. ' : : . . ,-v : - v'. i : 'J ? -.:;".':. .- . ,t , l ; ,Y' Vi-V tY. University Vofj JSTortH-Carolina, r,. . otnmilteavrv'i,; Vltvblarppw will be'hVWin tle icecutive' Ofiice m. 'this t; rjixiv,r tefekj -. piwf .Tract of - 20; Acr?,on .eHBame !kV.TtlUrfS nf this.State? shkitlliaecom ilVrtwe.ha'Xi City. ort .FrivJaLy. th'e 10th of DecenAelr-nex Yadkin : Nkviirictibti ' any-. ; X BiEETIlG foY the PresuTent aivt, Direcw 3- tore 6l,rionpany,, will bejieia'at.the house of VnJU, $Uj.!tef, Jn , the Tonsof Salisbury Up wan county, on Friday the 24th day ofDeceirber next. 'iT-'lt'l Yadkin? NayigationCompany V GEN'E Ali'Ueeting of the Stockholders of thla' compan'yy will be hcldt it the house of Viri; -U 'SJaViht er ,in the Town of . SaTisbry; Ko van ; County, on' batujxlay, tue a; u m uijf til? rres If.' " ' - y New :MapdP iovtliGarolina HAViNbeen informed, : atrnany of the " Oou ntv Maps distriuuteil' by ; Mr!. J olin ' -Macljae of Fayetttville for, the purpose of i correcrTon, have been VetttTned'1y fthe 'Mern V bfVi;.Vftf; tKeXegisTatitrThVsub , "th erefore . b egs leave .to sky; tbat theywill be thankfully received by bjm at his room';, N.'.E. csrnc r.bf Afessi!Koss ?t b'cott's f tore, at any ime'mosfcohv fnnv liiio'"hptn in 'their nossession.."? Vt :jg;ov25th:i82'4a? 8-St, :3iibIe'Sbdetn:ofqrh'. Carolina rg5HK 'annuat meetwg Aof this ; Society, .will (k ' U V. 1 1 , 1 ni..4r,.'),( klWHHnil nllliAt't thnnf h m ".at (le Capitol u this.city i and on the Sun daV pre'edintHef Jlnmversary Sermon for the benefit of the Institution .will be preach S25 Reward; TT-yVILLwTgive twenty-five dollars for the'ap. ' ,u prtbension ana securing in any jau m inis State, so that I cet him asrainV a jiegro 'than 1 it . f tl 1! iPCr IW mVaiiI- ,IV 11 1C liat-IJlC Ui iIAVJU Vil KklllLiAlV). UIUV 21 or 22 years oC age. m -I. purchased saia pet the name of Wdhams, in Franklin county, N. C He ran away some time in July last- Any r.ommuhicajioh on the subject, will be thank- jutly receiven, r? aoirejsea 10 inesiioscrioer, Uvintr in Mecklenburg county, NOi " V k THOS. P. BEUUYHILL. Mecklenburg Co. Oct. 10. V 99 10t-- D tatC pi IN Ortll- larOlina. j i -'"'Gates Gountv. ' v Coiirl of Equity, Fall Term, 1824, . ed m the Presbvterian Churchy by the Rci "Jlisbw lUvKifscRor? --d. . 'v ..vlTTl apnearingto -- ;?r J. GALES.SCcV.'. Lfl. hat the Defe - - Nor. 18; 184: - 'TV ? ' . v this State:: It is iiegro from 'William U-Bowers, ot tie cpun- pt. -judgment win be entered against mm, ty of Grayvinev some time" in Febnfary last according to the Plain'tifffs demand.. ' jind I umlerstood he was raised by a map by p . , t-Vii JOHN MILLER, ,CVC CI, . .Benjamin Wynns, "-, 'T'Y-:S-l ;. t'" .'. William :"I-ane;:Thomas'rn-; Wynns. jrWilliara. B.-fT' . . v Wvnns,JarrTesll.Vynns J -Joseph Hill St Jane Hill.' J , ; : 'f 3N this case it appearing to the satisfaction . of the -Court, that the Defendants Wilbnm T3.ne' Thnmu Wvnns. ir. .Jnsenh Hill and Jane HH1 art hot inhabitants of this state. ! It i onlerefl that notice be eiven for three . months in the . Raleigh Register.; that unless the sa:d William Deane, Thos. Wynns,jr. Jo- sepn vMiu nnu .jane Jim,-appear ai me jiexi term of this Court, to be held cn the 1st Mon da' after the 4th Monday of March next, and pieaa answer or ciemur to xae saia dip, luag-- mnt pro coniesso will be-entered against j them. "-- - JN'O. V. SUMNEH. C.M.K. - I Oct."20th 1824. ! ' 6-3 m !