f r f- : -"' ' f . -is .: : i v. : , I" 1 .' m 4 : r jv. llTtf ?, - i'' a:cfr'..j v.. ! ': f 1 , i 'Hi.-'h, . I 4., I .. v' . . :i !' ?.'' v t :v ' r i ',!;? ',!'-..! 1-7- :'-' " -' ' iTi 'i;'4 'i A.fcREElCMEbV. O J where is now that nomc .jjuwi i -A,t that scuil subreme, - : " ..".i 1-1 -I r;'J Which swell'd toWteld the classic IamJ V here where that eye, : wbicu wa?iuc f '- . it-ri.J' n.nK ,Aue ruue-.oaroanan uiuu u v"""r. .., y And darkness rules tue piaiu. , ? ; .v-V: A II. The light, which O'er the warrior's broWJ V ;T'ie orb of Freedom cast - rThe word, which bore yhe hero's ow ? ; The light -theVord are past I it- t IrCo nSarhle bids' the r wand'rer paxise;' i K :ihe wAnd'rer's tear to glide, V rW?; '4f Here, here we fought for parta's laws, -And here for Sparta died J. . ; TTTf Tho round that baimt oppression low'rs, ' -yti J-:o darkness shroudstheir name" V Xut fnncy fonns, in loveliest bow Sy vl riwTheirCenetaph of fame fX&'&P- herehern 'twould know but shadow's :V.-uglponv-v a vfi fi '.i -v And the winter's stormv skies - "XVhile fancy pturs her brightest bloonv: i - And breathcaher holiest sighs ; Vet, once ag-ian, -a nnble. band;si-t! ,Ag' a soul supreme,".-. , "-' ; fTwasswellM to shield the classiciand, , fV L Ami has fir'd in glory beam ! i?i 3opn valor's eye shall chase the gloom ' His arm slnll break the chain , ' No rude barbarian blot their tomb, i i s-. No darkness rule the plain: v - 4V - .'. : V-: ' v,,,.-. -I v,- V---": lleroed ! As in your glowing days, ' ' High songs of freedom swell i 7 Art shall again your altar raise, , . : ; f Aiil your story tell ! ; ' Again the wanderer shall pause, ' -: . And ajrain tm tear shall elide.-. . :t" Herehere we fought for Sparta's laws, Warren, : r , " " v , ' .' T' - A splendid . rnanument which has long since yielded to .the ravages . of. time, was erected to. their memory, having the epitaph inscribed--, Go traveller, tell at Spaata we died here in obedience to her laws." ' 's - - C ear av igutvon UUSUANT tiJ ;'a resolution of the Stock M7': holders at their annual meeeting; A. D. 1823 Notice is hereby! jnven, that the next Annual. MceMn?: of the Stockholders of the EO:pd-Fear Nav; Tition, (Company will be hol ;deri at the Town-House in Fayetteville, pu ttViday the 3d day of June next ; at which ptini ; the presence of th-- proprietors, or their I'represf-ntatives, "is requested. 34 ROBERT STRANGE, President. fayetteville, April 25. ' . 52tm CowvmitteiV. f fFt(X the Jail in Ashboro North-Carolina, in JL October last, a Nvgrp man, a a runaway, about 35 vears cf aire t S feet 8 or 9 inches fciffh s speaks rather glow,- has , wide" fore teeth and wide .apart, 4 ,Vho calls his name BfcN,,sas. he belon-rs to William Arnold, of AU!am:i, and thit Hie came from Isle of Wight County, Va. last winter. v , SILAS DAVIDSON, Jailor. Nov. X824.--6mar. '. - - : V . lAtw! will be published early in the .Summer, i ' '.--.5 K !