. .'- . " ' , - ... .. . - . - , f . ! . 9 - ' k 1 " u , :i':: .-:::T;. ;-;.tNpR kjM, r - , -Jli tU l -J , 0f v-f;ii? - v- i M .ff r t S 1 V oriairdfeLghtful peace, 1 iu towjy.l ; x j Friday, Serptemberi! 23, : lfeS' '- m"riM, tnijiou j ,T-a . t f i j si This aftimahls native of I?orm, t.iitflir an Asiatic island under' the equattr, in 1 i niS eTternnf nnnpnranpa Ahi? Weo'mWn',t At FirEDollaw ner annumhalf inadvance. aufrin,, .with': tr&eck'lsbniewh rr ' : l--;v::-v H- , ;; ifJ-sfiorterrAnrt: the-heaaprojectinsAmorei "AD VEITIS JBtSfTSr ! forward. He was three feet nhil a hnlf ueiffnt. 1 He was rovers with h iiri Professor Badhdders of the , ;,fi ' Medical ''Institution. j '.X... kt4. j:f tv:i?ivtTv ;nprttbwWI m Deifftit. He was cb 4 tK fnf a Ailar: and cents ? forget eW I except his face,3the Dalrtis of the hartilfi succeeding 'publfcatiohri; those : 6f;'reater I and feet, which Avere ,all of the color of , h""; :"r r rr- t; i" Vr i mcHcgru, -nJie nairt.was or tne. dun eATtoxs tliankfullr received.;... Letters to J rn!nt. fri:,,: n:. . ih Editow must be pbst-M-'r' f '3 'r - j " ? tld, ! e suian aim uanusome,' lying ciosq UDon the heat?:7 1 TTi 'worn 1ol TYING OK.TH& C &ucrrpi ABTOm 'I eht; 'iomew-de andtakinO VOOT n alf THEjtf ndeS w the ' socket. 'HM.browlwupromtnentJ ie uau very, nttie nair ; on the brow.; ms nose was flat. Hi9 lips were Very large and thick, more so than those of .This was one of the1 most formidable I any negro I ever saw. His. chin was and interestinV operationsivjjicjv; has hroad and projecting, as was likewise , beeri.perTrmecEbyi.anysu the the iipperrjaw. 0 His chest was jound J United;States.il The patient was Spen- full and prominent. His shoulders were cerHubbar(1bast4athletic9Iabor vef I set back : His scapu lis were flat vpm7il fotkv resident a mV coe -Jbehi n df :' His Va'U t . was ' smal !. itf 'Deertleld w-1AfasaiuseitsvAb'6iiit His hips we flat anil narroy. lUsarms1 nyewejKs joeiorene operauon, re per-i wwcvcijr long, inc lingers reacning to ceivei a BmaliLfuhmovable,, bony, sortl the' ancles. His lower extremities were! DesIrablcEniily Residence, of a tum6rv aboutequidistant from the snort and small, in proportion- to the chin-and'ai Test of the animal. He. had the, spiral wa ;sui)bos1e(Fto roceVd from s6ne"afV lines lilce hurban, on the tins of the finJ iDDOsed to liroceed from sone af. Iins like human, on the tins fection of Uieibe(h.Tlie rapiciity of gers, and4 the lines of-palmistry on the! j it ;J 1' ' j 1 I ' j , ' v ' '. "1 ! I U .-v .1 n .1 1 " - J I I I ; aiS"grovxn;Trom"Tne uauusj auu aisa on me. lower, mnos. v covered; incetiHie patient to consult 1 vCapti Blarichard gives' the: following Steplilnil account of :his habits and "manner:" f surgeon, mt thafcyunnity, who at once - . A , i , lL . discovered th(i true, nature of tHe dis- . " P""0 theOctavia un-j easei and although he resorted th e vei d.e.r V1.0 frthlnilQna ;tv possible measure to disperseMt his aJ10f filt fur him, and was provid- -tL tjf aii-y-iL? rikLl ed withiDOultrv and -rice sufficient fri vuiv, oouc ui,ieueyiiii; nr, iiuouarti , 4 . . . . : "wfle-KV ih' nnoptttinn T 'TVio ' i voyage; : v a ptain jjiancnard Hrst (short space of five! weetfVom a! small l1!: lsl n 'tubercIe,i on Iie outsideof 'th Haw; ' , . . r ,. int under :thert;iritriiiriefif it inVrp f y hde sitting at breakfast, he heard I'll rliaol' Of-i 4 1rorv4-i-krt 4 K A Will distendin Cfouhtenancebb the other? A The oniUrV r?fil M&fkr iWi UU l.d CeorKe,-.by whicK -narae he passed. rodingandextrelfffitidr JriWil !f hun!fat table by direction of Jiamsto;adviSean bperatiod, bu Frrestier,-and after partakmg of beink-himself in ill health, desnatdred KY-Uf.9 uismisseu. ne Kept . " - I DIH timWf ATI Chin r-r-i rI I no n nnd -i - aBiwww ' u l M. m mm a iuiai mm . . a - A III! all in good order ; he cleared it of remnants yof food, &c. and - m cipal physicians ithccounty.were-as: 'wasnea .i dcii. .provided "einbte4 aM Water and a c otfi;r. the PUrPose: a orpnern! rnn. ltt;f, n! n-nl !le U'aS VerJ Cleanly m illS peiSOll atld .TrA,vci --:A..;fl I habits, washinar his hands and tace re- and in the same .