4 0 I. f. Jr -or r-V . .-A . POETilY, ,4 f 1 THE subscriber has lately received a con siderable accession to his former stock, and having made favorable purchases, he is enabled to ' offer them as cheap as they can be obtained -elsewhere. His business here- afterwill be fbrCasA exclusively. Raleigh, Feb;tr, 1825-,r T v 33-tf. TO Ior the Register. GENERAL LA FAYETTE. On Ms recent arrival in the United Slates. .Welcome,' great' Fayette ! .VelcVift'eye once ...more,'' -r t , : -..-'". tCelcome, CTeat Patriot ! to thy favor'd shore! le Patriot ttiou, as wen toy aeeus anest ; The WOKLlS the country that thou wouldst r ' have blest. . '- .':.'' -i 1 . - Next Loiter to (be Drawn. ttNION CANAL LOTTTJRY, 15th CLASS, Capital Prize 30,000 Dollars , - 30 " -That world may ill thy generous toils repay, And verge from dark, e'en to a darker day ; Hut vet America is free ! the Land Where tli v ereat acta their 'just rewards ' command.- ' ' I ) v- -''.' 'While Freedom's Western empire yet was .- younff; - - r i : "While yet its fnteupon unequal chances hung; Erom ease, from friends, e'en from the arms ' Of love, . .Thou cams devotion to her cause to prove, via a1nnk cratTsn ha1 VOI1 hmil P"ht. Who side , by side; e'en with our bravest -fought i v .'IK' - - ' ': " "V. At Germanton and Monmouth with us bled ; - And cheerful follow'd wjiere ourfo tunsled. Oh J oft at our great Washington's own side, You urged the battle, or repress'd its tide ;' -With gallanf Wayne, on. fair Virginia's lands, You met the brave Cornwallis veteran bands; And saw at last, on Yorktowh's glorious field, The .stern Cornwallis to his fortunes yield. The lolls ofj six long years you willing bore, Till Freedom triumph'd on her W'estern shore. . -; .': : The work jtchiev'd, jtliine efforts, nobly crown'd l ; ;. , - ' J Through thewide world thy name and ac tions sound. , ; i Ajid soon thy- France, spurning her despot's ... sway, j ' " ' Oh thee first call'd to lead in Freedom's way. But Fnrice, too mad for her great work be- 52. 104 500, 10608 12,120 Prizes,! ! $10,000 5,000 2,128 1,000 500 10Q 50, 16 8 $205,320 1$ Blanks to a Prie I Tickets $7 Shares in proportion.' I ' ' The above brilliant LOTTERY, positively to '-be drawn in Philadelphia, on the 9th March, 1825, and completed oh that day. Orders for Tickets; enclosing the Cash or Prize Tickets in ariy'of the Lotteries, will receive prompt attention addressed to WHITE'S OFFICE, Petersburg, Va, ; Petersburg, Feb. lfe25. , or GALES U SON. kave received . a Tfew hJ i copies, of th e Hon . 'Alexander Smyth's Explanation 6f tlie Apocalypse. ; , A I Notice ' ; r To the OflScers and Soldiers of theHe , ; volutionarv War, iri the North-CarrJ- -aina jtine, auanio :iut? neir t. aui;u, who tiave riotis ye t,obtainedvthe portion of Iiands due to them for' such ;". rnnitary' services. - ; ; v r jL S cohvenierice td such claimants, many of J. whom . through ' old age,' must be m a-measuj-e unable to travel to Haleigh, toge ther with the wishes and opinions of several influential and well informed men , suggests the utility of the establishment of an omce in this city, where for a moderate fee, such claims can! be received and put in train for legal ir vestigation, so as to have them prompt- ly decided on. f The subscriber living in Kaleigh, offers h professional services as an Attorney, to all person j sq Situated, and promises to attend to, and put all claims transmitted td-him,1sup-ported by affidavits, in train for adjudication by the Commissioners to .whom the subject has been referred by .the last General Assem- Noi-th Carolina, and Whose decision bly of upon a to- lawJ 1 The Celebrated Race Horse, Bg.-gyw-."-.- - WASHINGTON, r riT t Jf.nilxf mw StnhlA in Warwntnn. I . w .t: "v .r i"Tii ui shaii . obtain. . . f -- jn i ..wi ot to tne ai iweiuv-nv"- uoiiaia iiic(c.uh,.ihi.ihi; i ..i t - Jrorcd thee to py trom all thou wouldst have done. i . 