' i:- TTF w i . x i t. v ' -v i x. x jr : x. ix x. i: .x- x--r fc- .. ' - - - I -Xw. J. '., ,, ,1 . y vtvv'-iV'', -'4 ,.'Wr , r,-"" T .'.'.V-V-4. -ir ' Ouw ire ffe plans of fair, dehtfulpace,.' e" 1 ' ' ; Y'V; ' :; " wC ...V V.'?v i''k 1 ' v f ' V r''-':"U ''t'-r- :' - ": i'-' iw UnyrarpM by party rage to Uvelie brothers , ' ..I" . ' v' . -vv jLj- publi$hedieveryTuESB4T antl'FBniT; by JOSEPH' GALES '&s6N;"vv:"? At FiV Dollars per annutp half m advance. r i r i ADVERTISEMENTS . Not, exceeding 16 linesi neatly 'inserted three times for a Dollar and 25 centa.for every suc 'ceedin pubEcatipn'j - those-of greater length in the same iproportion.v.CoMMcsiCATio!Ts thankfully, receiv ' Lbttbiis to the Edi tors musj be! pOst Jll ;' Raleigh', that he has taken a room at Dp. jBattlea. shop, easV' of the State House, iwhere'he nay ' be found btetweeh the ' hours f 9 and 12 A M. and 3 and 5 PiM He sets ArlifipiiiLaeth, from dne to a full set ; cleans, files, pluffs and exp acts in the nicest manner &na wiin Hiue pam. ' "-Dec: V"--Y JSotice. rr". V" A - TEACHER wanted in the neighborhood jV of Ransom's BridgefVN.- C. capable of -teacjnnif;tlit English to perfection he must be a man of good morals and come;; well re omniendecl, iVsuch a person a liberal sa Jary wUl be Igiveri.H ,Tucker.tp ' Willis Arrington, Esq. or to the SUDscnoer, au living- cuuuuuus i mc.auuc named Bridee. , We wish the School to ctm- mence Jthe SecontLMonday iu lanuary, 1 825. Dec; i: FRANCIS INGE. ; V Taken Up, Y-Nthel4th of November and committed X-F- to JU in Waynesbol'ough, Wajne coun - ,ty,a negro fellow who calls his name JACK, ' and 83Y8 he belongs to John Victory of Geor gia near Greensborough. The owner is Ve-i " quested td come forward, prove his property. pay me cnarges ana xaK.e inm awav. -,:V'iY,;1- ISAAC HIIJU Jailor. rlVaynesboro'.Dec. 1, ! . - H-3t . ' State of North-Carolina, , ' 'ZY't. 4 Cutuberlantl' County. V-: Equity Fdl Term, 1824. ' 4 - ' " Henry Stephenson, 4 ; .-Henry. - W,. Rhodes, Jonathan , Stephenson v: ;',.;" r; atd Mark Christian., r : ; - I "vT appearing to the Court, by tlie .return of X ; the Sfieritf. that Henry V, Rhodes ant jyiarK unnst anonne ueicii ;ants m tnis cas . are not inhabitants of this S tafe : It is ordere thaipubncsfton be made for "sixty days in the ' Raleivrh";Register,-'--tbr (Jie'said defendants! toappear, . pleat t answer or detnut to com plainanVs bilibn or before the first'day of the - lerisaing term tif this court to' be held on the - ' Sth Monday after the 4th Monday .-of' March next, or, tne saia diji wuine taicen as pro ennfesso as to them respectively, 'and heard ex-parte. f A true copy of & from the minutes v Tesf, JOHtt HOGG, CM. II ' Su ny Cou n ty. - NnremierSe3sipn,V.;D; 1824. Joseph vyiiliams, assig. - ; ; , . Thomas Thornton Sc others. I Petition for , 'V r. t ? . nartition of " The real estate of "William J lands, &c. ! Thornton, dee'd. v K.J i . n IT appearing to,, the, satislactiop of the Court that the he jrs of Davis Thornton, dee'd ari not inhabitants of this State. It is therefore ordered by 1 the Court that pubH . cation be made for three weeks In the Ua llcigh RcgiiterV -that the .said " heirs of Davis Thornton, dee'd appear at theCourt Hbuse ' in Rockford o:i thesecond Monday in Feb ruary next, plead, answer or demur to said petition," otherwise final judgment will be tittered up'agalnst them. ' " ' ! Tesi . - l -v JO.; WILLIAMS, C. C. ' Adv. 2. : . ; ; ? i ' . - , 109- State of jN'orth-Carolina, . , - Surry County r,; ; . . November