r . it'.- r; K Is uilisheit eVciyTrrsT) at and PaiHATby At Five-Dollars per anntimMfin advancej nVERTtSEMEKTS , "fot exceeding 16 lines, Neatly inserted three times for a Dollar, ana cents ior everv suc; tors must be post-paid.;: i. -cFrom-theMilhdeemUe'- -JRecorderj. The following acctmntof cultvyatins; tlie Vine, from Mr. Mat!Hck,t6;Ju'ge Prs is" im: ; porta ntto, the;imprbyement: .hai.neg? .. lected department of liUsbandry lv ' ;" Vl1atT0lImv9 is, to, be considered :Tiiie" is well understood the application - of tliajt knowiedeltd anyhunjber ia'ari operhtioh of plain corhmonsetise' ohly.' : Tn' February, taJe" ainjrlc joint -of the vine ynu choose,', tne" genuine Tokay 9 if you can, find it,Cut , U off half rah inch 'above the eye, and aain"attwo incnes below the eye cover. 'tiach end vith 8tickia? plaster' of "'any kind and setjt in a. potof; jratdenmould (about 5. or G) inches ilLimeteV. and n?iglazedi ;) The eye of the cutting must be cover ed Avitlrcl .ur'aridAvatcretl v to settle, tic the grounUj 'after ,vthisf lay hal f an inch of horse tfung bnthe surface to keep it froni. becoming d ry and;hard. i Place - the. pot in your Rot beds, prepared for .raising your' c;tDbage plants; v lf- more ;tlan one shoot rises1 from the, eye, tub -ff-a,il-butr the ' stronsesV. v Ab(ut the iirst of June turn;our the Vine from the pot and set it in the garden or at the : -cast or hbrtK end bfyour house, iwhcre1 eyerU cancbe protected from violence I It' will gro w. i ti any soi 1 v bu t, 1 i ke ot h er jjplants' it tvill''grWl)e8t in the best soil. ! vVhen' first removed -water- ir atta di ! tance from Jhc plant, so as to draw the .1 earth s. towards: the -vine, - insteai! i of j ;vashing,the';enout-froni-atHlfvou j - -Avater' it- afterwards, pour the waterin' to a trench nti east ! 8 inches from the plant for' unless, this precaution". be vised , , w a t en ng vdoes : more; iiarm ? to an cood, and dees most iniurr. in the dri- cst time.i As the ine shoots upward, "it must be'supported from falling No teeding publication ? those ot greater jentn Sn the same proppTnoB.,...uowMiT!ftrATirws Hv recftjved.,.l4FTTiiKS ; to tne 11.01? .as a, plain lesson;1 and jt will be con lined to? the -consideration "of a single Vine because ifvtlie cultivation: of:nne I ptner care tnan . Keeping ..xne groiiu ! 'clpr ef weeds , .is necessary for the first tigmmer.-rjri.'November'alight cover i irig of -straw or Indian ,corn hosksis ; .beneficial in ' preventing a frequent ;rfreczing and thawing of the vine. ' In !l . "cbroarv it mustbe trimmed ; and here . commences what 1 conceive- to oe me here'';ibout to' be said;'". deserves the lr.oVd attention, ' as it applies -to every succeeding cutting 01 -tne vine m cc ; j:y:;tagc of its 'existence goes directly, the' ground and principle.) of jfsycul tivation, ,and vilF not be fou nd' in any author-who has written on the; subject.; Kvery joint pf-aJprape yinei has its tfivn separate pith-lThisJm'ost.inipor-tant- circumstance cqmmenceslj at the lowest' leaf that; has a elasper, opposite ' to the -leaf. A solhr vvomly substance passing 'from ' thetleaf tp nhe iclasper tiirouglvth& yine, qjid connecting them (gether,Tcutsoff entfrtdy 'lHe!;coyflnH. nication pf ...thk joint and pith 'j-below.