I-.; it ' i l r .. r " . lv; I- theTQVvn of NasKviHe, Carolina, K fjpillfe Vrdperty of Gulepri IMpptn, deceased, JL tWui be sola dv vinue vi uu j uu I -executed to .me,' for certain purposes thereto " I Wntioned. on the premises, on Tuesday the i ' 221 Tav of Marchliiext, jonc Lot of Ground vwith the Improvements t!iereon.-i.consistinr f P n nw iind well finished Dwelling' 'Housed ' i 18 by 32 feet, two stones high, a Store House, ' and other Outhouse.- Terms - rf Balb will be " ' cashf: but a note payable the. 1st day of No . 'a - - - - -fc. -' Ko'4o-o . i ' ii r z NashvilIe N: C. Feb'..2G .. 8tds pr. Advfl- 50 7'- ON 'Tnesd y Oie 5th day of April next Vill be tfferecLfortale;.atMhe .Court House : In Washington, the fotlow ing1 Its, or an muc.j thereof a will safy the totoxes (and cost of advertising) for the year 1824, U: :- 1. Lot No35 V v;'? 1.9 ' tin-' 7 ' ' ' ':: . V-1. '!."" i-3 1-2 .1- do 41 in Boanersvou ran. ' ,.-.). :.ao..8r:-v.'V ' V ' ri :".-"!- do 73 in Bonner's new Part.: .y.':v do. -37 ; ' V . r ..' Given in bv J. ATcenford, m Kespass town". X Lot No. 70, in Yan Noonlen Town by, the ; . ieirs of John Armstead. 1 " do tin Van Nordrh ,Tovn by Tho. ;.; , : . nUckledge,fpr 123 & ..'24. t T.ot No. CO in IJcinner's aid ji:ft' by the ( . ), heirs' 'of lildred CaiipbelK 1-2 do rO. Glitddentown. by Ann Coffdell. 2 do 16 Sc 17 Uespass town by Ternnce De- ... li7" .... . . j . u 1 Int. No 44 i . : .'' i,'." 4- .;Kf 1-2- cio 4y - '."': 3-2- do 50 in tespas town bv Louisa S. , . f ' ' V liickenson for 1823 -5c 1824. 1 do 79 ih Bonner's new, part, by William . ':: . . : . '' Harrel. 1-2 1 3 -' do 51 in.Respass Town ' do ' 1 in Bonner's old part. do 5 10 15 20 25 67 68 & 69 in Van ... Noonlen town by Lewis Leroy. do 25 in Bonner's old part. ; i '.. do 91 92 93 &. 94 in Bonner's new p.rt ' - , - r . - ( bvi illiam Boss. 1 4 1 tn 30 In Resbass town bv the heirs of . . '4 - Wilam Robinson. do 46 & 47 in Van NoordenUown by the 4 T .;.- - helrn f Hcnrv.Strlbv. 2 do 80 and 83 Bonner's mW part by the t .heirs of WUIiam H. Wiilianw : 'for 1822, 1823 and4824." OWNERS UNKNOWN; lLotNo21 ;v i' 1-2 do" 38, In BonnerV Ofd Bart. 4: , r 4 do 61 74 81 -and 35 in Bonner's new do 3 21 and 22 do 38 ; '' '. .': , ;- ' ; 1-2 1-2 1-2 1 fl-2 ' II do 51 ... do 53 in .Respass town do 54 . . T; do 63 in Gladden town, do 33 61 5c 62 in Van Noorden town, do 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 Sc 11 on . . ' Iliuton's Plan SAM'L W. LUCAS. T.T.C. Washington, Fe b. 2 1 , 185. 38-1 aw 6 vr i Hutherfynl County. . . In Equity Fall Term, 1824. Jas. Bridges, ? ' vs. . Injunction. Augustus Sacket.J . . IT appearing to thp -satisfaction of the Court, that the 'Defendant in this case is not an inhabitant of this State : It is therefore ordered, that- publication be made for t'iree TTionths suce'essi veW. in the Raleigh Register, jujtifiying him to appear at the next Court of Equity to be held lor the cou .ty ot Kutner krd. at the court-house in If utherfordton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday of March next, and there and then to answer ple:d or demur, or compl unat's bill .Will ,be taken pro confess j and set for hearing ex parte. . ' Test, ; .-, . - T. F, BUtCHE TT, C. 8c M. Now 30th, 1824. -19- m. State of North-Carolina, " County '4" Ilandorph. Haman Miller's Ex'rs. " " " vs... ". . lx EciuiTT. Ryland Roberts Sc others. J ' f g tHIS case beinjj. rf f-rretl to me to take an JL- account, V hereby give notice to all the parties concerned, that I shall proceed to take the said account at the office of the Clerk and Master hi Equity for said County inthe town f Ashborough, on the 4th Mondav of March next. . JESSE HARPER. Feb. 16th. 1825. . 