THE REGISTER , - Is published every Twisn at and Faisix, by , :r GALE & SON, : , M Five Dollars per fcnnumbalfin advanced 1 -'ADVERTISEMENTS rffnv tiublication i those . ot greater It e-th in the 'se."prV)pbrph...C6jM7ari; fcvriorg tkfujlyceiye to f?.v:-..: i The following extract is the concl ud. ing sentence or an ration delivered an Charlestons S.S oft the 4th Julr J ast parallel m a address once?, aelivered !bV Vcandidate in !?the teas tern part of y Mfati)eent, iri't lie perilous voy the lin rinfortan Co6kV? itfdfhercehjcoun- terea ine scorcnigneai.Tana enuigem sun oCvtlieFrigid AZoneJ but it would be indelicate in me to eulogize his vir tuesbis ki nil red fspirir lias "taken its fligbt wiUi the'imniortal Byrort, & rests in holy communion with-the dead. Com e'then expressive "silence muse Reiterated 'arid enthusiastic;' bursts of apy se then "bestowed Jbj !an--admiring audience, upon i the - distin gu ished orat pwKb withTthat modesty which gi vek lu'stre to his other virtu es, ahd with emotion of cratitude that did lipnoi to his heart, -won new l au rels in " the field of eloquence, by the following exquisite and appropriate reply : v v ollray e atread jepl bred the hi rcum- whole of thlcountrjr but even for this audiende, that the mental; diamonds H'i 'iiivu v i uv., ,uv.,ii jiuru a bntiful-hafure,Jhave nbtbeenislinci ?6ypolishe4ancI buriiisheclyh'ea' r Iy; cucaion -t is tcuet that Ion this ; ccaionVhaveiexcited your highest iriI.-v o rl fill oil ' rrtt p 'niSnilc if jV ecsMti cfrapt ure, .at my ast6ni shi ng Jelo T lmt hQ earlrjtrafncd to wal imth;path J oCI earnih; t hen, iadeerTOutl yoVdiehoidancsif like the Peacock strutting5 in his beau tifuL plU- 1 masreV wh en hi s tai I i s wid el e xbanil ed . . 1 I ? ihnitiifM' in -! rl n1 '"111 excel! inor in beauty' and grandeur, that can b discovered in the pucu in am bient air on tW Vur.face of this terraque ous clobe, or;in the vatersof the " vas- t v deep.'? fljii it Iy forbearv '. arid crave vour muuigence on me present occasi- And if Tve chane'd tofull below,- Ilembsthenes or ..Cicero , v y ; " Don!t vie.y m a critic s eye, - i i' I But pass imperfection by V has been ahras"SociafeJ ; tnepTan-iril,tCah in mernltimes j united. with those of Demosthenes and Cicero ; ; JVW.riiipre9uniedj -V iinanswei the abbye tb" efname' of , PEI GNEw ill to re- ouuiiu iiuw tvtjjr tuiiguv. THE LOST CHILD.! (Xremsburgh; (Bat) tfugi Q6.:' V. ffy fipddrnMcefy ttle at'efootrdfth gonraileywlre, he has contin ued t o resid e -re Versi nc r. M r. Nicely is no w more than eigh ty years old-" When he commenced clearing this little spot ? of la nd m ih eben C Wi! d e rnessshe h ad threeorJbu spnghtl y a)idrinterlsting child ren, who! were4?their father's hope;! arid theirmtrthcr'sf byCISVt long afrj ler inis perioti. cwo ut mem, one even ing left their lonely: habitation fpc the TurposVv6f gatjieriog ;trawbem rhey;w.erelolIbwdIbyH therja'ciott consent bf theff'tiarents; amK whodul not i ef urn with the L othechild'vmir as ue seen.Dv inem. The" alarm was immediately; si yen , and h he neighbour1 hood ' scou red,$utjh -ntual.FprtwJweeksf $vitli intense ' anxiety of mJWdV'amf felings thatcan iipt be describearthe bhappy fought their darhnilijttle : Jacob; m, vjlu ernes s--he could nbtbe fouivdi hit vas at leneth (concluded' "that? :K'e. had fallen a prey b ilicJ ruth less pan thervi ''Some tiXifi'srHcM kibh-nWiilfei urn lately tml-a'Tlsi ated ihaf durthir his travels4. hevhad become acquainted; vjth ; a wlu fe 'inan iiear irt Seneca,! who ' livetl after4he: manner of the Indians, a'nd who stated lhat, wlica very young he had been ta Jfot exceedingly lines, neatly inserted tnree " times Tor a dollar, t id 25.; cents for every 7 "H"g man, wio; mer .Ligofiie.'atc fctate of Ohio-liV- Havinsrioccasion; ta-re-; ken from his parents: in LigOnierVal -PJ tyi a; Rar'iy of Indians, "and had continued "with them ever since.4 When this ' information was communicated to old. Mr. -Nicely, "he concluded that this man must be 'his 'son Jacob, who had been lostrso many years. . Under this impression, 'not withstanding: hisae,he made the necessary yi si t ;hi m a n d ,u cce edei n fi nd iti o;, an d once more beholding his darling son;- J'acbbNicely resided .titer Fort Seneca an d - t fiouh Ipo mpira tiy ely "rn Ore4 civil izi i ed stI I his hajbjtsaVdman neifs" were not ;dissirnilar-tb tliose 6f the ) Indians who surrounded him. And from the resemblance of his features to those of the other members of his "family -the, recoil ec'tibri? of? his,1 name by jhimself,' alongv with iotljei, Jcircunristancesi--all conspired to convince Mr.. Nicely that he is Indeed his son " Thus itt is that Providence has in Ids bwn"! way, after many.ya affectionate .parents, ' before their gray hairs descend to the grave. Jacob Nicely is soon expected on a visit to his relatives. . - . :1 -:--f! EXTRAORDINARY MAN. ' ". There is a man residing in Pottsgrove townships Pal itboiit three mil esv from this borough, by the name of Henry Hatfield, who has been blind from his youth, caused by the small pox "t he is a very respectable citizen, and a few years ago purchased a small-tract of land, and bow keeps a pu blic hou se he is rriar rie.d, and has several children. Besides keeping a public (rouse for a livelihood, he makes baskets of all descriptions of a' superior qualify.' What is most sin -gular with him is,' he will go alone as far as six miles from home with his axej into a large, wood, where he will single out saplings or small trees, such as will answer his purpose for making splits, &c.' he Avill cut them down into such lengths as' will suit ; he will then Jiide liis axe in the, bushes or - leaves he ui'av. meet with, ntwl efarf- nflf tn n nicrhhnri nor fin-- I mer, employ hk wagon and horses to haul his wood ' hbine, and then return and, tak e his a xe fro m the. place h e h ad secreted it ; this he will do without a living soul near him. This information we have from persons who have often sebn fiitri tlotbe! likei We ourselves have repeatedly geeri hini a considerable distance from home, travelling in. the public road, and have asked him if he knew where he was and which way he ws going ; he al ways answered 'correct ly.;' His; neighbors and acquaintances he recognizes as soon as spoken to. He is the best performer on the violin in these partB, and.- can keep the instru ment in as"good order as any other per son. He is a -subscriber of ours, and yerybften call's flnniself at the office to receiveihis paper. --Pdlt. Times. 1 EIlANCHOLV SHIPWRECK. I The Salem Gazette gives the follow ing extract of a letter from Capt. R. Eprne of theship Sally, of Salem, 4at&,FlushipJ July 3, 18l5,' v 1 ..,' I arrived at this place 30th ult. af ter ' a1 very rough passage of 53 lays from Havana ; The ship performed ve ry well ind eed "until th e ; 26th, u 1 1 Jat halpajst J ";M. in :lat-4 tpN. ibnv 15 30i?iIV."'iwith: a, , finer, breeze r from NN-VVi studding sails set, and sailing at the rate Zs' kuots a vessel was seen directly ahead, Hsotiebrjwhe ed that; it vyas 'not possible. to 'avoid .eacVbther 7, we accordingly eucouriter ed, steering d i rec tly bpposa t e, courses, with the combined force "of both; or 1 1 knbtsca-ried a way bur bowsprit head, cut water, studding: sail , booms, fore 1 s wi fiso res, &cl lap d open ed , th e wood ends from the lower wale up,'thewidth of a man's band, i'rhe: strange vessel proved Wbenhebri don, Ca p t. ' A y i 1 1 tain Pe rki nsV from B ri s -tol, bou n d'tb Montreal. Ou r jib'-bbom tobk,between hisf fore rigging and fore r mast3ivhjcli. caused her to swing along side of ns, where she remained ifasf for the space T'of several' irninutes when blejarofeajpb "others -heVsmls; hangmg ahack 0 ropeUsternandi lynly t