-. ' Tlceris ter if Debates in Congress, y ": ' i-v; ; Volume I, r--; Comprising the leading Debates & Incidents I The 2d Session of tlic 18th Together with an AlPE.piX, containing ' the mosfiinportant, State7Papers & 'Public ' Documents, to winch the session has given To be printed on a Super Roval Paper, Koc . trfvoibrnij IJrevier Type,', double columns , lf? -lormuig a i;trge ana ana ampie volume. CTj" Price, stitch qd in ' !bluW paper, 3 dollars. -Subscriptions received it the" Office of - the National Intelligencer, and also at the Jiookstor e of J. Gals & Son, Ral ei gli "TIIERS ONS wlio have been disappointed in JL Hbeir applications'for 'Almanacks,1 f or the present year, maynbw;besupplied at J; Gales and Son's Stor6, liavmff received a lew in re tuivfrom the 'Country. BliifcLIANTiSGHEMES ! ! TOR THE BfeNEFIT OF THE OXFORD T?1RST HiA ss: r- - ." i To be dra-icn at: Raleigh? the 22 J o" hx? ctotzJA Jime ) and completed m ajeto Jliinviesl J; 11. VA'.l'ES Sc A.M'INTY UE, Mj&1is. Slo,ooorv io;ooo .i 6.000 4,000 SiOOO 3.000 . 2,000 1,538 6,000 -3,t300 ; 1,200 3 1,000, sool 156 24 ig 3,744 r!1t) 3,744 mm ,8 7,S0O ,r y si I oi.uu 8,7C0 Piitcs i - S7?,17Q .4 aorabtnation and permutafioa bf 30lUTribei;s. To determine the prizes' therein, theoO num. he hnbliclv blaced into a" wheel on K rlfltr of t the drawing and 4 iOf Uhem pe drawn out; -nd that ticket havlngonit the whicbrawnwitl be, entitled to the prize of 10,000 dolls, j and those five other, uciceis uhir-lY hk)1 hvc nn them the same Nos. in the; following order; shall (be entitled to the prizes: afUxed to them; respectively, vtAi t The 1st, 3d.and 2d to t),uuu 2d, island 3d to 4,000 ' V2d, Sd and Ist'to 3,000 3d,' and 2d to 2,000 v r. '3d: 2dand 1st tov 1,538 M Those six other tickets which shall have rri hm thv&ti of tlie drawn Nos. and those ihrVe' the 1st. 2d and 4tfiV in one' of their se vera! p'rtfers-of combination r permutation, will each be. entitled to a prize of 1,0UQ dolls. -l: nL . 1 ' .l.l...i:.l.t. ink!tl oKrtlt lllV All x nose, six ouicriiuMia;wmwi on- them throe of the drawn Nos.s and thos three the 4st, 3d and 4th, in s6me one1 of their pe veral orders of combination or . permutation, will each be entitled to a prize of 500 dollars. C Those six other tickets which shall have on them three of the drawn Nos, and those three K irl anfl4lli. in some one Vof their or- ders, will each be entitled to a prize ot yu v' - - W 1 . . . ,. dollars.. . t -r.-- ; 1 J'-V:x l " s :i( Those 156 tickets which shall have on them wo of the lrawu Nos. and those two ;the-3cl and 4th. will each, be entitled to a prize of 24 dollars; ' . ' Pl: s;v,,i;-:,.: 512 tickets which shall have on tnem two of the drawn Nos. and those two the 2d and 3d. or 2d and 4th, will each be ' enUUed to a nrize of 12 dollars. All otliers, being 468 having on them two Ot the drawn r os. wui eacu oc.emjueu .wa nrize of 8 dollars. ""'"'.'' . ii i - ?ii a And all those 7,800 tickets, having on them bat oneof the drawn Nos. will each be en titled to a prize of 4 dollars. i No ticket which shall, have drawn a prize of a sunerior doiomination, tan" be entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes p iyabU30 days after the drawing, and$ubject to the usual deduction of 15 per cent. - - l - YATES SrJsrijrrrRE Have opened a Lottery office iir Kakxoh, and offer for sale Tickets in the above scheme. Whole Tickets, - 4 Half ditto, - - -. - t . - 2 Quarter do. - r r . . - 1 Packages of ten tickets, embracing the 30 NumboT3 of the ICTiery, which musj ot ne cessity draw at least $13 60nett, with soma ny chances for capitals ; or shares of packa ges may be had at the same rate - PRIZES!!