1 i; i M M i ,n si 'I POETItY. - :r f .2. I,- - ' HYKON's JENIGMA. , 1 The following ingenious play upon the let 1 ter H is a masterpiece. It lias been the rounds of the European and American ja perk, pulling the learned and perplexing ' the ingenious, t a rencu , rc. u.- ... 0 - this city atlength discdrereUhe keyhicli " - nivfl Hi mvUprv'. ana wmcu, v observed b th,e letter II. A .Y.raU- Twas whispered in heaven and muttered in ' And echo caught sbftly the sound as it felT 5 v In the confines of earth 'twas perimtted to . ' .rest. ' ''' : ' 4 1 ' V And the depths of the ocean its presence con W"... 1 nVhtninw- and heard in the X W KVU O - O : . ...... r t r thunder. ' " " . Ko -..n,ri he: snheres when nven -. .asunder; "''". : -' v;" 1 ; -V ith his earliest breath Jt assists at his birth and attends him in death, liU hftnniness. honori & health, Is the prop of . his house and tbe end ,of his V wealth"; i- 'V .' " Tf lMmri maw lirtm. cverv wish it must And thoup-h imassuminirV with monarphs 'tis 4 " crowned ,:f' ,: ''''f-'" tn the heaps of the miser 'tis hoarded with Rut is sure to blost'with the prodigal heir. Without it the soldier and sailor mayroam, But woe to.Hhe wretch who "expels it from O'home ; ' L . 4n the whispers of conscience; its voice will befoundfw - : . i 4 . V Kor e'er in .'the Vbirlwind of passion -be drowned. , - r- V .It softens the heart, and though deaf to the ; .ear,'. ,' .' . v. s. .;! : Twill make it acutely and instantly hear. But in shades let it rest like an elegant flow'r, Oh! .breathe on it softlyit dies in an hour f B ISS IIENDEHSON wishing to close her lYJl Business in ltaleigh, offers for sule, at the orisrinal cost, an elegant Assortment of Jllillinery . and Fancy GoOih. To any lady who wishes td establish herself in these branches, this would be 'an advantageous op portunity r The Rooms Miss U. now occu pies as a store, &c. might be rented, and it is allowed to be one of the, best situations in the City for such a Business. To those who are acquainted with ltaleigh, nothing need be said, in respect to its superior advantages to stmngers it may be added, that it is a plea sant, healthy situation, and as the seat of Go vernraent, is the resort of fashionable stran gers. ' ' ( -,' Kaleigln Apvil 29th. . ' 52-tf V Classical "School . In IlUhliorough, iV. C. THE Rev. AViLLtAK HooPEn, respectfully informs the public, that he has associated himself with Mr. Johs Itooinis, who has been ibr several years Principal of the Hillsboro' Academy, in the future ' conduct of this In stitution. . . " . . t ". ) ; - . ' !"j y ' '" -'"v! "'I'' - , '', s v". , p . ".A"'- ' f- : i - l'V.1 "" .f" ' ' ' ' '-: '-'t The undersigned having been appointed liy the. Trustees to the Joint care of the Hills- .borough Academy announce to Parents and Guardians, that they will exert, themselves to " inake thorough Scholars of those who may be'comniittcdvtOj their; care. ; The School will be conducted on the plan of the- most approved" Classical Sch ols in bur country, of which the subscribers have; taken pains to obtain particular information, - Youth will -be prepared for the Sophomore Class in the,U luversity. The" School will be divided into .four' or five Classes, and none will be admit ted but those who become members of one oT the regular classes ; this school being in tended for those whose object is. to obtain a complete and liberal education.' L , ; Tuition, Thirty Dollars ; per annum, or Fifteen per fiessionj1 to be pakl always in ad vances Hoard ma he had at Ten Do! lars per, months , The exercises of the , ensuing session Avill commence on the first Monday jn July. -''I - , JOilN UOiiKUS, WILLIAM HOOPER. . 