"" - .. , ... - - - r .1 i mi in.. . uningr . . in mi ' " ' 1 " - . ai . - . . . " V j ' S ' " -'''' ' - - " , 4;, - - f j 5 '.'t .L-' . w it I ,'" ' ' r-. A " If-' 5v i '..'it. 1! -ill I If h i ci ,.! . - ki. . . . ' .".V l-'f Ml'; i . n' ; ft-' . X IK- :tt I- it r r ; . . JL -JjJi-l- Ljgf i. Tlia most precious of. her fgcma her 1 V; t ,i;.:fgp ;VaV;. COMMODORE SAVARt,- ;; Val.renown.r To it, .. TBWft- " ttTf r-- V 0!0vat on of' national .sentitncnr, Mnar , y J- JpXry,, ' - irT ..-jrr vf V-k nrronwloiti; worth; 'whitb '1 EP-aIS ?;-.V, Mnrtial. that Com: Stewart -ha? come out of the ?ery ordeal?5, vith all his honcfarcRtoretl, his; name, unsuiuea, .ancf ife chavacteViiimpcached tiftnaViuUrti&p-cer f J TuesdayV the CommnriorcVcase, her nunutel v ping sentence on tlic iicVeraVfipecificatiohsU portjohtiie ;vanQus, vr-,... ra-ainst the Commodore, the Court adds ohe sentence of not gupfy Ahe .fol lowing oliservwons ,i ' J. v., - j, - :in terminating triaVwhibh :1ias a Wakened so senetf and so deep an in trresf; and in submittm-.the result to tho Excdutive, the Court trusts that the peculiar character oC, the, -accusations t..,;.f,.VnVp been snvestiirated, will fur- riih an 'excuse for appending; to the re- Vhen rumnrs anU reporis jarc iur i.. it id,wirinnetv disseminated caj- J V ...IIH'I JIIVH' :i"-r . .. -J , - i culated to impair.the his;h standing and vcMrs? of an officer in; whom Rreat ;.riV- ;s,T rimfidciice have- been renos- Ja Ahtv of-the Execti- tfve to artonLto; such oHicer, by the nfn nroncrtnbunaU an am- ...;,r ,F vindirntinff himsell Unire theorW- To aRord tn.s op portunity, anl to preserve from lucju swlifius - effectssf unmerited 4 reproach, rt ,nnt,t;r,n' 'ilpRr "to "the jiui ion, -wni . br the honcrab!esepicesofseven-and-tucntv Te-.rs ; to extkiguish prejudices and suspicions created by misrepresen tations, or misconceptions of public a n nnil irUare individual, and, ti- ?it- .1 1! tL-Mrh'thK :ixVS. which justice, and which hunor .exact, fViTirf hppn convened. A this Charges and Specifications have leen rrefermL'embracinKall ihe accusations mai!.e 'Kaint'. Cap tain Stewart ; an in vestigation has been made jinto their . t t 1 ...1...4a.1 1 lr flirt rutiJ,v it na oet-n uhhiuumi ur .. Judirs AdvocatCv in the most exemplary manner, yet with a minuteness and fuil t,2c rnh-iilafprr fo eave no doubt -or clo;id cf suspicion resting upon the cha racter of the accused. Thisjnvestiga ' lion has produced what was desired by Cant. Stewart and intended by the Kx- ecufmva development of all the im pbrtaht transactions attending the late cruise of the FrAnklih in the, Pacific, and the priucipies; and motives which jruided the conduct of the Commaiiiler.j These 'chardU1 and specirications tlie; cXiiirt has adjTulgpd .rot to be proved ; "to be, in some, respects utterly ground less ; and in others to have originated in a misconception or misrepresentation ?f the most innocent and meritorious "acts j and; Ca?pt. Stewart has been most fiai'y and honorably acquitted of every even the slightest impropriety. The' CoiirJ, however conceives, that th peculiar character of the accusarion is such, that it woubl not render that fidk measure of justice which is rebuir cl at its hands, by a simple judcriient of acnuittal.