T $ r- A " V V ":-... - -'v V:. '.. -f .(.- . . iii. . ' l i .. 1 1 , . i, . . - . .... .- - ' ,, , TH REGISTER - ' Js published every Tues6 at and;FBiAT, .-by y t" yjOSKPH'GALES & SON, ' ( vtt Fite Dollars per annumT-half in advanqe. ' : Vy ADVJEKT1SEMENT5 ; I 1 , , . r J'ot eiceeding-16 lines neatYy inserted three ' t Snm. nllar. and 25 cents for every sue- ceedBg publication; those of greater length ' in the' same propQTXion....uaOTWjt.AHMx ,tors must bedpost-paid. n Act to reduce into one the; several acts es '.tnM'ishinV andrcffulatinqr -thd Post Office o . " - -4 - w :. - r. " -r DeDartment.l-?'fe.- : ! .'i ,v ; J .'-...'l- it enacted- by - tlie- Senate and House of Representatives ff tfw Uijited States of Ameri a, iiK' Congress assembledt That there be es Kr.sTed at the seat of Government .of the United States, a General Post fficei underi - the direction of a Iostmaster Generatf .rThe Postmaster General snau appomr two . jx ants, and such- Clerks -ai may be nepessary for the; performance of the' business ; of his Office,' and ks are authorized by law"; and shall procure and cause to be kept-a Seal 'for- the said Ofiice, which shall, be affixed to Commissions of .Postmasters, Tand used to au thenticate all transcripts and copies which mav be required Irbm the. Departme nt. Jl e shall establish Post Offices and appoint Post-imastei-s at all such places as shall appear to htm expedient, on the post roads that are or may be, .established by law, lie' shall give his Assis;ant5th Postmasters, and all other per? sons whom he shall or may employ,' or who mav be employed in any of the Departments of the General Post Office, instructions rela tive to their duty, lie shall provide for the carriage of ; the mail' on all post routes that vvarcf or may be established by law, and as of v ten as he, hiving 'regard- to the productive Mess thereof, 'and other circumstance's, shall think proper. He anay direct th p route or road where there are more than one, between the places .-designated by law for a ; post road, which route shall be considered the post road. He shall obtain fronVthe Postmasters their - accounts' and vouchers for their receipts and expenditures, once in tltree months, or, often ; er, with -the balances. lereori arising, in ffvor of the General Post - Office, j He -shall pay-i all expenses which I may arVse in conducting- .the'vPost - Office, and in the odii- veyance or tne mails aiuj all otner neces- ."sary expenses arising' on the portion of the revenue, and 4 j mannaemeht of the .General Post Office. He shall prose .cute ofFenv-u s against the Post Office, "Esta blishment. He shall once in three' months, render to the Secretary of the Treasury, a t quarterly account of- all the receipts and..ex penditures in the-iiaid -.Department, to be a'd- ;.;i listed and -settled as" oiheK,-publicaccounts. He shall also superintend the business of the " Department, in all the duties that are or may beassigned to x-ilrovided,. That in cae of . the dcath;VesignatJoii or Temoval from office : of the Postmaster General all; his duties shall be performed' by his Senior Assistant, until a successor shall be appointed, jahd arrive at tlie General office to perform tlie business. . Sec. 2. nd be it flirt her enarted, 'Vht he Postmaster General, and all" teher persons employed in, the General Post Oflice or in the care, custody, or conveyance of the mails, slirtl!, pvevious to entering upon the duties assigned to them, or .the executioiiof their trusts, and before they shall be' entitled to receive any. emolument therefor, respectively take and subscribe the following. oa,th. or af firmation, before some magistrate, and.cause a certilicnte thereof, to be 'filed in the Gen eral