33-t vr. State of jNorlh-Caroliuai , Franklin Countj;,: Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Dece'm , ber Sessions, 1824. ' Nathaniel Hunt, Original Attachment vs., i . Levied on negro boy Archibald IT. Gretn. j Nelson. , t ; "B"T appearinc to the satisfaction of this Court, JL that the Defendant in this case, resides be yond the limits ot tins State i,. It is ordered by the Coutt, that publication be made for three tnonths in the State' Gazette, that unless he appear before the,: Justices of our; County Court of Pleas and , Quarter Sessioj?, to be held for the County ef Franklin, at the Court house in Louisburg, on the second Monday of March "next, then and thereto replevy and plead otherwise, judgment will be mack final ajainst , him and the property levied on, cjOTidemneu to Plaintiffs recovery. Tist, i S. PATTERSON, C. C. C. State of NorEh-Carolina, : " Rockingham County. ( In Equity -Fall term, A. D. 1824.. " , -Charles Mills, vs. Matthew Mills & others. IT appearing to the1 Court; that William T. Mills, 5!enh;Mills,WTi. F. Ellington and his wife Frances WalterInram and his wife Martha, Mary Lariroorte and Sarah ;Larimo're, part of the defendants in his case, are inhabi tnnts of other .Sf 'tes : : It is therefore ordered .that publication be made-for 6 weeks succes sively, in the Ifaleijjh Register, far the defend ants to appear at the next Court of Equity to be tJcld for the, county of Rockingham at the court-house in Wentworthonthe sixth Mon- d:iy , after the fourth ; Mondav ' . in' i March Jicxt,4hen and there to tdead. answer or '"de mur to complaiiiant's bilk otherwise it will be taken pro confesso and heard' ex parte d & to tiiem, JAS. T..MOREHEAD, C.M.E; Weiitwra-th, Dec. 22, 1824. 19-6WY "dl .be -receive an ueu inereoi h requireu . t y the purchasf r Possession' fcgiven bii.tte lit January next. - i-a'vf.-' ' ... ,;, J J y v II. BLOUNT, Trustee: T HE subscriber nas-'op? nea nowseot i w vjwk- v-vvjinam-vM M icr, w-orinuar"i?:i m iiarope. , nas oen adopted -in - jJosnm EntcrtairimentlbrtheWcettiDnytre!.hlb 4Hl?5s Affaires to'the fni s-VmlW ,1 lers lih leadi place:':., HeJnforms the publCjthat he;will be preparel' at air" times to aedbmniodate those' may favor him with their company r - vv a ;;. ' .iVVv:-;AMES:.JlX ROSS, f ; FranlUi co.;Marchst;.liB25: 576. TO the Jail in 4-AshbdnVt.i c: in October Lsr, ;ft NegTo Man, ask Rtinawnj', about 27 or 30 years. of age ;' abont 5 .f et lOJnches high z has lost v some' "of hi upper; teetH ; as a small i scat aj'ove his.r?ght eye fr iSays his name is SHADRICK ; and that 'he was taken from Maryland,:- by: Joseph, Williams, from y aim he Runaway, in- the State of Arabama. "J 't&. ; S1LASDAV1DSQN Jailor. -Nov. 1 824.r-6nio- , . - - : C ' '-'Notice. THATon Monday, the 1 1th day i of April nex i bv virtue of Deed of Tnist, bear ing datev onvlhe 17th day of January, 1822, will be T)Vl for.ref dy money, at the -Store-of William. Harrison, in. the ountyv of Franklin, Two Tracts or parcels of LA NI ), lying in the county aforesaitl. : adjoining the, lintls of .the saitV VVilliam Harrison, ; John Carpeiiterand others,- containing four hundred acres,, more or less.'