MP-WW v WWAr 4." j ?lk. V - i -s. f . i.--' . - - 7..- . ! ,4 1- i -VI r 7 RS. MB III UK ana uaugnter, nave, tne honor of inforraingjthe Ladies and Gen tlemen . of .Raleigh and its vicinity, that they intend giving X, CONCERlr.;consisting;bf Voral and,. Instrumental Music insterspersed Xflth Kedtotipnin;yedueyi)r rhurs day ' evtuiings tiexW; For . particulars - see bills of.the day. ' . .y4 , 1-ebi 23,"1 825.1 . -Zr v "TTAN AWAY from thefsuTascriber on the JtS 20tli day of. Sep-ernbet last, my negrfo man named JIM ; : he is about twenty-five fyears old, dark complexions has a down look . when spoken to, his eyes whiter than com mon. 1 1 will give TwentT-five Dollars Re want, to any : person who jwill deliver the said negro , to m ,lif. taken in this state, or Fifty Dollars, if taken! out of the state, or Ten Dollars to "confine- him in any jail in this state,, or Twenty .Dollars if confined in any out of this statet , 1 i i ' ; ; ; JOHN: CARPENTEK. Pranklin co. Feb. 25, 1825. , - 36-1 m. . States or t-0 tvv oia. A .;. Wayne County. ';' ";-J- QrrilIEl?E was entered on the Stray Book on -ii ti e 2 i st day of February 1 825. by MaV tliew, Folghem, one; Mare ; and . Colt ; the ifcire judged to lie seventeen or eighteen vears ,ld,'fiesh maj-k as follows: a bright sor- rel with a white spot on .lr forehead, a white rins- afoni her Tteht ear, iblind in. her left eye, her left hind foot white, i&boutTour feet eight or nine inches hiajh.. , The ' Colt two vears old, next sir' ng a britrht sorrel, a ; brigUt streak in thp face and under her belly, about four feet hif both flow in flesh. Said Fulchem lives on the-: Great Swamp; about fifteen miles north, of Way nesborough. v h. UlilAII LANG DON, Kang'r. Feb 26,1825. . . A ,.J- ' k , 7 OO-OU i TAKEN! UP, A N1) cemmitted to the Jail of this county. 1 3. on t'ie 21st mst. a ;!Negi-o lellow, aup- posed to be a runaway ; sJave, who says his name is Comeliits Jone; arid that he has lived in New-York four or five year; last past,' but . cannot, or will notjname the state, county cr town In which he Iwas raised. Jle is about hve feet seven inches higbblack complex--. ifn, ' with a small scar over his right eye, and I arid one near th el corner of the same. . flis 1 dress is a drab pea-jacket,j blue round ditto,1 -and ducktfowsers.! lie was brought! to this j place in the schooner ."'Hetty, Wright, last from Charleston. The owner is requested to come forward, prove 'property,' pay charges and take him away or hej will be dealt with as the law directs, j j . i ."t .1 ; JOS. GATIRF.TT, Shft. Washington county, Nov. 23, 1 824. 1 96m VN" the 2d Monday iri April next, wHl be v-r,soid tor ready, money at tne (uoun House in Snowhiil.the following tracts of land,' or so much thereof is will be sufficient to pay ,r the tax thereon fori the years 1821 and 1822J to wjt I ; .;;' ; : ( 28 acres on Sandy Run belonging to John 'II. Albriiton. i ' J- , ." ! 54'do on do belonging to Thps. Pail (S, T) 153 do Conttntnea Creek do James Dail 500 do do ,' do Zuch'r Kiliott 692 do ( ; do X do Jose rdi Hause, 100 do Sandy Bun' do Uzzt.1 liissiter 600 do Cotentnea Creek do Heira of Chas Carr, (not given in) FAYETTEVITXE, NOUTH-C ABO LIN A. OIIR subscriber jiavin'g leased UL blishtnent, fomerly occupied by Captain Taek,; is niow in readiness'to accommodate Travellers, and Boardersl; ille tenders" Jiis thanks Jo the Public; and tie. Citizen of Fay ette ville, for, the former, patronage and friend ly support.wliicli he .has received i and,? iri soliciting; a conti nuance of these favors,' as sures them that every exertron shall be made; and due attention bestowed ? in order t.o the comfort and pleasure of Travellers and Board ers. His. rooms are numerous, beingnew clean and largei are well adapted for comfort arid health; opening "upon a garden which presents a fine prospect ; superadded, are the "comforts of ease andr retirement, which may be enjoyed ; in spacious .Parlours by TrayeJUnFanie&v;:i';.Tis situation stand ing, on one, of the most elevated streets, is healthy ; attended.