1 AKU t .-1- i.. 11- -1 ' V. .t,r m -r . - ' -1, - v No i CG'M ai ket StVBaUimqrc. - ? -THE distribution :of ilie. lowing prizes bas all taken )tace frcnvAi4.EsV0ffiqes rith wfthe last four weeks, vis? : V ,J , ; , n . - r , . , 12, 14, 59 do,- V J ,10,000 t , ' '.1406 - do i ;f;5,00CT Resides many of 4000 500200. &c. &c. v PROMPT PAYMENT. " . The 20.000 the 10,000'and !the'5,000 sold as above, were promptly paid to 4the fprtU--' natowhers, m-neVdately. pii preaentatiun at lkfisOfficewals hadthe pleasure of idvKjicinK JbctipwA to th fortunate owoerjof - " DeUars,-iri S!h Lottery. Number Graiid State -Lottery; r This LotteryHsto he drawn in a fe w weeks jo the tendance ot theState, commissioners. . - or 500 Is ' 5,000 of of 10d,5,000 20" is 'a 5.000 ''100 200 i,;4:0o,s 20,000 ' J 'Ml "-I . of -of!-: ! of ' 10 2,000 1 ? : ' 5 is . . 2,000 Z ' :: 4 is - 60,000 V 152,000 - 40,0001 IrlcetS v NOT OJfE BItAXK TO APUIZE ! $1525 62 "To be had' odd & cveiv&t OTl'EltY AP EXCHANGE OFFICE, t :':;v:- ll6arket;Street!?T7'" 'v':" "Where in" the last State Lotteries were sold the 20,000, the J.0,000 and the 5000 dolT lar prizes, ..-,:, - ..... ' cn.. . , - 'Where in former StateL,btteries . was ob- t uned "no less tlian 11 prizes -of lOOO, 3 of 5,000, 8 .of 10,000, 20,000, 25,000, , and the irreatapitalx)f ; - U , r 'Aiul,-whre.4vre gold, ai dra.wn iaone Tay,: prizes amenatiug- to 250,000 dolls, beinpr. the greatest amount ever obtained at " any of- Orders from anv part of the Unifed States, encldsing'.cash or prize tickets, (post paid) will be punctually attended to, AiUres S. Si M. ALLEN, & Co. -Sept. 1. 89 tf imore. .v'C-YH CLASH. -To be drawn oh the 30th insU all in 10 minutes 7$, ::;;V;0AP1TAL PKIZES;V , ; ;: '".S20p 100005,000 5,000 JJ,500-r-lS08 5 vl 1,00010 ot 1500, Tickets r 00 f Quarters $1 50 , r llalvea V 3 00 Kihihs; : , : ,75j: "-'"(Xj Fr Sale as ahove; r V7 .- J ? -." w Treasxtry Offtcc, 1 Jlugust, 1 Ste5.; tTfiol is0RTHr arolia; JTffHE Public Treasurer considers it bis du ? : Jl J ty p invit e th e . attention . of the Cl erk s arid SheriiTVof t hii S tat e to the provisions of the acts of the .General Assembly, passed in 18221823; 1824, f for the pmmotion of A gicnlturej antll: family domestic- .'Manufac- tures.? ,V;v, ?r -v-v'. nt' By thweactsihe, Clerks of tthetOonntyi' Superior and Supreme Courts, and , Clerks t and Masters, in Equity, are required, at the first term of the Court-? of . which they; are Clerks respectively,'-after thu 1st day of Au gust in each and eyery: year, 10 make astate ; merit C7 oath; ofall monies maininirf in their hands, and which were recei ved v by them iBcial)y? Three years or more, previous there . to specifying ; therein the ; amount "pfc each separate clai inland ; the name of the person to whom the same is payable and , if , there fee, no sneh monies iirtheir, bamls, they . are to make affidayit'of the same r w hich retcrn or -aifiiiaVitj'the; Judge or J Chairman of the Court before. wb:om it is made, sliall cause to be transmitted to the Public Treasurer on or before the I st of. Decetriber in the same year, . and eidc1erks,:after jnentSvire to ;pay .jntothieTreasuiy, on or be fore the 1st of December, ail the balance so stated tH be m tlteir hantls.Every ; cb rk a-'! iWesaid failing tions, forfeitlOOO to be sued for and re covered . by :the public. Treasurer, in Wake Superior ''Court Cand is riioreyer liable for. all the monies tn his hands as aforead : :And on failure to pay over the monies as aforesaid, ich clerk may be proceeded against, by the Public Treasurer in any Court of record in like manner as defaulting revenue officers. 