s 5 1 i -- i --7 V' " - ' "'" ' ' l ' an MtH: . V I' mm. im ft : : - iStotttp. A i The following Versus, from the Albany 3'Plouh BovY rival thesweetest strains ' of Shens tou6 or of Akenside. ' I.ike - those writers, all, MK Southwick's eft usions breathe : the saraepeaness a rVv, A t nU sarrie abhorrence of Ml M.J-" r . .... . siiiiftr Vnfl PTaltctl love f virtue UUUHVIlj t ww-- - - y "' TO a: country girl. TriO expressed a wish to lead a town life. - -, ' ' t bt s fiotmrvriCK. " v . 7- ' , fe weet Mysh not for the town, . . 1 Where vice and folly -ei gn i f Spurn not tlie humbte homespun gown "-'7', That stiits the rural plain; . . ! .7 1'. : c' . ' . Jh ev'r street the city's glare . , Both simple liearts betray : .And simple hearts who wander there, Are sure to lose theif way ,' 7 : e tradesmanii part , v To take the stranger m : L The profligate displays his art, ( ' The modest maid to win : 7 .. ; tie lures her to perdition's brink By ev'ry.treach'rous scheme, - " then leaves the hapless wzxstch to sink ; In Pleasure's - guilty stream 1 ; The flaunting crowd tlit seem so gay, May please yotl for a while ; ' Jjut Joy with these dothrarely stay. . Or, sweet Contentment s smiie. ' The splendid dome tthat proudly rears Its gilded roof on high, " !3fcull oft conceals pale' Env'y's tears - -(.'"And" Disappointment's sigh. t- y ' Therefoul Ambition loves to dwell," w False Pride, and lust of Fame j There Malice and Hevcnge rebel ' ; a -A'gtvnst the good man's name.;; . Ah ! little do you know, sweet maid, ' What art the city spoils, Where Till ains plyXthe cmting trade, And Fraud is drest in smiles- k ,.ythen, Mary, sigh no more to rove, : ; -; Or -change your native fields, - The rural walk r the verdant, grore, t For all the city yields, ..And when some swain,' of soul sincere, 7. Shall seek your love to gain, . , Trust to his faith, nor ever fear That you shall trust in vain. 'V '- . . tAA - ' ' ' ' 4 So shall your rustic life be spent, . With every Messing crown'd ; . .tVithin your doors shall sweet content ..- . And iaithtul love be- ! And when yourinfaiit offspring rise, A- mother's smile to greet, The joy that sparkles in their. eyes, r j Sliall your own bhss complete ! -l - , ",-'"-- ' Your tide of life, thus even flowing, Will ebb at last 'tis true ; ' .When calm, with Hop your bosom glow- i-Ing - v. '; - ;- . . You'U bid the world adieu ! " ' AT THE SIGN OF TUIj - fl00 Yards West of the State-Home,) f JHFf Subscriber respectfully informs his! --11. friends and the public general!-, that he continifes td keep a House of Entertainment in Italeigh, for the' accommodation of Tra- vellers. and' all others who may favor him with a call: lie is also prepared to board twelve orfifteen members of the approaching i General Assembly. His fare will be'good, and his terms reasonable. He keeps an? a- bundant supply bf Corn, Fodder and Oats,s and as he is about to erect new Stables, wiU short time, have horses . .- : ul: V ': ' , J0STAII D1LLTARI); Raleigh, Aug. 24,.1825. 84- Authorised by iSpecial Act of Assembly, - - ' ' . for the benefit of ' feOLDEN FLEECE LODGEj No. 74, N. C. SCHEME. Prize- J3000 2000 1000 - 500 100 50 10 is is is is. is is ' . is , $3000 -00Q. 2000 ' S500 . . 1000 1000 1000. ToOO $20,000 3639 2361 Prizes Blanks 0fckeatV$4v's '' $20,000 Drawing to commence, in MiLtox, as soon fes a sufficient riifm her of Tickets shall have beeri sold; -Superintended '"Uy the following - Managers : jr. ; f - ,X;-r ' " V ALEXIR. HENDERSON ARCIUMEI) KS DONOIIO. r ., ,vv ', John r. clark,' : " ,;, " TtlOMAS I STEVENS. ""v..' ; Samuel r ATKINS. ? :$ Orders for tickets, post paid, and enclosing '0- the Cash; ,will ibe thankfully received and ; r punctually attended6 by the' Treasurer in ' Iiton, N.C. "i-' '"-' Tickets Fire Dollars each -i Tlctret lit be r-a(l rom Agents resu.mg in the- diflerent ffc . , ....... - - iiv a- suoii umc Jiuve xue uesi oiaDinir lorrcovereu dv me ruonc l reasurer. in waite .10 , 20 ipo l50d;' IO.WHS, TiuaRCS ana DUDllC Oiappa'thrnnrrhniff I nsnup hp hwnfl- c,iK; .