'June lSthiv. ' i'IMr- 67-itwf The Kditors of the NewiSeftv Wilmington, FayettevilIe'(Observer,)fSafebury and Che. ;,..raw papers will givey the abpve tiiree inser tions, v. and forward their account ; to this office. -v .:' - ' K- i '-a'v -I - Authorised by Special Act of Assembly: - -i 'Sf for tlie benefit; ijf- .Mc' fcOLDEN FLKECE LODGE, No. 74, Nl C. Prize 3000 f j20oq; ; looo' t ' 500 ! ioo :-.':.:50 :10 IS ? is; ' is is f is IS .-iS'; ' IS- $3000 2500 - 1000 1000 1000'' 7500 v' 2o,ooo : nzes lilnnks 4000 Tickets at t ; is $ 20,000 .Drawing to commence in Miltov, as soon . as a.sumcient: number of Tickets shall have , . - been iokL --Superintended by the followinsr - r ' . ' alex'u. Henderson; - V j JAMES RAINEY, li 4 , r ; T ; AliCHlMEDES donoiio, , f -;.JOIIN R. CLAUK. I-,",-; - J THOMAS- L. STEVENS. . ; . SAMUEL W ATKINS.' J l Orders for, tickets, post paid, and enclosing ?-2ZzZZT ft 11 Cs3 Mr " J ryi f , 2-' 100 A ' 11500, f 0 2361 -1 . tne uamii. win. ne.tnaniciuiiY. receiveti ana v 7 ' punctually attended.to ' by the Treasurer in k Milton, n. c:- v : J ,; . " ' v - ' Tickets Five Dollars each;-Tickets to e ',. '"'!,' , ' Ijad from Agent residing in -the-different Y- ' tawns, villages and public places throughou -',"' ' the'Stite. -.-,-- i y;'J- ' ' - 'r ';lly order of the Manager, J . ;t V ' PDILIPH. THOMAS; TreasrV ? KnilE eLgible Stand tin Fayetteville Street, ;JL-. recently occupied by, John H. Hendoh, r a-s'a Crocen' Sfotc' TAnnh to WR. Uaks Shares of N.C StatefUank Stock. Enquire of the Printer, v June 13.! ' 661m BvJ Gaks '4" SonIialeigh.- ""A DIGEST of the, Statue LaW;of North Carolina; relative to Wills, 'Esecutors and Adminisirators; the Provision for Widows, tnce Douna, i wo umwi- and the Distribution; of Intestates. ... By JOHN L00ISTAVL0U, , CniifcJuSTicic ox th SupitEMK CotrnT. . Copies Jof this Work may be bad at the nAnWnwa nf John M'Hae and J. Hadlock, th.Wilmineton x Salmon if ;n Thomas Watson, Newbern ; H Wills, EdeiitonrR: Davison, Warrehton ; N. Ji Pal ii;ticKrtrniTrrfi i J. A Mebane, Ashbo rough ; Gotlicb Shober, Iteinhardt, Lincoftton. '. , May 33; ' , Salem t and. D. : V 65- State of North Carolina. : i Duplin County. ; i ,r Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, r ' " ' April Term, 1825. , . U l? Hosea Murray, , . , . t?s. . 4 Original atta. levied,. &c. k-mrtm. .T.Waller. S . I -w-r .nnnmrin the satisfaction of the Court fonrlant is not an inhabitant of the State. It is therefore ordered that publi cation be made until the 3d Monday ot July next in the llaleigh Register, that the defend at our next Court of Pleas and nnortr Sessions to be held for said ! county i h r?riirt-Hniise in Dunlin, then and there to plead, &c. or judgment will be en- tered agamsnlra accoruiug w pwmuu vc mand. i 1 , ' Test. JAS. PEARSALTL, Clerk. State of Nortli-Carolina. 