U V. toiurmsn uAiq &1yo.iw micf nrphmffiflditin? terms. ..'. - .-'Portrait1 te MiniatUrerlViiritiP U -1 .KWPOR ! RAITS ot MINIATURES ex;uteuy on mo to see 6pecf see a variety, pf Cvtkeshall .-e tbenVwr 1 ex V '"derat iniM . "liw who wish ' :? -men!t of J v .:F wntin gs can .se f mcces at Ir;qotieke'a Concert .aRV a?: yyy ."aROM5 'thcu!li"et?iviflgi Buncombe y" CounhVNctli-Carolihatun June 1823, ... c . sen appr cmice xioy, uy uu.jc-. v, "V Said AVilsoft Waa 17 yea$r jbf gel lasJJaTy,- ; 4 atid s:a-stoUt;11-.tivV?fTo,ar'Pep-- ' son wlia wiirietiirn saidrapprentice to ,rne, I son who win. .return saiu- apprunu-- will give-a- ireVard of Six Cents. ' t . ,V.. ".''ViiVf-FfETEa STRADLlSY. ' vhuncorribtv Nbr.:2 il'- . -;-1063tiltt j - - f -V V - f rjV -X ' Hog" f :r. 1 somewhere in tpe . Street and brou ditto trie last vveek, a Pocket : Book, ontairiing:a; small jum ln;bank; fills', and aJarg-eWcoim but there is ndmarriemdicatihgtbe bwnervHJt wflrbe restored irron identifying- thei proper- 'tv and paying the expence of this udveTtise- A . Epaomv do -Cheltenham do " Uochellej do4 ufetic V da J ajap; pulverised Hnubarb.c do Columbo s :,,do v Squills'.'; . do Bitter apple do ' Ipicaci H'Ado " . 3. Arabic -: . do . Jalap rpotH;:, : fthubarb root r Columbo" do Squills' 't tlo .. Ipicac ; do ; v Vcra, S nake do r'inku-:, -. jlp. Liquorice do Seneka Snake do Sarsaparil la? . d o j' do do doit do ; Mezereon Gihsengf KK Gentian t Alkanet J , . MaddeV'' AVhite Hellebore do db HAVlNG'coiitractedtofuriuiili tlie I Capital ot.NoTth-Carolina be3 leave to mform tbe inhabitant of TRalIgli and its? vicinity,' tat he is about to estaiisK mroseU ,m ,tlie above w ' Jme, near tne capuoi square, wncrcne uopes , byV te aid of good materia, sound' yprkT : manship; ad some. little? display :oC taste, to raerit a sUarek of publiq patronage. 54 TliR -sybscriberf iayingr settled hunself in Hhiy city; offers his services to the pub- lie 'as a Surveyor, ami : flatters himself)that fromVtljfe 'extensive practice "Hrbich. he has v , had, combined with a superior style of exe-t . -cutin"mapsf ,and : puuetviality .and attention . to. business to be kble.to jfive'general "satis. '.''faction to tliose ...b'o,tnay favor him with their . . commands. 'liveU'for. determining'. the most eligible actuations for MilSs8ccl;takeii -with :; acciir?cyv j . SOBT. H. Bl BRAZIEIV V: .r, S IJate" Assistant Engineer .to the.State, :;:': : Raleigh, Sept. 111,1824; 88 tlsUai. " . Sailillety - IlHdlesl;JIaxiiiigaISt Harness, YaU i :--i-cei,:I?orfiaftnteous; Whip, Smrs. . ' : A GUR PIXLEY, havinq 'established him- .Tft self in ItalerVli, on Fayettevsile street? " .next door abye Mm Hvndersoira alillinvry store, bes leave to inform the citizens tlief e if. ainl 'the public in sreneral tiat I he is now opening' a haiKlsbme assortment of jSaddlery, itnade'ot the best materials, and in tlie neatt-st style., expressly for rctiilint in thismnrkel, which will be sold on the lowest tetms. - He hi also on !vmd ek:ei:ent material'iaiKl will, Tit the shortest notice, make and repair Sad dies, Bridles, IIarncss and'everj' other arti cle appertaining ta his business f " - ' ItaleiglCNov 12, 1824- 1 5-tt - -J ? v .V is ! At iTbe,b eau tifal 'Arabian Hprse -WILL stand the ., next season, being his first iit Ameri cn, at. rny stable -'three miles from Warrenton,on the do; nnHtV