' ' V "i t" Hv'V; :.1lA - qu are tlUpJan of fair, aelitful peace, fV :'l r . '-.yV'i'-' , - -,,v - ! . - . . , : . 1 ..-. J ' : 1 . 1 i J . . - - - h . v :;Xo.4.r48::' 4 i L ': f: . , THJS REGISTER , published eyeryTirEsi at and Fiiijiat, by JOSEPH GALES & SON, lAtm Dollar per annum-; half in advance ' f P ADVERTISEMENTS - advance, -V : Vnt TrMJne-16 JineS, neatiy inserteq tnree times for a. Dollar, and 25 cents for every suc f oeeding publication .;, f hose of greater Jefigth in the same proporti thankfully received. tors must be post-paid. SF JL IfTII ORITK -Ah act further to amend the Uac't..authorizinff payment ) for property lostj captured, or i'f destroyed, by the euerny,. Whilei irt the mi--;'. litarv service of thV United States, and for ' 'other purposes; passed n'mtli April, one i thousand eitrht hundred nd Sixteen. : ; Be it enacted by tbe .Senate iind House of JRepreentativof the United States f Ame-n-ma in Congress assemble-Thiat j anyv person having clamijor a building destroyed by the m v d . iriftir the late! war, jmder the- ninth section of thfeict to which this is n amend mept, ana ot ine act m.urjiumc i"- edth? third of March one thousand eight hiitvh-ed and seventeen, which shall have vn; Tffc5ntpfl to the Commissioner of ; Claims, appointed under the act first afore said, at any time before the tenth of April, thous and eight hundred andr eiglvteen, and whicli W;is not paid undf r said nets; - nor finally 'rejected by sal jl Commissioner, , may, withfrf nine months .hereafter," present the same," with the evidence to support it, to the Third Auditor f the Treasiiry, for examina tion nd aljustment-; and if. he -shall be satis fied the budding or b'juildin'gs for whicljulaml- vesfa're claimed, Wwas,i at the time of its de struction, occupied by -order of any agent or iofScerof the United Stales, isa plac& ofde nosite. foT military or naval stores, or as bar- Mr.fcs-tor-tne-mimary-iorc.cs or ;.-niut u wav po which shalls be tmme Tiatelv. paid, out of any money in the Tr asury, not otherwise api propviated : 1 Provided," That, if the Auditor .shall be satisfied the evidence befur' him is -insufficient to enable him correctly1 taj decide between the United States and the claimant, fe may, on giving notice to the claimant, V cause 'ther evidence to be taken' r ptd pro cided (ilta, That no fay merit shall made -tinder the provisions. of this nctt where the - "Drope'rtv destroyed Was occupied under a r.ontrap.t with the owner.: and at the! risk of : such 'owner. . : . ' ' 1 - ' Sec. 2. Jlnd le itfurtlxr enacted. That the amount which shall appear to have. been paid to the owners, as rent,' fr the u-e,or oecupa lion of their nronertv. nhall be deduct el. from the amount directed to be paid to them un- iertlus act. :M ; rj:.f.j.:.'-t . ':? v ! . Sec. o. Jind be 'it fnrther emncted, That, in case the whole amounlt of claims pr esented, and allnwvtl, under thi act, shdl exceed the jtum of t d hundred and fifty thousand dol- iars, then, and in tliat ; case, the ac)aimants shall, resrectively, receive, onlyjtheir rateable ; proportioni of the sum of two hundred and '"$fty thousand dollar?; to , be' liquidate Id by the -;sawl Audit riT ' in the afdhistment of the amount to oe receiyea Dy-suca Claimants, rcwccuvc- .y. ''. -:. v' u, v Approved; IVlarch 3,: 1825. An act to authorize the sale of uriserviceable r ' Ordnance. Arms, andMitafy Stores.;. ,k lie; it enacted by; the (Cc-nilowr-:.jre'seritaiives 'ofjhe ' United ' -States j of 4merica 'fl-in. Congress tirse in bledy That; the1 Iresideht of the United States lair, and he U fc'reby au thorized, to Vaue to ,be sold ariy ordnance, 'arms ammunitibni or other military stores, or subsistence, or medical stippjies,! which iip orirproper