! '. KORTH41A-R.OLTSA S.TATE 'GAZETTE; -VV. J- ;.:. ? : - ' " IS 1 1 , ,- s J" . . 0 . f Unwarp arty vge to Jive like brother:" s vl, , V'' U" , s ' .THE: REGISTER ' i,U Tjublished vcry Tcesdat and Fiiixut, 4by J I V J OS EPH G A LES 5c SON ! ; . At Fivx Doilard per innuin half in advance. v . i Not cxcecxling-10 Jines, neatly .inserted three r -, times f or a Dollar, and 25 cents for every suc V v- ceedinff publication j those of greatcrleiigth ' it- 1. ... ' -nnW;nn. . : . Ho MMUSI C ATIOXS tox raust be postiaicL : :' v Bt;.iUTHORITY tAcjt regulating the Post OGice pepariment, SSec. ' -18s. Jind bait further enacted,. That he' postmaster to whom such letters mayb e delivered, shall pay- tn&Jiiaster or communa ei" -of the vessel, 05 .other person, delivering the iarae, except the commanders or toreign cket3. two cents for-euclk letter or pacKetq: i and shaUobtain fronxlhe person 'delivering . Tue same., a ci yuuic, - . , I ber of letters'and pket'wjtlCthe;name'C 4Vnm iiiif'nr ahest'..ai!etl Cbiccerlificaite.tojfethii1 - with a receipt-fiir the" money, shaU vbe; Vdtli hie, quarterly - accouiiU, transmitted; to the p- Postmaster GeWral, ' who "sball credit Ijim '- Ajlh" he a kiountf "-J . i -V "-Sr" '-"'5''t Sec. 19.4471 i5r iVurfAfTeTzocThat no ' atage'ciro'theR vehicle,; whiclr.regulariy pT- forms trips on a post , road, or on a road par allel to itj 1mi11 convey letters ; nor shall any packet b oat tor other. ; vessel, .which regulatly uliesx)n-a warer aecxareti w uc i "4h Xcept such as rel.te!to some part of the car ? For the . violation of ' thi provision." tliej owner of the carriage, ' or other vehicle or ' vessel,- shall fncur the penalty to fifty dollars: ' And the person who has charge. of such car ,5 nage or other vehicle, or-vesfsel, maybe pro- V scuted ander. this section, lid the property under his change may be levied on and sojcl, nn satisfaction of the penalty and costs of suit; Jfrouidedi That it shall be lawful ibr . any one . , S send letters by a special messenger. ; .iv Sec. CO. Aiulbt it fyrther encLctcJ. Th&t the : Deputy Fostmister;-f and other agents of the Postmaster Genera', shall diily account and answer to him fur All way letters which shall come tft their hands i. aiid 1 fur this purpose, - - the post' riders nd other cafriers of the mail, receiving any . way dfctter or letters (and it '" fchall b:their duty to receive them, if veceiv 1 more than one mile iroU a j post office,) ishafl deliver the aamci together with the pos tage if the postage: be paidi at the first post office to -.which they -shall afterwards arrive were the -postrrfaster diall dulyltnter the same, and specify - th number .and rate -or 'ates, in the post'bill addbsg to the rate of c-ach wv letter, on cent il which shall be rtaid br the postmaster tojithe ttriiil carrier t ;om whoni such way Jitters- shall be received. Sec. 21. And b it furthe enacted. That if J any person employed in any or the depirt- - .nents'tof the Vost.OfHce estab1ishnent kliall linhiAfuHy detain delay, orj open, any letter ' Ticket, b-ig br,'.4nair6f letters,1 with 'hich he siSll -be entrusted or ;, which bhall. have N come o his possession a? wviteh are intend-t-dto be Gonveyed iby ps.' i-or if any such ' perfri: shall sacrete embezile', or " destroys itiiyyletteriS!' packctc bntrustod to such per pn as Mor.c'Kl, aull w-lnch isljalr not contain t hy security for,-o?.asoranee relating to :mu . J''eyi ft hereinafter delsdribeid every sufch-bf-, fender, being! thereof duly Convicted, r ishall, ioi every iuclr orTencev ilnedy riot exVel d- ing three hundred lollars, r imprisoneid, hot ;xceedinsix; inbr.hSjior b oth , ? accord in g tor t he circ'iims anees and aggravations of thelof j'ence. ' And if