n - -- . . : V . , " i " s 4 " Otirs are Uve nlans of taift dpIMiirni i-.. uiiw aj j u dv ipariv rage to liTeJike brothers? ' v V . yy tt , y r, .; v a ? , ;i th; y y; ti ,,-'--'.) ) ,V ' . . . . . . ' " i . v . ' .-. V ' r 1 ' I I " ' II reister - - j. u i' 1 1 ij ai ,es son, u ; immm aia.and tUTenccr the first federa compaqt otlhe colonies: ' Then frllo'wd the ionqr.-rauou and eventful strule of tlie It was upon this aufepicios dav, nine and A t FiYb pollari per annum- : : ATvr.T?TisF.Mr.TsrT? - ;"T-: i. " rr ""cni, hi wnicn, recounting i ciuccxiins: -i P unes, nesuy inserieu uiree wrongs iney iuidi suffered' from times for a dollar, and 2'cent' for every the Uritish frovernment. without- hope : of re succeeding publication; these of prreate? Paraxon from tt declared, these colonies iengtii m the same prppQron..4cpMMUKi-J vjcncei.ircii tree, sovereig-n and independent r"iTVkw4Knni-Ai11'tiIv?' -T Ivvwpnn. I States. ? anrl: f4. . ' CATiothanfcfulI received. ..v." ii kte its to The llowingi 0&tJ6 by. rkrticxilar request-: lis, paper mutually pledtjinpr to each othfcr their lires, w't .lununes, ana tneir ?Rcedlhonbr;"V;i r Upon the events of the1 war familiar as Kucy are xo every one cfyou, Iam sure I need nuu uweu. xynat one of yon from infancy. i that, has not went at th iWiilr anc giowed Avith entltusiasrri at the story nf Selaiers apt jTeltoxv Citizens ' I v.ik' ;;;To hotfouVi hv bccns'onal observances, the great or fortunate achieve men's of thpir, ancestcrsAjs a practice as i-a-tional and salutary ia its-lf, i it fhas been ireuiu u)c tusiqins oi .nations.: - And S1lr(GtlllVnlA. Ill , vcnotijenipttUeir slaughter, and dismay J oh 'Bunker's awful mount tht-ii fl;r.i.. : 1 - . reruler at Saratogaagam of ajieir f efvat sit check at Guilfbrcp their final; surrender at Orktown ? The trial of. arms confirmed tlie .rauon or nne Congress. Peace was re 1 v ..i i "j" vudiuuij n imiKJiis., , Ana I , .tun u inc ongressi : i'eace was re-fiureh-ftmonEf the various festivals urhir.h 7P.,l I stored, indeiiendenrp- has ins'ltuted.: or Datnotjsm rndftv,1 fiitttUnsr and exhausted oMunt,, L- 1 4-. iivi. wc iui ,tan xiaim a , more pure and exalted fame, one more worthy: to he held in grateful hd honoured Recollection than that Which Met have; tiw;assembled Jo com memorate To keep alive, to render active in Ourlamk the ' principles, the 'spirit, the jnemdry of 6," is an obj ect wortliy the at- ...luvupvu'ti l -1 n 1 1 - ui cvciv r.iMTpn . wtm - "j 1 tuns. Heroism ami success threw a lustre round the country, (2) and the cavse. .the consequences (of-the event have rendered it an era in the history of free institutions., vi" j - . i ; : NoTth-aroJina, at that t'me, young, feeble, and disjomted, was not, however, an inglori. OUS actor in tl.ric. m'm.J.. : 11.11 V!V . Kl J """"ViilUUS SCCllfS, J fie prospects..) l,.esl, Io" 'l"ch flowed at Gettnantowrt, was Hind iMne t shed by hep sons . im.- ih i,ki r 1 -- . v r v. , . . . , - - ,...w.. .vv. 1 , . , t-iv.uaivics til UUUTOK1 " f " 4 , i ? f.T iiKipprj?