. 98-6w. - Xl&tvnlc Stock, i'ov SaV ON Monday the 6th day of December next will be sold before the door of the State Bank 'of North-Carolina, Forty Shares of the Capital Stock of said Bank and Sixty of that of the Bank of Cape-Fear. s t The public are assured that the said Stock will certainly be sold, as the sale is to be made m order to close the assignment of Robert Cochran's effects to the United States. ' Terms will be'made known at the day or oy application to eitner ot tne suoscnoers. v i VVM. VV. JUJNKS, Trustee. T. P. DEVEREUX, Dist. Atto. Raleigh, Sept. 28. 91 ! 13 3. Tookev Cabinet Maker & Upholsterer : H AVING contracted to furnish the Capi.tol of North-Carolina begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Raleigh and its vicinity, that he is about to establish himself in the above line, near the Capitol Square, where he hopes ,oy tne aia or gooa materials, sounu worK mahship, and some little display of taste, merit a share of public patronage. " Mav 20. ' 4 ' ; 54 to S tate of North-Carolina. X Johnston County. . f , Superior Court of Equity. X f September term, 1824 ; A . ! James Kerby & Stephen Grice, & JoelNewsum & Jesse Aycock ,.def 'ts. WHEREAS at March term, 1824, of said Court, the death ot the detendant.Jegse Aycock was suggested,; and a 'scifa. ordered to be i ssued to t h e h eirs and legal representa tives of the sakt Jesse, and that they bfe made parties defendants to the bill of complaint And ;.by the Sherifl's return f at September term; 1824, Jfjappeaito the 'satijhtionlvoi' the Court, that Elias Aycock" and Benjamin Axo k -are not residents of this State, Jt . is therefore; ordered, that publication . be made three months successively in the Register as to the non-residents, and that thev an o ear at ihe hext terhv Ot the Courtto i be hel4 at Ihe Couryiouse in amitnneia on toe fouriu. Mon day of .Marchyhext,'and shew, caused if any thev have; why they, shall not be made" par- Copy pf the "Minutes DH: BRYAN, C;A M, E. ;ocf. i5. ? , . ;: y : worn t. neralXneatbr Executed at tJiis office;" - Hoarding c Jbntectaifiuiejit. X riiiiiKr suoscnoer oegs leave io inrorm xne -Jl - public that JjeUias rental tlie Jartfc 'and commodious House-in ; V illiamsboroug'Ti -for merly occupied by Messrs. Jorfes & Andrews,' for .the purpose, of 3ceeping-a Boarding House and Private Entertainment. b IIe can, coin- fortaBly accommodate 10 or 12 Students , of the Academy w;th- board tnd Iodgtnjr, to whose moral$ the "utmost attehtion'shall be paid. . It maybe observed that thef Academy" is in a most flourishing condition and promi ses Jo continue so. I. R ference may be made, to Gen Jos. it. Bryan, the Hon. LeodXHenderson;Colonel Wto. Robards, P. Ha milton,' Esq. Col. Thos Turner, or Mr. A. Wilson, , Principal of tlie Academy. : vX ; ' ' : - " ': ' 'X' -i : . ; i JOHN. W. BURTON, r v Wdliamsborough, J V. Granville, N. C. Oct. 2. i S iwo n a GALES's VLiMAJNTAGKi . ". : ";;x: x-,X"for .;X;x" 'iXXX (CONTAINING, besides tne Astronomical X' and Weather Calculations,! some ; .valua ble pieces on Farmi ng .and, ' It ural affairs ; many useful and interesting Miscellaneous articles. ' Medical Receints. Anecdotesi Stc. s l list of the Officers of the