vW-."sy-" .. .-.'m "-.""--"-v"-5, tV? -f''?s..-.r.-T. v. C. ' .: -."-.-'- -V , V'"'., "' V ft .- -il '..;."-:.: ,-" -r ! t 7 - IS 1i: rsii1': 4'i I r f my 1 fa tl t ' v I; 1! ;8 I j fl iv. m M 1 ifcf. I' y. 5l i .i 'il' V:- P t .1 !:j.i!:(V 1 : it- V. is ! m .1! ti ; i i?.; mi b I'l lt : - 'M "V WW-!--3 s . " AX'- ' " - j: ' 'a " - .n!. . . - - s to tiie Jf fhrotisdv p fi hei most inpuloussman- .v thdvfert fif Interrfal Improvement rmie TiufaUort wBi '-. 'lit this natiun1 - l'i ;T -tS WAim the towns andicoliieriesm '.thecijdir ?:si 500:b06.inti .ihetal;papu!atidrt ton ItintuHChamrind Liverpool Iiatl uoaa :WH-J'SSfe ,'tf9?-iH??tt"S&t- vn.VothcrPKyinSiar . , ... ... it ranthes to Diulfey amVStpurnr fge, tope Shropshire coal anil iron Wnrlcs, w tne mir fcirdsh'-re notteficVvand to Chester, would ;be lonlsli re noTtertes,n( xf .-rv of the greatest advantage to-the: ahovemen- iiedlares d districisUhd productiveJof e-scri'tal benefit to the hafont larger hiim ,"nil i.iv-rpooi iwu-upaa ' t 3fi:hat the capital of tbeCompariy be JCGQO.OOO, divided into 12000 shares of 50 ear hj - & ? ' !' : 4. That n committee be appointed to car- TV" thpsc rcsouuions nun rnt. iynn )yfto adopt stich proceedirigs as they may cl.cm most conducive jto pnmnote the esta - birsnment'ttutt success oM!p company. j r, lt t lU'c'gentleniett 'amed be the conj rnittee wuh power to; add jfthcir nimibei", . and that seven be a quorum. j . f -61 Tlat Vlessrs' AtSvooUi'Spoonc'r, Coj. - Bantcer?; of Birmingham, be appcinled-TrcS i ' SHrers'-to the GomaW; : ' v' r ; ":' :ri r. . ;Th- t:Geo, IVirkcrEsrjt of Birmingham; brv appointed Solicitor, to the Compaby. tffebnkers, and that a -deposit e f. 1: pf V.are be raaid into their hands at the funt of eveftbinfr. -r .5 :'---.' ' I 1 S.'T hat hooks otsuliscnption oe openeu at UlCH'd EDENSOU iir.ATiicoTa Chairman TTiCSPFXTi: V Tacgobject of this convp :irv is to cs - , - .i 4 i cheapconimunicauon Jietwecn 11 ic towns . ) . . .... i I . . J f:Uirn.in-!mm ami i.aerpoo;, ; than at 1 ri'eser.t exists. Such an. 'undertaking uhen eHecteil, will be advantageous t!ie public and to th?lpreprietnrv. ' T;i e con ut r V i h nug!i which the pro posed Thic is inte;:devd to pass, lias been examined throughout bv an eminent! 'enirrter, and irt'fiunrb present ex ; trfflinary '. fa'cilitiek-'.not .."'only ) a'rc -jnrds (he levels, jjutjtjie. (hstafre,which iles by several inlllcs than -atiy. road tin w-:n use. - jV?s;1. i ''-'! ' The estimated expense r forning the f fnajii i line fo , conttect T;rmngham ami IJverpool, ihcltijlin the ?Mcomotiyc pouer, aijiunts to 350000 The cxr pctises -of the branch lines to Dudley &. . totifhridge, to' the i ro n a m I coa I works in) Shropshire, the St:'fionlshire pot'te jie and " Chester, have not yet been estimated, Jjut will-le much less in a mbuht tl.an that of the main line. The Company propose to set apart ' purpoeethe sum of ,l50,cd,0. for this and to cover tdhcr Contingencies, adi itional sum of 100,000. . , Th capital;of the Company Wilt therrforcj be 000,000, fcjt vide't i n to 1 2,000 sharps of 50 ea ch. .The .propelling power! intended to be rn:jibycd is that of Locomotive and Stain.-;ry .Steam Engines." , Ilv means of i.y.s power, the Company wiil be able to. insport ihe heaviest goods with certainty arul securi( v, ; by day and .vdglit, a t all , limes of lfie year, in peri ods ofjrost r of drought at the rate of at least eight miles an hourii .W j r -T he capital required to complete the x objects' of the Companv, and the cur rent charges, fur the maintenance of the Rail Roa( and Locomotive power, he- inrr, riiur 11 less than that i onir.lrtvi! Ur ins;, niuch less than, that j entploved bv Ata cYS?t!MiS toH mav be estimated at 2,300,000 !ns. r.rt(;torMnShmfamWIK hn.i the ouahlity of Jn.n manufacttirc.l PT JatlSr t 250.000 tonv; At le.stVnc million ; v. Kilenwf. jl.rl HcHP flv? tons of ll.c coal ami altfiostall the iron, i . Tliata rail: road , JrcTm.?ic,w. K I tonnaK fO Ai v . -. 