ubder; o&r larboard-quartern .TJie secondmate, aj passenger "and two .seamen,, were spro v id en tiatljr sa Ved'iby gelling on ooara ! tne aa i ly ; ue ioi c , Vessels p1artedhe diateibra'cjH& out in oer;i possible to preseryejthe iives qi tne rest, put onty one ooy. founlciiristniBto the; rounds bo iouse which ittkehzaeed'itse! flfrbm Xh Out of ' ;i'?souts: ph;boanl oniy:5 Hvere saved. The 'Cajat. - and ihis ivife,. the wife of the passenger, 1st mate, and 3 seamen were lost, An intimate' Triencl of; the celebrated historian Humcr asked him ;what Jie thought o f M r. Wl iitfield's preaching ; for he had listened to the tatter part of one of h i s Sermons, at Ed i n bu rgli. H e is, ir," said Mr. Hume, " the most i ngeni o u s p'reac Iter' I. ever h e ard : i t i s worth wh i I e to go twe n t v mi !es to hear him." He therepeatpfa passage to wards the close of the discourse which he had heard. 'V After a solemn, pause, he thu3 addressed his numerousautli ence r The attendant Anet is just about to. leave the thresh old, jatid as cend to Heaven. And shall he ascend, and hot bear with him the, news of one sinner among all this' multitude,1 re claimed from the errorv of iis ways ?' To give the greater effect to ltljis excla mation, he stamped with, His foot, and with gushing tears, cried alotuj, Stop Gabriel ! , stop Gabriel ! stop ere -you enter the sacred portals, and yet carry with you the news of one sinner con verted to God.' He then, in the most simple, but ( en erge tic 1 a ngu age , d e -s c r i bed 'w h at he called a S a v i o u r?s dy ing loye to sinful man, so that almost the whole assembly melted into tears. This address wTis accompanied with such animated, yet natural action, that it surpassed Ysaid HumeY any.thinir I ever saw or heard. in any other preach er. Simonides. being asked by Pyonysi us the tyrant, what God was rj desired k day's time to consider it before he made his reply. When the day was expired, he desired two days and af terwards, instead of: returning his an-, swer, d e. ; landed still, double Uhe time to consider of it. . This great Poet and Philosopher, the more he contemplated the nature of the Deity, fountl that he had . waded but the more out: of his depth jt and that he lost himself in the tnougnt, instead ot nnumgan enu oi iu ELEGANT ;OMPLIMET. j There scarcely ever was a finer com pliment paid to a lady, than tHat vvhi4h bean Swift addressed to a wife, who was always praising her husbuhd : " You always are maVm a god of'Vour spouse, ' ' ' ;f; ' ' ' j ; But that neither reason or conscience al- lows:; ? " . ' .s; . Perhaps you may r think 'lis in gratitude . .; tine,- . ..j l And you adore him, because he adores you. Your argument's weak, and so you will ;. find, ' .-' i ' For you, by this rule,- must adore- all man FREDERICK OF PRUSSIA. 1 This monarch had a great idea of the value and '-utility;. of experience!. A vb ry young , man h a v i lig priesbnted to him a petition, requesting an iinportant ap appoibtnient, Frederick wrote under neath it4k Turn to the Bible, and in the 10th cjiapter and 5th yerse ofthe 2d book of Samuel, you will find these words : '.Tarry at Jericho until your beard be grownj and then return." ' Cane-Feav Navigation Com pany. ' NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN. riHAT a meetinvof the President and Di JL sectors pf the Cape-Fear .Nayiiration Com pany will be holden at Fayetteynieoii Mon daythe 12th day of September next. ; - By order. ' JOHN CRUSOE, S ec'y. ! Further Nbtice IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the dividend of f 4f per, cent, declared , and payable to the. Stockholders of the Cape Fear Navigation Company on the 1st day of" October next,, wilt be; paid'only to pereons who appear by th& Books of the Company,' to be the owners pf the Stock, unless, the real owners shall have procured ;a transfer of the Stock accord ingto the following provisions of the charter, viz-. Section 14th, That it shall and may be lawful forevery proprietor to transfer his or herjshare :ot 'shares, by deed executed be fore two witnesses, and registered, after the proof of ,tlie ; execution, in the Company's Books,; and not otherwise, exceptby devise, which devise shall also be exhibited to ( the Pi-esident and Directors and registered be fore the' divisee shall be entitled tb draw any parbf the profits from said tolTslf u 'J y ;Byrderl " l JOHN CRUSO Sec'y. Fayetteynigy 1825.