1 1 " The German despot knew the tyrant's foe, Ami basely plung'd thee in dank dungeons low.-.--v;- - . '; !!:". : j ' j ! Twns now Columbia gratefCdprov'd her love, .'And eagerly her sons to free thee strove : , Two generous j souls, (their lives upon the issue cast,)! s ' ; I Almost released thee from the tyrant's grasp: And Washington, thy friend, in sorrow sued (i) -vv, .. i Thy quick release, of. thine oppressor rude. Further to trace "thy course, 'twere long to t H - : t i- Thy .various fortunes' that from hence beft ll. The cause seems lost upon thy natal shore, And France' young , Freedom strangl'd in - her gore.' i I : y :-' Hither thou com'st a dlff.'rent scene to view, Where Freedom's einp"te nourishes anew : That Spirit which in Hellas (2) dwelt ofyore, Hath chang'd her altars to Columbia's shore ; Yes ! the same Spirit, erst whicfi nerv'd tliat band, ! ' . Tftt on Thrmnhvly'd immnrtil sfranft. it li stood the ciread inva dollars to. insure, payable; on the st day ot .lanuarv next ten dollars a smrie leap, io h nairl when the Mare is covered ; with one dollar in all instances to the Groom. The season will commerce the, 1st February and close the 1st July as1 be will be trained for he Fall Races, it no accKient nappens to mm. I have a lot well enclosed, and Mares sent from a distance will be fed with grain, &c. at the marJtet nrices. I will not be liable for escapes or accidents of any kind, but will endeavor to prevent cither. I have not been able to procure a list of all the colts that were entered or run against i ; w asiiingion in uie Sweenstakes when he was three years old ; therefore shall only mention such as I know. Washington's Pedigree and Performances are surpassed by no other horse. A state ment.of his performances are given below ; also, a letter from Mri William R. Johnson, wherein he gives his opinion jef Washington as a race horse. Mr. Johnson trained and ran him all the races he has ever run : it will speak for itselC . i i ! Washington is a bright sorrel, full fifteen and.a half hands high, 6 years old this spring .was got by the celebrated; race horse Ti moleon (one of the best sons of Sir Archy out of the celebrated; race jnare Ariadne, whose performances on the turf, particularly four m. h. which ntav he seen bv! reference to the re cords .f New-Market, Fairfield, Uroadrock, &c. pnor to lol7. j 'i : The following certificate, obtained by Mr. Wm. R.Johnson from pol. Holcombe of A melia.v who raised Ariadne, will give an ac count of her Pe Jicrree, as far as -he could re- claims submitted to them agreeably will be. final, according to the provi sions of the above cited act of the last session, constituting them a Board for that purpose. . - As the act above cited of the last session constituting the said Board, for the adjuidica tiori of all such claims will expire on the first of July next, and the subject be at rest for ever after ; I persons wishing to avail them selves bf the subscriber's offer, and profes sional services, will apply as soon as possible, so as to give; time to have their several claims maturely considered, and deliberately adju dicatedj. 1 I He further informs those interested in such claims, that; he has made such arrangements with npntlemen of intelligence, and mtegr tv as will enable him to have any Lands they located, or otherwise disposed best advantage for a proportion of i expands or proceeds. The subscriber will expect every appjica. tion to lum on the subject accompaniedby a moderate iee, anu delivered & ins omee in Raleighifree of expense to him. I JOHN 1). DELACY. Raleitth, Jan. 28th, 1825. 28-tfV (TrNL B. I Everv.applicant must state? the 4 ' . . . 1 vruiupany ana iteeiment ue enlisted and serv ed in, the names of the Captain and Colonel. the length, ofj time he served, and where, and the affidavits of some persons who served with them and personally knew them to have i served. ' The heirs must prove tie services n the same way of the ancestor. 