' J. - 5 .!. r V - L ? JPtawrp,'dtby party rage.tot Bve'iikg brothers." V 4J K i ' " A.- . .. . . . ! .. . ... -g .... J ' ; i i V O , " - .1 -f w --V V.. f . r 1 1 i i j i . - -- , -. ; i i ft i " - Jtc. .r. P.tr.... Mvuv J.wrpdtby party tQBvkebrotheU' V . tj. J ..yI,; - - V- -.v:I, : w V , h SBS5."CSS?S SSSflaS 'ffiSSt mrnm pzM$m mMBM Siilf SSjafesaaai ? morsel of bread, by the. overfloivms Centlemal whom :R,d,n?:.! c.d?,,,,.: be ra.a e .? b- Vs,.- ara-8ruCn? ; - market. . . i pect; civWdimtferancft - ' aePPn- :Wm?F at aiIof order of xle btotheRoi ooen on! mf?l "Lf believe them of Catholica in Wi iiiJ. fA-1.-. 15- W9ipe.nnion liberirt-hetir.nien:rbpithR'', ittfl " iruicu suu- ila .t? i. y lutjouie wouia nna;some.lortunat pni- ?Vv,m4!4uul-x V. . star.4 "cxi.- -"ir-""."! Vauioiic nilS'.W?,w. ipn, at aeverlv. the fl.tK.. .... Tiir::: rs"r??" "l' naPPess ana tneichistorranv m I of superiority, which wflld. a .Theverpool Mercury of April 29 A ah, account of the proceeding of - Jiitling! clergy- at Beverir, Yorkshire, meeting lately held by them at that p s 'fi - for the purpose ot conaidenng" y' cry 01 peuponiug'pariianienty i ymaaCiathoKca.I cession'? i;Tf Wm Af v viectrere adopted, though hot withoutW cS.f v 4,tosition (w nf tf,U .w iLti! ees are .said to have 1 ustifiej circum stifieithe vdcd opposew,.the Kev.SiBiV Smitw s I H vvr0ndborpub,? Hjs vspeechonthe I Jneseimeasuifesv-why does not the 1-. " btKer office mlTuXc. z7?:iV"Z -UfR-mTeri dirf Sh! , Wtk 1 Mweaks not ftr the W'ReUt this mmmmm mmmm mmmm Sekspsii mmmm mmmmm mmm sspa ii?ts a wbrthrana Vespectoble clergylmen herV SV' PPe doS!not de'&eIkiSor: aVe feiPraceipon thef ower;order which the head of. our thur tore" assembled r-anlnotonlrtifferSS :.C?th?1 ?8' J. xl)es Jqualfyipg sent Monarch of these renW . . o-.-.ji i iiuiii iiucs VKrv,wn inr no rt- iiu i . j - ... .. . - usu-i wn. unit ino 11 va ir inioMaf ; tkA ' .-, i - emr7-V.;;.--!;f-;rirr;f In Londnh n; 'r 7" w? nomination of bishops to Catholic n sf leave. Sir. before I brocecd on V ' T. .f V l" princes, in some I believe tb sVTbiecto . state f what: fJmea .!t??nens Princes t ' Protestant , oWh ia EmHcioa iori,K uruIi:J-.Vi.ir:;: astnev are discover. Pnnnfrfl ix-i uicvauiuiits loauuvii omces. am n lw .(U.k: ui- t w ; .vuc scat oi me UUKe ot AI- the - 0'inrtc UyiA.A , ",auV 4caucnu w ine va'S cnioltiesL J-rA;i:.' 3 them among 1 be this Cath'61 bility Protestant .yS tne Low from compassion tu rn v reverend breth- dr ; :Ta WD dominions kbtxld bclt in compassi ren, who have preservation or tne ifrotestanp church, Vvrfs r., " idd for the regulation of intercourse &tn&VZTt with RomV-Snd ilastlyi' provision for tfflKpfiffiW ? tteCatholic clersry. " . 1 V-.i:,. ??am the, Cthohcs, wh,. iUs -with Mm in hirx:.: the same in Hun. Urfrfi., f addmohanight?poe;supje - Sse. which iJS q1; eA J have also, Sir. a hiah soirited ; -rrj- t 7 v v . aLaiius i Hon eYini at present, because it is impolitic, and arS 1 over ea ais becseitis;uniustllt:isfiri,b becauie itexnoies this 'cob ntr with; fffi KWJfTO th to be Neatest danger in time of w: S aTul xasnioned sofas, II am tL... .itl V.V - auoiner oraer 01 men. - Hut. Sr.ni juu Mciicve," oir any man 0 from "thinkin more tolerai much afraid I me mosn (K.. 4. ...1. . . .' Wdibary tum for bbiervatiod belie: ttet,themotiarchs:6f iou i! meniffn station wnicn iti 1 sent holds ?' Is it not , obvious icir at pre-1 t , 1 tnoiics, because - - " v &VUUCIUCU uuw asfinnipn on viniont in tim :.. i: w isxoming on between, the g6vern- iVnD'at Beverly, believe that or two, Sir, after ; tW hundred keep emen menta of desp6fism P-that , thi weak V.atno,,c? do Uot J and fnttannn. tWa.r.f n..