-' :.: '-'.. ; (. . !.. . '?.7- Arso, !th e following N EG ROES; named as follow ?' one neirowoman ' named Nancy, one negro girl, named , RachaeV bne-nago girl named Narcitsa, one negro boy named Patrick, one negr.o girl named.,Nancy, ami two negro men earned Charles and Isaac. : V The above prs-pertyfbring conveyed tbtne intrust, I sh dl conyeylonly such tit'e to the same as I am authorised to do bv said deed--W.M. 'IVHOLl.lNGSWORTII, Tr istee. Franklin county, 21st Feb. 1825. , 34 7 w ' r TAKEN UP, V 1 ND committed to the Jail of this county, iVbn the 21st inst.-a Negro Fellow, aup posed to be a runaway slave, who says his name , is Cornelius Tones, and that He has; lived in New-York four or, five y ear 'last past, but cannot, or Wlil not name the state, county or town in which he wasi raised. He is about five feet seven inches high, black complex ion, with a Small scar over his right eye, and and one near the corner of the same. His dresslsa drab pea-jacket, blue round ditto, and duck trowsers. - lie was brought to this place in the schooner Hetty, Wright, last from Charleston. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he, will be dealt with as the law. directs. ''.:?!; v , v JO S; GARRETT, ShfT. Washington countv, Nov. 23 1 824. 19-6m SPLENDID DRAWINGS This Month (March) to take place in the City . ' .' .of -Baltimore. .''' GxawiV St-ate lottery ,Of Maryland, contains the following Bril liant Capitals still tindrawn : Forty Thousand Dollars ! Twenty Thousand Dollars ! Ten Thousand Dollars ! Vive Thousand Dollars ! Besides 12 of ip006 of 500 dollars, 5;c. The whole pavahle in Cash, which, as usual, at COHEN'S OFFICE, can be had the mo ment the v are drawn. , -.-' - COHEN'S OFFICE, ? Baltimore, March 4M,' 1 825. 1 - Sixteen drawings of this splendid scheme are already over. The remaining four will takeplace under the superintendance of the Commissioner! appointed by the Governor and Council, on the following days, viz : 7th ' drawing, on Thurs-ait the lOife Jiirchi 18th drawing on Thursday the -7th Jlfurch, 19th drawing on , Wednesday the 30th March, 20th, and last, . on Thursday the 3lst March, -Unless the Great, Capital Prize of Forty Thousand Dollars should be undrawn, after the 19th is over in which case, in oruer to nve opportunity ior renewals, the 2Uth i drawing will be deferred till the second week following, and will positively Jake place on Thursday the 12th of next Month. , f Whole Tickets S 1 2 1 Quarters; S 3. 00 Halves, ) - f- 6, J Eighths, I 50 - To be had, warrairted undrawn, at Lottery & Exchange' Office, :, J"o. 104, Jlarket:st, Baltimore. ; Where the Great Capitals of 160,000 dolls. 20,000 dolls, -20.000 dolls, were obtained in BOTH THE LAST STATE LOTTE RIES, and where more ' capital prizes have been obtained than at any other Ojfice in jimerica. r ' 'Orders from any part of the United States, either by mail, post paid, or by private con-i veyance, enclosing the cash or prizes in any Of the lotteries,, will meet the same prompt and punctual attention, asif on personal ap plication, addressed to , . J. I. COHEN, irH Baltimore. m Remittances may be forwarded to Co nxx's Ofticb with perfect confidence, 'for if the Orders should not arrive n time, the amount ench sed will, bb returned by. the first mail. ' V. V . Baltimore, March 4, 1825. . - - i State of North-Carolina." Haywood County.; ' Superior Court of Law secontl Wednesday after the fourth Monday in September, -,1824. . ' .""