inspection or survey, shall appear to be damaged, or otherwise '.unsuitable for , pnbric service, whenever, in his opinion, the sale- of such unserviceable stores will be ad . vantageous to the public service. r -Sec. 2 Andhe it fuHhernacted, &t'the inspectipn ot r survey j bf the -unsepiccable stores shall be made by an Inspector General, or such other officer or Secre ts rv of War may appoint ftir that purpose; and the sales shall be made: under siich Rule's and regulations as may prescribed by the Se cretary of War; J v K '" ' t'M'l : v V 'Approved,: Marchr3;: l$25.v4C f j . :: . ' . h - j. -v-v ;- -;! :'y- :' . An act td autliorlzei the sale of a Section, of - Land .therein mentioned , , ' ' ' 'Beit itwierf'Ayfffifo of;Re prerentativps tfthe& in 'Congres9Va8ppW the Treasury sliaUe, iirid he vishereby, au thor i zed," to caused to be exposed t o p ub 1 i c sale, in the sanie mariner oth4rv lands of the ' Un'ted States arc, the jscction hunibered thirty-four, of the Eleventh Townships anct third rUnije, of Townships offered for sale at Steu ' beriville, Ohio and If jncit sold th,e said sec ; tioh shall be liable to entry jh theSteubenville I,and Office, as other lands ard. Approved, March 3,? 1824. : An act to alter the- terms of the Districts Court of th fi United States in the Western District of Virgin i ;' v-.,. v ..'...; ! fi Be it biucied6y the$ettaiafi(l k preseiitativei of the UnitedStates ojf ': America in 'Congress assembled. That the terms of -the District Court, in tndifor the. VTesterii on:i?.wW nfeverv kind, whether of a civil or crimuiaf - - 1- J -States he shall proceed to assess the damag-es a3d certify the: amount for pnynierit,j' m the h -w-av TiOinted out in the act firs' above referred new fix- edi by iaw,' shall be holden on the days and at the pfaces hereinafter mentioned,! namely? at Staifntou;;ort the' last Monday s tn March j and Aqgust r at Vhe Court Ho ouse. on ; tne - -. .. - i f st ' Mondays in April; and September ; at t.ewisnurjr.on tne.r naays aitr tnerst Aion davs in April and September, and at ' Clarks burfrun .thV first Mondays of June1 land No y ernberiiiiii t'acb'Vcari- ? . H -4 ti sa'ul Courts, shall be returned to,' proceeded fin,f and letemined at the terms 'herein pro- vtded for. in the same manner as it the t mes of holding said. Courts had nqt been changed.. Approved, March 3, 1825. .. - V H i J ' -H .... , II An act to change the time of holding the District Court of the United .States tar tne t Astern District of Louisiana;- ( - t Be it enacted by the -Venttte and louse of Re pi'esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, :That the District Court of the United States for. the Eastern District of Louisiana, shall he annually hold en in the Ciiy of New Orleans, on the second Monday of December, instead pf uhe third Monday ofl November, as now prest;ribed by law. (.-, ' : Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all suits, actions, writs,' processes, and other proceedings, .which now are pending in said District Court, or which are, or may hereaf ter be, commenced fbiy or returnable to, the said District Court, on the third Monday of November, as heretotore estaonsuea, snau be returnable to, heard, tried, and proceed i ed with,' in the said District Court, in the same, manner as . if the time for ho.dmg there of" had not been changedi Approved, March o, 182 o. An act making' an additional approp ation for " defraying the, expenses oi bnngi nrr to the rt ofi Government the votes for . an I Vice President ot'tlie Unitec president .Ctntft. s Be it enacted by the Senate nnt Jfonke of Jtejn'esentaiives oj zqe .uniiea aiaie -j nnen ca, in Congress' assefibled, That ther be, and thre hereby is, appropria'ed, out of any.md ney in the