subscriber with his 'al ami TOnteir i ILsupplyV has the plesilre.of exJiibltinto biar customers arid the public; the following asorrment, .wnicu .wiu:oe,.iouiuvvcryr;c;uni plete : . , -; ' n - Oxy muriate I'otass ' SapCarb:" do Sal JEratus a prepara- tion oPotu and an T ' I excellent, corrector V of- Acid on. the Sto t;imach V : Sup. Carb. Soda ; 1 ; Curb. - I do J Phosphate do 3 Fresh lime Jiiice -i i(1 Cinnamon A -, , Mace -V;.'; '-":'-'' '' ' Nutmegs :v. i: vr"""--''i Cloves '-. -J.y.'vT?o'''" CoriandeT S eeds , ; ! Caraway do " . ; Fennel "do . Annis . 'do ' i'r i Cardamen, f do V EssI Peppermint ' ; Do Lavender , , Do Lemons . , ( Do.Burgamot ;J;' Do Cin namon . : , Do Sassairass j , ; Do Spearmint v Do .Tyre;" for colormg do "- V grey or red hair to do ' a beautiful black, do Maccassar Oil. for pro- do motintr the crowth do j , of the hair. Lip Salve , . Tooth jVowder Silver wire Teeth .Brushes'., v ; V Common do do , Fine Flesh do do Hair ! , do C-oth do lacabau SnuH , Rappee , do Scotch do : "i Cephalic do fpr the Jieaclache Red, hite ami marble Castile Soaps Rose do , Palm , do Transparent do Windsor do ; Northern do s Soda Powders ' lioehclle do Black and Red Ink dp Paid do ' Marking do f Ahum ..' . Salt Tetre J .' ;.. Crude Sal. Ammoniac learlash Blue Stone :,; Calomiive do Fly Stone Crocuq Martis , Calc'd Zinc . Mctahc do . : Flor. Sulphur ; Roll do Spanish Flies : Cowhage - - Fox Glove Ergot . - Bitter Apple Sago Cubebs , , . '' !, Tapioco i Cham Flowers Lavjd . io Martial do Salts Steel : Filings do . ' Miir. Tin s v Black' Orris ' 'rurrneric ;--.yV Galla'ngx . ' TorrhentilK -r Gum Camphor Do, Gamboge Do Scammony Do Ammoniac Do Storax Dp Benzoin h Do .Opium -.Do' Dragon'-. Do Arabic . . Do Aloes , - . Do Apsnfaetida Do'Guiac Do-E!pmi Do Myrrh Do Castor Do Mastic 1 Do I ac , Do Kino Do Catichu ' Do Gidiranuin po Copal J)o Shellac i'ow Bark Re 1 do, ' , I - y, : : " . Sphax wsis lauued at jNev,-oric 'in May 1 ' ; '1821, ''from, the tliiited ;States, frigate Con I ;.': -'; ;'?vstitution".' Hewas purcljased tixtttt. an Arab ! i t : rf dis4 inction, byl M aj Tcrvhse nd S tith, late American "Ionsul at the Kefrencv of -Tuiu -lleWasrr:ised near ;M-cca,s in the Kingdom f ;' ' : of Yeaman Arbitrivelix, crtjsed tlieRel i j - Seas t oYJernv ) n Ntibl, f pom thence tji i 1 1 .5 A JpaK:pftlie; desert to'I'pauila in TerraV:, 1 . l ttncthrpuglvthe liVgency of; Tripoli, to J .f-'-. -IJeI!elidged,:'land fmra thence to the, . i 4- . ricatT-Co ovulate i6- tbC -city of 'rariiii as'? 'I tified bv.MrJ SamuelCi Potted the brc U II- i thence to the "A me- is cer-t'ottier- in-brjf MajofiStithr';,!! v warqs.oi .jo. nanus lugii. ami oemwj'uig niarK- ; eil To t hose yU6 wish 'to raise s (Vom tliie rc-served! geViuine "Arabian V'the present witlr bea good - oppoiiuiijtyl" .Terms' and Tnrtfier.,. particular .! will IW made known before the scasoii cbhi- menevs., r :. : 4 Robert ransom. Greeh wood, 'Warren boainty. . - ' -v. : : - luoeotc. . "f A InT'N up and conimitted ' to-.the- Jail of ; -Jft Wake tTmihtyi on lhqf24th inst.a Negro '"-Man about '"SO.ear pl, "stoutv builV, tlark c?unpl-iJV w'hq pavs his name is V EARLY, - and that he was bouerhf o5' Gobi Staples vbf . Patfick tfuty; ahy-a Mr,;f ammel, who - lie believed: uvj-? iiV.sone p'art-pfKehtu'iky 8c v has been ninaway,more than 2 m iitlis.., rhe r.vnerJs