- c 3 In the Quantico Canal Lottery, oj Virginia.; : . - SIXTH CLASS. '' To be drawn S tli Juiie. Dollsl 10,000 ' f 4,000 '' 6,000 3,000, &c. Tickets at 4 dolls Shares in proportion. JiVota CauaV XiOttery. SEyENJEENTH CLASSNew Senesl Will be diwn on the 6th of July next, and i- and completed in One Drawing i , Sixty numbers -Eight Ballots to be drascn. J. B YATES & A. M'INTYKE, Managers. 1 Prize of 5O,U0J is . $50,000 20,OU) 10,000 10,000 4,720 20,CK0 -15,000 '5,200 7,800 249,60 106,030 l l 2 '. 1 i -20' 30 52 , 156 1,443 10,603 of do do do do do do do do do 20,000 is 10,000 is 5,000 is 4,720 is r i,uuu is 500 is 100 is -50 20 : io is is is 12,120 Prizes, 134,220,' 5 $273,760 "22,100 Blanks, Whole Tickets S9 Half j , 4 " '.. Quarters K' l. 2 v ... Eidiths ' . 1 50 25 12 New- York State r Literature -: Lottery ?l - Class No. I. for 1825. : J.i B. rATES &. A . M'INTYRE; Manager. lo be completed in one drawing on the 20th ; ot July next; -r.- V "CO numbers 9 ballots to be drawn. SCHEME. , ' i - 1 Prize' of $30,000 is $30,000 , 1 ; . - a i ; l 20 30. .y:' 30 1., of 15,000 is 15,000 of r il0)0O is 10,000 of 5,737 is 5,737 1,000: is 20,000 1500 :is 15,000 ; 200 b .6,000 j 100 is 5,100 50is 2,550 V 2?; is 8,148; of of of : of Of i of 51 i .51 1734 11,475 of 11 is 126,225 : $273,700 13,395, prizes 20,825 Blanks 34,220 Tickets. 4 '"' AVhole tickets S9" f v : Halves 21,4 50, Quarters Kighths 3 h$$t: 2 25 '1 12 -'QC-'TickeU in all of the above schemes will advance uv price very soon, adventurers Would do well m applying soon, as the sales havVheen very rapid; there'- u ilP be fe w if any remaining Unsold oh the 'day .of drawing. . Prizes in any 'of the Lotteries of New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, THaryland and Vir gih'ia, will be received in payment. -T t iThe plan of Lottery by combination of of Nos. simply,' as well as by combination 'and permutation of numbers, has' been used by th e su bscribers in Ne wYork V . P ennsy 1 si hia, New-J ersey, Maryland aid Virginia, foj some time with great success.4 AVthe plan is now, however, for the first time introduced Into North-Carolihaj it may not be understood ana tney tnevetorerespecttiilly invite alt such as dfcsire an explanation of the principles of the system, to apply, at" their o'fiee,- where TATE'S, & M?INTYtlEv . , Ilaleiffh, rO. i evFrX,V0.ruo v"1 De cneertully given, either by -wie of themselves, or their Agent, il4CUUPLAlNE.:4:,:fr ; TCy tH APAfrttipWf in Uny f the above 1m A?" : i Vt&"lh&7ir9npt attention, ifa& i,! May 19; 1825,- s , .' tTO S A tE?a tbmpleterse V-to bore of ID fc sixfierent iizes froror2 tv 6" indies ip diameten- witlt a socitei to nt mewnoic io a single, bar, together with an upper and low. tr. pump-box, to use as moaeis-tne ,wnoe perfectly new, and made in Philadelphia, by the first workmen in that line:: : The price js sixty-five dollars. Any instruction which maybe required respecting their use,: can. be obtained from the Gentleman who owihera. For f uriKer particulars apply to the Editors. ' April 23. ; - -V J -: r ... -- OTHHE following are' tho mimbers whicji . 