-' with jthe, advantage and convenience arising from- the important arid extensive business transacted on that street which ' will jnake; it the interest of Country Merchants and Planters tq calU it is constant ly supplied by means of aqueducts, with pure waterv issuing from one qf the best fountains in theState. "..'-.,'- -,.JV;I: . '...,'. " ' j - Jfis Bar will be' constantly' supplied with the best and choicest ofLiqubrs; hisTahJe with the best the country. and market affords; his Stables shall be attende d by faithful, stea dy an and honest Ostler -Other advantages are attendant upon this: Fs-abli-dimen, rarely to be excelled in any other Public House in this state. '. : -': ,'- -: DILI ON JOBDAN. Fayetteville, Feb. 56, 1825. ' 36-4t ; . - A Car A. v I have pleasure in stating that the Mansion Motel, i ihistown, has undergone a thorough purification, and is reoccured by Mr-' Jordan. The public may rest satisfied that there is no danger of contracting! the contagion, of the late epidemic disease either at the Hotel or any other place inFavetteville. BENJ. BOB1NSON, Health Officer. Fayetteville, Feb. 23, 1'825. J f 200 lo 345 do 400 do 121 do 71 do 56 do 25j do 400 doj 50 do 121 do 322 : 218 , 300 do do do do do do do do do do do do do William Aldridge do John H. Edwards EtheUlred Mitchell Sarah Mitchell Christopher Beynoldfr4 Joseph Key nolds j Josiah Sugg, jun. i do Josiah Whitby y do Nancy Wanl do Christopher Wood do Joshua Haidse ! do Samuel Whitly do Henry Forrest 1554 on Sandy Huik do Joseph Uasbury.1 .595 18 17 41 036 -t 34 !525 125 ' Edmonson, 50 320 do I do John Jovner do ' do Stephen Bosrers do I do May's heirs Naughtuntb do William Aldridge" do do do do do do o 78 (1821) do do do do do do do do Elizabeth Barrow; ' do Cullen Edmondson do James Glasgow' I do Heirs of Buryvell do Isaac 'Hay do Wdham Williams do John Aldridge S dp John Moonng f do as Guardian do S'ally Sauls do James.Taylor . do A vy IraA-lbr J jElizabfctli Dawning (not 200 200 60 570 513 200 given in) .140 Cotentnea c'kido Mary Coward 100 'do do Jesse Coward 615 6 lotsin Hookerton Wm. Hooker 790 5 - do . j Hymerick ilooker 200 Cotentnea c'k.' do Hichard Hodges I33i do do -Win- Kilnatrick -337 1 lot in Hookerton Grey Wesbrook : 640 " do . 'do John Dunn for Wal. ter Dunn. 2.0 do I 410 v : do: JLassiter's heirWX 676 (1821) 'do Jieirs ox'Kil patrick 163 do do j do John Creech 220 V ' do do - j do Kirichen Dixon 216 do do d t Obed Dixon 50 on Cotentnea c'k do Edmond Breemoris do Susanna Dixon I - do Willutra I'hilips for 490 do' :l?aj;bury's heirs 1 136 do 334 203 ,700 ' :662 55 50 ; 0 412 ' 252 , - 253 jp 270 370 4K3 (1821) do 100 .. do do 122 -do - do 200 do - do do do do do do da db do do do do do do do Solomon Brand for do. Moses Cobb do Asal)anitl do W. Shackelford do Elisha W ood ward do Theojhilus' Eason do Abram Moore J do John McKeaL jun. : do! Absalom iT-ice ,. " do' Isaac Price ! . ' ' " do James K. Price ' do J oh ri Pope j 'i do Jesse Hasbury !r5fcdo'rWilliam Basbery s doSabrina Daniel , do Jdhn Glasgow t do John McKeal, Sen'r do Sarah Mtnshe w j