rcaiested:io come forward, prove properv,r pay charges and take jiim away, ot-erwise; ne win pe, utsposeu -pi, as me.iaw direct SAMUE!Ii: (PpLLEri, J nJor. Statc brKTotli-jDaroliria - . Ofp n E Pubjic Treasurer in kjnd cons.dera - fUL tton ? ot all trhom it mav, concern,' and from" a; 'Atisu to remind -liieirtof the ser6u;s '. consequences of , further delay-or omission in ; - lh a (regard; ;Avoul!hereWyr again; solicit 'the '; ' , ' attention' bf the' former ahd presi nt: Clerks and Masters in 'Chancei ' and present "Clerks :6f the Superior.andlCbun tv' i"rr hi ; thia; State (wb have hitherto faucl to tnake: the returns required 6Fthem , s nv law; ioTnc;Actti !leIastiJlenera Assen , d1V enritdf,'Art;kcU(b 'meiidatidixteKd ; t'ie Drovisions of an ucti entitled An arflA i 7 -pr mofe A g-ticultnre and i farnil vt F'flhiticsiir. ' Maiuifeuivfwrthih thisiState-cfiapter ?jJv;To?wh;ch act the kttentioii-of , the nua 01 tTus htae generally is likewise in- nvur-fAffice, 1 5th Nov, 1324. 106tD Dr. Sanfonrs do , Cascarilla . . do. Angustura - do Sulphate of Quinine a . certain cure $r the f Fevei'.and Ague llenry's calcined Mag I nesia . . ... Carbon. Magnesia Somali sqr. do Calcined , . do Cream 'I'artur L ;Salts . do " n yitriolated -dtp -Crude ' do . Flake Mani ;" .' Com'n do . Fol. Senna - Do tva Ursi Sii irar of Lead ! Extract do White Vitriol s Elixir do , Balsam Copaiva -DoTolu Do Peru Do Canada ' - , Do Sulphur A -Calomel y .-' Corrosive "Sublimate Quicksilvers xinar Caiistic Common do Red. Precipitate ' White do - -.; Oil Peppermint " , Do I.avoiuler ' .., Do Sabinrc . - , Do Rosemary - Do Animal . ; Do Annis ? - S--r. Do' Cloves " ,Do Atnber. ,. Do Peneroyal 1)6 Viirioi : Do Juniper ; ' i Do Almonds , D Cinnamon' ,-V-Do Spearmint ' DoWmtergreen 110 ungunum - , , ? Do Caieput ': ; V ; Do Harlem. . .. Do Wonriseed . Do Sassafras . ! Do Sweet , r " Do, Castor '.'. '". D o.Lins ee d - ;;; .- ' Do Lamp y - t DoTrldn ' - - ' .' Lemon Acid . . Oxalic . do -1 Tartaric do M" Prussic do - " : " Nitric? j do Muriatic do ';'. Nitrous do ., ' v Tart Antimony;. ; (Mass -v do Crude . do ; . :' ;K Regulus' do ' v . '.. ' Clnnaherdo 4 !; Gold. Sulph. dq K 'S alts II artshorn v Spts; do ' : . " Shav ings dp ; i Spt; Nit?4 Do Wine' : Do Lavender ' ' ' Do Rosemary .' Do Turpentine E xt j he t ; Li quorice ; Db. Colbquinteda - Do. Gentian, Do CieutaV ' , prdsphate JroTtr Rust ' ' do MurTTr. do -Filings , do Red. t)xvd do Filings do Vilr. Wine Ant. Wine Laudanum Paregoric Oxymel Squill ... - Syrup : tlo : Vinegar .do '' v ' Syrup Buckthorn Carb. Barytes ' ' Mur. do Manganese Metalic Bisimith, OxydS do ' Litmus , -yj :'. '. Cake Saffron : ' Hay : t do ' Linchen, Islandecus White Cannella; ; . Oiange Peel .. . Nnx Vomic ' w Gall Nuts . -Sal Prunel Do Wormwood ' ' Quassia Wood V Do Simafouba , Sayiii f''-'V', '' I -ong: Pepper Cayenne do White Arsenic, ' Fowler's mini.' Soln ti..n ' , ; . -Et hiops M i neral Terpeth's do James' Powder ' Dover's - do " --a Armenian Bole Crabs Eyes - Ppt. Ch:dk White do "i Red r ; do Flake White ' ' Spermaceti r-- -Whit e Wax ; ' ' , Isinglass :v '." ' - Itch Ointment .VercH, d6i-i Bisteffo;J;,; Bertram's 'adhesive Plaster:; V Roboran's . do T Mercurial "dp Lytharge , do ; ' V'3 Court v do V Fine Sponge : '. Coarse dd . V :f llotteni Stone ."iff Pill Bbxes ' ; Wafer db - VaxTapers' &-ore-; ana