4Ki s-rvlitir(-ro,heries I ,.".,v.,n.-- " " i- v1v4VlWit)nton. 3Sjnt-H'a") -UU. - ' - nn,l ri;pstpr. to I the Mersey, ! to instances anx evistlns tablishment for the con eevance of goods will enable the com paiiy ttpcarry- odsrat rate less bv oueihinl, r robabl by one-half than ' the sum puid at present. .'IThesc are Tiotispecniatiy? xir jvlsionarvi aseriinns ," "they;ii ' hj.zn examHiatn of the syl riageby Hfiil lloads actually practised ."'.'in "t-heorth -of: tfrmlandi ! r ; h y . 'ti . i j 1 ' "4: . M 1-1 uf .-oinpny nuye, aiot every rca ; feor: f q believcf that0 passengers' ma vibe 1. , coivvoyed by ther isanje power, witli per' feet secointNnd: at apptl oratlfast ; twelve tpiles' air hour ithtfr as lioveipe j '." vrin!cnti1iaye-;becn"t a rarje V. , scaled vvifh a View to ''sstabHslv, thc'factf tbey U,i imt pledgt; thelselyea latbis asTa part of , tl eir. .u nde r tb ki ne:- y '"1emg However cpuyincetl, of its prhciieabilU i , lyvheywiibnot fail to; keep jt iiryiew in their eireral' arrange men Vil4?; la. tr? .-rs'i!ifl fii '..e- I .....t T)I-.i U.. is IntenUedllo" fiuhtlie cejv .t.-ra jh, rftMIorfuiiin- CoUienekynU idyevhHmbtbnfronvtiie ii it . . " w- - . ' fe".- to M!iUi to : the' Wet of rvai::w cn pear fChestcrand: from thence to 1ersiv. L' ;v. '1 hro ni- k.. iVl r wtitiltv nf f hp IV or m connejnon with ir,ar apouc ouu,uuu. are now transported :to .listant places, The Slam.Isnire potteries no,v semi about 2G, 000 tons, and the total annual and irom the rottcnes, is 000 ton?: These are a Few ..'' onlv of the stupendous sour- i ....... i risen, which have enabled one of the ca- nals passing through these districts, to - 4 ji;..;.!! to the Pronrie- payan annjia i tiu uienl to tne i roprie L-irv ol ,140 upon an original share of jCHO, and have enhanced the value of 200 : and district, to the ori- riinl t'mrn t selves havins reached the value of 4.600. leach. The trade of the country lias, within the last fetv vears, increased in a man- Stlflicient employment, j be found both lor the tnerefore. m?iv Canals and Rail Uoads ; but as Riiil Roads, upon the imprnvei system, can carry wiui iinie- viatin punctuality, security, n?d ce leritv, anl at reduced rates, thisunder taking will inevitably ensure to itself sumcient traflic to anoni a liberal re munerating profit to those embarking in it, at the same time that it will create a compel Hon highly advantageous to the puoMC. ; Such arc the views and such the scheme of the Birniincham anil JLiver pojd Rail Road Company, and - they tn?Mhev have shown that the under taking will be locally and nationally be neficial. - j ue nus iic oi one poitnu per snare is L. - r t . F 1 , frenuireil to no natfl hv fvorv anhcrriK. : r 7- additional calls will bc.made, from time to time, by the Committee, as circum stances ihav require. ; Further information . may be obtain - eu by .reference to the Solicitor, Mr. (jeorge Jiarker. Birmingham, U t vm ipgfut wr, 6 - p. 3, 1 824. MUItDER. , iTt nppearslhat the story of the mur tlet ofn youn?x ''v in (Veil county, Md. which we wished not to believc,1s but too trui. Her name was Cunning h am, an d her fa mi ly h ijh I y re spec ta b 1 e. She hatl walked -out to visit her frrand fathcr", a mile, distant, accompanied bv 'v little niece, four vears old. Tins iwr. on Monday. BotfTshe and the child f I .!l 1 . -nt 1 . eu;i!u?.M uuiu ine rnuay loiiowinr, when the melancholy catastrophe which had befallen her was made known bv her little! niece, who bad wandered in th e wood s JVom the fata 1 pe ri ud of h e r aunt?s murder until then. The account which he gave to the perstm whose 10. use siie pniviuemiaiiy reacneu, was, 44 that a bi tijrly man had met