4 . STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. V' , Secretary's Office. . lTOTICFi is hereby given, that ' by an act LN l of the last General Assembly of this State, a Board of Commissioners has been'es tablisbed tO sit in the' City! of llaleigh, t6 pass pn acclaims fbr Mjnterynd Warrants, -for services; performed" by the officers and sol diers of the continental line bf this .State in the Revolutionary War, which 1 shall b0 pre sented previous to the first day of Julyjnext; afterwhich time all such claims are declared tp be forever barred; ; . 1 :v j : lliis Board is composed of His Excellen cy the , Governor, the Treasurer and Comp- trouer.! f YVM. wiL.iy, secy oj state. Rrtleigh4th Januarys 1 S25. I Jailor's Notice. "TAKEN UP, on the 22d October, andjlodg ed in fail- at ' Wilmington, N. C. a negro marl Whc calls; his name Wixmam, says he belongs to 'John Cureton, living near Camden, iS. C. tliatlhe wag; purchased hf, said Curetpn of H?n Murray,-wno purcnasea mm nea rMori loiK va. anout,ten years ago. oaid teiiow is about twenty-four years of age, five feet six or seven imbues uigii, wuamjjicaiwii jtuuw, slender made, and speaks'good English. Had 1 ' - i A ' t . . - .-J oir wnen commuiea a graj jacket, consiaer bly worn, ;atid tow, shirt and troweers. j The owper is Requested to come forward, prove property, ipay charges, arid take said f ellow away. f C. B. MORRIS, Jailor, t Dec- 25. - ':, - irAf: ' Txes Gr&riXim Seeds nillE subscriber has iust JL ! bly oflGarden Seeds, all of the last ! growth. The following is State of North-Carolina, I Franklin County. ; Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Decem ber Sessions, 1824. ; Nathaniel Hunt, Original Attachment vs. -i.evieu on neerro nov ... -I I f- O rf. Archibald H. Green, i Nelson. i TT appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, E. that the Defendant in this case resides be- v ond the! limits of this State : .It is ordered by the Couit, that publication be made tor three montns in the State Gazette, tlxit unless he appear before the Justices of our County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions," td be 1 . - I hnuv in I jMiiahtiro- rn th atrrvnt Mnniliv of March next, then and there to replevy and plead, otherwise, judgment will be made 1 1 & , .V ... i .' .1 iiuai against mm ami uie propenv icvicu on, Fine Turnip Beet, A Red, j do. Blood, do. (Early York, Battersea, SuganLoaf, : Madeira Savoy, 'Green Curled do Late Battersea, Mountain Dutch, Large Winter, do. do. Drumhead, ' Russia, very fine. J Orange Carrot, Early short Top, ' do. Purple Long Scarlet, Scartet Turnip, Salmon. J K Double Cufled Parsley do. do. Cress, Solid Celery, Rape,! very fine. Rutabaga Turnip Hanoyer, do. LJ S. Parsnip, Round Spinach, receixf d hi3' of the last V a catalogue I CABBAGE. sup-ear's , The Committee of Arrangement for mnl-. ing suitable preparations for. the-visit :of Gen. Lafayette to this City," make known to tlie! citizens of the State that the General has in timated his intention of being at Raleigh ear 1 in the ensuing month. :. The precise: day will be made known as soon as ; they shall learn it from the General." It is uaderstood that he intends leaving Washington immcdi atejy after the usual Entertainment given there on the 22d inst. I 1 . . A. public Dinner and Ball will be given to the General at;the Residence of, the Gov ernor .; v--. :i:- The Revolutionary, O facers, both kal and Militia are.;parcu)Hrlyjiiyitej is e.pecieu max many t:iti7jen4 mm , tance will avail themselves of the opportu nity which this Visit wilkalfbrd them of pay ing their respects to this; venerable Friend of Washington and Hero ofour Revolution. " ; . Wm. POLK, Chairman. ' JO. G ALES, S ecy. ' . "-. t - i -. James A. TateTsoii, FOR PUBLISHING AT FA YETTEVILLE, tf. Jl IVEEK7.Y JVEWSpJpETt, L "'.-. tXTITLKIJ i . ' ;. X lie iHiyettcvi Ue i SentincL i y RADISH. I Cauliflower do. i r aders of their land ; . . 