' " '"" ' ' ' ' ' '.,- - 1 .'. , ' . s . l 1 j. v ? i. I 5 . 1 i t ilrscnVa tiiri have 6een diptKMntet m v their artT)licationsTot Alniafiacks, for the ? ' present year; may nopc suppneu.ni , . nd3ooV Store, having reeved a ftn re. : turu irom the Cwr j , f 7 :; :j1v: r'J v! - April ,18,-1 825. .;, ,"-1 ijpsnectfuiryt informs Ais frieuH that he xv ill co ntinue o reside ijv Raleigh April 18, 1825 Mi J mO the Uil;of Richmond County, N. C B An the 15th August 1824,.; as runaways. two ncgroe, who say their .namea are Scipio wd John, and belong to Edward Robinson of Williamsburg .Virginia., inc. owner . que9ted V prove property i pay charges and ' take them away. VK-"M 4 "" , ; : 1 '. THOMAS P YlLLUMS-rJatfer. "p. SM have heretofore advertised said ne groesln the Favetteville OSscrver. , AptU 22, qf;s:;:t y ;j 1 1 1 - .v - -; -f : . ffio theian srr Ashboru,,,?f. C - .in October X ; last Ji Negro Man,, asa 1 Jtjawfty. about ,27 or SO years of age ; about a ten iu mcucb high ; has lossome .,of his upper ;teem ; as a 'small scar, above JiWright eye.,, Says his Vinme is SHADR1CK ; nd thfU he was taKen frxm', Maryland, by losepivj vii!iams from Whom he Runawan m u -tate 01 .A'ana araa SI LAS- DAVIDSON, ; J Jailor. '' -6mo . 10 the Jail in Ash Wo;ortliCarolina, in r fi October 'akL a Nesrro rhani- a runaway, ahout S5 vf.ars of age: 5 fe-t! 8 or 9 inches hig-li v speaks . rather stovvlbas wide fore teeth and wide' tfpaft. hf calls his name jiKN. savslie :belonirs-:.to SMiUiam Arnold, f fA?ibam rand that helcpjnie from Isle! JWiihtnmiiitvj'V; last winter. V ; of - v STLAS DA VDSON, Jailor. , . Nov, . 1824.'-6mo;:7'' W,-1 "llnLT. be sold it the Courthouse of Hyde - IT -con .tv,; on? theilasttM11 of April jyl. or so much thereof as will pay the : '! axe i due thereon yer1823 i islcns."aljo!n- vwlth all accruing costs for the : 65 acres listed by C;iswe!1 injr Cason G'bbs and others 5l tQ bvMps. Wade, acijoin: -Jor and others;.' '-- vj 140 do TVich-w! Htries, adjoi ' tou Ciihbs and others. - J I1 bg Isaac T ay- ning Washing- : J .300' do Wriffht C. Stanly, a dloihlrisr J. '-"B. jasper. inn An rrnrrfv of Jno MAv'son's heirs,' adjoining Jnoi Eusly'shVrs an 1 the lake. a ; MarcriO, ! ! HMJY GIBRS, ShfT. I Just Publish etl, -V'-';' I Price 25 Cent's, I Ahd to be had at J. Gales & Son's Bookstore, : - and at the Bookstores in Newborn, Fay- ettevillei Vilmington and Hillsborough, k Corresnondence respectir g! two Publiea tions which japVear-M' in1 Raleig!i l?e gister iu the month cf DecenfibeiT, 1824," be t weerf PISH OP HA VENS' H Of F an i PTiO FESSOR MITCHELL. i ' j ' April 15.1 :' . ; :r t' " '' ' ; i- j -i " On the Cape-fear Ri verj be t ween 'Fay etreville and Wilmiftron. ; v TT is . .mili tention to recommence' the .7. Works for the Improvement of the Cape Fear .River between Fayettevijle and Wil mington as urly as the f-'ason will admit Any number of labourers who choose to ap ply will find immediate emploj'nent. , j;' .Owners of Negroes will do well to embrace this opportunity of engaging them in a work vhere; .the wages are iiDerai paid, the" provision are vl , bnndant, and every attention ana:-promptly 1 Jesome an.l a- will be paid to . tneir cleanliness ani neairn 1 r HAMILTON FULTON, i - .1 March 9. S9tf j v State Engineer. '' : " ' .' : .. r ; M . j ValaeftTi state In the Town of Nashviijpj .rarolina. THE Property of Gitleon PinprndeceaserL will be sold by virtue of a deed of trust executed to jne, for certain purposes therein mennonf-n, on x ne premises, 0111 i uesjay tne 2'2i day of. March next, one Lot of .Ground with the Improvements thereon, consisting