- ity with : bis iusuat custom, Jiereby: takes leave re- spectfullv to remind "the , Sherifls. and other Reye nuc; Officers pfjth State aforesaid, , that, the, Aimcj is now! at hand when the laws re- jquire tJiat-tlieix Pioiic accounts for tne cur rent year shaUbg'jSettled and finally, balanc ed and .closed at the Treasury Department. tlO JOHN ilAYWOOD, Pub. Treas. : Of- y 'Treasitfy XJflce; 1st Sept. n.H E Public Treasurer, m conform State of; ' i. - M AHTINCQUNT V, . .. . w v I .Court, ot, reas antl viuarer -bcssicns, ft; u -r ' 'K'ovii June 'Term, .. Henry Slade; The heirs of Jeremiah Petition,of Partition i! ' .. ' Slade, dee'd. , J v;i4.;-::v.i IT appearing to the. satisfaction pf the Court ; tharThomas B. Slade and fjas. B. . Slade, two of the Defendants, are not inhabitaiits f this State: It is therefore ordered that publi cation he made in the -Raleigh Register for six weeks, that unless ,they appear ;at; our be next! court of pleas St quarter sessions, to held for the county cf Iartih at1' tlie coiirt- hpuse in Williamston, on the-2d ilondny bf September nextthen and there to plead; Sec "Judgment will be taken pro" conf esso its to them, and judgment entered accordingly. " Witness- Henrv B, Hun?er! Clerk of; the said Court at Williamston, the: 2dj Monday of June,: 1825. ..s--' - "vai VU 1 ?: JIENRY B. HUjsrTER, (Jlk C Uina, Glass & Ear then Ware; -; No. l68, Water Street, New-York. - Four doors from the Coffee Ilouse. : raiHEs! Subscriber, .late of .the House of JL Dummer & Hempsted, (Petersburp-,) has received 300 Packages of the above ar tides, per tne latest arrivals rrom i.iverpooJ, com prism er a complete assortment ot. new Varan1 v?ry beautiml patters, wliich he; is offering by the. Package,! or; from the; Shelves,! on as tavorable .terms as any Ilouse in the Unioh. . ; ! : i . t : , : ALSO, ' . "I . - - - i r 14 sacks Bristol Portor ;Bottles, , 30 cases half'jiint Tumblers. . y f B. HEMPSTED t has made arrangements to receive per Line of Packets from Uver pool, constant ' additions ; to his! assortment which wH enable him to execute orders on very favorable terms.' - ' ";' : N. .B. North-Carolina money taken Lt par. 84-6w .'. B. HEMPSTED. .- i ' ' : - .; i, . : v-f . - I NFORMS the citizens of ltaleiffh and the ptibtic irenerallyj that he ') hasf comnienced the TaiMrinjr business in thislfcity, aud will faithfiilly execute all orders in his line. H$ has on hand some .artic Its : -pf ready made Clothing which; will be sold Pb good terms. lie lias Deen taugnt irard s matnemaucai rule for putting,' by Alexander Crossland, of Warrehtbh, aent for Wartl. ; His shop is on Fayettevijle street, next door to William Thompson's Cabinet Ware-Room- y ; - I Raleigh, August 20. . ; j : 85 7t ! . s : uZ -Ab apprentice from 1!? to 115 years o1 age, who can, come well recommended, -will be taken if application be. made as above.-, I ; iitxtainmivt. ; : . ftHE subscriber thankful for past favors, f - takes this method of informing his friends and theJpublic generally, that he still conti; nues to keep-a House 'of .Entertainment in Greensborbugh.N.