Sessions, A.,D. 1824. ' Jonathan Roherts an Wm, Herrih I Petition for partition . John Creeds' heirs. "H T appearing to the.atisfactton of , the Court JL that the: heirs, of said 'John CveeH, are not hihabitants'of, this State. ' It is' therefore or dered by the Court: that publication be made for six weeks in the'Raleigh Register that the said 'heirs of John (Treed'ido appear at .t he next Court of Pieas and Quarter Sessions, to he field ' for the Countyi 6f Sutty, at tlie Court-1 louse 4t Rockford ' on the second Monday ih February hext plead, answer; '.or de miir to said t petStionj otef Wise judgment wjll be entered up against them. V" - -sTest. v i fA-t 5 JO. WILLIAMS, C C;H- Vdv. $3; 50. x WveC" ' ' '? : 1096V.' j. ' ' : ' . v.. i : ' t -. -; . State of Noftli-Cafoliim, ':.r--Surrj;C.ountj.ti,jt ., :-t; vi November, Sessions; A-tp.I,324. , ti . ' -:oVi'--'t'('TTr-frl "Hbuttoo.- ,v f vlames, Joseph LoydL- V; : t ; j: ; IT Jap p earing to the satisfaclionofthe Court tha ; Jbseph lo vill,; pne of the" ' Defentlants in this case isi'nan inhabitant of J:!s State; ltls ordf rec,4by the, Courjt -hat publicatian, 1 bemade,;fori.iiyeks in the Raleigh Regis, ' "teft givinfj no6ceI'tothe said Joseph Lqrvill to appeapat the' next ,Cburt pf pleas and .Quar ter, Sessions ta be bejd jfori the county pi Sur Ty at the fCourt-House -in Rockford, - on? the : secpnd ondayjjn " answer or demur,' otherwise the said petition will be taken pro confesso. against himi and . heardexparte.:xi; cTuYMf4?, ; H '.-y a JOi WILLIAMS, C. ,C, ?f , ; S top tlie y illain . dCKN Tuesday nicrht last.'NATHAii .G VV of Edgecomb county,' eloped Tro'm his neighborhood, and as I have sufficient reason 1 fffm Kic to bejieve, enticed away my daughter, one-of my negroes and tour other negroes front an orphan child. This fiend in human form, has left a destitute wife and four helpless chil dren, and repaid the many benefits I had con ferred upon him by decoying my child. ; - ' Thejnegro belonging tome, is named Ah cjiibali) ; he is'a low thick-set fellow, about 24 years of age, and will 'weigh about . 100 lbs. . The wife and;three children of the. ne gro, lived with Mr. Thomas Boon i of Edge cambe County, and was no doubt coaxed away by said Brazil. The,woman'3 name is Nicey, and her. children are called Jarmm, Clarissa, and Henry. The oldest boy Jarnvin, has a mark on the left side of his neck occa sioned by a burn, which my lead to a detec tion. . All three of the. children are yellow complected, as is the case with the mother. ; Buaztl :s nearly 30 years of age, with grey eyes, sandy hair inclined to curl, .speaks, in a fierce tone of voiced and is of slender statue'. It is the interest as well as duty, of every vir tuous member of society to aid in the appre hension of this consummate villain. To those who themselves have children, I need urge no stimulus to assist in restoring an innocent though deluded young creatuj-e to the bosom of her family. ; ! '' I will giye a reward of Owe Hundred Dot tAas for the apprehension or confinement in jail of said .Brazil, and negroes. Letters .to me, may be sent to Rocky Mount Post Office, Nash County. ' - " Y JORDAN JOYNER. 99 Sw , 14 miles east of Nash C. H ' Sheriff's aVe. 17 ILL be sold to the highest bidder for f T cash, at Waynesvi'.le Court-house, Hay wood county, on the 27"th of December next, the following Tracts of Land, lying in the said county, or -so much thereof as will pay the Taxes due thereon, and cost for advertizing, Yor the years 1816, 17, '18, '19, '20, ?21, '22, and 23: .'