- 1 wv uu 11 1 am ..nave . consecra ted some . I 1 1 " 1 W rT m- wimm r r i . a ir n A 1 . I I II 1 II inn fit u I concerns himself with f the' futiire cf his countrv.' Inde d. could th-- charter of 4)ur nght5? be th'is d y een among us, e-E!icuia not or.iv ti u them trr-.t fi. d . . . .. u vyuiui iv.-viiHv c ciapse.ci smce our aheestors, snnie actuated by a sn rit of nlerpriye ,f hut roore (ti;iven,by religi ous persecution xnd Cvil?oppreson, sought an as3'lum.ar.d a home in the forgets of a jica. . To this their enterprlze, neither a fos- icriug carenor, a gcrerous protrction," was taxtended by the P.ng!ish governmVut. tThe colonists were Jelt to struggle both with the A resnectab'e r.umht-r or our citizens rv tneir independence, "loner; before the senti- -echoed by the continental Con- gra- r-A v V. :r , -mitv i w wc uunieinpiaieman,tarisen from the gro- i .T " , v" v yc-miuj earxti,- wnere late ne iav, and 1 fce I2m TP science -Med -descend to the thejrown Chimbovazn and O bmp'us, tow zniifr repubhes of moderii Italy, where the songs sublimely tt the skle. . - J -- timr, i w w i: .S? , A',osto - The Republic of Mexlcd has recentlf tri. the modern Komans; have tittMvid f hi. hh. ' . . vv" 2gS literature NeedlteU fidr;ofKurbdeV,sVic$ori what freedom lias don- for her yotinger IbfT- more fortun tli itr, nrirT 2??S CaU HvalleA the faoie W the success c liarmo. v , " '.. j wes, tne fiame dmt and Arij or vasnmgton : untamted by the vices, he of vour chic almost engrossed the virtues of antiquity dause, and i rreetrora tne intnueis of ThPm etnfoe t.. .....i. j . . , xjnv aiiouier e-iorious scene -anotlierirus- K-tl0n ybibjes of trious ctbr cfe our dThe'indl rully, he knew,tas a general; when to be. nenderirp nf wih, nil; k1. hke Fabius. the clan A, A l,lr c- ii'V.Z "" """'"i fKnKnu ,r V i- , i . fcaicu' J 1116 memoraoie neia ot 7AyacucJio, thunderbolt of war." He d snlhv-H h a ii I . . ? v , ' State of 'Nortli-Cariitinn : ; . bjiperior Court of FiawSpirigi?ernvl82.. . wftiuca nililCCi, VS. TabItiarl3ullock. I'ditjon fytaDivorcc; TT appear'njr to Court t hat Tabitha nuli IL lock, is nqt a residerft ofdiis States OrtUir- ' ... u, luueign ltegister,ifor tlie defendant to 1 : expartei 3 JOHN LUTENjClk U : SupCourtairtin County, thnndhnlf 7"' uCU ia me memoraoie neiq ot ;AyacucJio. f i - ; V i -, ; v "'t1"1 i"c ic- wuere reru weu forerets fizarro to .shout C3 xt"i,iAT-'' if ' rfdffe Ion Itice of w;;K: ;Ih St? ofiNorthGdrolina: T?Sf -Sf1 -Mf ,fiISP1?"ofNuma. rous title, and ;el earned?; thrici Chappy i:0yfmm Coumi To the inxible mtegity of Culcinnatus, he chief !and one that, has no Iiidn-rrfvk1 inUe kl v lx Wtf ?SenT-S l-tsoffame.lWashingtSS 4fe:.Sp xenpentFihealled.the philosophy of Am and Timolebn in Peru. ; - V .v v JaTnesrfT!ump?6n,Gooj;r -.Itaytrt'. i5 I James B. IMurruvl Ai thhr Hrnn f ;ti hi'l.V I .' ., .. r . . . ' T-... ,,HII H ' Henry, the forestborn Tipmoofh Q n a ' " Whose tiiunder' shook the Philiri nfthA i. And stoic Franklin Wneretic shade. 4 -' ' Roh'd In th lio-htn; - n iuvu ins uiuiu auay i svwv Thus-Uhrou r -- - v. . ux VA,; III I11C stri the , , . - nol hemp the on5 tit Wiv'rn ;t.