1 mm m '" ' a .. . i nai munder d when great Licmosthenes 3) collect spkY ; i ' . I "This J-orcwarmng Athens of dark Philip's yoke ; bv the imported horse Cit zen, out of a Wild ge Washington s intrepid hand , ajr mare sh is to certifv, hat Ariadne was Did arm sa To noble daring uric'd our Patriot band ; 'Twas the same Spirit in our Congress runc, And animated Patrick Henry's tongue. Th:d from the polish d Lee harmonious rlow'd, And in the immortal Declaration glow.'d. . Those fields, which once you saw with car- I' nage red. .. , -1 j '; . Now. smile in peace, with bounteous harvests ' spread ; , , i ' , Coltinibia greets you with ecstatic joyi And you must prove j wliat monarchs ne'er enjoy. - I ' ! Oh ! may this . hour full many a pang repay, aim gild with rapture thy declining, tUy I i ' t ; : I" - Ii: B. C. 1) See his letter to the Emperor of Ger .many on this occasion. r -j , "(2) Greece. . S , 1 ' I r y ' . 'p i -(3) In this word we use our license, and cuangc the place or the accent. M Tss Elkakor Whitaker Is desirous ofgiv 4.J i. ing instruction to a few pupils, on the Piano Forte. She; will give lessons at tier father s house, or if preferred, will attend j oung lauies at their own residences. Her terms, are 8 dolls, per rjuarterto which will he added 2 dolls if she waits on her pupils at their own houses. ! ' , Italeigh, Feb. 20,18?5. : . 333-t V NbticeL1 rpiIAT on Monday, the 1 1th, day of April . nex oy virtue ot a Deed ot Trust, bear ing date on the 17ih day of January. 1822. will be sold for ready money, at the Store of William Harrison, in the county of Franklin, Two Tracts or parcels of LAND, lying in the county -aforesaid, adjoining the lands of the s5d William Harrison, John Carpenter 'and others, containing.four hundred acres, more or less. " , . : V , - r- .. ' . r Also, the'following NEGROES, named as lnllow : one negro woman named; Nancy, we 'negro girl named Rachael, one negro girl named Narcissa, one negro boy1 named I'atiick, one negro girl named Nancjr, and two nerro men named f!h:irle arul'Isnur?. I The above property being conveyed to me intnist. 1 shall con'vev onlv such titled to the name as I am authorised to do by said deedL r t WM- T. HOLI .INGS WORTH, Trustee Franklin county, 21st Feb. 1825. 34 7w I TO the Jail in Ashboro'N. C. in October Lst, a Negio M;io, as a Itunawav uhnnt orJ year or age ; about 5, feet HJ inches high ; h. lost some ,of hi upper teeth V as a smalUscar above ! his rvxUt eve." Savs hi Sav! name is bll ADRICK s and that he was taten tam. Maryland, by Joseph Williains. from hum he Runaway, in the State of Alabama. ,S,LS -ttAVI!80N, Vailor.. e out ot spiddiu, and apiauiu out of Silver-Eve. Given under my hand this 23d day of Dec. 184 Puii. Holcombe." PERFORMANCES. ; Washington was engaged in four Sweep stakes two m.h.200 dollars entrance. When he was three years old, 1822 in the Spring, he won the stafees at rvew MarKet ami Law rencevule : in the Fall he. was beaten at Warrenton by John Richards lie won the first heat, and lost thes second by having a bad start, whereby he lost .80 vards, and was only beaten half a length': being considered in bad order, he was: drawn, having: the sweepstakes at New Market to run for, which he won, . beating the celebrated race .horse.' Henry there were four lieats in this race, the first .being a dead heat, Henry won the second, Washington! th'c third and fourth. In the Spring of 18231 he was trained at New Market, but owing to his having a curb on one of .his legs the first parti of the train ing season, he only run ne race he was han dy capp'd at New Market with Sir William and a htrse belonging td Col. WynnWash ington won the first heatj; Sir William the se cond and third Washington was unfortunate in this race,Mie lost at least 60 yards in start ing the second treat j and was only beaten a length : this heat was run in 3m. 4 is. which is tvo ?econds4ess-than any two mile heats nas . ever been run at New; Market.; Sir