i do! "Arthur Shackelford i- 'All those" having receipts for either of the -above named years, are requested to produce ' them, as it is impossible fpr the subscriber to "know who has and who has not paid and he : i-js under the necessity of collecting from those who have not paid, if not bv fair means bv Iaw. i ! JOHN HOLLIDAY, Ad'r. " of BichM D. Bright late Slff: State of North-Carolina. Tyrrell County.. Court of Pleas and Quart ejr Sessions, 4th Mon dav in October, 1824. Enoch Ilassell, vs. Amelia Hassell, S TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendant; in ! this case is not an nhabitant of the State! r J It is ordered that publication he made injthet Ualeigh Begister for 'three, mouths, to notify the said Amelia Hassell personally, tu be anjl appear at the next Court of Pleas arid Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Tyrrell, and shew cause if any she can, why she shall not be removed from the guardianship of the minor heirs of Joseph Hassell deceased, j , Witness, Wilson B. Hodges Cleric of said Court at Office the 4th Monday of October 1824. WILSON B. HODGES, CPk. T C su A" dark . bay. Mare, 'about-14 hands high, supposed to be 12 oir 13 years old, with a small white star in h r: forehead, blind in the left eye, and shod before, 'was taken up by M dcom McCaskill on Wet Creek, on the 14th of December last,, and appraised to thirty-five dollars, and entered on the lJangeis Book of Moore county. I "7 Also, -a Gray Horse: fourteen and a half hauls high, 14 or 15 years old, with a scar on the right shoulder, was taken up by Kennith Clnrk on Drowning- Creek, on the 3d instant-. Appraised to twenty-five dollars, and entered on the same Book. - - ! I JAMES DOWD, January 27, ' - ! 1 ' ( . 3t Banger. Witt lie SoU, ON the premises, on the 3d day of March next, being on Thursday; of February Court week, on a credit of 12 months, the purchas er giving bond with approved security, . That .JVVw arid Elegant " ; - MANSION, With its appurtenances,-the property of Dr. Littleton l. Coleman, adjoining the town of Warrenton. . There is nearly nine acres of Land belonging' thereto a part of which is in woods. The House is in two stories, some of the rooms of which are elegantly furnished and have Venetian windows. . The situation is extremely pleasant, being the highest emi nence near Warrenton1. ! The Kitchen, Smoke House and Stables are of the best kind. . " , j ;' j :' " ' There is no doubt bitt the j purchaser the above valuable property, can make an arrangement with the heirs for .a, longer in dulgence for a part of the amount. Atso,. on the Premises, : The Store House and'Lot Latelv occupied bv Saul Coleman, situated between Mr. Hobbins' j Tavern and Messrs. Mitchell &; White's store.; The House is new; well finished for the merchandizing business and is one of the best stands in .Warrenton. J.W. MOSELEY, Ex'r. Jan. 28. . ! j , : 1 a w-tds. :Sj afay BTp.rjn9;;-at . and good man has, v ere thisarrived within bur Btate bord ers. : Before r our' paper .i s a irain issued,' ve snail haveelcome; to our c! ty, th e II e ro, tvhpse m i Htarj fame nsullied patriotism And unmerited 'suTTenngs, have excited the admiration of all, ivho liaye Neither witnessed or heard of hiii nobie deeds ) and virtuous conduct. .. .l-yr ;! ; - - v- " Lafayette came to this country in the true spirit of Philanthropy, . to as sist America i i the struggle to retain the inalienable r rights of man. He jcame simply a volunteer, no ambitious views, no jove of conquest, actuated him, when he girded on his defensive sword