Treasury, not otherwise; jfppropri, ated, the! sum of two thousand nine hundred j and sixty -ni n e dollars and 4ift'; cen?, for nie payment!, of the expenses of bringing to tiie seat of Government the Votes fori President and Vice President of the United State?, in ' i . ...... . i . ' . addition lo the sum ot three thousand thre hundred dollars, heretofore approlr ipria ed the same object. Approved, March 3, .1S25. An iact to jrr.nke Castme a port of fen try for ships or yessels coming from If'ftpe of cJl ood Hope; i r eyond the Be it enacted 5y the Sn de and Jlonse ofJ b- present atives of the United States of in Confess (issembJed, .That, from Jimertca and after the first; day of April next, Caniri in t!ie State of Maine, shall be, antl is hereby, made a; port of entry Tor ships orvtsseis coming from beyond the Cape of Gppd Hope. Approved, March 3, 1825. Ah act for the continuation of the iCumber- :'; : . i'l -Mand Road- . . Be it enacted by the 'Senate and Bouse of 'Representatives of the United States . of Ame rica in Cort press assejv.b fed, That th e sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, of moneys not otherwise appropriated be, and the same! is hereby, appropriated for the pur pose of opening ad makirtg a roadjfrom the the town of Canton, in the State of Ohio, on the right bank of the Ohio riv ;r, opposite the townjof Whvelinjr, to the Muskingum riv er, at Zanesville, in aid State ; whjich said sum of-'one hundred and fifty thousand dol lars shall be tc" placed out of the funtl reserv ed for "Iftyirigout and making, roada under the direction of Conenress, by the several acts passed for the. admission of the States of O- hio,rnd aria, Illinois, and Mi issouriJinto the- iJnio iii an equal - tooting with the original states; l Sel I 'And bejtfitrther: enacted, , That, for the immediate -'accomplishment f this object, the President, with the4advic'e of the Senate, shall appoint sorrie fit person as the superin tendent of said road, whose du :y itj&liall be, under the direction of the President, fo di vide the same into sections of not more than ten miles each ; to contract for an person ally superintend the opening' and making t;he said road, as we'll as to receive, disburse, and faithfully; account with the Treasury tor, alt sums of monev bv him received in (virtue of this act.' . ;" .': - Sec. 3.! And be it futlJjer:enacied, J; That; the acts e shall, before he enters upbri the discliarge of the duties enjoined by this act, execute a bond to the United States, with security, to be approved of by the Secretary ofthe'Trea- sury, conditibned for the '-faithful discharge of his amies prescnoea ijy: tnis act : i ai e shall hold hia office during the pleasure of the President, and shall receive at the rate of one th busand five- hundred dpPrs per annum for his services, during theYime he may be eraplbye-J f in the discharge of! the duties re quired by, this act. v ' j l ' j Sec. 4. And be it furtJier enacted, Tliat the president of the United States be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to ap point one impartial aud judicio us person,! not being a citizen of either of the states! through which the rod, hereafter mentioned,ishatl pass, to be a Commissioner ; and, in case of the death, resignation, refusal to act, or any disability bf , any such Commissioner, to ap- point, another in his stead, who snaa nave power, according to the'provisions of the act,J eptitied i "An act tp authorize, tne .appomt mentt of, Commissioners to lay out the road therein mentioned, - approved May fifteenth f one uiousnna etgut, nunarea ana twenty, to complete the examination and survey here tofore comnienced by ntuekOl the provisions tnct ofVinririia. instead of the time ' recog-nizances. process, suits and proceedings, 4 superintendent shall not be interested, direct iy or indirectly . in the avails of am" contr so to be made' bV him as aforesaid : That h of said act, and-to extend the same to the per- mahf nt! seat ot liovprnmenti or tne state or, 1 Missouri ; the -paid road to conform, in all re the provisions of theisaid recited spectsito tae provisions act, except that it shall pass by the seat pf Government !of the states of Ohio, Ind'ana; and Illinois j ; and the said ComriVisuonrs andt he , person employed under ' him, - shaTI re- ceive the sarnie conpnsatioriXfort cesj re; pectivelv, ; as is allowed by. tlie said recited act : j Provided, h(mepert .That -r the; said.roa t shall jcornmence .at Zanesville, : ;n fh' St te of Ohio" and to defray the exfjense thereof,! the j sum of ten thousand Tollars is hereby j appropriated oiit of the appropria tion made by the first section of this aet ' 1 ' Approved, March 3, 1825 i . . 1 " - 5l ' Nl-VT C0MMISSI03TEp&' OFFICE, : ; . - ; : ; 9th March, 1 825. k rHU Commissioners of the. Navy will re- S ceive sealed proposals until 3. o'clock P. M. of the 30th April next, for the wluie oak; yellow ; line, jand locust materials necessary for the lulls pf seven, and the, spars of ten sloops of war ' ' c ', , v- . f ; The materials for the hulls' of aw,'.and for the spars, of three sloops to he delivered at the Navy -Yarii, Charlestoivii Jtass. :' Fortlevhull of one, and the sparsof three sloops to bej delivered at the Navy;, Yard, Brookly i,'-JSfev?-Yc,rk;. '. f t - ' For the hull arid spars of one sloop at e:ich of the Nlavy Yards, at Portsmouth. J H. JPhfr I jdelpMa, Washington, and Gqsport, Va ': The following detail shows the materials required for the hull and sparsjif one sloop of war by which, person.- offering may be go verned in rftaking their proposals : v : t Materials of Qdte Oak. , Two keel pieces,' 52 feet longO 16 by 23 One do j 4do 4 42 do inches. Two I eelsondo 52 do 7 16 by 13 One . do j do ; 42 do w 5 inches. Thirtj -four hundre i cubic feet promiscu ous timb er, to average - forty fe et i 11 , length ; 1800 of .vhici, to square, in the middle from 16 to 20 inches, and 1600 to'square from 14 to 18 lnches.1 . !",-.: Eight thousand cubic feet, of plank Stocks, from tbiitV ta sixty feet, and to averajre foitv feet; in hrngjtop end to be not less than ttin inches, and . the butt end not more than four teen inc les in diameter. ,;: Two hundred and fifty knees, the arm to side eiJit inches, length of body six feet six inches, length of arm four feet six. inches. The wh de tf be or the best qu1a!ity of white oak free from sap, bad knots and other de ect3.: I . ' .. - ' . .;- - k Materials oj 'Yellow 'PiheJ or IfyU. .11 piJce934 feet lonffeachl siledl6inch 5 4 1 do dio dp 5 3 2 do do do do do r, iii'juuieu Tl4 inches, to f spring by the A mould 4 in J x;hes in 31 f . 29 do 27 - .do' 21 V do 11 pieces 32 feet long eacl sided.15 inch es, moulded 4 do do do do ,do do 23 25 22 'do j do do do do do f spring by the j mould 4 in J ches in 31 ft. 3 to spring et tg. each, 14 in. sq. i by J a do do 13 do f mouUl-lA 15 pieces 26 15 do 25 . J in in31ft Three; thousand five hundred cubic feet plank stocks 11 to 12 inches square; : to ave rage forty feet in length, nAne. less than thir tv ; the whole to be of the best V long-leafed close-gruned southern yellow pine, entirely free from sap, bad knots and all other defects. Squared Spar Timber. , Length. 1 feet. Lower end. Top end. To hold larg- inches, inches. est dimensions. 1 piece 82 26 by 26 19 ft. from low M 78 12 er end, &.17 ft. from upper end. 1 1 18 fu. from, low 2 1 1 2 er end, 8c frj from upper end. 17 ft. fr om low fer end Round Spar Timber.. Diamater in Length of mast. Leng partners or -slings. V inches 19 . head or yard feet mast 71 do 4 do 4)6 do 40 feet iiiches V? 12 " 16 9 16 7 6s -.' 