1 Caswell county. r Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, , J j April Court, 1825. ; j i John Wilson and his wife Rebecca and their children. . r. . : l i if: Robert Atkerson, Kinehen Atkerson, , Sarah, Reubeu, Jerry, Solomon and John Atker on, children of John Atkerson ; Jane As bell and her husband Asbelf, & their ' chilf Sren, Willson James, and J ohn ; . Mar . tha Atkerson Sarah Mosely and her hus band-- Mosely ? Mary Jarnagin. IN this case, the plaintitts brought into open Court- of the County Court of Caswell at April trm,l1825,a paper writing purporting to be the nuncupative -will of Avy Park, dee J and offered the same for probate ; which pa per is marked A. And it appearing to the Court that the 'defendants are not inhabitants of this State : it is ordered by the; Court, that the said nuncupative will be entered of record, and that the following issue be. made and submitted to a turV, to wit, Is the pa per, writing how offered the nuncupative jwill of Avy Parts, dee'd and that advertise ment of the pendency of said suit be made in the Rulelgh j Register for six weeks, for the defendants to appear and defend their jsuit on or before the next term of this" Court j on the second Monday after the fourth Monday of June, 1825,- . ' - t Test., PAUL A. HARALSON. Clk. "V alwtxbl llal Estate . FOR SALE. IN pursuance of powers vested, in -me by the last will and testament of William Twitty, dec. offer for , sale all that valuable Tract of Land m Warren county, on which said William lived at the time of his death, containing thirty-two hundred: and sixteen acres. On it is a valuable Grist & Saw Mill, both lately repairedand a large and com modious two' story dwelling-house - with the necessary outhouses, which with some repairs may be made a comfortaole reception for a numerous j family. There is a large body of LoW Grounds on the waters of Fishing Creek, and a considerable quantity, pf good wood land attached to this tract. Eight huh- dred acres of this land are subject to a lif? es tate.vwhich interest ! have good reasons to believe can be purchased at a fair pnee. Phe balance' of the land is also subject to the dower ofthej widow which I can confident ly say may also be pui chased- This land would be sold privately on very accommodating terms, for a great part of the money, the pur chaser paying the intert annually, & giving good 5t satisfactory security for the perform ance of his contract . ' If this land should not be disposed of before the 22d day of August next (it, being, Uie 2d day of Warren Court) on. inai uayj it win oe onereci at puouc sale at the Market-House intlie town of Warren- tm. 1 he Executor reserves to himself! the privilege of a bid.' ''''.'' 'r It is thought unnecessary to srive a minute description of this land, as those ,who may wish to purchase will view it and Judge for themselves;' ' - t s-xJ- ' . , - ROB. PARK, , the survivmff Executor.' Warren county, N, C. June 9. 65 6vv k; OUO C CO Y wigs. XpHlS : well lf nowb Eitablishment, (9 m'des iJk .sotituof Varrenton.i which 1 purchased of Gen. Williams, is now in complete rejpair ; havincr ejected a larsre it commodious House, with a number "of other buildings.? -?: ' i i suati oe nrenarea tor tne reception . oi Roarders-bv the. 15th June.next, ,when every .attention," wpl be pid & every exertion used, to accoininc pate those who may think pfoper to board with me. My Bar ewill be furnished with' the cliwcestrLiquors thatcan be pilocur-ed- fthe Table -with the best the country af fonl-r theBedskHMattrasses &c .are alt en tirely new. There are large and good Stables newly erected, With separate stalls, which will be Under the care Oof attentive , Ostlers and provided with the best Forage.