against the, enemies of Liberty have an Americjin heart, friend to freedom, who in this visit of the NaV , to the scenes of his early bund America, when youth- k:- .:' ' ' .i asm urged ; mm across tne trackless ocean, at the foot of despo. tism, which had already trampled on t h e r igh't s o f ih e peopl e. He j oi n ed the standard of Liberty, with other brave men, and added his ardour and prow ess, to the 'tried valor. and consummate prudence of the Father of his country? and the friend of the human race He left America free and independent.'and er the lapse of nearly half a finds that to these blessings have been added, whatever distinguish es the old world, in the discoveries of tlje improvements of Litera- ure and the Droirress of useful know- ledge. Those wild and unfrequented clens where nature -seemed to have interposed everlasting barriers to improvement, and where no civilised, accent had ever disturbed the echoes of solitude, are; now rich in cultivation abounding not only with the, comforts but the luxuries of life. Not in the bright moments of youth - He ; cannot he cannot be a doe9 not exult tion's Goes slory. ' He w - ful enthusi returns, afl century, 5d The Editor ofthe OeorsetQwn C. Metropolitan, though opposed;. oti t;the1Iatefi campaign; to Mf C riw fjr,;yeaksf & hinTi peak terms! ; No surr, criterion of worthy heed be "fquiredV'than thahe thfbugli mans co m nian d s the, rpeci p v0n p hiss en mies,: tj iiis consistent and 1 virtuous .corul u c thrpughou t-. politicaLj and; nip rl, liasj chaltetfged the admiration even of his teneruics. . 'Cv'isS about to exchang-e in a few davs"the toil of ofijce for the sweets, of retirement and private - if . -'-. 0. ' ; . . life, and he will take with him as large ajportiqn of the gQod feeling of the com munity': as aiiy .other of our worthy pa inots nave ever receiveu. The jmeeting of the. Board of. City Commissioners, for the nurrose of re- ivingtCstimonialsbfcliaracter&grantr g permits of residence to the Yee color ed populatipn of this place, which was advertised tcf be held on Monday next, has beep postponed to the succeeding Monday, the 14th March; japprovmg MONROfi, In Maryland', resoKitions of the administration of James Iresidept of the United States, h a ve passed ;the llouse of Delegates by a vote ol 52 to 9. s ful fervori plishment and the victorious accom of his patriotic hopes could Lafayette experience the delightful sensations,' which have warmed his hedrt and renovated, his feelings, ever since he rc-Ianued on our shores. Scipio gloried in the fall of Carthage- Pompey returned 'in triumph with the spoils of Mithridates, and Csar bore liis Eagle from the plains of Egypt, to the soil of Britain, bjit what were their triumphs, stained with the blood of millions in of fensive war, when compared with the general tribute of a great nation, volun tarily offered at the shrine of G rati TUDE, rilllE Subscriber haviriir been solicited b 'A. a number of his friends in the countr j do Simon Brekon fortto,T-emo,T"' PeteTsbU fr u?os: of t f : I i I selbng Produce, takes this mode of informing mem ana tne puouc tnat ne nas uone so, ano is now ready tnVttend jtol any business which m.iy be entrusted to his care. He pledges himself thaf no attention 'or exertion shall be wanting on his part to give general satisfac tion. He has a large brick Lumber-house, (nearly fire proof) contiguous. to no wooden building, for the purpose of storing, Cotton, Sec. &c. for which the customary storage will be required. He may be found at all times at the Counting lloom