33 very.' person who lias heretofore be,en clerk of any court of recortl int.his state, is to ren tier to the court of which he may have been clerk, a statement; of monies remaining 'hi his hands as aforesaid, and shall' account imd ' pay over. the same,' in the same "mapner as clerks in office,- and. under the. like penalty br failure and it Is made the iluty of t h e law officers, of the slate ribr the circuit in which such person shall reside to cause a wi. fa. to be (issued, against him (on his fai lure to make return and payment) returnable to the Superior Court of the - county in Which fcuch person 'resides on which,' the court is to render judgment for ;:the penalty, unless sufficient excifee be, given for the failure. ; AH Sheriffs' in office at the timd of passings .the act of 18i3,ar required at the-same times, to , render a like statement and to ac count in the same manner,' under a like pe aalty.; . tK.. A t" "i""'!? Vlfile the Public Treasurer takes pleasure ia testifying tb thg piirictrialftyf many of the present ami furrier clerks; including somefof j our most distinguished citizens of the present 'ay it- is witb ip:uch jreget that strained toAddther rvmain still aariy who are defaulter nder UiesejUiwsi W : Waiving all other cp side rtionsv the Trea "rerj would hereby respectfully;? suggest to thoe. concerpe that ttis ziertiinly far more 'fSu m 4ventuauypri)ve to beIess oublesttmeant expensive o1 fVrrushvo f juntanly andforthwitb;the returns required" b7 law than byjdongcr neglect or ; delarto usque the being subjected to the'compulso 1 process of the courts ; which must St will oe the certain; and Jneviuble Consequence of iVtarc neglect or omissiom v - lrvt' : : 5 1 Prize! of. 30,00CLis $30,000 ;v - K? )v 'x, er I '0P l0,000Jis : 10,000 . -Y- r ;;- f : of '-'"5,000 is 5,000 i 10 '1,000 is 10,000 ) .7 4 , - - ' i " J 1 f "1 " r " V " ? ' ; WEBB & T JLLl AMS HAVE, just received a. supply of Swaim's celebrated Panacea, for -the cure of Scrofula, King's Evil, Hhetimatlsm, Ulceus; Tumors, iahdmorb particular for Syphilis," Mercurial ! Diseases, &c. .;&c..... Warranted genuine..- . - - - - , - - Raleigh;-Septus, '1835. ' ' State of North-Carolina; - V;- Court of.pleasand Quarter Sessions, , , : ,;;.iAUgUst-oess,onsi.p4?. v Ilenrv Parker, by his nexY fiiend Branch Walthall,? t Petition for Settlement. ; John vKing,' Adin'rJ y. ?l 1;T having been made appear to the satisrac itlpp of tle Couft, that the defendant inthl case r est des b ypnd the limits of thi s State so that the "ordinary ; process 6t law cannot be s'erved on Him ; it is therefore ordered by tlie tuirt. that' advertisement be made in the ltaleigh : Register, &c. for two month?, that unless defendant comes forward on or before the next term ,pf this Court which vill be held at the Court House in Raleigh on'the third Monday in November next; and file' his answer, that judgment pro confesso will bet entered, up against him, and execution issue accordingly. .- . V . B- S.' KING, C. C. : r ? S WelorqrUCarpliiia. ? - : 'Rutherford C .urityv';.: , .' ' ? ff.L' ; r f : ' Spring term 1825. : David Patterson,, k: ' ,; WmLhIIooway and! Ben, Sf : ? i jamiri Jordan. . J. TTTannearinir to the satisfaction of the Court fi.Hhat. the. defendant are not inhabitants of this State it is ordered that publicationj.be rrorl (hrpA mAnlti ireivplv in.' thf l?n- leieh Ueistcr, notifying them to appear at the next Court of Ecj tiiiitv. to-be held tor the county of Rutherford, at the Courthouse in Rutherfordton i on; the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday of September next, then h tin re to plead, answer or demur to the complaint now.filed against tliern. or the same will be taken.pro confesso, and beard expartel " t Ttst. T. F. BIRCHETT, C. M. E. May 3- - . - . '- ' ; State of North-Carolina. v " ltutllerford County! ' -x yr Kjacirr. : t - Spring term, 1825.' . 