-- uith that of the joint next above 5 and so "on u p ward atve very joint through thewhole length of the yihel And tis.aw circumstance ; not less; iiupoftant ,to be known and kept in mind, that; all the eyes beknvtbis .firsf clasper,f are formed irithe 'bosom ' of .smaller.ahd Tnore'feeblc leaves? arid thatthe , base : cvf these eyes v does notT extend across lhe; vinesojr entirely 7 to "cut-off the pitlKof the ioiii t below from .that of the joint next above ftp-cyes . are therefiire -iniperfectr' en"eyer vou trim the'vioei) our. ubbetl . on. " v y- f It is at this, first trimming of the vine " that we 'heginto rfpply the principle uboye laicfuiownVand it-is -here" orify thai there ever can lany difficulty, iti . the applicatiofi )f Jtrikhd tins frifficulty l pjSan only ; arise fronV the circumstance of so verv feeble a growth irr the. vine,'ir3 not to-; have pnnluced clasper in an? strong cyer otherwise itjs to bVcuf off half an incU'above thp 'firf rh-isnpr.rmf in both' cases alfthe e , cs below aie;tb to carefully rubbed oft-,;. v,, , l he eytjr thus left on.AviTrsometimcs prouuee more than one shootf Jn whicf ivviur uut the slrongest.: should! .t ole .difficulty of cultivating Hie vine; to wit, -todetermihe ,at which ofth 1 - eves it is to be cut off. -AVhat"is. 1 4 ari " ll ty oicir.wni fceKiomnappen,: j outifitsl uld happeVi, the yinXmostbe .cut off at hall an inch above thO Ifirwest rubbed "off. fatid, supported fro'm fait 1 hq: d o wii , Wh ichJ'excSept k eeping tb e trou , 1 freerofiy"e?dsia1l?tbe" care required for ' t his y ear $ I n Xovejnbr, thi is sh oot i.again; to; be covered as before direct ctl,Jand jn the": following" February;is to bVaifincu'tflri justabove thqTsecond lowest clasperj 5 jthat is, leaving on two eyes to shoot, this,, season land ; again rubbing, off all the eves below theiow-; est clasperi 1 Both tliese slwots -sliould b'eermitted ,Ar grow to, their --utmost length ;jwhichV if the; soil ;be favorable will be -very considerable,' and there will be reason to hopey for fruit, Jn the next seasoriv 'J'-" 4-- " y" Here you fiiught-, to be apprised- that the lowest clasperappears higher up on some. Kinds ot trie vine tii3n on oiners : on someit appeats at thethinl leaf, on some at the furth; and qri some so high upas the-fifth' leaf ; ? buf the- same ne rulej is to be al i ket a ppl ied to all, ah d e v e r y eye, beloyv, the lcnvest'cl : per, to be Vub bed ofil J 'j-.-vr , , - , - In the.hird -February cutting thee eyes upon each shoot, may, be left- on and' not inore.; however strong' the shoots may, be. -From A this I time for vard all the side branches from the shoots of the ear'are 1 to be' rubbed ofl; taking great care not to injure the leaf from whence they spring which is the nurse;Of,the bud at the root of its stem. iAt the fourth "time of cutting the vine, and from that time, forward ,)it may be cut about the'last tot October; four eyes on each shbot may be .left $ 1 and at: the fifth cutting five j eyes on each ;shoot may be left on,.but vore- than five eyes on a-shootVouglif": never to' be left ori. even - m tne ?mcsi , vigorous state 01 growth, atairpagc of the. vine : for, however.