of a new and well finished Dwelling House, 18 "by 32 feet, two stories Jiigh, a! Store! Housed and other Outhouses. Terms , of sale' will be cash ; but a note payable the 1st dayf No4 vember next, to carry interest frjom the date; will be received in lieu thereofj if reqnjd ftv the Purchaser; Possession erivehl on thel ,im January next. .,.. ;:' .41. ; ; L H. BLT3UNX, Trustee: XCashville. N. C. Feb. 26J : t 4 ,8-tds ; pr.adv.si 50 .. . ,., .. : (CjThe sale of the above .Property is post poned to Monday the 9th May next, at the Court. House, door in the Town of Nashville, when ant where it will posstively be sld. r:.;.:-;;. - : . , H. BLOUNT; Trustee. Authorised by Special At of Assembly, ' - ... - for the . benefit of j " (COLQEN FLEECE LODGENo. 74JX. C. - -SCHEME: Prize $3000 '2000' 1000 : ,500. .100 50 :i;S,. is ; ; !? :Js 13 $3000 - i' n V'.V i TO' 10). 1500 2000 2000 2500' 1000 ' 1000 1000 7500 . - -i 1639 Prizes, 2G61r Blanks $20,000 4U00 Tickets at 5 i$ $26,000: ' "Drawing to commence in1 Miltox, as. soon as a sufficient number of" ricketl shall have . been sold.-Supenntended; by the following Managers rfV-' vwP V T V:-nr'ul' ' r: , ALEXR. ' TIENDEKSON, JAMES RAINEYi " , ARCHIMEDES PONOnO, JOIIfTR. CLARK, - . THOM S . I STEVENS. . , SAMUEL WATKIN. . Orders for tickets, post paid, and enclosing tKe Casr,! will" fee thankfully, received and punctually attended to iby i the Tiasurer. iu Milton S.C.r - ' . 1 . ' "K Tickets Five Dollars each ;.TOkets toie ftad from .Agents J residing Jn the different towns, villages and public places , throughout he State. - 4 v - . r jv fr ' " " " JRy oxder'of the Managers ' 1 - v WUUP H-THOMAS. Traas'f. fn Jt inconvenient to jtlevote to tbatpur so larWa PortiocT ofVhisl timief ias is required iii the ptihlication of aiweekly.Joiirnal,1sJde si rou 3 of disposing of his establishment VM TheCftEaAw ITKi.iiOEWfcER hasnow been published nearly two years with success; and. lieve the public entertains the fullest con dence u its jpermanency-i,;ts-au vantages hoirt out -ffreat moucemenxs xo any person wishing to embark in a business ofv. this jnaH "r The establishment" contains an Excellent Press with an iron bed Ttks aufficient to print two " such papers as .the Intellierencer ah? to answer all the purposes of job work, (a great portion oi which are new,) all kinds of Fo RyiTtTRE,' and every thing necessary to render jt complete, v It has'also an extended and Steadily increasing Subscription List, and is b8rhlv encouraired witli Advertisino patronage. ' . '- . i '. Vvv . ". ' V "ji - The rapi progress of the town of Cheraw", together with the grt at advantages we have enumerated, renders it'well worthy the atten tion such persons asmaywish to purchase. It will be said, to an approved purchaser, on literal te rms, ami possession given at.the end of the present volume, which will be on the 27th of May Letters addressed to the subscriber, post paid, will receive prompt at tention J A MBS T CONOVEU.. Cheraw, C. April 1st,' 1825. 150 Notice to Journeymen Taylors. BHE Subscriber wishes to employ three or 1. ' fouir ifirst rate workmen to whom he-will P-ive constant emnlovment the remainder of this ye'arat good prices, and board them .low er than it cm be obtained elsewh.-re in the State.: - , ' JOHN 11. THOMAS. , Milton, Caswell co. N C, ,: ' ."J: THE subscriber has lately received a con siderable' accession to his former stock; and having made favorable purchases, he s en .bled to offer them as. cheap as they can be obtained - elsewhere. His business here- after. Will be for Cash exclusively. v : WM. II. HILL. Ra le-gh, Feb. 17, 1825- ' " - 3Jtt. . vY ew-a- otic ssMite jueraiure r "' Lottery. - . . e following itfe thqnumHers which were Th draw 20. l from the wheel oivthe 6th instant. 