X-' "... V; i --1H:f'- ' . .. .. ,' : . & ... - v. 5- r. -;4 t,r - . i . . i ,s. !'- - 1 c LE hamff if"W -Stock f Bags, . cnpn6trccvany4Jn&reat present.- INFORMS the citizens of RalejgK jmrt ;tt public generally, thalt lie has commenced the Tailoring- business : if this city, and will faithfully execute; all orders in his line. He has on hand ?-sqmeartibles ;of ready' rhide Clothing", which will be sold on good trms. He " has been taught 7 Want's mathematical nde. for cutting, bv Alexander Crossland, rf "Warrenton, . agent; for jWard.; His snop is on Fayetteville street, vriext door to William -Thompson's Cabinet Waredtoonr- X r ' i Raleigh August 20.- ' - :? 86 7t '; OCT'An ppfenticetrom 12 to 15. years pj age, who can cbrneHvell recommended, wir be taVen, if application be made as above;- ;. Nb: 103, Water Street, New-York. - : ypup.f(2(bow frontHe. ' 'Coffee 1 House. nnilE Subscriber,.. late of the, House of JL I J)ummer , & Hempsted, Petersburg, ) has received 500 Packages of the above ar ticles, per the latestarrjyals from Liyerpoblj comprisipg.a complete i-assortment of new "Ware and.yery.beauttful ptterMs, which he j$ offering by the t Package op from the Shelves, on as favorable terms as any House "in tIe..Umoiut'&i ' ' 14 sacks Bristol Porter Bottles, . 30 cases half pint Tumblers. ; B. HEMPSTED has made arrangements to receive, per Line of Packets from Liver pool, constant additions ; to his. assortment, which will enable him to execute orders on very favorable terms, v l ; v . N. B. North-Carolina money'taken at par. 84-6w . , B. HEMPSTED. . State of North-Carolinal v I f , Rutherford County. - . ' ;: " . EauiTT. , M ,Sprin term, 1825. l James Thompson, Goold HoytTl "I : . james B.v Mbrray, Arthur Bron, Bill tofore ' son and others,- ; : ' I ..i-ScIse'mort- Augustus Sacket. w J- -. - TT appeanrte: totne satistaction otthe Uourt '.a that the 'vdefendaut, Augustus Sacket, is not an inhabitant of this S tte ; it is orderec that publication-be made three months snc cessivelv in tht-Hah igl Ueg'ster, that un'ess be appear at tne next .uouri' or tquuy to oe held jfor-'Ruthertom county,; at .tite- Uouit house in CRutherfordton, on the 3d Mondav after the 4th Monday of September next, an olead, answer or-demur to the bill of com plaintfiled i?ainst hTm ; it will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex parte, a Test. T. F. BIRCH ETT, C. M.E. $ ' Uy 30. , . :-h-;jif . - ' .: " . . 3m ' ... State of oTUi-C'aTolina, . ' MARTIN COUNTY", Court jof Pleas arid Quarter Sessions, , June Term, 1825, Henry Slade, " :LW ' vl:r t ':.Lu Petition of partition. v Slade, decd. : h B"T appearins: to the satisfaction of the Court ' .1 that Thomas B. Slade and Jas. Slade, i two.of the Defendants, are not inhabitafits of this State: It is therefore ordered that publi cation be made In the Raleigh Register for , six weeks, that unless they app'esu at our w be next court of pleas Sc quarter sessions, to held for the county of Martin at the court house in vWilliamstbh,1 on the 2d Mondav of September hext the b and there to plead, &c Judgment will ibe taken pro confesso as to 5 them, and iiidgment entered accordmgly. Witness Henry :B. Hunter, Clerk of the said Court at Williarriston, June, 1825. ' HENRY B. the 2d tonday of HUNTER, Clk. - - t. State of North-Carolina. -y, Rutherford County. : ' Is Eaititt.". , ' Spring term, 1825. . David Patterson, ; . . 1 ? , iamin Jordan. 1 r-J-.- ; .1 "--r.--.; , TTT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court JL that the. defendants are not inhabitants of this State; it; is ordered that publication be made ; three months successively in the Ra- letgn Register, notifying them to appear at the next Court of Equity, to be held for the county bf Rutherford at' the, Courthouse in Kutherfor'dton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday of September next, thei Sc there to plead, answer or demur to the complaint now filed against them, or the- same will be taken pro confesso, and heard exparte. Test. ;r r. birchett, c. M. E. Mav3 ; Capc-Fear ;NaV igation Com- r . pany. notice is Hereby given. THAT a meeting of the Presklentj and Di rectors of the Cape-Fear Navigation Com pany wul be