Post Office : f, A. U,doiwear or affirm (as the case may be) that I wiil faithfully per fU'm all the duties required of me, and ab stain from every thing tbrbidden' by the laws jn relation to the establishment of the Post . Office, and Post Uoads within the United . "Statesi Every person who shall be in any manner, employed in the care, custody, con , veyance or management of the mail, shall be subject to alf pains;, penalties and forfeitures for violating theinjunctions or necrlectine the duties required of f him by the laws relating to the establishment of the the Post Office , an'd. Post Roads, : whether said person shall have taken the cath xr affirmation above pre scribed, or not. ,;'..' . - Sec 2. And be it further enacted. That it shall be the' duty, of t he. Postmaster General upon the appoint ment of any Postmaster, to require ana raice oi sucn l'osiruasxer, oonti, with good and approved security, in such 'pehatty as he ihav - iudge suflicient,' con ditioned for the faithful discharjre of. all the duties of such. Postmaster required by law, cr wftich inay.be required byVahy iiistruetion . or general' rak for 'the- government of tlie Departments provided, however, That-if de n fault fhaH be made by; the;Pist:inaster afbre - said at any time, and the. Postmaster General s.hall fail to institutei.suiagaitist such Post master, and said sureties lr two years fmt ttivl after such default shall bej :roSsr then, and iu that case, iJie siid' sureties shall - not be held Jiable to the United States, nor shall iaid salt bd instituted against them. ' ; . 1 ; Sec. AS And be trtAer!ernr.That tl ? Postmaster General shad cause a mail to be. canied from the; nearest 'Post ilffice; on any. established post r6ad, to tlie; Court;! louse of '-. an7 county which-is I now, iv niy hereafter beestablislied in any of the States or Terrif , tories of thtr United States, and whicli is with out a oiailj and the road oil which such mail ' -i -. i- ' 'V- -. -:: ".. ,; y.;..y . '.; . ;. : ' ":. ' - ' ' : ' 'Vy . " - v-. - .: ' " - .- . ; ;-'""--' -rr ' .,',- - . ,. - -,' .'.. ' . , : - ;. . - ' v , '- ' . ..-;-.: , f... ; , - . j.i ... -. "'. . .. , i'"''f'' ' ' ' ' ' "' '""' ' " " ;' "'"' ' '''" "" ' . - '- - -' ' . ' .' -" : I : - '---' ; .v . "" " ::"'.!- - ' - ; : . -; . ':- - -: 1 V" '-,.'". ' -"M. - ' ' '. -- .-' ".. ' ' '- :':'.. 1 '::' --.v.-'. v : ' .-'-.- - ' - - S -;,:.--.; . ' i ' : : ';.'.- :",.,'.'-' ' -'' " ' , y.-tj- - - . 1 y;.- - ' i't - j"1 ' ' ' - "'-'- . -i- - :- ' .; - -- .- - . -"- ? -y ; -. . . -- ''' ;v: ;' yr''"y "; y shall be, tranfiported shaH . become a "ost tion thereon shall cease It shall, 'also,; be lawfttltor tlie Postmaster General --torenter into contracts, forsa term not' exceeding four rears, for-extending the line., of posts,' and to autborize'-'th persons; so 1 contracting, -as a compensation for their expenses; to receive, dur'mg the continuance of sdeh contracts at rates not exceeding those for like distances, established by this act, all thepostag which shall arise on letters, newspapers, magazines pamphlets and packets, t conveyed by 'any, 'such : posts i and tliev tckicIs, : designated in suclv contra'cts,-shall during the -continuance therof, r. he deeSned and "eonsidered -iw post roatts, within the provision of this act r'andu duplicate of everj'?such contract shall, with in sixtv days after the i execution thereof, he lodged in the ujfice of the Comptroller of tht Treasury of the United States - ' w Sec. 5. jind be it fiirtker enacted, That the Postmaster. General be authorized to t have the mail carried in anvsteam boator other vessel, which shall be used as a packet, in l anvot tne, waters ot itne.pmwfaiaic.ou sirch terms and Conditions' shall