- C. at thbi Sign of the PLOUGH Having declined the Mercantile business,1 his whole attention will be devoted to his House, which is supplied with the best the country affords - His Stables are furnish ed with provender of every kind for horses, a steady : and attentive Ostler -' and he, pledg es himself to give: due attention to all who may honor him with a call. T ' v " ;. J ?: JACOB IIUBB ARD. Greensboro, N. C.' Auerust 24, v 86 3m l 1 : r- . '- . . ; A !H nawinwo Sir T4r lVT fiXr t kt 0f)H E subscriber still continues to parry on the above business in this !city, and has just finished some hanilsome Gigs, wi ich he on era tor s.le at a lair prices, f ( , -- N. B. ., O ne or t wp Apprentices to the a bove ; business will be taken5; those 'fiotn the country would be preferred. , . A i ..- J i4 ; U WESLEY WHITAKER. ' Raleigh August 29., . , , i 1 rv, 86 3t XI i AN A. WAY .from the subscriber on the' lOtli lnst. without a fauljt,a Negro Man named P AVE, about 32 years ot age, . is a bout 5 feet 7 or 8 inches highV slender made, vellow complexiondown look when spoken to, speaas not very chuck, wnen spoKen to ; has not got good eyes, on Vqcbunt of having wild hairs in themat5 times It is probable Dave will, try to pass for a free man ; he has travelled a . good ;deal with the "wago'ni; in different parts of this state and Virginia, and don't lack for want f of sensel" I ' have been tola mat ne nas gone to ; v irginia to see nis father ; and that his father lives1 on Meherrin, yanearGholson's , Bridge, f His; father,: I have,been, toUli is of Indian descent, and; is' a free man V his name . s saii to be Kincheh Tucker i and he will no doubt conceal hi nS, SHOUKl uayc gci-.uic5c. iiu uc wcui away he" had: good clothes, ahd "dres8eJ equal to any servant ; lief had a new. fur hat on, and forty or fiftyd'ollara An cash,' about. forty of wiifcn was in 5pei;iefct a pm ciasea ium oix Mr,; Ross , Hutches within "iix miles of mei a manwb raised hiui I will give the -above re ward ' if taken but ; of th e state. and if fakefr in the; stated 1 wenty-five dollars If put In Any Jail . i sb jthat.I get bioi again buotiKLsaia negro man Dave pe taKeii up m format sed Orange 86 St ion can. he c;iven me by letter, audres tb tfillsborough, -"orVo Pleasant Grove, 'county, jst. a , J 1 '. JOIIN J. INUfcir l loaoll fTiail: X 6i; Sale , SHIStract is situatel in 'Halifax cbunH v,-r, between 4 Mush Isltnd a nd the flViwit t Ifal.ifax;'iiot.mdrer.than:thre' mUf s fibm 'the' latter : its imnerside near the river heinir1: less than u Kdf niile from'Mush Island. Froiu: ; a suryey of the presen t y ear the pibbable ia mount .of acres is fourteen "hundrvd - eigbty-" three and a haltV though the deeds by which ' the said suryey was was mkd(e were not very explicit,beither didJtlieyi incbide theiwhola1 tract of land.. The landvexcept a small por- tion. is or verv crooti auautv. ana out ot saui . small portibit .d spdt might be-selected wliicli in llohtiV mniiv. wniil(l ha pall.fl i hAaThir "and handsome site , forv a redence. The , ale will. take place on the tenth day of s "No vember next, in Petersburg,. Va. before the loo'r of.Niblo's ,Ta venu;v Any person ' wisli ing to purchase said ! .Hid priva'tly can learn, 'he t rms by application to Nelson &Minge, of PeefsOttrgjwV fnanf . li viugnsnd land. who will at anyjtime shew ii to such? iuWishtbpuiia8ei-'s-Tle' land the purchaser payjng fifteen thousanddollar3 caslii vand the balance f thenircinise money on the first day ofjtariary, , 182 7. 4 U ' : . ' . AUcrnst lb,' i:m($6 4w - Notice,., '-i-,, : I HAVE lost, the Certificates of five shares '. of the Capital Stock of -the Bank of Cap eV Fear, viz Nos. Ill, lltlS, 1 14; & 115 And.I shall; at theexpiration-'of 3 months from the date.of-'tlK&.ntice, .appljf.fbr new Certificates of said Stock, All p-rsbns pre tending, to have any claim to saii.1 Certificates are hereby noticed to . make kobwii their cLim. -:-a , ;; ; lucy. c OTl-ar;; , ; . Wilmington, June,15; 18251' V: Wm u'; , M iyoii yaY. TT AN A WAY from : the subscriber, three XQ Negro Men, viz. Frederick, Tom - and Pompcy. :- . : ''J'-i-' i, .' niVt -'1 " FltEDERtCK, of black compTexioriVabbut 18 or 20 yers of age,5 feet 5 or 6 inches higli of thin visage,- speaks slov when spoken to. no visible rnark as I recolleet of except thiiik that his riglit fore finger is stiff -he ab sented Jiimself ph. th)? 