holden at rayettevi.Ie, on Mon day the 12th day of September next. ,: f i By order,,, - y i O I IN CRUS O E,!ec y Further Notice . HEREBY GIVEN, that the dividend of 4 cent! declared and payable, to the Stockholders of theCape jFear, Navigation Company on the 1st day of ; October next, will be paid onlytb'pefsons who appear by the Books of the Company, to be the owners of the Stock, unless the'real owners shall have'procured atransfer.of the Stock'accord'- ing to the following provisions' of the chaTteri J viz. "Section 14th, That it shall and, may w lawnti ior even proprietor to iransier uis or her share or shares, by deed executed be fore two witnesses," and registered, j after the pronf pfr the Vexeciition in JthConipariys Books, and not otherwiseVexcept byievise, vhich devise shall lso be exhiblterli to the President and Directors' and registered" be fore the divisee shall be entitled to draw'any pait of the profits frmn sajd tbRi uy order, : JOHN CRUSOE, Sec'v. rartttevmc, Aug. 82-6w TtA will jrive purine nouce wueu more wiu pe hplpet-M he II ejpsof iat 0ii& bavins: swelled info alnucH larger: .volirme hanwas at fiitnUcipated by theuMish ersils tbmble&bti 'nasi ' in consequence. been "delayed- beyond' the period' promised to !its; subscribers. "'The increased size'of tne worit nas ;oeen' causea, m part, Dy xne addio bf ttocdrrienti Which' HeWsDaber bublicatibnr and'bva ddterTnina- tion bf the Editors to place in Hlib Appendix of the" vblujbe fi tf'Lrvk bassed duniis the session. : . i ne, puDiisners nave, noweyer, the pleasure- to inform the patrons of .the worl that it win be; completed in the course of jtwq or three weeks, and ,then fortliwith forwarded to theni by? mail ; - " I ,:)Tbirthose who have sent iri theirlnames for the work, it will br fuiTiished at the price Originally propbsed, viz. three dollars ; 'but ii is groper io raaKe ii Known, tnat," in con sequence bf the' CTeat 'enlarg-emeht of- the volume, the, price. will be raised, to non-sub- GALES Sc S EATON. Aug. 10, 1825. i;l J Trmmry Office, 1 5th August, , 1 825. ! STATE OF NO R'rTI-r A RO L IN A r rffHfc Pilb'ic Treasurer considers it lils Vtir. fX tv to invite the! attention of the Clerks nd Sheriff , of this State to ; the. provisions of tlie acts of the General AssemHlv, passed in 18221823, & 1824, " for the promotion of Agriculture and" family domestic Maniifac tuVesJ'V ; v By these acts, the Clerks of the County, Superior, and Supreme Courts, and Clerks and Masters in Equity, are required, at the first term of the Courts of which they are Clerks respectively, after the 1st day of Au gust in each and every vear,lo make a state- ment on oath, of all monies remaining in their hnds,: and which were received by theni officialVy, three years or more previous there to j specifying; therein the amount, of, each separate claim; and the name of the person to whom the Same is payable j and if there be no snch monies in their, hands, they are to make affidavit of the same : which return or nffldavit, the Judge or Chairman of the CourL before-whom it is made, shall cause to be transmitted to the Public Treasurer on or before the 1st of December in the same year, and the said clerks, after making such state ments, are to pa into the Treasury, on or be fore the 1st of December, all tin balance so stated to be in their hands. Every clerk a foresaid failing- to comply with these recpiiai tions, forfeits $1000 to be suel for and re covered by the Public Treasurer, in Wake Superior Court ; and is niorever liab'e for all the monies in Ills hands as aforesaid And on fa lure to pay over the monies as aforesaid, such clerk m;y be proceeded against by the public Treasurer . in" any Court of record in like manner as defaulting revenue officers. Every person who has heretofore been clerk of any court of.record in this state, is to ren dtr to the court of which he may liave been clerk, a statement of monies remaining in his hands as aforesaid, and shall account and pay over the same, in the same mariner as clerks in office, and under the like penalty for failure and it is made the duty of the law officers of the state for the circuit in which " such person shall reside, to cause a sci. fa. to be issued, against him (on his fai lure to ipake return and payment) returnable to the Superior Court of the county in winch such, person resides on wich, the court is to render judgment for the penalty, unless sufficient excuse be given for the failure. All Sheriffs in office at the time of .