-1 The price of Board will be : ' " r- . For, liadics Si Gentlemen, per day. $1 00 Cluldren and.Servapts. ? . . .m .',,0.50 Horses.. L v' ,-t . . ,0 50 1 have also built a commodious Ball Room, for the 'accommodation1 'of those wrho are fond of such"' amusements; f And1 ttiere has .been erected, a UrgeVand "comfortable Rutlding immediately at the, Spring, which will con tain one Ami titled persons, ; v- . The STAGES, during the summer season, will pass ' bythe SprTngs every day fur the convenience of PassehgersS. - i -I shall continue' to keep open smy ! House of EntertainmenV in Warrenton where! Tra veHers will find every accommodation that could be afTordetl by-my personal attention. Flora -Vh,ch place; tlie Stage's" North and Sottth,4will continue to arrive and depart Te gularlyvery:dayrv' lijvr j .t ;M ; : yt'Jc-'- 'r ' ,RORT. iL-inmcRrw'- V airenthn. V. P. vit.i. or, J s. i Vf-" "... ' - i" A -V- - ' ? 3 "I GALES the following - Letters from Mn vv r.flflv-.nf ffiA Manor, belnir vetsatibhs on the subject of Confirmation, by Mrs. Sherwood, . 2 vols 1 : t " r C f 2 fc.SON have received this day, 'TZ lhZ tim nH nlace abovl mentioned. 5. Montague, vols. ,1 muvr PiuWi'Tr: trv Mr. Buckiham; from.the original, manu-JfinHE Commissioners of the Navy wiIL re uiTfU 4 lno 75l;JL deive sealed ordposals tintdth first day New Moral Talcs, from the Frencl) of Ma- j ".i:t - i r v " fl7A i Stranffer of the Vallet; lor Louisa & Ade, iriiii wr i ir . . t . v i:.t- o rtt .,'!--- $2 Female Quixotism, or the extravagant ad. ventures ofDorcastna Sheldon, 2 .vol. - The-Pleasures ot friendship, ana otner Poems, byas. M-Hemy. 1 :, - . intantry ijrjii, oemg anaonugujcin o wic svsiem oi i i actics tor tue inranuy vt me w . Stages, lately, revised by order of the War! Department and sanctioned by the President, with explanatory plates $1 v They have also received j a complete assort- ment of Children's Books, many of them with beautifully colored engravings. They are in aauy expeckaiion oi an huuiuuuhi increase iui meir oiock, wnicu wm enaoi.e mem w mr" nish all orders with which 'they my be favor ed, at moderate prices. J -'s Raleigh, June 23; f ! Noticed B Y. virtue of a Deed in Trust executed to us by Mrs. Patty Taylor for purposes therein expressed, we shall on Friday the 15th high that valuable tract ot Land in- said county, J whereon Mrs. Petty Taylor now lives, con- tainin? uuu acres, more or less, w e snau convey onlv such title as is in us vested; ROBERT TAYLOR, J ruslees iir iiV fTi m 'vt nn C UualCvS. r June 16t 1825. : 68-ts State of North-Carolina. Warren County. I May Sessions! 1825. Stephen Davis, Original attachment, levied . , I in the hands of Tho. Pow- er, and he summoned as Samuel Power. J garnishee. IT appearing lo the satisfaction of the Court that the" defendant in this easel is not an inhabitant of this State. It is therefore h der- ed, that unless the Defendant Saml. Power,' appear and enter into bond, as he is permit-1 ted to do by act ot Assembly in such cases on or before the 4th Monday of August nexj, that final judgment v ill be rendered in the premises. It is further ordered, that publica- tion of the aforegoing rule be