- pleasing, the increase for the year may be, - tlie injury thereby done to the vine will be seen and lamented in -the following, and probablv many succeeding years. . , . ' - - If it be enquired . whv a smirle. eve is recommended, rather than'a cuttingof sixteen inches long, it is replied, 'that roots shooting from, a single eye, are exclusively fronx iUelf, arc: much the s t r onges t, an d : s t r i ke mo re di re c tly downward the shoot from it has less pitch in it the wood is-firmer and shorter ioined,and conies sooner-into fulL bearing, and appears to be much the most, healthy yme. And to these important advantages may be truly ad ded v i that 1 000 plants fit to set out, may be raised from the single eye with less labour and within less space, either in a hot bed or' iri" the open ground, than. a hundred plants can ' be raised from long cuttings : which have not, tluit I know' of, one single advantage in their favour and, in a new coontry, it is of no small 1 consideration that the same-cuttings will produce five times the, number of plants - , t As to the manner of accommodating your vine to its situation, an active imagination would suggest volumes .up on ihe subject, jamH possibly unluckily iuiss - the "only direction .suited to the casc.,1 but, fortunately the fact is, thut a very Small share of common sense with in all ;ase, be fully Sufficient to supply the deficiency : and! very little more will be .required to i apply the principle and practice here laid down to an hundrexl or a thousand vines,' whenovTr. the people of the country shall feel .the advantage, or necessity of raising; vineyards ; for. a supply of wine, wntnin ourselves. v jy iuw. exam ples by men of your standing, . will;lead them info the practice, in the only way in which we; 1 an hope for speedy suc cess. And I pledge' myself to you, that whether you immediately,-succeed or not;. you shall Jerrve apleasure from the attempt itsel f, that shal I , amply sa tisfy for every expense of time - or mo ney it ; sliall cost you. vSportirig with the long branches bending them in fes toons, ?;and marking' the growth of jthe fine clusters from- the ubner, buds, that iu ,thi waymay. be" preserved, , and occasionally displaying them at the fes tive board,! has the happiest effecton the human mind such as , DouapaHe neverfelt thfese are, the. proper pfay-' things of great men and. bad General VVsrhingtorrlived to this day; ! would have iaid - to r him V 44 one thing lackest thort' yet jin . thatafter". saving jhe, vorl d ; Tr orn a jol i tica 1 tie 1 uge thoi hast not planted a vineyardiv- V Your, humble servant,- ? - "r "; r : V K:, t W M'ATL-ACK-, Honi IltCHAtlD Petfrs ; Philadelphia kstji May, iQlU . " : ' ; T tl E TH E LLUSSON ESTATE " ;;;ln tKe late intelfienceTrom England it is stated , that .:&narkumen swas't'-'re- j cerrtlyv;comrr ;TcedHn?the House , of ' ord?y; ina cse. tovol7inff thVvalidity 1. - Esq. "As - this witl 1s' one4 of- Ihe mot till. , f i i n uru 1 n a r y f s n 1 n e u p v t' 1 u au a short account bfJt"Jmay;riot be uninterr esling to our readers. . , , , vpeterThellussonamerchantino don, died on -the 21st ;ot July,-1797,' leaviug bout . GTOOOOO4 productive personal property -realf estate "jn" En gland worth Jei40i000, and; two plan- lixuuus in nit- tiii-jLnuies. 'inaviif, three vs()ns,"threevdau2hters;land ten grand child reii were ? Uvipg at the ;ti me of his deaths . ' - TBv hi last-will-he- eave to hTsxvife his country; h6use;at;Plaistoy, - his fur- nitufe, carriages''. &c. and n annuity of j62,t40 so Jong' as rshe!'remained a widow ; but in case she married again, the house and furniture w;ere to be soldand her annuity, reduced; to 575 lo each of his sons, he gave TC0O making, witlujhe money already ad-- vanced to thern, -23 ,000 each . , 4 .Th i s provision," he says, . and the 4rc: t success they have met with in business, will be sufficient to procure them com-: fort ; and it is mv earnest wish and d esi re, that they w ill a void oste n tati on . vanity. V and.. riompous -'show.