7 ' .Tames -Thompson, Goold Hoyt,"Y ' James B. Murrayj Arthur Bron- Bill to fore son and others, S-close movt v . . gage. Augustus Sack et. , J f i T appearing to the satistaction otthe Court that the defendant, Augustus Sacket, is not an inhabitant of this State ; it is oitlered that publication be made three months suc cessively, in the Raleigh Register, t hat unless he appear at the next Court of Equity to Le held for Rutherford county, at tlie Court house in Rtitherfordton, on the 3d Monday after the 4tfi Monday of September next, and plead, answer or-demur to the" bill of com plaint filed against, him ;;it will be taken pro confesso, and heard exp;iite. i Test: T. F. BIRCHETT, C. M.E. May 30. 3m State of North Carolina. Franklin County. 7, Court of Pleas and Quarter SessioriB, June Vrm," 1825. The President Sc' Directors Oriinsl atta. i'pf-the State Bank of N. C. . Jas.Favrier stim , ... - , V3. . iminedas Garni Hlhton and Brame. J shee. IT having been made appear to the Court, ' that the defendants reside bt yond the li mits of this' Stater It is ordered that adver tisement be made in the Raleigh Register, for three months, that unless the defendants come forward oh or before the next term of this Court, to he held at. the Court House in Louisburg, on the second Monday in Septem ber next, and replevy and plead to issue. Judgment will be entered up against them, & the property condemned to PlaintilPs reco very. Test, S. PATTERSON, C. C. State of Nortli-C arol in a, Mecklenburg County. . Superior Court. of Law, Spring Term, 1825. Jane Perry Petition for Divorce. Gray Perry tT appearing to 'the satisfaction ot the . Court, that the defendant is not resident in this state, so thtit the ordinary process of Lawy'can be served on him. It is therefore orderetl that publication be made " three months in "the Raleigh Register, thatninless the defendant appear at our . next Superior Court of Law to be held, for said Cotinty, at the" Court House in Charlotte, on the 7th Monday after the. 4th "Monday in September next, and plead; atswer or demiir thereto, the plaintiff's petition will be taken pro co'ri fesso; and heard exparte, &c . J. M. HUTCHISON. June 11. . ' t:- ; - Notice. THE subscriber wishing to1 remove to the West, ; offers- for ale .his tract of LAND, of about 830, acres, lying on both sides of New-Hope Creek; about,250 acres of which is cleared- about seventy-five of it is fresh Low ; Grounds of a good quality. On the tract are several tut ndred ' acres of good Lo w Crottrids yet ?:to clear.''5' :Tle" plantation is in gcOtl rep drl; Ten hands may be 'worked On it to advantage. Thert is a corivenient DweT Jirig House, Store, and 'Wareliorise, a good Cotton Gin in a convenierit'bouse, an excel lent , set .'of Stables, large Trained Barn arid other Orit houses. VK; - v. -Thisplaceipcs'se advantages over most con ntry S tandsV Tl i ere is a large Eleitonv held'be re, , also1 a ' battalion & ' cqni pany Muster;" which .Wakesityeiyjitiblie.; There; has heed a profitable mercantile busi ness dime here for the lust 15 years. It is in a'fine'part" "of the count ry; for raising Cotton -; situated twentj'-thfee' mil eis wet pf Raleigh,; on ine stage roapio,oaiiSpury.;.Any wrsiiirig;; to p applying in time,' Vs I am disposed to make the pay merits as easVas Tcari do WitK cohve T,s ;.. - V'N?- :; .k. r Y ED. , PRINCE. . .. t ' v'iWnce'sRridgelT J ol -.Jl',. Chatham county August 26;5 : ; - , vuuh iu.xii u,i wwwua, . -August term,; 1825". JfcnryTatum , t':-a- V ! ' ; V rPetition for pah Jacob Blunt arid George Aition ofland&c Blunt. , . , t. , VJ; , TT appearing to the.satisfaction'of the Court JL that George Blunt,one. of the defendants in tins case, lives out or mis a rate: it is inereiore ordered by?'the ' Court thaVpubliration madein the Raleigh Register for six5 weeks, successively, J that' unless -he- appear at' our next County Court;. to.be hehl for the coun