- . .- r.iv- - : r i process or tne courts; -which must fevJiii No 1 ,166 Market St; Baltimore.:. y , T H sdisribution "ot Ctn following- pr.jzes h&V'ali takeri place from AwkHs' "Office's with irrthelast four weeks,1 viz 4"V r'4 : x -- No."3i39aprizeof- $20,000; . - -12,14, 59 do ,10,000; r . .t 1406 do - . 5,000 -Besides many of 000-500200. &c. &c. - - The 20,J000:vthe 10i000"and the,v5,000 sold asjabove, were promptly paul to .xne joriu nat owners, immediately on presentation at Aliens' Office, who also had the pleasure of advancing the Ca$h to the fortunate owner of Dollars, in State tottery Number, 5. :i Grand .-1 State lid ttery. 4- v - ODD asd etek ststem. , 7 ;w ;ThU tottery is to be drawn in a few weelcs in the city of Baltimore. : ntier tne supenn tendance of the State Commissioners. M v S CHEME. ; c : 1 -1 1 10 10 30 ' 60 ,100 ; 200 . 400 1 20,000 Prize of $30,000 is $50,000 ' of 10,000 is 10,000 of of 6f of of of Of: Of of 5,000 is 5,000 :1,000 is 10,000 500 100 is is 5.000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 i 2,000 8Qt00O 50 is 20 is 10 is 5 is 4 is 20,813 Prizes 5152,000 40,000 Ticket"?. NOT ONE BLANK TO A PItIZE ! Tickets . $5 00 Quarters Eighths & even, at $1 25 . 62 Halves . 2 50 To be had odd LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, ,166 Market Street. - . Where in the last' State Lotteries were sold the 20,000, the 10,000 and the 5000 dol lar prizes . s Where in former State Lotteries was ob tained no less than 11 prizes of 1000," 3 of 5,000, 8 of 10,000, 20,000, 25,000, and the great capital of One Hundred J hoUsand JJolIars! And where were sold, alllrawn in one day, prizes amounting to 250,000 dolls, being the greatest amount ever obtained at any of fice in America. Orders from anv part of the United States, enclosing- cash or prize tickets, (post paid) will be punctually attended to. Address S. &. M. ALLEN, 5c Co. Sept.-1. 89 If : Baltimore. UwWcYUy lottery, SEVENTH CLASS.' Tobedrwh on the 30th inst. all in 10 minutes. CAPITAL PHIZES. 820,000--10,000 5,000 5,000 2,50013085 of 1,00010 of 500, Tickets $6 00 J Quarters $1 50 Halves 3 00 Kighdis . 75 - Q For Sale as above., , Treasury Office, 15ihftugMty 1825. STATE OF NORTH-C AROLINA. riHE Public Treasurer considers it his lu JL tv to invite the attention of the Clerks and Sheriff"? of this State to the provisions of tlse acts of the General Assembly, passed in 1 8221 823,. & 1824, " for the promotion of Agriculture and family domestic 'Manufac tures." By these acts, the Clerks of the County, Superior and Supreme Courts, and Clerks and Masters in Equity, are required, at the first term of the Courts of Which they are Clerks respectively,-'' after. the 1st day of Au gust in each and every, year, to make a state ment on oath, of all monies remaining in their hands, and which were received by them official!', three years ot more previous there to ; specifying therein the amount of each separate claim, and the name of the person to whom the same is payable i and if there be no' snch monies in their hands, they are tomake affidavit of the same : which return or affidavit, the ,ludge orChairman of the Courtbefore whom it is made, shall cause to be transmitted to the Public Treasurer on or before the 1st of December in the same j'ear, and the said clerks, after making such state- ments, are to pay into the Treasury, on or be- fore the 1st of December, all the balance so stated to be in their