her autit and self while on their way fu their i;rand father's, and,. after drain"" her aunt 1 n t o the w nod s, ni urdered her. ihe bod v was immediately sought for bind und by the neijrhbors the mon- kte.r had nearly separated the vouiu la- M v s head from her shonht.' kvounds were inflicted upon her body : ne on either sidfe of the breast, one "on ?ach of bedsides, just below the ribs, either of which, it'is said, would have proved morral ; but riot content with he cruelty 'already rnflicted. tie rave er several other stabs in ditferent parls )l'Uie 000 V l I hP. mtnrpntmtr fimiftlM luis outrasetl arid butchered, Avason the eve of beirirt- rnnfriAill ; 'lhitt hiirih1 crime; was supposed, from a description ( f the man,' to! have been? perpetrated by a person w ho had c omm itled some i ifamous acts vi the neigli.borhood of the nmte of the Delaware and Chesapeake Hanai, wnci e ne was ai worK, atKi iiau plpeti th0 day before So . great , was t ne e xci t e m en t n th c n eis h bo r hood - that SS6f) were raised in abput SO mt nnte and tittered ;as a reward ' Tor the m res t a lid ion v let Torjt 6 f the riiu rtl erer, ai uroia n y;person'sr bad, cone in pursuit. i was therefore expected he would be k e n a ml brough 4;to'putiisb m en t- The advertisement of a Reward for the7 annrehensinri of th Murdpfpr nf . i . ,- i . , - tisstinninghani states that tthe;mux tier whs supjjosej 1 to have beeii commit-: m,a'"r:V'.,hat "vemng about sun set. i-pi'.'Av luu wc couui learn, e is a man aWW,liltar?r Vefiyejeerten infchhighthics cqmpjexipn-had onL darkfeeiisur- tout coal, aim a wmte knapsack, sup- reeeiv wutlicr werct!acIvWorsteMSt publicationcontains'interesting: tact Pkah Sw-The practicability; ofoMamn water oy means oi Donng is not unKnowain Kurope and has been rasorten to m thH conn tryLfor salt wnrlcs ; but no wlere, excepting- m Umr , immediate district, has M ater. been made , to flow, spontaneously, above the sur fade. It is the ppcat?st improvement in the science of.Hvurau licks or our or. any ajre, anl will result in a new theory of the - origin s of certain springs, I mean those springs that do not come to the surface from a infchersource liut -l - must -h ave these- speculative points, and comply with your wish to have a copy of the calculation' that I made,,ot the .cost to a city of supplying- iW If Vvith delicious water by jthe new principle ofboring-. !- i . I have allowed largely for each well as you wil tfiscover, wlun I tel! you that my well,' whch Is 253feet;deep, cost only 500 dollars, including1 perpendicular, horizontal, and lat eral pipes, to the. length of 230 feet, and rouite of copper, with tin lining. ' . ""Ihe water in my bored well has risen at Teas 5 feet above the surface of the ground. It isj carried to the kitchen supplies two trough tab!efor milk panstwo. large cat tle roughs, an;! a hog trough. . Th- water never erases to tlov, and is f the same tem perature throughout the year. I .wish, you would give as .much publicity to the contents of tjiis letter as. you can. The Manhattan Company are boring in New-York.' 3 They have not yet obtained wntcr, but if the' per :vere they will succeed. I -'' of ' ; ' . Forejirn Literature and Science. II1S Work, as its title implies, is comnOs cd of Felectiips frtim Foreign -'outu4!s. A few words may show that it is however far from "being adverse to ouV own ins'jtuuons or literature -;md that, on the contrarv, it mav have an imnor'ant effect in nrevv-n'ine the disseminaiicm of doctrinrs in- discordnce with the principles upon which our societv is constituted Some of th l'ritisli Reviews nd Magazines are reprinted in this country e?cac(Jv as thev appear at home, and ttuv us well as those which are not published bere, embrajee much matter of little interest and no dvj'ntaj't to our re uh rs and .whit hjis