- ? ; Jo nai J.Ieadfbrd, 50 .acres of land on the waters of Pigeon river,' for the years of 1814, '20, '21, '22, and '23, John Clark. 50 acres in ' 'apt. Collin's com pany, for the yars of 1816 m '22. George Hefty, 100L acres of land, in Capt Devers' company: for tue" years 1818, '19 Sc '20. ' . Wiley Henson, 50 acres do, in Capt. De vers' company, Pigeon river, for the year of 1818. . . - . -. James Haiks, 50 Hcres do in Capt. Clark's company, tor the year 1818. "John t.ovc, (Fines creek) 50 do, in Capt M'Clure's company, for the years 1818, '19, J0, '21, "22 and '23. Jos. McMuilin, 100do in Capt. Clark's company, tor the years 1818, '19, '20, '21, '22, and .'23, : , Robert H ughes, 100 do on Hommony creek in Capt; Clark's company, for tlie years 1819, '20, '21, ; '22 and '23. . j Robert Clark, 50 do Lofty River," in Capi Collin's company, tor tlie years 1820, '21. '22 and ?23. ' ;snam uiayiocK, ivy ao on ngeon river. Capt. CatheyV.fof the years 1821, '22, and 23. . -.. " : . . ! Loyci Henson, sj up in nenson s cove, Capt, Cathey's company, for the years 1820, 21, '22 and '23. . . r t J as. Clark, 100 do. in Capt. Clark's com pany, for the years 1319. '20, '21, '22, 8c '23. Absalom Trull, 50 ' do in Capt. Cathey's company . for he years 1821, '22 and '23. Noah. Sturd, u do waters of Hommony' creek,' Capt, Clark s' company, for. the years 1822 an d '23. ; i - ' - I . William Williams, 250 do , on t he wa (ers of Big creek, in Capt. Moody's com -pany, for. the years 1822 and '23. , Zachariah Evans 100 lo on the waters of Pigeon river, Capt. Clark's company, for the years 1821, '22 and '23. .; . -: Daniel McDomiel, 50, do near the' Cold Spring,' Capt.McClure's comiiany, for the years 1819, f20, '21, and '22. ' David Wilkins, 50 do, m Capt. McC lure's company, for the yeafs of 1821, '22and 23 ' I John Street 200 do, on the waters ofJona- than's creek, Capt. Moody!s company, for the years 1822 and '23.-:- . -. ' . , .ionn Allison, iuu uu uo uo, tior uie year 1823. ; ? r -'kk": ; ' V1"" ; j Joshua Allia"n, 250 do, do do . for the vear 1823. - ; . ' . kk-- - Geo. Smiteel, 75 ioj'on the waters of Bea- v'erdam- creek, in Capt Clark's company, for the years 1819, '20, '21, '22, and "23. '; Richard -Alexander, 100 do da dp for the years 1 819, 20, '21 , '22, and 23. : ' John Peoples, 400 do on Hommonv creek. in !C?pt;vCUrks company, for the year 1823 Martin Collins, 1UO do. waters ot Pigeon ri ver,' Capt. lievers company tor tne year 1822. . 'Y- ; ' r : '" ;":lY:.' -; ; Mary Hefty. 200 do do do for, the year 1822. fi Jos. Ray, 50 do on the waters of Pigeon ri ver, Capt, MCUiure company,, lor the year 1823. o-.;-V-- 'k i--'-' Silas Woody, 113 do in Capt. McElves company,Tor thei'yearl823vr . ; ? v . William Cooper; o5v xio On Pigeon river. Capfr. Devers company, for, the year 1823. Benjamin Simmons, , 100 do do do for the year-1821 ;'22, and. .. i YY kkk'k Stephen Jennings, 100 do in the Cany fork company, for the year 1822. Y Vv : ,v ? 'ki ' ailes Kilpsftrick,:72 do waters pf Crabtree creeks ,irj Capt.jMcCluse's company,- for the year, 1823;? ,j ' tfi. n : k ? ki.k kkszy - . Zachartah ., Clark, ibO do Fines creek, for. theyear 1823.f ir . k kr. '. i r-::. v .': ; Harden Rino. 100 do Capt. Clark's compa ny, for the year J823. ihkk. ? t?;ff6- . I :rael Kotjison, 20U acres ot Land, utCapt. McDowell'a, company, far, the' iyeara 319 20,''21, :'22, and 23. J.mkmkM H f iiicQau jcvans, auu;acres ot . land, on Pi- on nver, iortne year ,1817, ? Jf H L'rf YY::JAa.aicKEE. ShfT.