e" consi dered expedient : Jrovir?er!f That he J does" not pay more than three cents for each letter, and more than one-half cent for each uew4 pape?i com'eyed in" such maiL f t, Sec. 6.:lnri be it further enacted, That; it shall be the duty of every master or manager of any steam-boat, : which r shall pass from one porror place toT another port or place, in the United States,- where V a Post Office l is esta- blislied. to deliver. -within three" hours alter his arrival T if in the day time; and within two hours after the next sunrise, if -the arrival be iri the nigrity all letters and packets ;ad dress ed to,1 or destined for, such port or.ptace, to the Postmaster there, for which he slial I be entitled twreceive, of such Postmaster, two cents-for every. letteror packet so delivered, unless the same shall be carried or conveyed under a . contract with the Postmaster Gene ral ; and,' if any manager of a, steam-boat shall fail so to deliver any .letteror packet which bhall hare' been brought Jy him, br shall hare beenin his care, or. within his power, he shall iccur a penaltyof thirty dollars for every such failure. And every person employed- on b-.ard any steaihrboat,sKaU deliver every let ter, and packet of letters, entrusted to such person, to the master or manager of; such steam-boat, and befo"re the sud vessel sh lll touch at ian other port or place ; aiKV for everv failure or neglect so to deliver, u pen iltv,of ten dollars sliali be incun-ed for each letter or packet. ; : r 1 ' I ' Sec. 7: And be it fitrjgier enacted, That no other than a -frci white perstin shall be em ployed in conveying itlie mail i and'any con tractor who sliall employ or permit, any other than a free white person to convey the mail, .shall, for every such offence, incur a penal ty of twenty dollars. . i '.-. - See. 8, And he it further enacted, That whenever it shall be made appear to the sa tisfactipri of the Postmaster General, that any road established, or which may hrreaftcr be c slablishcd as. a post road, is obstructed by frnces, gates or bars, or: other than those law- iuHy-used on turnpike roads to. collect their toll, and not kept in good repair, with proper bridges and ferries; where, the same may be necessary, it sTial- bja the duty' of the' Postmas ter. General to report the saaie to 'ongvess, with 'such information as can be obtained, to enable Congress to establish some other road instead of it, in the same main direction. Sec. 9. AmL be it . further enacted, "That-, if any person shall, knowingly and wilfully, ob struct or retard the passage of the mail, or of any driver or carrier, or of any horse or '..car riage carrying the same ke shall, upon con viction, for every such offence, I pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ; and if any ferryman shal , by .wilful neg!igence,; or refusal to transport the mail across any ferry,' delay the same, he shall forfeit and pay for. every ten ininutesvthat- the same, shall bu so delayed, a sum not exceeding ten dollars. Sec. 10. ; And be ii further eniictetl, .-That it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to give public notice, in one newspaper pub lished at the seat of government ot t!e United States, and in one ormore of the -newspapers publislied hi tlietate or states oc erritorv, where the contract is to be perform ed,tor at least tvelve weeks before entering into 1 any contract for carrying the' mail, that such contract is intendedito be made, and the day on , which itvis to be concluded, describing the places from' and to which such mail is to be conveyed, the lihi at which it is to be made up, and the day and' hour at which it is to be delivered. '. He sliall, : moreover, witlii n ninety days after