not unfreqjuently fitted !p vitiat- tlie.r literary taste, their morals, or thMr poliiical princi ples. ut while it CHimot be denied th.it there is mall these toreirn Journals a larc part I these foreirn Journals a Jarc which which' consists of detads aiul specula' ions are uninteresting to Ameticao readers, or mischievous in teir ptlit1cal or nior d ten dency Jit is equally ceitain.tbat a considerable poitioi of their contents is of jreneral.app'i cation and of interest nd value, and that hev etnbr ice much that is in a verv hicrh d"-- p;ree:iAtereatinjr & cunous practical, sound ind rtbTe-rehnect an l eleant; much that will excite thought and refine tlie iinairinti on the t will raise the genius and j'tneud the lies.rt' And when we consider, thst the gTeutest philcs phrs anl statestnen. as well as poets, critics, ami ;dl otb r men ofliter tore, now find thr, periodical press the channel through, which theiropinions enn be convey ed with 'the trreatest certainty and t-fleet" to the jrri-a'est rumbe.r of men, it will appear very evident, that a knowledge of wh t s thus Written and done abrotid is -necessary to the sucjccssfuly cultivation of, nir own litera ture, and important to th politician, scholar and man ofbusincas, as . well as-io him who reads only for amusernvnt. To persons who reside at a distance from the RTeat depositories of New Hooks ami New Inventions, a work conductel upon this plan is peculiarly important, a- affording" toj theni an opportunity of keeping pace, in some de gree, wjith the progress of knowledge, at a very trifling exptnee of money or time.! ' Vvheti it is added, that most of the litera ture of jthe day is not easily accessible m any other than this form to.our fiimitic.9 it will readily tcacknowledgel that a woik conduct ted upon the plan of th Mcskum may be in a consilr f7b!e degree interesting' and valpahle. How, far tl.is Journal has been successful in endeavoring to merit tliesi: appellations must be determined by the public ; and thejrapid increase or tne suoscripiion list w uic uiosi. gratifying proof of succe3. TKlOlS OF PUBLICATION. ; Tlie HlcsEtfw is published by K, Litteli,, Philadelphia. A number appears every month and the subscription price is Six Dollars a year, payable io advance. It t'jili be sent free of postage to every sub scriber, so -long as he continues to pay in ad- Tunce; V- . '' ";. - : "' ' The Museum begnn in July, 1822, and all the back numbers may beobtained on the above conditions. ? . ' - Subscriptions for this Work received at the Bookstore of J. GALES.& SQN.l State of Xorth-Carolina, C Granville County. ' rebruary Term, A. U. I 825. kelson ijhomasson, Original attnehment Nathahie lliomasson. 3 "Levied 111 the -hands Oi l 41 rkcr F. Stone, and summoned as Gar- -also levied on all the flight,. title and interest of Defendant in and to a tract of taud 1 viner on the waters of Fishing creek, aujoining tne laims is .mw. -r ufu,M" ' Gertrgei,Thpmasson and: others ; supposed to contain 520 acres ; being, the land be longing to the heirs of Thomas Thomasson, sen. deceased. 4 , ';' :. -;".' - XT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court ft that tin;, Iefendant in thi case is ' not; an inhabitant' of this State it is ;tlierefbre or dered, that publication be made Tor three months fuecessivcly in the Raleigh Kegisteri giving notice to the Said defendant to appear at the Codrt to le held for the county Afore said, at the Counhouse in Oxford, on the first Monday -irt May next, aiid plead or demiir.to the."sail attachment, or judgment1 will be rendered gainst him for the plain tiff's dc mand,;.. tu-y f '. :, I I' Witnes.j Stephen K. Sheed. ClerH of our said CoiirtVat office in Oxford, the" first Mb n- uav in t eoruarv" a; ij..io. ? v -"i. :,i ; , , sepmf Wu8mess,?'As' ucCelsors to le lat JMvil JIogant nt he-Old Slaml, No.v U55, Market Street,? between Sixth anV . Seventh Streets, nearly opposite th He'd fJoti itoteU u Ivere they solicit a cpnt'n'jnce ofctistbm, which'will be pHirtctaaily nttended to." ; T j;r ,. : ":' 'i.