41 1 were drawn from the wheel of the .Uni on Canal I lottery 1 6 Class onK the X 1th instv 4f5 231 a0;-22;4046, ?24,?48. H K Holders of prizes in the above Lottery and adventurers generally would do well tq come forward before ills too late and. renew their tickets or obtain a chance in one of the; . r- BfllLLfAN 1 SCHEMES; Now oh sa e, at the Office of " I - YATES & MclNTYRE,' - ' -K'J'.. ?; ; J ; ItALEIGfl. : Raleigh J . May 1 6, 182557 J GALES ;Sc SON3aVe-just repelved from the North, the v following .. uev yGow on4the Law of Partnership ' , ' i M ontague on the Law of L1en ; - M . Powell on Devises, a new American edition VWheatop's Keports; Vols 8 & 9. S v Paris'a Pharmacolojjia, 2 vpls. : Chapman's Therapeutics -IT. Kwell's Family Physician Mdam Cam pan V Journal ' "Private Correspondence of Ld. Byron : Byron's Works complete Qoslington Shadow, a Romance of the 19th Century, 2 vols, ' 'Rothelan, a Romance ofthe English Histo. ties, by the author of Annals of tlie Parish, 2 volumes! . . - ' -,.-, .r- T The Refugee, a Romance, 2 vols. , t MCreery's Selection from tlie ancient Mu sic' of Ireland, arranged for the Flute or Vio lin, adapted to American Poetry t A supply of School Books, and x i Morocco Paper,i of different colors, for Ladies' work. '. . ( , Ruleigh, May 9, 1825. , ' t Niivy Oomriiissi&iier's Office, . 5th Jfau. 1825. s EALED Proposals will be received bv the "Commissioners ofthe N ivy, until the l&t day of July next, for the supply of 3000 Barrels if Hcef, and ' 3000 Barrels of Pork. ; One thousand bari els of beef, and one thou sand barrels of pork, to be elivered at each of the Navy-Yards, at: Charlestown, Massa chusetts; Brooklyn,' New-York, aud Gosport, Virginia, ..y the Srst day of May, 1826. . The said beef and pork shall be of tlie best and most approved quality. Of the beef, all the legs, leg roun ls, necks, am! clods, shall be excluded, and the rest of the body of the animal shall be cut into pieces of ten pounds each,: as near as may b.e,vso that twenty pie ces will make a barrel of two hundred pounds net weight' of beef. Of the pork which must be iorn-fed, nd well fitted all the skulis, feet, and hind legs, entire, shall be excluded, and the remainder of the hog, in cluding not more thanthree shoulders to each bunel, shall be cut into pieces of eight pounds, as near as m .y be, so that twenty five pieces will make a barrel of two hundred pounds net weight of pork. V " The whole ofthe said beef ami pork to be packed with the best clean coarse white TurkVIsIand, Isle of Mav, or . t. Ubes salt, with a sufficient cjuntity of the best salt-pe-tre. The barrels in which the beef and pork shall be packed, must be ma:!e of the oest seasoned white oak or white ash, and fully hooped, and must be branded " Navy Beef" and Njivy Pork," with the contractor's name, and the year when packed. - ' ThcVhole of the said beef and pork must undergo tlie inspection of the Navy-Yards where the deliveries are to be made, r such other inspection as the Commissioners or the Navy may direct ; and when delivered,' shall be in perfect shipping order. . r Each proposal for furn;shipg the beef and pork, must be accompanied by letters from twov competent'persons, ; stating their readi ness to become security, in bond, , for one half of the amount of tlie contract, condition ed ibr the, faiUiful performance of, the con tract.; . , V'"'V . , .v ... . No attention will be paid to offers not cor responding with, the terms i required by this advertisement. '-;'VNr ',-c:-::. :-',' Proposals to be endorsed" Offers to