made once a week for six successive weeks in tne Raleigh Register. . ..: , -. Test, C. DRAKE, C.W. C. C. S tate of North-Carolina, .DUPLIN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, April Term 1825. John Cooper, Judicial attachment Le. Wm, Cooper. $ vicd a'fe malu TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, X that the Defendant is not an inhabitint of this State : , It is therefore lication be made until the ordered, that pub- 3d Monday ot'July next, m the ltaleigh Register, that the De fendant appear . at our; Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for said county at the court house in Duplin, then and there I to plead, &c. or judemeiit will be entered against him, according to plaintiff's demand. Test, JAS. PEARS ALL,Clk. 7 THE subscriber offers his Tract of Land of 630 acres, for saleL lying six miles west ot Smithhe Id, Johnston County, and on both sides of Middle Creeki. There is on it, a Sinerle Storv framed Dwelling, and other out if houses for the 'convenience of a small family, J about 1 7 acres of cleared! land, a, cood nor. 1 tion of which Is fresh, and well adapted to the culture of corn and cotton, ' and now in excellent repair. A beautiful young Orchard of Annie and Peach trees. , There is about 200 acres excellent creek land, thro' which a beautiful and never-failinc stream flows. The hills adjoining' ahe low lands, is well aunnnei witn never-iaiune1 snnnirs : upwuu i ceneranv level, wnicn ennances us vaiuc. i It is but seldom that a tract of land of its worth, and generally reputed healthy situa-tot tion and many advantages and conveniences, I such as beinff ; convenient to never-tailing I .mlla a rflV.rr1 fnTsale in "this sfcl inn tf rnnn. M...-y..- rv r trv- Those tiisnosea to ouv .wouia ao weiii to call and see. r Said Tract of lnd will be v. A . - - i sold on 'accommodating terms, if annlied fori shortly. Young Negroes will be( taken m payments For further particulars;, enquire of 1 Willie N. White of rravm rnnnir nn tlie subscriber, '8cc JOHN EASON. "June 10th i 1825. BeNVOre 61l Svu4ei! S V N the 29th of January! last, my black wo ' I rnan named FEGOYi was enticed awav irctmi ine,py; aamuetfr lownsend, rratrick Monroe, Joseph Orsfon' and others ; was har bored and concealed by the said Samuel 1 ownsend der pretence on the. 17th the above in the now in tlie size,: about 5 feet 4 or 5 iriches high, hand- somely built, of yellow Complexion, very ! likely, familiar, and very free spoken. She sometimes- calls, herself Peggy Hagm, and ha of late nrptnri.H tn cn ivn .. . t ;u)lt WJ; w as. i re e born. Peggy i may be , known b v who converses with her, by! her telhW who I has raised her, arid of her leaving he? c d hUitwl .h 'So imt K ner cniId . ...... ..vw w4jv ma sunnosett district, or to Mr, Isaac Frazier in r.,;o shall recfeiire a? reward nf trt,,,: dollars i and'if the said Orstnn Vni V " found; together, the villains can person, or persons j wvwi j c n iru or nity tioi Jars ' ri:iv nt -in iv next- it Tair. ir nnr on tne next fair Hav. at Mr' John R. HivWs Tavern lit the I J county of Franklin, state lot" North-Carolina, I; rfT fnr nt tr ihU'Vkifrhet hAAApr 4or oash I 1 , and taken mto his possession itn. it. oi J. in T.WHITE "Tr&' ana cost of adverUsme V ! .V ofobtaining her freedom x and 15000 1 ia W PINE P5!f S A 62;,acrf;given in by David Daniel, jr. ofMarch last, t was carried ofThv AU,UUU 1 ' . '. . . V . . c I O , do ; do. .by john Pitman , named Josenhl Orston: who o t ' i " "i,c . 