-''' I ' . ; ' i mate Ol Ortl-v5aYOVllVa, . . - ....... . , , ....... . ... ' J ' Hvde County. , X 'Court, of Pleas and Quitsier Sessions. August i erni, - inu, i.o, ... . f V Levy oh land. Willoughby HigsonT Heirs at law of Tho ITT appearing -to the satisfaction' of ixi I J Couft,tliat onebftheef,ndants Zacheiy Heir at Law. cannot be found and t is not an inhabitant ox tius tate,tii is orcterea by Wie Court; that noticeJ,e given in the H5- -leigli Rerfstef, by advertisement, for :three months, to thsa.Zachery: Spencer, 1 hat he appear at the Court of Pleas and Quarter ses- .ioris to be held for -''said county, "on the last Monday in November next,' then and there to answer, plead or demur to said-Sci fa."' ,WiTSESr- John B.'- Jasper, Clerk of our said Court af Hyde County, the last Monday of August, 1824.' Y v ' , , ' - JOIlN B. JASPER, C. C Valuable Property for Sale. JL ber now residVs, at the Cross Roads on tlie -w en kliu.w ir sv.i-Miti v. ut ouupwi . Tiwul leadln.from. Hillsborough to Milton and main country road, leading from tip the coun try to Petersburg, with One Thousand Acres of Land.. X The Dwelling House is a two tory house,7vith four chimneys and. five iire , places ; ; ten roonfe in.t)ie house. j A Kitchen,'- a good S.tore House, ; a Lumber House, it c." a good Graaery arul an excellent Thrushmg 5Iachir.e - All necessnry out hous es and - trood Stables.- And on the tract of i land, a Good Grist Mill and Saw Mill, the ! i Irlst Mill As calculated for a Merchaht Mill. I it is alLnew and complete, now in operation, 1 - Ssituaie' oiVthe waters of Hvco, Person county. I X. C Also, PiVqirtht-r Tiactsof Lahd. h-l; iucr ia -the same heiffhborhood. viz : one on I the waters of Itycb of 133 acres, anxl one of acres ; one on thc waters of Rushyfork, containing ,206acres, and one on the. same .vxters of 150 ac'resi ; and one other tract on laeY waters ,bf Little, Rivtr, ; Orange county, containing, 00 acres," and one -other on the waters, of- Lattle River, coataining-oO acres 5 also, one tract on the waters of Little River. ' Containing 242 acres Jn Oiajige county, C. a roost, excellent Iseat forpiiblic .busi'"vess,-haa on it a large land, cbhvcnient Sore bouse, a ood Countinglloom and a jobd yCelUir andA JD welling bouse suitable for a small farnilyirit "ft 'isl situated on tfie.main rod leading' from i lillsborougb to Persorx. Con'rt-housepa bjind "tome simitipn, well watered &cc 7; , Tor terms, ap'ply' to the. subscriber on the premises in Personcbum"y; "tf.Cf(-t. ; Any, 'pers'oiV wishing to jiurchase. would do well to view: the premises and her.r the terms, as l am determined to sell, and tve great . oargainv Time win begiven to suitthefiur chai5'er3, or negToes will be taken Infant' part oi payment. 8, COCHRAN, Vcrsprt exjunty; .NC. (Td. 23, y ears oia i nat, ii e ,n eiong to tienry avi ng ton living dl)6utf 20 miles from. iWrinnsbbmfj;' feet r or 8 inches high, dart xraplexion.' . The owneis ,rebuested to come J'orAVjiird prove prcperty,; pay; chargefnd Jake Jiini ; A shevilleJ N.:C:KorI j.m ? 77r L'NB. Said-neCTo'. ba's a-4scar ontbe right siue ot msioreneaa. ana xne iorennsrer uii ui ngni Jtanci 18 pir a.x me seconu jojiiu Superior Court of. X-aw, second; Wednesday after the fourthvMonday in. September, 2 -- John .Crow i. James Holland's heirs, UISKRA9 it appears to theatisfactlrn v .Kof : the -Court; ;the defendants James Holland, nunr.