hands. Every;. clerk a- foresaid failing to comply with these .requisU tions, forfeits $1000 to be suetl for and re- Superior Court ; and is morever liable for all the monies in his hands as aforesaid : And on failure to pay over the monies as.aforesaid, such clerk jnay be proceeded against by; the Public Treasurer in; any Court of record in like manner as defaulting revenue officers. Every person who has heretofore been clerk of any court of record iii this -state, is to ren der to the court of which he may have been" clerk, a statement of monies remainingiin his hands as aforesaid, and shall account arid psiy over the sa me, in th eatne manner as clerks in office,' and under the like penalty for failure j -and it is made the duty of the law officera of the slate for the circuit in which suchperson shall reside, to cause a sci. faio be issued against him (on his fai- ire to make return and payment) returnable to the Superior Court of the county in. Which such "person resides -on Which, the court is to fender judgrtient fur the. penalty, unless sufficient excuse be given for, the failure. ' All Sheriffs in office at the time of passing the act ot 1823, are required, at the same times, to Vender a like statenfent and to ac- liialtv. wuni in uic uic uiuiiuer, uncicr a nice pe- CAVhile the Public Treasurer takes pleasure in testifying to the punctuality of many of the present and former clerks'includi ug some of our most distihguished'eitizens of the present day, it Is with nittch Teeret that he is con strained to add there remain still many who are defaulters under these laws; Waiving all other considertions, the ;Trea-i surer; wouia nereoy respectfully suggest to those: conceriied, that it is iertulnlv far more casv and will eventually nmvo tn KW r prove to troublesome and 'exnensiv.trt' f.it-oioK lluntarilv: and forthwith th t-Xt... vo- : --- iuiih icuu rrii I by law, than by. longer neglect or delarto It':',.' . Virtn AT' l'argeTand' Convenient dwelling JLV'IfOusei with every: necessary out house and garden, whereon T Mrs. Ann aiconer lately f resided, situated, in the; Eastern "part bf the City, onNewherrt'StrcIJy ear ly apVlication a great bargain might be had in the purchase of the above property, .pos session g.ven immediately X Terms of Safe, one and two year's credit. , , irENRY M. MILLER. ' ' Raleigh; Sept: 7th, '1825: 9;in w. Notice iTN the 2d day of August, 1825; I qualified l i as Executor tather last will andestament of RobertBurton, deceased., andherebyjg Haywood, 28 miles, notice to all persons to present thertr claims K T . v.-UhvTv np-ainst the estate; or thev will be ba rred from recovery according to lay, ,-All per sons hrdebted to the estate are hereby re quested to make immediate payment. 4 HOUACE A. BURTON, Executor of Robert Burton, decM. Granville, Augusr24, 1825. 1 .844t 4 BRIGHT MULATTO 31AN has recent A! ly been put in the jail of this county, sirs pected of being -a slave, and runa way. Me is 5 feet 6 inches high, about25 years of age, Ins-hair dun coloured and rather bushy, and eyes dark. He says his name is , Henry Wil liams, and that he was born near Loiiisburg Franklin . county, speaks easily, and very well, professes no trade and can write a little. If he is a slave, his owner is requested to prove him to be so, pay the charges upon him, and take-him away or lie will dealt with, as is required by the law. J ' ' ' . . I f J OS. GARRETT, SbflT. W-ashington cty, N. C? July 26, 1825. S 80-6m FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE OXFORD r Academy. SECOND CLASS,. To he drawn positively on the 20th J6vember next, . and completed in a Jew JWnntes. J. B. YATES & A. M'INTYRE, Manaobrs. 1 Prize S20.000 is g20,000 . 