1 . 4000, 4o bvT)olphin Anderson capacity ot a pedlar. SaidPev is i snn n ,i .j. 7 7 ' VV' v ulu A 0 . $ja . . py liuiiiord lcaoison 17th year" of her are. of iu rfT .snL.aoJ. - ; U3 ' do da by Samt .Williams ftrf V'.;-' Executive OIIicc y...;V; '. I' : . Kalei-h, June 13, 15. rmflE Council of State -will assemble in this : LL nlace on the 14th day .of July next, I ttifill. thrvacancy on'the Bench of the Supe- rior Courts,' occasioned by the resignation ct Gvokgs Badoek; Esq. . Those gentlemen Navit CojiMissidwEns pirifix,' 7 ,26th May, 1V25. of July, for the Yellow Pine materials rcuir I fd fnr masts and snars. for " V ' ...v. j - . ?nd 8Pvor . t- .t.i loops of War at the Navy Yard at ?' MK' t - Three SI 1 Charlestown IMjc Sloops vf ar atoevKara at BrooWyn, (J Ana ior one aioup vi Pi? i pwia, ...!!,.., wr v . ' -v, '-"r i iwauc v-, nyv? ? .t r : "t.. ing one Ship-House, to be delivered: at the Navu Vofrl at ' Wflchinfftfln . fofffthPP tori White Pine and Ash ! Plank, to be delivered attnesaiaxaraat " ' . ' , . A. i ,n I The following detad shows the number! and dimensions pf the Yellow Pine materials required for the Masts andSpars Of one Sloop of War viz.; v rt j nyf v ju ?v,v' : Main Mast To hold largest di 1 piece 2 cheeks, each mensions, paunch ' Fore Mast. piece cheeks 2 cheeks, each 1 paunch feet from upper end f S&tnusprit. 1 piece 2 fishes, each tTohold largest di mensions,! 9f from lower end; cheeks 17 Ifeet from r 7 - . upper end - tTo hoi Jar-'-est di mansions, itiv w,rr lower end. mrtd side t(J j ine straight three oth. ers with a a r Regular sweep, to i size at up. per. end. Hound Timber. v y Lengtli. Diameter Diameter' at part- : at heail - : tiers or slings. or yard v arrh.l I mizen mast, 66 ft. 18 in. 1 main topmast. 47 15 5 lfore do. 43 15 1 mizen do. 37 12 ' CO o to i? 1 main yard, 75 - 16 4-5 1 fore do. 65 15 4 ; 1 cross jack do. 53 11 . 1 main topsail yard56 12 $ , 1 lore do. do. 49 11 "C 1 mizen do. do. 36 . ' 8 : -3 The whole to be of the best long leaK fine grained Southern Yellow Pine, Southern Yellow Pine, tree from sap bad knots, wanes and other defepts. The whole of the said 'Mast and Spar Tim-1 oer must have been cut between the! 1st off October and 1st March, and must be -deliver- cu ai uic aiuresaiu iiavj iiuu uu ur uciurc he 1st day of June, 1826. . j :.; ,1 JUateHals of Velio Pine, .fShip wc , pieces it. iumr, a . 4 ai one enu, cc in. at tne ouier. 65 ' 16 do. . 14 do , 32 16 '44 17 by 21 in. at one end and 13 by 21 at the other. 20 26 38 41 46 32 50 40 35 35 40 30 13 19 10 14 13 13 17 19 16 13f 17 13 13 18 19 15 21 2L 21 21 21 17 17 18 22 8 8 4 6 44 50 ., t o- 44 13 15 r " The whole of the above must be trot straig-ht long leaf fine grain of southern Jieart Yel low fine. There must be no vane$ oh the corners. fV - . rtt m . i : ' . v. pieces df teet long, 13 by 19 inches, to ' curve edgewise :,l of 12 inches.! 1 of 10 : i incnes, i oto inches, 1 of 6 inches, one of 41 ncnes, ana x pt inches. i'L i 12 Pieces 26 feet lone". l. hv 10 Snrhpc curve edgewise : 2 of 10 inchesj 2 of 8 inches,2or6inches, 2 of 4 inches, 2 of 2 12S round White Oak logs, 30 to 35 f eet lomr. iu ij incues in uiameter at nnt pnH I and 10 to 12 iriches at the other. f PH;; ' w,wu siunstes, teet loner.. r i i , m; ur f 9 culling White ;Fine Boards : :1V,800 2 inch clear White Pine." . r 1100 12 200 1800 - Ii, : . do do s . I - .d : I i Of full ,1 do 1 .: do : 'C thirlmpsc 2,100 I .white ash - V hM - . 