the making ofShy contract, lodge a duplicate thereof, tggethcr "with the proposals which he shall ' have received re- spectingit, in the office of theeomptroller of the 4 reasury ot the United States.: Provided, Tiiat no contract shall be entered iuto for a longer term tha i four years. - - ' ; Sec 11, And be it. further enacted, That, every Postmaster shall keep an oflice, in which one or more! person shall attend on eery day on -which a mail sliall arrive, by land or wateri as well as on other days, at such hours aS the Postmastef General , shall direct for the purpose of performing the du ties thereof ; and it shah be thef duty of the Postmastfe'r, at all reasonable hours, on every day tif tlie week, to deliver, oh demand, any letter, paper or packet, to the-person enti tled .to or authorized to receive the - same ; and all letters brought to any post office half ait hour before the t me of .making up vthe mail at such officehall beTorwarded there in, except at such poit; offices, where, iii the opinion of Uie Postmaster General, itrequires more time for making up the mail, and which heshaU accrcUngry prescribe ; but this shall in no case exceed one hour: . : f l lv y Bee, 12. And be it further enacted, ThvX nd fees or perquisites shall ' be received by any. person employed in the' general post of- uw, on account oi tne uuues to oe penormeu oy virtue ot ms appointments t i ? r ..i "" Sec ' And be it furtter enacted. That the foIlowing'Tates ' of' postaeebe charared ujlon all letters and packets, (excepting such us are excenied by law conveyed in hc niail of the. United "States, vT? y Far very Jetted composed f. a: single sheet !of paper, couv.ej'J etl not exceeding thirty - miles,, six cents.-r-Over thirty and not exceeding eighty,, fe cents. Over, eighty, and not exceeling!fne hundred and f ifl yy twelve and a half cent?. Over, one . hundred andlifiyand not-exceed-j ing four, hiindred, " eighteen "antV three .quar trsx)fa cent, ,: OveT-four hundred, twenty five cents. ',' - - . t "And for .verydouble letter, or letter com posed, of twjo pieces" of paper, double those rates ; and ibr every triple, -letter, or letter, composed iof three pieces of paper, - triple those rrtes and for every packet composed of .four or i nore. pieces of pa per, or one or more'othet articles, and weighing one ounce avoirdupois!,' quadruple ' ihdsej rates ;v anl in that proportion for all greater weights, : o vided, That vno packejt . of letters, convey to' se to qu f sucl ed' hy the wiaterr-mails; 'shall bp charged with more same than quadruple postage,' unless the contain nore th in four distinct fahall letters 'No postmaster shall receive, la, be conveyed - y the mail, any packet; which shall Weigh more than three pounds ; and tin postage marked on any letter or packet, . and charged, i n the post bill whi ch may accom pany, the same, shall be conclusive evitlence in favor of the postmaster who delivers the. same of the lawful postage thereon ; unless such letter or packet -shall be opened in the presence cf the postmaster or his clerk r Every four folio pages, or eight quarto pages, or sixteen ct ivby or twenty-fou r duodecimo pages, or pages less than that of. a pamphlet size, tr magazine,' whatever may. be the size of the paper of which it is formed,' shall be :,i a. 1. 1 1 : - . r tuiiiucreuja.Aiicci, anuT.ne.