4- , v J,, - c . 1 A ! . If tit li .5! III 4 i -1 ft li !.','.J t v. 'Cf v i .! .1: 'J1 91 s a ' - ! . We doubt nOt'our readers wdF'be'&nifc ? tilled ,by4a ' nerusaU of Odicful lowing ': j em oria 1 ,t presenter. to. the ; G e n era 1! ; yAssembly,a: femdaya since : ' '.-. 4 '- To.-A iUtfUorahl-fthe CffW Msembly :--TW .Memorial of te citizens jf the Town - of Fayettcyiilc Vin oton mtmgduly conven.. ed,', rcspecttii Uy represents That vout Me ; v inorialists in ' common witlfctheir. fellow citu .- zctis are much interested in whatever, cop- - .. ' cerns the. prosperity the. commerce; and art- v culture of tbjs state, and liave received eveyy ;vproovf Legislative. aid to these objpts.yh ture,-s your Memorialist hiimhly concetvj , I aye 'cjone more credit to' themV . rfiectd mofe honour pn.the "state;. Qr done more io adv;mceJits ; prosperity than the several acts - reUtMiff to Internal Improvement?. . . i" . t v ; vNorth-Carirn:i,' frohih' size population, r ' situjitiou, ' hmate soil and procliir.tibns.' s ; -worthy1' to beraijlced.vhfgh' in.the listof her -.means of beconfjuthe lrstatnonKt the fore- , most" and could her capacities' be duly im proved, and all her, rescMirces , brought -.nub actVcu'T the. name : . he a high Ctle. a i of a Xortii-Cuxoluuan Wotild . . ..Vjlef more enlightened statesmen have loig seen her tneat. caoacitiesJ Jkruh bv numerous actst of incorporatiotij hex citizens' were jirous-. eu to, attempt an improv'emeju of them f pUt v ihesejdiiijohited efforts," wheri there was iko . experience to guide, ahd tMf-skiU: tOLuirejt ' neAjniaatexl irj loss "arid ilisappointnenl wiTheCeerlA?mblvkstleeTvilie, .tfttsJ fV-wtseJ; cre.ited a Ioad of Tnterhal,m?)rTJve v mentfl; and a- fund, r tiie judicious 'application ; , of whcli;t was believed would soon.be be- eficialiy felt tllrouL-hout the State. 1 p" : 1 w;t!i deep ' r pfret votif 'Memomlisfs ?erceive, resoiuuons oeiore your rionor.i Die .t3odv-for aboV.shiujr this Board, art ! while thy r impose. witl 'confideiice on your judgements, ' --they 'respectfully "desire tp come before 'ou,' . "."With the statement of a few facts and arini- ments. to show that the ceintinuation of. the - luru pfinxernai inr.provements dv vour Hp ; their labYrs, that to abolish the "Board, an - discharge. the Civil Kngnieer, would eve ntu- - ar iu itiuch positive eyii, ana oe m. tne nuf- :j? bJe.npiKjo!) oi ypur Meminahst.-i? not only j ,r wjej;t; of deepxnd lasting egi-et, but a yi v lation of the fith of the States . ? It m obvious to feverv reflecting mind, that . there. is a disposition for EmgntiqU existing ,- In every part of tlie State. Da ly and Wtmotit liOUrly, we se, and we hear, of our c;t"zens reinovi," either to the South or the West ; ' klrc.-iiTving with tlierti their slaves, their rnonev. and ither peM-soivif property forcinir; or leav- inritheir lands Jn an already jrhitt' d market. . ( V hat are the consequences: ofthese fiquent V "'t'migrationH ?; fOnr sbte Is deprived of many 1' valuable i iuK tuseftflp citizens r our phvs cjal ;' -' -.'fttrerigtlv is u eakened.'4ahl our wealth a a ft 1 I puujr, ia a uieasiire-caneu xor ny '.ne l .' . J Interest of 'dveVy ciiizen - of Noith-CroVma, ' 1 " ; . -tbt much. positive Eroodlhas restiltect .in - -s- r Community fs diminished. Those Emigrants. , carrji, vuii ttiem , tho-rprdperty, eiMier hIh ex or fn nitiiuV : : if in the form-v. then ' much U taken jroni t he V'boutV and from the irudimtiona ot the Stated it in ttie litter, then 1 !ucfi-oin the circiiiatig medium of ,tlfie - -Hk ate, whM':'' ry n few revojiit'onscon-tes hack r S ujJVii Vur Uanks" for specie from some of the ;Uv -J 'V- !;i;grM" northern cititrs ; anil