: . ' ' V ' ' ' ---..- '.. .i.-";;i-.v:r'i . f- f" -J a-'. " 1 1 i '4 , "t';iM i V , : a .- ' I tt ni i' f t'1 lS; Ft i. ' H- ! i ', J i n If. I' .it g it. 4' i4 I'M i V'li M it'j i '.ft v. '4 i fi ' ' .I- Mill I'.'i I r-r; oProm Blakkvfoo(Vs Magazine. , THE TIE StVEltKD. A iri,-r' ..-.V' V--' fjH'h-, ' Sktch. Wnnwe 'Aifl(i to the mother, that her ' . . son j ' v . -,. . ' A- -' , , ' "Was slairi'ln battle, all at once it seem d As if the chain ithat bound hr to this earth ,1Vas snapped, and like a byoken flow she pined 1 1 When the raiairushes, and the. winds are ' 1 loud, . , ' !' Tn quick decay; He of four goodly sons, 4 Two on the ocean for their country died,) Was tlte-sote remnant v one by one they - : sunk, IT: - , - Jueavi'n.e him only, to his mother's heart, Solace hope comfort. i .. ' - .- ' - 1. f J H . v - Words may not express : The tenderness8? tearful and so deep, The love wi th Jwhich this widow lovd her . "son, - : ' ' ' ' ' , .Iusing",' awake, within her silent home, ' Dreaming,' asleep, on her nocturnal couch: lie was to herjthe world. Words cannot paint r - ''v v ' ' '!: The aonv which like a tempest fierce ; Tortured tier thoughts to chaos when he And sorrow, like dark midnight, fell be- . tween " . ; ; ' ' - Sunshine and her lone heart.,. ; .' ! . On afternoons Of Summer, when from bean-fields blos- ' 1 sonungy- ! ? ' ; ' x '' '" 5K ' Lazy and faint jhe armorous winds crept by, Laden with perfumes, .' 'twas pleasant To Took upon the matron, as she turned With patient!; toil " her murmur-making' " wlu el, rf :" " 'l ; . '. : . , " . ; Bv. side her cottage door j while, on the , seat ! :, ! - - - ": Of 'daisied turf the freakish kitten palyed Its antics, and oerhung in wicker cage, The captive black-bird chanted his clear song. There, was a pleasure, and unbroken sweet refreshment, fnthat peace, J calm and siffht Of pious age, leaning in tranquil hope ' On a frail tiej as,mid Sahara's sands, Horizon bounded, one bright speck of green The traveller sees, and thereon thinks of ' rest, . ' ' Of perils past forgetful. ! - f Like a tree Tempest o'erthrown, she with erM rapidly ; The cottage soon was tenantless ; an 1 then The siu shone on the hollies round her grave. ' I' - ,''! The Synod of Nqrtli-Carolina U"1TILL meetvUn' the town "! of- Gieensbo V v ough, hi .the County of, Guilford, , on weuncsaay tne am ot tjctooer next. . COLIN MciVER, Stated Clerk. Sept. 5, 1825. ' v "83-3w AT THE SIGN OF THE C100 Yards Tf(est of the State-House. ) Subscriber respectfully informs, his JBL fri tner as and the public creneraUv. that he continues to keep a llonse'ef Entertainment in (?alefgh, for the accommodation of Tra vellers and all others who may favor him yrith a ca'h' He is also prepared to boanl twelve or fifteen members of the approaching 9 General Assembly- Uii tare will bo. good, and h:s terms reasonable. He keeps an a bundant supply of Corn,- Fotlder and Oats, and as !e is about to erect new Stables, will in a s!orf time have t!e best. Stabling for horses. . .:'.. ' :; ' t JdSTAH DILLIARD. ,-Raleigh, Aug. 24, 1825 ? L J84- ' " Authorised hy! Special Act of Assembly ' for the benefit of H , tGOLtEN FLEECE LODGE, No. 74, K. C. SCHEME. $3000 2000 1000 -; , 5'JO ,r .100 "''so - ' 10', 5 ' 13 is lis. .is is 13 'is J3000 2000 ' .2000 2500, 1000 1000'; 1000 7500 20,000 Prizes! Blanks . ; - - - 4000 Tickets at $5 V Is $20,000 r Drawing to commence- in i Mtltox. as soort as a sufficients numier of Tickets shnll HavV been sId.-Superintended by the following Managers i, , ,; . , -. ' - . ' .: r-"-;' V y, ALER HENDERSON, " ' JAMESAINKY, ,! !; y , iAUCHIMEDKSiDONOIItV' JOtlN R. CLARK, ,TH O M AS j L. , ST E VEN S . SAMUEL WATKINS. 1 s Orders forticketsi fiostpaid, and. enciosing the-CAjirt,; will be thankfully 'ifeceiyl and ' pjinctually attehded;to by .the Treasurer hi , M? ton.