Government of this State, and ot the United .States, with their salaries ; the times of, holding all the d-tFerent Courts in this State ; the Members of Assembly, &c. StC - X 1 -, VX ; X Sold wholesale and retail by the Publish ers ; bV Stuart, Birds dl, &coJ Fayetteyille ; by Salmon Hall, Newbern, and retail by most of the Storekeepers in the State. ' ' i llie JVarrenton Fall Races, 1IHLL commence pvt-r the VVarrenton V V Course, on Tuesday the 16th day of November next, and continue fo ir davs. .'. First JJay.-r-A. Swc-epstakes, one mile heats for three years olVeolts and. n lies $10Q en trahce Three or more to make a Trace Sub scription to close the d:iyi preceding that of tlie Kace. . , . ; Second Day. The Jockey Club Purse $350 Threemile heats Entrance $20. Mo nev hung up at the. usual discount. X Third J) iy. The Proprietor's Purse, $200. Money hunjr up -two mile heats Entrance $20. ' :-'-'. . . ' r - Fourth Day, A Handy Cap, mile heats- Entrance $25, together with gate money of that day. ',.-,' , The Proprietor pledges himself to have the Tract in good order. Stables and Litter furnished RaceHorses, gratis. 'i - ROB r. R. JOHNSON, Prop'r. Warrenton, N. CSept 4th, 1824.. , A BALL will be iurnished on the evening of the 2d and 3d days' Race by U R. R. JOHNSON, Prop'r." State oil X bt-C ov olina. ; Cumberlarij ('ounty. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Sep tember Term, .1824. Wm. Smith, adm'r. of Alex'r. M'Alister dee'd. X" ; -. v ' -X 7 ' Samuel Micher, guardian to John Farmer's Heirs, Charles Stephens, Allen Ballenge, and wife, Joseph Farmer, George Sillars. John Sillars. Sampson Sillars, Sterling Lee and wife, Kadnr Farmer, and Trapnall .Searcej, Heirs, at law of Wm. Trapnall, deceased'. - - .- :) ' ,- Sci. fa. upon a Constable's Levy on two tracts of Land, joimng lHector Stewart and others, on Miupj-o Swainp. ; ;';"7.-7 .Y17UEREAS'it appears to this Court: that ? v Sampson Sillars, Gemge Sillars, , Kadon Farmer and Trapnall Searcey,. are not inha bitants -of sthis State : Ordered that, publica tion be made in the Raleigh" Register once a week for six weeks, that -'said defendants ap pear at the next term of this. Court,' at ' tlie Coqtthouse, in Fayet' eville, on the first Mon day of December next, and plead to issue or judgment will be granted according to Sci. fa. and tne lands levied on sold to satisfy plain tiffs demand. 7 5 v'f From the minutes. Test, r v X JOHN ARMSTRONG, Clk. Stop the Villain. X ' ON Tuesday night last, Nathan, G. BnAzii, of Fxlgecomliicouhty, eloped from his neighborhood, ind as 1 have sufficient reason to believe, enticed away my daughter, one of my "negroes and four other "negroes from an orphan ch i Id . ; Th is he nd in '- human . form, has left destitute wife and four helpless chil dren, and repaid the many-benefits I had con ferred upon him by decoying rhy child. r . , The negro belonging to me, is named b-i chibald ? he is a low thick-set fellow, bout 24 years of age, and will weigh about, 160 lbs. yThe wife and three children of the ne gro, lived with Mr. Thomas Boon of .Edge combe County, and was no. doubt coaxed away by said Brazil.. The woman's name'.is Niceyr and er children are xalled