any. persbrTi' Employed ija a ibre'said, hall seCveeembewleit or destroy, anyletter, paeketjl Bagr?or';-cSaiI Jof ilelLttirs, wiUvwrHch ho -or shehalldie entiustfed,' or tvhich shall have come to his or her possession - and are' intend ed ' tOvbe . conveyed by fpost, ; j:ohtainifig any bank note -or bank postlbil), fiWl of exchange, V arrant of thei'reasury k -the 'Umted States, note of assignment of stock in the funds letters of attorney for re ceh"ng1inntiitier;(OT idena,s.bror scllirlg slockih thetundsor.br receiviug the -intfer--st thetie'ofrri'afly letter of-credit, or note : ' Ibr or; relating J tbpayWptof'Tnpeys, or :tny bdndi IwamnVdrafti bill, orpfomissb-1 ; rynote, covenantr contitictiJor agreement,,! whatsoeVe'rj-.ibr, or- relating Ho paj ment of 'npney.br the de4ivWof apy article of value, .: jr tlie pcHbrirnceof anyact, matfdV oi jj ihtn,voT - any rCe . ot dischitr of; br'frbm,ariy1r4ebt or demand, oraytartthereo.;or.aniP.copy;-n w any recom or aiy jaugmenx, oruecrcc, n - uny court of laV or chancery, or any execution which tnay have issued tli'erebn ; jpr any other .copy of a.iy other record, or any other article of vaiue,1 or" I any writing 3 represeniihg the r- . same j oi if airy ,suehv person, employea. a afo'res tkl,- s!Vallgteilj(r tat:e,'any of thd same n ut of any 1 evt cri aefcet bag, or mail 5f 1 et- teri, thalNbroe to,hia br h!erpopession. such pefsbni sirallj oriicqiwtdtjbhifor.sucir iVnceybe imprisoned not lesw thaxxnten years," . nor exceeding, twent3'neyears,4i and if any; - vtsvrfulir 4;K-!1 Elicit -tnt-!! -r-fiirtri' kn? --t her inad Of the' UiuVdS. States, sliall quit'or de- Serr the same - befoTec'h'perkbV dellrers -it itb the Post Oihce Jce'pt at the termination of ihcT idnte, or souie known rnail-baiTier, ''.br age nt of. the General Post 0 fcef auth briz eU tO;receiye ; thesa lie eyerKsbch ? peKou jb bfieTidin'jr, shall forfeit arid- pay asum not eXv ,Te;iT!Tv fh c hun-dre j .duljurs To? zrcry S-ch ofTence ; and if any person eoncerned in carrying the mall of the United States, shall colled'; receive, or carry" any letter or packet, or shall cause-or procure the same tbbeUlone, contrary' to this act, every such offeiidervsliall forfeit and.pay, for every such offence, a sum not exceeding fifty dollars. ; , " T Sec?,22. iJlnd be it filrthtr pnacteil. That if any person .shall rob any carrier of the mail of the Ignited States; br other person entrusted therewith, of such mail, or of part thereof, such offender - Or -bff enderf--shall,' on convic tion; j be imprisoned not le$s than five years, nor "exceeding ten years and if i convicted a second time Of a like offence, he or they shall suffer, death ; or if, in effecting such, robbery of the mail , th e ofTVnjl ersh all; wou t4 , tbe personhaying custody thereof put his life jeopardy, byhe use of dingerous weapons, such.otiender or onenders snail sutler ci earn . And if any peion shall attempt to rob the mail of the United States, by assaulting the p erson haVi n g custody 1 thereof, . sh ooti ng a t himjbr his horse or mule, or threatening him with dangcrpus Weaporis,;and'the robberr is not effected, every such offender, oil convic tion thereof, shall" be,puniwKe4 by imprison ment,, not less than two; y eats, nor exceeding ten years. And if any person shall 'steal the mail, or -shall steal br -take from, or put of, any .mail, or from, or out of any Post; Ofnce, any leiter or packet';" tor iiv any person1 shall take the,, mail, or ariy; letter or packet there from, or from any post office, whether; with or without, the' consent of jthe person having custody thjrrcpf, and shall open, embezzle or destroy any, sachjnail, letter or'. picket, the sameebntainingany article article -of yalne4 