S ft I"' - It A- V v - M . M i V. - NOTmSK) AJWM STATE : KAKErGvW5.- ' f i- pursarcf the-plaiis Qf fair, delightful peace, V f'pp ""vfVUnwavprby.pafty.-'rasre idIiVe Jit'd brothers. 'f,-N -t I V X6, ili. , 1. It'il -A f V . -T f 1 ; Jl . I V v ill' I .1 n i.M f V:.?L.J ' I'- 'Li i l. mi . - m " m x i t . f - r : . w , v' ' Jj .l- ; .v' ' "'Hit , v;. V THE REGISTER r: Is published eveTycTrUT.snAT and'FnlpATipy " JOSEPH GALK 8c SOX,1 . ' At FiVEf dollars per annum -half in advance ; - AB VKRT1S EMENTS ' c , Not exceeding 16, lines, neatly inserted threev times for a 'dollar; ; ana cents ior every succeeding' publication ' those i of greater length in the same proportion... .CoMMt si Jtatiowr thankfully .received. . . kttehs to the Editbi-s must be post-paid, i THE HONEST ROBBER. ' f: potmBET) otf fact. . ; A worthy minister, whom I shall call the Uev.;Mr. Moncrief, 're.sided hear Edinburgh; aboutr the) year jl 746; - He wxis generally, esteemed .-. for hi &, piety and attention ministerial diiitiess." . ; He preached the 'whole truth of ilGod in a styl plain & simplecalculated at once to" in form the understandin gjand und er the divine .blessing" to eftect "the hearti It was, his cusbm to, go- from home anmaally, to rceiyerhis yearly stipend, which was managed with so, much care nntt frugality, that it becornust sulffi cient tothe support of Ins family, with out any snrplus atthe end of the year. The season having 'arrived when Mr. Mod crieC took his j ou rney, for the pur pose of receiving his stipend ,he left home foot, unattended and unarmed ; ami having settled his business, was return ing to his 'habitation; - Scarcely had lie proceeded hal f way, when a young man presented himself before him,; and per V in p tor i ly- d e m an d ed his money, at the same time raising a pi stl j to enforce his i demands v The liglitf the moon en abled Mr Moncriefta recognise in the . robber no less a character thari -feau n lers Maitland, a lihvii drapirj who IiacV recently failed 5 The fihnness f the jobd minister astonished young Mait hind. rhis, siri' said he 'is my first otFehce-l have been unfortunate--! am destitute of every thing. ; Your charac ter I re,spect, and it. ino intention of mylKeart to offer you either injury or insult, but distress impels me to "this a'ctto'iu.'iTbesewKIs were delivered in Vo mpdest, knd humble a ; tcnev ; tliat i t confirmed Mr. M ohcnefj nt he sen timent that he was not lost in vice 5 and prompted, by his sacred office, and a de sire to deter the young man from his " purpose, ; he began to reason " with him, and pointed out to him in strong nervous language, the great crime he was about to commit the cruelty of depriving a minister of a whole, years subsistence for himself and family,, and the awful end that awaited all who pur sued so dangerous a course. v Often he recalleilito his" mind the convictions of his conscience, and the admonitions he had received in public as well as in pri vate : and added with a fi rm voice, ' The end of these things is death." , nVlaitlahd' listened with attention.ahd during the" ajldress,: his eye ancj his pis tol often fell below the plane of the ho risbn. For some time an interpal'con fl ict was maintained , between !a d esi re for the money and the sin of, taking it: . At length iis conscience yielded, and, in the most peremptory manner he a-, gain demanded Mr. Moicrief to sur render his money ! The minister, aware that resistance would be yainj looketl at the pistol tliat jwaA now pointeil at him-Jelivered his inbney to Maitland ! and requested that he would listen to him for. a few moments. r " You say, young man, that this is first at-attempt-take my advice, and to pre yeiltyourdeslruction, let itbeynur la&ti Go, and. use. the money now obtained, in art industrious , manner, and you shall n(t only have'my forgive jiess, but my ; prayers" Moricrief ; then raised his reverend eyes a to heaven, and implored niercy for the .robber. They parted, thp minister to his aflec tionate wife'aiid family, and jViaitlahd to alas J he knew not whither I The world was all before lnun where to ; v. ', m: choose ; ; ' ."'