13 6 6 19 - 3 8 17 ' ' 3' 6 14. 5 6 --' ' . 13 , 4 6 14 - 5 J 10 -3 6 - 1 yard 74 do 65 do5& do 49 do 5fe do 38 Tlie tvliole to be of the best lorig-leafed fme-nrraihed southern Velio w nine, free from bad knots, sap. and other defects. ' 2000 30 inch locust-tree-nails,; 1$ Inches , 6000 12 do I do v li dofsquare Tlie vvhole' of the timber must have been cut bctwjeen the 1st of October and the 1st of March, and rnust be delivered at the diffe rent yards as early as possible, 2c certainly on or net rjheolst day of December next, sub ject to the inspection, measurement, and ap probatio of the commandants ofTthe yards where ti e materials are delivered. : Separate proposals must be made for the white oa c timber, knees, yellow pine for hull, for rhe s jars, antt for ther tree-nails for each sloop of war, "which any person may wish to supply the, prices asked per cubic foot for the timb .-r' and spar pieces $ per sided inch for- the Knees t -and per thousand for the tree nails ; must be stated in words at length. .JTb "AN-A IVAY from the subscriber some jBlQ.; time since; William Marloran indented apprentice, aged about seventeen years. A; ny persoUtaking; up and bringing him home will befentitled to the above reward. ' ' -t - 1. ' ; i -s "w. f; JOHN UOBESON.- Buncombe cor Jan. 20, 1825, 4 - 28-' 1 13 by 9? 4 20 8C" - ' .. ' - - 3 78 12 5 12 5 . 74,25 . 25 17 8? , 70 11 v 4 19 . 7C 70 10 5 10 5 51 26 26 20 20 51 13 4 13 " 4 ' th ' r "T"HE ? Commisstriners of theNjtvv will; re vT- ceiye -pealet propfsali until three . o' clock, P.- I of ihe, 15thdy of Aprilexti for, supplying the fbllpwing nmbetv viz; r ; ; - All the Pine Timber necessary for lower masts,." bowsprits topmasti, lower" yards, and topsail yards for three 'ships bf .the line ;j for 3 frigates of i he! largest class j for;3 friirates of theismaller class j for three f r. three lower masts for pl-ips of war ? and schooners. .For thirty, thousand cubic f-et of 'squared Pine Plants Stocks, to be not lesstthan'thirty-five feet,' 'arid to averaere fbrtyfev.e'feet''iri. length,' of at- least eleven inches in diameterVarid pf equal size at top artd butjf. j One set of the masts and spars for the different classes pf vessels, and. ten; thousand cubic feet of the Plank Stocks, to be delivered at each of the v iaius ai v.uanesiown, Jiass. urqoKiyn, N. York, and G-osport, .Va. j jcX' V ,h ; For two sets of Pine Beams for. Frigates of the largest class; one set to be delivered at the Navy ..Yard at , Charle itoSs rn, Mass..' and one, set at .Gosport; Va j T " For two sets of: Pine. Reams for Frigates of the smaller class ; one set to!be delivered at the Navy -Yard at the CiV jif AVashingoi, and one set at the Navy Yard;at Gdsport, va For fourteen t.iye Oak Baijns for a Ship: of ttie Line, v and -"eight JLi vet ,0jak Yearns fpr a Frigate'of the! Hrgest , class eleven nine pie- c-s for masts and spars, art' nine piiie beams for a ship of - the- Line. an twenty-two pine pieces for masts and sparsfbr ii -Frigate ofthe largest, class, V to be delivered at the Navy Yard at. Gosport," Va. ; and for five Live Oak Beams, for a. Frig-ate of the pargestJclass ; hod 51-"pine pieces for masts arad spars for a shipi to' be delivered at the Navyj Yard at Brook lyn, N Yprk. , ,. . . ; . The whole of the Pine timber.must be of the best k long . leaf, ; fine grained, Southern yellow, pim -and all the timber must be free from sap, w nes, ,bad khbts, jor defects of a ny kind, and subject to the inspection and approval of the Commandantr of. the several Yarrls, or such other persons as the Commis sioners of the Navy may appoint for fthat