pr ovidence of any debt, due, demand, right, reclaim, qrlaiiy release, receipt, acquittance, or disbharge or any othej article paper or ihing, mentioned and deserib.cd in the twenty-first section oitlus 'ftct ; or if any person shall, by,fraud or deception " obtain from any perspn having custodv theji'eo.f,.'nv mail, let ter or riacket, containing: any articfo of value, or evidence thereof, or either of the writings referred to or next aboverneptioned, such of fender or offenders, sliall oK'tonyiction there of, be imprisoned not less! than two, rior ex ce-eumcj iei years, jvna r any person suuu take any .-letter -br packet, 'not containing any article or yaiuer or eviaence tuereoi s nut 01 a post office or shall openany letter or paclcetj which -shall have been in a post office, or in cust ody ' ot a mail carrier,- before it shall have been delivered to the person to whom it is di rected, with a design to obstruct ;the corres. pondence, 'br pry into anotliei-'s business or secrets : ; or shall secrete, embezzle or des troy, any, such mail,- letter, or packet, r such offender, upon conviction shall pay for eVe- ry such'?' offence, a sum) not exceeding, five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned not ex ceeding twelve months i T J Sec. 23. And be it-further .enacted ThaU f anv person, shall rip, cut, tear, burn, or o- therwisei injure any valise, portmanteau, or otner oag, used, or tiestgneu to oe useo,v oy any p'eion apting under the authority of th$ Postmaster-General, or any person in: whom his powei-s axe vested,, jjh a conveyance of awy in:uL" letter, pack?ti for newspaper or pamphlet, or'.shall draw or break any staple, or loosen any part of any lock, chaja or straps attached to, or belonging o any such valise, portmantcu.or bag, wilh.au intent , to rob, or steal jany iiaiU letter, packet, ne"3paper, or pamphlet, Qr to reader either of the same iu securjei every such otic ruler, upon convic tion, shall,: for every such iqffence, pay a sum, uot leishanj? one hundred.- dollars, nor ex ceeding five hundred rdpllats,:. or be impri soaed not less than one'rvear, nor exceeding theer years, ut tlie discretioupl the court be- ArWt ftrrin -CfirK ftniMAtAn b 9 ..j:-Sec.; 24 And be it.tfurft&fi ,-, ehucte'd, - That eyery-person who, from; aicV,ai);er.the , pas sage, of this act , sh dl "tfrocure, undad vise,-or assist,4n the doing or perpetration of any of the act or crimes by this at forbidden, shall be .subject to the same: ibnaltie and punish. ments.its persons are- subject to, who shall ixtuaHy, do or perpetrate any4of Jthe "said act 'e-iyiersbn who shift be Imprisoned by a judgment ;f 'cbuf fp un'det ad" by ;,virtue"if tinwerftv-first, tty4secftdV twenty-third or t w c iity-fourth sectioiis &( 'this; act, sh AH b e kept'afr hard- labor during the period of such eeSi?55 be iV YhH?ier'kkcte(L That th e POsfmVslcfs shal res pecti velyi publisl 1 , at the :'ei-p1ratlpn ot evy tlrf nms, Or of tner, when the'Postmstar' General shall so direct; iiibne of the'newspapferr pdhlished at th0 nearest place Of his resicrenejitorthree successivevweeks,5 list of allttrO? letters re- lnaininbf ' in nheir;resiedtivcomeeV Or, in stead thereof, shall ' makebtit; -nbmber'of such lists, and; cause therrVtb be jjOsted at ; such public nlaces in theirivacibitV as shall appear tb them best adapted foi the informa tion of the paVties" conceriied ; arid, at the ex piration of the next three' mdriths, shall seitd j siieh' of the said letter ksthe'ttfremam roftl fiand.