-'manner as a was docile and obedient. t wow Id i though Hntrhelder.F ?!IOt. I e P.'inj f I, i all. times On.'Thiif.erVnvvT., Ifi -II J rl 1 1 OU t daily iinanimqusly, that an operation was he-I " . cessaryiibut that it;was ats6ldvli sable Su,ar,J to pass a. ligature found the carotid ar- "V 1 Ve ? uocne anu ol terKKoasbeinsma d of play and amusement; bu rrfh ArHArAr,oi cJ sometimes become so rough, a and studehjts havjng cbme-totheri U1 good temper, as to require correction whS.were particularly1 anxious to have Capt. Llanchanl, on which occa- fFTlE melancholy event which has occurred fJL' in my family, induces me to offer for safe mybeautiful and elegant Villa, formerlv V. Ji. Johnson's, within ten minutes walk of the centre of Warrenton J ; ; ' ' The tract of la'nd contains sixty-two acres orwiucn iorry are in woods and heavily tim bered with oak and! hickory, sufficient to turnish tire wood for a large family, forever with care and management. f 1 .! Tle soil is free, fertile and protluctive-1- xnejWater excellent and abundant the situ atioo hierh, air pleasant and h-ahli v. ? The improvements are an admirably built and hnished, and most commodious Dwelling riouse. containing-rooms below & 2 above stairs, , a dry and comfortable Cellar and se veral convenient' closets; a new framed Quarter 36 feet by 18 with four ; large rbonis and a chimney in the centre j a Kitchen, a Carriage House and Stables, an, Ice House, a Well of excellent water at the door, a hand some Yard and Garden well nailed in. top-e. ther with convenient lots under good fences. And hes' Ies other Fwit Trees. 450 Peanh and 200 healthy Apple Trees, of the most delicious sort : in short, everv thine that can be desired by a family. ; ,Not)iing but the severe bereai'ement with which 1 have been visited, could havs tempt, ed me to part witli this desirable and valua ble property. I am auxious to sell, and will grant a libe ral credit for the whole or any part of the purchase money. Possession can be had at any time. Application can be made to Gen. Robert It. Johnson, who 13 fully authorised to sell ; or to I ' WILLIAM EATON. September 3. I , 90eo4t ; THE subscriber, thankful for past favors,5 takes this method of informing his and the public generally, that he still conti nues to keep a House of Entertainment in Greensborough, N. C. at the Sirn of tlie PLOUGH. Having declined the Mercantile business,, his whole attention will be devoted to his House, which is supphed with the best the country affords. ! His Stables are furnish ed with provender of everv kind for horses, a steady and attentive Ostler ; aad he pledg es himself to give- due attention to all who may honor him witli a call. , .JACOB HUBBARD, Greensboro, N. Cj August 24. ' 86 3m jf N the vicinity of Iillsborough (N. C.) two iL Plantations, containing each about four hundred and fifty acres'; which for beauty of situation, excellence and abundance of water, and fertility, of soil, are not surpassed by any in the upper country. Also a dwelling- house wen suuaieci, in tlie town ot Hillsborough. nn- pauiunars, rercrence is made to Dr. Shaav Si Stephen I'aylr, near the premises in i lie cofiiur. . f Oransre.coimtv'Srit. 10.'