- Sophia :Perkihs and Cynthia Rhodes; heirs of James Holland,' dee'd,. are inhabitants o , aiother government it is therefore, Ordered bytbe Court,-that pubuca tion be ' made three 'months, in the ; Kaleigh Iteeister, that; the aforesaid defendant's, aa pear ?at; !he next,Superiort Court of Law tn be heIdfor the county of Haywood, at the Courthotise jn Waynesxilic,on the seCoftti Wtdneslay after the fourth Monday in March next then and thei'e to plead, answer or de mur ; - otherwise judgment will be taken pro confesso,"', 'and the cause will 'be vheard. ex parte.'..-- X-'-7';''; 106 -h,' JOHN B. I.OVE, Q. U. S. G. State of NprthrCarolina; ; Court of. Pleas and Quarter Sessions,'; Oeto r; afe?S drln'al' r. James -Wilson,-J ;.;Ccc;.'.. . -y attachment levied the satisfaction of the Court ndant is not an inhabitant ot i therefore ordered, that pub lication be. made for si . weeks successively hlthe-kcirister; printed at Raletcrh, that the I Defendant appear at our next Court of Pleas i ana yuaner. sessions, to De neiq iorme coun I ty of -Buncombe, at the. Court House in Ash I w111a Ar1 k fi.nt . If nrl'j : ' T nnvt 1 V lilt, VM . tUC IU3I, UUIIUttJ 111 WiUL-W.Y llk-AI J then and . tliere tQ.: pi ead,v answer or demur, State ' of -Nortlir C arolina. '"'t ii'-". -,pyrreU Cbunty.- Court of .Pleas and Quarter Sessic iessiorts, 4th Mon I C i i- day in Optober, 1824. ri. iT.....ii.'. sArhelia Hasse'lU -h-t appearing to the salUfactibn JL that the Defendant in , this ca of the Court case is notfc an inhabitant of the State : : It is ' ordered 'that piiblicatiqij be made ih the,. Raleigh Register lor uiree .moruns, to .poury tne saui Amelia Hassell personally, to be, ana, appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter? Sessions, to be held for the County of Tyrrell and shew cause if any he .n why she shall not, be removed from the guardianshjp of the minor heirs if Joseph liase!I deceased. '. . Witness, Wilson B. Hodges Clerk. of said Court at Office the 4th Monday of October WILSON II. IIOUKES. Cl'k State of , Norths Carolina. V, ; ' ButicTiinbe tKouutv. Court of Pleas and Quarter, Sessions, Octo ber Teim, 1824. - nmal ntMrl.mvIPvirr! i janics. i sun. j , . t TT appearing to the satisfaction of. the Court I ; that the Defeiitlntit ic nnt ! n InhaKiTant of this state. It is therefore ordered, that pub- ! ' . . . . , . . ncaiion oe tnaae tor six weeks successively in the Register, printed ut Raleigh, tmt the Defendant appcarat our next Court of PK-as ana. Quarter Sessions, to be held tor. .the County of ancom--e,: at the Court '-House io Ashville, on the first Monday Jn January next, then and there to-plead, answer or de "lor, pr juugmeut . wm oe enterea againsi ! a ii a ' . i" .in " ' otHlC Ol ' OFtll-UUrOlllltt. , . ,i3alifax Countv. " ; r,, -rV,;, v u y" ?lt of ty, October Tern ! 1 01i woore rat. 'A. 1). 1824i Jesse Aloore, James Moore 8c Alfred Moore. IT appearing s.itisfactorily. to the Court; tthat Jesse, Moore one of the. 'defendants in this case, is a non-resident of the State. It is ordered, that publication be made in the RaTeigh Register, for three months, that un less he appear, and put in his answer on or belore the hrstdavot next term, the bill will Ibe taken trro confesso and set. for heariiK? esc wfl as IO 1)1111. - - -. v , EDM. B. FREEMAN, C M. 1 If. C. Nov; 19, ! 824. 106 om 1 Notice. r I 'II'K. sabscribers having at October term JL of Lenoir County Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions) qualified as Executors to tile last '.Will and ..Testament of I.ott Croom. latent-; said county, request all persons hav ing claims - against the Estate bf said d'ee'd, to brinff them iorward' within the time pre- scribed by law ; otherwise this notice will be pieaa. in Jjar ot a . reeoven; , And those indebted to tlie Est s J ; V' AB It AH AM CROOM and. V--'-;f : MAJOR CROOM. .' 