-?? '.v And in another partof his will he says, ? in rct lation to his' sons, ""-I most earnestly ope. and pray, to God that they will never quit business.'' 1 1 . To each of his unmarried1 daughters he 'gave i3l2,30O, to be fi)rfeited,jif ei; ther of theniv married atlall during' his life time $ or married after his death, withotit the consent 'of his wife and his executors and to his married daugh ter, he -gave an annuity of ;l00;anil some, small" legacies. '' .' "'.After 'some further legacies; to "his brother, his executors, &everal friends"5 hegavc; all( the residue of his estate (consisting of about .600, ( 00 in ; jr sonal property '.and. ofland yieldinglan annual income., of 1 ,4.500); to certain friends, in triist to receiye the- rents, interest 'anoV profits, and . to? invest the same in the purchase of lands .as fast" as received, sothat the whole might accur mulate during Uhe lives of his three sons and . the lives oftheir; sons-which might be living at tbe time of his death, and the lives of any.sons of his grand sons which . might be born d u ring I) is 'oVn life, and as Iphg as the last survi vor of any of these should Jive, j He then directed, that at the death of such lastv survivor, the accumulated fund should be divided into three parts, and that one should be conveyed to the eld est male lineal; descendant of each of his three sons ; and upon failure of such'descendaut of either of his sons, that share to go to the others jrand up on failure, of all such; lineal friale de scendants j the whole to go. to the sinking fund towards paying the national debr ; Variouscomputations' have b e e n m a d e of the probable, value' of this ' accuhiiita ted property at the time of its ultimate division founded of course on; the pro. bable duration of tne lives of the testa tor's d escendah-t s." , 4 r ' The, lowest cal cu lationmakes it nineteen T millions of pounds; sterlings or 884,560,000 about twenty-eight millions one hundred and twenty thousand dollars to a share f It is worthy of reipark,:that the testator- had no quarreler dissatisfaction with any member of the family, "bu( lived wi th ;th e pi al 1 ; i n h a bi ts of frje n d -ship and confidence j - though he deter1 mined that not one of them who . was living duringhis own life should enjoy his property. It is equally 'remarka ple; that while he inculcated so earn estly liabits of ind ustr v . arid c frugality On his sons,' he should provide such e normous fortunes for," his. remote de scendants . l' if " "EW TSOOI1S, .Just received bvtJ Gales & Son v Miner and Tullv onJFevers . Good's Study of Medicine vols5 ' L Majendu's Phisiotogyf 1 , f , Beam's Pleas, iu Equity , ; ' . . y . J "; " 'Arclihold's CitcuVt Pleading t i ' Johnson's1 Uhkncerjv voL7thl '7: ' 1 -Benedict's llistoryrof all4lteligi6n : - j ; 'Dallas's 'Recollection 0 Lord-Byron ;1 letnnifs of G6ethe . ifuman Heart ?' r " . V r ; Campbell's The9d6ricV - : - Lord Hvron's Conversations ' 1ngs2d Expedition , , ' 1 Miss Wright's fe. Days' at Athena 'fi cvauey 01 anenanaoao, ; vols f" Wolfe!s'Missionaiy' Journal Thatcher's Sermon fit- of the vlh-of th late PeterrhellusOni 5. v y TETISONS livjji at a .dstatice,: :."havin"e.