-", - . ; . John Crow -vs. James Holland' heirs. ; WHEREAS it appears to the satisfaction . of the Court, the "defendants Jambs Holland, ju nr. Sophia Perkins ahd'Cyn10! Rhodes, heirs of James Holland,, dee'd, .are inliabitants "of another gbvernrnent ; it isv therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be madethrec months n the Raleigh Register, that the aforesaid Mfendanls ap pear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for the county of Haywood, at .the Courthouse in. Waynesville, . on the second Wednesday after the fourth Monday in March next,' then and there to plead, answer or de mur ; otherwise judgment will be taken pro conj'esso, and the cause will be1 heard ex parte:,- '':VV ' . . V " & -J, 105 JOHN B. I.O VF, C. IL.S..C. and others, at the Cross Koids in Frnk. o.us Rfr a au ow. me nwr ibspapeu.uu i . Ttpniihliii'oFAmrica- Guatimala. " V nsrfrom;Ka!e,ito.vjsburg. i '7---T Mini rjoiBNSON-" 4 1 iWarfanton MarchfTVYr; ?ti 40:r7v: i State p rth-Carolina. V v ; H Monteombry iCountv. s;t HpAKEN UP bh thSOth daibf December i f l824, hyMark'JHigh h'vuig .wijthe road leactinerom Salisbury to AJIentonj onPedeb Riyer in said 'p'oiint', (about 20 miles from the former placed opposite the? narrows of 4 the Vadkin RiverVon thesottth west sideiofs&iUI river,, about ten jrnilbs southwest of said narrows,- one. Brown Ba Mare, judgbd to be 1 or lS.years old; . about;! 4- hands vhih one sm-Jl 'star .In. her frhead, . spot under the manp'soitie white dn the back supposed tojie occasioned by the saddle; the left hind foit white, the right hind r foot Is split.J so as to resemblea forked hooC Y A'p-? praised to 50 dollars -: M '."'''.. " ' i 39 '..- H R I C H A U m STQ KB R 1 Ranger, j . : State, of or tli; Carol inav. hi '.f ? ..' iiecnnib Coiii nty. ' v ; Court of Pleaaiaild Quarter Sessions, '' November ferm, 1824. v Sylvia Little The heirs at law of GfayjLit- '.V Petition for dover. '. tl ; : tledec'd. : T Tppbaringto the satisfaction of the, Court, X'tiiat Elijah Manning and.Lydia his,' wife. and tfenjamiri Manning aiud Sylvia his wife, DefendatSj,;are iiot residents of this Stwte : It is ordered that publication be made for mouths in the Raleic h Register thatthey ap pear at the next Court, of,- Pjiasjand, Quarter Sessions to be litld fr the county of Edge comb at the Court II?3 in Tarborough, ci! the 4tli Monday of February next, ami plead," answerer demur, or the petition will be heard ex p ne as to theni.' Witness 'Michael Hearn, Clerk of said Court at ,Tarborough, the 4th Monday of ifcbvernber, 1824. ; ' il5-3m , JjlCH'L. 11EARN, C. C. UALEIGU REGISTER. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1825. Ve Warn with mingled emotions of pain and pleasure, that our late tlistin guishedf visitor, pen. Lafayette, met with an accident whilst passing from Camden to Colu inb la. The horses at tached to liis carriage took fright and rah until comp etely exhausted- for tuuately, they -. l;ept the road, and the General .escaped injury except being considerably bruised by the rapid and uneasv motion o the vehicle, The Cheraw Intelligencer contains an interesting acouhtfof tne reception given at mat piageoiue-gouu ajajtax- ETTE. juet mm journey wn ere ne may no abatement f respect or affection .. i- .' ' ' u ble. All vases, sexes will continue to greet. will be percept and conditions hini-wfth expressions of gratitude. .The arrangements for his visit to Charleston are most splendidr-exceeded by oone which have preceded them. The West ern States tl liough unable, to display the macnificence