- asking the. act ot 1823, are require, at the same timej, to render a like statement and to ac count in the same manner, under a like pe nalty, v AVh'dethe Public.Trcasurer takes pleasure ! in testifying to the punctuality of many of the present ami former clerks, including some of our most distinguished citizens of the present day, it is with much regret that he is con straiued to add, there remain still many who are defaulters under these laws. Waiving dll other considertions, the Trea surer would hereby respectfully suggest to those concerned, that it is ert inly far more easy, and will eventually prove to be less troublesome and expensive, to furnish vo luntarily and forthwith the. returns required by law, than by longer neglecUor delay to risque the being subjected to the compulso ry process or the courts ; which must & will be the certain and inevitable consequence of future neglect or omission. ; ; JOHN HAYWOOD, P. Treas'r. 11 AN away from the farm of the subscriber JLi not loner since, two negro Bovs "of the following description : ; AARON', about 20yea:rsold, S.feet 8 inches high, nd stout in proportion to his height; a .dirt., black skin, wide face and small eyes. DA TD, 18 years old, ahoUttheheight of Aaron', but nt so square built. He is a dark mulatto, nearly black ; his eyes are above the common size. . v They will probably take up about Raleigh, or in the neighborhood of Colonel,Philemon Hawkins, in ; Warren. . The above , reward will be given for their apprehensison and delivery to mei or 30 dolls, for Aaron and 20 for David. :: . , WILE. A. BLOUNT. Beaufort county. May 15. , 60tf , FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, -1825. The Election Returns for members off Assembly, have not as . yet, been re r ceived from several Counties. We e numeratc them with a hope,:tbatome Postmaster in each, will favor us with the result. Those Vtliat remain to be heard from, are Ashe, Columbus, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir and Sampson Liberality. -Bolivar has offered to Mr Lancaster 20,000 dolls, to be em ployed in ad vancing the education of children rat Caraccas. . . - The following ingenious ToasU -was drank at Narituckct, on the Fourth of July fast: - l-h'f The Governor of New-York whose 7 col- lossalTnind eonceiyed the project of practi pally ' uniting these States,, by locking then together. e.Uu ty iitX tvasKtpE: investigate ihjeJ conduct fGpmmpdore; Porter, Wesf Indiauatlrntfitf the ranspbr- squauron,! m tne transpor tation of specre hare inadeV an ample report which has Subf euen tljr been pub I ished in1 the National f flute! 1 igen cerv--r rrhe Cotirti if wll I be seenV hbfbnl y ab-J c u i r s :Kj p m m . xr , o i a 1 1 u i a p e prj impro -priet y 6h this scof e, put i i bestows on him the qvst unqualified praise; for his zeal anu activity in ettecting tne impor tant object entrusted to ; h1in,: from the hnoment he. left the. situation of ; Com missioner of the Navy Board, to iolun teer in the hazardous but inglorious ser vice ih'wHich'fhe asked permission I to embark; - ; The following extract of a letter; tlat ed August 20, signed D. Porter, to a friend in Philadelphia, speaks volumes Kn commendation of this distinguished officer : ;' " I have been tried and j udg ed by my. peers, and I bow with de ference to their decision. I have en deavored , throughou t . my trial,' to de fend my honor as became a man, and trust I can bear my punishment with out repining. Xo one has yet -heard me murmur at my sentence and until they do, no apology appears necessary for either the Court or the prosecution. I do not express doubt that strict jus tice has been dispensed to me.' : - JVayal Court Martial The proceed ing's in the case of CojnmodoreBtewart are advancing as rapidly as; the charges preferred against hi ml and a regard for justice will admit. The examination of a considerable number of witnesses