-: NCJ'Vvb'j'i.i Ji'.i.'Is-'i-t.; Jfe;!. . -Tickets. Five Dollars each Tickets" to be fiaif froAg'ents to w.ns, villages and'pubUc place: .ihroughouf , t'.e" State --:V,;1 '""" JSv oider-of the JlanVgersi.r.;. -VH. i-ri' ' t' :- iiiILirir.HOMAS, Trcasrv 1 Prize ' -1 . - 2. - m ' 20 " ' !. 100 ; 1500 j ;. . ; j 1639 2J61 tbfore owned nd occupied by Woheirt It. Johnson, in the town of Warren- ton, N.' C. which he wilJ coiVmitb as a house of Public Entertainment, me Duuaing is in '"good condition, and thev-furniture- and all other fixtures well calculatecirto gjve eve ry necessary "comfort- to! guest s?gcncrany.--i His table niU be furnished with the.best . the country afibrds. . Having experienced and careful" Ostlers to' attend his stables, which will at all times he plentifully supplied with goMprbvenderT visitdrs that their horses will receive the utmost at tention. His bar wdl attord the choicest re- freshmentsvT ' -V -.-v? The Northern and Southern Mail Stages each arrive at and depart from this house eve ry dav, and the Western Stage twice a weeKi which affords many facilities not experienced elsewhere. Under these circumstances, the subscriber hopes to give such satisfaction to those who may think proper to call on him, as to induce a continuance of their favors to THOMAS JOHNSON. . :, , THE SUBSCRIBER, ' Having been induced, from recent melancholy circumstances, to devote his undivided time and attention toh's establishment at SHOCCO SPlilXGS, has disposed of his public house in VWarrenton, to his brother, Thos. Johnson. In retiring from that situation, he tenders his numerous friends and customers, his grateful acknowledgments for their past favors & sup port j and recommends his successor to their future patronage. ( ROBERT R. JOHNSON. Warrenton Aug. ?6. 87 4t emaVe emmavy. MISS BALLANT1NE will open a Semi nary for Young Ladies, on the 5th Sep tember inst. at Gen. A. Graves' in the upper end of Caswell County. The 'situation is ve ry pleasant and adjacent to the Rockingham Sprinc s. The course of instruction will be carried on in a regular system, embracing all the Scientific and Ornamental Branches necessa ry to complete the Female Education. She will alo deem it her ! imperious duty to pay particul.tr attention to the morals and man ners of the Young Ladies committed to her caro; v . Pup-Is from a distance can be accommodat ed with board by Mrs. Lea, whose residence is quite convenient to the school house. Her terms of b ai d are $35 per session. The first Sess:on will - end on the 2frh of December next ; and a prspor'.ionable deduction will be made -in the price of tuition and board on ac count of the shortness of the session. rtlCES OF TUITI02T. . For the 1st Cl iss, - ; - 10 00 2d do -- - - 12 50 ' 3d and 4th Class, 15 00 " All Ornamental Branches will be taught at the usual prices. Caswc 11 County, Sept. t, J 825. 88-3w T her large and commodious two story Hovise on Fayctteville street, opposite to the Court-House, is well prepared to ac- commodate fifteen Members o theapproach i7g Assembly wih Hoard ; and takes this opportunity to inform th m, that every at tention shall be paid, so as to render their entertainment C(mfort: ble and agreeable. Her house affords .a number of conve nient and private rooms, anil he has enijasr "ed out rooms for those gentlemen that wish them. . '. , N. B- Transient persons will be accommo dated as usual, as there is an excellent Stable on the Jot, well furnished with corn, fodder, oats and-every thing necessary. Her terms of bo;rd are low and reasonable. "'-'Raleigh, August 29. , 86-7t THE undersgned. Executor of Samuel Wjalker, of Granville county, dee'd. hereby giyes notice, that if Thomas Dickinson, the Legatee, to whom sundry Slaves, viz. a Negro Woman Vine, and her Children, the proper ty of said deceased! were left by vill,"many years ago do not come for wartl and pay the expenses that have been incurred in main taining said Negroes, and take them into his possession, on or, before, the 14th of Novem ber, the said Negroes will on that day, be put up for sale at vendue, and sold in order to defray the charges incurred in their support. JOHN STONE, Exr. Franklin, May 10, 1S25. 