- ;' :: ' His place of. rest j ' ' , , , ." v Hapriv if he could liave 1 looked to Provkl ence as his guide v or i pifay ed for . direction'. butbe,QUid :n'otjjiiiy.y;jAT flictcd vt!) tlie hiost distressing ej- mgft';.. sensible o his. crime, ana aware of the thinger t o w h ich ;hi s life Iw a s x -posed, lie wandered i abbot c jlWispiue time, uncleteVmined what should be his future'procee(lin.;Ths6le ing wprtTs of the mi nisteK sti 1 jso'd nded in hisTx ars, and hs kindness melted his heart. At one tiiheVhe :resolVed.to re turn t heiil l-gottein booty, ' bu t. then: he ikv uiai lug apprehension : might4 be consequence Mnd his life feiture. ;.V-.;i-r.V,,i: the for- -ueanume the case of Mr Moncrjef 1 1 waa greatly conimiserated by his a Tec tionat e pa rishloners ; , k ol d -a hd 1 young spontaneously. came forward, and more than, compensated the losbe had sus .taincd : sf il I he . prayed for M ai rland, andyoften Aycptas he iritreated God to briDg .him'to a sense ofi his'sinantl to reclaim him from -the paths of the des- trofer At'Jength Mai tland lieard of a vessel bound to India, and hastejied on board. AVhi 1 e t here h e frequ ently reflected on the sin lie had committed, & would glad- lyhavei restored the mon ey he had so unfeelingly taken, bii t this became eve- ry. ,day more impractica ble, and he now turned his attention to' the.mi- histers advice, to hemployfdt lnnest- ly and industriously. -Ilejaviiiled him self of the InUmerous ad vahtages yhich conVmerceopens to the satlor, and by grea t assi d u i t y and: cautioii. aided by the blessing of Provileqce which he ear nestly sought, as wejl as the pardon of his siifs, he succeeded beyond his most sanguine expectation. His desire and determination to refund .-the property he had stolen never forsook him, and he embraced the first oppojt unity 'of mak ing restitution in person. , More than twelve years however, rolled away, wi thou t prod u ci ng any faci I i ry of visi t ibg Mr. Moncrief. At last he' obtain ed affreight to. Bordeaux;, and thence to Lei th, and having learned that Mr. Mon crief was still living1 with his wife and family at' their old residence, he for warded two pipes of excellent wine to him, but without mentioning from whom they came. When they arrived at the good minister's door, he was thrown in- to the greatest perplexity, .ouservm that for himse) f he had 110 cellar 1; which he could place it, nor did he pos sess a friend that was i likely to send him so valuable a present. ; j Tlie whole therefore was a mistake, and the wine obviously intended for some other per son. 1; He: conseniedi however, to al low them for the present tone placed in his stable. r L ; After making every inquiry to dis cover the real owner of the. wine, and obtaining no information whatever, Mr. 3!oncnef: concluded that time would develop the mystery. ; ' v' , After a few days, a respectable look ing gentleman alighted from his carriage and. requested to see the minister. Be ing introduced, he told him he had been brought up in the country, and had con stantly recollected him with esteem and veneration.. He had taken the liberty of bringing a