o t tne iNorvnxinu n.asr, the North -and East, will' Vie with their welcome. any, in the cordiality of 'pXU uhcinir th&t r is Ve have pleasure in announcin the Rev. Dr. Caldwelj-, residentof our University, arrived at Chapel Hill, a few days, since from Eufope,in good health, aud highly delighted with his tour. Our reiders will recollect, that Dr. Caldwell sailed for Europe, ten for the purpose"of; pur months, sinCeJ chasing Philosophical Apparatus and use of the College, and has in that "period, visited England,! France Italy arid Switzerland. The joy with which the President's return washailed byxis family and friends? the Faculty and Students of the Institution, may be easily conceived by those who ue,, in these respective know his va relations. The Students had contcm- plated meeting him some miles on the road, but he came unexpectedly upon welcomed him in an Ad the evening illuminated &c. , '.'"..-..' them. They dress, and in the Colleges, Mr. CraWfoud, with his family, left Washington City, on the 11th jnstant, for his reside ice in Georgia. ; The best wishes and hopes of his friends attend him to the retirement which even his enemies must respect : . . ... .. In additionv io the appointments all ready annou need,' the '. following have Ijeen made; by the President 'of the! U-- Illlcu oiaicsi kimi iiic, uuntc auu uuu- sent of the Senate : r v i-'-'-v f ; Cohdy Rauet to be Charge des iAf- fairs nt Rio Janeiro (Brazil.) -- ' i Thomas In L. Brent Chaise des A.f fairs at Li sbon (Portugal.) ' ' '";'-c-v: Jeremiah Robinson, , of Virginia, .has beenappoi n teti Consu I at Jtioj janeirb, vice ;Mr.;Ritguet''- " 'vi The above statement corrects an tri- advertence in ; our last, wherebvMrw Robinfoa .ynis announced , having tm ti t Newbern.-N. V'iM;&34 PMM Enochs SawyeKto- Inspector of tne uevenue joc 'ine uts- r Joseph. Tread well to be Cmlectbrf tf tlieistoThio spectoiofth'er6v6tine EilentfihNoTthCilirolifi U iiuaVravlbr: Customs lor; Hie District art inspector oftheeeriuelbrY UiePoriorOcra v James Owenf to be Collector ofethe Customsj for th e D tstrictof Wil riiingtoh Nijrfha1ip"irna, l nomas-Lauenner to oe! purveyor ann inspec tor ott lie Ke venue I or port o f V il n ii ngttmNo rtii-Carol i na;; 4 J ' Gnbr Iza rd, (fonnrly a General in the Army) has be'en "appotnted jGovefn or . of tJieTerritorylof Arl4as.V ; - i ne Aneraw, intelligencer mentions, that mucK pii revolt has been recently: founds in Cabarry,Mbn4mery nd Anson counties1, in this States! In Mortt- gomery, a newnVirie has beeh discover- eu, uinqrent irom any. we nave Hereto fore mentioned. The pold is abstrct- ed froin i la rW masses of rock which iii dicate the existence of rich knd exten siye mines like '; those of -:Ijferu;? 'je understand a poor, man, on whose land the j mine in Montgomery was found, has, within a few weeks obtaineyUbout half a bushel of Gold, amounting: to 820,000: . It. is said that this extraor- dinary good tor tune has partially !de- ranged him; ' -Ay': Ah office has been pene'd at Wsh ington City, for transacting the business of the Colonization Society yhere the Resid e n t Agen t, Revl R. Guriey, wil i attend every day;' from 11 to 3 o'clock. This step will greatly facilitate and! me thodize the business of the'SocietV, at the same time that. it will accommodate its. friends. VP , The Fayettevilfe Observer saysJ that me- the monument to be erected to the mory of Baron De Kalb at Can den, will bear th e folio w i n r lricrri