17. 42 378, 54, 56, 09, 25. Hqldt rs of Prizes are requested to come forward' and renew their Tickets at the Of fice cf - j . YATES & M'lNTYRE Raleigh. April 15, ; ' . .. i j ; ; -' x J,heSubaci'iberii elegant young Jlorse .--y '&sk V hambletonian, W&fiX a colt of the noted and fur 'fit mous ld SirArci,ie will NJV- Stand the present season, '.yhicb wiil end the 1st of Ju!v, ' at hU own Stable at v-Tradtr s H i ilin .i:hat ham county,, six niiles east of Pittsborough, where the Stage Road4 from Raleigh to Salisbury crosses the rpad fromIIilVjorough and Chapel Hill to FayetteviJe ; at 12 dollars the season, W:ich may he "discharged"- by the payment of luciQiis. it paui witnm vne ..season ; o ooiiars cash fin hand for a single leap ; those who pay the ittoney for k leap may take the sea son if they choose Lby paying the difference between the leap and the season. A class of sh mares being put and one (my-, choice) man. being responsible for the '- payment 'df the whole, a aiscount of the. price "of one mare will be given. Fifty cents to the Groom in all cases. Lots Well enclosed and well wa tered are provided for marcs that may be left withj the horse? and they will be fed with grain at a modei-ate price if required. Great carej will bp taken to. prevent, accidents of any jk'nd, and I will hold myself, liable for any 'that may occur by reason of the horse and also liable for escapes, ' but not liable for. any; other. Kind of accidents. ' Hambletonian is a beautiful dark dapple bavl ; will be four rears old this spri Off ; full 5fe-et 4 inches high, and whose symmetry of torm and majestic appearance entitle him to rank amongst the best horses in the United States. . ' vy ;'- '. ;')'. Hanibletooian'ti dam is a Targe well formed mare, and raised by Thomas Snipes, Esquire, of this county fmrii the choice blood of this State, viz. Jolly-Air, Fontinel, ' &c. j; ; tYom a few trials made in a private way I have ,no doubt but ;..'. young Hambletonian would distinguish' himself with great success oiv the turf, and under that belief I intend to put hini in training at the end of the season! sVs ; V ' ' "V ?"" ..'f'-V J W. BYNUM. ' :' Trades Hill, Chatham County, "f'v v'-March;19.: Is v,,v . 41 TO the jail in ' A $h borough, N. C. in Tlec. 1824, a Negro Man, as a Runaway, about five feet ten" inches high with a sore under his right eye ; has lost some of his teeth, Says his name is BARLEY, that he was sold by Thomas W illiams, son of Elias Bailess. f .f ; SILAS HAVlDSONi Jailor. Nov- 1824--6 mo : - i' StTac(l Nay ' ;;: J FROi the Subscriber a dark Sorrel Mare, with a white spot in her forehead, and her right hind foot white above her fetlock, iivd perhaps her left also ; she is 4 yers old tall, and of a long slini make. : She was n j;he 20th instant npar the line between Wake and Johnston, below Battle's bridge on the iiorth side of Neuse- River, r She was raised in Orange: 1 will suitably reward : any per son to take her up and convey her tomei or to inform me where she is. x ,WM. P. BTDDLK, ; Craven County. March 29, 1825, 433w "HJE Subscriber has opened a House 'bf I Entertainment for the r:cer;tion of travel lers and,others, at the Cross Rods in Frank lin county; immedialelv on the Stace road leading from Raleigh to Lewisburg,'22 miles from the" former and 9 miles from- the latter place- j He informs the public that hevwdl be prepared at all times to accommodate those may favor him, wjth their company.