Wil liam had ten lbs. taken off his regular weight, and Washington carried his full weight. ; The following Fall he won the Proprietor's Purse at New-Market, 300 dollars, 3 mile heats : the first heat in. this race was also run in two seconds less than any on record on that ground. ; . . . . j i . He was then carried to Baltimore, where he won the Proprietor's Purse of 500 dollars, beating the celebrated race horse 1 Flying Childers with ease.' He was discovered to be Ume after this race, j occasioned as was supposed by (the situation of the ground, it being a hew tract; ;v 1 ; i ' - He was t hen carried to Washington and ran one heat in that situation, but was beaten by a mare of Mr. Wynn's and .was drawn. He was trained last iVpring, and won the Joc key Club Purse, 4 m. h.' at New-Market," 600 dollars, with ease, beating Coll VVynn's mare Flirtilla, and Capt- Harrison's horse Aratus. PETER MITCHELL. jail, i i. !; j ZOt O !1 ' 125. a Richmond, Jan-. 10, 18 Dear Sir I have procured from Col.' Hol combe his certificate - of the Pedigree of Ari adne, the dam of Washington, and have for waiiled it to vou, that you may advertise your horse in aue time. I hope he may make xh good a season as you wish ; ! I have trained him several times, and found him an : excellent J race norse au mstanccst and I wish very much thnt e Was cpnVenlent. to me, that I might put to him; particularly Reality, which is my fa vorft c tmvre I am, dear Sir, with great re specV " w WlRJOHON. condemned Test, to Plaint iffs. recovery. S. PATTERSON, C. C. C. State of North-Carolina, I lUUIVIIII WUIUTa -1 Superiorourt of Law, October Term, 1824. Willis Jones, admr de bonis non" on the estate of.Tignal Jones I Petition . in jr.decfd. f 'the nature vs. i of a bill; of i Edward Pride and Jas. Grant, review,'. Ex'orspf Hedding Jones,dec.J j r' appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Edward j. Pride, one of the Defend, ants in this case,-resides beyond the limits'of this btate; It is ordered, by the Court, that publicaiUin befmade in the State Gazette for three mouths, that unless he be and appear before the Judgi of our Superior Court of law to bej held tor the County of Franklin; at the Courtj House in Louishurg,on the second Monday after ! the fourth Monday in March next, then and there to answer the Complai nant's petition, the petition will be taken pro confesso as to. him I Witness Nathan Patterson. Clerk of the said Couri, at office the second Monday after the fourth Mondavm September, 1824. j . N. PATTERSON, C. S. Cl SiYve,r Tlatiiig. J THE subscriber has attached to his Coach and Harness! Manufactory,;;' the above business, and is prepared to execute any work, in that line, ! either for Carriages, Gigs, Harness or Saddles ; all of which materials will be kept constantly on hand, equal to any manufactured in this country. Also, Carriages, Gigs and Harness, of eye- ry description, win De Kept- constantly on hand, and furnished to order, at a short notice. Having just received from New-Yorki a well selected assortment of materials, laid in for cash, he will be able to finish his work, lower tharj formerly. He has also and shall continue to keep, Morocco of; the best quali ty,, at a small advance on the manufacturer's prices, urders are solicited. ; .-r. i . ( ; THO. COBBSl P. S. 1 have a parcel of Oil stones, which I can confidently recommend to workmen and Sage, Early Late, Ice, Imperial do. Coss, Brpwnl Dutch, J Purple Brocoh, Saffron, Squxsh Pepper, Nasturtiums, Red Oh ion, Silver Skin, do. Early Framed, Short, Long Green, Cluster, do. ' Pickling, J White Kidney Pole " ETTUCE. 1 SC0CCJMBER 1 1 j BEANS audihfrthe li- interest PEAS, Quaker Bush, Harly Robroy, do. Frost, una, Golden Hotspur, Large Marrowfat, Dwarf, do. , Cldster very fine Blue Prussian, Dwarf Prohfic, Golden Sioux corn, fit for boiling in 60 days and ripe in 90. 