in these drins up ' .fc 1 the' BanluTr seciefowirig put ofEmi- f:' ,;- gratum .not -only do iiidivfclnal siockholdtrs sustain lossgs-p-but the State, thejreatst of alIst.rckboldcrs in all the Cauks, is a mati rial , r W hatyour Memorahsts would respe'ctfiil- ,-it ly enquire, are the causes ofj these frequent ' emigrations .M)ur Stafe possesses as salubri ! VOus a cHrrlatev hastts fertile ahd diversified ja " $6i& is rich'in productions as any other : rttr Kivnthe Roanoke, the Tweus the Cape " TVar, aiid the Yadkin, ill iiot sufierih coni- -vT!umir wirh the rivers of other States. Our ' - aVH asc inild nr.d einfable, ami the's-i'te .of -piiiciely isvod why then the' Emigrations ? CoiTiimcu -s sfntckled-; :ts opctations lie 'n icert ai n'r and he r ductions of ;Vir.farm ' ors cannot he solrforJliejr value-7-and why j? 4-''-11ecause our loads- are'Jiad,,' - bec:ufee.'r com; , me'vee is not c rrie within every man's reach; : i it6ugiit to be. because our s'ta ,p oris ll -' ?" ' " not improved, and because therefore, .every 1' "'''0111 of rotton ad'to acco,' "every barrel of l;,4'-" - ;-vtai51jVfioiir, of any thing else that is raise'd " in tins State, p?ys" a liuavy duty hy way olf ji , V fei 'lit "roas'ivise. Would iour llonbrahle l;uly believe t !i;t the planters Ayho set! thf tr tirrn ut Favet," pville of Wihnihf-o))' paVan- r'f jwtalir to tut? owm ts of snJ! cTafr suchns ply 'x to umt from' Wilnvn'gton Jo Kew-Yoik; the "'.- norm -us sum of $l0k,00i ! Y.f t the fact is so. -And Avhf? Htcaiisdv ,bV leVson of the depth t; f water, I .trge-xt fuels' Can hot so' easily ply to A; f jiiid fiorn Wdmingtoiil lonv - Pertr-rshurg 6r ":c Oh;t rl est tv o - Ne v-Yok, tti e fre 1 h t of a ha'e if .r.ottonis 51 6'-V?50.- from NVil'hing- V V!oiiiy ili; 'mt: poll, if js irom 1 50 to 2 op p r.h.nf, which upon, 1d,(X0 bags gives a Irsis of mort than 10,00(1 do)'ars. and 1 shows tint upon thrt aiicleinVhi single operati;? on, he 'planter receive rbr their Cotton his iSu le f bau they would receive, if 'the J'oii; fK -i?f ' iimiUjit'in v as so improve d aVta admit ; 'jrr, Wgl vessels'' trading 1 6ifA nd if such he 1 t I ic'loss diot t on' oh the"- freigil t' coast wise1, "wbat lOay-hv 'rstni o t t he I Ohh-s o p a 1 1 1 iK 1'C.vr pf oittw: u. Ot the. 'Slate, shi'med fri the - : fief V-irJous "jjioVtsV hi", alltlieir t arious '"opera ' . i$hv"'; itr, Jhat rKnj'planfCTs and i-farmefs, ' " t'lVir'T'toilhee, in th&tbVi ''m ift t IrSfatfia - custfthe'J5rth-Ciwdl:rtt t -. ,1't o i ve s m uc j i U iv ' selt-s c heap "as nVrcliaht '& Vetetibrg ''orChiirfestrt" I 4 the hi we a .p-eheiia toe: sanje icasoii :--.wiu .ausuv . fcppl v tjal'.: " ' -"-.rO;-.''v r'-''-,'-'--''. -hintver i large,' .and tnight be made ca4 ' palde orafitrir.jig gowl navigation air the ... -'!, . i . i'll(il...i.rtnlT ia iiitA '.inn tui .mo"- iiaroor.. m iumimj, "w, c-ipaciousV but the entrance'tuit.is obstruct by sauubars and fiats, which however may Tie-removed. in ofinsequnw:: vmv ';' v Struct foiis in the river, and the. drfncuky of s '--A.MrIi : in Hhe hai.oiv all our .meicauult ; .f- tftCy nhtai'iT4,etib3itjf.Mlvre - : "-aiSv'hytis ,"tt th.it tlJrave: to-;iv?erwiort' foi-;.tliV articles!' the $ liwljjQh viousK; f iA -Wa ki Wthe;Ojtr:ftuflsr of itlde 'ifirt ,thts ri vrr, bVti Vr tftau we : ty fthat Tbfi hy otlre'r fiye'r lUt) h'Sta e 5 re ore .we make cArr deduc ti ui fvo'i it" oper.'ti' iTs . - ve,r lv!llti, ,tO-tM'S'piace. lor- oieuin-ooais I - -aivdto if vv;rd foi -other IJwtts but frtim f " v.. ohsirur iu hereto .tMrendMiqwexisrnd ; OVhut.wrhieh hre shseptib' of removal the f with fV lii y,"vv;i'h increased risk i iind aH those count Kss vvxiitioos jud' losses twhich,"arfik 'at-. ii nuini iptn, ! jmpenect; nnvig-ancv' niw TbA piice 4f frelgitt -frcm"KeA"ork": ;to:Vil" rhi n g on,' ii ei gf 1 1 c e nf s' 1 1 n 1 ;tlie Iditbic foo, it is, fif tee h rents from ,Wi,1 mihetpn to Fay- etevi!!e; VWill "youx Hdnorahle Moy for -ft iPomenfcalcHRte ; whkrre the .losses, susr tained in. shipping. poods from vWilminffton ahd, in receiving them at FAvetteville. nd ouwui uc at no joss in aeienmninir wnv uic; . 