- 1ft2.?.i QO VT THE Lottery , Sc ExchangBusiness uere .tofore conducted in, Raltimbrp; u.nder. the firm tf Cehen, JK An liichmbhd " aid Norfolk under the firm of V 71 &M."X"Co 72f?j...,and, in Philadelphia uiidr the iirm rt -i. vnet, . jswinerg, wui;tor tne. tuture be'eoriducted in each. place under' the. firm of J. I. COHEN, Jr. & BROTHElti Baltimore, Sept, 5, 1825. 91 1 10 Octi? WKaivtir Campbell, fNFORM? the citizens of Raleigh and the . public c;enerally, that he has commenced tbe 'TidfoHng business in this tftv, and wjll faithfully execute all orders in jhis line J He has on hand some articles of ready made Clothing, which will be sold oh good terms. Hefias been) taught fVard's mathematical rule for cuttings by AlexanderiCrossla'nd, of Varrenton, agnt for Ward. His''shon lis on Fayetteville street, nex't dohr to William i 1 Hompson's Cabinet VVare-RotJm- State of North-Carolina, ' LinppIniCounfy. s . -- Court of Pleai aud Quarter Sessions, iJl1crlBrjt ; iiV ..V; . Andrew IJoyle,' y - , ya' ,7 y?v ersfteirs 5c Leg,- tne j:e d Instate ot tees of Masbrt HiV2 ! Ia-W lvii; xled. Raleigh, August 20. A Journeyman wanted of stead v hahifs tr i v .... i - wtiom gooq wages will be given. ; 867t lYoanolw liand lo y Sale. - - - . . . . . . . . . . . IT'appeaving to the tXotirf;thathn'.'Hii-'. son and tlie otfter Leates of Mason Mti son,;deceased, are not inhabitants of " thii sinttk 'til therefore qrtler'rU by tfie-'Court that notice bepiibjishedteurwet JteghierS-recjuirin the1 s ild "Joliiv 1 Jluson ind the odf(er or any of the' legatees of tlie saicl Mason Iluson decease!, to appc.ir at the County Court of Ples ami Qnaner Ses sions, to be held fb said Countv aX tne ikiuil House in Lincolnton.'on the lonrthlond. v af ter the foirrth Monday .in Feptember next ; then and there to answer or demur to the said petition Y otherwise it will be tali en rSfo con. fesso ; and adjudged accordingly. 1 Witness V. M'Bee; Cler of 5 said Coirt,"ai:TLirtcoIi. ton, third Monday in Juvl825. p , ! -e VAUD UX M1 Ji E K, C O ; August 24, 1825.' V , V ;. 8.54w ; na ; -it lies on Roanoke Ri AltlSh Tsi.lllfl ftnrllflfo Tniin ri AanVoii T? , not more than thre mllB fi.f.i '!. I -. . f i ... . . t i . . ' its upper side near the river he ni- PnU n:ffin v ..; a 'half mile from MnsliiUand Prm I "vr J'JTKi tiiiiL ' ' v.V . ot the present year the Probable a-I B' tU.t th n,1 .. r:.i..u k: ! rTTlinS tract is situated in-Halifax county, . iNortn-usroli ver between Halifax atter V less than a survey mount ot acres is fourteen hundred eitrhtv three and a half, though the deeds hv which the said survey was was 'made were not very explicit, neither did they include the whole tract ot land The land, except a small nor tion, is of very good quality, and out of said sinaii puruon a spot mignt be selected8 which in Halifax county would be called a healthy anu nanusome site tor a residence. The sale will take place on' the tenth day of No vember next, m Petersburg, Va. before tlie cioor or xsidio-s I avern. Any person wish ing to purchase said land nrivalv can learn k , " i . .. ; . J - State of North-Carolina Johnston County,1;' , Court of P)eas and Qu:.r?t V, Sessions. MIKIIJI,1CHJU,1WJ.., a resident of this State : It U cnleud that advertisement, be m.de in the R,deitrh Re gister IJor three months, that unlfs ii.e-i.e. fendant Caleb"GrifHiSinneAm hi-cAi' ?itevi. County Court, to be held for piid Coun( r; a i the Court-Hoiise i S mith fi eld;' on ther 4t ;i Monday in November nex't.'tb pleI answer or demur,? judgment will be - entered nr.,- wnicrasii ami cxecunon issue acCJ)rtIihgly.i : Teste, v' '?RM. SAND EUSj Clk. A 1 L ....... Adv. S5 25 1 V 'uwfii;:;-' me irrms uy apj)ucanon to kelson & Minge, of j Pet ersourg, Va. There is a young man living on said land who will at anv time shew it to such as . wish to purchase. The laud will be sold to the highest bidder, at reserve. thje purchaser paying fifteen thousand dollars casn, and the balance of the purchase money " "ic uisl uay oi January, ivuj. DAVID MINGE. August 10, 1825. ! 