-surp.ius pages oi any. pamphlet or magazine, shall also be con sidered a s leet ; antl -the journals of. the le gislatures of the several states, not being, bound, sha l be liable . to the same postage as pamphlets. - v o. -r::,-'. '- : ' - - Any memorandum which shall be written oh a newsp-aperi or other printed paper, pam phlet or magazine, and transmitted by mail, shall bechargad with letter postage : "Provi fcfe,Thepublisher of a newspaper may send a printed or written notice to a subscriber, stating the amount due on his subscription '; "which notice shall be attached to the margin of the newspaptT, and tlie postmaster who delivers the paper shall charge for such no tice the same postage as for a newspaper. bee. 141 And be it further enacted Ihat tlie Posmaster General be, and he is hereby, 1 authorized! to allow to each Postmaster ' sucli commissio i on tb.er postages by liira collected, as shall be adeoutetohtsVerviees.'and ex penses : I 'r6videdJ?That hjscbmmission sliall not exceed the following several rates on the amount received hi one quarter, viz : -., On a sum not.exceeunig one hundred dol lars, i thirtyl per. centi-v ? ; . -, On any sum over and above the first hu n ired dollars, and not exceeding four hun dred dollars, twenry-five per cent. On any sum over and above the .firs tour hundred, land hot ; exceeding two thousand four hundred dollars twe ny per cent. - On any sum over and above tne first two two thousand four hundred dollars, eigh per cent. .. . - - - - Except to the postmasters who mav be employed in receiving and despatching; fo reign mailswhose compensatioin?nay.be aug mented, njot exceeding twenty-tive? dollars in one quarter, p. and; excepting to the P0"5 masters at-offices where the mail is regularly to arrive between the hours of: hmeo' clock at night and five o'clock in the? morning, whose commission on the first hundred dol lars collected iu one quarter; imay oe increas ed to a sum -notsexcee-.Ung fifty' er cent. Tlie Postmaster General may allow: to the postmasters, respectively, a commission of fifty, per cent ct the moneys arising from the postage of newspapers, magazines and panv plilets ; and to the postmasters whose, com pensation shall not "exceed five hundred dol lars in one) quarter, two cents for every free letter delivered out oti the office, excepting such as are ffor the postmaster himself; and each postmaster, who shall be required jtd keep a register ot the' arrival and departure "f tlie majls, shall be allowed ten cents for every" monthly return which le makes tliere-1 of to the General Post Office. ;v The Post mester General niay allow to tlie postmaster at New-Or'ieansat the rate of eight hundred dollars a year in addition to his ordinary com missions. J The Postmaster General is hereby authorised to allow to the postmaster of the city- of .Washington, .in addition to the al lowances made by this act, for postage col lected, and for free letters received by him for deli ve: 'y , a commission : oj ft ve per cent, on the amount of mails distributed at his of fice : Jro', ided, nevertheless, That the whole annual emolument of the said postmaster, in cluding the extra eompehsation of eight hun dred dollars which U hereby allowed" him, shall be sUbjcct to the restrictions imposed by the forty first section of this act." .;;-:"; . "ecJ 15., And be. it fiirtiier eiiactedfhvX every letter or packet, brought into the Uni ted 'Statest or carried if rom one port therein to another, in any pri Vas-e ship or vessel, shall be chargejd with six Cents, if delivered at the post office where the same shall arrive ; and if destined to be conveyed by post to any place, with two cents ! added to tlie ordinary rates" of 'postage. . --! ;'.; y ' ' 'l r4-. . Sici l6. dtid he it further enact eil, That if any. postmaster, or other peon,' autho rized by t)ie ; Postmaster General to receive the-pbstiae ofjettei-s, sliall fraudulently; de riiand or receive, any rate of postage, or gra tuity, or Jreward, other than is provided by this act, for the postage of letters,' or pack et, on conviction thereof, he shall