-i-s n .uv. ; w a ( w . v ail iin k. " a a a t Such, soldiers and feljow-citizens, is tlie fnerSes of the good olcTcause, theause of aspect, sucli the traits thkt Khtv r,W.nto humapnghts. , , - And now " Y - H I ' JJeparted spirits o the miffhtv dead' Ve .that at -Mara'thon and Leuctra hied! . . . 1 - "".UJ"P."V" I ' 1 A . . . .. - Z. . . 1, A scene in ail, m government and arts! that tli'e defendant. ' AiV.riictno cwil not an inhabitant of this Sme; it j. - ordered that publication he maxle three months sue- essively in "the ItHt Uegistef. tjiatahles ' he appear at the .next Court of duity to be " Need T thV c(irrtTni-) J. , Qrpnp ;n oil i- ' r. 1 . r I Friends of thr wnrW I 4rM.A I hekl 10r- Icuthrmnl rnimtw.' : mnn. ' . ' i I rlOUSe in ltutherff'dtnn' r . . .1 .. after th 4.th' ITnnH ur nrcni,.i: v. L; i - s In virtue, genius, every thins: reversed ; .uv-wuaieTcr sacred name diguised, Oppression ! come, and iuthy works reoice! See natilre's richest nlatns tri rnttrVVnc I'vj.iv IVIIJa - Fight in the sacred eause and' lead tlie. van f From their, cheerful Turn'd by thy fury. Rounds. 1 See razed th cnliveninVr 111 Such thy dire ttcts, tliou self destroyer I foe To human kind!' 1' Iookahroadtothf pnnt;nn fi-i ,.ri,i . . , v. liuii W 1 vti IVUilU- -I.a .V.a11. 1 . . . .. i . , c rcatL Jier. cJiainctenstics; too plainly written.' Look to ;n 1I10 nt.mi paraaise o, earth; m whose orient clime men the 4th Mond w pfSeptembeV nexri and . pleadj answer or-demuT;, to lie, bill of' cor?- plaint filed against him It will betaken pri : confesso, arid jieaTdvexpnfte' jl I Test.; May 30. (TT The anniversary of the Ttaleiirh Pa O . A -111 t 1 ' . . 0 oocieiy win oe noiaen in the JJaptist Meeting House, in:thi3 city, on the third Sundav in August at 11 o'clock; at whichtime a Ser mon will be delivered on that subject, by the Cff H - i- Rev. Robt. T. Haniel. On the'ntda th ; tatQ, Ot i Ortll-LlirOUim. 1 members'bf the Societv r rtnifniU- i I V XT r 11 Ankn ?,,i.''? t V f , ' Jicited to attend ; also deleerates fVom Auxil- Sunerior Court of It.;w il c-o -: kr c ijrcpagetno pay up ineir tues. ' j ' 1JJ:- v.; , . Gray Perry. , retilioif JUirorce. "yii rXi ! the tisfactibfi i of 1 ti f lefendant is not resident the orthnarV nfoeess . of a or him: 1' I iniAA,.w :- gust next,' with your men equipped agreea- ol?rered V H1! : publication,, be made three ? blv to the lilitia J.iw of Nortl-CarolinaV at memtha ;i,n -, the'-italejgft, Reis1cT,tf hat unless i J 1 o'clock A. M. in order to be review hv nfdant appear at lour n ?xti SuneHfV C , Urigadier-GeneraT Henry Blount. You fwill P;"rt oi Law beld ford Co"ntr,Vat me ourt nouse in; Charlotte,, on the fth Monday, after the 4th Monday hi Septemb. r" next,and plead, ; "apawerjnr: demur thereto. the plaintiff 's netition tvili h. t-f. ' tesso, and heard exparte, ;Ac. j , . : .June 11. , ; .'-'..y j.