- It is, therefore, iuipejirtd liv pp.sp of dutv to jr farther, ami. to riake, unliesitatingW, this declaration ''to .the world, that, so far from having vmlntVd the hich duties of neutrality and re?rect, for the laws of -nations -sfiX-ir FVflYn hiving sacrificed the honor of the American Sag,' or tarnished. bis o.n fair fame by acting upon any mo tii es of a' mercenary or sordid kind; so fiirfr'om havin; i neglected his duty, or ; . : . ' . t r i t , bcitrayeu tne trust : repoteu in nun, uy ' -'ret'u'-in proper protection to American citizens and property, or rendering such ' protection subservient to individual in. ' tercsts, no oti'e circumstance has been 5 developed tlirou?:h6ut the Whole course of this -i.iivesUga.tion. into the various oc " ' cJ;rreVce3 of a three years' cruise, calr cu'luted to. impair the confidence which . he members of the Court, the. Navyj and the nation have; long reposed in the.h(mour,-the talents, and the patri y fitiinv of this dislioguished niBcer, , 'or to 'weak'cji in 'anf manner, the opinion, which alt who "knew him entertained, - of hi3 hunianity and disinterestedness. - These virtu es only glow with brigh t er lustre from this ordcal of trial, like 'the stars he .triumphantly':'' displayed vlien viilorj and skill achieved, a, new Victory; to adorn the aunais cf our Jlavat -glory. -The following are th. concluding re t, marks of the eloquent deienceniade by ': Gen. Ih'ykn in behalf of (Toiniuodmc ' ; iS'a?mrjbcfi:re tl;e Naval Court Mar- - " -Vtiah.;. V.-v.. . ', v: -.. " ? 1 have nrtw, Sifs, taken 'a teView: of ; J every oHeiicc ; Tui pu 'jd to 'the accused ' Ithas 1 been more protracted; perhaps more desultorYvr than it slnVuld have i -1 fti hn t ihpv nn v m soin c ineastt re ' exposed to an Cexaihinatioii so ininUte "1 here may,' perhaps, be fount!; some at- J.v inseparable from humanity, but ..ii.ucu 1 ic?i nu;)un; ore rwm oe uisco ereuVb - announce jhe result. V ; ' " ? Geu'Jemeli This entire nation awaits cur decision' with inteiiso anxiety.- f ; be; ascribed to the nnmber and variety ;, i of the that ters .em bra cell i by i t. The conduct of ty ofiicev tuts" been hitherto vcrnment, and without which republics ! Tf ,rrtrlnrA Stewart has smnetl as lanicrmia for hi audacity. IiaH-rul lor VAnt..fiith: vnnr nersonal mte irrity; 4he reputationfr the' navy, tile h tnnr nf our beloved country: d emamj U t.ic nnnishment. It woniu, tnupcti. hPn hetters had he fallen, as a nnt othcer W0UU1 WISH iu ia., the close ot some battle mane mciuu.--hlebv his'valourand hi3 skill, the trir 11 inriiiniii. v m.r li?m-. ihp ocean his crave, his epi laph written, by a nation sratituuc.--Such a fate would have been in keeping . .::k -uio fnmip'f rpnnwn. . But let no Willi. . . -wot' Hvr vou. - li ne is '.nounc 01 i" v. JT . rr-L. Kuilt3V Strike and strike bo Uiy. nunishment of his offences -Wil l promote I. . . ' 5.. ' i lacs Imii pfprprs nr nis couiui - 1 his victories contributed to his renown Ko imvv wi he nuxa mill ha mmhed irom nis .nn.,,irnt;nn. The disrmtv 01 tne iaw -iiiv 1 , " r . , w;il ho maintained, and an example will be civen, salutary and striking lnnVrfK f frvirp?s. no rank, no plendor of naval or military achieve- lent, will stay, the arm of public jus- : v ' . Jv - i - v .. . s m tice. P.ut. if he shall sustain the hery or geat, vour own high minded and gene- ..tlmatifc wi Sil!rmwt WlKlt IS I 1 "his feeling's. l UC 1" I IB iruuiuiiwii " ' - T o I -..!..'