Mi- ilv ;y Lamps of dHfererit ' ; qualities Red Sealing Wax: liiacKf do do Godfrey's C0rdialg : Turlinon'sVldm Gowland's'Lbtibn ''V' Chjircl)fs7.S;doy AiKlersbn's : j, Cougli AfthTnasVnd Cotii S waim's ; ,Panacea,v ' jcilebrated.; yMedi- ; .' chie 1 for hiariv' dis eases arising- from f an! impure' state of the blood,' arid , par Ivory Black Iarop do Priissiari::Blyciy SandiPaper, Gold;Bron2e; - - f OrarigeDtrpjemint GoldI-eaf:;Vr'$1j! Blue'i Smalts'- v (f jCop;d .Varnish , 1st : quality J Ux. : ; tp : f:Vj '-do 2iid quality D iagon's Blood t'- j ' Corkwoods . . ticnlar ; for Sy phih's Logwood , 1 . . ' Worrii: Lozenges '4lFustit J . -1:f:r.':..-,7:; --- Cochineal - , ' .i I 1 Red Sanders Yellow do Fig Blue Annatto Copperas ' Spanish Indigo , ' American do k , ' Apothecaries', Scale and Weights ' Best Crown. Lancets: do . do ' do ' ; do i . Surgical Lee's Pills Andexson'sdo Bragg & Jones' do,, '. Duval's" .do Anti-bihous do Hull's lately improved . , svu;aujn ung paicut, "Hinge, .Trusses r iledCords & Pluogb Ropds, of different si zes and qualities ... Blocking; Twine, for Hatters ; . , Hatters Trenchers Do- Stampers u Dot Irons' t - D,o Red and Yellow Skins - ; Do Shark Skins Do! Galloon bindinjTi assbt ted. r ; Do Flat and Round Bunds . Do Buckles ; Do Bowstrings Do Brushes ..; Pumice Stone Coach Lace, different patterns Do red Skins Do yellow do ! Whitewash Brushes Paint i do ' ifrounxl and; unground, all sizes . Sash Tools ' Scmbbihg Brushes Furniture; do . Sweeping do ' Hearth - do Shoe I ido London White Lead,, in Kegs 1 Dry j : do do Spanish Brown, in Kegs Dry do do Red Lead ; ; Yellow Ochre . Stone ! do . Venetian Red English Vermillion . Chinese do Drop .Lake ' The, snbscj'iber acrain wishes to return his grateful acknowledgments to his friends and customers, for their long ami continued fup pjjrti and hopes, from his assiduous endeavors to give satisfaction, to merit a sliare of tlieir future favors. . ' , M ! As I he is under obligations which must Sy- Common Spring' Gum , . Abscess ; Full sets Pocket Books Full sets Teeth Instru ments ' in Pocket Books . ;... "'; Teeth InstiUmer.ts, as- '- sort el ' y'--V: Surgical Needles Do Scalpels : Folding Tenacullums Thumb Forceps " ;: Trocars and Directors Graduated Measures. Glass Funnels j Breast Pipes ; s j Nipple bhe'.ig Large Injection nnges Male do Female do Ivory f&r do Cupping Glasses Marble Mortars " 'i , Composition -do j Pill Plates and Marble Slabs - Spatulas, difTerent si zes ;"'""':''' "' f V Black Bottles & Stone Ware . - .J ' . ,. Bottle and Vial Corks Green and White Vials Shop Fiiniture of eve ry description ' . , Ointments, Tinctures, ; Cerates, Sy nips and Cordials of every kind will be kept constantly prepar ed at the shortest notice. " 1 ';. - ' ' shortly be -discharged, necessity, him, ibr the first time in ten vears, 1 on those indebted to bim. compels publicly but more to! ca particularly tliose of long staiuling,! for, pay- menti -' ' .. t 1 -' RANDOLPll WEBB. Raleigh, Nov. 8, 1824 ; i ; 104 tf State of -North-Carolina. J oh nston C ou nty. Superior, Court of Equitj. j . September term,'lB24. ; 1 1 James Kerby & Stephen Giire, ) ; ',. : rjP'l .-,;'-' ;'. :N.