1 J 10,000 10,000 f 2 I 5.000 10.000 g 1,990 1 3,980 18 1,600 18.000 18 500 9,000 18 100 1,800 186 50 r 9,300 186 ; 25 4,650 1488 i 10 14,880 13950- 5 69,750 15, 870- Prizes. 26,970 Blanks, 171,360 42,840 Tickets ' gl7i,360 This is a Lottery formed by the ternary combination and permutation of 56 numbers. Tickets and Shares in the above sen erne for sale at the Managers' Office in Raleigh, ' " Whole Tickets, S5, Hairdo. 2 50 Quprter do. 1 25 Packages of 12 tickets, embracing the 36 Numbers of the Lottery which must of ne cessity draw at least 21 25 riett, with so many chances for capitals ; or shares of packages may be had at the same rate, viz : 1 Packages of wholes S60, Of Halves, SO, Of Quarters, 15. - Jfeiv-Yorh State Literature Loi ter Nq. 2, for 1825. To be completed in one drawing on the j September, 1825. 20A 1 2 1 2 20 K 20 38 114 228 1,710 Prize of 825,000 is 225,000 20,000 5 6,696 10,000 20,000 10,000 7,600 11,400 11,400 20,520 86,184 10,000 6,696 5,000 1,000 500 200 - 100 50 12 6 16,500 Prizes. , 228,800 Whole tickets S6 00 - Half 3 QQ . j Quarters 1 50 T'Pasliirigton '- Canal and "Dela ware State Uottcry, FIRST CLASS. , Authorized by Acts of Congress, &c. To be drawn and completed on the 5th dav of j October, r 1825. SCHEME: 1 Prize of gl 0,000 is SI 0,000 -2 ' 5,000 10,000 2 2,500 5,000 1 1,796 1,796 12 1,000 12,000 12, ' 500 6,000 SO 100 .3,000 18b t 50 9,300 Jl86 1 20 5,720 1.488 8 11.904 13,950 . r 4 . , 55,800 15,870 Pri: nzes. 8128,520 Whole Tickets g4 i a. . - . Halt do , 2 - : Quarter du 1 7 v . ' 4 Prizes in any of the Lotteries of COnnectU cut; New-York, NewJersev. Pennsvlynnia: Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Washing ton City, will be received in payment:' t i AtZJT driiersenclwner the 'catti orlnHzeiYltort P paidj for ticket i or shares in any of the above Jsotterte, -mil receive prompt attention? if ad Hres&ed to 7 ATHiS & M'INTYRE, !;. ' Ar-!:- TRiieihj N. C; ; tigb;; August mmm: Iia FOR cafryihgllaila of thei -United States on ; the. followimr". Post Roads, -i will Ibe - re- - cefved at ' the General .Post Office in; the eivea at xne'.tienerai rosi sjni tn, mc fty of Washington, tihtil the 15thday. of ctbbe? next,nclusive. Jf f'lV :cTt October V " iNfKOUTH CAROLINA ; 103' From Ash villebv- PhUin Uritain?! C. C7 Carsons, Esiatoe C5ap,M'Kinneys,; Lit tle Uiver, Keowee, and Boonstordjjto Pcndte tnn -r.Z ht SJfl. mice in'twd'vees ''v X Leaved Ashville jsvery othet SaturJa at 6 rt. waml farrivc at Peiltfletori cIv.'on Sun- ' Leave, Pendleton every other fonday at 6 n.? m. and arrite' at Ashville on Tuesday by xlU4r From Kftieigivoj l-utiej wax jones s o Haywood, 28 miles, fev':.' L,eave Ttiileigh every. Fridav at d rt. .. and arrive! at naywopu i'e same uay Dy ,o . wi. - .Leave Haywood every . Friday 'at"5 p. and arrive at Kaleigli on Saturday by noon. , -:105. From Btatesville by .Mount Fisgaft to WilkesboroV rci ;,h,,- -M m-- - . Leave' btatesville every T?iursdav"at 6"rt7 tri and arrive at Wilkesborougli the satfieday at a , ' ' "'" ''"'t :f - 4 f-' "t .'.''.' ' f--'.iv" Ij. v'i"' '.n I ' Leave WJlkesboro5 evetv Wednesday at. . m. ana arrive at atatesyiiie, tne same iiay bv 4 torn 106. Fronri Raleigh by Fish Damj Stagvilje and 'Mount Tirzah to Roxboro'. Leave Hal e'urh every Friday at 6 a m. and arrive at Roxboro'. on Saturday by 10 a m. Leave Roxboro every- , Saturday at noon. and arrive at Raleiffh on Sunday by 4 p m. 107. From Lincoln ton by ; J r Fril en wiler'a Kvinsville and Mooresboro to Ilutherfordton; 47 miles. ' - T : ;t,-- yry Leave Lincolnton every "Wednesday at 6 rt m. and arrive at Rutherford ton by 7jA m :, Leave Rutlieifordtou every Thursday at. 4 a w., and arrive at Lmcolnton by a p rn. 4 108. - From Elizabethtowh ' by Heatie's Bridge and Long Creek Uride, to Miltoq. ; . Leave Elizabetntown every lnursaav at o rt m. and arrive at Milton . the same day;, by 11 a tn. Leave Milton every Thursday at 1p m . and arrive at Elizabetlitown the me day by 8 p in, "" ' ' -- : . : r 109. From Onslow court house' to John A. Everett's, 12 miles. -''4 V ' 5 . Leave Onslow c; h. every Wednesday at 6 a m. and arrive at Everett's by, 9 a in. . 