--' "-r ' S Franklin co. March 1st. 1825. , ' 376w. " B,Y J. GALES &. SON, A fresh .supply', of . VY A LDO'S nic'tionary Cottier JAte 1 Accbufitsfrbrmrtn'd -ft exciteti mucn apprenensioo 10 me sait ty of Mr. &j Mrs; Jadson and Dr Price tliK Baptist Missionaries at Jlva It is said they nrej iiuprinetl j ,,but , it :is hoped, that (. t heir being T known as Americans janj not subjects of Britain tfilh dissipate , the suspicions A under which; thev were coxriniiMcd to confine ment. ? Mr. a nd M rs.VWade'and Mrs Hoiigh, had cuttar--';"C i. tv ..'... . fled froirt . Ra goon t o Cal A war lias ra d fo r'sonie time- be tween the British troops and the natives of the Burmese empire. At A va, the King, who .favored the English', was murderedLinj hisv palace, jxy the agency of the Queen and her Brother, - and the same day th r - e heir ot the empire put them botI tq death. The whole, coast from Rangoon to the Eastward, wlien Capt- v Whitney sail edfrom Caleb t ta , Jiad submitted , to the British Arms, after great slaugh ter, continued for seven days, by land and by waterr In reading! these accounts,, we cannot bat wonder, how it is possible for a Foreign Company nf Merchants, to hold sucV a vast territory and popular tion insubjec ion. It comes not within state how this company our limits to obtained thiJ power, nor to consider the policy; of the government which supports it, . It was mentioned in our last Register, that Lord Palmers ton had nioved for an additional supply of 5,000 troops for the - Hast .India Com No part of the ha exhibits so extraordinary party' s servi bitable globe a state of things, and it appears almost impossible th jit si&ty millions of human beings shoultj be kept in the most ab ject submission, by half the number of thousands, kinder pay for the purpose, and who exercise over them a military despotism not to be paralleled. In those regions of the sun, nature is so prolific of ife, and so prodigal of the means of subsistence, that neither ava rice, nor am )ition have been able to exhaust the one, or destroy the other. Enlistment in the Company's service is always easily effected,; as' the premium is very high, and India s the Eldorado of adventurers for the accumulation of wealth there is so e.rcssuv, in some instances, ami so rapid, that all are i , . buoyed up with the hope, 'that some lucky chance may give them a share of it. How vain this hope-is, the debates in our last wijl evince 5 for, after twen ty years service in a burning clime, and subject to the vicissitudes of their profession, f w, very few return to say ".we are all that remain." Something neir. Instead of adding to the taxes ( f the people, wiiicb the British Barliament has been constantly in the habjt oF doing, in order to pay the interest o their enormous national debt, the Chancellor of the Exchequer is enabled this year, -from the late un usual productiveness of the revenue, jto" take off a little from some of the most obnoxious burthens laid on the laboring classes. For instance small houses are relieved from that; most odious tax -a tax on the light of Hea ven, ,by courting the. windows in a house and making its occupier pay ac cording to their number 5 small houses are alsd exempted from the' general house-tax ; the tax on the; small far mer's pleasure -carts is also taken pff j and, in order if possible to lessen the practice of smuggling, the duties on foreign wines arid spirits and coffee is reduced one-hal f. " And their indispen sable raw material Iron becoming scarce and dear, an invitation is held out for its importation from