-:'"' s... . Mountam, vould not glow vyith ardour to cm ulate t he valour there displayed ? who, if oc casmn should demand, and of the. three hun- 1 1 fori 1 1 n ii , K... At L. . ... ; . i,, "inuiiiisnij rxictiiiv slumberinsr in the l.m nf u-nnvnrn. ,;inwv..". a Hermes or Sesostris to amiKP l.ifi her lethargic repose. ' O! that tlie new Cam- inherent difficulties of .their Durnosp. andl clred -having hutArec. vet won d nnt m,i-ar hyses, r5 when htlm,, ,i-,.lu vitn the; o-nstjiejiQ-sntdfa rr.i, : tnesea new Ti.i.mA.,i... !. i I m.,., .i,i n'i.i... ... What .'difficulties and daP-Prs d?d ihw r.t encounter ! t Op "nosed b v the f for ne'er on him will di-n-V wiltY faithless, ai1tj distrustful r ft!iio m-lLet him bid farewell to vnU-ij i Truon, and ardent for their, extirpation ; fur- nerv lo th,s goodly array of welhaccoutred "T . w";,'7 i" vtcw'uu juj iii5uiuiecijpQwer I -- u nai nie am spirit-stirring than Sesosts or Alexander marched to con- drum; and all the pomp and circumstance of i Soldiers ! vou ha v iri ill uii rii -I'nn r - - - m v- ntiestscantilvTirn-.iiir" n?fniitJ viVv.wi.. r i triorious war. a habitation must be hewn out of the inter- . .w.v,,i. .-3iaiciii;K fiuiameu ; "",",v,v' "i wuicu you stand ( while the cradle of infancy, and the, bed of not. th? Przetorians of an emperor ; thi decrepitude, musti be watched against the saries of a Sultan ; the mercenaries of i ser.rft and eirlrl Ai4.Ar aui rant. Vmi nr.;-.r1:' i I n When we contemplate these obstacles, we are unable to realize; the powers that could surmount. :them.' When we behold the suc--ss, &. attempt to conceive the consequen ces of the achievement; imagination owns the ram. You arethe free citizenbf afreesiate. v uiuiiwniy enrolled tor the purpose of fitting ourselves to peiform more effctiiallv the du ties enjoined by the Constitution ";" which are no less than tn ppnreoo ,,..,-..-, pel invasion ;' the most useful and impor- re night, yet knoM-s no dawn. Europe, which so lately bled at every,, pore, is now so en slaved as scarcelv to havn thr c uin.iuK,u;uuuis. oy wmciishe is enthrall- -vi. .iias. lornrmin' Not all the blood nt Ta!pmM c7,a,t . I ..11 1 . 1J . . . . e Jam-1 A,VM- " lllc ,UJt1 Cl ot uarossa's tig-ht," I lave won for Spain her wplf-a.rt The bigot monarch and the butcher pnest, The Inquisition with her Her once imnervjotis nhaTanv A Idle the forge that formed Toledo's blade; mo have vour Oincers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Musicians there, the day pre-.' vio'us, in order f:r a Drill. " !r I - .- - v Uy order of ;' ' ; V ''-.'"" t'': ; ''--a'M. - . . .. , ISAAC WINSTOX Col. CohkU: ; -75-3tw.' nadequ(y of her powers; r Thev ntrsever- tajlt services, -: certainly.-that am- m;rf... I . ! i -..'. .. ' II : ii . .. 1 ...... i-oi y iiu3 R J' ' v , 'BUlJl lilc irlllLS Or TliaT rfrfrt ut-en Cillien trt npithrm . vl)i'. : . I J - ------.-x.v.v,..u , .... . wcci cui niese I 'jjva liuixicious invasion or her territorv and s, and you will; deserve f well her rto-ht u " i tl Z"l0r nt ed however, with slow and and rli ft-; fiilf- art vance, and the geat work of building up a nation was at length accomplished. ' - ' ' Tantae molis erat r 1 1 Jtomanameondere gentem- por- Such, such is Spain such' the blessings of midatt has Muuiirary sway ; sucli the fruits of that recent the common size. I I J A x - A ..1 I a-M ' Frinklin, July 18, 1825. TJ AN away from the farm of the subscriber i jc-.u-ii, King since, two negpro IJoys of the following; description : . 