few trifles for the?accpt ance of Mrs. Moncrief.L 1 The presents consisted 01 some cnoice 1 ru us, su ks, &c. of no small value. The stranger was invited to a very plain dinner, of which the family was about and at the conclusion of the kb partake, repast, po- iiteiy requesteu a glass 01 wipe. Moncrief apologised at nut haying any, his income not allowing him ;to drink it. It is true,' said he 6 tliat' there are twp pipes of wine in my stable, jdirected to me, but I lo notknow to whom they belong.' The guest replied that he knew who sent them,! and that Mr. M oncrief va to consider the wine as his own property. Some wine was im mediately produced, and after the par ty had drank health, and happiness to thir hfnpvolent friend,! Mrs. Moncrief and her children retired, leaving the liusba'nd and the stranger to themselves. The -surprise;and astonishment of the family can scarcely be; iinajgined, and yet they could form no idea of the name or character of their guest. Scarcely had the two geiitjtemeg been lett alone, when the s visihlv thiiiiiflitful.fantl ranger became labored appa- rently under great mental pert urbatioti. As he sat, the crystal tearf tlowed in rapid succession, and his heart seemed ready to burst; Mr.- M oncrief became greatly alarmed, and was on tle point of ringing the bell for assistance, when the stranger, Jookihg wistfully at hun, uttered n broken accents, fct Excuse me, dear and reverend j Sirp be not a lanned, niy tears speak at once my pungent sorrow for ' the past and my gratitude, for the present moment." In a n i t is tan t he'd re wl out his !pu f se, con taining a sum bf)mbnef and with his pencil proceeded ioj ihake: calculations, then placed 'on theft able r VfecbiiU sum. Now,lear Sir,? aul he with an in expressible look of gratitude and hu mility, behold your property restor- jed, and tlie interest d u ei thereon. otters" you is great advice vou ' ffave me oti tnat occasion. Your iiiiage has been constant lr before . my eyes, tfrequeirtl hyve I aked pardon ofGodk and nraveclttfiat blessing might descend upon yciu upon you. r me Aimignty nas, I trusty answered myj prayerF, and pi a 1 1 1 a n d, on ce t he I robj r. to-tlav. some restitution for h bflencei ' ,1 did not1 rejectB the made : Hie- prosneroiis jri regard to both worlds." ' 1 ; ' MoncHef looked withastonisTunenf, first at Maitland aiid then at t 'e tno heyv xTime and asea -faring ;i had left 'no 'traces of his former, app jarance "yet; fr?m the ; Moment (that tle first sum' was laid;down, a dawti of hope""a rose in 'his mind; that the object was be fore' lum, for whose salvation he jhad sb lorig supplicated; 1 f ! V v :'' j . j The feelings of the parties may be better co ricei ved than" d esc ribed.1 The pious minister beheld his prayers an swered. He that stole, wrought with his hands,' and restored' what lie 'had unjustly taken u away. ; God prospered him in his endeavors to make restitu tion; and the robber , became nou only honest but theTriend of the man" whom tie had injured. 1 1 . State of Nortli-Caroliiia. - Ruth'erfbrd county. j . Superior Court of Law. i ' . ' April term, 1825. . ' . 1 j " Fanny Garrison, ) r '' ' r v ; r i. v . VPetition for divorce. ; Jacob (rrison. 