other' countries dv lowering the tiuty on loreign iron from seven pounds to thirty shillings a ton i "i .; GoTrbx A' letter from a. very res pectable'mercan'tile house in New-York, to the Editor of ihe American Farmer states that late accounts from '.India of the' almost', total failure of . the cotton crop was one .cause' of' the late extra .ordinary advance in price of that arti cle in England. . The writer of r this letter mentions also, .as another proba ble cause of4Jiis advance, bavins: seen a letter from a, Fi-erich Manufacturer, 1 w nt uau urcn igug ifi ine naoic 01 using tliat jthe this anil Joses at J easy 1 - per rcent;in inanujfec- tur1ne v5! or 6 6ercenti ofKvHicii is S3LTH1. , r. r -.- T.v; ; V ' W6 are " gni tifietl ' to .learrt, that the cbttafof tilts; State is preferredto any o th er of tli e like' staple in the portherrr markets, not only ofr accou njtOf itsr ap- and goou orqer-in, wnicn 1r.4s pa1eu.-7-r We trust tliat our cotton planters,! as it will be greatly to their own interest, as well as to the interest of our State, wi! I be careful ib maintain! ;this .hiah re ion. .-,The Milledgeville Jlecorder ysays if one of the gang of villains w io' have followed close ib Gen. Lafayette's rear," picking-pockets, where ver, ah oprirtu nity offered, was apprehended, a few days ago on the i borders of Alabama and brought back for trial, i Fte is an Englishman, who calls himself William Williams, and acknowledges be was aji accomplice in puriorning Majj. Smith's pocket-book in ,this placed containing S4,500 -a part of the money has been recovered from him.- The ; Superior Court for this codnty being in session, the culprit had no cause tb complain of a delay of justice He has been tried convicted, and sentenced to the Peni- tentlary for four year.." . 1 Virginia Elections, -It lis ascer- tained that Alfred H. Powell is' elected from the District lately represented by Mr. Williams.. Wm. S. Archer and Mark Alexander are also elected with out opposition, v It appears jprobable that Wm. Smith n.nd Jos.v Johnson, (though sharply opposed) will be "re elected.";'. Mr. Treivant is ete :ted in the District lately represented by Ar thur. Smith, Mr. Eppes declining to stand a further poll. Six mpmbers from Virginia declined a re-election : and of the remaining sixteen, nine have had no opposition. j - Oliver Wolcott has been re-elected Governor of Connecticut, witli out se rious opposition. " .: . A few days ago a IJlid of Tobacco was sold, at one of the" private ware houses in Richmond, at.public auction, which brought the astonishing; price of 819 25 per 100 lbs. It was raised in the county of Campbell,, and sold at Lynchburg fot S6.- This Hhd. weigh ed only 1100 lbs. -'and -produced to its last owner 211 dollars 75 cents The present purchaser is a manufacturer. It is'very much resembling the Alary-: land, Kitefoot, and we scarcely deem it necessary to add was of -the most ex traprdiiiary quality. Indeed w heard a dealer say, that he did not believe there was such another Hhd., Jin the state of Virginia. Our friends, the Planters, are therefore not, to take this singular price as a sample of tlje cur rent run of the articl e. -Enqu ire r. he ship Jupiter,' CapL David Les 1 lie,-just arrived at New-York,' after sailing from New-York in June, 1822, visited several of the principal ports on the east side of. South America, then doubled Cape Horn, 'coasted along the Western shore ot bouth America stop ping" at a number of ports, arid 1 pro ceeded up the Gulf of California as far as civilization or commerce extended. Capt. L. afterwards crossed