. - i Yon will not, with jnigsard nanus, give o him a c(ld, a grudging acquittal. Dut vou will replace his laurels, green and fresh as when the hand of C ongress placed them on his brow ; vou will re- cfnro with honor to the navy, one to Store w tli in nor to 1 ny u , . d whom the navy is so I gely n leWcj for its honors. 1 ou UU comui your country the precious privilege ot rccountins her naval victories wunoui a blush tor the honor of those who a chieved it. EMPIRICISM. Of the innumerable evils at present existing in Society, Kinpiricism is ccr- ainly one ot the most pernicious anu lestructivo, wdiich we' are. constrained o encounter. R is an evil which has existed forages an evil not indUpen- siblc,- for it is not inconsistent with Constitution! authority to obviate it. But strange to-relate, a large number of our fellow-citizens are so supersti tious and ignorant, as to patronize it to an almost incredible degree. Many instances occur in the practice of Em- Diiics, which mav be considered as no- thin" short of downriglit murder: Yet stinrrstition orevajls. There are ma- ny ner.ons who believe, that a man vvun 1... . . 1 a few unknown roots enncure the most inveler.ile diseases with whicn mankind are aftlicted, but alas! how often are they deceived ? Yet their confidence in the Empiric, instead of diminishing sterns to be doubly increased ; for they have no idea of attributing the death of the patient to-any -mismanagement on the part of the practitioner. but inva riably to some other cause. It is in this way that these dregs of .medical literature are supported and protected by the arm of ignorance and supersti tion, 'tilat length, in a few 'instance?, and unfortunately but few, they are blown up by the powder-mill of science. Happily for the citizens of Maryland anil a few other States, that they are protected by the wisdom of their res nccliva Legislatures from the incalcu lable injury committed, by Empirics, in other parts of the Unite'd States. And IMS a matter ot regret tnai ine legis latures of other Stat s have been so long biinucci oy prejuuice ami jsupei sunuu, as not to perceive the advantageous. ef fect which woY.d result from the enact ing a law for the suppression of Empi ricism; It is hoped, however, that those States, which have not provided against the practice of Empiricism, will duly -consider ami investigate the advantages tto be derived to their constituents' from the, passage of a law to that etlect. It is t the members of the approach ing-Legislature of North-Carolina, that l do most earnestly, suggest the propri ety of providing ag tnst the practice ot medicine' by ..these dregs of medical science, Empirics, lor to her, such law" would be invaluable. This subject loudly and strenuously calls for the se rious consideration of, the Legislature of 'this State particularliu for it is be licved she has suffered in -ire from the unqualified prescriptions of- Empirics, than any otner state in me union. 'Legislators of Nbrth-Carolina, I ear nestly and strenuously solicit vou t exercise your power; and authority in endeavoring to exterminate these, un- pHncipledi pretendersl- By showing your willingness tv exterminate v these pestsjpf society, you cannot fail to please your constituents whom you; have the honor to represent. To pleased you all know, is the g am I"- desitl eratu 1 n , of- a Representative of the people; The? wilt of the people be done,' is the mtti of A NAT IV S OI' E D dCOiluE; 3wt eceVveiV; ; A- T the T.ook-Store ot josepn uaiesu. ouii, A fhc .fi'illowinaf.K'e. Books:"" .