-hni s'ness to transact nvith ItJPierof the'TJanks in iiiis piace may, ivve u-prompuv autnaeu 10, on rc aso 1 m u ic tc u 1 , , v . a p p 1 ,if 1 o! . - : 't XJ.VKttLY lifAjFJ FayettviTTc; April $0th 1825. V 52-6vr , 4 ' MRfcnXG.of tfie'Board for Jnteiml Im pfovejnents! wil bV-hehl at TayettpVille; on Monday th? 1 oth ,of ne'it month, lnste .nl i' ,T- inn 1 -.- - .: : k ....i.-il.":--IJi iltne jii.insjar', "s-propospoT.-Hvuie- iusj me? tin circoras es. hiiving-occurred "to make the cpan.'t'.i..a'oif!ahle.---.1 0 " "c i.r r By ortiepof the B-vard,': .4 K .. j: liALiis. sec v.. 54,' TJAyiXG settled himsef in Ualgh offers JQL his Professiona'Services to the Citizens thereof, -to t lie Inhabitants of v aket and the- A1inniM f 'V- tt . ............ . '. . - ' .... , ,rv ; Dr.' ir: can hefound at h"s Office '-thei first tlfvor belowltlie Store ofJ. Sc- VV, peace; or at the residence of Sherwood tlavwoodi-tEsqJ. - . Notice is hereby 'jrivenjlij fllH AT, at the last AVake Cpijntv Court,! May JL Term f825the Vjbscriher nhal fiecras5 Executrix to the-last Will and Testament of tepnn 1 laywooa, oec'cl, -All persons :ii"av i njr claims on: the estate of aid deceased will present them for adjtistment'tome Virft' Sherwood Haywood (who is empowered to act on them) witliin the. tinfe limited byjlw, otherwise they may be precluded i and those indebted to the Estate are requested to"make speedy payment. T v D ELIA II AYWO O D, Vune 1st, 182562-4t J'EMIE Subscriber offers, for. sale his tract of R land l vin nine miles below the -Town -of Halifax,, contairmtwelve hundred and eighty-seven acres, with a goo'l two-story d we. Hi? g house, and convenient out houses.- Also. oneother tract ad ioiriinv containintr ! foun nunci reel ami tvenrv-mne acres-X, I he above tractsQf land will be sold separately of "to jrt'her, sb'ns tovsnit "ptirchasers. l helub scnberdeems it unnecessary to ssy more' of his land, ns it is presumed .no person' woufd purcnase wunoat viewing" ine premices.' - j- j ' . 2-'. .-. ru nt .rTTrr?t' JOHN BURGES. April 30th, 1825. 53-1 m- npo the Jail of Germanton'Stokes county, H N. C; in'Novrmher "last, a" Negro Woman who "s says her name is EL12JA ; and that she belongs jto John Newman of King VViUjam county, Virginia. She .was pregnant when committed and has "since had a child. " The owner 'is requested. to Come' forward, prove property, pay - charges and take her , away, or she will, be dealt, with as the law' directs. JESSE BANNEtf, Jdloi : 'April 30. - 55. . . State of North- Carolina j ; -; ' : : wake C9UNTY, , : . Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions," Mav Sessions. 1825. ,'. 1 The President & Directors - , of the State Bank bfN.C. f ' r,ffal. at' 1a.c1m1c1u.-7 ic- . I . vied on land' Hinton..& Brame. TTJfavin been made appear, to the satis faction of -the Courts that 'Defendants re side oevond the limits of the State rlt is there fore ordered byt he Court that alvertisemnt he made in the5 Raleigh Ilegisteri for-three rrfohths, that unless Defendants shall -Come; forward on or before the oext term of this court to be held ibt-the conuty of-Wake, at the Court House inUaleigb,' on" the third Monday of August '"next an' replevy , and fjlead, that the property levied A on will he condemned to Plaintiff's recovery. ' , 7 : lit S, KING, CC. , 4, N - - v.AV.akeCountyv 3. , " , ,Court of Pleas and .Quarter Sessions; i - iMay.Ttrm, 1825-, " - k- William j Arent Sc O'Vv -S M 4 William