3 . . v- v - JT appearing to the satisfaction i of the Court that Jacob Garrison, the defendant; is not an inhabitant ofthirState; it is there fore ordered oy Court, tlat publicaiion be made three months in the RaleihStar; and Itegister, giving notice to thcxlefendant that he appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for Ifutherford county, at the Courthouse in -Rutherfordton oh tlie 3d Mon day after tlie 4th . Monday in September next, then' and there to ariswer, pltjad or de mur to said petition ? otherwise it TwiH be taken pro onfesso and adjudged according1 fy. Atiiheas, James Morris, Ck-rk of said Cfiurt, at office the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday of March, A. D: 1825, and in the 49i h year of the Independence. ' j tS8 JAMES MORRIS, Clk. , Stfite of North-Carolina, Mecklenburg County, j Superior Court of Law, Spring1 Term,' 1825. Jane Perry, ' j v. , C Petition Divorce. I Gray rcrry 1 I T appearing to the satisraction ;6f the Court, that the defendant is not resident in this state, so. that' the ordinary process of Law, can be served on him. It is therefore ordered that publication be made three months in the Raleigh Register, that unless the defendant appear at our next' Superior Court of Law, to be held for said County, at the Court House in Charlotte, on tlie. 7th Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and plead, answer or demur thereto, the plaintiff 's petition will be taken pro con- tesso, and heard exparte, &c. J. M. HUTCHISON. : June tl. i State of North-Carolina. Rutherford County. -. ; - Spring term, 1825. James Thompspn, Goold Hoytn James II. '.Murray, Arthur liron- ( Bill b fire mort . son and others, Jx:lose ., - . ;' " gag !: Augustus Sacket. J I T'i appearing to the satisfaction ofthe Court X that the defendant, Augustus Sacket, not an inhabitant of this St ite ; it is ordered that publication be made three, months suc cessively in the Raleigh Register; that unless he appear at the next Court or Equitv to be held for Rutherford county, at the Court house in Rutherford ton, on the 3d Mondav after the 4th Monday of September next, and plead, answer or-demur to the bill of com plaint filed against him it will be taken pro conlesso, and heard exparte. j Test. T. F. ' H1KC HETT, C. M.E.. . May 30. . : V- - 3m State of N orth-Carolina, MARTIN COUNTY. j , Superior Court of Law Spring i'ermv 1825. James Bullock, I vs. , - A Petition for a Divorce. Tabitha Bullock. 3 . 1 IT appearing to the Courtthat Tabitha Bul lock, is not a resident ofthis State: Order ed, that publication for three months be made in the Raleigh Register, for the Defendant to appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for Martin county, on the' Monday before the first Monday in September next, then and there to plead, or tlie petition will then be beard exparte. I JOHN LUTEN, Clk . ; Sup. Court Martin County. T AN away from the farm of the-subscriber Xfti not long since, two negro Boys j of the following description 1 . ; A ARON; about 20years old, 5 feet 8) inches high, , and stout'in proportion to ..his height";' a dirtv black skin, wide face and small eyes. DAVID, 18 years old, ahoutthe height of Aaron, but not so square built. He is a 'dark' mulatto, nearly black' ; his eyes are j above the con. mon size.; ' v '-":": - They will probably take up about Raleigh, or in the neighborhood of Colonel Philemon uawKins, v in ; warren. . ine aoove .reward will be given for their apprehension and delivery to me,, or 30 dolls, tor Aaron aiid 20 for David. -a , ,j 1 , ' - WILL A. BLOUNT. Beaufort county. May 15 60tf ' 7 (Ijr The anniversary of the Raleigb.Peace Society wiH btf hbldert ill the BaptTstMeeting House, in this city on '-: the thirds Sunday in August at 1 1 o'clock; at which time: a Ser mon will be delivered on that subject,! by the Rev. Robt. T. DanieLH Oh the nexl day, the members of the Society are respectfully so licited to attend i , also delegates from Auxil iary Societies. A 11 ' indebted to tha funds Will be prepared to pay up theft duesj ... , - . '. v - ': ' v" ; ,.; . ;' ' . ' .' , , ., ' r, : .: :-: W . ';'v.