566m. State of North-Carolina. Bertie Countv. ' f Court of Equity March Term, . 1 825. Amos R ivner, complainant., . 1 . and . , j Nottingham Mf-nks, Administrator, ) 1 and others, defendants. - J- f'N this, case,' it appearing to the Court that Strahon Monk, one of the defendants in this suit, is riot a resident of this State ; it is ordered, ; that publication be made in. the Ra leigh Register for three months," admonishing the s ad Strahon Monk to appear at the next term pf this Court, ta be held in the town -of Windsor, on the, third Monday of September next; and plead, answer or demur to this bill, or judgment pro confesso will be entered, and 'the cause! set for hearing exparte as to liim. . ..- ,, Test.;, j r-.T' ,,: J..-" tro-.,,-. CHAS. W. JACOCKS C M E. .. State of. 5forth-Carol iiia. Rutherford county. '' Superior Court of Law. -5 - iiv April termi 1825. ' j ; Fanny. Garrison 1 r"---U v !v;; tv'; CpeOUon for divorce. Jacob "Garrison. -ji ' J: . '.' tTrppeariiig to i the ! satisfaction of, the Court that Jacob Gnrrison, the defendaht, U not: ah inhabitant of this State ; it is there fore jordtf red I by. Court,' that i , publication,; be made three' months in th Raleigh Star and Register givingnotice to the defendant .that he appear at the next 'Superior Courtpf Law to ?be - held for ;Rutherford "countjr"t the Courthouse in RutherfortUon on the 3d Mon day after the 4th Monday in September n'cxtttien atul there to answer, plead or d6 mu'r ;tq paid petition ; otherwise-, it ; will be taken pro confesso an4 atljudged according ly. VC intess, Jaihes Morris,4 Clerk of said Court; at office the 3d Monday after; the 4th .Monday of, March Aj I, 1825, and in the 49th year of thelndepehdcnce. i : . ', 1S8 , JAMES MORRIS, Clk, OU THE BENEFITCOK THE OXJPOUD SECOND CtASS ic jrawn positively tn MvmBer next, ,ali d ! . . - .J ir,-.M, .-i-a-.-. ft-- Is j. BYATES &UiM,INTTRE," MisioBns. Prizes gSO, 000 . ' 10,000 ' ;-4v-:fp.O0O' ' f"i;99Q'v ' S20,000 10,000 ; ; - . 18 18 18 186 186 488 13950 10.00a "3,98Q ; is: 000 '.9,000 1,800 , 9,300 4,050 lV, 880 69,750 giri,i?60 I 000 ' 500 100 50 ' 25 10 5 15,870 Prizes.' 26,970 Blanks, 42,840 Tickets SI 71,560 This is a Lottery formecL by the.teriiarj" combination and permutation of 36 numbers. Tickets and Shares in the above scheme for sale! at the Managers' Office in Raleigh; Whole Tickets, ,g5,v ; Half dot , 2 50 Ouprterl tlo. 1 25 ". . - Packages of 12 pickets, embracing the 36 Numbers of the Lottery; which must of:.ne cessity draw at least$2l 25 nett, with so many chances for capitals ; or shares of packages may be had at the same rate, viz,: , Packages of whole, S60, Of Halves j : SO, . Of Quarters, 15. JSTeiv- Yorlc State Literature Lot I teryNo. 2, for 1825. ' To be - completed ' iit one drauinsr on the 20th September, 1825. 1, Prize of S25,000 is 825,000 2 1 o 20 20 ' 38 114 10,000 6,696 5,000 1,000 500 200 100 50 12 6 20,000 6,696 10,000 20,000 10,000 7,600 11,400 11,400 20,520 86,184 4 228 (1,710 14,364 16,500 Prizes. S228,800 Whole tickets 6 00 Half 3 oo 50 Quarters Washington ware S Canal and Dela- tate Lottery, FIRST f LASS. Authorized by JActs ot Congress, &c. Completed on the 5th clay of To be dravtn and October, 1825. SCHEME. 1 Prize of S10,000 is 810,000 2 5,000 10,000 2 2,500 5,000 1 1,796 1,796 12 1,000 12,000 12 500, 6,000 30 100 3,000 186 50 9,300 186 20 .3,720 1,488 ' 8 11,904 13,950 4 55,800 15,870 Prizes. 8128,520 Whole Tickets 84 Half do 2 :..