Drake I -f,snna1' attachment, William Drake.., ; leuedon latidWm. Kdmundlishlevb ' " I Lasbley summoned as - r. . . - jG irnishee. , T having been made appear to the; Court, ' 'that the defendant resided beyond t'ie li mits of ithp ' State : It, Jsitherefore oidered, that advertisement be; made in th?e lt deigh Registerand Stute Gazette for three months, that unless the defendant come ifbrward on or before .the next Term of this Court to' be, h'eldrat the. Court HouSe.hv RaIe igti, on the third Atdhday of August nextj ; and t replevy and plead, to issue, Judgment .will be entered upjagainstihim, and the property levied;oft condemned to plaintifl's recovery. ; J , 1 v J V j ' ; ' -' B. S; KING," d C. C,": r Raleigh, .May 26. 1825. ' .60 3m5 State o N oxtt Ctvtolinai ' " "7 w -tr ' ' 1 levied on a tract -of land Robert Wniiams r; thewatersof Nap of A;.V , el creek," adjtining .Wm.'vileadows & others. TN tnotion it is ordered that advert isetnent of this levy on land be rnacle in the Ra jteigV Register fof three months and that the defendant applear at th'e next term! of said Court ta be, held fw said county ;t the Court hotrse irt Oxford," on the first Monday-in Sep- tember next,1 replevy .the pro'pei the superior Coott pt Eaw Marcn term, i T V A. .D. 1 825'i T --" f : y Eemuel Rust, . .r" i c Judicial attachment . siuhc win utr. -conueinneu . its - suu iu plaintiff's recovery; r.i ",. " r Witness--. -" '7 r-.'.'v.-' fiM m. ti-nrvnrftcr Pt-Vi Siate Bank -tif-NortJi:-Carol i na; . ' V v?fev; .ujcu .1525- r . cent, on theCapital Stock qfth s lianl;, Viereauer;i?l y t v W M. H. TI AV VO O ry Ca Mcr. At ." ' ' TH ANCfcS H . RKEDER info his custom--sl. ers arid tbr. pxiblicjgenendlytat he ha now'on- hand 'II large assortment-of Sritr, of k various sizes -.andthat he conti.it.-s to'mnkc thcm, of n' dimensonrjat the, shortest notice; W arreiito n Ke ni a 1 e rA at! n y . TIILlst Srsion,.v'ill emt byah ; iU.wnTnaJ; tion on the I gk?h, of , Juu, whtch i !te.f public are requested to a ttendi-The i2d; Session w'dl begirt on Monday, J une'SOtli. I'errsP urf heretofore. j PJLfNSETT? May 2J. ' ' v .;-;tJcto., Notices A.' 9TlTTED to the J ai of: Ofafige counts J on the 6th instant a. runaway i?ejj'0 HatvV i who any 3 ' Ins . name' is, - ljE-V. I Sy and, thatne' U belongs to iHiara MuVph'eyV but wa'? under; r the direction of Natliaiiel tlunt-of 1 .unHiij " coirnty.ih this St;itc " lie is about feet or 8 inches Vigli', black bo'rriplexioh,' ihik ' lip i latrge flat nose- Had on v1jte jcotfoi panta- i loonsj a blue broadcloth coat very mucli rjn I , u 'rfrer downer reqtiested to ,cume;fonv;nrdi prove'propertyv pay ichargca .and taediini i away; J; . ' , r . . - ; JAMES CLVNCCY; Jailor. 1 Orange county, May 120.. "I -,"Cfi3t , - -iTiti in- ..t..W w mmy . ii m.wii.irt.n i. 4"- i III ilfcMl " ' S t at e -trfv Nor t h - Carol 1 ha !-- , DVPLIN CQUKTYi- ' Court-of . Pleas and 'Quai J : - 1 April Term 1825.