'ill ' . . 1 . . 1 aL m price of produce is, lower, and the pnert ot goods higher, than m Petersburg &. duxrlesr lon. . : K r Kemove the cause 6f these differences, and "t will be the result Suppose we-vhad14 feeL,vater to,Wlmint'tonv so hs toalipw. ofa direct trade to Europe and four ' feet water m the river, .so. as : to allow jjond navigation alt the.year., Tha merchants of Wilmi ngtou and Favetteville, could and would give a mucti tor proauce as apv rncrcnants in any. city in the countrv -and could and .would sell .tbt-ir KOpds4iS chrap.rt ... C:- Jin this. town, and the town of Wilmmjjton alone.' your Memorialists entertain no doubrV but that the savings to the growers of IV heat, Cotton, Tobacco and Uice, ivoiyd annually exceed $100,000; and if ; these, savings con M be efFected in this Heclion alone, what would they be in the whole - State two on three times the amount, as vour.mernor''alits verily oeiieve.- tow. can tnese results oe raaae to appear ?v Simply bv4 a -perseverance in the judicious measures heretofore adopted Al- rf taiiy hare" the works -begun below. Wilming ton, proved t ha tin lhe(course ttf a short time. they will uns.wer idl the intended ? goodf they are, allowed .to progress, , soon shall we see, yessJs of a hirge burthen lying" at the wnarves ot that place, carwincr the rich .'Pro ductions tif.ourState to-an. European market, witjiout the - risk, .uncertaitity and cxpence' of a coastwise voyager , 11 the works above, Wil Uiingiou '.re allowed ito, proCTess,.- we sliall stion have four feet water all the year to t'ais places already has the rtavigtion been made -good for 8ixtyxmUes ..above Wilmington, -with yie expenditure of only a fifth ot the appro priation made 'by the last Assembly-and in a year or.two at most, with h ss thaVth -'sum now apprfpriaed, "wehll have:-- it is confi dently expected, a irood and safe navigatior- our operations will be certain, our risks will.be diminisheL and the prices .of freight will belcssened from ; one fourth to one half, To effect these valuable mirposes, the in terest of the Stite at large requires that the operation?' should be conducted by a man of skiil ahd judgment, under the control of a board of Gentlemen, - possessing- talent's and respectability. With such management, and under such auspices, we may look for bene- nciai results witiiout. them . we cannot." In one single summer, the .present Engineer has effected more good on the river Cape Fear, than had been effectf d during the whole ope rations of the Navigation Corripany ; and while be has expended less than 5000 they for want. ot skill and iudgment in their work men, expended more thnn A 00,000 dollars When you take,.into ca'culition the monied interest the State has, in tliis company,' vou will 6ee plainly, what an immense saving this has been to the State. Your Memorialists would beg leave io nu ntion a fac' whidi speaks volumes Mr. Abernathv and othe'-s. the first, ljnagers for- the Navieration Com pany; expended 20,000 dollars' upon - a- por- iion .ox ine. river oejow Favetteville, without eftectingany material improvement that portion or-the greater part .of it is embraced wiM.in.Tiie sixty miles, mailc comparativelv safe ind good by A'r4'.Fuhrn, during the