has closed, and it is probable that this part of the business trill be completed in a few da vs. A man has been fined at Boston, for cruelly beating his horse. This is as it should be. There is' no greater evi 1 dence of a dastardly! and ungenerous spirit, than the abuse of creatures that have not the ability or disposition to defend themselves. He who would wantonly and unnecessariiv. torture a dumb animal, would 'exercise his sa vage disposition upon his fellow man if he dare. ; Whilst they add to our con venience and assist in bur support, they ought to be kindly treated. Our fa vorite CowrER, savs, in allusion to this subject, 1 would not enter on. my list of friends, (Tlipugh graced with polished manners and tine sense, i Yet wanting sensibility,) the man . W ho needlessly sets toot upon a worm. It man's convenience, health, Or safety interfere, his rights and claims Are p iramount, and must extineruish theirs. KJse tlrey are all the meanest things that are, s free to live and to enjoy that hte As God was free to form them at the first, Who in his sovereign wisdom made them alL The ship Tfilliam Wallace, from Sa vannah for New-York, was stranded and lost on the night of the) 20th inst. on GreatEirs Harbor Beach.! The pas- sengers (ten in number,) and crew, all saved. Heji carjjo consisted, of only 30 bales of Cotton, and 100 casks of Rice. The population of Cadiz, in Spain, formerly 63,000, is said to'have dwin- I " ... -K - - led to 40,000. One third of the dwel lings are empty, j ' ; 4 77ie old Serpent. "-An animal sup posetVto be a Sea-Serpent, not less than sixty feet long, is said to have exhibit ed himself in Halifax Harbor, to the gratification of many spectators. Hayti. The Port au Prinze papers ntaih Ions accounts of the cercmo- nies used in approving, by the senate, the ordbnance of the king of France, recognizing the independent of Hayti. After it had been read -one of the senators delivered an address of some length, concluding with the following words, For twenty years past, we have annually renewed the oath to Ijve free or die s henceforth we will add to it a wish, dear to our hearts, and which I hope will be heard in heaven j that a reciprocal confidence and j open heart- edness may cement forever the com- pact . which has just been formed be- t ween the French-and Haytiens. la the brig Antelope, which arrived at Providence, RI. 9. few days ,ago, from ;Hayana, came passenger Charles Savage, i Esq. American Consul for! the State of Guataniala, Central America, from vyhick country he has just return 1 ed, via Havana., im- thiimfooiiily& tot t tegeoV We0inHerstandt heisthej&st Tjublie iunctionarv 014 anv irrAdeinvna Has evevisited :-i Guatamala and; , was reced l D thelgoY t ihat state wi,th. every mark of attentiori. Mrv Sarae had" itr possession several I Jnte resting, ' jprf an tf so afi Igf tamaia, from which we expect some trap slation s as soon as .Mr. Saage's health will adimK;.;' .Ir1. 'iSvage :-.ve are sojto add, is in a feeble stateof health from the effects of tlie fatigue and privations ihcident io his overland journeys, ! and a dangerous disease' wttn which he j was attacked in Havana.1 He is, however, on the recovery, and good air and rest, we think, will speedily re-invigorate him; - " I ; A writer in a Baltimore paper sug gests a remedy to dispel drowsiness, which it' may be useful . to seamen to knoSvt to whom he particularly address es himself. "Whilst on watch; the Writ er was seized wi th uncommon d row si -ness, and findings by accident, he had a biscuit in. his pocket, ' I began,! says he, to eat it, and before I had swallow ed the second mouthful, all my drbwsi ness left me. It came on, however, in about five minutes, when I began to masticate biscuitl when it left me as before. I found that one biscuit would keep me awake through thevwatch, and 1 never was without a biscuit after wards." If this be truly a fact," how unfortunate, that Lieut. JVhitlock who .was lately suspended by the Court Mar tial, for sleeping on his post, did not always carry a quantum pf the article with him. , Treating at Elections. The Hunts ville, (Ala.) Advocate, of the 5th inst. ind u Iges in some very appropriate re