-.; Quarter, do 1 T . " Prizes in any of the Lotteries of Connecti cut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, DelawareMaryland, Virginia, and Washing ton City, will be received in payment. Onlers enclosing the cash or prizes ( post paid J for tickets or shares in any of the above Lotteries, toill receive prompt attention, if ad dressed to YATES 8c MTNTYRE, ! '. Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh, August 24, 1825. , Q The Register of Debates in Congress, having swelled into a much larger volume than was at first anticipated by the publishers,- its completion' has, in consequence, been delayed beyond the period promised to its subscribers. The increased' size of the work has been . caused, in part,; by the addition of a number of interesting public Documents, which were too voluminous for newspaper publication, and by a determina tion of the Editors to place in the Appendix of the volume, a the JUtivs passed during the session. The publishers have, However, the pleasure to I inform the patrons of the work that it will be completed in the course of two or three j weeks, and then forthwith forwarded to them by mail. j . To all those, who have sent in their "names for the work, it will be furnished at the price originally proposed, viz. three dollars 5 but it is proper to make it known, that, in con sequence of the great enlargement of the volume, the price will be raised, to non-subscribers,- to tiyi dollars. J I GALES. & SEATON. Aug. 1011825: : ' " yl , , - TT AN awayt from the farm of the subscriber ' ' '- ' t Tf - . ' . . ... not long since, two negro Uoys or. the following description.; , J ,i '!..'!. AARON, about SQyears old, 5 feet 8 inches if 1-aw"''iM jjrupuruuii o, lusjieigni; a dirty black skin, wide face and small eyes. 5, DAVID, 18 years old, about Abe height of Aaron , but not so square built. Ue is a dark mulatto, -jie ally black his eyes are above the-eoDinon size ; . , r. ' ' v They will probably take up about Raleigh, or in the neighbovliood bf bolonel . Philemon Hawkinsf in -Warren. ; The above reward will .lje given fortheirlappjehensisoaahd delivery tome; or '30 dolls.. tor Aaroaand 20 for David. . .' v , .- "1 " r -v . will. a. blount. Beaatbrt count V, Mav U, - r- - 2 i J 60tT - Ott carrylngiiuUs or"hQiUnitcd Statqson tltefollbwine- PostRoitls f willf bere j Icei vetl?at the'GnefaRPbst OjHc'in : the 1'city ofWashingtontntiL K 'October' next, inclusive -:!irv ; j '; 'v . ! in nort;i Carolina. ton r. h. S. C once in two weetCS. Leave Ash ville every other Saturday at 6 a? m.-and arrive at Pendleton c U 'on Sun day by 6 p. m. ) . i',j YUP - Leave Pendleton every other-Monday at p a. m. and arrive at Ashville on Tuesday by 6. m. '" '.y'V-i'' ' . 'r: ,'. -.- :! X - -; : r-1044Prom,RaleighbyJjttl6ANat-Jones to Haywood, 28 miles. A 4- ' C ' : . kj'" Leave Raleigh every Friday pit 6 d. m.' and arrive at 1 1 ay wood the same -day by 3p.;mP y u I.eave.Haywpod every Friday vat 5 '! and arrive at;Raleigjv oWiSatiiMay jbv nopn.f : 105. iFrom Statesyilfe by 'Mount; Pisgah to Ayilkesboro' ; ,; ... , "-; ;-:'v.- .-,ij.'2t " Leave Statesville every Thursday! at 6 a. m and arrive at Wilkesbbiough thesame day at 4p. m.-r- Xx: -XX'y''X rl Leave Wilkesboro' every Wednesday at 6 a. tn. and arrive at Statesville the same day bv 4 P m . '-X; jj 106. From Raleigh by Fish Dam, S tagville and Mount Tirzah to RoxbOro'. J ' , ' I.eae Ridelcrh every Friday t 6 a, tn. and arrive at Roxboro' on Satunlay by? 10 a m - Leave Roxboro' every Saturday at-noon. and arrive at Raleigh on Sunday bv 4 p m 107. From Liricolnton by J . Full en wiler's Evinsville and Mooresborb to Rutherfordton, 47 miles. v Leave Lincolnton every Wednesday at 6 a m. and arriye at Rutherfordton by 7 p in. Leave Rutherfordton, every Thursday at 4 a tn. and arrive at Lincolnton bv 8 6 m. 108. From Elizabet blown by Seatie's Bridge and-Long Creek Bridge, to Milton. Leave Elizabethlown every Thursday at 6 a m. and arrive at Milton the same day; by 1 1 a m . j 1 Leave Milton every Thursday atl p mand arrive at Elizabethtown tne same; day iy o 109. From Onslow court house to John A. Everett's, 12 miles. . ' ; ' p-"' .' ' 1 Leave Onslow c. h. every Wednesday at 6 a m. ana arrive at tverelt s hy y a m. v Leave Everett's eveiy Vcdnesday by-11 u m and arrive at Onslow c. h'. by 2 P tn 110. From Wadesboro' by Beard's Store, Rocky River and Ge rge Smith's tojSalisbury, 60. miles 8c to return by .Wadesboro', Rocky River, Allentown &. Lawrenceyule, to Vades boro' 57 miles. . . 