86 4w i S tate of v tli-Caroli n rtj IMeckieiibui .CouxdijL r-urry, J Perry, y Petition for Divorce! A BRIGHT MULATTO MAN, has recent ly been put in the jail of this county, sus pected of being a slave, and runaway. He is 5 feet 6 inches high, about 25 years of are 11 Gray ?T? appearing to the S3tisractioTi: j)f, the, Court, that the defendant is not resident in this stat e,f spthat the ordinary process of Law,; can be "served oh hinis It is therefore ordered .that pobllcntion be I made threft months inr the Raleigh Hecrister. iUut unless the defendant appear at ' our n-xt- Speripr : Court of Liw.td be- held for said f)tiniy, at lucuun-' uouse- Hi lj i:ir o tp. nni I hr. 7U Monday after the "4th Monday in Sent.-nihi v next, and pleadsanswer or "demur.'thereto." is hair dun coloured and rather 'bushy.' and "ie 'J,il,n s dion will hetakeiipro con yesuaric. He says his nameiis Henrv Wil. ' k-'. : i .... - . ! i .. ;v..i.i 4 'r..n .'.. f .t.. . . . i iiiiii'ii in r tahlp. nod fantiod hv -r tlP and refresh-' oou ce paddy m general, out - - - nr" - , i was erected on la greeriyacross the.way, "Where the patient sions ne would lie down and cry very :ie voice of a child , annearin . . ' l I o His sorry for having civen ottence. food was rice paddy ii tJ he would and did eat almost any thin 1 it n An'rv oc 4v! . A 4 1-h rk iI tl A i in a is scarcely necessary to make any re J Prepared for him. The paddy he some- marks upon Ihisvpirt or preparatory unseat wit n mo.asses, and sometimes .opeValioS riitlis; .,urt: V- Tca:coflee, fruit, &c. he was xvith the lossiof rtttle blood, the nsrht "Aand wasm the habit of coming njarotid arterv?wasdrawn up 'from bt tween the imuscies expeditiously:, and vith little-pain to the patient, tied with n sironar ligature. M ine ' ' t t wound oeinc: ncatl y.c losed vyi th adhesive straps Hubbard wal ked1 back to the . h m a iir. ouse. Durincrthe mdit,rhe hail but little pain ; slept some, and had. a gool pulse. The next tlay atl oclck Jane-ir,. the faculty, having assembled, ami the pa tient agaiiv placed upori the table, the operatoxCmade an incision from the a gle of thetuouth. to the lobe of the ear, and another, vertically, from thejeen treLthfc underjipi optjuo tlie pchu ir dami:!AByllaJ delicatendissecXiod, in xvhich the f projsoriexhibited hisj tho rough acquaintance with surgical ana- tain v, tne; tumor was exposed, mere were not lost, tliro'u this may be imputedtoe thei excellent precaution -or securing 'thecarotid on the preceding day.! (..V ' liy.one of jley's saws,; the iawwa ten . taken oft. at the anjj;Jefand at the rij;ht mental foraulert ; by vhich means, abou t -:t wd h ch es i n P etigthiof'.thetjaw buried surrounded rby the -tumor i was readily extracteilrThe tumor,unon examinanonprov ed'tb be;dr a Cartila ginous. consistence j -approximatihs : to wuue. gej to4hc table at dinner to partake of wine ; tins was, in general, claret. His mode of sitting'was tin an eleva ted seat, and not on the jloor. He was free from some of the peculiar propen sities of monkeys. His bowels were in general regular; given by Mr. Forrestier were, in cases of sickness, to give pun 'castor-oil.' It was administered to him once on the beginning of the passage, and produced full vomitinjr with effectual re iief. : He sickened a second - time on the latter part of the voyage, and rejected the attempts or tne captain ami several strong men, to get tlie oil into the jto- macn. ; ile continued to rail gradually losihg his appetite and strength, until he died, much emaciated, soon after the ey liams, and that he was porn nar Loui'sburg, Franklin county, speaks easily, and very wen, proiesses no traae and can write a little. If he is a slaye, his o wner is requested to Hlu,c "' tu ue s pay ine jenarges upon him, and take him away, or he will deidt witn, as is required by the law. JOS. GARRETT, ShfT. Wasliington c7ty, N. C.O June ll. j. M.muxcinsDN. V Stale of Npt th-CarDlIHa. July 2r, 1,25. 