forfeit, ibr every sue i offence, one hundred dollars no ship or vessel, arriving , at anyport within . the tJnite .1 States, where a post office is es tablished, shall be permitted to report,-make entry,' or break bulk, until the master or com mander shall have delivered , to tlie postmas ter all letters directed to any person or per sons withimthe United-States', br ibe terri- tones tnereor, wiucn, under Ins, care,- or within his power, shall be brought in sum. ship 1 oryesscli except such as are direct Ihe owner or consignee of the" shin WvesiifPlY n'" mtiVtVli'Ari1i liVpv 1. -.And it shall be .he.dulr M thcoUU --'y . ,V J i1, 'J lector purport ters Lmsnder or ymasterof;any j?uch,s.hipor vessel shall break bulk before le ,shuii nave com plied with the -requirements of this act, eve ry such offender shall; oh, couyiction "'thereof forfeit for every such offence- a slim not ev ceeding one hundred ibllarsi -t-'-v' ' To be continued. ' - i ; S tate of 'N'ortli r Caro Qna " franklin Counfv- Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Decem- , (, z her Sessions, 18?4. ' Hilo l.attimer, ; Original AUachmentr- ' - " .- -Clevied on negro .boy Archibald H. Green. S Nelson. t f'Y appearing: to the satisfaction of the Cpurt, thatv the Defendant' resides j ;-'beyonJ the limits of this State ; It i 6rdered,,that pub lication be made in the Ualeighj llej-ister for tliree months, that iinless he. Defendant .h pear at our neXtTCounty CouJt tor ' tlie: Couhty ;of lnklini the 'Court; house in Xouisburjrv oti; the" Second Mondav bf March next,.tlien and there tr replevv and tii i f '.' .a. -Ii L :." i it hlead, otherwise, iiudirment wi i oe inauc h-1- nat against liim, and -the 'property levied on rbe condemned to PlaintifTfs recovery 1 -' " ) ' Test, "fS. PATTE US ON C. C. C. y y Gacdew SeeiAs y. i y JOHN, PRDUROS K ti obi hf e received a lar-e supply of Fresh 'Garden Peas and Beans, and a superior assortment of all Jkinds ot liaruen aeeos- wiucu win Dq.soiu aijijieir usual reduced prices. - Alsot pTirne Northern Seed Potatoes, Nev-ynk Pippeh Apples, Gosheh Chesse, liar Iron aud Steer. llaleie-h. Peb. 14. ' '' 31 Notice. jfk N the 2d Monday in A pril next, will be JF sold for ready money at the.Gourt House in Snowhill,the following tracts of land, or so much thereof as ;will be siifficienttopay the tax thereon for the years i821 and 1822, to wit : ::-f: -V - ' : i.y ;;vf-; ' 228 acres on Sandy lluh belonging to John 11 - y?mon. 54tlo on do. belonging to TliOsJ Dail S . T) 193 do Contentnea Creek do James Dau. 900 do -" " do do Zach'r KUiottr V 692 do - do do Joseph Hause. '' 10W do ' . : Sahd'y llun do Uzzel Iiissiter 1 600 do Cotentnea Creek do Heirs of Chas. Carr, (not given ii) 200 do do William John IU LVldridge ilp 345 do 400 xio 121 do Ti do 56 do 255 do 400 do 50 do 121 do 322" 218 , "300 do do do do do do do di do do tlo dot Edwai'ds- y Ktheldred Mitchell; 4 Sarah Mitchell if ;v .Christopner Ileynolds Joseph Hey nohls ; Josiah Sugg, jun. v do Josiah Whitby do Nancy, Ward - ..' d oChnstcpher jjWood do Joshua Kause do Samti'el Whitly do lienry Forrest ; 1 f r- t- 1 ,i ' l . l , Li Ik on oanuy nun tio .osepii.asoury r f 4595 l lo i do John Joyner ; ; doy y do Stephen Hogers : do do Mays heirs 1 " NaughtuntQ do William Aldridge W17 ' 41 j 6S6 78 do 'do Elizabeth IJarrow 34 . 525 -125 r -;'; Edmonson 50 320 - do do do Yo Culled Bdmohdson. do Jame G'asg6w ; -doVlIeir of Bur well xdo v do Isaac Hav - do WiUiam "Williams i d John-Aldridge; f .do John Mooring -do as G u urdi a n f do Sally Sauls ? . do (1821) do ' '- do 278 200 200 60 .570 -213 .' 200 do do do tip 1 J am esiTay lor do A vy ffay lor - ! Elizabeth pawmlngiot given in) 140 C otentrtea c'k do Mary Cowaixl -. ; 2 . - - - i . w - 615 6 lots in Hooker'ton Wm. Hooker v 790 '5 do "i . Hym erick: Hooker' 200 Cotentnea c'k. do liiclrard.Hodfres '. 