-'':. ;vr--,-K;-- : c State;of North-Carolina. ' ? i WAKB' COUN n' ! r ; ." ' Court of Pleas unit Quart r Sessions,' ' , -,w -May Sessions, 8 The Pres'dent &. Du-i ctoi-s of tie State Bank of N.C. HintOn & Brame; r Original nt U tachment le vied on land-;- ; IT having been made-nppear to the sitis faction of the Court, that Defendants re side oeyond the limits of the State : It is there- forebi'dered by the,Court, that ajvcrtisement be made" 111 the Raleitrli Resrister' lor three months! that unless ' 1) v fenda'.s slia II cojrie forward on or before the ' jiicxt 'terin1 of this court to be held for the county ol Wake, at t he iCourt"; House' m -Raleigliion t hi; third Monday of A,ugusC ricxt; and replevy and plead,- that the, propirty leyredt"on lj ; be condemned to Plaihtift',s re'coveryvl '--V. " r IL S. KING, C?C: ' GREENE COUNTY; :r! 1. Couit of-Pleas aft.l Quarter Sessions May Term, 1825. ,x ' ' i Chas. Edwards & Saml. Original attachment ; 11. rian. auinr.oi 0010. j leviea on a tract Braiid, dee'd. ' ' , )-of iand adjoining , . , v-f. '. i Jas. Albriiton and v John Be:cher. r v J others. , ' : IT appearingto the satisfaction ofthe Court th?a John. Belcher, the defendant in this case' has removed front tins Stated It is there lore ordered, that publicatioii be made in the Raleigh Register, fi. six weeks siiccess'vvely,' that unless the. defendant appear at our, .next Court to be held for the county" of Greerte, at the Court House in Snow Hill, on the second Monday, of August next,-and, shoAv cause to the contrary the cause will be lieard exparte andthe property levied on cohdernned for sale; Witness Will'am Wrilliams, Clerk 4 of said court at office the 2d Mondav of "Mayi A. D. 1825. WM. WILLIAMS, Clk. Stateof oi-th-Canilina, '1 Granville County. ? ; . , ; Court of Pleas and Quarter, Sessions, ', ':.' , May term, A. D 1625. i . : , Thomas Brown, surviving" , t' ( J v v partnerf Geo. & Tho's.' J :-ivJ& . Bro vn, v f Scire facias to vs. charge the real The Heir of James Pit- estate. r tard, 'dec. t . ' J :. . ; . . . ... .; The same, ' ; . :y ,. VS. C DO. ; ( . ' The same. . 3 - ; -1 ; ' fT having been made to appear that Horace Somerlnll, one of the defendants in these cases,; is an .inhabitant of another State : or dered that publication be made for three months in the Raleigh Register, for- said de fendant to come forward within 'the. term' o suid Court, to be held on the 1st-Monday .in Augtist next, at Oxford, and enter his appear ance, ' or judgment , will be entered against him. Witness, - STEPHEN K. SNEED, C. C. Stat e. o1l X oirtti-Cai! olina, Wake County. i - i Cdurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1825. William A vent, William Drake. ' T. ' ' j Original attachment levied on land; &Wm. I Lashley summoned as J 9 T baving beert made appear to the Court, a- that the defendant resided beyond the li mits of the State i It is therefore ordered tliat advertisement be made in the Raleigh Register and State Gazette, for three months, that unless the defendant come forward, on or before the next Term of this .Court, to be held at the" Court House in Raleigh, on tne third Monday of August next and - replevy and plead, to issue, Judgment will be entered up against him, and the property levied on condemned to plainturs recovery. . - B; S. KING, C. C. C Raleigh,' May 26. 