-;'as' dead letters; bnhneril Pbstj Office,' where" tlie same; shitl oe bi11 'an ! qaencei ihall be'ibtiod therein. itshalj be the dittyof thepbstriraster General to- return such let ter to" tlife writer thereof, Or cause a desferintive list thereof be inserted 111 . W I place derice Stages1 : : andT such letterj- and jthe contents, shall b e- preserved,- toi be delivered r to the person to whom the same shall be addressed, upon payment; of the! postage and tlie ex pense of publication." Ai if such ttercacC- propriate to the. usej bftheTf Dep'iirtmeiit, Iveepingaifkecouni thereby nd the amount shall be ndid by the Department lb the right- ful claimant so sDonasRie shall be found. v - dt2tAhd be: U?lf0htt'ttuctedjtfte iiiiivia aim packets vo ana-irom mc iiw Officers i Of the United States, sliall b e receijed and con reyedby pbsti?iree. - of pbstgeri Eicb' postmaster,- Yu"Qvidcdvcac!ii of his let or enraes; according to the pTonsion of this S?ci 2v'tf?nrf. :Be t-;khtker eiiac:ed;- That -r -mrrt itT . Trm wr- unin 'molsfconveuieWtAYffiesdnbOT per wra rf 41iU""nf;;'A i:c ArUi.in.i ritol TTidted I tin: iers of 'tSackels.thall not exceed half an kmncein weigh .jeacV mem ber of the Senate, and each member and delegate of th5. lipase of Ilepreserrtatives'of the Congress -of tlie .U nited; "States,; the " Secretary of the Se nate, 'and Clerjk - of the House of Repre sentatives, ; prtided ach ; letter .or packet (except d viimnts printed ..by ortler of either House ' f Congress) shall not exceed two ounces inweigljt, and duri 11 their actual at? tendance: in any session - of Congress and sixty days beforehand after such session ; and in case of excess of weight that excess alone shall be paid for ; the President of the Uni ted States; Vicej-Preatdent, the Secretaries-of State; Of the Treasury, of War, of the Kavy, Attorney Generid,- Postmaster Geiidral,' and Assistants.: Postmaster General, thj Comnt rollers of the Teasurv, Auditors,! Register, Treasurer, and Cbnunsssioner - of tlie-General lanu umce, anu, sucn inaiviauai ,wruo suau have .beeh'br m:iy.j hereafter" be Presklent of the United" Sittes, ' and - each may receive newspapers by : ost fi-ee bf postage : Prnvi dedt ' That Postr lusters shall not receive, tree of postage, more than one" daily newspaper each, lor what -is equavaleht thereto ; nbr! shall me'mbers c f the Senate, br of the House of Representatives, the CHerk of the House or Secretary, of the Senate, receive newspapers; free of postage, after their privilege of frapk ing shall cease. '."-'-". ",';--"" ; -" -. .. i.,-";vi; v Sec. 28. And be it further enacted, .That if any person shall tranfc- any letter or letters, other, than thosp written by himself, or vby his order, von the business of his oflice, rlie shall, On con vie :ion tliereof, pay a fiiie of ten dollars, and it Postmasters ' to shall be the especial duty of prosecute tor this ofience. . Provided, That the Secretary -Of the Treasu ry, Secretary of State, Secretary ofiWar, Se cretary of the JjTavy, and Postmaster General may frank letters or packets on official busi- siness, reparqd in any other public ofHce, m the absence af the principal thereof. And if any person hiving the right to receive his letters free of postage, shall receive enclosed to him, any letter or package addressed to a pei"sou not - 11a ring mat tngiii,-u suau oe ins duty, to return thesame to the post office marking thereon the place fVom whence it came, that it may be charged with postage. .And if any person shall counterfeit the' hand writing or frank an v person, r cause the same to be done, in order to avoid the payment of postage, each person so-onenrling, shall pay ibr every. such offence, live hundred dollars. Sec. 29: And be it further enacted, That every printer of newspapers rmay"Send bne' newspaper 10 eacn .ana every, ointr pnnwr Of newspapers wlthln thC States,' free of tpostag-e,-. 