fur' nish suit provisions." : 58 4w PlflJDELPlflA, March 10, 1825. OrpHRubscribeiKi' nave- this 'day entered :JL . into Partnership under p the .Firm of TO WAR Sc H3GAN, r to carry v on the Book selling Busi ness,.asH successors - to ; tlie ? late David JJoganr at tlie Old Stand, : Koi 255, Market Street, , between, Sixth and Seventh Streets, nearly- opposite the lied Lion Hotels yii h ere they ; solicit a continuance of custom, which will be punctually attended toi V ALEXANDER TO WAR, ; t : ': "JAM ES MOGAN, jr.s'";; ? :' Keep constantly" on hand a gerieral assort ment of ; Miscellaneous, Law, ; M edical, and Theological Books, and also all the School Books and Stationery in general use," such as Walker's and Johnson's Dictionary, Pike's Bennei t's, Smiley's,,Jaudons and DabolPs Arit h m etics ; V ebste r's, Comly's, ' and Dil wOrthTs Spelling Book ; Watts' Psalms and Hymns Prayer Books ; Dobell's & Rippon's Hymns, Methodist Hymns j Family, Pocketl and School Bibles Testaments y Murray's j Grammar; English- Iveaders ; Sequels 'and tick's Latin Dictionaries ; , Greek and t. Latin Grammars; SchrevelH'sGreek Lexicon ; Citerb';1 fCesar i Hbraee ( Virgil;: and the Greek and Latin SchoolBooks generally ; Blank Books ; Foolscap aind Letter Paper ; Quills,. Slates ; Lead Pencils, &c. &c 1hliscellanebusoiders, and orders for 'pro fessibnaM Libraries nn' Medicine',' Law- and Divinity, J filled at the lowest prices, for cash bjr city "acceptances,- V 50:;: Introduction ; Comly's and Jaudon's Gram mars : jauuon s n.xoosiior : vt aitter s lartre Dictionary' t AinsWorth's," Youna'-i and - En TH E-- Subscriber 'lias ou hand and offers 1 iwr s:ue, otiarreJST oip tteurs ow.vppte jc reach' Btandy,-by the barrel or Wlail; V WP$$:X iim E U WARD- RIGSBE. Sleigh,, MayiK-v Cfh 58St ; 'Varrehton Female Academy. . ' THE; 1st Session will end by an Examina tion on the 15th of June, viiich the public ara requested o. attend.- The. 2d Session will begin on ijonday, June 20th'.'- 'Terms as heretofore. , , , , U .. J. PLUNKETT. " , May 20; C ' . - ' . 5it.IelO i ND entered as a Stray by -William' By ars, fix. a brown colored Marc,' with the left eye injured; , 11 or. 12 years r oldi some ' saddle spots on her baclc and a f ew gray hairs onlier left cheek ; valued io 55 dollars. The taker ,up liyes qn the l.edge of Rpck Creek in Gran ville county, 14 miles from Oxford: M' r May eiUP'Hr 58 3t 5 M - Just Published, - l:A:. ; 1 ' v Price 25' Cents, : . ; : And to be had at J. Gales & Son's Bookstore, ; and at the Bookstores in Newbern, Fay- etteville -WUmingto'n and Hillsborough, A Correspondence respecting two Publica tions which appeai vfil iii the Raleigh Re gister in the month of December,' 1824, be tween BISHOP ItAVENSCUOFT and PRO JTESSOR MI TCHELL. ; April 15. i A3 ommittud :v fllO the Jail in Ashboro', N. C. in Octobe, JL 1 ;st, a Negro Man, usa Runaway , about 27 or 30 years of age ; about 5i feet 10 inches high ; has lost some ot hi upper teeth y as a small scar , anove his right eye. Says his name is SH A URIC K ; and that he was takt n from. Mar) land, by Joseph WilIiams,froin whom he Uunawavi in the State of Alabama SILAS DAVIDSON, Jailor, i "Nov. 1824.6mo ? y- - M---"rl 'r-; " :v' f AVING settled himself in Raleigh ofle JLJL his Professional Services to the Citizens thereof, to the Inhabitants of Wake, ahd the adjoining Counties. ' ' , ; ; Or. H. can be found at his Office the first door below the btore of J. it W. Peace, or at tlie resilience of Sherwood Haywood, Esq. . : May 4. ' t.. . ' ' 54. . 