of Mri John V. Will- cox, opposite Niblo's. t House. ii Greeueico; Feb. 8; 1875. i!2 rSt WM. G1LMOUR. T Y a Hesolution ofthe Shakspeare. Associa- iJP tion of Kaleigh, the Secretary was. in structed to offer a premium of a. Galdjlfeilaf, with a suitable inscription, to the authoryjf the best written Essav in verse, to; be spo ken on the performance jof the first Play hy the Association, some time, during the con Icmplated visit of Gen. iJafayette. .; ; , ' The Essays must be directed to the Secre tary of the Association, post paid, and inclos ing a, sealed paper with! the author's name, which papers shall net be opened, except the one accompanying, the prize address, the re jected ones , will be held by the Secretary, subject to the order of the authors. ; .'..'; ' :, lnununiQations will pot be received after the 1st. of Marclw at t which time,' the premium-wilL be awarded by a committee ap pointed for the purpose i i'--.. t.: By order of the Association, . - S. II. M'KETHEN, Sec'y; SunscR.iPTioN Papers to the Lafay ette Dinner and Ball are placed at the Bookstorej of J. Gales & Son, and at Mr. Ruffin's Hotel, at which places Ticketsa SS.achaUobeobtaid; The elegant and spirited troop of Ca valry,, commanded by Colonel Tho- , arrived in this C i ty jjrester ey were met beyond the limits of the town and escorted down Fay etteville Street, to the Government House, by fhe Raleigh BIue ihere tbey were received and addressed by Jiis Excellency Gov. Burton. as Printers to Congress, I . . consiuerinir The j Edi tors Jpf the National Intel li gencerj an speaking of :their re-election observe, that - .. v ? the respectable character and standing of the gentlemen by whom ey were opposed, and the peculiar circumstances in which .the Editors were placed, in regard to the late con test for the Presidencv between four or the most 'distinguished 'of ou citizens, it wouldjbe ridjculousaffectation in the Editors fo -say, that the vote Ion :thts oc casion was not among the most gratify ing incidents of their lives. fThey were conscious that the official du I . ; 1 I' . ' ' -r::"' station, relative 'to Congress discharged with the greates aid dcv tion to the public interest. But that the fidelity of their services, in this respect, should have been appre elated in'.a,precVdi'n by her to ghtersJ most agreeaiblc Enteirl&ihmelit e feveningrng tliep jhay seen tha respective tnerits of these ladies highly . spoken'' ofin numerous prints, and we rebommbnd to -all .who . tojayailhemseiyes of this treats , frhe musicaltalents; of Mrs. ?MBrvde(na-i tu rally of the first orders have been i n-- dustribuly.ultiy' powers of her daughters are spoken o'. i n u nqualified terms.. . TThe ; reci i al V Alexander FeaStibythe eldest it? is said, canndt be Surpassed. MVe trust that those who Avisl! i to patronize nierit and at the same time witness the eman- ations of talent, vill give their attend ance. -: r ' -si . ' -. A fewevenins since, ,a young 'geiji tletnan rcqu ested a you dg 1 ady of? this ' vicinity, to compose Kith a song In hbh or of Lafayette, and further petitioned that it should be set ti; the tuiie' of1 Wbman, i-Waii arid Wine.'