7 . : AARON', about20yeafsold,5feet8inclies iiiKii, -ami stout in proportion to Ins height; 1 1 k. iacK Kin, wine race and small eyes. DAVID, 18 years old, ahoutjlhe height of Aaron, but not so sou a re hiiilt. Hp ; Q-,Uii- mulatto, nearly black ; his eyes are above 8tatedfortKC y vRiitherford coiibtyr - ; . Superior Court of Iww - - ilv j1 April terror 1825, . . Petmon if.. on for divorce.' 4.5 ' V .- It was' jiow' that t!ie molfie countrv, ronceiv :ng a ' Violent itfecti$n for her ,wn... flf. spr-ng, -began to deem tls worthy of her spe cial aftentiohr Witbr a step-dame kindness" ertorts, and ..you will desVr I " " h,. u , C i.lV "V " Vnn iviu k r,; fi1' T ' - 1 i vnn.u biieaas oeen prevented J-OU Will Of- 1lttl 1 r no,:. I. I ... .Lr 1. . - . 1 . , j - - - . j uoji.i l in 1 1 M r i ti uui u in i iv ii ii ii i" rrr 1 k , . - I - O V - m --j3-lH.XXUiVll. (T ; AVhere was thine arm, O vengeance ! where uiy rou. That smote the foes of Zion and r r: . That crushed proud Amnion, when his iron - . car .. - . Was yoked in wj-ath and thundered country , t - . ". . wdsjisuii ner qeience against those foreign Of U'l.n mo.. one day attempt her independence, for the destructicn of those nob!e institutions bv sue is ciistingiiijshednd which aflbn! an example so dangerous td the despots of ..." . . : ; v:i!iranccc Fanrry Garrison, , .Tarnh CI i appeannir to ithe" satisfaetinn . . Court thatJaCob Grrisin.,h flrnt- is not, an inhabitant; of this State; it isthere for'j nrdrr1 twr rrinT .un. . ' . ' t- . . j ' ..-w. - uuui v..-. LII.AL- iiiriiiii.iiirin ..v Tti&.r t.rlll -...L.tl ' ' . - . . . mrla the.. m...,tl.. il . 11.1 i . . win juuarM-y iaKe upaoout icaiejgh, " ,,,u,iu,p " l,,c liareign otar'aud or in the neighborhood of Co!onel Philemon I Jle&5s gvng npt;ce to, the .defm1artt Jjiafr Hawkins, in Warren. TIip ahnw e appear at the next Superior Cnnrf Afr w.v will be giver? for t heir Snnrplipnsiann :nrl to be beld for Rutlierford w II" -..fc. ....?v. i. ni iv I - . , - ........ civ' d 20 1 - "'v m JiUTuerroratou on tne Jd yMon-.:'- delivery to me, or 30 dolls, for Aaron and for David. Beaufort county, May. 15. A. BLOUNT. 60tf ' from day after the 4th Moiiday, in Septembe'r V mur to said petition otherwiseJt St'Ui be -taken pro confesso and adjudged accorclinff' jj , -aiurnsy ;i;rK- ot 'said; Court. at pffice the 3d MoiidaV after tb rK to enthral. Possibly , this last' claim might have been deduced, ty some secretcanalo-y, from theirf atlmirable Wme tok r bv wImcIi jcvj-ic ui me coiomes wererepdered the 'jyui game inese extensive manors The colonists, however, wer not siwr eive the nature and tendency of the roval ami, parliamentary proceedings. -Acnte, in t exigent, :nd discerningi they, augured jaif government at a distance, and snuffed the :ippioach of tyranny in every tainted breeze.' It may even beafnrmed. that t kv. much the