- . . .rohn;CooperO , juliciai tachmepU'Lo Wm. Cooper. Sv,e?n negro man. -. T5T appearing to the satisfaction of th? Cr IS that te Defendant U not an inhabita?. oti this State;It t is therefore ordered that pub-4; lication Ke made until the 3d Monday ni Jnlv , next, in tne. naieign. Kcgister, tnatitne iie -fendant appear at our t; pin t of PJe:its s andV tuarter Sessions to le: held for. sud "counts bf;.jrt.d jtfif ane7i here!v declared, tor tTie las' half rear; pay&b'e at Haleigli rn Von lay; next.and at thcyeveral Branches fifteen diyi? lie. also fcn;ps cQnstauUy on ham,'Ti?s W-A.it k. pf.eyr4lesciiprion.;All.of-wLicU ; sold on .modetate ie rms ' - i -'i; . : . Rjleighj Mav25, 1825 , ' f2-tf Tf B. rioseN JiavingSti lis fo 'repair, willuo' t well to send them 'immedi t'el " - , at the colirtshoirse in Djiipliriy then and tiir ' i to ,.p1ea'd, &cor ..fudgmeiTt'' vVlll rfe:1 i ivtcM e v - -against him, VccoTdinc.l'torpiaTnliV'! tVtr.an-" ' 1 ' ; Test ; . ' JAS, PEA 11$ ALL, Clk, ' - , .,VffISS HNnEnSONwishiS?t6rVe heri( .LT jfusineas m icaieicru.--.otters tor -sue;. at the originaJVcost, an eJgantrAortMert 'of? rWilfinery ; duiliFanty Ofjothj 'fo' any lady who , wishes tov,esfab"Ilih"fiert'elf in "t hesev branchrs.t his would be, an -advantAgenas op portunity. . The ' Rooms Mis H-now-Coccti' pies as a:fs.ore,v&c. -might, be reiited, anl h.isr allowed to be one of the best -shjitftio-rfs in ilrfe' City for such a Busii etn'. -;T6 thoe u hofittre acquainted 'with "Raleigh, -npthi g nee d hp said,'in fespeet'to its' superior advantages to strangeiit may beaddfl, tht if. is a pica sa'nt, healthy situation, and a Jf the feat of.Gn yerfiment, is the resort of fashionable fctraa, gersr, ,,V K- . .KaleTgb; April 29th: - . : - .r2-f. TJIROM thesubscrie"irjDn;the lOthjoi Do4 --.cember,- lasti . a, XegTiH-. Wow a n .;iame2' SYLVI A aboiit 35 'rrars ofarre she is venr black,' Iqw. set and chVnk t--niade ? lias rather has attempt edto pass-a a frete womani ? - Any person that wilLtake her up and loci ere IiT jn Jail so tnat I get hei again on give me. a ' information Vf "hey? shaJlTh well Tivard ed for any trouble they my be-sti . . a 'i'.,-.';" .'samuix" s-ucq. V ' s . : .:"v --.:,Wake count v;jiear-'!taleifh; . May 23 A '. - "V" . f0eo3t - i' ; 1 -$50avA.vv'"?:v:i J3 AiV away.irom tne jarm ct.tunt suDScrinep f ht tong'sincei two negro 'BovM.'of tho followinglescription -',-,. ' o a AARN; about 20 years old. 5 feet 8 inches highi and stout" in ptqpo rtion ti his Height a" dirt,hlack. skinj wide Yace'and small evfjs. s DAVID, 18 J ears ddf about the height of Aarori,T but not sosquare built.- lie is a d irk mulatto, - nearly black, jhis Vyfcs are-above -the corrmon size.. . t- , . ' ; -' They wilf probably take -up about RAleigl? or in the neighborhood of Co'On el philemoit Hawkins.vin Varft-j0i . .v'Therabove .reward w 111 h e given Tor tHeir11" ap'pre h r asU6 f . " and " deliverv to me;:or SO dolls for Aaron and 2J for David.;,. ' , : . . ; y-.fi- ;k wiLI A-:tJIXiUNT. . Beaufort countj Mav 15. x,e0tf i VSTATE OF 'NORTH-CAROTIN A;v ,r ,.; -v ggcrtary'a Office.". "fTOTICI isjiereby giyenthat byn att ijliof the, last , General Assembly" cf this S tate a Board of Commissioner's has been es- '. tablisned to sit in tjfie City o.rRideigh, to pas OP all claims fr, 3intary'.Land Warrants' for services performed b.theoflicers, and soV diers - " ' :ontint line; ofctbistate in, theI, ' ' ry V, x,)1clf sliall be pra sente , . .to the. first dar ok July fiext, ajier.wnua ut. j au suciv claims are r "ts to be foreyer -ndU ' '- ' - This Board h cumposectof lilsT. the' Governor, the Tr rsrircr and Co.. . . c - ' : - - 'V ? 1 ' ILL, -iSVc'ir of pta:, "Raleiglv 4th January, 1V25. ; .v- are 7- a aown i.-'OK wnen spoKen to, ana st very p -ravering.tongue " SheJ makes use wjf ref left hand!mostly when at .work, - It - i V likely bhe ', : i' , I- 1.. At .i . V : --'V : n ..... - v. . a;