-K heretics ; - these r-entl "vMyt tuwi. Vi uic UUH1UUI1S Will II ' ,i , O (whatever Xhenour wishes may ibe)' be -l ttutS,s 'question pensatcthe legal massacre of tuwucucu io erauiv me wounded van-l.? WM VU1 natelv over- f tvisdem Jn nm m..4v:i V-i t faith with of inces ought to forgiven. : A ftwwarm DhfM to rnm! .;k .i:-? J?1!.". ..?n e no pos-Uo just an so profound; .thai itSe;med- jLtioitiucu htk i ii it uniunrrh rr A.. , v w a. m a am w i i i a w Ta n -ju .a & hv hf:th VrZnU fnin-iiLL-s- lies in Europe. He innUired of them hirHnn : , All 1..11.- .r."v .1 r,7M: ,a ",cre ca toa wathEn i wbeUiers" tene dW bVd nocon: eterrinclS t are pityingthe iSsh peopleas pit n? Part th? Catholjc jaith. Kes. ,ThenJquarrel wil the WWe tv the WestIndian slaVSs already '.rCM,,u receiyea irom tne Lm- society ; in .other words, they vindi- -nniJiT -f r tnevMiUrA JratP tt nti 1 17 11 approach of ."j.-r yp""uft vuutj:M iui iiic i cccu i t j . . . . cr,wy "vivufc wuui ui uieir cn irf h. i ...il At:- tipn bf:Irishj,nests.!;"5Vill they Wait-l ?''?auc" d?ne "rmed that the scriptures are not to be left to a lSTYtl0,1K Mo"W J nor and praise the minivers wha forjour fard, wisdom and relSctant ?y Pf1 .? ,heC!?re.ed ."f Catholics.,- Utcunguarded judgment of the lait h?5S5'T han v?n ve learnt such a lesson.. I rejoice liberality ?, ; Is not the present stateof - S,r ,? den.ed upon bath The bection to Catholics is, at tfiev l . ',,1 , Yl" - ar- 1 haye lived to see sucK an im- i Ireland premium nyinvitm B thVwnd.n, in Parliament, did whit Catholfcs ought to dS5 !r 1"st to iaI Pfwent; in English ; aflairs-ithatthe Ds:it,hId oufthe mitanS fh'hIhonmyhand. The do not manyprelates ofouf LS n, ht!: 'eg'ture had stubborn resistancllUmprovement ; invitation to your etiemies to begin i Mf'a'f doctrine upon oath, is t-io.mtiiair, if.M rapidity and preaDita- -the contempt l)f all scientific reason. ' And if thelflag of any,hostile nower in Jhe o mP by -which a Catholic tend that the scriptures budit not to be ,1 S I 7 eSJ m?' Pa??d tJiose ng. the rigid adhesion, to . every ' Europe, SsJunVuriedin that a"ve htaseirfrom his presentin- circulated without the conEof" he tltr 8Werrof ?cterig:f country,rthere 6he Insh peasintwho capaciUes. , If a.. Catholic, therefore, prayer-book and the articles ? If tiiey ?in " I '& l?A P f i'e5,.arme-d asso" JPee?&tffcmtTy, ti w will mi fcf.Als: :i a jS", &r. will not take the nthi h i. . Jr r-Wii: x . CJ P!3""11- I should , not think r a-man fast eivine wav to better th;n. '.,io 1: tSprymiihV peS? peved; and remains wlkre you" vish bflfKtoOT bt fwho did not. fear the bettme fliwd betteircnm" big tiJei , thingj; but i he peSv ' :t0! f does takehe oath err in 'such goo cony lat " hellions f -Ireland stances. , I confess it ;is not without J do not endthem-thev are son joined TP.u are safe from.tl.is, peril , if he has ought to respect their erro,i Sli'1 7 nk severe pain, that njAe wids- ofallJ .iftwXtrllliiig. MmVm$ bi PVthe byterian clerS the norS of IreiSd iZS?te?','l-U,,,eif SSr X fWia-! JiclM'thiiiritwteleifeVt&. th objeeyhich is to relieve him are paid by &tav Ci$& liJ T!" fakl men e mn 'Indhmi frbm oaths'? v took .at the .facts, Sir.' clerir of Cinada arPvViw fi. ? r P6" "Q" 'e opening of ltiat;.,-. '&&torSS& cantohsfSwer pS feslfein ohavetadnn t 7 "T in" ff""111, 1 fCacastail' foremost." The lmob and J'vng under the same state with some oftheiftemDles nai,l hvrt.V navemade, and ithas made that pro- ng at constitutes .the weakness ; - lirsfho have,noihw't6 loote W ie Catholic cantons,;comPlai0 that no pany. Ym! SsuVe aat Zf" from frar af he House of misfortunes f of tKei church forthatt ihei,l.vesf whic..everyis&h SieatSSot "fee ron'of &r?S&b S'igi'iS'yf nine then eomea the shnnWnAV-itk.l ms amoncs ana rrotestants in the twn-thirH nf - I "V T"" MCX ?aw.maiirv?. .rrf oir,. xnere i - .... - w 'viivvvul Liicii i ft - .. , ,. r i - " wa , u a t iCa i . i i i mi' man i i wntniiiA i - . . & - iti. . . - ,v ; - .