weight or magnitude of their grievU . V- V Mie wflw the tax on co, that reduced their loud; firm, and reiterated eornplavnls, as theii"fearofther;laVe. their J,a iCji 0i !c n wnicn Uiese measures were conceivea anci executed. ;i remonstrance were tried, but tri If the calf; said they, ipilringlv, ( . insulted and oppressed b, those BT the Govemory of North-Ga- Sy of lM t 1 ! mcCDTlEWAllD 8 jAiESMOimis,cik.y V TSTH K 1 1 K A Sit has ' been made Iknown T n potent as those - 'which shoAl- nivU- I l reetfom! born in convulsions. y it has Hpph ?JT me. that a murder K-ie K..n ins imu : Ajonarciis ! v hiv. k .... u i !,''ki m tier. cove, otisnnho nf iivn i in tlie enuntv nf nnpi- nm . j ed in tJie balance, and found wantino- advantages of a 'vet to learn that of cur iiature ap- . Does uny one doubt tlie free Constitution ? Has he whatever in nie comnositinn pears most noble and commandinVr . rt,.. er traits iii"maniare most alluring whenever upon the monumental -nap of nations we .find iuusl io aamirewnu applaud ; these will ge nerally be; found to have e-ifisff-d M' tn K.. .. .. been mainly cherished and pi oduced, under the auspices' of a rational civil freedom, 'in deed upon this point we might be content to adduce the position of a .celebrated writer, wiio.tnough rank-ed Xvith Tories in his pbli tics, nas hiit.seJf undertake,iTto show, " That il nnposMDie tor the arts and, sciences to ar;se, at hrst, , among- any" neople. unless that people, nW the blessing of a free' eo vein - ave.so often returned, only in the -g-n armies. 1 Alas for her vnnnor Freedom! born in ronvnl'mn Ke k. n weigh "ffjnbergove. - Offspring1 of heaven, in'tliefcount' l;ke Hercules of old, in infancy it experienc- Nortb-Caroli v.v luv. 3auii ui jcaiousj', natrcd and re venge ; Jike him, wrought its many marvels a short, brilliant and Inhnn'ne rcer. Austria, Russia, Prussiathese form a triple and an . avowed league againk the rights of mankind, an earthly trinitv of sin, ' preserving, forsooth, a most fearful unify of to tate olortli-Citrblina or 1vfet1C9 mOUeSt. With havinn- hemoli ted the same on the body of a certain stave uamen L.ucy) the property ot. John Stegall their flick- etition and ed in vain. excused fmmythe vplouah. the iUrW line rrnt.-t i' ; . UK- man;;, socii were the r 11 t .:y ana tortity the deductions of philos juusi oe yoked to Ins load.' Sucli- were th eir The en doctrines, such -their butal language' to our support a'nd I n?inT Pilgrims ; ofvtnis western slmre ' Thenrid y;ll be found to Jtaa tioti th t-voiTw-v. K:i. t.... .u .- And still did tyranncy-with hate pursue, ' ; ' 1 hose high sou I'd men who from tlir u ronirs ' witlidrcwJ -rV""'- ;'-y&y;: " I? ' :b-' -caoce was ncxtl resolved-on 3 fpr that The pride of earth ! Ti TiJinTrl Iiot. ,1,: 1 T ' 1 1 i - v in ocjiiiic met, ; v All head to counsel, and all heart to act The common uC?d inspiring cverv, tongue , V itlr ferv;d eloquence, unbribqd and bold! Her iortim see, warm, popular and loud, Or oft in trembling Wonder hushed ' See Justice" iudjrinp- th Hark! how. with freedom's toice it