the Paci fic Ocean "Several times, leach time by a ; different, route, and returned j home by the Cape of Good Hope, so circum navigating the earth. He has deter mined the position ofseveral Islands not del iniated on any of our charts -Corrected the position of some, abd as certained the non-existence of others. Though absent nearly three years, he has scarcely had a man sick during the voyage, has losbut one man, (Henry Stewart, or Aberdeen.) ;lw ho was de voured by wild beasts in the Gulf of California, i ''' ';.U-'':j(.r 4 A Pirtttei. -A. letter, from St: Thomas, dat ed March 23d, to a gentleman in-Norfolk, says- 'i'here is a gailowa erecting here for the execution bf six pirates, takenby ;the U. Slates'" Schooner. Grampus, Lieut. CJom'dt, Sloat, and .4 number of others who are ex pected fromvPorto Rico Lieut. S. (having gone down there this morning.aftcr tuera.' 1 Latest rem Si. HTAorha. The Schooner Eltiza Jane.' .Pierson, 14 days from 'SI. Tho mas, bound to Frederiefcsburg;" came ln fr'om eai on Friday,- ntl proceeded ti p the By; Captain Seaward, late of the Schooner MaryV sold at St. Thomas, came passengerj who cor roborates he. accounts recently published, of tne capture or a piraucu sioop ana ner crew, (eight, or ten -in number, .who are in jail at St. Thomas,) by the Schoonei Define, Lieut. Pendergrast, of the' United States Schooner Grampus, vlhe same piratical s oop 'chased the, Maiy on her outward passage, The Ma ry had a boisterous passage', out, and receiv ed considerable, damage in the. gale of the J21st and 22nd -January last. The j United States r Schooner, r Grampus, Lieut. Com. Sloat, sailed from 4St, Thomas 22nd ult. on a cTtt1se,t all welh - " r , ', L: A Jetr r from Cadi?:, of March 2tfi to a iierl. ucuiiiii 11; v'cw : iufi, n-;gaysM inc. new French General. ii.f Jilcdy And.. I, think we lkre , to havechanges in Spain' sobn stnd for lu3 betterK;vv-:;r;v'c--j.'f f .. t ' ,' " ? One of the last letters from Cadi,T yeceir in Jndon-sayji -hejreTicti General has -at Terig"determihed to:ct virouslvv: and to pat ja stop to - the jiutchery which" has so long ; beep going jont bf perstms in.insoned for opinion. i-ast weelc z iBpanish escprf was' " stopped by a-'French patrole, as it ' was con ducting, the Exdl eputy Antelloi and t .vo-of his e)lTTagues, from prison, on iheir way to -Madrid for irhlf the. French "Gener VI bavin giving orders that no person shopld be taken from prison without his authority. 1 - Caraccas papers to .March. 36,' contain iriC teltgence front " 3ogota thaf the French Go vernment ;jiid proposed to Bolivar to ejtar'- hlish a monarchy jn Columbia, . and place the - crownon ins own neu.: jioavi r inainanuy 'declined the overture,, and apr-hed for leave hhnself out of the way bfbem feruptetl with these intrigues."' liut his presence at home, . is deemed essential, and his government will. . not permit his retirement. . . The Legislature of NewYork ha passed '"ab .act-apprbprhitingS50,00t ibr m&ktnga Great State Road; I v , ' ' Ida TUE 'REGISTER . ' MAIL fGETtmPTIONl Gentlemen.: In. . "charity ito. peiVoijS 1 ea ving C harles ton for the north;. 