ntmn' . Here; Jies the remains of BARON DE KALU, a German by birth but in principle a citizen of the world ; his love) of liberty in duced him to leave the old. world' to aid7 the citizens of the new in their struirffle for Isdb pendkkcx ; bis distinguished talents and ma ny virtues weighed with Congress to appoint nun h jia.j r general in meir itevoiut olutionarv Army ; lie was second m command in the battle fought near Camden, on the 16th of August 1780, between the British and Ame ricans and there nobly fell covered with vounds while gallantly-performing tleeds of valour : in rallying the friends and opposing the enemies of his adopted country. - h gra titude . for his zeal and .services the citizens of Camden have erected tlus Monument. . : vThe late Boston papers annpnnce the ueain oianotner yenerapie Jrainotioixne Revolution, JOHN BROOKS, formerr ly Governor of the state of Massachu setts, j He departed. this life, at his residence in Medford, on. .JTuesday morning, jn the. 73d yealr of his age after an illnes's oforily a few da vs, pro duced by the prevalent 'cold. The Boston: Statesman trulv sas: of him. u His intelligence, patriotism,! mild ness and virtue, as exhibited in every variety of situation and responsibility, have given him a proud; plice in jtne af fections of his felIow-citizeri3 and will forever consecrate Jus menaory.Vr;! . is ' -mi A report has beenj1 circulated that JudgeM.afsbailisbout''t office of Chief-Justice of the U. j States The Editors of the National Intel I igen cer say they feel themselves aut mrized to contradict it. " l We learn froms Boston, papers, - that a bill has passed Soth; hotisles -ofj die Lef gislature of that State, granting to the Bunker HiIlMonument,AslbciaU the sumoPlfXoOO doItars,;tobepaid in'the Hammering oi stone at tne state irisop, to be .used in the Monument: r- Ifx-ijenza. rhis disease prevailing throiihputIl Hne is now eastern states to -an extent as far as . we k now, altogether unpreedeqtetl: In: New" flam pshire ; and rinon t ina nj of the schools have been discontinued but the - city of Neivork seems to have suffered the most from' it. KBy tliev re- ports ;.of physiciansl lastV wee calculated that I between, 4Q k - it was and50 thou sa ml I persons in that ty alone were entrann tnts tewous iiisease. success::: 1: rtChifst tneBest tnid efti pijated strccti tr,:- tar,' e abou t-the -city ate 'at this season Vw wiry and deepi so .that cartg .and ckr ' riaes pass tliextrernfe lifiicultyC tlie Bung ; the: rads" in see w been aijterided withuniforirl success .Z- V They; a re; as p vjsraritl ihbo th as a bo w - ! material lyjiffe Tliearf hgero en ts fo form i 6g oil jet ree ts upon this principle next j seaaoniAvilU it is believed, bi' Very extendi ve" r; '-, ' answerable; argument to the especial notice of all irue haters of Internal Iiu- , lh thereign of Charles it. & bhmjpahy 5f ; Dutch conti'actbrs proposed in certaJu terms, '' tomakfrtheTanavi . v the lanRnareifrbm Madrid Yb.wherbitmeet thb yTagiwjis The council ofc Castilbaftei much deliberation, answered, l That if it had . pleased God that these " ttyo rivers should ; have been made navigable he. wbu!4 : not have wanted human, assistance, .tar make them -such, but as he had nbt ddne it; it is plain th:c i he did not think it proper that it should bi: 1 doners To attempt it therefore, woolvl be to. violate.the decree bf hidt provulenbe'aml to a- , mend the imperfections which he designedly left in .hi? work.' i:0: I ' j ; : '. : Lane, arrived-at Bbstonrfurni ihei.tho following account of a, destructive fife at'St;;Tho FeV-. : a fire at St. 