thunders A. . '"muiviu ,an tmn-ivp ia ; ni:i..,i, f .i.v Hest. UfV rTai-cl .1. I . I i - - - --.uw,.M,ui ue: jfpinan..,io preiiij'f ; "!g y-y loul: oft virtuous freedom, to a Or in soft murmurs sin holo eternity of --:.rSU , i however. WJZS.rJ What magnanimity, w ark aWu StvganwVr7 nf VY ' ' ' ? sm, whatnobledetot Ued'hUherlvK constituted theRomr . '-wi'vu to enfnrr nihTn cc nn, .i . . Knastise f cbellion ruy rf'r sustained vtuiun ii np.n u-ac ffm.i I r , : - v v j 7"" r-T' Vv 1 33 w those v.: hese wrr t. 1 11 ' ? 1 ii hen jj sag ks to Tully's tongue ! hat a agai nst the "citej10. i PpUIft hv the Min;.;;r",c,leas stfickeii out. Titicallyf as t,'7 . h.mself said, "either too exasneSluW politicl y, as OtiShjf"- .1. ""IV-UJ K Jram. Jftcvcioti. g-low of natriolAJ, y . - 1 ; vl cmiess io tneir country, in charar.tfr In thf dnvu Republic! 1Vhat uhvleldinff fortitude them in their reverses of fortune ; gloomy occasions, 1 1 - - w renneua conaueredy and ivheTr Cahnaeybled!?,'-.! ' l L. . .;s,y.v fg. , y? H(? emoa,T5etetlSimV- The words cf Geiv Xfayette at Ka te.gh, in allusion to the Meckleiiburj? Decla ration in Mat 1775. - ' T ' .: i - yCsay XIV. VoL 1, part U ' I purpose. Britain indeed vt stands' northern light of freedom, lambent and ering o'er the darkened South. JSor is th;s the only spot in half the world, where Freedom rests 4hcr wearv w?nil' GreeceGreece is herself nrr"mn a" ' cr"-, ""-f Kill : and Jeremiah it'rtnn fg Tppeafing to the satisfaction btbe Courts ' i i J tv can j. i t - " .. - - v v i i j and as it is further renresentd a,l ,o,i I JLythat John Burrell Bimri. hrnhn. r tv:f known to' me. that the said ?T-rtn ctn'f I'nj Bunn. and Jeremiah Hnnn ' j ' m v.i uucau i ' - . . i , - ' ' -.., v- i I'ititil UI ...... . aiavui(a and limits of th I arid fled from the jurisdiction CTemiah;.Bunnboth.infantt of tender vear? : is State, and thrVW I two of the defendants.' and fecnVnto aV y 1 the arm of the Law arrd nf ;icf;r.. . - I ttier stxite i it is t!wrfrV i.'.- . - . ------- ------ j . .- -j I .. vwcicii. itiaiTjniv . rToomoii c..i i. . . y r "I ttii-A mAii. - L.y fk,-fal3lt-f .ioi , , . . . . IllOl C V- iv.aiitii oicdll I titty U tiiens no longer buys protection of the - Kis- brought to justice, the'al faf; Ag3, but wins it with the sword of Hundred Dollars will be Hflmw nB:.'.'.TI,- . . -.-1- I . i . ... , ....j mvi,-jii . . i u e or persons wno wui apprehend and confine .uurJt "euse m arborough, on the fotrrth .w-eMw MCrtr.wcaoicijsH many jail mfthisl , ' , ,uSusi ncxr, tnen and tlieFevy State. so tliat he may be brought' t'o justice ? W &c.v jOdgment: will b tfaken tiro conv y" . cover, iiereoyi require, com-1 , v "r nearu e3t,part( been hec- Harmodi us. Tlicrmonvl hh a o-o ; signalized -bv Grecian . valn:.r and'. . , , , , " , ...... J atomhs. ot their oppressors are monthly of icreu to tiie mnnn m their ancestors. - The Spaitan kjictss himself once more ai Greek e apprenended and! T" v 1 - - 9 PPsar at our !ove reward of One I Court pi Pleas aud Quarter Seasons t; p-ivn tn lini t I be neia tor the Cbuntv -f VArAi, -.i. . ----- -- .,iK.kiauiv, a.