flections on the vile practice ofholding barbacues and giving whiskey atelec tions 1 and of the election on the pre ceding Monday, says 44 Never in our lives before did we witness such a pro fusion of treating on any public1 occa sion, and it is the first time: that ; we have seen bottles paraded in the; pub lic square, in rows, with labels con taining the names of the several candid dates, which a stranger, Who did not know the custom, would have taken for the name of the liquor the buttle contained, and not of the person' who furnished it." ' By the Florida, arrived at New York, from Peru and Rio, we have ac counts that Rear-Admiral Rosamel, cortnander of the French forces in the Pacific, had an interview with Bolivar a t Magd a 1 e n a , on t h e 1 8th of Ma rch, at which he made a declaration; of the determination of France to puriue a strict neutrality with regard to the New States of South-America. vCal Iao stiir held out on the 1st of .April.. A decree' was issued in Aprif, declar ing that all, Spanish manufactures', or effects belonging, to the subjects of Spain, should thereafter be subject to confiscation. A second decree grants to foreigners the rijrht to transact busi ness in their own names and on their own responsibility in Peru ; and, in all respects, to enjoy the prot6tion of the laws equally with Peruvians, and to be subject to this same taxes.. i - Much consternation was produced at the place when it was known that Lord Cochrane had departed from Jirazily in the Piranga frigate ; it being under stood that he went off without, taking leave of the Emperor, carrying -with him 11 the money he had leviel on the people at Perriambuco, Maranham, &ci and other property to a large amount Admiral Jewett, who was suspected ot being an accessary to this pnject,5 had since been arrested. ' The last London papers state that the Piranga was repairing at Spithead, for the purpose of returning to Rio, but it was expected Lord Cochrane wouldi not retura inher.: The seamen had been paid off, with liberty to continue in the service or hot. I1? by the nanie of Gabriel Cose', v at the x -t j n vnnnir hous& 01 3ir; JacopMuiL in xne neign- Patribii isn ipooessipnofmui orrtriiv; sriiTisnr.fi nnn no inrsor mar. Tf.f ' :T1 T,T" r, ?;.f " . understood : seonf pTfe- ount Melancholy Casualty.-, A friend in age, Mrs-Ann Tunstaiy-consbrt of Dr.Pey Burke county' informs, us" that on;. the ton H TunstalV at. his reiwtence in Nash, nUht nf fh OA ;nfntL vmintr mn couijty.'afterafeW days illness leavintr an'' i n dybffttcJip;CC tin U Jyvclieo Ii; is supposed liatiii a flt p f smn no ni Uu Uncy Ke Vryas, W4I k t ng h i a bed?chmDerV. the stair - vvay (thcre: Ueirjg no tianistef) and felt- by all of hii acqukirltance; CairtwtV -At 'ah shootin2maf eli at'" Mrg 'John ' Barrlriger, tin th e nor t cast part of Cabarrus coahty, the otheru day where a crowdyhad icollectedj in the midst bf i whom a man by- the name of?Trputman was fixing the flint of his giinvilia utt was prematUreiy fired the-tharge-offwhich enteretl.thejback of Leonard iPiiler near the shoulder, and camc-out at tlie brei." - ; . ; . i Instances have so Trequen tl y occur- . reu, or fatataccid en ts happening IrouiV the careless iise; brVguns; that it is Cas- tpnishing peopleare not morexarefu! irl s handling hbse dangerous weapons.! Mr. liler, : we understand is. sincV5 dead lb. ' ' - ; ' I Fatal effects $f unbridled Petssion: On Monday,the 15th irist. two. negro men in the employ of Mr. Alexander. . Penny about! 15 miles from this' town-: while at work in the fieldilquarrel led about a drink of Water )"one P theni seized art axe, With which he threaten ed to beat the-other's Draina outJ the latter then.'picked up a heavy duty and in the scufHethat ensued, tneohewith u a club struck the other so heavya olowi a to Split his head; 4ipe.ri the length of . eighteen inches. "He almost instantly - expired -76. ? IIIRAM LODGE, No. 40 Tfrhat,iTuiTf in he th7f Uveth mjd shall iot see death ? -TtOt Tj)rdgive tlnd the Lord hrrth taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.1 The S ii pre me T Architect of! the Universe having been pleased to call away our worthy and ,weirbelovedbrother" John 1 J. i. Ruffiit " from the labours, cares, and tt)ubles of a ;i transitory existence to a state of eternal du ratiort and thereby to weaken the chain by which we are united, mart to man, and to de-r prfve our Lodge of one of its btig-htest orna rrients, ; C h''v.S$: "C' lie it therefore unanimously resolved, that as a token of'our esteem and brotherly love 1 for our dear deceased brother John Ji S - Ruf fin, the members of this .Lodge wear proper Masonic Tklouming for thirty days, k Be it further resolved, that . the Kditprs of the Iegister and Star be requested to publish the above-.