ty; of Guilford'; at the-. Courthouse in Greensr borough, on the .third Monday, of .November next, arid plead, answer or demur; that the said petition will be taken pro ' comssp arid beard ex parte. WJ::: M A true copv from the Minutes. J -s , Testl, JNO. IIANNEH, C C. C. ' - . . " State of XoYtli-CaTolma, i : C v D u plin Cou n ty. , t , " Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, : July Term, 1825. j , C John Bostick O f s - - vs. y Original Attacbment. Amos J. Waller. J) .. IT appearing to the satisfaction ' of. the Court that Amos J Waller is nbt.an in habitant of this State. It is therefore orde red that publication be made in the Raleigh Register until the 3d M oridav of Octob er, that unless lie appear at the next term. of Dirplin County Court, to commence on the 3d Monday of jpctober, then and there to plead,' answer or demur, judgment win bfe entered against him according to Plain tiff demand. Teste, I ' ': ' J AS. PEARS ALL, Clk. Price adv. $4.00 - .' i-i' : IN PHILADELPHIA. R." & Mrs. Andhkws; and Du. & Mns. JoE8,-now of; the North-Carolina Fe- vwle 'Atadi'tnyr are about to return to Philji- lpMat where thej propose to receive twelve l,ui,JU cuuwk-.-..uic couse ot instruction wiq emorace aii .tne branches of English Uteratwe and Science, ever "taught in Female Seminaries, together with the French JMnguage, Jllusic, Drawing and -Dancinjr. In every Department, the mos' compete nt teachers will be employed. On 'Natural History v Botany Natural lliilos ophy, Chemistry, jf Jlstronomy, the pupils wiU attend regular courses oflectures,aCcoin panied by experimental demonstrations. The children will take their meals with the family, be its constant associate, and will be regarded with parental anxiety and ten derness : they wtil alternately visit with the members of the family, and every means cal culated to cultivate the understanding and polish the mariners will be carefully pursued. Books Music, Instruments, and every other article necessary for the Instruction and commrt ot tne pupils, ( -wearing opparei ex- cejfed,) will be supplied by the principals, and the whole included in one generul charge of $4.50 for the scholastic year, so that pa- rents and guardi ins will know the exact a . mount to be paid. When the smallness of the number of pupils, -the' talents' employed, arid the advantages offered, are Considered, the terms will not appear high. It is intend ed to open the Seminary on the 1st of April, 18-6. : y . .,.;. Person's wishipg for further information, respecting the plan, may obtain it I together with the mostsatisfactor-references,as regards the stunding,charocter & abilities of, the prin cipals, by'achlressing a letter (post paid,) to Anlrews and Jones, Oxford, N. C. An early application is desfred Oxford. Sent. 1st. 1825, 67 3t TpffTlLt be sold on the last Monday in Sep V tembcr nexjr, at the Court House in Smithville, Brunswick County, or as much thereof as will p:y the taxes for the. years 1823 and 1824, and cost of advertising, &c. 200 acres, part cf a tract of Land lying on Livingston. creek, fbrmerlv Boyd's. -1D0 do on do formerly Wm. Hall's. ; 50 do on do formerlj' owned by Keators. 240 do on a branch of said-creek, near the Green Swamp, forriieriy Spaight's.; 1000 do on the Great Branch of Livingston, grantetl to B. Smith. 343 do on Livingston, part of the Bladen tract. ,- .';... ,:''- . . ; , 1665 do on Hood's creek, formerly Row ell's. ; " - ... ' . ,.- . 640 do on Rattlesnake, a branch of 11 pod's creek. - ! " ' " ' ' 'A - '' O0 do on do formerly Samuel Vines's. TOO do on or near the head of Hood's cr'k, formerly Pridgeons. - .,.. - -r -ySOO do below the last, formerly Jas. Wil liams. .: '-. ' : '. -r 1 500 do on Alligator, a branch of Hood's creek, formerly Row ell's. 500 do on do joining the above. T ' ' 50 do on E.ijles Island. " 570 dp on Brinvaw Island, Oyster .Rocks arid Shoals in the Bay of Cape-Fear, granted to u.miLu. r j .. ; SCfedo'more or less, another Tsland in do. 150 do on the North side of Town creek, granted t B. Smith.' . . ' ,' , 2,880 d(k on Allen's creek, "formerly B. Smith's. . ' . ' . ..: . .... 