- ureciw ; i , .mm nywiH un omcers vntsoeve i neiTOopyla: has again been signalized by ell civil as mi fitary. within this State 1 Grecian v;dour ? nnd hecatombs of their op- their best endeavors and mostfenpriii pressors are monthly offered to the mane of ertions, to appreliend and take, or bause to a n..lri.x jl tnand, and emoin all off.er vivat... I and ludgmcnt enterfd nfx,r.n..i.; ... - ate,1o use , 1,CH earn, tj erk of the said Court, :t'I W op- ineir ot endeavors and most, enertretic ex-l n?rouffn the 4'h Monlav of Mavi 1825 y n aiic ! 00 - y , MICHAP.I . HP apV V ; ..4iw i etr reedom, yet thy . banner, torn but Streams rl,ke a. tliunder cloud against the ., storm." -i - . - And not hlnn' u.-rfti.Ti tVif ir i W here J- reedom daltes her birth r'.u tm The dawn revives i ,1 Where Cortes' and Pizarrn TsqW a:., tThe infant world redeems the name of new. )n Andes and on Athos peaks unfurl'd. , 11 v. ... - - - ( V.A V. A (5) Bonaparte. Cambvss. irlno- f xt-. Cu,crud gyp 2ara before Christ. -.; ( o j It has been commonlv government pf Egypt was cfeptfe at the time the Pyramids vere bulk hnfV ;:M- the position qiiofed above, see note 4,) her -jr. ."t"i u.uM uaye oeen ry since s ie is commonly regarded as the mother of the artsar.d sciences be apprehended and taken. ihr Pinrtv r k said lleartwell Stegal), and him safely and se eurely keep; so that he may be brought to Hartwell StegaH is a very We man! jp. - Court of Pleas and Quarter Session : rsofagetplera.rn a large scar iust I William Arpnt. fc- y- s . : ? . : vake Courifr. tween twenty and thirty years , . . "J Jvit.biiuc--H the scar on ma for havi witk ul 'u ;i 1 In testimony wherfeof I hare'eaused I Thatipg.been made.appear tor ibe Court, ; '.V-yy rit Searofthe-StatevWbe defendant resided beyond the I - v (V. Sh " aedand subscribed 5 3hState! It J there.forev oidered'; v' ' V at advertisement Ie rnade in the R ileigl - Raleierhybri th itK 71.. Registernd State Gaeite-for tf vv.li?; C .-" A --- :r -tOO i i i .. . -ti ... .rT, I that :nlrf lv JT1 .tl-A . ' ' y w a. iow; .-a - - if; v , ------ -."w., ucicnuantcoiTK., io -'V- -: ' s ' . iiivrirTtwn . i4. . -. I nr..HMrt fk i','wLi . - - , HUTCHES GBUlTrcW extTerm of this Conri to Je ,By tbe Governor, ; , y : y - r; 5 the C01 Hottsein lialerglioih y Jr JC ikFBi PrivatV Secretarv1 Mpnday x,f Btxst nexr.l and Al. ; t. ?y- - V fvi. ; U toi i. ;' " ' - : ?d Fwsue Judgment will beenterelf npiIE eligible Stand on Tayettevil!e Street condemned to pkmtift's recovery, y JL recently occupied bp John R. Hendon, , , ; " " i - , B. S. KING, C. C. C aGroceiyStor?.r, Apply to tV.R. Gales. Kalcigh, May CCv 133d. 60 Sa'' ! I 1 i i i I j . v. ' : y- - - - A -' y -. ',-': ;. -. " ' - -v ' A - '"' : - -'.y- - I . f . . y . . - ; . i ; . v y ' .''- '".:'....: - . i. " . ' "'" ' ' '--' ' ' y.--- ----- -. ' : - - : -' I ..y ' ' ! - ' t 4 . ' r . t -, . -. - . . -, . - - - , : ' ':! - - . t . , 4 - - -y - - - .- .. ' -v.- . i :.', y- . ' - . ' ' . - -' ... ' : - r w . ." ' ; - ' i : ' y . r. s , ; ' V, "a , 'tm, 4:fffUv "'.' ' - " K 1