-.;X:rusaer9.Avol& --4 rvnresters bv Atrthor of "t,ihts v9iid Shadows of 3;ottisli life and oflaj - VraretLindsey." T at Uavs ofLord Pyron, by Parryi; ArchboIds and Christian's Blackstone ' 4 XcAs: ? ?$1?- W : .. Roper on Property, 2 vo!?&c. c. Ah assortment of Paint Boxes, Paints-and Stationery Articles. f v ' ' Ttaleigh, Sept. 1U, . 90 ' 1 T?tvi! Sale. UK thf vlcJnitv of Hillsborough (N. C.) tro 5 . -Plantations, contalninc each about four hundred and fifty acres ; which for beauty of situation, excellence and abundance 01 waiur, and fertility of soiV are not surpassed by any inth a nnner fcountrv: Also a dwelling nouse weU iUuatedf in the town of Hillsborough: Fftr particuiUTS. reference i ade ta Ktv ,ii!-t t'Alacira. WllltO ifosrers. -jiuis.uoruuK fu iu.;.n..i. . shaw 5c Stephen 1 ay lor near the prem.ses m xne coumrj. Orange county, Sept. 10,1835. 90 "t TiyYgadfc Orders. 1 .. ' . September J st, 1 825. nrniE several l?egiments in the counties 0 Surry, Wilkes and Ashe, Ninth Bngade of Noith:Caroh. be reviewed by Brigadier Gei A 'Surrv, Wilkes and Ashe, composing the na Alihtin, 'will bv Brieadier General Solomon . i. r..tt : . nl.n.c' The first and second Regiments of Surry, r?,.Vrrrfl rn "Fndnv. thr 2 1st Of October. The first and second Regiments of U ilkes, .... . 1 ' r.. , . -i oc! C .j.. tir:ii...UnnlirrK r I 1 locrUv th J.riili lit h nu.UWuubH, .vv, ... ' . na nrTJ(lfr;mpntnf Achecoun- . at Jefferson, on Tluirsdav, the 27th Oc- tober. The 7ay preceding the aoove stated days, it is required, that the Commissioned Officers, Hc-mintai, staffV-r Principal Musicians, and sergeants from carh ' company of Infant. ry, shall attandat the rrt-ice hereby appointed tie-irrespCCtive reviews, armed and equip- ned as bv law directed, tor the purpose ot being disciplined in the art of war. On each of the above mentioned duvs duty will be rcnuired to be commenced precisely at ele ven o'clock. By Order .LTTLE IIICKERSOX, . Aid-de-Camp. I.ide Hickerson, Esq is duly appointed &. Commissioned Ail-le.Camp, in the Ninth Brigade of the : North-Carolina Mil tia, with the Rank of Major ; who is to be known and respected accordingly. - . S. GRA.VKS, Brigadier General, Ninth Brigade North Carolina Milit;a. September 10, 1825. ' 90-3t Desirable Family Residence, for sale. rTpTlE melancholy event which has occurred a in mv family, induces me to offer for sa'e mybt autiful and elegant Villa, formerly U R. Johnson's, within ten minutes walk of the centre of Warrenton. The tract of land contains sixty-two acres of which for y are in woods and heavily tim bered with "oak and hickory, sufficient to furnish fire wood for a large family forever with csre and management. The soil is, free, fertile and productive the water excellent and abundant the situ ation high, niry, pleasant and heall by. The improvements are an admirably built and finished, and most commod:ous Dwelling House, cont:uning3 roon s below 5s. J above stairs, a dry and comfortable Cellar and se veral convenient closets.; a new framed Quarter 36 feet by 18 with four large rooms awd a chimney in the c ntre ; a Kitchen, a Carvi-.ge House and Stables, an Ice House, a Well of excellent water at the door, a hand some Yard and Gar len well pail ed in, toge ther with convenient lots under good fences. And besides bther Fruit Trees, 450 eact, ,11111 .Kfr ivn.. I' I' - 1 0.0.A hAltltv nn P.Ti-ppe. ot tne most . .. . . 