1 beg you toniake Known ' the fact-,, that the ' line of mail stages through GeoiYtovu is at present discontinued from God-., ftey's ferry, to Fayettevilie, a tlistancii?' of one hundred miles. ; Thai the agent. at Jhe stage ofiice in Ciarleston should sufter gentlemen to take seats 011 that route, without apprising them of this interruption, argues not merely a want of moral integrity; but of. hu ihani t . For men, urged . by necessity and pre- sed for tinier thus to be. deserted; and made to shift -for themselves, at a" wretched innV and in a lonely :r.gi6nf i nb-lrtfling evil.. ":: .." L: ,;-' ' "" The conveyance of themaiU haying been taken from the former 'contractors' and given to other hands, the He w: con tractor have not had time to establisli their mail stages from Godfrey's ferry to Fa'jettevilleV but send the mail. by u one horse conveyance. I'll do not iindef stand that any blame is attached to tlib hew contractors, who are said to be en terprising and faithful men ; out that the proprietors of the Stages neast V Charleston, should thus -"lead "III en''. in to difficulty is shameful I left Charles ton on the 12th iiist, and have riot been able to reach this city Until last nights ' - - A STRANGER. : , Raleigh, 19th April, 1825. -t ;'"'' fOR Tit E REGISTER '".' !' "v - - ' .--.,-(. ' . ; ' " ' : ' , . j Messrs. Gales . - - I . On reading the last , Report, of thi? African Colonization Society, I saw tlie Ral eigh 'Au xifiary- Society; noticed " auj being still in 1 existence. Although";! 4 am a meml.er of that Society, noLhav- ihg heard of it for years, I supposed ie was. defunct 5 but I hope MM ouly a sleep, and that spirited ; exertions' will be made to renovate it - PHlLO. LATEST FROM EUROPE, j : On Thursdayt'the packet ship Hoit Quixotte,' Clark, arrived at New York from Havre. - By this arrival, Paris pa pers were fee eived, to the. 14th March, ahd .Ifavre to the I5th, both inclusive.' On Saturday 'morning, the ' packet ships Pacific, Maxwell: and Leeds Stoddard, arrived at the same port, from Liverpool, -whence both sailed oil the 16th of Marchv .By the?? arrivals were received files of London papers, to the evening of ths14tK. In England, the Catholic A sociaf ion Kill had been - relad a thinl time and passed' in the House of Lord sr" ' . - There is little other- news 'of Import tance, except what follows on the state of the markets and a ru mo r of pending negociation between. Great-Britain and Russia and the Greeks, having in viewr. the freedom of the latter from tne Turk ish dominion; . V, : -' : MARKETS." ,?f. ' .j " IIaveb, Mxbch 15; Since : we addressutl you on the 1st, our market has been very av tive, ana me rise on most articles ot product has far surpassed expectation.. Our total sales of Cottons, of all sorts, since the 1st, have been. 13,621 Oales, comprising 8,bl . bales of ' American viz. 5, 599 -Uplands, at' 27 to 34 1 2,598 Louisiana, 31 to ;18, andUSjf '$ea Islands, 55 to 65. V e now quote Upland at 34 to 36 ; Orleans, 36 to 38--. ven Tennes-1 sees to arrive have obtained the last pricey The principal stock is in the hand of thtr linglish speculators. ; ' 'V' 1 r " JLzvraroo! Ma&ch iSEvenirtg The sales of cotton during the last three days av mounted to -20.583 bales of all sorts, vizi 5070 American 1 5163 Bnzils i: 150 Cubas and 10200 Egyptian. The Americans con aisted of 4426 , Uplands, ut from 11 7-8 to 15d j 226 Orleans, 13 y to lSd li Tennes see; 12$ to 14d ; 180 white Sta IsUnd, 2s 3i to 2s 9d 55 do. stained, 16 to I6jd. ; v We had a ve-ry good demand On Salurday, but during the last two days the-bu-sinessJu been weighty and in large lots. Prices r$ main nominally the same, but there is much, better feeling in the: xrinrket than tlure wa a few days ago.-,- Three fourths of the abov business,, at least, has : been on speculutio. f Ttere is not much doing in .other articles of American produce. - ' 1 - Price of Cotton aUPetersburjf Va! frota 20 to 23 cecu. " v - -; : v ' ; - ','.- ' i -! i - ! i i i J- r 4. -a t

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