1'iuider 'such-' 'regulations' ' asrthe Postmaster General shall pro tiQH! . M i 1 vSeci i SO. f And be it furthtrfenacted, That all the newspapers conveyed n,the mail shall be tinder cover, open at one end, and charg ed with a postage of one -cent each, for any uisia.uce ot inure luaii one uunurea miies, and one and a half cents for any. Vrcater dis tance : iPdvifylj$tha 'the p;xstage-'Qf a sin gle newspaper, irqni' any .one piace to ano ther, in the same state; siiall not exceed one ctnt. Scthe Pcstmaster General shall require those who receive newspapers bv post,, to pay always tht amount of one quarter's post age in .advaiv ; and should the- publisher of any newspaper after being three months previously "not fied that his paper is not tak en out of the office, to which, it issent for deli verv, continue to forward? such pper jin the inid, the ostnVtSter to whiOnice! sucli paper is sent; may dispose of the sam foi the postage, t nless the publisher shall-"pay it. If any person employ edsin doyZepatt mcnt of tlie post office, shalKimpfoperlyde tain,. delay, er ibezzle,- or destroy anyiiews paptr or shall permit any otht-r! person to do the like,'6r slall, open or perniit any ' other person to Open, any mail, or; packed of news- papeisinot tin ectcd to the office where he i& h offender shall, on conviction it. a sum, not exceeding .fiftv employed, sud tnereoiy ror . mm r tiou-rs, tor ev ery si i ch oil enc. And ifUany other person shall open any mail or. packet ot newspapers;,;r.sjiaii ciriDezzie nr aestroy the same, : Hot j being direced to such person or jiOtbeing iijuthorized tO, receive or open the.:sanie, sucb offeiider shall, 6h conviction thereof, pay pr sum 'cnot,- exceeding twenty dollars for ev ry.suchjbffeliice. And if any pe-paon sia!l- tnke,jor steal, pny packet bg orbiail Ofaiis; s pajrfroni or but of any post office,, or, from iiiy person haying custo dy itlreoi such person ball, ; on conviction, bv .inirprisonecli. not exceeding three, months, forf every sue i ,ofence;to,be kept athar.d abjjr during tiie peilqd f such imprisonf rbeut. If any person bhall enclose or ,cohcea anydtter; joi other thing, oc any memoran dum in - writing, ina. newspaper,' pamphlet, or magazine,; or in a paCk;of newspapers, pamphlets or magazinesxr hiake anyjwrjt ing jpr merbor indum thereon wnichej shldl avderivered into :any fAost 'jufficeV,6r'.-to 'jjltft e'rspn .forlthat purpose ii prdeifthatthe same .may. be carried, by post' free; of Je.tt.er postage, lie. sa an iont'iVtii.ie 01 iive u.01- iars. for everysuch offence una tue letter. newsnanar. nackaaref memorandum, or other tiling, j shall to t he delivered ,to the" person to wnbm- it- isi' directed,' until the amount i ot single letter postage Ss ipaidfott each article of wjiich j thOiipackage Is jcomgosed.j f . .InTq he wspapera sjhall berecejved by thepbst- masxers, 10 oe convcyeu, uy p.usi, uniessjtney i .-. l. j .j -L.i-t. j-it 't i.t. - icientiy oneu, uu cucioseu : in, pro ppersf on Which, besides the direoti- sliallle noted the mitflher of oaneTs which -.1-.-- i .- . . . - ' - : .- i i Sire enclosed for subsctAbefs, and the number J foriprrnera cxV&f jrthat lhe?nuiber rieedl hot be endorsed," iftthe pulisher'sliall agree t tQTurtush.theJ. postmaster,1 at Ue close of each qtiarteff a certified statement of the number of paer3s;scnt ih lhe .mail, chargeable-i with postage; rST-- 'ThefpQstnlaster GetleiIrinany cord tact, he niaVeiite'rl iutb fbrth conveyancei of the' ;lTOaiL?. - papers magazines and pahiidilets,' ,otlier thab thO$exw!yeyedjih ilrQeofii&K nd preference shall be grven'tb thepuhhslier of o n'fe irtlwRpaf) erbrphthat of another jnitbe' m same.'pIaceJ; AVlien the mo-fe of conveyance and tne size pt toe mail wilt admit ot siicii magazines and