1 lave Wndesboro every 'Monday .'at 6 a m. and arrive at Salisbury on Tuesday by 11a m. Leave Salisbury every Tuesday I by 2 p tn. and arrive at Wadesboro' on Vednesday by 7 P m. X -....-i-i. : ; r ... .'''.-; 5, 111. From Pittsboro' by Jo. L Brook's, W. Lindleys Stored J. Carter's, Albrigbt's Store, Long's Store, Iladley's Mills and Me bane's Store, to Greensboro, 58 miles. Leave Pittsboro' every Mondayiat 6 d tn. and arrive at j Greensboro' on Tuesday fcy noon, j - j ! - J'-. :. j! ..;! .. ; Leave Greensboro' every Tuesday by 2 p m and arrive at Pittsooro' oh. Wednesday by 7 pm. ' !"f' " ' 112. From Charlotte by Hopewell Church by Beatty.s Ford, 20 miles. . " Lfave Charlotte every Wednesday at 6 a m an 1 arrive at Beaty's Ford the same day by 11 am. , ' . - ? Leave Beaty's Ford every Wednesday bv 2 'p tn and arrive at Charlotte by 8 p m 4 : ? ! 113. FromSaiem by Clemmonsvilie, Kiddle's Ferry and Yadkin, to Mocksville 23 miles , , Leave Salem every Wednesday at 6 a m and Salem by 12 at noon. , ; r Leave Mocksville every v ednesday by 2 p m and arrive at Salem by 8pm.: 1 14. From Murtreesboro by Wmton, Fitcn Landing and Colerain to Wincsor, once. a week, 52 miles. , Leave! Murfreesbciro' every .Wednesdax' at 4rt7iand arrive at Windsor the- saine day. at p'm. ; . . ; ; Leave Windsor every Thursday at - 8 tn and arrive at Murfi'eesboro' 011 Friday by 10 a ni. NOTES. 1. The Postmaster General may expedite the mails and alter the times for arrival and departure, at any time during the continuance of the contract; he paying an adequate com pensation for any extra expense that may be occasioned thereby. And he reserves the ri.ht to j abridge , any contract made under this advertisement when he thinks it proper, and to deduct from the compensation atithe ratio paid under, the contract," for ( lessening the duties of the contractor- u v w 2. Teh minutes shall be allowed for open ing and closing. the mail at all offices where no particular time is specified. ! f, 'XX 1 XX 3. ; For every thirty minutes delay, (una voidable accidents excepted,) in arriving- af ter the time pre'scribed in any contract, the contractor shall forfeit five dollars ; and, if the delay continue until the departure of any depending mail, whereby a trip is lost, "a for feiture of double, the amount; allowed for car rying the mail one .trip, shall be incurred, sin less it shall be made to appear that the delay was occasioned by unavoidable accident ; in which case the amount of pay for a trip will be forfeited. ' X-'-y- - .' 4. Persons making proposals, are required to state their prices by the year. .Those who contract will receive their pay quarterly- in the months of May, August, November, and February, one ihontti after the expiration of each quarter. "',.; s'v - ';,1f4';,,;:!'7: ";!;;: 5. No other than a free white person shall be employed to carry the mail, -r.j ...... ... , 6. Where the, proposer intends, Jo , convey the mail in the body of .a stage carriage, he is desired totstate it in his proposals and the stage miist be of sufficient size, unless other wise, expressed to Cdnvehientiy. convey sev en' passengers." k ; ' f .; ,; .; . y ; 7- Every proposer may offer in his bid, to make ' improvement in. the transportation of tne man, irom tne terms, invited, either as. to he mode, of tranpb:rting it, the speed requir ed, or the frequency of thfe trips