't ... - ITillE Subscriber oilers for sale" his tract of JL land lyinErjiiile miles below the own of Halifax, contai iinjr twelve hundred and eigh ty -seven acres, witJi a good ti o-sory dwelhng house, "and convenient 5 out5 houses Also, one, other, tract adjoining,, containing four hundred and twenty-nine acres. 1 he above tracts of land will be sold separately or to- erether, so as to suit purchasers! i he sub scriber iieeim it -unnecessary to say more of his land, as it is presumed, no person would purchase without viewing the premlces. . : JOHN BURGES. April 30th, 1825. ' - 53-lm fglO the Jail of Germanton, Stokes county, JL N. C. in Novt-.moer last, a Negro Woman who says her name.is ELIZA, and that she belongs to John Newman of King. Wiliiam county, Virginia. She. w;is pregnant 'when committed and hasx since had a child. The owner is requested to cbtne forward, prove pfoperty, pay charges and take her away, or she will 6c dealt with As.the law directs.' JE3bE BAXNEit, J;.iloi. April 30. ' " ,', . '55 THE subscriber has lately received a cbn " siderable accession tt his former stoc k, arul having made favorable purchases,' he is ovtblcd to offer thema3 cheap as they can be obtained elsewhere. His business here after, will be for CasA exclusively. s WM. H, HILL. , " Raleigh, Feb. 17, 1825- 33-tf. University of North- Carolina. raHE Public Anniversary Examination of JL the Students of the University of North Carohna, will be held at Chapel Hill on Wed nesday, the 1st June next, and continue from day to .Ly, untiL Thursday! the 9th of that month, on which last mentioned day the Annual Commencement of tlie" College will take place. . : - '" - - a ' : -,-; ' T7he ; following- Trustees, composmff the Committee of Visitation, for; A. D. 1825, will attend viz: . ' j His Exc'y. H. G. Burton, Presto eaq officio. Rev. Dr, Joseph Caldwell, ?; -' : John B. Baker, Edward Jones, Thos. D. Bennehan, William Martin, ''1 Thos. Brown, Arch'd. MBride, Wilam Miller, " W.Jlie P. Mantfumi Arch'd R. RufHn, Rich'd D. Spaignt, Bartlett: Yancey. , John H. Bryan, Duncan Camerom, John Haywood, John D. Hawkins, Atlas Jones, All other Trustees -who may-attend," will-be considered Members of this Committeej and their attendance is solicited individually by an Ordinance of the Board, i , ; 7 - CH AS." MANLY, Sec'yJ v Raleigh, 26th April; 1825.- I Stafe of North-Carolina. "'; .' iH t Bertie County. , .'v - r : Court of Equity March Term, 1825. jvmos itayner, complainant. - ! "' and ' f :' Nottingham Monksi Administrator,' V anu oiuers, aeienuan.es, , .r i IN this case, it appealing to the Court that ; S trah on Monk; one of tlie defendants in this suit; is not a resident of this State ; . it i " ordered, that publication be made in the 'Ra leigh Register for three months, admonishing the said Strahon Monk to annear at the' jiext term of this Court, to.be held in the town of I Windsor, on the third Monday of September next, ana plead, answer or dernyr to irus pin, or. judgment; pro confesso will be " entered, and the cause set for hearing'exparte as to him: - Test. ' : : r ; - --.V CHAS. W. JACOCKSC. M E, t March 30,1825v 58.3m . TO'the Jail in Ashboroiigh N C. irt Decu r 1824, a Negro Man, as a Rui.away, about five feet ten inches-high witK 'a sore under his right fcye ; has lost some 'of; his teeth,1; Says his name is BARLEY that; he was sold by Thomas W illiams, son of Ejias-Bailess. . -' ,: i . . . ..SILAS D AVI D30Na Jailor.: . Ncv. 18246 mo. f . . - ' . .... T . . (' ,i :' .i' i. . .. 