-;i :;: ;;; . i Joel Newsum & Jesse Avcoc-, def'ts. TfH EREAS at March term, 1 824, of said t T Court, the death ot the defendant Jesse Xvcock was suggested, and a sci; fa. ordered to be issued to 'the heirs and leal r'epresenta- tii-es of the said Jesse,, and that tht-ry be.niade pit'ties defemlants to the bill .of complaint Arid jby Jhe Sheriff's return at September term ,1824, it appears to the satisfactio'v of the Court, that Elias Aycock and Benjamin Avco-k are not residents of this' State, it; is therefore ordered; that publication be made iiree,montns successively tm me icegister as tp the non-residents, and. that they appear at the next term of the Court v to be hehi at the Courthouse in Smithfield on the fourth Mon day of March next, and 'hew cause, r if any they have, w1y they shall hot be made par ties defendants as aforesaid. Copv of the Minutes. , ; ' ! - D.tll. BRYAN, CM. E. Oct. 15. 1 ' 99 3m 0iTdrvam:iIOIvESAt.E,res ,iry,uca!ers,r.uii,.a-4joerai crean 0'.iT M Fayetteville, Oci 25.;l 824. , ' 102-2m. ' 1 l lIlE- Subscriber having established a Line 1 9 of Packet between Philacleiphia and Wll-' mingtpni J. ,C. takes this metluwl to acqiiairit the public, that a vessel will leave Wilming ton, N. C'. for Phil idelphia every ten days. produce lintencled for rthis conveyance, will he received & forwarded, by Duncan Thomp son,' P.sq.i of Fayetteville, and Messrs; Stoive 8c W hittierV of Wil mingt on, N.C, at the lo west ttites of feight and least expense, possible Having three good vesselst in the trade, com manded by careful captains,' well acquainted jwith the coast, and cabins vvell fictcd fbr the accoinriiodation ofpasserigei'S'. pile therefore t histsj to : nieet witl 4 encouragemeutf 5 Phila delphia with its n viron'i has become so great manufacturing place, that cotton can be sold to some, extent and advantage to tbeOwriprs; me consumption pemg at present aoout twen- ly viiioiisanu uaies per . annum, ana wui qouotpe soon greater no PC JAMES P ATFON, Jn i Comratssipn'Merchant, - HqW3;. North SeptO;' illroritSt. Philadelplual K1- first Hte iBoot andvShie constant em plo Vm erit : during he winter. ut. my pipp in omunnqia, j onnston county. WM. HEN. GUY. f;?yy . r y ;. -y---.V'Y.--.;-. - ' f-y.y-- . . ; j ;: .,yyr y . - - ' - yy:, 4.y -. ; r; ANAW AV ,frmri the subscriberbri'the Gniirhi'Of tlieOthxinstarit by the name of BAM - (sbmetimeculls him sel f Sam . Ft eeina iit ot he rs Sjim en. He has mote ibe dbuntepance of an dndian than a TTiulattoMe'ls 5 feet 8 6r " 9 Jriehcs high, 24 years cT aebu's teeth decayed, is -sensible and. quick spoken, qan Vead antV::writevand. is aCarpenter and Painter, by itraoe and is; also a pretty good Barber. ',H$ carried with 'him a bluteuiioipe- spiia sutti aJsb a blue broadcloth coatja- Tpilff colored aiid ypz brovhr. fiailr ;i of pantaloons I huve no dotibt he has a free pass,: arid is; abn- ing to get to some free State, -He some years ago ran away," ; and was- apprilie nded and lodged in.' Hai-risburg :ja:l, m' llockiftgiam cou nty, - Virginia. J I - will -give Fifty Dollars for his apprehensioU (ftaken but of the Statej or Twenty-five Dollars within the States f -'" . . s' IL f. t OOKE.Vi Raleigh; Sept?:- 91tf l - I "ft UN AWAY, or was stbleu 'from the suV Hj scriber on the night of theeihth in stant, a bright mulatto, woman (slave) and her ' child,' a girl of about- four yeurW old. ' This wonym ran away from ; the subscriber' exe cutor of John Hurit, dee'd, in the summer of 18Q8 and j)assed as a fce