1,900 must IJrJSr i riiPpr?Tec lua,,ty a mst be delivered at the.said NavvYard. .The whole to be of approved qualify, and Wiii no-tm a :wr v at to state and Spar l'.""" lur 0100P per cubic toot their 't iW C1WIUW tana and per superficial feet : Offer to'tumish Mast and Soar 1 Timber " or f. Yellow Pine, &c, for. Ship-House, or a series of Con-1 , x v m.- - - --a 1 ! .IIIIH. I I I I l I l I I l I I I ' - rlft4 in. J in. 1 in I in. I 80 9 17 6 26 76 ,7 20 4 12 76 5 1123 5 11 i 72 8 17 23 ; 23 68 6 19 3 It 68 4A 11 4A 11 50 20 20 26 26 50 4 13 4 13 ,t .... uiciuwiiiuie -wnnerine . ' , : ' " Hr,bin. Tlice. -Plank'." tvm ixiti. Tin WnV ,UANC1$ liau:EDEainformSrii8cn,tn JP ers, and thW.M';U -;;:.tiiT.,,?c,.lstom- nOW On hand k Iarn-e-9cnrlr.nt cl e Cas anoua fiiies Piinfi k. ts.ot them, oi any dimesions,at the shortest J 5nsjanuy on "&nd, Tlww . k. of every description. " All of w!nri. soll on moderate termsi , -. , ; d be 1 ; Raleigh, May 25, 1825.-, I ! 62tf - N. U. Those having Stills to reWa . tn well to send them immediately.. , State of North-Carolina . 5 WAKE COUNTY;, f -' Court of Fleas and Quarter Session's - 1 The preserit .& Oirectors I ru bi.. t-i- r .May Hession5i,1825v -? v inr i-resiaent cc jJirectorsi , . f Stale Bank of .C. J , : ?riS'nal : -; -- j tachnienwic. ''-Ilmton &Brameif j; on land: " -jrT havin been made kppear to tbe satJ. itf xhe Cburtbat DefcrT side Deyohdthejimits of the State tit is tW vertjsement 1 be made in tne Kaleigtt Ree-ister: for thn i months, that timers lefendarta: shall come 4 : ' . i - -.T"; - i "1 a pieaujjtnat tne-properiy levied on vtili h . . . . . .Sn-. . . ViU plead, Jtbat the property levied on condemned to iiatnuit -s recovery, t - v 'ymym B KING, C.-C. TCOR SALE a complete set, to bore hf in diameter, with a socket to fit tlie whole a single-bar, together with an upper and low.. vrw..v uvv.u itaucvuuc UICH U5C, Can De ODiamea xromtne centieman wno owns them For further particulars applv to the Editors v Apni x. , - 1 .'"PtiUAi Miofv' t , " : ' " ' . v . fc 1 ? TnE Undersigned, Executory cf , Samuel' Walker,' of "Granville county derd. hereby &lves ,,ol,cc luai; nomas uicKinson, the ! I .cr9ti;:to whom Rtltiflrw Rlav tr'i-r ' n V, , l o j - , I Woman. Vine, and her Children, the proper- - l ,,u ucccascu , M;cre eii oywiu, many VIUC lorwara ana pay the I expenses inai nave oeen, incurred i in main-v taining said Negroes, and take them into his Posseson, on or before the 14th of Noycm- oer, tne said negroes will on that day; be put UP r le at. vendue, and JBqld in order t defray the charges incurred in their support Franklin, May 10,4825, Z J56-6m;r - raXHE subscriber has a first-rate Coach and JBL Harness just finished. He has also se veral others nearly don, besides G of e very description : all of which he will sell ve ry low for cash or negotiable paper.1 lie still 'carries on'the Harness Making and Plating, in all its variety: He WarraAts all his work to be faithfully executed;- and in point of ele gance equal to any in the country", j ' . ---y- - : THOS. COBBS. ? Raleigh, June 9. ' ; : 64-4 w... P S. He would like to take two Anpren- tices.: None need apply unless thev cancume well recommended and will be bound. Notice. Deed of Triist executed U me by William Verell, for certain , pur- po;es therein mentioned! t sfelV tjtoceed to sell for cash, on Saturday the l6tli day of July next;, at the House of said William Verell, a tciwuri ruui or Jrarcci Or iantl, jying in tne jcounty bf Franklin, containing 200 acres it rein the land on,which 'the' said-William yerell.