20Lh oP March Ust.- Frederick is Croxri Virginia. ' .:' ' v i I , roil is of a tawney fcomplexlon, 30 or -S3 ; years of age, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, bliulc eyed, and as well as I recolleet is. Jame "in his left Vg,J occasioned when smalj by th? white swelling,, and 'a scar bn biie of his wrists, oc casi oned by a cut of a Jenifer; Tom 13 from ' NortH.Caliiia.;;-?; rc V'H: V- POMPEY, isyeiy bUckand some offhis front teeth -611! iabont 5 feeJ5tpr:6 inched highi ha4 a scar bver brie"bf bis eyesjf or on his , forehead, and speaks yeW qmck whVn spok en to. Pom pey is from Cbarlestonvaiul for merly belonged to'Jdhn" Billings of tttatb race. 1 think it very ; probable, tiiat' they have; free passes grveb tb them, as it hasbeen pra'c-' tised in' thByiciiiity3;y iStit ' The above revvard tvillbetpKTd b any per on who will deliver'the. s od Negroes to me " iving in i- airaeia ustnct, S. U. or lodge tlient n any jail sb tlrat I get them. .. -;t,, . V . .. JOHN HAUR1S0N August5r; : ;, . jc; jj 8lo2;n : TANX.WY r'ivom ibe. Subscriber in, Le mgton,A Georgia; in ..-.March i lair,ra: Neirr z-n ' .1 i . t v. ... - ci i . , , a feet 4 or o heavytbade, cohtructs his eves '!a little when be looks at vou, and iet:-iKindea. v I nis ooy 4 lsham,' I boueht ofa mauwho slcrnshis name Clement Townserid, in January, last." - Mr. -Townsciui old me he bought thiboy in "Italelcrh,-North-- Cawihna, at Sheriff sale." that he was raised about Raleigb the boy told me. he was rais ed in Raleigh, and was hired. 1a that place to a merchant several years, v & that Mr. Towns- end bought him, of an estate of a lawyer. who 'de? lased near Rale gh a y elr br two ago.- -i ILMr. Clement j ownseno. sees this adver tisement, I will thank him to drop me a ' lino and say, Avlio he bought this' boy Isham of. as I have heard of this bby being in South - uaroima,maKingr uia way to ; Ataieign , , ex pect'. h l f c : ; i: fiiy.';' I will give Ten Dollars rewaia to nave linn secured in ah 'Jail, 'so I cab get hold of him, , or the above reward of Tw ; nty-five dollars, toany person rwho will secure: him.nsa Jail in Georgia.: ; From some circumstances, 1 an$ led to believe Jhat this boy may be in the . possession of a white man, who induced him to runaway and will of! er 1 him for salei" f will give Fifty Dollars reward for t! ie deteeV' ' tiob of theThief - '- l-v ;vv.;!:;.;;.;..;. '.- r .lulv 20. 7 St 3. 1 : State of North-Carolina, i 1; '; Lincolfi jCounly.;,;'? -r r Court bf Pleas and Quarter.SesildnsV nr--; juiy term,; 1825.; - : - ; Andrew. Hoyle, yy- y ;M?r:'fr.,' ; ' Jno; Huson& oth-1" Z " 'oa ers beiir & Lega- f"! -!f tees of Mason Uu- f -T8 ' " " ' z- son. decd. 'U 8 'tvTr.-r"' a.DDearirref to the Court.5 that John if,.. j son and tlie other Legatees of Mason ."lib- 'if son, aeceaseu, are noiinnaoitantsot tins ;t;;. . ItViA.tneretore orurrea py the Court that nonce De5puoiisuei yur wet'Kjinu, x-zc 1 fi Register. requing;Ubesaid;Joh i 1 n and the other of any bfhe Lcjrau ef the: said Mason Huson, ' deceased, to ' ar it ' the CounJyCturt vf Pleaiand Quarter Se siolis to be heltV forlsaid'Cbunty atthc 'ouii. House iuLincolntoivm the fourth? i ty ter ;'th fpurtli Monday in Scpter.;Dei '..exti theft and tbere to answer or derour to the wl -petition' otherwise ii will be take:, ,-ro con- feasor an4 adjurtged accordingly, f Witness, y. M'Bee, Clerk of Court, at Linob ton; third Monday in July, 1825. j ; i -VARDUT M'BEE, C. C,- mcnes niiciii very ties'iy. , stout 1 fidl face, live! vs'ahd free spoken, TTT J

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