7 leave Everett's every Wednesxlay by 11, u m atul art-ive at Onslow c. h.'by 2 m ' ' 110. From Wadesboro' by Heard's Store, Rocky River and George Smith's to Salisbury, 60 miles, & to return by-Wadesboro V Rocky River, Allento wn & Lawrenceville, to Wades boro' 57 miles. , . v, 7 L-eave Wadesboro every Monday : at 6 a ml and arrive at Silisbury on Tuesday by 11 a m. Leave Salisbury every Tuesday; by 2 p m. and arrive at Wadesboro on Wednesday by 7 pm. i -' : 7 7 . .. -. v ;;- 111. From Pittsboro by Jo. I. Brook's, W. Lindleys Store, J. Carter's, Xlbright's Store, Long's Store, Hartley's' Mills and Me bane's Store, to Greensboro', 58 miles. . ; Leave Pittsboro' every Monday at 6 a m. and arrive at Greensboro' on 4 Tuesday by noon.' '-.J7 . . Leave Greensboro every Tuesday by, 2' p m and arrive at Pittsooro on Wednesday by 7 pm. ' ' ' 112. From Charlotte by Hopewell-Church by Beattys Ford, 0 miles. ' . - " . Leave Charlotte every Wednesday at 6 a m ami arrive ajt Beaty's Ford the same day by 11 m, I. , r' , ' Leave Beaty's Ford every Wednesday by 2p m and arrive at Charlotte by 8 p m. 113. From Salem bjT Clemmonsvil!et"Riddle's Ferr- and Yadkin, to.Mocksville 23 miles Leave Salem every Wednesday at 67a m and Salem by 12 at noon. 1 ,., J ; . J Leave Mocksville every Wednesday by 2 p tn and arrive at Sah m by 8 m. " 7 7 114. From-Murfreesboro' by VVinton.Pitcb Landing and Colerain to Wincsor, once a week, 52 miles. " : ' 7 ' Leave Murfreesboro' every ' Wednesday at 4 rt m and arrive at Windsor the same day at 8pm. '7'A7:''r7iv;'7:vo Leave Windsor every Thursday at 8 a m and arrive at Murfreesboro' on Friday by 10 a m, ' '" 7 ' NOTES. ( - 1. The Postmaster General may. expedite the mails and alter the times for arrival and j departure, at any time'during the continuance of the contract, he paying an adequate com pensation for any extra expense that may be occasioned thereby. And he reserves the right to Tabridgeany contract; made under this advertisement when he thinks it pToper, and to deduct from the compensation at the ratio paid under ; the contract, for lessening the duties of the contractor. 1f7 1 2. Ten minutes shall be allowed for open ing and closing the mail, at all offices where no particular time is specified, 17 ..,. -7 3. For every thirty minutes delay, (una voidable accidents excepted,) in arriving af ter the time prescribed in any contract; the contractor shall forfeit five dollars ; and, if the delay continue untjl the departure of any depending mail whereby a trip i& lost, a for feiture of double the: amount 'allowed. for- car rying the matt one trip, shall be incurred, 'un less it shall be made to appear that the delay was occasioned by unavoidable accident i in which case tlie amount of pay for a trip will be forfeited. 7,.. . 'J ', J,-f ' .S 4. Person making jjroposals, are required to state their prices by t he year. . Those who contract will receive their pay quarterly--in the months of May, August, November, and February; one month after the expiration of, each quarter. v . . ; 7 . j ,;; 5.4 No other than, a free white person shall be employed to carry the mail, -7- ' - 6. Where the proposer intends' to 7convey the mail in the body of a stage carriage, he is desired to state it ihjiis proposals ; and the stage must be of sufficient ste,1 unless other wise expressed, to conveniently convey sev en passengers..