1 . tn n thing that can fa I avement with lehciotis sort ; m snon, cvci be drsired bv a family. Nothing but the severe bereav which 1 have been visited, could have tempt. cd me to part with this desirable and valua ble property. . s . I am anxious to self, and will grant a iidc- ral credit for the whole or any part of the purchase money. Possession can be had at any time. Application can be mane to Ken: Robert R.-Johnson, who is fully authorised to sell : or to . - i WILLIAM EATON. September 2. 90eo4t J A T her large and commodious two story J House on Fa. ettevi'Ue sti-cet, opposite . r . T s- : ....,11 i io ine i,o(iii-iiuv.Sr, i3 xvcu p.cj.rcu iu Commodate fifteen Members o the approach mg , Assembly with Hoard ; "and takes this opportunity to inform thm, . that every at tention siull be paid, ho as to render their entertainment connortable and agreeable. Her house auordsi a number ot - conve nient and private rooms, and she has engag t'd out rooms for those genilemen that wish them.: N. B. Transient nersons will be accommo dated as usual, as t ere is an excellent Stable on the lot, well furnishe I with corn,! fodder, oats and every thing necessary. Her terms of board aredow and reasonable. 1 Raleigh, August 29. 86-7t ffNFORMS the citizens of Raleigh and the 8L public generally, that he has commenced uic Mincr uii?iiicsi in mis vit, anu v ii ........... , - ... ..... has on hand some articles ot ready 'made Clothing, vhich wilt be sold cn good terms. He ,has beenstanght Wartr mathematical rule for cut ting, by Alexander Crossland, of Warrenton, agent for tVahk His shop is on Fayetteville stteet, next door to William Thompson's Cabinet-Ware-Room. ! i ntaieigui August , - 07t ' ? 4 xtj ' j Jituuwi. uwiii i iu u cis age, who can come Well reommended, will be taken, if application bo tnide as above. heavy, made, full face, lively and tree spoKen, contracts his eves a little wncn ne woks w voul and eh handed: :-Thi boy Jshamy I nought of a man woo ssgns ntsnauis. muhcih Towruiendl in Jnuarv last. Mr I ojvnena Old we he bought thistDoy in uaieign, iortu- uaroun?i, aT. aucriu s-tic';uv."jp? Ti. about ItaleigrTi ; the boy, told me he waspts ed in Haleighl and was? hired in that;.place to a mercluint several vears, Jfe tltMrTpwns- end bon cht -mm ot an estate or la wyer w 110 ie' ascd near Tfaleigh a year or two ago. if Mr. Clement Townsend sees tb;s adver tisement, I will thank him to drop me lPe and sav, who ne bougm tnis pov.isnam, ij as I have heard of 1 this bby being in South- Garolina, making1 Ins? way' to I6defgU ;I ;ex- ; I will giveten tionrs rewam 10 .iiac nun secOred- in anv .TajK so I can get hold of him; or the above reward of Twnty-fiye dollars, to ; any person who will secure him jn -t a Jail in Georgia. FroTnsomc circumstances, J. am led .to. believe that this boy may be in the possession of a white man, who induced him 1 o runawavand will ofler; hipi ; for sale. ; J vill gtve- Fiftv Dollars reward for the detec tion of the Thief;; : ; ; r ;" v . , 7; ; EDWARD COX.; , .Inlv20. 0 5t lffTTLL, be sold on the last Monday in Sep If'.. (mi,00Tt thi Court House in Smlthville. Bninswidk County; orj as much thereof as will hv.- the taxs, for. the years IR and 1824. and 'cost of advertising, &c. 200 acres, part of a tract of Ind lying oft Livingston creek formerly Boyd's, ; . 