- - State of North -Carolina. obedience to the act of the General As ft S( sembly of 1823, chapter the 7th, the Pub lic Treasurer hereby gives JVoft'ce, that he will purchase of the stocks or shares of any or all of the three several Banks of this state, for1 .he use and benefit of the public :- Letters addressed to him on that subject, post paid will be promptly replied tol l JOHN HAYWOOD, Pub. Treas. ! j Raleigh, 25th Oct. 1824. . ' 100- liaiiiVs for sale near RY virtue of a decree of the Superior Court f Equity for th-: county, of Wak-e, made at the last term of said Court, 'will be offered tor sale at the Court House in the City of taleighj!' on Monday the 2Qth diy of -December next, on a credit of 12 months, two valu able Tracts of Iand, belonging, to the estate of Willhm II. iJtiffin. dee'd ; viz. one tract lying on the waters of Beaver D .m! Greek and on the Stage road leading frpm JJaleih to Lduisburg, adjoining the lands of Nathaniel Jones and others, containing by estimation lour hundred and fouracres and an half, which said t ra.t of land, was purchased by said Wm. H I Ituffin of Jeremiah Dunn. The other tract principally in woods, containing fifty three and three-quarter ;icres,"by actual mea surement and adjoining the lands of C. Man ly and others, was purchased of Ji.mes Boy Ian and wife. The purchaser will; be. requir ed jlo give bond ith twd gco securities for the purchase money. J. : J Y JOHNS. ELLIS, C.&.M. E. .Nov. 8, 1824. ' ; 3- ' j State of North-Carolina. ; -k Johnston County. ' ; . Superior Court of Equity. . . September term, 1824. Y Y ' James Kerby & Stephen (jrice, ' Joel Newsum & Jesse Avcoc def'ts. tT'HEREAS at March term, 1824, of said ; y,v Court, the death ot the defendant Jesse Aycock was suggested, and a sci: fa. ordered to be issued to the heirs and legal representor tiyes of the said Jesse, and that they He made parties defendants to the bill of complaint And by the Sheriff 's return at September term 1824, it appears to the satisfaction of the Court, that Elias Aycock and Benjamin A v cock are not residents of this St ite, it is therefore ordered, that'oubhcation be made three months successively in the Register as to the noif-residents, and that tliey appear at the next term of the,Curt, to be held at the Courthouse in Smithfield.on the fourth Mon day of March next, and shew cause, if any they have, why they shall not.be made par ties defendants as aforesaid. 'j i k k . Copy of the Minutes. , T ! . D. li. BRYAN,: C. M. E. Oct. 15. 99 3m 1 iBSCONDKO from the subscriber on the l. 10th of this instant, three Negro Men, to wit ; -AM, ED WARD and KADER. Sam, aged about 50, of light complection, c .iSiderably . marked with the smallpox, bought of Parson Keehmd pi Suflolk, i Virgi lia". - . ... l- ; "Y ' '' " ' ' Ka ter, aged about 30. sold by Asa Roger son to James B. Diggs of Norfolk, then to r nian by the name of Bess of Duplin county, North-Carolina, and then to the .'subscriber. Bwader is of 'a dark coniplection, well made, .and; of a' pie jing co?inteniince when spoken to,and has a scar on his forehead with :rrge pair of wlyskers ,.,no other mark recollected. He said previous to liis going off tliat he had a wte in Camden countyj N. C- and probably will aim for that place. - , . j Edmortdi between 28 and 30, about 5 feet 10 or Hi inches high, of a pleasing counte nance wh'eri spoken, to, and "speaks s very quick, inclined to be bo Aiegged, was raised on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and sold by one North am to