1825; Y. ; 60 3m State of North-Caroliria; ; , Edgecbmb County. v' Court of Pleas ind Quarter Sessionis; May Term, 1825. . -. . . Benjamin Wilkinson, ' ; , ' 'f ; ' ' vs. ; T Petition for WdPe Bunn, . John B. punn,' f . Partition, v and Jeremiah Bunn. J ;; IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court; that John Burrell Bunn, Orphan of Wil liam Bunn, and' Jeremiah Bunn, Orphan jbf Jeremiah Bunn, both, infants of tender years, twb of the defendants, 1 and "residents of ano ther state; it is therefore ordered, that pub lication be made; in the, Raleigh Register for three month?, . that unless they, appear "at oui next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Edgecomb, at the Court HeuS'i in'TarboroyghV on the fourth Monday of August next, then and there to plead &C. jutlgment will, be takeu'pro cdn fesso, & the cause heard ex parte as, to them, and judgment entered accordingly. Witness, Mich'I Hearri, Clerk ofthe said Court, at Tar bbrough, the'4;b Monday, of May, 1825 66"; r- ; MICHAEL" HfiARN, Ci C; 1 A DIGEST of the Statue Law of "North- Carolina, relative to Wills; "Executors, and Administrators, the Provision for -'Widows, and the Distribution of Intestates. : :'.' , , ... -.' . ' " . : , -. By JOHN LOUIS TAYLOR, " ' : ' CHjir-JtrsTiCK tor Tttfi Scpbexe CoT.-f Copies of this ' Work- may 5 be had at the Bookstores of John' M'Rae j and J. HatUbcK, tayetteville; D. Smith, Wilmington VSalmdn Hall & Thomas Watson, Newbern II? Wills, Lclenton; .Davis0h, Warrehton ; N. J. Pal merHillsborbtigh iiebane," Greeiis-: borcwgfr tiJotlieb Shober Satem w r m a. .v m . - . jji r -; v & 1 " . - - "Ni- -' 5-' - V,. '.. n fiiiiinrf it 1 mPAmwi -. ?. May 13. - 7 r t, -TITE' u?dersgned;V-Executor t f fpAmuel VallreK'of f nvJllccounttv decM: heretir tiotictvtlfat if ll.o'mas D.ckmion: thd taining sriid Negcoes, ami take them iha his " jvjcsion,von or. oe:oit- tue: riii vA -iS Jvem-. berlhe said .Negroejs will nnthrit dav. b&Uut op, for; sale, at vend tle and sold in order la defray tiio ehare&ificurretl mt!ieirvsuppnrti : . ' ' . " " John s tone; Exr. s i TanJcii n, M av I tJ, 1 825.: 56 6m 1 ; i .v, it- fJl ATon Mondyy thelst day4 of Aagual: iKxt, . M ill expoiJ to public sale, in the likely Negroes, amongst; which :there are - Carpentersi Blacksmiths Weavers. &.c.: ) I Also, on Thursday the 4th day of August I will sell; at the Dwelling House Jof :tnul Stokes, a great number of Feat!ierbexlsfahd t , Jheir furniture auantitybf Silver Plater consisting, of lea-polls- Cofiee-pots, "Sugar bilies CieampotSiAVash Bqwls, Teaspoons' &Ci &c i alsw Diuing Tables, Sideboards, Wihei; pooler. Chairs, -Waggons Und Horses, Stock ' . of Cattle vaiid H6s. Takert to satisfyltwd . executions in favor of the State I Jankaud the i Bank of Newbern, and AileinohA LoCkn . ' i , Good Negotiable Notes at either oftlie'a- 5 hove Banks,; will be received in payment 71 3tt r :JOEL.VANNoy.tifi:.: ; TROM tlie Subscriber, living-' in Raleigh, JL about the 15tli irist. his nekfo man TR- GjL. iXSaid. negro-is abpiit iwenty-four yearrf ' ofagei durk completion, 'and yC'heb spoken td; is apt to stiittt rC Therejare'twoimais which, cannot fail to lead to ; his apprehension if at tended to. He is I5ne of hi jlef t Ieg : and has on 'the: crown of , lus, head;' a :-scar,' sufHci- ently large to. lay a finger, occasioned by. it having been brokeo sonie years since. TIt ii possible that he may have obtained free pi-i pers, and is endeavoring to make his way to some northern ch y; I will give for his dell vei y to,me or confinement in jail so that I ge him a ga i i; 25 it,' tak e n out of the statej ' $10 ; dollars if. taken without tlie county j' at caught in the couniy. ; ' - : . ;.'" ; ;' JOTlNBUFFALOE. KRaleighj June 271 S25: ' BRIG A 1)1 Ell GEN HENRY BLOUNT, will Review Tt he 4 Regiments- CbmpbsiniJ the 17th Brigade N- Militia at the follow ing times ami places Franklin cou nty? at Louisbi 26tl day of A u trust. T W ake county, at RAIt igh on Friday the 2d fbiy. and the Reiment'of Warren county, at WaiTenton, 011 Friday the 9iU day of Septem'? ber next. , The Officers, noiiHcbmmissioriedr ) ffi cers and Musician's w il t b e req u ired to tnu i uiu auyvc iucuiJOJiQu iiices, jueaciv. Martial Will be.held .oi the.: djQi's sU;Ccced'ng" i the , Reviev, of which , alTthose Coriceriiea will take: notice and ' govern Umselves'ic-i cordingly. ; : ; :; :J::', ?