100 do on do formerly Wm. Hall s. , v.v . 10 An nn do formerly owned by.Keators. 9Afl An nn a branch of said creek, near the Green Swamp, formerly Spaight's. 1000 do on the Great Branch of Livingston, V An mi t .Winn-Won.- nart of the Bladen tract. . 1665 do on Hood's creek, formerly Row 640 do on Rattlesnake, a branch of Hood's creek. ' '' , oO An on do formerly. Samuel Vines s 700 do on or near the head of Hood's cr'k, formerly Pridgeon's. ; 1 , . ' 500 do below the last, formerly Jas. Wil 500 do oh Alligator, a branch of Hood's creek, formerly Rowell's. . 500 do on do joining the above 50 rh nn Entries Island. 570 do on lirinvaw Island, .Oyster Rocks and Shoals in the Bay of Cape-Fear, granted to O. Snvth. i 20 do more or less, another Tsland in do. 150 do on the North side of Town creec, 2,880 do on Allen's creek, formerly u. Smiths. ' - . -; , : 250loon Moore's c'k.formerly Anaei-son s. 220 on the Royal Oak, a branch ot LocK- wood's follv, now or formerly B. Smith s. 105.720 do Green Swamp lantls, gramea to William Colh s,Roweil Boss and Williams. 41,500 do ioining Lilhput creek lamis, anu the main road to Smithville. 98 do on the main road from VV llmmg.on to Lock wood folly. - 7,110 do between Town creeK ana oiui- gebn creek, fon-nerly Ancrum s. 10 Lots in tne rown ot m-unswii formerly Geo. C. Cletherell's. . r i :V.. 50 acres on the head of Town Creeic, lor- mer v vvuiiamson.s. . . w w 1 1 64f) do on the North west tuver, wucu . v , . m , roini iicjur, : ri Vwl " o ou.cio zoning uiccii,uw..6..6,,.v-i tnt of Jndab Swain. 50 do on Bell Swamp, belonging to the estate of Duke Etheridge 840 do on Northx Westv River, belonging to the Estate of George Lucas. t ' n 100 do on Juniper creek, given m by teo. Gerow. A. GALLOWAY, Shfp.; August 2, 1825. 83-6t: pr. adv. $7 00 1" SHALL expose to sde , at Rockingham )ose to sale , s TW 9 Court House, in the town of Wentworth, the 4th Monday in next .September, the me tui Rionuav m uc.i .QCLnti.1.1, I .,- . .Ll-i-I'I tn nwin(r I rnrra nr I n rut. nr ui mucii liiki coi following Tracts of Land, or so much therebf as will be sufficient to satisfy the Taxes due thereon for the years 1823 and 1824 together with costs: - i 900 acres on Dan River ioining the lands of Bethel! & Yancy, said to be the property of Tiirley cf England or General Izard, not cn m. j . , 500 acres near the above mentioned Tract, sua 10 oeiong to., tne aoove. iiauicu cisuua, ncn given in. , 505 acres, ioining the lands of Jesse Wil- son, said to belong to the same persons above named . nnt mvpn in. 500 acres near the above tract, belonging to said Tmiev or Izard, hot given in. n' 3895 acres, lying in the Meadows of Dan, given in. the name of George Izard. 1 - , 350 acres, in Forks of Mayo Dan Ri ver, given in the name ot Margaret .loyce. ; oktj acres, ioining tne lauus 01 juim v iu i sor. Eso and others, on Lower Hogan's cr'k, nitl tr 1V th rrnrf-rtv of. . ! Oil rpr. ,. of ' I 7 i . , , Virginia, not given in v . . ' 170 acres on Wolf island creek, the pro- perty of Fields Nichols, not given iu for 1823, and triven in for 1 824. - . I . 205 acres,-' ioinmz the lands of Thomas Birsheld and others, given, in the name of Drury Benson, but is said to belong to a Mr. blade ot Caswell county. iv 100 acres near Lcaksyille, giTen m by Wm.l L. Price.'- - i Vk . J. 