- Kftep constantly onhandfa general assort ment of Miscellaneou, Lay, 'edical, ant Theological Hooks,-and 'also, all '-the Schoo Books and Stationery vn gerjeral use, such as AValkers and Johnson's Dlct:onarv, Pike's Uennei f, SmWey, Jaudon's 'and ulsboll'sl An hmetics s VA ebsters, Cot J v's, .-. nd I)il-. worth's Spelling iT(6a j AVlatts Psalms and Hvnms r Praver Hooks : I)ohelrr tc U norm's Hymns, Methodist frvmn j Tamily, Pocket and School lliMes - Testiimeiits., '." Murray's Grammar ? English' Ke:i(tts ; . Sequels and Introduction i Comly and) JaudonV Gram mars ; Jaudon's Expositor j Walker's larg-e, Dictionary1 ; Ainswprthj's, , Yjung:.V and Etv tick's Latin Dictionanf s ; preeJc and Iatm Grammars; A SchreYellrs-Greek:. Lexicon j Cicero ;, Cesar Horace Virgil,, and the i.reeJc and. Latui School Hooks generally ; Blank Rooks ; Foolscap aid Letter Paper; Quills, .States ; Led.PtnciK 8tcv &c. , M'ScePaneous ordersJ and orders for pro- ifssionai iior;rcs. i:431ea1cme, Law anu Divin tv, hl'ed at the lowest prices, for cash or cjty acceptances.- 50 ALf. in; one day. To be draw n on the Bthday of JMdV9 Improved, nide qfi drawing, : Secured by Letters Patent under the Seal of the United States. ; Contx's Orrtci!- Baltimorl, April 7, 1825. VCj We have ihe pleasure Ito pt sent to tlie piudic, the I ocbth bchem of tlu- . State Lottery of Maryland llie node rf drawirg bh an entirely nqw n'an, approved 'v ".the Cbmbiissiancr of Lot- appoi.nl ti oy tne iiovernor :uiu uoun- :l .of 'State. broughl ,rt (A tiic Legislature. Highest'-Friz 2Q?000 Dollars. SCHEME. 1 prize of rs 20,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 ' 2,000 1,500 1,CK)0 . 2,000 - 1,500 20,00J 1 , 1 5 4 20 30 50 200" 300 10,000 .10,612 Prizes. 570,000 20,000 Tickets. Not ONE !t.'n..T to a In2e ! Every Prize payable in iCJash, sixtv davs after the drawing subject tto. a deluction of tu teen per cent. - V QTj .toe,c Drn-nhtir-be iut :nto one wheel as i'he numbers will ual- ar,d in the other wheel will be put, th$ prizes W.r? the denomination of Two Doila aft and the draw- inc" to nroeT"s m t!ie usual manner.- 1 ne 10,OjU prices of $2 will Ije awarded to the odd or even numbers of tht Lottery (as the case may ne) dependant on tbirawing- of the Ca ital Prize of Tventf Thousand Dol iurs that is to say, if the 2il,000 dollar prize should come out to a?i Odd rttimer, i he.i ev"- mm' w - V ' J 1 1 1 .1 A. I ro otia Jiumoer tm.ie icneine avhii a cuuue iu out to an 7re;t Nu'nb r. thin all tin t-ti vMrmitV in Ae Scheme willjlie each entitled to-a prize o! 2 dol ars. M -' ' Odd Nos. are those ending with 1,3, 5, 7, rt r ! - Even Nos. are those ending .with o "1 4, 6 8, or 0. j . ' This mode of I)ra.ving not only enables the Commissioner to complete the whole lotte ry in ONE I) ItAWING, t ilt has the great advantage f dis'r nuting th' jsinali prizes re gularly to every alt crnate number in the scheme, so that the holder of two slji res of tickets, (ojie odd and one even num)er)-wiil be cer tain f obtaining at least one prize, and in the same ratio for any greater' ij titity.x. - .A Ticket drawing a sup'e or prize in this scheme, is not restricted fro n drawing an in ferior one also. ' "-.' ' j The Drawing, will takeph.ee in the City of Oaltimore, on "A ednes'lay iie18th of May. and will finish on the same" day. A very short period, therefore, intervenin g before tlie time of drawing will arrive adventurers at a dis tance should avail themselves of the very su perior advantages offered by jttie scheme, ar.d send on their orders without tlelay :they j"ill remark the low rate of tickejts-the