250 do on Moore's c'k.formerly Andei-son's. 220 on the Royal Oak, a branch of Lock woo(Ps follyn'ow 'r fonnerly B. Smith's. 195,720 do Green Swamp lands, granted to William Colli. s. Kowell Ross and Williams. , i 41,500 tlo joining Lilliput creek lands, and the main road to Smithville. J: i. . ! 98 dp on the mam road from Wilmington to Lockwood folly,' ' : ? : 7,110 dri between Town creek and Stur geon creek, formerly Ancnuri's. , ?f v V 10 Lots in the Twn of Brunswick, now or formerly Geo. C. Clethtrell's. wy ':, s . ' 50 acres on the head of Town Creek, for merly WiUiamson's, '-J-J-C? - 640 do on the North West River, called Point Repose, formerly Gooden E. Bowen's.J 50 do" Bolting Green, belonging to the es tate of Judah Swain; -; 50 do oh Bell Swamp;1 belonging 7 to the estate pt Du fte-Etheridge. ' '' v T 840 do on Nortlv West ' Uiv'er, belonging to the Estate of George Lucas. V; :f A - f -100 do on Juniper creek, given in by Geo, Ar .GkALLO W A Yw S nrr; August 2, 1825 t-83p:t.adyf$7.?00. GALES havlner afulIJ Stock - of Ras. cannot receive nmore fatY presents lie will give.puhlucce ''flibHpUlbc: Ralei'li Taper Mills; Septal; 1825 t Statc,sof iNortir-Caiolinn; j'A v"EcSt. Sueov "BLehtV. ' -'f.lHr:f'-GuafoTd funtyVyV!iv mn AT'larg' and conVcnient Dwelling . n jtouse? witn every necessary out nouse and; warden, .whereon Mrs-; Ann JFalconer late iy. resiueu,. su.uai.cu in uie x.asieni ijo.i i. ot the -city; on; isewnerntreet.;' iy. an ear ly, application, a reat barjgaitf might be'hadj in the purchase of the above propert.:Y.poi session given immediately, . Ternis of Sale, Onci and two year's .Credit, a US" . r- -A Apply to . , . . - ,- . y 1 IIENUV M. -MILLER. V Raleigh, iSe'pt;7th, 132iV . 89 lm V 'Notice. tV'; : ON the 3d day of August, 1825' I qualified as ExeCtitor to tlie last will and testament of . Robert Burton deceased ; and hereby give notice to all sper.-ionMo present, their claims against the restate, or they will be barred from recovery according to law All per sons indebted. to thV estate j are hereby re quested to make immediate payment. t; x , HORACE A. BURTON, rf , . Executor of Robert ,Bui1 on, tlec'd. ' Granville, August 24, ,1825. . - 84-4t- BRIGHT MULATTO M AN, baa recent ly been put in the jail of this county,sus- pected of being a slave;- and mna way. He is 5 feet 6 inches high, about 25 years of age; T 1 : t - : 1 .1 1 ' .uJ t? ' u , atber bushy, and. ne is Henry A - nis nair uun coioureu ana rati eyes"vrk. He says his.riame hams, and that he was born Franklin county,, speaks easily, and very well, professes no trade and can write a little. If he is a slave, his pwner is requested to prove liim to be so, pay the charges upon him, and .take bim away, or he will dealt vith, as is required by the law. r l ' - JOS. GARRETT, Shff. - Washington c'tv, N. C." J , j , July 261825. S 80-6m FRIDAY' SEPTEMBER 9, ;1 825. Closk Voting. -In Hertford' coun ty, in 1 823, Mr. Gatlin beat Mr. Say yer for Congress, 8 votes.1 At the late election, Mr. Gatlin's majority over Mr. Sawyer in that county, was 7 votes. This' is an instance of consistency in exercising the right of suffrage, which occurs but seldom, and on that account, is worthy of record. 