--' . . ; - ' r 7 ;S ro 7 7. Eyerj- proposer may offer ii his bid,' to make improvement in the transportation of the mail, from the terms invited, ejther as to the modef transporting it, tlie . speed requir ed, or the frequency of the trips per week which shall receive due consideratmmT,: 1 f . The number of the post route shall be stat ed in every bid, and the proposal must,be sealed, and directed to the General Post-Qf-fice, and endorsed ' Proposals.", w; 7 . .7 -Strict 'attention 'must be given to tKe en dorsement, as it is not intended to. break the seal of. any proposal, until the time ior re ceiving bjds shaiyiaye epireC &lThe Vostniasfer General resetres5 to himself the right of declaring any. contract at ah end, whenever; one failure happens, which Amounts tor theloss( f ijpj-- r : - 5f. Tlie distances stated ate inch a'i .beehXcpmmunicated ito'this office Ja !Uv! oT.thcpi.tnay be incom'ct ;?iOn thisS' the contractor Yntiet 4nrit .: 1 . uJect partment will not be ansWerable forllnv take . ,;y j: vn i'jlO.. NO bid ihtlKt.i XUA. - ' tuis.' tjme for receiving bids shall - IWtc cxp',2?. and should anj' person refuse.to take tiiH tract at his.bid,- he shall be held reSl; to the Department for the difference betweeJ hs bid,and that at which the contract aJu bpmade: Xo decisions on bids shall be tnadi kho n before the 17th of October. rStn wpmeftpfany, contract Avithout the consent of-tliePostmnster General, shall forfeit it and iri all cases Vhere ,nnii.i;on , " transfer is made, . the terms inust be fully .satexj.,i4t5.7:3,.:Jfj(.Ji;.. 11. Tlie contracts ar fr. ''jL, W.;";; wi vauuary next; and cntinu n kA vi" 1. - t ' "l""l JOHN M'LE AN, 'JliiPjOSt-Jlfaster CI GeneraittQ0Ciz 77 r ; - ; , Washington City,' July. 14tb 1825. oawl2 IE subscriber oflerst hlsTract bf -'Latia of 630 acres, for sale, lying six miles west of S mithfield," J bhnston ' County, and on both sifles of Middle CjTeek. There U (o it; a SmgieStoix ftdmed DweUing knd other oat houses for the convenience ofa small family abouti75 acres' of c)eared"larnl, a kootl por' the culture of corn, and pottonaml now in excellent repair, 7 A beautifulyoung Orchard of Apple and Peach trees There is about 200 acres excellent creek'Jand, thro' which a beautiful; and , .never-tailing1 stream flows.- The hills adjoining; the low -lands, is well supplied with he ver-failingi springs;. upland generally level, ' which enhances its Vuhie. It is;; but; seldoiil r thaf a triict of lanl of its jwortlii nd? generally reputed Ireatlhy situa tion ana many advantages and. conveniences. such as beincr convenient; to !never-fai!i p. . . , n . : - -" mui9, joTierea ior saie in lias section ot cin try. Those disposed to buy would do well to call and see. .' Said 'Tract of Land will be jsdld bniaccommotlatingf terms, if applied lr Shortly. - Young TTegroes" will be taken in payment.' j For further particulars enquireoV Dr., Willie N,, White, of jCrayen county, or tlie subscriber, fee. : JOHN EASON. 1 June 10th, 1825J ' . 7 1' 65- j: TUEASUUY DEPIAltTMENT, ! . ' 29ih April, 1825;'- imj'OTlCE is befeby.'giveii, jthat on the first jSH - day of October tvext, the principal of the six-per cent. Stock of theillnlfed States, cre ated under the authority of an act of Conin-ess nuueu Jn aci auuionsing & loan tor a sum -not exceeding eleven millions' of dollars."" approved on the fourteenth day of March. yuc iiiuwsiimi eiin. iiunurcu ami iweive, to gether, wih'tire interest then due thereon, will be paid to the proprietors of said stock or to their attorneys ?duTy authoriaed, at the Treasury of the United States, in ,, Washing- " ton, and af the several Joan Offices, on the iuujvs ui w iiiuu muy poi viuii 01 sam stock may tand. . -- ; - - " - ' A