1 .- ;-' - f Y- - . Executors. Lenoir county, Nov. 15. 106 3t MAY.be had a likely; young Rlacksmithi for terms apply to Winshin Stedman, ui Pittsboro where the boy may be seen. ' J-' :V --' - JH. BYNUM. Chatham Trades-Hill, 27th Aug. vl 824. tf, ENTERED.cas a stray on the Ranger's Books of Gran ville county, a Bay Horse 15 years old, a white ring round each ear.i Valued at $12 50.-By. Vincent Vaiighan living near the Bear Pond in' said county. . : Nov. 11. 105 v; KvYET Unsold, ? I ':M .; BUT is offeredat a ; reduced rlcc," If early application is made:?. '::.'' -r. -f-:i - r " . HAT.T1V inVPQ 4 :J.;rk coiin',Nov. llj 18? .-tf - Cieek: onfcTractot 800 Acres pn'Tuihommy Creek, and one of hear 2w0 bnTsland Creek and the' waters of 0wssjCrce-.i-'eaibre bf tlierh in toTerable gmf repairib first targe emvugrt to wotjchv . nanay pn-joavau iaffiher2d$ or fivfe hands 3d, IB or iu ; auu tjie tin sumcieiii iui .ijif xu iwijun. The othefimpfdvemehts pn each plantationi areK'ltblerably-'Vooarelentbtt ceptea. it is oenevea in at murcnarus on two bf the places; are more valuableand Con tain more Fruit treeS, - than any; other wo, pi a ntatiorisV in ' tli e4 cojanty Hnd whichti &tt know-n to beat every vear.'f one 01 tne above Tracts of Land is within6 "or 7i miles of Ox ford. the. other three Tracts are ih the Porth western: part of. the county.-' 1 . -j1 "i " The above lands" are ' situateds in the most health' part of .Granville; aflordiug 'a Plenty of excellent snrihiofs ' and 1 other vcort vehient streams of waters :t:S&::U Sv -V t V The soil is well adapted to the culture of Corn. TohacdbO witeat. Cotton.- &c. and mav . - j J C T ' " be iustly ranked with the. Valuablcf; Lands of saiaiijouniy." . . 1 ne r lanxations are in a hV"u conuitiort for making a crop-the ensuin Personslncl.ined to purchase 'are requested td' examine the premises; and satisfy them selves." The subscriber, or Sain'l S. Downey, Esq. living in the upper part of Granville, will shew the property and make kri.own'tlie, terms; The crops of Corn and Fodder and stock off Horses. Mulcs-Cattle and Hog's oh twb of the above plantationsare for sale ; al so a very valuable Jack, and 3 Jennies rais ed from the most approved stock. ' '' ':' Z Two of the above tracts bf land will be ex changed for Western Lnd. - r 1 . MAUHICE SMFTt) . Granville County, 6th Oct. 1824. 100 v t WARREN COUNTY l fFHE Examination of the Students bf this , jL ; Institution closed on the 9th inst. j ': V.The iubscribers return thanks to tliej.ipubf lie for the liberal sfi'are of patronage they have hitherto received, and inform them that the; male department of; their - lr.Atittitioh is dissolved j Only small hoys under- the age of tirn j-eai-s will be admitted Having en larged their buildings, they will be prepared to receive a large number of young. Ladies, butsno more will be admitted than can be welj accommodated, t The Music Depart ment will be under the direction of Mr.! John F. Goneke. ' ' -'a , 1'he exercises will be resumed on the first Monday in January, 1825. , . , -The advantages afforded in this Institution willjbe equai to any in the southern country- Price of Hoard and Tuition as usual, viz : S50' per session, payable in adtance j i i THOMAS COTTRELL & ON.- r Nov. 12. 107-4teow. FjRID AY, "NOV E M BER 26, 1 84 ... T 'The W eatiikr.