1 qcve nave receivea me prospectus 01 a new pn per to be printed weekly, at Philadelphia, under the title of the "Franklin Journal anil Mechanic's Ma gazine." It is to be under the patro nage of th6 Franklin Institute of Penn sylvania, and is to be edited by Dr. Thos P. JoneSy at present one of the Principals in the Oxford Female Aca demy; and who is appointed Profes sor of Mechanic in the Institute. The object of this publicatiob will be to diffuse ijiformation on every sub ject connected with the useful arts, but is particularly intended for the be nefit of those engaged iri ; Mechanical pursuits. . Our acquaintance with the Editor warrants-us in recommendifti: bis proposed Journal to the? patronage of the public, confident that his abili ties and resources are such as will ren der i t in terest ing arid valuable; Subscriptions received atthis office. Tcrmgj S3 50 a ye r paid in advance. randywine. At a publ ic d inner given to General Lafayette at West Chester, Dr. Darlington, late member of Congress from that district, offered the following classic toast : . ' . , - ' ; ' The fields of the Brandyvsine Irri gated t on ..the Cqdtnean system of Agriculture, with the blood of revolutionary pat riots--the teem ing harvest must ever be independent free men.' Mr. Clay has sold off most of his property in- Kentucky, and intends to build a house for his residence in Wash ington. At the late term of the Circuit Court of Lawrence : county, .Arkansas; Aiwo citizens of that county, by the name of Hend erson and Ca ru there, were ind ict; ed, tried and found guilty, the one for sending, and the other for accepting," a challenge to fiIit a Duel, and sentenc ed to pay a fine of one thousand dollars each. . , . The Mammoth. The boGes of this animal have been (bund in numerous places in A sia Europe and America. The TreVj iient finding of the remains of thesc animals, go to . confirm, the posi tion, that their jrace - was once nume rous. .The, this:h bone of one was found near Gennessee, NewYorkfa few iJays a go,'-whi ch though very much d ecayed, measureu three, Jeeti long and was25 inches in circumference at its head. friim none, ta ra-. m w Ffrttf mnAr tnrnwi sentinels' to salute- officers in undress, Or, withou t epaulettei.. v A recent order of e day; renews Hyw-a" reasonable apd. ijery monounabi e distinction; soldiers are required to sa? lute -chaplains of the rciimeuts be their - V - Yo.f lftiv in JeUcr7"fir the U?.mh arrjv etl h t'uaMoficotitai iT&i tvts 'beliv d the latest inte!liruiice 'jcc-eived'in thU f the Greoks. f Recounts of the movcy fnent of Jtfie- armies by -finj have als'i been reeivetv .ujl "jllieyjdo not furnisir "any. thing "of feoiiscjuence irk i addition tp What we ' havfc. afcTudy pubjislied. On the I5ttrjunej a dfeek fieet, with several fire ships, left Milo forfCarfdia t f OWJlilorJunc V5iht 1825. c The "fleTald, wh'ch isip sight, was bord-' ed this morning 1'ronv a'Grfeek man c f war,.ii informed of an Action they had oh' thi 13th, ; in -which the Tdrks .iojsi.i stout ' frigatt-' and h a , corvette ?fan English ?brKj -wus , also blovrii J upxv,ryiv-,w?;.U : ;'.'.; ' -The Greeks have drive.the Turkish fleet, into CahdU; nd.shave tliem clos-y blocka'U ed.Thcre wasjW. battle to,the south ward ot Milo yeiterilay, -but they, have noChVard the result.' Ve heard the- report ,of r guns thii inorning in the diroctiop of ; Can 4 ia. .? A.bout teird;ys ago", the Greeks engaged ihe 'f ork ish fleel tojk one" vessel; burnt another, siikix" dro e ,a third on, .shore. :The latter. lud 'S mongst her crew about 3" Christians, who were all, murdered, as socfti as they landed. Some had . their; heads cu.t;ofTV aWl jithers were stoned to death by4 the women of tUd u,.,n l . - , .:J-,:--., r . - '- y f-s ' :,'..,.