v6marNby the; name of Paf sy Young, until about the first of J une last, wh en she -was 'ap pte hended. as a rn naway. Oh jlieT 6tli jof thejmemohlh 1 obtained possession 'tiff her in the town of Halifax ; since which miby an order .of Fraiikliri'. CoUnty - court, she j "arid lier child Eliza haVe been sold," vlven the subscriber became the purcliaser. She fspent t lie great er part of the time she - was iri away(saV about sixteen years,) in the neighbonrhooii of and in the town of Halifax ; one or -two summe rs at ! Rock-Lamli ng, w 1 1 ere I am. in formed she ' cooked for the hands employed on the Can.d; She has also spent some of her time in Pljmouth, her occupation while there not known. At the above places s!e has maijy acquaintances.' She is a tall spare wp manl thitr face arid lips, long sharp nose, arid fore-teeth somewhat decayed.' y Sne is an ex cellent seamstress, can niake ladieSand gen tlemens dresses, is a good cook and, weaver, and I am informed is a good cake-baker and bfcer-brewer,r Stc. by which Occupations she principally- gained her -.living.-.- Sonic time during last summer she marrie! a' free man of colour, named Achrael Joliuson, Avho had been living in artd about Plymouth; arid fol lowed boating ' on the Roanoke: Since his man-lage, he leased a farm of Mr. James Cot ton' of Scotjand-Neck, 1 lalifax'count; w here he was living, together with this' womanTat the time' she was taken up as ' a 'runaway slave in June last. ' 1 have but liltle doubt, that Johnson has contrived to seduce: or steal her and child out of my possession, and will attempt to get them out -of he State and pass as free1 persons.; Should this be the case, I will give sixty-five dollars " for his de tectipimmd convictim before the proper tri bttual, in any. part of this State. , I vill give for" the apprehension pf the woman . and child, on their delivery to me, or so secured in jail or otherwise that 1 get them, thirty? five dollars! ; 'or, I will give twenty -five; dol lars for the woman alone, and ten dollars for the child alone. The proper name of the woman is Piktv, but she will no 'doiibt change it as she did before." -I forwam all owners of boats', captains and owners f ves-sels, from taking on boanl their vessel. or carrying away this vomait and her child Eliza, under the penalty of the la w. .. ' - - yy .';' . ' "NAT. 4 HUNT. August 16.:; ' y-y-- 80 tf. -:. ri b -My.,.: i;eu ineir stock, t tojthe (luahtity and variety of articles. A J H? rceivea an adchijonal s,. ply orocenesHardare, UquorP, bUee s t1'ml any Shpes--the entire", forming a General As-ion. irieiitwell Vortlrth ;atteritionof those in- .cBned-io -pUroliase-v& i. yi'ytX - -t .U:a-tlAZLETT' :'f -v Raleigh,';Ny.J;3. '-(y - 106 I ' ;. i iti. Hundred aefcaes of A&sortet GQpftS ailex)ccted : . f : I ?-' U'- it- -3 SetuVoi i. TlJEsSuljsb Monday thef "22l- Insti at the;hoirellajely "I fW. lylMOCK & CO. now offer o the 99 public their Stock .ot 'Ready 4, Made Clothing, - at a small advance from costJ Their'garinents are all made in mod-em style of the lsest Workmanship and new material : all of them m id e the present season, and, as cheapness' is an object at this time, w e w ill sell garments of equal quality, as cheap a& at any Gentlemen are invited to call and examine for ; thetnselves before they purchase 1 else: where. bf;?y : y'Afy'y ' n-':"; ri . y, : N- 1$. Garments made as usual. ; ' t ; Raleigh. Nov. 18, 1824. ' ' - V- -' 6- ' HAS returned from New-York, where she has selected an elegant and fashion able assortment of MJLLlNERY and FANCY GDQDS t among?which arc,; -...'