'v. Thomas Shelton. ! . . r 225 acres n .Tatnes Miller's Es.t District, pson. , ; oO acres on lian river, joining the lands Wm. Ferrill, t iven in the name of William White of Tennessee. , ; .j ; 200 acreon Walker's creek, belonglngt me nciis in cu uriy. . . , - i auj i.ics uii ici ui v on isianii crppir. 1 1 said iq oeiong io tieirs ot.isnam lirowuer, 1 M II , II K 11 . . . i. 1 Jot in Leaksvdle, belonging to Richard Holland; ''not given in fof 1823, and given in for 1824; n " v: - v VC :l ;v 150 acres, on waters of Jacob's creek, ioln- ing the lands of Joel Fagg, jr. and others, rhe pr6perty of Charles Fagg. not plven in. t 159 acres on Waters or Upper "!Ioran, creek: Uie property of John S. . Morgan- not ui eivcu iii ior ioj. ami triven in mr in4. . JOHN ODKNKAU, ShfV. Aug. 4th, 1S25. 82-5t. : f S fate 0 1 iSTdf th-Car olina; '7yeaiurj' Ojice'ls.'t Sept. 1827. Rej'enue Officers;, of .the' State aforesaid; that t0-iime4i'ridv at. harid..-when the law w- ciuife that their pubKcAccou'it3 for tlia enr.' rent year-shall be ( Settled and finalh balanc eel -and Closed at the" Treasury Departmeni" rtlOi- OHN ItAYvyoOD, Pub. treas; , r- g aescnpti 'AARON, about 20 vears old, 5 feet 8 iiwhes highland stout in proportkav' to his height 1 a ainy wacK in, wje iace anu .small eyes. I DAV1U, l years oid?' nnout Hie height of Aaron, but not so square builti . He is a chrk mulatto,' nearly Jdack .his eyes are; above the I common size. : ?Thev will probably take up ibout Raleicrh ' or in the neighborhood of -Colonel Pliilemo'i f law kins, in AVarren. ; The, abcye reward will ' be'giren. for tlielr apprehensison and deli very tome-or 30 dolls, for Aaron and CO for David. . - - v -: 1 ' -: ": Beaufort ccninty, May 5. ;';." ; COtf MjlicXoticcV r .- v - 1 . ......,: THiJ: nndersgned. Executor of , Samuel . Walker, of Granville county, dee'd. hereby gives notice, that if Thomas Dickinson, the Legatee, t o whom sundry Slaves, vix, a Negro Woman Vine, and her Children, the proper ty of said deceased were left by ivili; many years ago, do not come forward and paythe expenses that have been incurred in ' main taining' ;said Negroes, and take, them into his possession," on or; before the 14th rt" Novem ber th e said Negroes w ill on that day,, be; put ' up for sale at '.vendue, and sold in order to defray the charges incurred in their support. c- VH l 3 OHN STONE. Ex'r. Franklin, May 10; 1825. v1 56-i6ra. State-of North-Clarojinh ; Rutherford county. J . : ( . Superior-Court of Law) Aprilterm, 1825. .1 Fanny Gamson, "1 . . v.- : v. "Petition for divorce. . Jacob Garrison. 3 M T appearing to the satisfaction of the a.' Court that Jacob-Garrison, the: defendant, is not an inhabitant Of this State it is there fore ordered by Court, that publication be made three months in the Raleigh Star and Register, giving notice to the defendant that he appear at the ne,xt Superior Court of Law to-be held for Rutherford cquntji, at the Courthouse in Rutherfordton on the 3d Mon day after the 4th Monday in . September next, then and. there to answer, p,lead or de mur to said petition ; otherwise!, it will be taken pro cbntesso and afljuclgeti accorcimg ly. AV ilness,' Jame3 Morris, Cletk of said Court, at office the 3d31onday after ' the 4th Monday of March, A. D. 1825, and m the 49th year of the Independence. -; ;: 1S8 .,..-., JAMES MORRISt CliC. -State of Nor th-Carolina;. 