purpose. r:. , . " The proposals must state tbe prices asked e r bui foot ; and riiust pe ra -.de separate ly for the masts of each class of vessel, at each place. . Persons wishing to contract, may obtain schedules of the pieces rt-quired, for masts, spars, and beam, 'ith their sever al forms and dimensions, yy applying in Wri ting or otherwise to the Comiriissidners, or to New-York; Phila delphia, 'Baltimore, Norfol ton, S. C. , - ' ' ' , Vas or Chaijles- The PineBeatns and Pla hkf Stock, andithe Mast n..d Snaii-'TlrriSr fmiist 10' rl'al!aMl'nn or before the first day of May 1 1826? and! the Lve Oak Beams, on or titfore.the firstjNo- vember-next. , All the Timber, except tlie Live Oak, must be felled,. oi must have been felled between the first November and the first March, j State of North Carolina.:! .- NASH COUNTY. . Court of Pleas and Qiiarti r Sessions.f ' February Term, 1 825. Mary Vester, . V Willie Vester, Jos. Vester, Nancy Vester, Chloe Brufce, widow-of Cornelius BruceJ I j Petition for Henry Etheridee, Patsev EJ I dower in the theridge;) Eliza Se!lers, MarjH f lands of her I Bottoms, Silvan Vest er,- M.-ry dec. husband, Mat,tnews, Vohn Ethendge, Pejer Etheridge, & the heirs M. Vester. of Malachi Vester, heirs at law of Michael Vester. ; 11 appearing.6 the satisfaction of the Coiirt, thai, Mary Matthews, Peter Etheridge, John Etheridge, and tiie heirs of Malachi Vester, are not inhabitants of . thjs- State; ; It was ordered, that publication- be made tn tne, Kaieigh Register three months, that; un less tney come torwara, at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be helil for the County of Nash,' on t he second Monday of May next, and shew cause to the contrary. or the causa will be heard expate as to them, an i ine prayer ot tne petitioner gt-anted; Witness Henrv Blount, Clerk of f ottrf saii Court; at Nashvillei on the second Monday i i-euniary, m tne lorty-nintji year oi Ame ricau independence, A. 1). 1$25! w f f V 11. blount; tr. C. G. Pr. Adv. $8 75 42-3m. Just received by J. Gales Son Miner and Tully on Fevers -Good's Study. of Medicine vols. 5 Majendu's Phisiology y V ' Beam3f Pleas in Equity ' - v Arciibold's Circuit Pleading r . Johnson's Chancery. Vol. 7th r'-'. Benedict's History of all t?eHgkms V Dallas's Recollections oft Lord Byron June oi uurce .. Memoirs of Goethe ' ' s r Human Hearth t Tales for mothers - CampbeU'sTheodoric r "- Lacon ,. rj '; Lord Byron's Conversations .Long's 2d Expedition J " Miss Wright's few Days atAtnens - Valley of Shenandoah, 2 vols ) ; (Wolfe's Missionary Journal Thatcher's Sermons i f' 5,000 Receipts - v '."'"". ',1 t v March 24. , s; -.4 - A iFEW days since, near irf,- Roberts Sta- IJL ble in this City, ' aSilver ' Table Spoon; Apply at this Office. Raleigh, March 24 , ' r i i - i n rir nr i iii inn iw ! m nuixtj I'lorifta, "and ,' Ne uvYork, .fom L Liver pool, their Spring Assbrtmenf cf, theabove: Articies, comprisingvijeyery .arJpe in th.eif line. .Which th?y ifter for safe oof as; rood - terms as any House in. the Unions Merchahi . l.r.. L. m 'l - - 1.1- '" "."c uctn in tie naoit or purcu-; JCeW-York will find it fot their ihtt tall an'Txaminr theirt Assortments sing, in iterest W i :Petersbuii- March 22. v ' 42 Sir. - 4 ODTJICK M'Crumrnin, living on the a ; ..ter.of;-jrames' weelftliree miles liorth . of the Yadkin road; and a'hout, 28 miles west 6f Fayetteville, eriters an my books as a StraVj a lUysmare, marked with the collar and Isome saddle spois, about , fifteen fiands high, !sup posd to be 15 jears old, and- 'valued at SO -dollars; j MALCOJ1 lfAYt ariger t . V. -' i of Cumberland county 'farch 2lsf, 1 -. . , ' r i "tTlLL be sold at the Corttihouse of tlvd T Cotintyon the 1 ist Monday of .April , next,tlie following Tracts ofLaiidj or Ao much -th ereof as wil 1 pay th e Taxes d ii e therean 50 dob v Jos. Vad.e adioinln?? TMaarl Tav. for and others. . . ' . .