1334 -do do Wm;. Kilpatrick . 337 1 lot m Hokertou Grey West brook do ' oo John,Duiin fbr Wal- 640 ter Dunn. 2 0 - do do Susanna Dixon do.Williamv Philips for 410 : , y;do; Lassiters heirs 676" (1821) do heii-s of Kilpatrick 163 tlo do 220 tlo do 216; 1 do do do Simon' Breeton for ..- - ; r - . -' ' f ;--.--- do John preechr do Kihchen Dixon , do Ob edl Dixon ; ,' 1 50 on Cotentnea c'k do Edmond Breemons 490 " ' do " do- Solomon Brand for y daMosesbobbl Xh: . do Asa Daniel " '-!' y do W. Shackelford "? y do Elisha Woddwardt y ido Theophilus EasOn ty do Abram Mopfe' , do iJohn ile Keal; jun.:; - doJAbsalom Ptice y y da Isaac Price. -; -' C' - do James R. Price y y do J ohn j'ope ; y V;i do Jesseita&bury f lo;WiIHm Uasbery f ioj5abrira Daniel -0c ; ; r do John Glasgow ; y do John McKeal, Sen'r da SaTalKMinshev " Uasbury's heirs 136 ' do 334 203 y 700 . 486J 662: 55, -50 ;;, ,50 ;' 412; 252 ". 253! 270 1. -S70 f i'do " do do rfoTI tlof do do do do do do 4i3 (1821 )vdo .100 do do 12 200 do do i do Arthur Shackelford - r All those diaving receipts for either, of tlie above named years, are requested to produce them,' as it is impossible fur the strbscriber to know who has and who 'has'noti paid- and he is. under the necessity of collecting from those who have not paid, 'if1' not by fair rpieans by tkwy -'r-n V IJOHN IIOLUDAY, Ad ;--bf -ttichd D. Bright late ShiT. ' Greene co. XVfe. ,Wmrn ! "t :; or otherofficer of the.port empowered V T. - ' V "?.T'J- V- r receive entries of.vlrpa or Vessels to i J aw- w yave ju r . n . eu n - a .- .- - . . i- r S7 fcw f rtniM nt t a )tv.. V(irb.'w hick ire trm every -master, or ommacr oi jr --r-- - . v. . f . ; Cship of vessel air oath w 'affirmation, n,'7 '-T"; ingth-t ho has delivered sil such Jett I '"" '"r iV v.T -1 'i X" :, r na r-'An. if w mZA Wev. Dr. Jaldwelll R Adam LmpieUev, ' r " . . ' i-- , - -I ------. . i-loppei RevTrjcdin. Capers,'J)oRev';Eleazer lr- ? isi Dbi'Rev.' Rejijam"m MpalmeriiDpijnev . i. of t5. C UevAlT.ftv Mliougald, J?eVrPratici Cpmins1of;GeoVgii;'aml 'KeVi:JiicIuirt'ur-r. man of Sontfr' Carolina. ' -T i ' ,V- II. MJl flak'en tip, on tkV 22J of OctMev laS-f.r EL- and lodged in Jail at Wilmington, ?: d' a negro man whO calls his nlimei MOSES, and rftys he Belongs ta Joseph, Uogers; liinic . about 12 miles fro.TiCliarlotte,'in Meclepburg(( . peakes erood Enjrii mitted a grey J acket con siderab ly worn v fwt shirts and trowsers .' The owner is reqtiested, toco me forward, prove - property, p.yycharg es, and take said'fellow away. vf ; v: ; y y vy ' ECiiAnEEs rxiouit is Jailor y FAYETTErVJ LtHi NORTlttC AUOLir?A: - ----- ,-4j-. i -x IlEsubscril)er.. havfnc: leased s thi3;Esar iibs f blihiiient, formerly occupied by Captain T-A n k ,;is' now- in reaa ri ess to' accommolute . Tvelterfand1 Board si lie Renders): his; t!ks-tb'"tn'e Public etteville. for the former nationaire ndtneiul- sures them that every and due attenti on bestow ed '.' i h order to the eomfb'rfjand pleasure Of Travellers ad Board. ; ers. His rocms. are - numerbiis, beitignew ; clean and large, are welt&lupterl for comfm t and'heahh, opening yiipon & gjifdeiit j whiclij; presents a finef prospect; sHperaddejare ; the : comforts of ease and retireJnentl which ; may; beenjoyedin spacious PaHohrsy by Travelling Pamilles- ;This, situation,? fctand- -'y ing oh one;Ipithe- most f elevaied; streets is y healthy ytentledwilli 4he dyantogelajitl; convehience aring from 4:he.imjjrtant and extensive business transacted, oh tliut. street,7 .v which v wilr roakv-it the interest of Count ryy.; Merchants and Planters -to call ; itis constants : ly supplied by eans of aqtfeductsV withurer water, iuing fromone Of tlie best . fntains r. in the state., xyr-yy'yy'y . i " . .i - -. ' "v His liar will be constantly supplied with; y ? the pest and choicst'b'f-'lJ.qftVihii THle with the best th'e country and market afTords ; . his Stables shall be attended by .fail hfulsteai dy and and honest Ostlers. Other ad vuntages'y: are attemlant ilpon this Estab J is h'me n frare ly y.a to be excelled in'any; other PublitHbuse "u - this statety; .y ' v. FJttevilieeb.