per week-r which .'shall receive due, consideration.: V Tie number, of the post route shall be stat ed in every bidi and tlie proposal must be sealed and directed to: the General Post-Of-fiee,hd emldrsed groposalsX 'X. ' S trict attention m list be given to the en dorsement, as it isfnoti intended to break the seal of any;prop6say until the tiftne for re ceiving: bids shall hav expired ':;S'vr. ' - 8. The r Postmaster , General reserves tn himself the rfght o f declaring anycontract at v" MB-in ; V" Mimic uappeus, w iiicn amounts to the loss of a triW " T ' r '' ,. - '. . ',. v. ..;''... ' . ,t - ; 103 JProm' AshVilla; byPbiliplJjritam s, c;c:; Cafsons, Estuto'e. Gap, M'Kinney VLit: tie Rivfir, Keowee;and Boonsfdrdi t6 Pcudie; been comniuflicated to'thls offide, ,n!i .JZ ot them nay be?mcbrrect ; 0rV this sabW soma S!0KM answerable for, any c, 10. No bid shall :be;wkhdrawn after time 'for receiving ?bids hall have expired and should, any person refuse to take the con tract at his bid he shall be beld resnonsihv tb the Department for the difference betwee-i his. bid and tliat at which the contract hail 5fI.ICo decisions on bids shall be made knon before the irth of October. The as sigument M any contract wiUiouttlieconserr of the Postmaster General, shall forfeit it aM in all: cases-where aDplicatibivtOlnake a" transfer, is madq, the term! usi, be fully; stated. ':-, ; A,;Vv';v 1 ',v ,.; J 1 tThVccractsare tobe-rn opersttioir orrthe first day of January next,-and ctrntinte one year.- . . . . t JOHN M'LE AN, " - - i XPoitetam Genial. General JPast-fOMce, '' A k- X'X M A X I , r T iv v-. ; - ' r Washington Cityi July 14th, 1825. i .oau'l? i ...... ... f :i , ...-; t ' SHE subscribed offers his Tract of of OJU acres, tor sale, Jying six nilles west of Smith field, Johnston County, and on both sides of Middle Creek. There is on it a Single Story framed D welling, and other ouw houses for theconveniehce of a small fa;niy about 175 acres of -cleared- land,' a goodpoiv tioii of which is fresh- and well adapted to the culture of corn and; cotton, and now irt excellent repair, ; A beautiful young Orchard of Apple and Peach trees. i vThere is about 200 acres excellent creek land, thro' which a beautiful ! and Jn ever-failing stream f5ows.--i The hills ad joinings -the. y lands, is well supplied, with never-failing springs; upland generally level, whfch enhances, its value. ' It is but. seldom that a tract of laiid of its worth, and generally reputed healthy situa'-, tioiJand many advantages and conveniences, such as being,: .convenient"-, to never-failing ..." mil's, is ofiered for sale in this section of cxun try. Those disposed to buy would do well to call and seeV Said vTract of. Land will be sold on accommodating terms, if applied for shortly. ' Young f Negroes' will be taken i:i payment. ror lunucr pamcuiaraj enquirt-ot Dr.vWillie N. White of Craven county; 0.r the subscriber, &c. ' JOHN EASON'. 'June 10th, 1825.; ? i ' f v 65- TREASURY DEPARTMENT, 29th April, 1825, first the per cent, mock or tne United States, cre ated uiider the authority of an act of Congress entit led An act authoj ising a loan for a surr " pot. exceeding eleven niillions of dollars, ' apj)rVv'ed , on the fourteenthday' of March, one thousand eight hupdred and twelve, to-v g ether wih the int erest ' then 'due J thereon, will be! paid to tlie proprietors of said stock or to their attorneys duly, authorized, at the , Treasury of the. United, States iii- Wasliing ton, aii(l at tlie several Loan. Offices, on the book's of which any portion !of said slock may stand. 'Xr ' ,' ;' ' .' ' ; ''."r , ! A surrrender of Athe -Certificates of said Stock wilL be required at the time of pav-. ment, and the interest On said'fstbck viZ cease from and after the thirtieth i day of Sep, teniber next. . ' XX " ' ' j:- '- .,' ju ' SAME. L: SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the Treasury. ' - .1 y .... f '-;-t j' i'i'-'-y : ''.': r- .' 