- ,' ; . .'. .'- ,f 140 0 do Richard lliries, adjoihlng'Washinr Sibbs'and others.- '! ' y W : - toii G 300 da Wright CV StanJvi adolnm. i; t?. Jasper. . ;-4v.; M - 100 dp property pf' Jno.,Mavson,.s heirsv, adjoining j rib. EuslyVheW arid the lake- , March 10 rH K1Y G! HI?.;'. s;ifT. 2? otice. i N the 2d Monday in ' Anri! next will bei sold for ready -. monev' at t he Court- Hbuse in SiibwhilUvhe following tracts of land, or so miich thereof as will be sufficient td pay the tax thereon fjT the years' 1821 and 1822, to wit : v- lv; -v - ;V - 2 28 acres on Sandy Run belonging to John H. Albritton .-.-.-, : -' '--.' ' ..-....'. ' ' ? y -S 54. do on do belonging to; Thos.Dail 1 1) ; 193 do Coritentriea Creek du James Datl : 900 do r do. ' :U-s;jl- chr EJlibttr ' ; 692 do ; ' ido "do' Joseph Hause. , 100 do - .Sandy(Run do TJzzel Lassiter 600 do. Cotentnea Creek dblleirs of Cha CariM i riot n-ivn tn V j . 1 V ' 200 do do William Aldridge do 345 dd 400 do 121 do 7i do; 56 db 255 do 400 do - 50 do 121 do 322.- do do. do ; do do do do, do -do do. John IL Edwards ! ' v.EheJdreU Mitchell Sarah Mitc,!ielf ; ' -Christopher ReynoTdaf i, Joseph Reynolds I , -Josiah Sugg, jun. 1 do Jorah Whitby V , ' do Nancy. Ward 5 . doChristophef Wol.. - do Joshua R.iuse '-, J do Samuel Whitly 218 300 no llenrv Forrest r do Joseph Rasbury 1554 on' Sandy Hun .595 do do John Joy ner. ; do Stephen Rogers ''. 1817 ;- 41 636 78 do -' v : ; do "dox'May?s heirs-4 r- ' "Naughtunjtb -do VVilliamAidridge r y do J do Elizabeth ;Barronf f v' do loCul.'eii Edmondson5 iV.r db" do James G-astroAV.: v, ;- .34 - ; . 525 r l' ,125. . Edmonson -50 do do Heirs 1 of Burwell tt Isaac Hay r A : x - do.Wilham Williarii& , c do John Aldridge. -' do'Jolin Moorings -.i - - da a Gftardian do .-Sally Sauls .'do James Taylor ? , do Avy ,-Tavior'i . 320, do : 278 (1821) do, -200 do do do do do 200 ; i-60 ',570 ; 213 200 do r -fclizabfeth Dawnirt!? f trot given in) - . . . 140 Cotentnea c'k do Mary Covanl V - 100 do ' -do J esse Cbwso d ' -"615 6 lotalttHookertoii Ynt. Hooker' v, 790 5 -i -it&do " Ifyirierick Hooker 200 Cotentnea t'k; do Richard Hodges ' i 133 do Y doWmVvKilpatrick 1 337 1 ldt in Hokerton Grey VV estbrook ' 640 , . : ! do. ' ;bo John Dunn for Wal ter Dunn. ' i -: 220 . ' do 410 do Lassier's heirs 676 (1821) do , heirs of Kllpatrick 163 do do. 220 do do 216 . do do do Susanna Dixon p do William Philips Grr - t " ' , V - do Simon Creetdn' fcr. dbohn Creech' ' do Kincheti Dixon do Obed Dixon ' 50 on Cotentnea ck do Kdmond Breemona 490 ffio Kasbury' heirs v do Solomon Brand i fof t V- -' do Moses Cobb . !' do Asa Daniel" -. t ' do Wi Shackelford i -,do Elisha Woodward1' ' do Tlfeophikis Kason , do AbramSiMoPre f - . do John McKeaV ju'n -1 do Absalom Prjce , ' do Isaac Price , ' do James l. Price ! do, John Pope , . 136 203 roo '486 ; 662 v : 55; 50 50 412 do 'do :io ; do do do da do -252 253 ..270 di Jesse Rasburv d o , William - Rasbery do Salirina IXmiJ 370 483 . (1821) do ' do John Glasgow ' V 100 do . , do sdo Jt)hnMjcKeaJ,-Senf.. no. jo - 1q barali linshew ' 200..', do do 4 do Arthur Shackelford All those having receipts for either of the above named years, are requested to produce them, as it is-impossible for thk srihscrjber to know who has and who has not paid and h is under the necessity of collect ine from thostf . 1 1 - -.!"-.-' .V. - - ..... wno nave noL paia,- m net by fair ;means by law, C i , , ' JOHN HOLL1DAY. Ad'r. Greene covTeh. 81825. i442-St - wini an accrumg.costs t or rne year 1823:; ing Cason Gibbs and others, t j , . .,' .-' , yd ;wc iwicu u..swcii vBH.ins. au join '1: J n i V -.- v