-; f , x, y Leghorn and Straw BonnetsV; f f".. X . Silk and Yelyet Hats, with Featlier?v-1 " ' Childreti's Beaver Hats and Chirichi'h'. Caps, auK anu noiJinei jacevuaps, Feathers and J- lowers, y y Frizc tts and Curls, - Necklaces and Beads, ; N Steel and Paste Buckles, ; , Shell arid "Mock Combs, ; MacassaiOil and Fancy Soap. t . .'';V' Silk Fi ogs, B u 1 1 o n s an d Gimp , , ..;-:' ?A general assbi-tment offBibbon,?, ; sf; 1 bread Laces and..Eding8,--v;,.; Bpbinets and; .Sdk .;LaceWeils yiyy lyypyyy 4-4 Bobinct j.aces, figured and plairi cf Worjv ed MUsliris,; R6b es and .Dresses, tl--i'"-.! Figured, and iplain " S wiss ? Jaconet and fBook V C ; 'Muslips, ;, ;. -':;s-. w'-"' , ' K,y; Vy-yyG' Swiss Pellepne and pnnt and square, IXand . "; kf;rchieffs,. iyyh'y'-y- fy'-y ' Mandarin Crapes and Robes, ytyyyy Figured ancl Striped Gros De Naples Silk Barege Silks Ribbons arid Ifarid kerchiefs, : ':'' Levantine Silks, figuredand plain,-0 yelretee1r-?and i3g Plag Bandanna andJackson Silk.: do. "j Ladies ribbed, figured and plain Silk Hose, Cotton and U orsted-tY'C-' ':d6'. Silk4Kid,:Horseskin arid Ifaye;teGlbv Prunellarid lienmarkKS Childreri's MdiTocco. and Leather dol lf- Fashionable Cancbs and Caroline Plaids; on i'yrirf T yy pr s teaching ' liexn ng, A v ntirig- and Ant! rm eti onlytfie; quarter to expire December 24ti,. Reading 3Yriting & Antlrmetic t U & viteuing.ana apeutng (---.., , v; -, j Jo charge tor Wood Or Ink.t y "! - Mi'1 SyihJ-. I- 6-2t..- ' ; l should b e glad Jilso to "be employed n pbsUrigf Books, making out ticcoamsJ or wri ti ng of atty kind..; fo''fof yj Sy y -j; Y. . rf EN1JY flAROIEv wishes ; ;f q", infirm lm ' tnendsand thej public, tliat hejsas com- mence-lthe CONFECTIONARY BUStNKSIS hi iiil-its varions ranches. f He has. taken the1 House fdrmerly bccupied by Sir; David Shaw-' on Fayetteville Street,; near jyf opposite : th old Star Orfice where hefwillxonstaiitlv keen ' eyery article Iri his Ime t jAvnjch will be sold on the ,m ost reasonab I e t erms. M os t to f t in n have been received ,w-ithin a few divs : 1 Soft Shell Alnnds; Da v Ido Cracker Filberts and Chesouts LargeMJ unch .Raisins; Muscatel . .. do Blume , ; v do -Fresh Tairiarands' "y J Nortlvern Apples -- - Sugar plumbs -i 'yy y . Do A'-',. Alriond . A X ; Spanish-fquorice Candies t)f all, land Pepperrriirit Cinnain.Dn N 19 Sugar Ptpes 8c Chey big Tu- ; pacco -Biscuits and Crackers Sweet ,C:tkes of all- description Chocolate 1st Fies1iv' Lime bottles1 ' Shcrt-y Wine Old-Holland Gin Dn Apple Brand quality Juice m I,' .1 in' - dp " !' Fine pickled v Noyeau - i inf1 i i lDo Jamaica Runi Pei-feet Lov'e rH JDo WlusUey Peach -: J g Spanish Cigars ' '"' Common do ' - 7 Best Northern Cheese Will be cons' ceiyedj Season. durtnsr r. y 'will be furnislied for Individuals and Parties at the j shortest riotice. He wishes lnfi)rm , the, 'Inhabitants of this" pla Jresh Baked LO4F BREAD may veryday in th'e week 1 ..! ... Every attention in his power will be paid to the comfort and satisfaction of those who may please to favor him with their custom. Oysters antly re- also to ce,, that be Iial Raleigh, Nov. 18. 