James Patterson," by. him to the subscriber. Y ' '; I will giv.e 50 dollars a piece for Edmond and Kader; and 25 ilodars for Sam, for appre hending and securing thcin in awy safef JaiJ so that I get th5m again. . !' i : ! JOHN VICTORY. ' r -; Taettv '; . v ; rfr OBERT JAFFRAY, & Co. have receiv ed their Fall Importation of Dry Good, direct from frngland and New-York. Their assortment include almost every artV le need; ed in a country store I. ' - 4 -, They invite all responsitde dealers to come and buy, on as liberal terms of credit as are given by any Importer in the United States. Other houses in this town, have imported so largely this season, that the amount of goods here, at present, far exceeds that of any former time, i n pur experience. , T . I he stock of Groceries, is equally exten sive. country dealers, therefore, have. ma ny more advantages now than heretofore, in this markeu - . T 102-2m. Fayetteville, October 25th 1824: ' ' Bpirding & Entertainment THE subscriber, begs leave to inform the public -that he 1ias rented the largo and commodious House ii: Wiluamsiiorough 1 for merly occupied bjr Messrs. Jones' &' Andrews, for the puriwse of keeping a'Boardine: House and,: Private; ? Entertamnient. , He can com fortably raceommodate ' ID' or 12 Students - of the Ac demy wth board ' and lodging, to wuose-niorars tuc -uuxiosi. aiienuon snail De paid. I It maybe observed tliat tEe Academy is in a inost flourishing condition and promi ses to continue so. Y ' I Reference may. be inade td Gen.Jos. -H. Bryan the Hon.; Leoc. Henderson. Cok: net AVm. Robartls, P. Handlton, Esq. Col. Thos Turner, or Mr. A. Wilson, Principal of the Acaaemy. . - JOHNtW, BURTON.1 New Map of North-Carolina; HAVING been informed, that many of the Oountv Maps distributed by ; Mr.' John MacRae of Favetteville for the purpose of correction, have been returned by the Meln bers of the Legislature The subscrib;:r, therefore begs leave to say, that they will be thankfully received by hiin at'hi room, N E. C'jrnbr,of Messrs. Ross 8Scbtt's Stored at any I time most convenient to those. gentlemen who may have them in their possession. i v ki r ROBT. IL BRAZIER. ? Raleigh, Nov55th, :l824: Y f 83t.' :, The celebrated Race Horse, Js3t W r k WASHINGTON. Will stand at-niy Stable in Warren ton, the next S ea son, and will be let-to a fe w Mares only, f The season o commence the 1st Fe bruary, an J close the 1st Julyas he Wfll be trained for the Fall Uaces, if no' accident bap' pens to him. Further particulars will be made knorn in due time. "1 -v v '' Y: PETER MITCHELL. ' Nov 26.. k kkk- '''"'.'' 9 k F.ov Colds, obstinate Coughs, Asth ma, Catarrh, Hoojn ng Cough and 2 Consumption in their early stages. ttTHOLLY disbelieving the common doc v T trine pf Specificst or that! any medicine will ahouya, without regard to circumstances cure any one. disease ; yet it must, in justice to the medicine now given to the public,; b'e confidently asserted, that it comes nearer to a Specific in the above diseases, than any hing hitherto known. As yet, -where i has had a fair trial, it lias seldom failed, of curingi or at least m terialiy alleviating, the above distressing and dange rous complaints, j This is a medicine -that may be used for any length of time, withoutjin the least inju ing the constitution. k j It does not, like many others, relieve for a time, br merely while using, but its effects are permanent. It promotes digestion, gives tone and-vigor to the stomach, and restores the lungs, which , are generally the. seat of the above complaints, to the healthy discharge of their functioriv Y " 1 Tie above medicine is for s ile at RAN DO LP 1 1 vV EBB's Apothecary .