very tri fling risk to be run, (therp not being one Blank to a Prize) and that thfe capital prize of TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, is of a magnitude hitherto unprecedented for so small a sum invested. - Above all, however, is he certainty of obtaining at least one prize by the purchase of two tickets or two shares, (one oild and one even number,) and in the same "ratio of certainty in trie, purchase pf a greater number of tickets brj shares.. The limits of an ftdvertiserftent do hot per mit a detail of the various a nd many advanta ges in this improved modeo Lottery j. tbey will naturally present themielves to the ad venturer on examination of tje scheme, to a scrutiiiy of which we invite their attention. ' Whole Tickets, r- -! - $4 00 , ' Halves,. : - v - - 2 00 - Quarters -; ' ' -" - " '' - . 1.00' To be had, in the greatest variety of Num bers, (odd and even,) at . p-XXX: Lottery Exchaitge : Office; . : JSo. 1 149 JlarJiet-sU' Baltimore. Where, in the four last State Lotteries. r nhl the Great Canitals of 100.000 dolli. 40.000 dolls, 2 of 20,000 doili,--2 of 10,00o dolls. besides no less than 'Tie n Capitals of 5,000 dolls; etc.. &c And-rclier more capital prizes naruc uccii eym tum at owy oiner ujjicem Orders from any part of the; United States, cr Territories,- enclosing the ; Cash or Priaes inanvdf the Lotteries", (post! paid will meet our accustomed prompt attention Address ed to '" '..-"v';.: :' y'i ;:- X ' -: . ; . '.-" ; O ' J. If COHEN, StArpattimorei 'k & U committed to jibe Jail of this X oH 21st inst. .k Negro Fello posed to be ranauav s!av. ! ,i. 11T . r ' a-.i , - r mivi dill 1Q lit Neworlr r..r-; 1 cannot, of will not name the state roT !lt town in which fie tUo,i . il. nm7 .. u v Trar iaT to . . . vi hv feet seven inches hig!u bUck a S mn. with as,nall scar over hiSTiht eve J and one rar; the 'corner of the X dress is s. drab pea-jacket, blue mnd ! and duck tro users, lie was brol t3 place m: the schooner Hev wfltr' t i cprne,forwartl, prove property, pa cha- ' and take him away,; or he, wUi.be deh? as the W directs (i J JOS. fiARUF.TT, rf- .TVashintoh cor Notice, fTIIE subscriber having af the last IVV .fi ry term; of the Com t of 1'leas and q- ' ter Sessions, for the county of, Wake XXI' r M tcs:s. ment 1 of the late MtsesMordecai ; U notifies aU persons haviojr claims .-ifarw c. i estate, to present" them witbui ;the tim pfT' scribed by law," to "Cieorjre Mor'decai, or tr Will be brred t)f rccbveVy anl all thoe:' debted to! said estate,, to make-- Immedia" payment to him, he being authorized to 'tV tie said estate. v" t "' ' " ": 1 ANN W. MorilJECAT.-ExecnVi. naleigh March 23d, 1825. j 42- ' Tho Celebrated llaceilorse. ! I WASHING TO X, 111 .taml nf rrtr V; f f "T , - the nx. season, k will be let to YirJ: at'twentv-fiv' dollars the season, onri c noi:ars o insure, payable 011 he st day januarv ary next ten dollars a, single leap, lid when the Mare is covered ; with ona i or ' e pa uowar m an instances to tlie c.rocm. TV : season will commence the 1st Febriiar nrj ; close the is July as he , -vy ill be trained fo- he Fall liaces, if ho accident happens to hinv i lybave a lot well enclosed,, and Mares serit f from a diance will be fed with invun, "&c. v- 5 the maitet prices. I will not be lihl fn. escapes or accidents of anv kimC but wilt endeavpr to preVent either; I have not been able to procure k !ist of al I the colts that wen entered or run against Washington in the Sweepstakes when he was three vears old - therefore shall only mention, such as I know. If ashinjrtoifs Pedifrree and Performance? . are surpassed'by no other horse. A state- : ment of his prtormances are criven below f also, a letter from ' Mr. William ft. Johnsor; j wherein be gives his opinion of Washington j as a race horse.