last summer, at an exjience of less than" 5000 do Pars . YHir Memofalis's confidently believe, that could your Honorab'te B'.uly Sv e. the vast im proveinnts winch T.ave b'en accomplished upon this river, and at Wi'mi !r J on, by tin- present Engineer, under the lire ction of the able Tt-juird: of Internal Improve ments, vou could n vt hesttab' to awaifl them; the meed of your approbation, and to continue their valuable labors. . - if this work is now suspended if 'the' ris ing spirit of our State is nov- suppresse.t, if. its growing strength is now to be .palsied, wfr' n and where are .we to look , for renovation ?. Gloom and apathv will pervade all classes of men; the hopes of. the farmer and merchant rv'ill be withered aiui oiasteJ. the heart ot the P.-itriot .will sicken aiid tiurtiYith pain from the prospeetH ; w hile 'lie more f.ru lent, or the nnore folfishj V'ill, in more favored Stales, seek for tl vt ) ihHioration oP their'cortdii'on, wlfch they are 'denied, in "the place of thir nai'vitv. .' V ' ",'','. . ." ''' ;: There is one: c.'ins deration Which your Memorialists would respectfully-submit to our Tlon-eVable Ihnly, in which . tliey re not all individually interested, xbut in Vnich they tre- concernedT ,.as citizens of -"thei State,- an; 1 n wlych t he V thif. k 1 le fa ith .of th e St ate is implicated Uy an act of 1823t tfie Itoard pf 1 nternal Improvements;- were' authorised id subscribe 25,000 foll;irs to the Ca pe -Tear". Navigation otti p:. nV upon cerjain.ee nrli (Ions.; rhis monf y has been subscribed, & amorigst thefcondif ions',' jwe finderstaiid, the original stockholders were requ;red to reduce tlieir stock from 10Q to 50 dollars per share, and the President and iMrecvbrs were. required i o : give i uc nosru uic yunmuru control oi thei r fu nds "'with power to direct all tie ope i rations if the. company. TJjese conditions were embraced an I agreed to by the Stock hbiders, upon the faith, and with the fullest confidence that the State would fulfil its en. g;gements, that it would continue the Board 'nnd F.h-inecr, that ill those services woiild tlie Stockholders be .remunerated for the di minished value of their, stockl , i , . ; . i "I ; r If the B oard Internal Impfoverneiit is abolished aul tlie Engineer dischafgedirt v, h2t situation do you P.'ce the company Will tlie State have attetl with good, faith. ? Will the State be willihg tp sacrifice sbnich of its own interest ' oil .th is compai y t Tliese are xiuestions whiclV; weffwillingly, leave tp vourwisiiom anu painoxismTo tieciie. - Mearsherewithsent ;f by Vkichybu-Avill per -4 i?TourMeniow6ts,'ii) tliuspresemink'-tiim selves before vmu would eek an anoloirv in "they f eefthat it is impprtantp ; tuenjiijtniir.to-- hp-t state- at "large, and; they vespecltuljybu hope; that' before vour lljOnorable "Body will adopt any measures which ' will ruin the, well t Ji.ii'p:.. : ..... ..:1L' . . . l - i iis ota; , yo wui uc cuuviuceu oi incir wis dum and utility, rrt ; $ Mf.tli v Onthecontrary;they entertain b :hope, j xnat in ine.conxmuE.aon pr uie tsoaru.: oi . in- ternal toproremeytsj nd in lib era! aropri- j--""iX pur meinoriaHsis wouiu respect! uiiy re ter ;oux honorable rbody .to the certificates of Mr.- WrnvIiM'Jeaind Messrs. Holmes and ceive smeioftliebenelitH alrea tyk accruing irom the vvorks above ; and below WihhinH ton,--' :'':s'''a''-: ;' Y:vn -" TlX9 oxpwi4ituix; hajs only becij 2494, Wpvks,you w-.u d-scerbjhef. ;,w.i,!t:.i';;j k i'.cor of JVourTSatr.and i tis obtain th anplase anu approuauwupi ihe tutv w-V-;.: i,:40MNilUSKE.v. i i , . BENTJ, KOlllNSON, X.f',yi- L. P. llEMtY,. .FayettevilWNoV. 27 1S24.; , U - SENATE. : ! 