- Goldsmith's beau- tiful; rdea'of " Wjntei lingering in the lap of is at this time coinplete Ij transposed in .our climate, Tor Mn'j is smiling in the arms of No vera ber. - Uur lhermonietcrs are 3 u degrees a bove; the usual 5 freezing point of the season and a bright son and a clear 1 - ky, invidiiy tempt the, pedestrian ? lis favorite exei-cisci , We congratulate s ni Legislators liporjthis favorable ivea-. the two Houses to a joint ballot. --Life many of kliettu accustomed to following extracts from a letter- tc our ther, exercise, can now pleasantly eajoy heir wonted. babiis. ; " " Carpe diem -is general ly used m a in a convivial sense, we would applr it natural one, anu rejoice in present uies- sings for in the leather, as n life, p.re. mav he manv dark, cold anil r.nm - -----r --j 7 - . , - brtl ess 'days before another year ri es l usi 1 ' I upon On -Tuesday last, our venerable citi zen Nathaniel Macon, was re-elected by the: Legislature, without opposition o represent this state, the Senate of 1 - tj 1 m i- v. I me Mimeu oiaics, lor tne icrni 01, six years, trom the 4th ot iMarch, next en- suing. 1 . V On tlie same day, John Haywood was re-elected Treasureof the,' State3 & Joseph awkins, Comptroller, with out opposition rrn ncrl n T. i V 4- lotihg for Go we understan 0 nnt-kfliiln t 0c vi Wttuuiuana. c-v 1, .... 1 The arrival of Gen. Stokes enabled Vt V l 1' : " ' the Board of Interffal improvements on era! Assembly. A communication was received, from j the Roanoke' Navigation Company, sta ting that the m lately held at thin attendance bf locking inp AYr S eId(?Fu 4V1 ) UpoV reading whichjf thci; fbilowing , is tixetl for' the bal- ?A tIe-KenIe?ft.fi.re??'H V , , ! ' - 1 ey navniRA majority otaii peTson.inio had tfnv&&?-' & i:'' , vernor, for which office, voted ; and he inquired whether any other ? peitoi mance,:tney have .notreeeiyeL d, there will be a number Persons voted for could be comulered us elect that Uberal share of .public patronage ti . e(l'no0neotlfemvinreceivedmoretb . I. - 78 votes. Whicb was a maioritv - - t -aw .- m r-nuttj iasi, iu lunu a uuaru. uu mat wusuiuic a.uiuice,;wm .suoiimwa lire 4naitei SIC XO tlie Ineatrer - We sot)servf tKf and the fu.lowing tl.cj acted on MtM r'di,iS all the business before them, and pre- orderly discussion the friends of Mr. Adams vertisenienl) iS -Undsuallr attractive pared: fhelrlnnual r9P6H r,r!tle lJ'tt Mjiti' ii,f?K einpr Stocklmlde eldon, y OWlflgv to the cheering the friends of Mr. AdairJ. Several fyin: tb the Vriterart nlbVprf Uxs r"rT.- f "5 ' ; x . " &-v -lengtn, Gen.- Root and a majority of tlie, noiuei s, tne consi u eratio n ot the ques. 1 atora retired to tne senate Chamber a tion whether ot riot they wiiraccept of AWy after adjourned wiUiouttakiug Y - i ,. - - ... ' .:- . ' V vvwpw v, voteon loc subject. . O ? ' the suliscnpuon of S25,000 , by this .;. " Here the matter, rests for the present. ; stateat the last 1seibn?on' conuidoh Tesiult cainote predicted o-A-L.i j t 1- i.' I 1 -,.1 ana win aecare xne j ana uie 5 duly -elect-Preamble and Resolution were propos, cd.t jt thiais done, thev will cd and adted :'; :: '-lKllPwce?4 toihe choice ltbe-irTeb'frii-fii..