- .hit. Jolinson trained ami f ran bun all the mceshe hasever run; it' wilt,-f speaxtor itselt. . , . . -- - . . IVnahinton .is bright, sorrel, full fifteen and a half hands !iiih, .6 vears old this sunnr f was got oy the eeienrated nee horseT- I moleon (one. of the best sons of j Sir .Arcfir i out of tne celfbrAted race mare Ariadne,, wiiose performances h the turf, partiru'arU- four m. L. is surp assed by none of her diy, which may be seen by rf rence to there- t conls -f New-Market, ;K airfield, TJroadrock, ! &c. pnor to 1817. : 1 Th6 following certifipite, obtained by Mr! Wm. R. Johnson from Col. "Holcombe of A'-f tneba, who rai-t d Ariadne, will mve anac-i count of her Pe' iree," "as far as he could re collect: " - j - - " . ! This is. t certify, that Ariadne was gtft 1 by the import d horse Citizen, out of a Wild- air mare ; sne cutot Spmaill, ana Hpiadir? ! out of Stlver-Ev?." "Given-under my hand this 23d day of Di-c. 1824 .' ' ' PHIL IIO.t,COMBE. ! PERFORMANCES. 1 asriingzon was enaeu m ionr sweep r ".... . : 1 r ll.r. i stake-, two ni.lV. 200 dollars entrance." "When he was three 3rears old,1822 m the Sprirg-,-he won the stakes at New Market an 1 Law renceviller in the Fait he v as beaten at Varrenion by John Richards -he" won t'.e first heat- and lost the second bv havmrr vt bad start, -whereby he 1 st 80 yards'and was only beaten half a length:' being considered in bad order, lie was drawn, having th sweepstakes ' at "New Market to run for which he . won, beating the celebrated race horse Henry there were four heats in thi race, the frst being a dead heat, Henry wort. the secouJ Washiiisiton t. l third and fourth. In the. Spring of 1833 , he was trained at New Market. "-but owing to hi haying. a curb on one of ' hislegs the first part o' th train- ing season,.he only run one race he was h.m dy capp'd' at New Market" with Sir William and a horse belonging 10 Col. Wynn Wasli i ngton won the first her.t Sir Wil 'iam the fe cond'nnd thirdWashington was Unfortunate in this race, he lost at least 60 yards in start ing' the ?seconLheat ; anVwas onitieaten "a length i this heat .'was. run in 3m.j4's. which-" is t9 seconds les than any two mile heat has ever been run at New" Market Sir v' liam had ten lbs. taken off his regular weight, and Washington carried his full weight. Tlie following Fall' lie won the Proprietor V Purse at 'New-Market; 500 dollars, 3 milt heats: the first heat-in this race was also run in two seconds less than any on record on that ground. . ' "'-"- -' fie vas then carried to Iialtlmore, where he won the Proprietor's Purse of 5U0 dollars, beating the celebrated race horse- Flviiv" Childeis with ease; ZTle was d;scovered'to be bme after this race, occasioned s supposed by; the situation of the 'ground, it being a "new tract. . i ; t : lie was then carried to Washington an.. ran one heat in that situation," but was beaten by "'a mare, of -Mr. Wy no's,: and was drawn. He was trainediast Spring, and von d;e Jot key Club Pit se, 4 m.h. at New-Market, 6UU dollars,' With ease, beating Col. Wynnes mare Flirtilla, and Capt. Harrison's horse Aratus PETEH M1TC11ELU - Jan; 14. : . ' . . 25t '" . Richmond, Jan : 10, 1 Dear Sir I hare procured from .Col. Hcj iombe his certificate of the Pedigree of Ati adne, the dam of Washington, and have far wanted it : to yoitllhat you "may advert your horse in due tmie. I hope he nviy rn-ke in good a season as you wish . ' I have tra.ned. him several times, and found him ahxccllenc I race horse alldistances, and I, wish very niucu thatrhewascpnventent to me, tliaM vus"" put to him, particularly ReaUtyt which is rnv favorite mare. 1 am, dear Shy with great Tff i . t t i- r "I Branch ;"HwtHvta;;iuUl iu jiav c uwu inaue m .tow uneut Witnes i S TJSPl Kn ss ,UtK.. v.. .- --,-':. ';,r- - - Apirl, 9 oawtMl ; , speet 5t: '':; ' ! .- - ' . i" "V."-..'- V '