- ; ,. J7TVUI iiayiiLy uie cur. kj. ofau; Gapti Po wel jat 13a I ti rnme, tile Vd i tori of the American have received a letter from Cape H'ayti, under date of 15th Aug T which 'says :TIieackRpwledg ment of the ihiependehte X flhis. Is land by the King of casioned great Vand general rejoicings4 in every part of the island except thii where a few diabolical sjiiritslwcre fea si ly found to endeavor, tu blow' the blast of a nother . civi I vva r Pi ov u len - ial If the plot was discovered in the bud, and j immediatel y expresses we fe dispatched to the Pi-esident, who is now here, hav ing q uelled the affair f . widr .but little bbodshed. Some of. the conspirators were shot,' and the rest sent to Port aii l?rince for trial. . , . . . Daring Robbery. It was discovered, on Friday evening that the house of Mr. R. M. Illatcbford, corner of Jnnea s treet and Broad way, had been broken into while the fainMy were in the coun try, and . robbed of a most every, yalua ble article it contained.: Not cohtprit with carrying ofTal j that was moveable the thieves broke every door -flannel in , the house, cut open the feather beds aud scattered . their coritetitst abobtt emptied the sweetmeats on tin? floor and indulged in :everyabuse. ipiagina b!e. It seents,? frovn the appearauce of, the beds, andother Indications, thiit, the, villains; notwithstahihnj oUr.;uu raerotis police, fouTnd thcmBevies at per fect liberty to occupy the premises, and carry on their depredations unuVolested'ji for at least a whole ighfc:Jr."-?.--,,-f:i. f Wc are glad to- find that the fellows vyho committed this 'outnte. have bee taken. ' Mr. B. gave information to the Police Office on Saturday about- 1 o' clock, suon after he returned japd dis covered the theft at 4 o'clock, ir. Hays; H tgh f Con stable, 'Air. llumah 6c llaymontl had the perpetrators in cus- tody. iv;K . i,-, i::i7'r:r . Mr. Webster OhatiokWc find by the New-York-, Statesman,! that the oration of Mr. Webster at Bunker IlilL has been translated In thatcity into the Spanish languageby Jose Mafia ilere- dia, who was exiled from the Spanish dominions. for his : liberal ' (tbiuions and love of - constitutional : libertyfor, the. purpose of teing extensively circulated in the South American states. V By the Northerr :Mail, received , as' our paper was going to press, hve learn that : Commodore STEwlii-r has been honorably and u n qu all Bed ly acqlii tted of all. the charges preferred against hi in i ". - : .Communicated, i , V,: ; 1 A planter from thesuiHljl stitrcresits fir the ben e fi t r of those rai si ng co t ton ,,tb c following inpni vemeti'ts iz;?. tes1i' irig machine which rids ihe seed cottoir : ofleaf, trash, and dust, before ginning and also'fnvf'dU Sr ivrhih mriru flin tnn1i!. W.w .... ! ty can .be ;Inried. in'a giveh time M Both those improvements can be ad- d ed for a sum less than t we h t V d ol I ars. aOd the advantages are coftsidered as a nett gain of twenty -five per -cent A draft of them can be bad of ' II. Bi Brazier, Esq. ofvllaleigh, who ha - the model, and wjioiias, alsoj drawn seve ral drafts for said planter. ' --p- In Franklin' County, reeeatlv, Mr. Dabnpv Goodloe to Miss-Adeline Goodloe. dau of the late Barry Goodloe, all of that county. In this ricinity . On ; Vedhesdav 'mornW last; aged eleyen yVars, Adelaide, dif-Lter 1 of William' Boylan, tsquire.- , ? ; ? ; ' , , , in nauiax uii uie oyin uix. Air;; Jas. Faul- -cob, a young man of great jrespectabilitv ; . . On the'19th'iihV;6f an "attack "of biliioua fever, ' at the -house? Of Mri TVgulis Lewis , : oflGrahvilIet county; "Mfv James IL Cobb aged about 26.f. 'I he deceased was a youn' V man of a .kind and aLffectionate .' dispcsition i)idionever: sjsenre tlie IconfidencV; v of hla kcoiaintances. The genjeral sorrow " bf his relatives and friends bear m.. x;le te- timony to the hiffh ' estimation - in which hs fyrzs held w;hilst living.. They alone can rights ? I ly appreciate lus woiuh a-ia tliey jieply i : i i i t j; i' i;1 ?! -.1 i ; . i jrf- r . - JOUX HAYWOOD, P.: Trcas'r. - f f -a. 5' 4 i -'('A ' , r v ' :c . ' - . . .

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