( v'j ; I By order, " of i:f ; T ;"f-.i v R AKEf Jr. Aid-de-Camp.; M have appointed John IL Drake" ir.'Esq my AidKleHUahm.A ; K "i'A '.' -H. BLOUNT. Bficr. Gen. J ; . Nashville rt.:C.mly4r the Gbrerbbr ot NoHhfe rfiElEASJt haA heiiroadJcriawn tof I meJ that a murder lias beeiLenmmittf 3 in jthe county 6f,Rocmgham; "aiil State "pt'f North-Carolina,' on the: 2-vT darof the ilAt "". mbntHrand that a Certain Heart well -Steealb ; ted the same on tlie. body of a certan ive;. narked LucV, the bronertv of John StPo-uH i legatee; to whom-sundry Slaver, vjxra NeTb? J' - " Woman Vriue, and her Ohiidren, the proper; x y J'f id-Vtecea5ed i were.';k?t byv will, P'ny yfearsago', Vlo'noi cori-'e fpnvard ndvpi(V' the x J ' expense tlsat liave beenVincurrfed iif" ina1n; townof WilkesboimiicMj the foirywing iPrcT peftv, viz The life, estate of Slonfbn stokes in 3,053 acres Of land lyilrgbtr theWadkini- Rivera nei Vilk(phninM'rh ilaAKniif'rAiAr 'he . Regiment of irg, ii i-'rdly he besiReiinicnts oi equipped as the law directs' for .tlie, purpose-' of an Officer Drill and in each' cuse Court ad as; it is: further represented and mattf . known to me, that.the said tleartwel illegal IV ' Ji hatb abscondeVand fied from 'die jurischctioil t and limits of. this Siafe; and thefebv plnd.l 7 tlie atniof the law and of juiii'Cei--- - 1 - Now therefore,; to. the end that Uhe .salil Heart.vell Stegall may e apprehendedand -T brought to fustice: the khove re wfir.l rw Hundred Doflars will be or; persons who will apprehend and'.confinei ; the said Ilart well SteaU irt any jail iu .thirf "?li"".so u"v we may De OrOugnt to jystice 4 and . I dtfi 'moreover, . hereby require, coin - rl ' nv:.nd, and enjoin all otHqers whatsoever a s uell.civil.av military .within this State: Ux v..; tbeir best endeavors and niost. energelicx- . ertions, to apprehend an I take, orHrause tti je appreiLLjideo and ttke th body of th 1 tun MiarrwMi itMii. on,i KiTt n.i . 7 " (4ii stttcir anil c- tween;twenty aiuj tltirty years of age, t.Jent- b!y fair complexion anilhraa a large scat1 just at the edge of Ids hair, on his forehead is also much burnt wilh powder under one5 of his ey ei vrhicti W easily be 1 Ceivblef-hc hide - vac vr uii mis weuvad WUft n:s n-tr 1 ' :. . f In tesiimdiiy Wfcert:of I'have c?iitseV V, ' i V :"tie! Great Seafof the ;State to bq 1 5 Vts V ,lrun" axed;aMvguhsirbi-4t SV ; tle same officwllyvat f tlie City o-, ;! jiJ ; : Italeiglttoif the lltb4a if J u ly K cutely keep; so that hetmay be :bi ought tW' justice. ; vrv--,:; Ti&tirl' . Hartvyrll Stegall is .a yerv lar-e man. ;be- hpw ; iHoijiNa'G; burton:- :;-; v J 41 j: K: Ckxj?sktti Prirate Secretaryi "fij A-y- s- , -s ;, V. ,i ,-. -: . ' '" -"'. .' "-:"";' . ' ' ' : ' ' i, . . " ' ' ' - " . . ' - : -: ... - - . .. . .: - - - . . . ... ' , - , ' i ' .' . -. . ' ;..'.' y - -YJ-,'- - " '. .' ' . ' - ' ; '.!''" rv : - ;--, '";' , .V. I,..- v.. .. i..-V. r V-.. 7 '-'i .s-.: v ..',!.: ' . -, , . ..'" . ; - , ' . -- r-,- '. v.-" : i '' -'V. ..- " J ' - f. f'.-i. ': - v- .. .- - v- - ) . ....... ... : - - -- . ' . ' : v - - . ' ' Jf - '-ft Si -v j 1 .