- .ThBoardakingjm ommbnirntiort fronz the l?oanokeayiraticm plishedas early: a posib!e y RissbitB;tTbat IhjsBoaridb npinstir anj. otheicndi ditional subscriptidn proposed on .thepartof tbL5'tat4ji'tii he;stbck bf udCompanyixt ibept V jth4t: BaTb' at Weldbh's-r lowvsnsit pcmwie- Dy juiiaoie-pcjKs. frn. I' RESoxMin. I That a copy of thfefaregoibg preambjel arid :'t resolutibn bef ransmlttcdiby" tne secretary ot .tins uoiiru o xnc x-resiucfi of the loiriokeNa.V4gatIbii'- Company' zk sentedto tbej Genelfsemlpfi Wed ri e$da f vflrioni mi tted - to - th e'SVtr niiltee oriInterhaJ Impravcmutd ordered to be:ipHnted;-s1-;'Str I'&ZifK Capitol on M on; Jay eyeiiiii, agreeably tb';th'pTOvlsiohs"rf;thVact ration, arid a suflaci ent number or nien? bers thing present to form-1 a cjti or uirii they proceeded, to' business. ;Gen.' Cameron having stated by letter' to Ibe Board; ';tliat vttiould-be -AiijdoAyehibi-j for him dbngervtoicoutinue to. over the deliberations of the Boards bri motion,, Gen-H D- Forney - was ap poi nted .President in his place. After reading some - letters and papers, .the Board adjourned till this (Friday) e veil-' ihg: at Isix o'clock, when it it is expects fed the Board , will be better attended. Vq. regre t thitt so Te w counties in the State- haveryetf availed y themselvesVbf the IWii ral tty bj ou r - Legisla t urej iy ho by the act forining the Board Ot Agri- culture, hold mit encouragement , and reward to such as have established or mav nereaiter, eataDiisn igncuiiurai Societies fth Uiei'-' 'improvement ofithnt first of arts. " : ' ". - ;;: : It ought to be understood, that it is not too late nbw .to originate these Sof cieties in such Counties as have not;yet attended to' the subject 'y as the" bounty of the Legislatu re is apportioned a monirst al I the ' countiesx in the S tateJ i n proportion to theirpopuU the aumunt or their 1na.1v butions for the sdppbrtof their respect ive Societies, NEv-ybRK. -We mentioned io our of responsibility had nomiuated an Electoral Ticket in the Senate, favorable to Mr. Crawford, and that an Adams Ticket supported by the Inends ot-3Ir. Crawford, had bly, for the avoyved purpose of bringing tn fh vote Editors of the National Intelli-ericer. r-uxvrii,iauj:.puia " The two Houses met each other to-day ticket were elected. of Ithe Adams ticket j are alleged to have been chos- I L 1 i. ..11 1. ' ; -a. 1 . . J , 1. . . . J 1 an nanus, 3 1 main to oe aonomteu ber of members present was 157-30 .jf' the tne oppressive - tax inipsedjbirt v inet Senate ani f tae Assembly. The yot 1 ne wnole num- was as follows? SeVen "of the Crawfo.d ticket had .'. , each 'jt ':-;-" '? -" ; Twenty-tie others of tlie A Jams ticket had each ; '"' One other of tlie Adams ticket r 95 votes 1 78 vo'es 7 votes Tvventy-sevenbthersof the C raV - ; ioni ucK.ot naa eacu , r .iw... a TwOoftlie C.tickahad each 5 75 votes r,'-; V-V? wuriaur nrp o Onbther bf the A: ticket h 7 vntps: whirl was a ; nwinntv f Y. ,c I 1 t9es Ken, tl?an are usual! y seen so tar iiftlii the remainder of the A. ticket ; - . ; J-. 4 t " . - Y had some oi' them 58 and some 59 votes, orior- ludeedi , sonic, of them both. 11 Aft the! vowere itold a the President ot the Senate, t Lieut. Govf 1 I i v- ; v f . - l . . x ar i : t - -. -- . - I Root) President of tlie Joint Meeting declar- f nJ tae J AS yetf Owing actuai ly given m, (154) but not a majority of t0Se who have leisu re nd taitd' tn t all the members present, (157.) Tie also sunn aiifrtmpnfc- stated, that jn his opinion, it required 79 '"." r - ' """u as,i TOtes majority of-all thosV'whoo rational recreation for an evenin-, a Vi. . : I - I m. vrww T V fl w T TV1C Utllf I V - : - . - . V V J ' f elected ed, and some ntlemen maintaining ,PP? bies and ffallery, Assumed the brerop-ative. I t,ei VJU o SUStatneuf AVlth IJriCOlnmbfi -I which has lately become fashionable hereof Strenffth of cast aad wifRa MvikU tit, at Sen- ndthe ver'rsi thatthcvtwo Houses will ito-morrbw overrule the opihibu intimated bjf Gen. Root; tbe-Ifid61itf kriy;bneofienfHvfrti Jesuit Is prop'cAo dftheTaiclImVdr rieHdstof .rt lrn-regard tbtherrdmpr: tbatibfesev succsifui vkleHoraiTiiii ' t iiertatf J tcj ii.r. .'awioru.:-. little doubtl ilvaiidiviaeyole fdr that: "tani datewhOivbi neMit.?