-.-. : the parisb toriestthen Ae viWri emLhn 'n. tii j i2"7" v" one common Parlinmpnt nnni,i tU j7 I, . "4C I ircugwif ana siretcnea out her limha. nouse, against two ot the wisest .ua bj fear in such-question as those who pretend not to fearlbly and unoh the ev f x z y ' . , ? . lo ear upon toe j execution, tor the benefit of a ereat- danger ; it, is .always the ?ple. n Let whb will btbeir master- - .are m this Attest iel b'Conneil.V But if the French were Prsue a conimod purpose, liave coni. I priests I am clad ZTXL.r'1 ,felt. """' Pwers' "d "ed or re which evec'-came . into ihc"': MiW "0" friends and, cSmLn enemi.Mf nS : y . Ireland as .N.noleon commit" Tr .ere was a shadow of truth in the doc- trisL are ,m W thT TJ ".T'"?" w.'y .ana poetically yjsld- orn.lw, and against the Catho- . ; . . .V. uicu i cu iu iueMnnovauons ot time ha l "c cjnanciDatioa z the nnA h ;nTnj i T mm auufwrniuer preservea Ireland tor v , ie priests, ior it is a steo munp.d fn n are M lou a secondaimestill! all voo! purees would belled by watckh managedwite.th clergy are idthV& Ireland Sfe to ( both sects' ten-CathoIicsd wight HbemeSiwin r-v"' uvvw.u,7iia.n our grc4i i - - . t ... .--- ; 7" '7 r"y v wu w mojic tueir pnesinooa to conr.i iatft .tho k- I should not Durnr.cA AfiH. a. . ... I meet together 'Sir- ; a ooma lroay,r.ku -. r ., " , I couciuaie j tne. ciersrv, bv emnir suoulUD01 i r yvHycMi iUcicuvcir j I rrt . " " wwm. i vsugvwmC lu uieir appearance, and ifhpm npniAn0 4r -t pUiipik P' IVn.- rhev constitnfft tiif ;Q oiiAyi w I koei u: v a- -f'y' -ot ?eni? pepsions- to j loyahze the laitviieitiier.v or . siaie to mankind as peacer-ibutli . y"i.M:cr lorina Kingo om or vernment provision , has . produce i v vaii viuvi ' swtaii uua uuuuitiuiL Liimiivfw in Tne I -v. peace- but voere a more nmvrfii! rprpn.l !: :rPJ1DgitheprbsDeriivt of ahv countr-vi t?an these: eternal ?ieildusieK' nd m'L vJFbet weeh the twoeligioni Jllat man cafrVhis industry ami T -vpiiat ivinto, a.rcountryr where his v-u.iueasurejis a swofuri his pounce uuu : Ilia ICUC1 ,a awurnot.kliied'&wounded-f at wiU get, there il knowa coitin- 11 H'cirai ana s tec tnese or ?v av be ourntownitill one I i?.W&: caraedlpcl udtil the c sccir The tJravntiafc uioi, wt ,n cottonlwist;fc;ili&pseDl 'f, would bc'eri.pfoyed to sp'inif they ft"? 6 tlie comforts, and the uay tne bad, f assioo; of xni uutiu a siraanon.ot life to t. ; xuc weaiia 01 the Kufin these bills. r(Vih 1 th?n bill I have nothing tn ii : . ' xd the Protestants. My remedy theo!done!-0f-- are thev ot nreservinVho crr.c ;iT,c nf th- Pcwo T "r iu inc oeginnins ot the! ?4aMJ--uiac3yii oe tne foundation v r partial that thevS for theif Secretary;" Their co bwnmDeachafid bufi wbatlit Tmost mtertihte th iwo sekS zrln ot Crown patronage the clerr wil thout which no other boon wm ba of -; ther, andthe doctrin veryHttUedatXn Haguef cities asiessentiillv Protestant td accer and.rebelUonT- Uie XOWn OI lieverlv., ; : WretcKeii, is our condition more wretched "the- ennrlifin laua, ii the, uatholic rine hia oath. u. He serves w v m AidkJ a m , -h a aan n i v w - viim a an v -v n na&a iAai'-"A. - . a. ' . w " . 7 waui, ana yet, wnen it suits the f land purposes o to'rii forth this ar- j land and jthectinseanenf ruin of En- r , tojmatothe tendetodeatSi KS'ffl darkness her chili f1 f Freedom and of Joy--the onlr law live in the vef J?11? ? Esrope, which floats orer 1 4 .tfrla miihDvetn limited kinsr anH Trio - i4 . i V (1 .:i " , ...... :! ' i ' ' ' : -. , - k1 i. i - - 4 ?v - "V1 ' n 4 "ty a. " n v ... r " l'y -v. :. " ... '.