1 :fiJ riSpeigbt prtsnteiltlie foljn wing : i. Xeaotverl, That t he, J udiciaiy; Commitf c, b -instructed to enquire into 'die expediency of extending relief to those counties, win re "ie suits haye sp "accumulated that they cannot be tried at the regular term of said 'Courts, without any Increase) of salary to the judges Knlding sa f Courts, and that they report b bill br ottieTi$c.V;,Agre'edi 1 ;Mr. Hrynn iripVtf d i o reconsider; j li e vote takVn by. the Sen ate on SAtu rday last; on coticumf1 P the report of the cointhittee "of tH'e;u' holer onthe resoju tion? relative -to the Suprerne oiirt; which was agreetl to. , f jlfe.resol utiort was-then amciuliptt, on motion of Mr. Wellprun, and 1 committed to a select comtuittee, with instructions to report a; bill pursuant to" the provisions, there, of. . Messrs. Well born , liryau Jbjinsuti, Hartrrve and lM'Leod fpi'in this" Comf tntttee. ' ,f '. -.; ' " ' : : ; Mrl Boykin presented a resolutitin, instfuctiitg the committee of Finance to devise some , unrform mode for the iisseftsnieittjpfta ing to1 .ilue. Agreed to . . r -'"- -:M iv Forrieyfnnu HierCoihimttee of intern Iinirovetnents, to vvjtonf (was, referretr thebill tn :;'ppoirit. Vcnnmjs sioners to I ay ;oft a road from LeeV mi! Is to t he h ead of the Nev-r-lund in. Wash ington county, reported the id j bill v ith an at net id u i en t , w ! i tch 'as agree d to !:' : -'"' "' ' ;v :;" ':';'V; ' '--!; '. UM. . Mr. Forney from the same commit tee, reported a bill to repeal so much of th severaL acts of A rn.hly estar bl i sh i n sr a s t at e It oa d fr 6 m Fa y e t tevi ! I e to M orga n ton, so fu r as ro ! a s -to ra-' barrus cotluty, whicli was read the first trine, j- ."' s .-.': ' kv :: '" , -)':. Mr. Seifrvell f ronf t h e J u d i o i i r y com mittee, reported th'e.bi ) 1; prec ribi ng th e duties of Kxecutors antJ Admiliitrdtois in ertain .oases, wi Ui an - amend ment. which was1 couctirred in, and - the bill ' ; . - if- t, irdereU'do be priuted. ' ; j j Mr. Hill f mm the committee on K du cation reported a bill to roate a fund for the purpose of ed ucati nr that pari of the infant population of this State, who shall from time to time be found d'e-htitu te of the ui e n s of be comi ng other wise nrbperlv takcircaro of, in that pa rticu 1 a r which w as read the first ti tne, and Ordered to be printeil with tiie re por. --.- : - - ;-. The resolution in favor of-. William Lvfle of Tennessee, was read the 2d 'ime and rejected; e' . . J I "rhe bill to rej)e.al vpart, lltej first jsection . oran'l-'ac t ; p:iite(l in 1 1 822i to fciutliiYnsc the Courts, f Pleas and Quar ter Bessions of Chatham and other counties therein named, to app .int. - com :.it tee d" Finance, was read the third time anil ordered toi be enrolled, it is therefore a law. 'lie resignation of James Cut rie as jM aj o r o f the i 1 1 i t i a . of C as we 11 c o u n t y , wa reati and accepte(i. -ij ip. . r -.." '"-!".' . ': . v., . ;;.--.-,;. . i- , j -. - Tuesday, Dec r. ' ";:r The bill to ' authorize and empower f -harles Coppedge to collect arrears of taxivs il ite him in the count viof .M'ont' gomefy, vas;trad the third time and rejected, r. ,;.' ;h'':.:- . : Mr. love from the committee of Vi hauce to whom. vvas rejerretl a restitu tio if diiecti n'iti - entiuify.-.i.n fo"vth'fe rex-: peJiepcy of $luci who pe ld Ic on navigable Waters, report ed that the committee deem it in expe dient to (liihinisii such tax, and.mhved tirbe excused from further considera tion on the suhject. Report ordered j to lie on the table.". .V ; f 41ri Ilil) from the ctimmittee of Pro posi ti on arid Grievances; re pof te 1 a bi 1 f V b r t h e f e I i e f o f JJ a ine I 1 1 a u of nouisWfe, wliicli was; read tlie .first time.;v;- Th e engrossc? I bi 1 1 mak i n g coin pen sation :to : the-Jurtirs of -Washinjrton cbtiuty, f ortteifuihg he Superiorriiml County QtmrtsV was read the tnird time. anu oruereu to ue enroHea.. it is there fore; a laffS !.?'