? A niore difficult taskcoiild scarcely be conceiv ed, as i h that song eac h J i ne Thy mes with the preceding one.. But the! lady ' not at'all disconcerted, sat down and wrote the following impromptu, which We indulge the expectation; will bo sn Dy. some one, at the contemplateu nei tb the Veteran ies of their had been assiduity hopes asj it has been, was beyond' their rhey have received with the ii Lafayette, first with valor'came, To free us from the tyrant's chaili f Andfought our liberties to 'gaiii:vt AikI bought with blood immortal fame. , Give, oh ! give ye heroes brave, . Give to great Lafayette praise ; IJrave Lafayette, great LafayettO ! welcome to Latayette'givel . "vi :-7 f- - Ty-y'' J':M ' "'ilV;':: ''' Now arottnd Lafayette stand, " -All who are of -freedom's band ; J Press the p-reat Tlafavette's 'hand.-." And welcome him to freedom's lind ; , Now, oh ' ndw let joy abbund, v f Let the gejjerous glass'go round j To Lafiiyette, brave Lafayette ' .1 lie goblet raise to Lafayette, America1, with freedom blest Lafayette now becomes thy guest j - Warm m every freeman 's breastj ;- Xow thy patriot feelings test. f V ; , Rise America, arise 1; f. Let European despots sed : - ' - That Lafayettey brave Lafayette. A AV ears axrown more bright than ther) sincerest; gratification, arid they hope without undue exultation 1- Your heroes, brave Lafayette led ; j Your heroes, gi'eat Lafayette fed : I . J V I And bytheir sides Lafayette bled f f this distin-1 Now rest Lafayette;' in honor's bedi' t gtiished proof ofthe public confidence. Yesterday, being the Anniversary of trie liirtn uay oi vvasningion, a res pect for his memory was shown by the firing ot salutes of artillery and, not withstanding the unpleasantness of the weather, iseveral the volunteer mil i-' tary companies of the city jturned out, . and made a h and some d i spl a y. I n thei Nowi oh 1 now, Xm erica, Now your grateful tribute pay To Lafayette, gi eat Lafayette, Now in freedom's brightest day. Jan. 1, 1825. ' ' I - 'A splay. evening there ,was a splendid Ball at tendetj By the chief men ofl the nation, and ai great number of citizens and strangers. Nat. Int. mas Polk dav. Tli of Gen. issued fronrthis olfice on Friday next. But that is In consequence ofthe expected visit aayette, no paper will be our weekly subscribers may have no breach in their Congressional Journal, vc shall transmit this day's naner to each of them. We are com- 11 . i pelled td this arrangement, for Hvhe ther actuated by a spirit of; patriotisni, or curiosity, we cannot pretend to say, our whole-force are. electrified at the firsf tap of the drum, and the most ef ficient of them being under military re quisitionl it will be impossible for us to publish another paper before Tuesday. The Nfexi Ca binet. It is ascer tain - ed witli certainty, that Mr. Clav, wi(l accept of the office of Secretary of State, and it is generally believetl - that Mr. Cheves ivillv receive the appointment of Secretary of the Treasu ry, though f our present Minister; to the S U James, is also spoken of. The Richmond ... Enquirer, . says that j as. Bar's otjnrprescnf Senator in Con - gresst has been offered and will accept the Department of War. ;It is also ru mored, that Gov Cltvtox will be sen Mr, Rus Court of X -. 't' . By an arrival at Norfolk from Havan- na, intelliaence of the loss ofthe U. Sr scbr.- rEURET, Lieut. Com. Bell, is received.! She was lost on the 10th ipst. off Ifoint Yacos, in a sudden squall an tt eight! of -her - men were drowned in attempting to swim to the shore. Im mediately on receipt of this news,Capt. Warringjon dispatched to i her relief, the Steam Galliot Sea Gull and schr. Jackal 1, late of the West India squad ron; wnicp ne employ eu ror tne purpose For the HegistPr1; AHt. Sec the conauerine Hero ctibtcsl See tire ancient Warrior co'ihes, I ' - ' Full of honor,.! rpb'd in glory , j To the land where Freedbm's" sons.;-''.' Crown'd their fame in endless stiIy Carolinians ! forth and meet hitn. Nobly f6r your rights he blcdi: T "Virgins, matrons hail himi gffet hiirU Brightest honors on; him "6hedi , . He it ras, wlien yoiith vaj glowing Left the home of lovcand beauty ; Every haughty' despot s!joring, . Freedom's son would do, his doty. , ' Weave the gai land, form the chapltr,. ; Twine' therri found the "patriot bro'WV . Tell the world Columbia's grattfdl, . " To the tyrant's sturdy fak 1 ; J v Sound the timbrel, strike the lyre, . Loudly peal ihg clariuef, 1 r Mother,' daugliter; son aiid snre; ' j Hail the hero--LA Fa ettk W: t Important Trial. On Tuesday last the trial bad arrived with them atMatanzas. The latter, succeeded in taking oft the of John Heid,for poisoning , tlr? ! family t ofliceri arid remhinder of the crew and PVr lrrI tlIe v'11 .coencfd iri uie Vvul v -. otr!sioTi3 ui ihc vuv oj ieu York, before ' his honor the Ileconi!r and; Ai ilermen Rim'! WvckofTl and Criiwlrv. Tim 1 The Jast National In tel 1 igencer con- prisoner was defended bv Messrs.; Griffi if. tains tJwd Indian treaties, recently rati-1 Price, and Komaine ; and. the District Attor- fietl by th Senate ot the U. States, and ne axwen, was asswti ny Messrs which embrace the cession of a large bo- Won and Gham.-A causey strenu- d r i 1 c nrkfs rnrt C .. LmU I U5t cunicsiruuy uic numerous aoie coi r- y of land, 5,000,000 of belong- ' hnih n.- o,u KnMvr. esd to the Choctaws, and 2,000,000 to jn our Courts. ; The examination; direct and the Qnapalwsv the two tribes with whom; cross, of a great number of witnesses, occu the treaties have been mad 4.' 4 A part Pd the close and active attentiort f ihe uf these lands it is understood will be coa"1a.mi bar .tor tnree days ami evenmgs, i i ,C until tmsrnorninfc at io'ciocic,wnen tne jun-. I in the course ot the ensumtfl . . - . . aI. season and probably will be brought; an hbur, returned with addict of 'Guitot into market in the course o a Tear. -. . , . j On Ithe iurv withdrawing the nfisOner was , r 1 - ' ;' , t-' - - y I taken into custody, and is held to' await th rnUnt r ' Awti l)LviAnw:Tl! sentence of the law" for '.themost atrbciou Secretary of the Treastf if fehe LJnit- of which hancouvrctedy: ;i j ed Stktes has made a report to the Se-1 :WSS2I!U4n5; ' nate oh the commerce7 and -navi fthf United States. 'Frdm his state- - in WHimngtonMpsepn l qwns,bfChe mentit apbeartthat thr i rnbrts ln thc " ?SSS T year ending on me oum pepi. . 15, 0n the 9th-inst Mr; James R. Brawn to havft amnnnted to R80.540.007. of Aflw Sarah A Crair- - ri i v- i 4 wiiicii auiouiii, riiuuui , wcic lui- '1-1 'U 'l -'r-y J i ; . AJiVJm ' re ported in American vessels?, arid S5,-1 In this vicinity,, yesterday morning, ;fier a 83,953 in! Foreign vesseki that heh -.- ..I'la nian ui tuawueniDie eniJnencc in nus nro7 s- amountea to : S70,yOO,DO 01 WHICH. I Pa1itv and kind arid KvhUni-rii.ttrni. S50,649,500 weredomestic,?ah 102.357: tons of toreign snipping entered I aud 102,552 cleared from the ports of i mauv years his Majesty's kroner for -the 1 thf I ii is. if urrn? tne same nenoti. - l aismct 01 uueec f . -. i . ft w - ... - l .. ... S37, 1 57 were foreign articles 5 that i nths,' lrs Mary. Hall; consort of Mr. Sal- 850,033 tons of American shipping eh- moviialU t ;-;'',:- .7 ;-" (eredj land 1919,278 cleared from the i :- - '4. t tt1:w1 A'Qtf . fnA 4kn ittenry, Blackstone, Ksq. (eldeffvsoit of .the r norts iof tlie United. states : ana that 1 w tif.wjL t.Ji ai4: -1.- f ;1; ii! h M V i f I - ' I '7 ' jflk JJI1 i ! 1 , .--v . -i , -. ' i, ' i rv J m-'i i'-.v- br'- ;, I '.U'v.'. r ':::(