4J ..;"...' ji I best.stands in 4he Cityi r - f pplyiBond, crthe premises j i For Sarerat JpQales feSoS c . t-oolistore'1;'' -4 ' ' - h 1JKV1EW of theermon pread edbi "c mic oocieiy.oi JNorth-Ca wu aunuav Church, at Hillsborough. JHtlE supscTiHer having at the last Felvu .I y t erra of the Court of Pleas and Qua. ier ocaaiwijs, lor -uiejcouniy, ot -Wake, ou tiedas Executrix of the last will and tV testa-. menx or xne tate Moses Mordecai lie: notifies all persons having claims a"giiust hereb..- saif scribed hy lawVto George Mordecai, or thev vill be barred of recovery and all those debted,;to said' estaty to" make immedia payment to him, he being' authorized to sVtT tie said estate,' " . , - i ' 'y.-" -j :'. iNN W. MORDECAI, Eiiecgtrit - Raleigli March 23d, 1825. v 42-2m ;OlSSHENpERSON wislnnT to close her a7A - Business in Raleigh;"') ofre.r3for s;ile, at the original cost, ah elegant Assortment of 'Mffinery and Ftmcy' Gaos ;ro any Jy wl.o. wisbes to establish hrrielf an; thes branches, this "would be ai adv antageous or porUmity. fThe ltoonii Mis ii.- iiow occl pies as. a store, ccc.rmignt be re atcd, and it j allouvd tobe one of tlver best sir? itiuns in th City, for such a BusmesT those who acquaintea , witii. Kaleigh, nothing need b ?id, in respect to its superior ad vantages to strangrs it, Vhay he : acide(Lth.tt it isa pie sant, he Jtaysituatipnyaiid as the seat cf Ga vei nment, is the resort of? fashionable trau -gers. ,c ; 2; USMwS:, I ::: ;: v: X "; i- itaieign, April vth. . ; . , 52-if TRESURY DEPARTMENT, j 1 2y,h AprJ, 182JJ entitled Ah act authorising a lonn for a sur not : exceeding eleven . millions of dollars,' approved i On the- fourteenth day of March; one thousand eiht hundred and twelve,, ib- 6iu- wii mc jiucrcM vuert tmetlnereon will be paid to the proprietors of said stock or to their" attorneys duiy autlibrzed,' at the Treaptrfy ofthe uiu:ed States, in Washing ton, and jt the sereral Lbsm Offices, onthf- bO -'ks of which any p ortion of said stock 'mii A surrr'ender of the Certificates of said Stock will be re quired - at th e time cf pat merit, and the interest on said stock will : cease from and after the thirtieth day of Sep tember next. V - : -r - f '.. ; SAMli L. SOUTHARD, ! ,. ' - Acting Secretary of the Treasuriv . Navy, Com.missioers OrncBji i -. . 1 . , 9tli March, 1825. ! rN' HE Commissioners of . he Navy , will reN! A. cei ve Sealed Prop a?s, r until 3 o'clock, I P; Mof the 31st May; next, for the following LiveCOak t'inber, viz . Uk'lKi V i For one completed frame, Vtol be" cut! to mouHs, for a sloop of wari and for -500 cubic feet of proiniscuous timber ; : to be deliyered at the Navy-Yird near Portsmouthi " JSTJII. r j For two , CJimDl ue frames- to be . cut tii moulds, for sloops of 'war, and 8500 cubid feet of promiscuous timber ; to bodelivefedi at the Iavy-Yaid, CrlestoxTt Jlfass.i . ! For one complete frame, cut