1 -. $weet Corn. . Those wishing to be! furnished will do well to apply as early as possible. ' j , i I . . RANDOLPH WE3B. Raleiffh, Jan 26. 1 ' 25- will warrant. Dec. 30, 1824. T. C i8-tn s State -of NortliiCarolina, "i Franklin County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Decem- ' ber Sessions 18?4f j -'. Milo Lattimer, Original Attachment vs. I Levied on neero b'ov Archibald IL Green. SNelsom 1 -i T appearing to the satisfaction of the Coirrt, that the Defendant resides beyond the limits of this State ;. It is ordered, tliat pub lication be. made in the Raleigh Register for three months, tnat unless the Defendant ap. pear at our next County Court, to be held for the County Of Franklin, at the Court house in Louisburpr, on the second Monday of March next, then and there to replevy and plead, otherwise, judoroent will bema"defi- nai agauis nim, and tne property levied on, be condemped to Plaintiff's recovery. I1 Test," I S. PATTERSON, C. C. ORIGINAL BUILLIANl SCHEME Governor ' I OF THE Grpnd State Lottery, Now drawing, every weeklin Baltimore, under the superintndance Commissioners arjnointed bvf the Gc and Council of the State. jV , Highest Prize Forty Thousand Dollars ! $40,000, ; I 30 ef 1000, 20,000, I 20 of 500, 10,000, ' I 50 of 100, , 2 of 5,000, J 100 of 50, ! And 5000 of $10. each. ALL payable in CASH, which is nsiial, may. be had at Jlllen's Office as soon as drawn. This lottery is drawing regidarly every TAws Zay,& wiil soon be brought, to aj. dose, as there were only twenty drawings & tdrteeh of wpVh have already taken place, consequently only seven now. remain. ; ' , . ' j " , (Xj persons wishing," can beregularly fur nished with j the lists of the drawing, or be in formed of the fate of their tickets as soon as di-awn all Lottery information gratis. . Ad venturers! at a distance should pot delay, i , Present price qf Tickets. , ' ... Whole Tickets, 5612; 1 Quarter Tickets 3 THE Press is a powerful Ehri ne to rlir er and control public sentiment, promote enu infe Republicanism and cxtemlnuve moi-Jiit For these objects the subscriber proposes the above.Pub!ication. ' '' ' i I , ' It is intended that .this., nnptr'shrdl contain interesting selections from lcr jivfit Wd domrs,. tic advices ; Cojr.mercial Jntelliiie'nc-e S:( evt ry subject connected viih MeTOuniile trans actions ;.. Infbrmation and jjjsSrirf ti , -n.ur the im pro ve m e n t ot Agricul t ui e, t fui 1, n i s t e s.si-i i-- tial. branch of national p'rosp erf t v . i Me H i a n K Arts and Mannf ctiire wiif also re.c.eii e 'it h-xf notice'. to -which they are-jus ;!yj entitlcd.f Abstr.icts of the proceedings tf our national and State Legislatures, public Documents, and sketches of such debates as shall tend to elicit, defend and support political truth and justice, shall likewise be inserted. ; ) : Considering that the" ConstituHon of the United States is the Ark of Political Safet and that the Washington Policy should be the Polar Star to every American Statesman, pub lic measures shall,be candidly reviewed, aiui censured or approved accorctipg to thelv course and tendency. Believing that virtu ous manners have more efficacy than good laws, and are altogether essential to the very existence, of true liberty, that pure system o morality shall only be supported, wbJch iV equally removed from the cold formality of monkish-superstition, and. the! varying fash ions of a vain philosophy. The cause of Re ligion shall be advocated without supporting the infallibility of the Bigot, espousing: dogmas ot. the Sectary, or app centiousness of th e Liberalist. the mind and improve. -the -taste!, Ori Selected Literary Essays shall be j frequently inserted, c i - ,i- .; '...'.