Jarman-, Clarissa, and Henry. ; The oldest boy Jarman, has a mark on the left side of his neck occa sioned by a burn, which may lead to a detec tion J All three of the childre n are; yellow complected, as is the case with the mother; 7 ; B UAZU.S nearly 30 years of age, with grey eyes, sandy hair inclined-to curl, speaks id a fierce tone of voice, and is,of! slender statue. It is the interest as. well as dutyj of every vir tuous member.of society to aid in the appre hension of this consummate villain. , To thyse who themselves have children, I; need orge nd stimulus to assist in restoring an innocent though deluded young creature to the bosom of her-family V" v7.X.XX;:7'tXaX-. I willgive a reward of Owk HuwDBKii Doti irs for the apprehension; or confinement 3b jail of said Brazil jand negroes iiLetters to me, may be sent to Rqcky.Mount Post Ofhce, Nash . Coulnty. v - ,-v :' ' . ' '- XXXt:XXX-irJORliAN;JoyNR 7994w s -?i 14 miles east of Nash C. 1L i YM'MMYk: ri BLANKS : tor sale M tais office rV v AiostuT Mtxil, k NOTE ohandcn Daid: r,o V about ihe nmount'of f 518 J ' abd.ut: ihe nm6unr,'o.f. f 51 e fotwurn alI VersonVai2Hi 1'ierv- tore mst.tri'.ng ior tli.' lsaine.J CJ) nill. Opt 55th, 1824. '3t-10; firiHE Subscriber: Wi" receifelon.orlf-re A fi. Tuesday next, from the Oxford ln- uu a wen seiecteil Tcxieusiye w-ii' Leather. iT'rom v; JcnoVn superior i .'i-.f.- ..1' e . ' : ; -. . 'I iivcvanj; -; eira.X5 7V.! m t? ss-vltER sfill coriinVues at h( r old Llstarvlanfl'f is pf eirtb datetehbr fifteen Memb ers of Ihe Jcgisia- vnrs to tSleaseZ wdl merit, 'a-, cb.uUiKfv.nct o their patrdnage- X 7 j Ra'eighsl Oct, 20; 3824: OfTlHE Misses pulliihtsVjnfbrm il aild th" e Menirs lar Assembly 'that their., boai'dihg hmlwei-c6n- tinued as iisual, aivd itheir ' "CComitiOUaUdii. V will be increased bv detached private, ron. '. a" further descrtp'lioni.ViUiineceasurv.. 'iC i, public is invited tt cdl and jude fr . ' " T selve's'X!-- XX.XnANliOLPH,WEBlJ. ; 7- ture with Board and;, Lognr imnsiS;; rjersohi will 5eattendef tosv risuaiAnd X he- hones I that her jdwTcharges andend- A continuance of the faydi,.s:if.tlWir'ifrie;hdj-X. i V' and the public is' respectfully solid'edt '. Kaleish,iOct.y, 7 v7 pa yt ; 7,, , JX 15o aYdnifr i W'Mi' RS.' PARSLEY; has arranged her liOjiise J sb aitoaommoda: i. ?; f tliesseblyirwitb; Boarding and bnyc-. ; 7 nient iooms- y?7"-fi-r"XX' ,;cr-XM "X V ; Raleigh, Oct: 14, 1824. v " i : - SM. ':, N. B. . T-ansVent b.oa.rdersr will bV taken ou , ; . reasonable terms. ' :-X- .Vv-ffvi . X. 7 "Exit evtviimeiit. rILLlE JONES returns : hisXshv .a thanks 1 to bis; frien;4ar 5rid the: oubrjc in 7 :v general fbrhe liberal share'6rpublii-;faorf' X ,:' since be has kept a house1 of-1 tJntertai'VitJtent A in the city pf Raleigh;" and -'takers th$ oppor-v -X,' tunity of i hfbrmingv his friends'; that he s: y U, ,X! I ; continues to keep liis house open for the ad-f'" i X, enmmodation of travellers, and such a.4 wisli to call on him He will alsa be prepare! to X accomtnodt e thirtyfi vei -of j theX Members with board during the next C?eneral Assefm ; : bly, his rooms are large and Comfon thle, a'ui in addition to hisd welling-he hasvelghtgo:! rooms out of lttx of them-shall !j5eA " j furnished with good beds. . X X!? . f ' -' October 18. kyi'Ji-:;f-' M Y log found somewhefe ifr 4 tig street 1 , -- - '.JL'.'and brouerht to rhe, lastiweekia!rPocket 7' Book, containing a . small sum in bank billH,' , and a; large; accoUi)t for-carpenters workbut tl ere is hoi name indtcatingtho 'owner, l it w li be restored upon idehtityjngjth' proper- "' a W.B G TAYLOR. :.; .::-.