80-6m Vmthahwoills, oflitood shipvanchorei; Obstruction. o rV.iK iKA" ..UTiior ToVmn oi 1 ooweus was no douDt tne causey oi his ucuii. api. jjiuuciiaiu uscu iu leei his pulse at the radial artery and des cribes it to be like the human. It was probably quicker. His mode of' walk ing, was always erect, unless when tir QURAN GTOUTANG. An Ourang Ou'tang, or Wild Man of the wSods was brought7 frornatavia to Boston, in; the. sh'ip dcyaviaCiapt. -oianchard. :but! hk? on h ' firwt 'ght after his:'aniva.!.-ThefoIlovVing an accofnt of 'this singularnimalf af.er dissectjon, by.Dr. Jeffries i iU v : , , '. Ik ed f he would then move or rest on all fbutS' l;C;A..-Vt? -i - ' j . Toy :8avi IVcivtv rgiuAT: large , and pojivenie.nt, Dwelling M. t IIouse,'vvith every. necessary outhouses and, gardeni, whereon .Mrs. "Ann,. Falconer lately resided, situated in the lEastern part of.the City, on Newbern Street. : By an ear ly application a great bargain might be.had intlie purchase of the above property- . .pos session'glven immediatery.' , Terms o Sale, one and two years credit;; ; ;,'., . I-, .r. Apply to : ;-".' " .: . ' - ( . ; i ; henrv m, duller. . Raleigh; Sept.' 7th, '1825;. ' . .. '89-lra w; i."t ki a rxj For sale at thia office Just IveccW AT the Book-Store of Joseph Gales 8c Son, the following New Rooks: Crusaders 4 vols, in two, ; - Foresters by Author of ' Lights snd onauows or scottisn .Lire and of Mar- garct Lindsey," Last Days of Lord Byron, by Pi-rry, Arch hold's and Christian's Blackstone 4 vols. j . Ropr on Property, 2 vols. &c. &c. a t fs a " a V - ' . one Cow' &c' Also at the same time and e An assortment of Paint Boxes, Paints and place; will be let out to the lowest bidder niauuiiery An cieSJ rltutl i erford C ou n t y s r ; James Tliompson, .Goohl . I ioy t,"y i'., rC James BI Murray, j.rtluir Bron- Bill tofora- son and others,:? i . Vclose mort- " Vi Jiiiou Hotel. THE Subscriber haviner mir- T 1 .1 . t . tiiHsen inis tsiaDUsnment, on Fayetteville Street, lately occu- pied by Jlfrs. Jarah Jeter- is now m readiness to accommodate Travellers and Boarders. He tenders his thanks for the na- mm Augustus Sacket. ? j ? T appearing to I he satisfactioirofthe Court estlay the 11th day of October next, not an inhabitant of this St,te j it is, onlered will be sold at the Shoo bf the lat- Dr that nnhlimiinn k JI"T,erea ' JeremialvBattle, dee'd in the ity of Raleigh, cessively gReg that unle on a credit of s.x months sundry articles, to he appear at the next 'boor! S 'frYttbl wit : all his Medtcine and Shop Jb urniture, a- held for Rutherford cbilhtv, at the Court rood selee.twin rkf f A-i;..1 t i . . ... ,. ? w'-v. r. "7o v j-w,:-.. uuicr uouse m Kuincrfordtrov on the 3d Mondav Books ; Surgical lnstrumenti i On Horse, after the 4th:Monny ofSeptember neir and oneCow &c. Also, at the same time and plead, answer or-demuAo place, will be let out to the lowest bidder nlaint-fi!e,l a,ro;nct k;. : ... L " ?Vcom for life, an old Negro Man beloneinir to the konfrssfY. nd h,.A n f P tiSiaie ot said dec d. 1 lie dui chasers will be I Tc t . v 5- . . "lav U. ' - jl r required to give bond anrl approved security. V JESSE BATTLE, Adm'r. ( Sept. 14. . .., -.. ,v 9 lids , . State of -North-Carolina , ' Rutlierfbrcl C-"Yuhty. . -; "'' -' - IiR(icitt; i. f' 1 Spring term; 1825. ?t Ifil uavid Patterson, ' ' t rv f : ; William Hollowflvfind' ?