'y-..1., PRINCIPAL TEACHER ;Is Avanted ht this institution, well qualified to instruct i youths of both sexes in xdl the branches of an English and Classical; Education,' and to pre-. pare ydung men for entrance into th6 J unior Class of any College in th e Union. His mo ral character, and qualifications for teaching tne urecK aiju Latin uiassics,-tnust dc unj doubted. , ', A. ' ; . 1 :'. ', '. c. It is the design of the Trustees to contract wfth a Gentleman who will take jjupon. hin self the s6lej management and ...responsibility' of the SchQ3'j; comprehending boilr depart ments, Male 8t Female, supply the same with. i eacners ot nis own cnoiee, iurnisn every Other necessary ,f in cOnsideratibii of which lie will be entitled to regulate - the price cf tuition, and to receive all the-' emoluments, derived from.it X-ii 't-'J' ' .f:."'- This pljin is i recommended by the experi ence ihat salary employments d. not sti. mutate to that industry and c zeal, ,which are necessary to"., the successful progress and reputation of a Ttrge School, and has its foundatoin in that principle; of self loye,whicU prompts the exertions most where, interest jie, by identifying ,tbe interest of the Tea cher with the' character of the School, thirs affording to the public the surest '"gtiarauty of having their children faithfully taught. h The "Academy Ibt ahtl buildings; are situ ated in very: pleasant part of, the town, on one of the principal streets, and in the ne'glv borhood of tli3 Episcopal and Presbyterian Churches. - Tne lot is large, and wtll shad ed in the front yard, f which ; communicate with the street over a stile : The main build ing and-wing are three! stories-high, with double Portico . in front, . and "i surmounted with . a beautiful 'Belfrythe J length and breadth of the main building is about 65 by 45 feet, divided into large aparttnent, sepa rated by large halU or passges'tlirougb the centrc;vy4. l:-k--XA' !. XX' I '-'.'" '',' They are ? sufficiently capacious to accom. mod it e a School of 200 scholars and a faun ly, and thelot is supplied from a; Hydrant ia the front yard with ood and wholesome wa ter, ' "-" ;. Few prospects can be more inviting than the present, to a married gentleman with a family, qualified to assist in the school, or ; capable Of taking boarders, (and'stich a per son the Trustees would greatly; prefer; i& it combines- tlie advantages of two fold pro fits, to be derived from teaching! and board ing children from abroad. ? And iwhen it known , that this Academy is sitiiUted in town with a population of 600 soulsj & that theie is no Academy within 60 mi les of it, in which the higher branches of learning jrfe taught, the striking advantages -of this vlUt cannofaiLto make & strong appeal to the interested enterprize oft be first talents m the country devoted from necessity to the Vocations of literature Tfie Trustees will lease tlie buildings -&cj from the first day of January next (when the present lease expires) for one year ; at-. ter1 which they will extend the term to any number of years the contracting parties can, iigxjc upon' j i . ,;-. . 1 v-r''A' . ' Lerters, post postpaid, may be addressed -to the subscriber at this-place.' l ' ' " ; . ....... LOUIS D. HENRY. JNQ. AW WRIGHT. X-X'X 'v;" ' ' Committee. i , i ' - . ; ... j - t . .. . i u l lut is uereoy given, that on tlie I n day of . October next, the principal of six X ?- - . ., -. . . ' .f. ' I - - . ' y? ,fi . . u ... . r-fv ..'-i,. ! . '.-,'.-'-.. . . . !... j' j -L.-. ,.:,'-is"---;:! ;'M.'-;y-" " . ;;, :' - : ,vvv--t::r-- rx-i& i , ;;-;J!rr:-- '.' m j- . x- :. - ; . : . f - -x---y-( ' ' - - ' '- ' " - - ' . ' -..X ' .-.: '' !. V - . ".'.'' r ' -u-. .--- ''"' ' ' K,; ' - f - . . . V,;,:. ".'"', , w . - , - ' . '."':;.'- X : " ! ' ' . ' , " .': ':-; .