. r;r i'-i- Cl rvH bgarvpVe fectua Uy t o i i isufe ith ef aunin list ratio ii 'ofJuticefjiit which was read the first time.'. ' - -1 v : - j - - - -.- -..''- -'. V ivDNiisDAY, Dec. 8. Mr. Xove p resell f ed a . bd I ci vi ng ,t h e assentMil rv orth-ua rol i na r:t aulfen-: forcing in tliisSt General Assembly opt lie Stat heeV relating; ttihejSihofc v? iSloun tai ti Eurn pikeVl Coui pa ny? ajnd ijiu thofi ill iijg,;.;tsubcriftl0 Stater.to the stjuck of said compay:--Readartd r ele ir ed t o tli e Co mmi tteer of lb ferna 1 iVn pro v etn e ri jtsi 7 . jfe-V-Ti V M r,vW ellbpf if iln: the ;committee bnlDiyon atitkim faviirably h?petit& pf Stokfts and favorably to thepetitionv or j oiiu. jveaton i r;asq uoranK, anu V i olet W., tindSaof MefenbursSy at ions for-FubUe- good and refieeting P.are,. . hi . fr; SeaweU -resented, a'btll furtber, todJpfessvicind dtninoralifW 1 -' 3;: MrHarancve-pi.-eeiitpi ,biflii7se'-, curcfUe farmers, oh tins r5ta.'e;agan tni,.4tiofis,and: untiecessanr'tlelay M r, Welborii.presente fhorizetimlpknnt out the tnethod hovvf.tbe: roau coiuiuoniy caiieu ine aiaiev roao, runniOKthrongl'tl woolv"tnaj.1iereaftercbe.al " Mr. Co pel a nd j a j bi H -, m a ki 1 1 g fc c o ? n pensatioh to the Juforof th6 : Superior and ..Conntr Courts of. lllej-tford a, so" a bill to suppress the practice of scock'-j fighting ; .and : . : - :.j - A: bill to repeat an act parsed in 1 823j tVradd a ; papVdf fQufritocki 'fcbuprjK td Hydel CThese bill9wer read the first HhijBVahdtHelaltjBrw rnittee of roposiitons and IGnevances. . Tbe encsd b paised in 1 8l9 'tt jCappbint a' board of tsrancn rtlots.f to. examine an persons wio npvv thave,yOr v may ;,nereaiteriyisi to obtai n a Branch to pi lot on Ocracoc k BarftandV the Swashes, : was 4 read the third timeand ordered to he enrolled 1 1 is therefore a law; r. . ' b The ehsrrossed bil I concerning the treatment of slavei and free persons of col lor i n the county; jof Gates, ws f read d rejected, 50 yote.to'v an H01JSE OF rcoMM'ON;- iHl onday, -DeG; 6.i;..C--Vv:'"v;-f V - Th e, fil I owing bills were presented and read the first time f:: BM n 1 Busbeej a bill xoncernin ; By Vr. Bynum; ta bill to authorize the town Comuiissioniers of'H make a settlement with the Commis sioners appointed under the actof 181&, to sell and lay ITUiewtvlotsand for otlier puriH'ses. -; - 'X'Cv- r ; By Mr; Picot, a bill to regulate the erections lor Washington county. : ? .Mr. Swain presented the petition of Wii liainjM u nay anS: other ci t?ze of Buncombe coun tyon the ; subject Jof the emigration of free persbhs of ' ci(r to that- county, and pi-avi ng for the imposition of .a heavy- capitation tax oh J sucn persons emigrating to tnjs tate Referred to the committed of Financer On motion of Mr .Alston, a message as sent to the Senae, proposing Uiat Thursd ay . nex t be fixed, as a day . for the recominen iation of field ofneers and Justices of the Peace Concurred in by the Senate. Mr, Miller from the committee of Claims, reported favorably to the peti-. tib n s u f Th o m a s ; Marsh 1 1 1 Vs She ri i -'. o f Carteret Comity and Joseph' Medley, late .Sheriff uf Anson county Coiicyr red in. . N.lr. Polk from the committee of Pro position and Grievances, reported unfa vorably to the peti t ion of M . Bmith of Perq i j 1 m ons cou n ty t on cu rred in ; I--1 M :i Cowhn presented the petition of e v e ral m e rch a n ts o f Wi ! to i n gtdl i , pray -ingforthe re pen ! of the tax on me rch ants Referred to the committee of Propo sition and ' G rievances.' " ; ; --''Ql 1 1 On motion of Mr. Jones, the. com uuttee on Internal linprovementSr.was instructed to. enquire, into the expedi ency of reducing the Board of Internal Imprayement 'as organizeif by the act (f 1 81 9, from six to three members and to report by bill or tithe revise. -; On motion of t r. K eely, the sm6 committee were further instructed to enfuire, into tile exped ien cj of red u c i ng t h e wages of th e Secre tary of th e Botrri. ;-;:.; .:-'. V ;-:i';;::; :J;t- : Oil motiim of Mr. Bain, V HKsotvKWi That the committee -on military Affairs, be. instructed to "enquire into theex- ; edie ncy of rep ali ng that -part' of t he militia lavs, which makes it the; duty of .commanding office r of . Kegj ments' to call out and dri 11 at Irast three days in each and evjery jyear, the 'officers of their respective regiments fnd substitute in Ken thereof, ahd make it the du-; ty oflcoiniahding officers of regiments to at tend Company musterj in person, and drill the same- in rotation as by thern deemed most expedient not exceeding 'two' days in every year. . '':'. v'- X'V- " M r. Polk from the committee of Pro position & Grievances, reported favor ably - tp the peti t ions' of M af shaf I Diggs otyAnson and iSelson IN ash ot the same etiu tify, which vyas co n c u rr el ih K -The resignation of John : Bell, kCol: Commartdant.of the. 1st regiment Wake Muitia, :wjs read nd accepted, tjs r -. An. expose of. the. affairs of the; State Ban lc was received fromtlie VEreasu rer and irtiere,il. to bei printejf. ; l: A:Communicatiou was received from the Governor cbveririXthnrifaJ turn f tbfe A Si ate; :d- v.--4 S ' fW- -"- ; '- r . . r VIJESDA Y,: DEC. 7 . ' .-,' 5On motion of Mr M eiU t ;v SJ REsotVEin;That the committee pntheJu diciaiy b instructed to ehulreMntblthe ek pediehcv oTpssin'a lawgifihgfp'the ;3u tion -pf alfptealntlposeciiiibn'S ot'tiiejtatej, and thathey r feport by'bill of btherwise; 'lle'futtH I sfurer prenfed an'dVreaittne-fi act passeu ln iQiu, qirecting me uoun ty Court officers therein nanied m cSr f By M f3 GI em nm commissionecs; ;fbrTtbe to vvii vof Cier: raanvi1 iciiri ;DaviiU6n ountyvt- ac t pas tioirto heyJuirs; of Jthe'Btipriyr and i a CoiCouijWSy & &t amde : By MrCTloweil; a bilbfor th heite - reguutum ot the County Cotfrt of U , beson.-v, :'Ji.' - : r iB'Mr, "1m-S; :a;blll fixing tV utiplapes where tha elections are to hiThot inrtbe county ofXTatet.-' -By Mr. vShenperd, bill to amend an act passed in ;i 819, laking khe protest C:a:Notary PublicVvidence in certain cases,, and U - extend v-th fprovisio.K inereoi, o uie tirawer or acceptor of , bill of Exchange,Tof other negotiable judicial y security.;. Referred, to the committee. i' !; ' Mr. Dnrrett-presented- the; nMitil, of Jonathan -Hayhes and. others of j$uv ; committee: Mr. cJv-7.Nrarliu 'pK'-'. sentcd; tjie petition rofc Rhntrryv inhabi- tansof .Surrjcoiintyji. prayt"!? 0r tj)tr etatlishmtit-of!-:-a$ rViirfReferred, f,. red a 1 1 presented .the. petiuon of svimlry citi zens :of;asuntauJ;,;iPerqumon Qliowau xount,:on;;fhe'subject of :t road-eferredab: 0JA Internal Ithpf ovementfcv i :lr,;lkm th- comudtteeof Pro positionsntt Grie' s : reported fa yorabiytthepeti tivs of John GecW ami othefs6f lvvcjbdd of Tpic Small f Chbwlvij.rCou in. L M EsoLVKDThat t h e j bj ntselect committea on the Library be instructed to enquire into the expediency of apprbpritihg) 'annually' a certain sum of money for the gra(ual and re guiar i ncrease of . the u bl ic Library' f t h Mate, aivd that they report by bill or 8 other- wise. uiuiiiuiiiuaiiuir