- i 1 w '.-.iL x.y a f dp t ji i h ' th ; vWiii;jr:jwii:ii--"b:!r;;:-.;rf''-' t1 Hhe fbliowiug are the remarks of tl JliUttors or uie 4a-ummi, j.iiiuui"ci,vt tlie tiecisrori othe N YbckX,egislat" - M" The biccisibb winch coitnrmahe 25 yot to Mr. 'An a ms;; appears JO its to baVe' be pn naif v houf ralv to reasoiraiid to nre'eeder Wc i are sbme !vhat;arehensiye ihat iVjv m'4de undpr a dread ot" that-tipfoa? ' and f c nioT: from ;the-galleie9 which has bom reprocli tp the character pf the Jitate j who Legislature is "thus peinittied td be. insulti wiin uopuniiy: . .ucin rnaat, , ict jjoixnc o cisib'p be disturbed. We are kyoV'n tp pi fer .Mr!.?JaAWFdH-B.ibir;th Presidency r but v wpnld ,rath 1 er e ven; witneisk Jthe defeat ;of-l hicrht claimsu'tlun see our iovefiimeiit shak ip it ibiincUtJoivby siich' a contest 'isp-itvou Be ' occasi0ne&-;6yv 'Congrc the, question ' which has beeb in bur opinio so errdneously, decided Jiii tl(e Legislature the, State of NewOrork. 1. We hope to be b arp 'rtivoraoieio.;, 4.r. iiaj anouici . , ferter,trom'Bail4ay Tlfe frjen.is bfseverti:iH e-Coj'.bim. Ii.-cojhi beJibpJrldiebibdfWnbf -f dirie i n , inb'jfaCe:ind yesterday ;suded )n$'fft tmnatKin to vC tbCrawfordif elfai.V; metf intl brt motion of 31 ir. '4. theflproeihMmth (bylKl'iric11tfry a.I .'- U w ' fwn ' tin Mr0J I ( jr.J?al Fot for tbe f0ti f feoi aini bellictpi .ir 1 .mvuinni: .win auir Avf ' a :n -uJ JjL i.i u lieved when we declare, that bur opinion and wiU be awarded to each, as tijey t!ie lelitv of this decision. 1s not k ali i may entitle; thetnselves to it and apply, j fluenesdiby, the efTect'pf: tliat decision bn tl ,:imi : 1 iTesutemiar ;eiecuon; important as it may o ""7 "'le u ppo.ivlbe result pf thebutesi in Nc' luual contri- J Yrk, weTorbea.tpmpralie, though sure never 'was an occurrence Ym'oite: abundant instructlonv Nq ver wa? the otd; p'rqyerb, ,lh Fear betrays hkeT Vified than' in tfae ;oifsii;buence'::bf ihatidrei ast, that Uie Legislature br this State gre'dlemen r- 0 , ' . . ;. j-sion of their, sentiments ,vhicli the sabs quent event jas, .proved to have. been , lav rable to the candidate to wfiose' injury the votes bperit ed. ' Had .they y ytbil at 'fi bt i theyYdid.at .lastMrii Cawfrd. wbiddl ha received the whole electoral fVote bf tlieVta; of New-York: Tttslyet uncertairibe The Jack so nor Mr Cldy, has obtained tu A I server.. : v. Wp Imvn V;rvfl -; in dated Albany, Nov. 16; give the result formation of the' felectipb 6f tlire Jack of the ioint ballot: Y - .' ! i son Electors Jn Missouri IAl'articti'Iar to-morrow." Y v '.V v i ThevMemliantsitfiWilmtnltd 'A held a public iiieetin, : for "the purnos " of petitioning the-Legislature to reduc . , ' - r-j r w . cbandize sjxn act bf justice, we sbbuld iav noticed "sooner jheYTfieatricat Corps r'i .'-'-.-..----.-- . ... ' ,- ' . -,i-f- . . . picnt 1 n . iiifs city; who con tribn te i 76 votes an eminent.degree tb theiamusenifeht: t had' - v 76 votes -f Ko .oo'cVY rr, .r.i.. liyirjon retherbruinen (cliactciri-nt-ci latintothCherokee lajids in ourlast 1 pV there was :an error'iubjoin thji If tteeasrrcted, vUi wellfine xvilibtlibale"'tl& . ;' " - - - - ." - - '-. '- ' v"' - . ." .' '-':--.; - '-'V ' H '' ' i:;V ' - .' ' - . . -i ; -:.' ' ' ' -. .- . ' ' ; -'.-. - ' ''.-:.' .. ' t - ",-.-.V . .if

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