to .mouldsr for a sloop of war;" and 8500 cubic feet of pron liscuovis tim -er i to be delivered at the Navy-Yani, - Brooklyn; JiM. r. V. ; ' ; ' , For one- complete frame; cut to-moulds'. for a sloop of war, and for 500 cubic feet ot" promi.scufius, tiinber ; tp be delivered i at the; K&y-Y&vdPhil uh!p!ii(i. :,yV'"i4V-' 1 j For one complete frame, cut .to.mouldsi! for a sloop of war, and 500 cubic feet of pro miscuous timber to bevdelivered at the Na- ;Vy-Vard; 'JKtisfiingiorii-i 15"' ; V '- ' ! "' 4 Far one complete frame, cut : to moulds for a sloop of Wiu,, and .oOO ' cubic feet, cf promiscuous timber j to be delivered at tho Navy-Yard, potport; Va:: ; ; . j" :. , : The promiscuous timber to be at least 12 feet long, sided straight from jII" to 14 inches.! . ough .squared, the ouklmg ,way, uud to cun e from 2, inches vto 22 inches for every ten feet of itlerigthyai;;Vyy:- The whole to be delivered at the respect ive Navy-Yards, on or before the first day of December; next,' subject tc the inspection, measurement; and apprqval of the respeciiye' Commanding O fficerspf the, Yards or of such other personal a3e Commissibners of the Nayytnay $3'CJ- C': . ,4 Separate, proposals must be' inacle fpt' tho quantifyfto be deliyered at each bfie jlTards which any rlefsbn maybe disposed to supply! alualjltiPriatip5VE Sdi jinent:ibrSale; i V. - r JpHIE subscriber, Editor and Proprietor cf ft u the CHERAW INTELLIGENCER, ftncl- ing it infconvenientto devote to that purpose. so jarge a pomoa or nis. ume as is requuci in-the-publication "of a' weekly j Oiirria), is dc- sirous of disposing of his establishment. ; . The ChxUaw IsTEtUGEscck has now been published: nearly two y earjs with'success, ad ;: in addition to its. being well known, we b lieve the public entertains the fullest con4 dence ; in its pet maneney. Its 'advantage hold but great inducements to any person wishing to embark in a' business of this na ture-.'r vir vvi vf"vr x' ':-'"-'t".'i' i' ' jThe -establishment contains 'an excellen Press wjiW an iron bed; 'I'Trpics sufficient to" -print two sticH." papers as the Intelligencer and to answer all the purposes of job work, (a great portion dt which are new,) all kin&s otj Fc ax itc f, an d every thing necessary ta render it complete. : It has also an extended -$nd steaddy increasing 'ScBsr'tirTXoar Li and is highly encouraged wit.- ADVKttTrsi:i patronage. ; ' - - t j4 "The rapid progress ofthe town of Chera'W, togethet wit'i the great advantagxs we hava enumerated,1 renders it well worthy the atten tion of such persons as may Vish to purchase. ? It will be sold, to an approved purchaser, on liberal terms; anfl pbsfession given at the end of the resent volume, whici. will b- on the 27th of May. ' Letters addressed Jto the subscriber, post paid, will receive prompt at tention, .t. JAMES F CONOVEK- roLm e 12th Of Decemh.i. U u.. RLRev.John, S. Ravenscroft, Bishop of tu Du,ceSe of North-Cnrolina,.by the Rev. Wltherspoon, Pastor -of tb - pcK..0."11 - j U NOTICE is hereby given, that on tlie first; day of October next, the principal of thtV six percent, iitock ofthe United Scktes, cre ated under the authority of an act of Conr-Tesl 1 - . ik J- - : ', V. v- - ttrjy i'i. ..;.7.K,.-r j s.J-i.C ' 'U K--..Ti' r: ' p:;

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