-'. ;" - ,.' While the Editor solicits the assistance: of men of literature.and leisureThe assures the public that his constant -'.endeavors will he used to render THE SENTINEL worth the confidence and support of u judicious and candid community. vvvv ? ! TheENTINEL shall be pu jlished everV Wednesday upon a royal sheet of good.qua? ity and with new type. Terms Three Dol lars per year, payable on the delivery of rtlie first number Subscribers not residing at Fayetteville, will have their pajpers forward ed by the first mail after pub fc' caption, or other wise as they may direct. Advertisements will be inserted upon the most reasonable term, anil the paper issued as Soon as a1 sufficient subscription is obtained. Holders of subscrij tionapers are requested to return them fc the Subscriber at Fayetteviile, by the lst dav. -r . . .. . i , , . - I ' oi.may nexu : Fayetteville, Feb'y; 7, 1825. OCT Editors of Newspapers throxisr'ioutt ns State, will confe.r a favor, by giving the above, two j or three insertions, in their respective papers. . ' State of North-Carolina, ; Rockingham Coynfy. ! - 1 In Equity Fall termVAr b. 1824. ! Charles Mills; vs. Matthew Mills & others; IT appearing to the Court, t hat-William T. Mills, Menan Mills, Wm. F. Ellington and his wife Frances, Walter Ingram ahl his wif e Martha, Mary Larimore an.d Sarah Larimore, part of the defendants in thisj case, are inhabi. tants of other States vlt is tlierefore Ordered, the city 'of Itnat PUDl'ca,0P De niade for 6 weelts succes o of i th 1 s'vc nthe lialeigh Register, for trie defeixi- held for the county of Rockingham at tho court-house in Wentworth, on the sixth Mon day after the ; fourth Mondav-' in Mareii next, then 'and there to pleatl; answer or de mur to complainant's bill,' otherwise it. will' be taken pro confesso and heard, ex parte s to them, JAS. T. MOUEHEA1), C.M.F Wentworth, Dec. 22, 1834. : Ww. : State of Ncrth-Caroliha. ,1 t Edgecoaib County. ; j Court of Pleas arid Qt0ter Session" v 'NovemBer Term. 18i - Sylvia Little The heirs m. i Petition 0? dower. . . Halves ,1 I 6 Eighths I ITT .J 1 d. A Lj V..l ' Lottery and; Exchange office, 166 Market St. yl via Little : vs.- ' ' .f;'.';;-' L ? at law of Gray Lit- r tie. decd.s J ITappearingtothe satisfaction of the Conrti that Elijah Manning :nd Lydia his wife. and Beniamin; Manning and bylvia his M ite, Defendants, are not'residen s Ot this State It js ordered that publication be made' for il months in the Raleiffh Register, thatthev ap- ! pear at the next Court of Pleas and'Qiiartet Sessions to be held for the coiintv of.EdL'e- comb, at the Court House in rrarborough, on . . i m. iii. u mvmMl k a Mrm.ms A m C 1 J i Ull r II. Ill I Where in a former State Lottery was Isold I rhtu Mnn.Uv nf FPhr,rrv ..t ftr. Great capital, or One HundredX . .;'. ; tu w:, ,ni'l ; heard ex parte as to them. Witness Michael Ilcarn, Clerk ot said Court ; at i arborouich . the 4thr illonday of November 1824v ' ; a 15-3m MICIPL. HEARNi C. C. BLANKS Fp $i(e bcre. and naid the ereat cap Thousand Dollars and where nave Deensoia And paid two prizes of 100,000 dolls, each, and where the casn was imn etuiciv for the capital prize of 20,000 doDs. irk the late Monument Lottery. . ' j.,': Orders enclosing cash or prize tickets (.post t4ii VwHT nfir with hrombt attention, itvad- dressed to ; . .' . ' - - - ' i '. S. & M-iALTEN, t '.' '"'-''"'' j f "'' '-'--t : Baltimore. M Adveaturers at a distance, may . with confi dence at all times, forward their remhtinces to Allen's office, for if at any time the great Capitals should be drawn before theyarive, the amount will be immediately returned, or Invested to the best . possible !ad vantage in some other brilliant Lottery then about to be drawn. .. . j BaUIffiori Febriiaiy5 1. Kef Stock: Gqov&. 2 aw-3r, TH f2 subscriber have now opened; in Mi. Parr's brick -Storey opposite La,tta M'Fatiands, a new, stock '-of Dry Goodu Hard-ware, Cutlery1, Glaie, .Crockery hare And Groceries, alUlaid; in on the best terms, and which they will dispose of low for ca.-h. ' : '" -i--- X': ' 5 ' LEWIS &. MYERS: Columbia, S. C. Feb. v 324t. r, N. B. They will , have addition? to their present stock in a few days, which will cantr plete their Spring assortment, v V j .