pamphlets as. Are" pubhsled peiodtealty,may betfaiispjorfed in the, maily to subscribers, at one and a halfcent Jash eej , for'anv distance not exceeding One hundred miles,; and-two and a half cetritabr ahy grea ter distance. ' And such magazines ujnd 'pa-p phl'elSr'aare.iVOtlpubHb sent-jin ine man. snau De cnarareu wiuia postage of four cents on each sheet for any distance not exceeding onej hurtdreit nodes, and six cents fbrlany creater distanced ;, ;: I SecXoiJ Add l be Jt further ehactMl 'ThaX it.vany r osmasteiy or other person autnyj isea to receive the postage of letters and packets shall he gleet or refuse to refider hia -Accounts, aivd nay over to the 1'ostmasten General 'the .balance jby him due, at the end of every, three months, it shall be tbe dutyof the Poitrnaster Leneralto causes suit to be coraimencca a gainst tlie person or perswnso leglepting or refusmsi-, ' '121iat all suits, which shall be here after commenced, for the recovery' Lf debtsi or balances die to the- General Post Ofhcetf whether theyappeaf oyJbond :or obligations, rriade iii the nameibf the existing, o fauy preceding Postmaster General, or.oiberwise; shall he 'instituted in theTname of thejlPost master General Of the United Slates.? That certified statements, under 'the seal of : the taeneral Pbst Office, ; or the accounts of the several - Postmasters and j contractor s, I after the same 'shall have been-'examined land ad justed at that office 'shall be admitted as evi dence in all suits; brought by the Postmaster (General for the recovery of .balances pridebts dud fixm; Postmasters ? "or coiitractos y and, also, certified copies of the quart erli' Recounts ot Postmasters or, it Judged in theTreasa rv, certified by the Register, under the seal of his office, shall be adinitted as Qvideucc j .' To be continued. iSSlltoi JAasouic liottcvy , Authorised by .Special Act of Assembly, , ; - -;.tbr- the benefit of y, '. GOLDEN FLEECE LODGE, No. 7rl,?T. C. SCHEME. Prize $:0OQ 200D" 10U0 5J0 100 SO ' 10 1 is .is is is1 is is is 2000 2000 5500 1000 1000 1000 ruo leSO.iPrizes '2361 UUnks f!so,ooo' -4000 Tickets at is . S20.000 ' Drawing torcommence in Mittoxl as soon as a sufficient (number of Tidkets shall'hav: been i spl,---$tipprintendedj y the i'oilowing iianagsurs : - i - - ; ;rf& p'l -M ALEX'R VlIEkDE -.-; JAMES RXINEY, iSQ -1 : i - JOHN It: CLARK; :p :P? ; vfHOMAS L.XS! EVENS. jP'-y-r-r: W SA'5IUELVATKIX,i Orders for tickets, p.oifpaid, and enclosing the jCas, willxbcthanktully rect ited and punctually attended to. by the Treasurer in .Milton, J$.Cn '; .."X ; : t j - M ! Tickets Five Dollars each j-. Tickets to be had from Agents residing, in the different towns, vi es and public places tl roughout the , State. By Older -of t h e Managers, ; wt f b PHILIP HiTMOM i Ol AS, Treas'r r : ; j; Navr Coai.uissiOsiias .Qtrici - ", ,,1 ... - .j r f. ;VUl Marchplb5, i;; ftilE jCornmissionefs, of Vlie'jNavyyiir te- l-'csVte Sealed Proposals, tintifi t b'cloek, P. M. of .the 31st May -next, for the following Uv.6a'Vmler,Vv't'4:tt : For one complete , frame, tb " be- cut .do rnculds', tbr a sloopr of war, and Tor. iOOUbiC f eet)f. promiscuous timber f io b6 delivered at thcNavyYard, ncsir . jA;.fi. -ri ' Tor two complete Trames, ' to be cut to moulds;, for s)opps.of. feet of promiscuous , timber";' to beidelivered at the Navy-xaro Vharle$townW4s$; ; iFor'bde compieU.fram, ctitrtrnould, for a. srOop pf .wV and b50Ov cubic feipt of pronTu.ou4 tini-'er.; -d'Be.' delivered1 at the yiBrookti: "1;.; : Forone complete, frame, cut, to moulds, rnr. slnrin of war. and for 5Q0i.etitiic feet of promiscuous , timber f iA.b;pelveredf,it the .Nayy-Yard, iilfdeiji p .j iiier one compiee Jrme cu to .mouias, f(r a.sibop vof wai', and- 500: cubic feet of pror miscuo is ti mbef ; to be .delivered at the ,Nar 3 jFor bne complete :an)f;.Winou, for f a sloop of war- and- $$06 ciiblci i feet pf prpmiscuous timber iito .b de Navy- ard, offivrtfq. ,; - -;-.,- Vr:- . -C The promiscuous - timber to be at least. 