6- 0 d ajv away irom tne suDscrioer about JaL6 years ago.; a negro mart named JACOB He is about 35 years of aire; j 5 feet; 6 or 7 inches high, "about'the cornmon color, toler ably active, has narrow feet, and a small scac over bne of his eyes, It . is probable he has altered: his; bam e; as he. frequently 1 passes frotp Stantbfisbuig J to Newbern. Ife has a . tree wile by the name ot Rancy Artjis, livmi; attempts reward near .Stantonsburg,' ,& i t is li kely he to pass fpr a free man. -.The abov wilT be given to any person who shall delivei 9aid Negro to me, living five miles above Stantonsburg, or confine him in Jail, so that I iret him' a train. AIL masters of vessels are fprwarned carrying him off. '' : .,-:.-'- JOEL.NEWSOM Wayne cou nt v. Auer. 7 : '' " ' 106 CashniereMerinoVi'lnntatiOn Vartd Casimere 3:ypm&mymX c.v--: ,1- S' ' Bbmbaes' and; Bolrif aettes. PelieClothaml Coloure 1 Push.if jf 7 Caroline PJald ahd Silk Cloaksh ii., n. iaviugvprocureurprints oryiqe prer sent fashions; is prepared tb mak e PELI SSES and DRESSES in the most burnable style and at the sh ortest 4ot 1 cse. f Raleigh,! Nov, 1.1S21 . ; y 4-- ;v - &tfw ..v'f - y: "' '0 ''" v- ON' Saturday the 4th of T)ecember nest, will ' be . sold M at the" Couri -house in the city of Raleigh'." the follovingiLbts and parts of Lots, or xo much thereofas will Satisfy 'he City.'I'ax diie thereon and costs of atlVcrti ing,' Tiz ': W' v" N "'-v . ' ''' "' ;' ' . : In Uie Eastern Ward. s Part of Lot No; 86, given in by.Thomas Pov - 1 ers for Jaipcs Powers. -".;'.: , 1 ' LbtNo.il43 given in by bayld Boystcr. , J of 123 and, 102, supposed to belong to V- Klswrth Wandetrrift; VI i 2 LotsNosV 16 and 177, -the property of Sa- r rah Glendirining.' ' r ' . i '." 4 Lots Nos. 206 207, 222 and 223 J the pro- vperty of Stephen 1 la wood, dee'd. -; Part of 236 And 252, occupied by Benjamin Ragsdale. 1 .' 1 ,. i . Part of Lot 146, occupied by.TJios Powers. c Paris of. Lots NosV 163 and '226, the property h v; of John Y- Savage. - 1 Part of Lot No. 130,. the property of Wilbarrt .Thompson.." , . V . ? U--- I " . 1 Part of Lot No. 114, the property of A. S. U- .-f. Burges. -.,--v; '--- . .-. ;!: -.;.- ' Part of Lot No! 130, supposed to be the pr . - pertv ofDeverux and Taylor .1 . Part Cf .Lot, Nol 115,; occupied by Susan v Schaub.' '--'y--f ;:;t yyil: .! .' In the Western Ward. 2 Lots Nos, ,9 and 10, supposed to be the propet tv of Mrs. Foster of Frai klin. 4 Lots .Nosl 20, 121,136 and 137, the pro. ? perty of James M.. Henderson. . 1 Lot Noi 232,' supposed to be the property - fTJohn G. Marshall.- 1:. - !, .:, . liLbt- lCo. 516, the property of ; Marshall s --.vkpIi'-.'.v yy- y. e,-, J:ff v -' 'J-.i v Part of Lot No1 67, formerly occupied by "itintiMrf-nT T?'t.h''irr1finni; 1r':- . ! I' " fc W . ' .. .5- I ! B. RAGAN, Collector. i yy n c&nhf'i 20-.. 1824.1 1 -?.' ; 1- ,y-ow. Sauk Stocli loFSale ifN Moridaythe 6thday of December next O will be sold before the dpor of the State Bank of North-Carolina, Forty Shares of the, Capital Stock of said Bank, and Six y of that . uThe pubUc are assured tlthed Stock will certainly bd sold; as the sale is tdbemade m -order tofosei the assignment , of Roben Cb6lirans' effects to the Dnited SUte ,y. : Terms will be made knp-n hy applicatiori to either of the suosuic idy? IONESrusteei -i ' I. . V- t'.J - i . J '