-tore. : j S. If. & LAiYvitt, - WHOLESALE 0ROCKUS, . . Uay Street, i,yetteville JV. C. Offer for sale for cash or produce 15 Hhds. ra- -35 Bbls. Sagar. 10 do Loaf do k 65 Bags CoftY , 20 do Pepper, AIs;ice and Ginger, . 20 H lids. Molasses, v 25 Bbls. N. Ei Rum, - 10 do Northern Gin, ' 5 do Malaga Wine, 200 Kegs Cut Nails and Brads' assorted 4d. ,to 40d. o . " 30 Tons Swedes Iron assorted, , 1000 cwt. German Steel, . . . 1350 do Blistered do.' 250 do Cast ! do. " ; -1500 do Hoop Iron, 2000 do Shee- Iran, 2500 Sharemoulds, k , . ' 1500 Bushels Liverpool Salt, : 700 .. do. 'Sound, do 40 Boxes No. 10, Cotton' Car. b, 10 do No. 6, Wool do. - - 50 do 8 hvllO, J .... T ' , 10 do lOJby 12, f ?. m? Glas3s 100 Reams Wrap ping. Paper, - -, 25 tlo Writing do, 50 Kegs Dupont H F Powdery 3 v do Shot, assorted, , , X 2 do Bar Lead, . - 10 Bbls. Tanners OiV . . 20 do Mackerel. 20 Half do do. , 8 Crates Stone Jugs, assorted 1500 cwt. Salt Petre, 500 do : Allnm, 500 ; do Brimstone, k- " ' c ;', - Bagging and 1 Bale of Rope and Twine With an assortment of.PAINTS, OIL and DYE STUFFS ALS.O,-A constant supply of Wool Ma efune Cards. ' "' .' . v v.,' - Oct.,28, 1824. "j-; 102-8w. , - -'' '- : .. - ' . ; i 'a; " uTOHE subscriber has just received" by the 4JL last arrivals One Hunilred and Sbctv-sf r Packages DRY GOODS: well selected for this market : comprising almost everr article wanted in tne Drv Good line. r . v yiy,- ' also;; ' ' 25 Cases Straw Bonnets,'' " . 100 .Nest Band Boxes. '" ' 5 Trunks Shell, Ivory, , Bras and Imitation Comb ' x ' j Cotton and Wool Cards, Wool Hats, &c. The above articles are offered at Whole-f ale and Retail, at a small advance from cost.. Merchants from the country. av resnert- fully invited to-'call and examine the Goods and prices. ' ' ' E. E. LEWIS. , Fayetteville, Oct. 38, 1824. 102-4y.y npHE fsubscnbeVL'has'bpenjpd a' School Jin Geographyi'with the use of the Globes. Na tural and Moral Philosbruhy &c win also J)e Mugtu. tm obuuut is jlu .-' aies, west ot vas Well Courthouse, and 7, miles east from, Rock? iinghhi' Springs.' kk Y; : kk ' fe- kkk a Caswell county, near Brown's Store; for the instruction 'of youthJn'fti4meixt;o the)Etiglish,s: Latin and Greek Lanafu? es. i - (..?. , '- .... ' . - i -r ; . .-. ... ... ;( B it hcomh e Nb2. .106 Si " Inches higlii about the cbuimort . color, tpiei abiy abiive, hanarrow feet, arid a srrTall rear .1 over one bf his eyes It is probable. ; he-ha.. altered hisiriajne, as drireiuenfly pses from Stahtonsbujg ,to Newbcrni A lie ? has a . free wife bv the name of Rancy Artis,T UVing near Staritonsbitrg, i& irlis likely he attempy Y to pass for-a jree-man.v- The above ' reward . will be givehto any perisoh who shall deliver said Ntgro. to me, living five miles. abQTe, V Stantonsburer, or confine him in Jail, o that4 ; I get him againA masters of vessels; are. ; forwarned carry irler him "offiUktk.i$ 'k' kkk? Y ; k, , x JOEL NEWSO, V . Wa'ne cou nty , Aug. 7 .-.. iuu v-i-": , FROM" the subscriber i;vi.4g.Mn,nunc5mpe t County, Nprth-Carolink't .In, June 18Z aniiptjrentice i(jv; bvf name WiilianrWiJson.; Said Wilson wa 17vears of igejlast July,1 aiJ's atbut,:weJl jgpwd'U&: P , son whowill retrtrn said appfeiiticb to me, I v ' wfflgiveVrewaM , k 'k s" . u -'';,rY i,'-'. k'k O AN AWAY from; the' stibsibetajwjtw, ML years ago; a' negro man named' J AC OU . 