4 . Bertie County, i, . Court of Equity March Term, 1825. Amos Rayner, complainant. ,!rj . , and . v i ; I - . Nottingham Monks, Administrator, V and others, defendants, : . ; J ' Nthis case,. it appearing to the Court that Strahon Monk, one of the defendants in this suit, is not a resident of this State 5 it is 1 nrrlA that publication beinade in the Ra- . . u f..V.i,.'j,tn-,lmAnlc1,;n. 'I IdtTtl IlCUIjiVl JU) llll Illllllilia. fUlliWIllklilllli. the said Strahon Monfe to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held in the town ot Windsor on the third Monday of September next, and plead, answer or demur to this bill, j or judgment pro confesso will be entered, ana the cause - set ior ncanng' expune a- uk him. Test. I' . - CHA9. W: JACQCKS C. H K. State of 'North-Carbliua, K Lincoln County. t f : VVf' Court of Fleas and Quarter Session?, L V.v . petition forthe division . . I1I ' LIIC. ItC'll LSlillC ,wi ,in. iiusun o. uiu- i n. .l. t...i .t.. nf I ore npiro I .cr i . . . . ers, heirs l i i Jd tces of Mason Uu- '.-"as ? M"? ' U 9 son, deod."lw-;Uj:lv' ';-..;. '",,iI-ru ". I HT appearing to the Courf, that John liu- j JL son and the otherLegatees of Mason llu- 1 son, deceased, are not inhabitants of this state: it is therefore oidc-rt by the' Court that 1 notice Depuoiisneaiour weeics in xuetaaj" I JRec-ister.- remiiring the said John lluson land tne-otner or any ot tne,L.egaiees ov " J said Mason Ilusnrti leCeasetl.: to annear t j the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sea I slops, to be held for' said County at the Court 1 ilmic in T mrftlntnn n-n tntirtii Alondavai 1 tPr the fourth Mnndnv in Sentember nest lihrn nA thr in ani -r or rL-miLrto the saixi petition : otherwise U -will be'taken pro con- Ifesso r ami adiudn'ed accordinirlv. Witness y. M'Bee, Clerk of said Cohrt, at I. ii. coin- ton, third Mohday in July, 1825: VARDRY FBKR, C C August 24, 1825. it- 85-4v iloawolc lianA l6ir Sale irflHIS tract is; situated in Halifax county. H North-Csrolina i it lies on 1 Roanoke JO; J ver, between yMugh IsLind. and the l own l Halifax, not more than three miles from tne latter ; its uppo r,side, mar tne river ut less than a halt mile from Mush JslA?i(i. nu' ' A asurvev of the present rear the woDauie li!np nml a half, thou frh the deeds rywnn" It he said survpy was was roadie were not.J:y I explicit, neither did they include tne of I tract of land;; . I he land, except a sm. i-. . I tion. is of very good cinality, and out or s ' I small portion a spot might be seiecteu -7 o I in Halifax county would be called a neai" . i ami nanuscnoc jui i.'"' i saie win luitc; jmvc v j I vemoer nexr, . iiui'eiepurt . . 1 11 If VII Vil X. L4Vf a M. . v- J ft . rt ing to purchase said'hrnd pnva. iy l''." die trms by application to Nelso ' of PetersourgVa. HThre isj a young living on said land u ho will at any tirne s fit to stich as wish to purchase. e will be sold to the: highest bidder, at res the purchaser paying fifteen thousano cash, .and tne oaiance oi iiVyrr on the first day of January, 182r. UA VIU .-" i AagtstlO, 1325; HplIB liblic Treasurer; in cohformity with ; V xhis' usual custom, hereby takes leav spectfully tot remindahe SheHfis and ntK,. EAN away, from the fatm of the'stibscribex jiot '..long since two negro Boys of th folloWingdescriptioni V - . 't f ' . k:"S;-',v- :. :: -:V:-- ' . ' - -J v . ', '.- J