- ' I have pleasure in stating that the'Maiision , HdteTi irt' this to 'n, hasrundergoTie.al howAiirh purjficat idndjsT'eoCtaijiiebylf rj ordan. T llie puhfic may rest satisliecl that ihere ii u' .. xfanger of - contracting the ebnt agio-1; of; the' . iaie epiaemic uisea.se eitner at;xiie iici or any otlier place in FavettevilleV s P. l"! BENJ. ROBINSON, flculth Officer. FaveUcvUle, Feh; 23, l825,i t. TiitvBeauliul Arabian f$ tal lion jyy LAyWill - SaUt; t!ev , ..r-extseaspn, j(be- J, : ' mg his Jhst m; .A-?,, meria"! at "inv StaJ '- from Warrenton,pn tlie, Stage road t o Raleigh, '- U and will be. let to mares at tlie moderate sum of y 'fen oAir;the-season, ifpaid witliitir the season, Uir Twelve Dollars, if paid after : : the sensor, expires -Sixteen Hollars to Insure-; a'-mare ii fbal V orr?r.;the Single ' leap j- and 50 cents to the groornt in every in-. stance. , " The season will commence the firs- day of March, and end the last day of August. . - SYPF1AX is a handsome sorrelt aiid mos ; beautifully trtarked, fed "mane and tail heSrt . upwards of fifteen hands ,higli- ? eight eaTr ; y old, healthy and vigorous, and not inferior m . ' point of form orinuscular power, to any horse, on the continent $ cmd the mcs? 'docile: animal" Acit-e ever seen'M',- "h k:-lk : ': '" "5 1 S YP HAX Vas brbitgrht to America' tn the -United Statesyfrigate Constitutibnn safpv iy lanaeu at iew noric 11111824 Sypliax neV.'Arthur JJuist of C. Andrew ;Phivrt15o Hev,ili;nj;' Gilderilievet , GergiaIv.OliverIulJbrtl, Do. ev N., -than S. B'erain bovev- Aaro.vr ilanrl f ' -r2' rA -. It.is.- -riX.t.l,l ::. T.. fXf 24 of, 25 years of age hvcfeet C orZ' loclierf ? k: high, complexionyellowy -t ; spealces erood Ensrlish and had on when com- f J ly support 'hiNhearecC'iy.e.d f;and, ;in soliciting ;; exeroon sn ii oe.maae,- ' " . .1- K . 1 was obtained by Maj, To wmhend St ith, late American Consul, at the Itegency of Tunis, ! ' ; ami wax purchased i from an Arab of high dis- tinction, who value'd him above -any horse in . ;-' theactual possession of. the Bey or King of ? i Tunis. -: iV;, ;,y---c--f-K,wyyy , " - -" v ; SYPHAX was foaled .near; Mecca, . in the.v ' KingHoni of Yeaman, 'Arabia Eelixi; crosseti ; the lied .Sea to Derra, in Nubiafrom thence' 4 through a part of the Desert, ;tol T?.oul!a 5in ; . '. Terran thence through theTegencyof .Tr 'it poli, to Beledulgerid 'and Jrom 'thence tt ' . the American Consulate, in the city! of Tunis V 1 as is certified by Mr.-; Samuel C. -Potter" a ' --t gentleman of honorandlrespectability,; . . r To those who wish to' raise'fjrbm this deV ' servedly stock of. horses ' the" ge'muhe Ara-- bian, tne present via te a tayorable oppor tunity ; for experience .has - long, shewn urt tlie A advantages to bftderWed frcimthe'fim prQvemejat of our stock crossed with the Ara bian. V:y :yyy; 'fC:yr: '.:-' -"S YPH AX's"- -high form, : muscular. .-6TMr, and beautiful marks,,! tn ink constitute him a constellation ambiig StudlIcTsesV: i;r j ty Good pasturagj will be provided for mares left ith J be horse, or, they wilt be fed .with grain, if required ; but no liabUitv fr acci dentsvpf escapes KO B ERT. BANS OM cGrecmvdod Warren. Jan. 14,-!: 22-rtlstA. . - y "A t' II