'The Public-are irif brriied; Jthat: 'file : C aiolma 5 oxiriial i i Medieihej-Sdeflc . A - 1 v..-- tiire, ,k: 'k : : M ' .' VHPROSpECTtJS of whiih; wis published last spriug. is noVinthe Press, Vmlj will f be published in the beginning of Jaifiiafy" 1825. All Communications od either Ajfecli ' cine, Natural Scienclei or AgTicuiture.must -b e addressed (post paid to either of the E s ditors and all Subscriptions to Messrs Gait 4 anJ Ellis. ; . -i : k'-k t-- The Journal will b e published quarterly ' k in place of every two months, andt will jponf tain 100 pages each 'No. . The SiibScriptioii has been in consequence lesaehed from $5 to'Y - J4 per, annumi ;: kk-''li' kk- T ;'i 'V Q Subscriptions received .."at Jobs' .O.'Wiij- ;; itsa's Book Store, Brdad Street; Chariest oof W V' HOS, Y.JSIMONS, M.VVtti--:':'A WM. MlCIfELrM: Di kSy$'': Nov iy. lDeb3t k DRAWING OF THE; OF VIRGINIA. First; Second, Thifd; Ifoiirtll; VV ':V M'kk ' 21. ' rr. k Sk " 16, ' ! .141 By the drawing of the above four.nutriberB; -; the fate of 17,550 tickets was determirledi Y Combination, v ' ' . '.). ks k'k:k"'Ut .tc 21,- 8, 16, Capital prize of 5000 Dollai-S Combination 21-.16-8, Combination . 21 8 Y14" A v - ; 8 .21 Ti4 - . a-usife : 21 82116 ; 81621 1621-: 8 16 821 14 21 : 8 14 ' 8 21 Combination Combinolibn7 21 16 14 21 14 21 16 141 8 8 16" 16: 14' 14. 16 14" 8 14 8 ie 21 16 16 14 14. 16 O , 14 21 f o 16 The 138 tickets which drew nrizp '4H. dollai-s, are those having the third and fourth " drawn numbers viz. -14 16. , .klk'. The 690 tickets which drew prijs bf lQ dollars, are all , those .having unytw, b. pf the v drawn numbers on them And the 6072 tickets which drew nri; " I Ov I I rt J W 14, ;i-v: .: 16 . f. i$kr& ?k: 8 'j8? 5 dollars, are all such as have any of the dii wri numbers on them; L .: ; v . , The most gptoidid lottery in the UkStatbsk OF PENNSYLVANiAf Y : J' ' '"' ' . Class No. 14. : , ' i ' ' ' - '. - '. , OAHTit - I "''- ' v ' ' ' '-- ,' : ; Fifty: Thotisand Dollars ! 1 ! Wk'. I- - 1 Prize of $50,000 is 50,(o6 Dollars 1 do of 20,000 is20.0QQ1inl!arK' rV , J do of 10.0QQ ts;io,ooo: DotlarVr'?-:; 2 do of 5,000. is 100 Dollars. - , 1 20 ' 30 . 52 156 . 1248 10508 do do do do do do do of of of of of of bf 4,720,15-4,7201)011,, liOOO is 20000 Dollar! 500 is 15,000 Dollars, 100i3N 5,200 Dollars,;. 50 is 7,'8p0 Dollars; v .20 is 24.560 Doflara, 10 is 106,080 bollard 12,120 Prizes, " . . . -273.760 Doll- 22,100 Blinks 34.220 TTiolf f Yx . . j . -': The above brilliant -Sthenic fnAlkCk Philadelphia, on the;5th,of January next and. completedn that dar : ' Present pricel of tickets lOdollafs, Shares in proportion. I 'Atertificate of 20 Whole tickets: U2"!00 -' o 0Half,.l.do;;H,:5600 tl , ' 20 tiuer do v k 2,8 0d (p Ordets enclosmg the Cash 6r pr ze V tickets yi any of the Lotteries, of Maryland or Vginia, f or tickets or Shares in the abqve brilliant. Lottery .will vrlv k.,. if-mllA-.- t..ww .UUCI,. WHYTE'S LOTTERY OFFlcfi, PetersburgjVa. Farmwell Grove Abaci niv I - THETrusteesof Farmwell Grove 'XcteA& ? s having emnlroed Mr. j. of bur Unfrers sb'tution;the exercises bf the Jhki L:n resumed op. the 2d Monday in January next t?iBor "ndTnitionircoV "kl!? v?? 1 heretofore., first! rate "Boot ami Smmaker tan f -i r 'Constant ehTplovmertt;d!?rino.fK at my shop tiSOuield,'Jbhhstonounty.iJ mrkkk-k dmrv?U; nun. uuy : '- ' f JUtiZi 11. P1CKAUD. . '1 i' NoV;55. 1063t ' " ...- S-V---- -f' - 'Vvf '- : kk -v Nor:12th, 1824. kH . ( j. Ynr. adv.l ' i - . : a v Mru" ;ikrt 1 v XV

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