-:7 loo i y, b ijiEi ouoscriDer iavipgesianosne a t,ne I of P-ickefs-bet tt-'een Philadelphia and U U"'5I'7 t v ,wv,,,J uiciod jm ai'tiuaini son, Esqof Favetteville. and Mes'itrs'S towt ment. r Oct'. 28. . IIS Th public, .that a vessel, wdl leave Vy ilming ' ton. N. Cj for PbU UlelpTiia eyery7tenlaysi'7-; V 'j jduce intended, for this " cbii yeyance, 'ili ' b e re cei vetl & forwarded by TiuWan TKokid .&:'WhHUert.of.Vjlni5i rates of freight dl Having three good vessels Ah the trarle, cotrU ' XX manded by careful icaptai.ns.twell '. acbilainted XX -" X , with the cokstandj-qablhVw accommodation passengers. ; v He therefore ; trusts to meet ''-with" .encraVetheVit.'L:,Pfiila- del phia with its environs has .become so great a t manufacturing place, that cotton can he sold to someexfent and advantage . to' th&Ow aersr , ' th z consumption being at present about twenX , . ty thousand bales, per anlium, and williho X doubt be sooi greater. . ';"':h:4. : ' '-r VA Y YYr " t - w.j9J t4p. . .vi..un;v :7j-v 7 7' 'YY C ; Commission. Merchant I No. 23, North Front St, Philadelphia. -nt fin' IR.IT- ' 7 4. - -.. OV O. - ' State of North-Caroliiia. . Wake CohntyiX Court of P eas and Quarter S essiora; ?Augtist -Sessions;n824kXv-Ht.;;' '. 1: Elizabeth, rwhitaker, widbw? aiid relict of X John Whi taker, Tsenr. dee'd. tlugh H. ' ' " VVhitaker, Lucy Fowler,"wife of Jbhn FoW- X ; ler;Sarah 7 Perry; wife of Isaac Perry, Robert- VVhitaker, Samuel WhitakerV John Xyhitaker .Wesley ;Whitaker, Elizabeth- r ', -3rwden wife of. George Crbwder, Willis jVhitaker, Maria Crowder, wife of Hardy ' Crowded Angelina Sanders,5 wife of Tlieo- '' jjliiliis Sanders; l3avifcl WbitakerVaiid Tlio nas ? G,.VhitakerPetiUoii for Oowerj iu " I the 'Lands of .Jblm 'Wbitafcti. 1 senfc,decM.r :; X " T havingrn n)ade appear to the Court, ' V JH. that the Defendants Hno-h it. WhJtaVf - ' - Lucy FowU?f, wife of.J oh 11 Fowler: Saruh PrX X wire ot tpac Perrvi Angelina Sanders, wife ' Theophilus Sandeir resi le bevbmli'ie :Ji Y , my n in s state, so mat the ordinary pro" ceSS of law Cannot h ar-rvd nn Yi, n. fl U therefore - ordered t by ; the Court, that publir " Be- inade in MieXRaleidleg!stcr, for f eeks, th-ftimless the nefei:dantw oiV. four w saicLcomet forward bhXbefore the nextv ' VV - v miki vuaneressionp-ot our said Court.to behelclfor thecountyof Wake, on tfie third 'Monday of NoWmhpr nt shew cause wherefore' the petitioner shall nothaye dower m the land? pf her deceased X 11 bfntered against theni udhe praW w viac. jhuwu grameti.57-v.--" Y ,(-- t -. s i i ' ' :. . .-'.V.- 'JH &xr&YY-- V . A ,; 7 t . - ij.y it ft - :7 I-'. 1 ,v 4 1 - i' T-7 ' ) . : -v, . -'----;.i ;X-" "7 v r ' - -X ' -X. ; ::--7 .' XX ' - -X::-' ' X X - V; ,5,7;'v;'-., r ---f - . ;. .-,f;i-J-v7v

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