'JThbmas laid about 4 or 500 houses in Kes 'ancl abbtit ;100 stores of all descriptions- in the'rwest of the town." Property tblargemount was destroyed a nd Ku ndjred s who arose i u the morning nclvandUndependcntv btfr fore noon Were1 destitu tt the fire beio; sov rapid, with a storig gale, that little prppert; was saved from its fury.5' v t Private letters jstate; that about 'haiF the town was destroyed, and five hdn- d red families rendered houseless lThta d estru c tion was arrested by: the spirited exertion of the officers "and crew, of the V. S.t Sch r. Gram'ptl s , an d 1 tlie. A mencans in tne port; at . tyas ascer- tained that the-calamity was occasioned - by a silly trick of a superstitious-old "' woman to detect a theft -';f j f:y . The first Congress of the Mexican" TJjsiasfi urilcr the nev iCcstitatio:, Was assbnibled in the rnqntli pf January'. The two bratiches--tIie1Senate ahd liV of Represcntatives--were (hnng busifc hess wi th rreu larity . arid 7fiarmbny ; On tlie subject of the victory of : acuchoin Peru V the editbrrpftlieMex icatj Sun (dfFeb)")bervesr; : v V "This most glorious vifitbry prodiiees the same effect for bur" independence, Ai' the af fair bfT Saratoga produced for that of the U Statea.x The nations Of Eurone will now be convinced, that Spain has nO longer any 're'- . , sources for the. object .of mibsilim- u Throughout the vast extent bf Ahiericath'e ftasr of Spain floats on the walls of Callao-arrd ; St. Juan defUlba alonfii and it Willi soon dis- u appear entirely Vv A f The k Mexican 4 Easle55 contains; a sucHrict history of the late tyar: biefween the Un i teil S ta tea and " G reat -Britain, ' offered ai a lesson of he,roism,, to the. Mexicans. . '';V'vV" ' '-A'-" sabscription'has been 'opened Mexico for- the; relief of f. the S panisli Constitutionalists-iri EuglandiK; - i The Leis!aturebf the State of Maine : ; has adjourned after "a1 session of55 ;e days. .The number of Acts passed-. durini; the session, is one hundred and eignt, anuiinenumoer oi ivcsoives ge-yenty-eiffht One of the most import- , ant Acts bf the-Legislature, is die in- cbrbfatiori;or the;analBahk.;Thttr Cumberland arid Oxford Canal 'will b the beginning; of the chain of internal improvements, of which the j State is susceptible, THe CanaK Bank? is tip have a capital of 8300000 75,000 to be invested in.Carial Stock. 11 The cliar ter runs twenty years, and . the, usual 1 taxof one per; cenU Uinthe capital tsi; riot to be required by the state ' -The t books ' brsubscriptio'rt to tlie 'Stock of ? the; Bank are already opened.; y ' The Fourth of March was celebrated! iii Boston, with great joy and good feely ings v Inmany other parts of New England, festivals, saluies,J& bonfire?" marked this new epoch ia our history During the year 1 824 i , the ; number of vessels which" passed through tho Sounds to and ifroni5 the Baltic, wks 10,518 of which 177 were American, bei ng a n increase f; of f 9 on the preced -ing year. .;;.f'-!'"-"'- : :i : : ':- -; ' 4, On the 10th inst; ivNorthamp ton, Andre ryr R. Govan, Esq. Mem'ier of Congress from 3. Carolina, to Miss, Mry. P; Jones, j j 't -"f In Granville county, on ther 11th inst. Itijs Elizabeth Yancy; daughter of thelate terli.r . Yancofth!s.citrr:,'; -v-. fw' . - - i '. 4, Swf. if4 - 'v US . ' . - - ; j. ..-.-.- j- &' - " '. ' - ," -.