12 feet longj sided straight frpm.Jlt tbl4 inches rouiri J, squared, , thet muldinffj-vfav-'-VauuVito curve from 2 -incheistd :" -22. incuVslfpr every let ie ox its iejiguiv;-'S5'-i O v.-- wv. .:Tc yhole; to be.dclivet'ed at the respect ive NavvOTards, on orliefore the, first tiay. of p eceb ber .next, ubj eCt Uothejhisp ectioQ.,i measurement j fiind approval of the respelctiye Coihmandiag Officers .pthe. persorts.ias-the - Com Navy may appoint., .i, ,,'i-'" . ':' i 'v'r'" Separate proposals must be quant y.fto te cieereA eacji o tne, yards, fWiucn aoy person may pe, .isposeu a syppjy fHIE.; Subscriber has opened m HOusaVof Tens and others, aithe Cross Roi ds in r'rauk-' lin county,; immediately Idn ? thb 1 Stage 'jo&C . .i J. p. ' ,. v. - - - esc -ii " eaaniiF i rout ttaic ii V to ie wisd iirj-, a mues tVomth fbrirterva -thb latter place-; i ile imorms theubho that be-will be 1 1 " o 5 10' ' ' 20 100 v1500 I preparea i at ail times to- accximmoaatenose ("may favorhini with, their ompanf iil t ji H!'Aai-d--r;"J 1 -. V- ;rjTatOtlincbiju: The S6vlieYiv,Irccci!; H",-v;OaLE5, & have just received a Cj few-copies of the above f )V.6rljyhtcr, contains a . selection iif i. Sermons ii-friiii ' thcr maimscripts of the f following, lliyines vlz -Rev I)r.-.(;aidwelfr rRev: Adam Empie, itev.'- Wdliam Uooper, Reviis Arth Kev.John S.rCperD' liar- - U, Do, Rev.: Ben iaminM. Palmer." 0bV RevT " vi-Benia Atidrew Flihn,Bontev.Ttei - Gilderslievc of Georgia Rey,Oliver llidberil DovJ-V314-than S.J Bcboaivlio." Revl Aaron 'VV, tj'.elarkl; ; of.S:ReVAllan Cummins of Geoiia and Revo Richard Pur- - man, of. South Carolina, i j s f- CfTlakeh. upv "on the 22h f Oct 00182; . Jt and lodged in jail aCWij nungtorf,. N; (X:: ' a negro manwh'b, calls hi name, 1K J f and ays he belongs to joserh tfogers, living f about 12 mdesfrbm CharloHe,i Countvv in this State: Said fello w i$ abdilt bryfara.0 high; oonipjexionvyellbw,2sender;mad ahdi $peakes efood English I and hud'on when com- . mitted a gfey Jacket Johsiderfibly wornv-yA:' shitts and trowsers: ThebWneristVQuBstcd ; r to come forward, pVove pro'pe;ity.,i)ay cjikr es, and uke said f liow awayi' ', n H , : " ' ' . ' CI LA U LES R Vl O it !?f S J .1 ilor. ' T 'TAYET r EVI L LE , N O RTH-C A iO'LlNA i t'- t'w.""': gi-l irfVt' " ;:f: DfnHE subscriber 1i;ivihg leased , tjiis Es?a 4JL blihnientl foitnei ly occupied by Captain Tab Kit is now--in :feadiijesstr ec'Ommadate Travejler, ; and t Ucrder. ,Jle ; tenders h.'i ihanlvs to tbe Public andic Cifizen of V)) . etteviile, ibr the former patronage nd fri nd ' ly support which her ha. recV'i Ved J andj ia soliciting a :jpontinuauce: of tlk1 , tavors, as--' sures them 'that every exettibn'sivdl be mide , )ind due attention bestowed 'injOider to thu comtort anapleasureot.iravellersaiid lioard ers. ,-' His ;i bbms!ro nutnerouay heing-hew clean and 'large, are well ada pted for comfort and health; Openiba upon a - garden vvhicli r presents a finecprospectf Superaddculartix " the - comforts of ease and retirementwhich t may; be enjoyed iji ? spacious Parlours by" Trayelli ng Families.; his . ItUatiob, '' stand- . ing , ohjone bf the? most 'elevated: 'tetreev ;ii healtb'V attended with the advantaire and ; convenience arising froih i ;the"-iniportant and extensive business; transactea orrtO'it street, v which will make,; it the interest of Country pure; in.theStater7.i; V.