--1''" :'" rj,-" : -:;r -: -i v v C. DULL LEHMAN Sec: p; T. . August 30, 18?5, r :r t;;t -ftf : on his liead,, bywhcU .his neefcu wai ' brpkeq.'HeMy . . cellcnt jcharacfe'and litlhi v esteemed - - MARRIED; V On the 24th inst. M r. John- M cNeill to MK Caroline Johnson daugiiter-of- Mr. Neill Johnson, all of Richrhontl county. " -.- In Rowan county, on the 4tli "uistMr.Law rence Hudson to'Miss Margaret I lend'n. ' In the same county, on the 14th inst.' Mr. Win. Miller to ' Miss .Catharine f Mo wry. trAV:-i-;4f On the 9th August," - Mr. -John"" A. Alerony n -to Miss Mary Hendrickboth bf Rowan. ; ; vc5 In the same county, on the 9th of AuerusV; . Rev. James H. Bowman, of Maury county, Tenn. to Miss Elizabeth S.foiihtcrj of tlie 5A .; laic Rev.. Samuel McCorkle, of Rowan. '; At Albany, N. Y Mr. 'rhoto G: Tnurs-f ton rrierchant, of Wilmington, N. C.'to Misj ; Mary Ann Stoddard, daughter of J ohn Stod dard, Esq. .vi'-'rii ':4-v v "JUan is but a shadow, and life a dream." " Of the truth of this,-we have had,1 Tlurintj the past week, a most melancholy illustration In our last paper we meniioned the deathof' Jlf. John J. S. Jivjfint arid no w it is our mourn ful task to record the "decease of; his father, " our venerated friend Jtr William Rvffin.--. He died on Tuesday last, after nine days ill ness, brought on, doubtles3, by a fatigiiing1 journey to Vrrginia, which' he had just ac complished.. ' -I'C -'"l . ,". '' ' .- , : Our city has lost one of its inost valued tn& habitants haa ' been" deprived of a citizen, , whose private virtues secured? the affection and whose general conduct commanded the ( respect of every one. who had the pleasure of his acquaintance , Mr. lUiffin wasa soldier ' of the Revolution, and' was present at the ca- r pitulaon of York-town. WhenJ General La ftyetjte yisitexl Raleigh, he called upon his as sociate in arms, and when the deceased spoket -of tlie service in which. In, was engaged Iti that affair, so honorable to our country,' the , -General, (whose 'active memory seems" to " ' . grasp Ve very, thing',) remembered perfectly-' " eveiy incident, and recounted every particu- ' lar of the achievementin which they had been connected Mr. Ruffm possessed tal ents of the first order, thouhewas'plaped in no 'situation-, diiri tier his'residenee in b; : City fairly-to develop them ; lie wis a dis-: tinguished;member of?tne";VirglnUiLffisIa- V. ture, tor many years, previous to his, re ma- - va.l from that State, of which he was a native. His political information waspernaps surpass ed by. few," and his memory was a .nerfect ehmnicle Of events connected -trith the lusTc' rv ot the united btatrs.' lie was an infleL . hie Republican, and in no breist did thecwor patrite glowwitbmore purity and fervor. slii udditionjto the other traits in the-character of ; this - excellent man, he was an exemplary ' Christian, and one of the brightest ornamems of the Methodist Church,' of which he was ' anold and most.; influeniial member; andTri his dying" moments, he bore testimony to the! ' -efficacy of that Religion which he had so 2ea- lously, espoused. . ; : r y , ; . - ; f - : It was a" singular, and to him.and.thcrriva trulvVratifying circumstance, that iU chi U dren, some of whom lived in extreme parts 3 thus afforded an opportunity of administerinar P1 Tanl ecetvmg the biess,, of meir peioYcu anu niniy revereu rareni. un me a instanx, mine uti yea or her affectionate andj:discorisoIate husband withr pro small children, and a namerous circle Cf elailves andiendsl to bevii their lei, . . 1 1 I- 1 . -1 1

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