was receiyeil Irani th TVeasure with a resoiutton of fh h jpasi ?tl . on the 4tli;iustant, reqairiufrom hi in a'state ment of the amount of moilie?. received fropi the several Clerks and Sheriffs, in consequence (of the acts for t ie promo- ( tion ofAgnculturefc. From this state ni e n f, i t a . ppearsth e Treas u re r h a s r e -' cei ved in:' mo Itofiicers S3809OiM ReiuimihavHlHkcwise been filed .imbis-ofSc .', still due from theaboveofficei S5l 7 3S. ; -The Speaker laid, before the. House. the Memorial of theC ircu i t Court Jud- - - vi '- i' - r- t us, uesuuguie au vantages imit would arise ,-froni the Courts in Th Easterrr districts ;V of :" the Statei partictda rl v. coniiniehcing on. tlie tfirst IOnday in Octobi-llead a anu reterrea to a selec c isting of'Messre.,;Sta'n- com mi ftep-r.nn si ly, BlptintvS.MiUervlredel Picot, H i n es,.H el me, Jones, Waddell aridAlheii' i - Bailey; LJ.A.Hi!U WEDKEspAYr DVc, 8 V. iVIessrs, wniiamsoir, Scott Dorioho; Taylor and M?C'auley. wdre appointed a special cotnraitt to; whoih all bills at their setoudXeatunare re erred for revisioo and correction."! ! v ; ' ' ;The rtwoHoases this day balloted forlA rtiUefry Officers: Tre'vious tAial- loti tig, the name of Jesse Bird sail wa- w i iiiu rawu irpm noininanon a nil that o f Sam u e f Haw j ey s ubsti tufed.. Styron reported tJiat Henry W. UYJr V. Ay res was selected Cobmel, Barnes Town w Townejj Ilawley . JLieut. "Colonel and .Samuel ajOr, .rv i ;--';-; ''-,. Mv';' . t .: , The following bill i$ ,werc a nd read tlie first ti hie : V presented By M r. Matthe ws, a; bil I cbncerinng the. townbf Fayetfeyillevv . ; , i ;By,M r. : B lou nt, a bil 1 to provide for the -payment 'of expenses incurred for ine suppression pr: tne;smali-pox in thp tqwtiot yahingtiihKBeaumk i , nonze adrai rchani : : 13 righ t, deed.' to col feet the arrearages oi taxes tnat remain uire to their intes- Mr. Stanly from the Jutliciarv comr muiee,, reporteu mat it is-expedient to passa bifl t( ctntipel ;tiieClej'ks blthe Superior 'and CountyCoarts, the Clerk and Master. in Etiuitv ami thu Register of IavidsoTi county, to keep their re spective offices at the Court -House of saidbiuity : . ;?Mr. Siaidyvfrom the same c jmmitiee.; ' tOAybbirl yras preferred the bil I to amend iact paO jther irnen Wi certais cases, reportedthe bill yvithout amend- . m4nt apd recbm mended its' passage. Re)ort cohcurredHiifl bill! read the ' second time. y ;;:"B7' i ' .''; - -: 5Mrv Btaply from thesame committee, to whom was referted the resolution conceruingr the selling ofinfaht's land whfri thVlr nprsohal nronertV is not sufficient for their main tenance, report-, eddiat ijtsjineipe alrMiori in the? laws in i that respect, . Gbocurred;iait7:V;f ':; " i .'.- . messrs AsbeV lUmsay, ' Cowan, J. ,M 9 Si 11 1 a a: and Sihgletary were; appoint-; ed afcoiiiiqittee to enquire in tp: the, ne- cestyofIte l"e hpr nil -Insnection laws &c. with-authorit tb send . for persons and'papers. ' V'i:hrA -X : :C?ThftHiius pcJjeded ;ty th& order v nfi'rt& Via v:"itiier bill Tt establish a Bank:of tbe State of rXorth -yarolina-Onmotion'.of Mri -Helmed the House resolveliitsetfihtba iiriwiio air r(irr ill luc umiM - s :-- m. . - V - . . r ' J U .hill1 ft I.KL . ruakinglsomep roseportedigress wi v., r- ,.- . t .- .... i f.j - r-o ' - t - . .l0- 1 A A'tfflk ?4 A- -fr liraifl A SKeicu oi iin?wY .u y nnwarus, a Din toaut J,oh n IIoJ 1 iday and Sarah! Bright nistrator and administratrix of R in bate toti thisll will be hereafter given. im Tnebill lo authorize the making ot ihBtiiico be by way qfSiUi Mu f , .'; r -" r ,-1. ' . '" . '-.'" -' '

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