-Av' . ; J ' li'f" n"- ' I." AA.VJ1.AS Utll kill. l.JL lllUIllilUl. inif O IM0 Al erchanls and planters t call ; it is cons ly supplied by mea ns of aqueducts, vitli water, issuuisr irom oite of the best to : ;Hs Rar will be constantly supplied witlt . ' tlie best and choicest of Liquors ) his Tabled I with th e best th e' cou nt ry ana mark et :aftprds. his Stables shalLbe attended by faiilif id,.-. itea-' -dy and and honest Ostlers, pthef ;adyaiitages. ' are attendaiit tipon this Establishment rarely to be excelled in any Mother Piib Uc liousbrin -this state. ; 'i'y:j;z:te?:p:- 'u :. ' y: JORDANtv 'f Faycttevillej Fet 261825r f U26r4t r ' t have pleasurdin sfafinar that the MansKih ; lOtel, in tlustowh, lias' undergone a tlKi-ough purliicktibny ands'rcocbttpie-.by- itrordan'.'' -The; puMie'rriay Vest5atisfit-1 that therc irf TiH r ' dangerbfoontrartriig thWcHitagioii of -thti: 'J r rate epidemic disease, either - at the Hut tl or any- other place iirTvetteyille. v!M ;7 r S, f ' : J1ENJR01JINS0N;;7 OJlver. Fayetteville, Feb; 231 825 TbeBcautiul rabidut 8titllidn)f W - ;tanii;; jthe?1 , - ; .;-net3jrasoiy'('bei' ' feAAY m erical atrny ,St;: ; i from Warrentdn,on the. Stigercfctd to ? laleigh, X : and will belettojnasat the modei -ate4 sunt ? - ' of. A.;i?6:s:tberf;se.a.s witnhi he easbnbreleiDoUarsV ir ' - are ib fpai it pci .4Wn J)oi?ur- the'. siuhi . leap .5 and .50 centsjp4the groom irTevery in- stance. v-'rhe season WjJtcommi-iiQe the first-!-'; day of Marcljd-ehdi the last daypf Atigiist: . i SYPHAX-isa'itaudsome sorrell'- atul :nri'At. ' ' beautifully 'arkejed;manea'iul tail" t.he iT upwards otrimeen.h nds high eight r eara oW Teatlw and vigorous rand bot inferior in riiiipt of form ormttsctilar; pcwerpja'nrliorse-- f have titer . seen, -.-vr-i A.. -C; ,!.". '' . " PH AX,, was brought to America i v.-.-j'- 't-t ' w.t uniwiii . in the United States Pgt Cnstdutionntl! safe lYTJandedt NewXprk m AIay-la24.VSvohaic Wphtained by;MjVrownshera;BtithHate American Upnsulat the ;Ilercncv of Tinis: :..U'; tinctn, hoalued Jhim above any horse iiv - the .uctual possession ..SYPHAX was foaled near Mecca,, in, the ; ilWlornif; Yeamar ''T-pareiir':'ctossett' th lJed Sea to perra,in Nubia fromthencev , ':) tnrougn-a part of tbejDesert, to Toyl!a ia rraii T-thence, Jthrbttgh the regency of Tfi- -- 1 KuMi' V; .uicuu'gcrjci-anu irpm , licence - HV, the, American Consulate ih tbeXcitv. f Tunia tr as is certified -yi Mr.- Samuel .C. PotteK a '' irentlernaa of honor and respectability. r' ' j d those who, wish jtoVjraise ;iromOlu d- f sedlytbck cf, horses the genuine A ra-" ' pian4Jine present wijpe a favorablsf oppos- ' 9r tunity-r;fbrrexnerrence -has loncr shewn 'us : vamag? to be),'derivd fjom. lyiaent;9X;ourstQCC crossed WiUl tne Ara biari: Zk iJi Xi:-ki -Vb'H- --"' Pl ;S3f PH AXf ai .'higli i44'nmscii1ar2 .fei. ', and;beaut4ful posteHatiting Stud llprics-; 1 :rX ..;'' Good pasturage will be providetl for mare f . leftithtbe horsey or they wilt beefed, with -gnun.. if (f equired j - liut no-VliabihtV for a'cel-" ti&itewjfeiUi ROBERT RANSOM. 1 5wJ& .1 ?reehpod4Vatrcf Janl44 .' 'ifeH i-S i-t: v. ' ; .;-', -;-v . -'V',.3"... -.V " :--'T ' I- X:''i;.-'r;:fx ',v':" ' -!;;pr,fi-' ''.:-''Pl'' ;v-:"'l;-fV'y K j;v"v-- "" - r " -:-;"!" ' f - ' --: " - " V St . J'" '";- A H' - w V - - . - ' - vT , " - - ::" ' .. r . .". :" - - ; .'' ' ' V- - ": 'A- '-'" j .1 st - - :; ; - '- , ; 7 -:" ' -' ' ": '. -; ' - r . : - - 1 .... ; -.; ' '-' -, j' ; - i . , v - - - - X..-.-. ; ;ri. -r.,-:. ::, .:,. J-- v-i ;. fv--.-' - . , .;; -.;v..- . ;r. . ' - ..--'r . - . . -v -:- . --r, v.- i'-. . : ' -' - 'PM-A ' " - 7JV-:-- -'W-4:-:: . -i ;-V.. v '-f, ' I- - ' 1, ,1 - , ' 1 ,j 'I 4 t'..: -v-: '-4 ... 3 iV i. - J

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