surrrender of the Ortificates of said $tock .Will be required; at the time - of pav. ment, and the interest on said stock tvii! cease from and after the thirtieth day of Sep, .'''v SAMLV L SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the Treasury. A PUINCIPAL TEACIIBR iV wanted lit IY- th"i3 institution, well qualified to instruct youths of both sexes in all the branches of an English and Classical Education, , and to pre pare young men for entrance into the Junior Class of any College, in theiUnion. ; His mo ral character, ahii qualifications for teaching the Greek and Latin Classics, 'must be un? doubted. - . :-j-: j ' . 1 It is the" design of the Trustees to contract with a Gentleman; who will tae upon him- sell tne sole management and responsibility ot tne bcnooi, comprenending botli tlpptfrt nients, ...Male & Female,' supply the same with Teachers of his 'own4 choice, & furnish every other necessary , in consideration of which he will be entitled to regulate the price of tuition,, and to'. receive all the emolument derived rom. it. . I 17 7', . ; Thistplanis recommended by the experi- Lence,; tnat salary employments d not sti mulate to that5 industry and 5 zeal, which are necessary to the suecesful progress and reputation of a large School,- and has its foundatoin irv-that principle o'f-sellloye,which prompts the exertions . most where interest lies by identify ing the interest : of the Tea cher with the character ofj the School thus affording to the public the-surest guaranty of having their children faihfully taught. The-, Acaderoylo an'4..uuMin&s. are sitn. ated in Very pleasant part; of the town, on one of the; principal streets,'' arid in the neigh borbood of the : Kpiscbpal and Presbyterian Churches, t The lot is large; 'and well shaft ed in the front -yard, which communicates with tlie street oyer a stile (. The main build ing and wln are three stories high vvith double Portico in front, 'arid" is surmounted with a beiuUful 7Belfr:--ihe length4' and breadth -of the main btulclihg js about 65 by 45 feet, divided into -large apartment, sepa rated by large halls or passages througfi the centre. v . , -j . ; : "They are sufHclehtly capacious to accom modate a School of 200 soholarsaHd a. fami ly1, 'and the lot isf silpplied from a! Hydrant in the front yard with good arid wholesome wa ter, -; 7;-. :.: u-, - 7. sFew prospects can be more inviting than the present, to, a married -gentleman with a family qualified' to assist j in the school, or capable of taking boarders', (and such a per son the Trust eea 1 Would greatly prefer) for it combines the advantages of twp fold pro fits, to be .derived from teachingand board ing children front abroad., And when it 1 known that this Academy is situated in a town with a population of 3600 souls, & that there , is no Academy ! within 60 miles of it, in which the higher branches of learotng are taught, the striking advantages of this oiuf cannot fail to,make a. strong appeal to the interest and enterprize of the first talents v the country devoted from necessity to the Vbcationof Littrature. i 1 ; t ' The Trustees wUl lease the buildings, low &c, from the first day of January next ; ( he the present lease expires) tor one year : at terlwhich they will extend the term to a y number of yeara the contracting parties can agree upon.v'-: '' , Lerters,post post paid, may be addressw 1 to the subscribers M this place ; -i : - . , ... , 7, i LOUIS D. HENBT. -r-'7. 7 J i JNOW, WRIGHT, . Commiitee. iVW;t?-A0T7st: 19J:':1 81 bt m, w.. 1 a. v ; , mi iy oer oTTne Managers, r -' i : be the:certain arid inevitable consebuencfe:hf ? itif mmm mh?kWWi,' TUIOMAS Treasr;; .future neglecr omlon? 7 It t Th.. 1 . - , " " - " "i r - - - nH !M f '" . : - I.