-v.noW lives! I wiU cbnvev to the pur chaser, such title as I iarri authorized to do by said trust, and no otlcr- v v " l-.t, JASi STROT HEILTrustee: - Frankliii, 20th June 1825. - J v . 68-td.i. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, 'V;;&- o'-'V-' 29th prii; 1825. 1VTOTICE is hereby ffiveii. that on the first 11 1 day of October next; the principal of the six per cent j Stock of thetIntP.H fifnt I ated u nder the authority of an act of Congress "cu . jn aci auuionsing a loan for a sum not exceedinErlelevehmtllions of dollars." aP prov?don the fburteehth ' day of March, one thousand eieht hundred and twelve, to- gether wih ; the interest rtlien due Uhereon, n . . - .... . . Wt. - he paid to the proprietors of said stock or to their attomevs duly authorized, at tlie Treasury of the United States, in Washing ton, and at the several Loan Offices, on the books of which any-portion of said stock may stand. " : 1 ', ' ' ' ; .' ; - '.' . t . -' ' A surrrender of Uhe Certificates' cf said Stock will i be required it the time of pay- ment; and ! the interest on said stock wiU I cease from and alter the thirtieth dav of Sei ltpYr.Kt. - . ' 1 . SAMl! f RfShTTT a l?n. Acting Secretary of the TreasuriC ' ; ftftAft. t t.' o i - . . . , v . . . - Q D"!3 !W k.c .t .. . QV or so much JthereoC as willbe Sufficient Hon Kins iticc 407 - do 100 , do: 106 do' do; v "by Redding Williarr. do' by Abram Winbourn . do by - William Ilari isoa or - ' f J Wranklin county, do b Terop'e. Kichardsoa do bv Miles Kins ; v 1 125 100 - CO 50 114 100 ; 226 :400 ;soo' -.70 da do do' not given in, the property of yVia ; ; Garners neirs do do do -.do, 'do 'do do do. : do x . of ; A- do f do of John Stunlevant ; da of Merrif Sellers' : : do , . - of Jane ScChristianllqe do j ' of John Fowler ,1 : ..'rdo of Crawford Hopkins ? v do i : . i of Margaret Raiky do , 'ofP urftons Railey "':. -' 2' Lots in the Town of Nashville; hot grnV in, the property of JLittlebury Hines, dec'u 2 do in: satd towa not given m,the proper- ty of Jas.V 1 rjerfectlv new: and made iivPhTl'jrlplr.k:.. v.". 20 ft. from tKe firt Wo -Icmen In tiiat'lhW I'K owerend; c;vt-fiv (tniifc : ar- . .., ? ' ? I to pay the Ta due thereon for the veax Dance, dee'd., , j f S". Y. W. V1CK. former SbrT. - , . r7 ' - - -J ' - V'F.UU jl 61 i W I May 27 : May 20, 1S2S,; jpr. adv. $5 rMiti '-l:ry.: 'r; , " ' ; ' ,'. V' ' -; ;'v - ; , ; ; -;'i' : ; '11' '" yZ' t '' f ";- - ".' U : 'V- ' ' K y .-j 'Wyyyr'yy?: -.-y .. '-y .-.:' -i : . !--'-vr ,J - " ,v .. : .' . . I'..,"-. " . ... . ; . i . ' .. . ., . f ;; " ,r" -w- ..- 'r-:. .. ,v.:-v-.. t-4 ' ' -'- ; . I---.- - : .- v;;--l .-, " ' v v'' yt-'-yyi - i--K-yK-- ;v . - - y:-,y-- ry . 'y - . - . . ' t .. f 7... . i. v , - .... ;r ' .-- y . . v - - v.: : ' ; . . - r- -: v: y. . , :-'jl-J; , 7 - -. v i : - .. , . . . r- .y- - " f - f - "V ' ;. ' -' . . -; ' . . . . - ;r - ' ' 'r ''K - : .. '