-ygmal Bill. jamin Jordan.' r '-" " ' ) u XT appearing to the sntjsfaction of the Court that the defendants' . . ..ww. iiiiiauitdiiig i; i . - . . .... .. .. . THE undersgned, Executbf of Samuel tronage and friendly support hestowed upon I Walkerof Granville county,! decd. hereby I.: . i i- , ., J . I ffmL.: - i imw ai ins lorraer sianu, anu assures tne rub- j nwiic, mai u i nomas uicKinson, tne lie that in his present situatjpn, every exer-1 Legatee, to,whom sundry Slaves, viz. a Negro tion win oe made to conduce to the comfort 'an-vme, anu ner unuaren, tne. proper- arid pleasure of his guests, lie will be pre- j tv , said deceased were left by will, many parea to thirty Me Assembly, lEs JSur vf 'iW be constantly supplied with possession, on or before the l'4th of Novem- the next Court of Equity, to brel t for the the best, and choicest Liquors. i ber tlie sad Negroes will on that day. be piit cwmty of Rutherford. t tffe Courthoii- ?. "i''ul c,,uu5 anu.soiu in oraer to i rtuinenoruton onlhe 3d Monday after- ihe defray the charcres iricurrel in their Rii-nrnT. LAfh MnmUwfc-.ui . - w ,v k.VL?? u:'f Topieaovumiwer or demurlo the cbmplaT riaiiMin, way iu, ioo. . i oo-om. j l .no w hied against them, or the ijmeVIll-i, i Tablet with! the bt st the country and marset win anora. llis stables wlucli are commodious and large, will be attended by faithful and steady Ostlers. ; j JOHN W. PULLEN. j Raleigh, Sept. 12, 1825 j- ; illl : State of North-C arol i na. : " Rutherford county. Superior Court of Law. ' ! -r April term, 182'5.4 ' r- .' V' t annv Garnsou, 1 ' " v. v Petition for divorce. Jacob Garrison. taken pro c6rifess.o, and heahl einartei1 nt e May A.' J 'OIH A T her large j and commodious two story ia. House on ravetieviiie to the Court-House, commodate street, opposite rt-H6use, is well prepared to acj fore ordered by Courts that ipu htteen Members ot the approach- made three months in the Ralek Superior Court of Law My Term. 18 W111I Vdjr.Cb-VUlCn . V f. " -; . I v.. v ".'" Court that Jacob Garrison.1 the deferi'dant. I EliiahlDay. bthewr;APe!, for order : u is, mere-1 neirs at taw ot no. nav, I r . w . uu. and ing Assembly with Board ; and takes this Registergiving notice to thdlfenVlant tluit 1 ElHah Day Philio nt?:' opporiun.ty toimorm tn,m, that every at. he appear at the next Superior Court of Law RichOayton aid his temion shall be!pad, ?oas;to render their to be held for Rutherford ountt atthe ford S heed and his .wife Sat " entertainment comfortahlei anrt abTv!1hie2 r.-, :-..;.tr-. r, i - m ,c ' Jas. aatte: - ti'.5 K... .ri, " i- - ; vvmuiuuac in .uiiienoTciionlQn me ju jon- j neia anu uis wire rances,.Defendanta Ir tl,-c er house affords a number of eonve- dav after ith Ad"Tii;;ol; ocw. : L. ct .ttPt3 10 u s nient and orivaterDomsJsnrl h Kaa ondn-i I 1 au . t . , 1.-. . u'5mu m m j btati : , , " -i - r - : ,stsr ?i, vueii ana mere xo answer, pieau or ae-1 it is oraerea oy tne COurt. that nubKratlr ifnonnn.n'.ni.. . l. . - . -. y - p , : j Mre.Mwciuiaais ar. w ilccu"im?' 1 y. witness, James Morris Clerk" of said pear at the. nexv term of this Court ri,.., an excellent Stable Court; at office the 3d Monday after the 4th answeV or demur, otaerwise . iudiroef- Wlth ?0T' fodder Monday- of March, -A. D. 1825, and m the 1 betaken against them pro confesWo ei x1 essary. --Her terms 4Q(h'M. f . w: i; a u.fij . K Tl" mf . I aw I ft. klU A. A luL . llt..lll.l.llA.r. I I L l I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 C II I w 1 PBI n f . . - ot board are low and Teacnn-ht : . , 7 1 r k" dated as usual,'as there is an excellent Stable on the lot, Well furnished 8Q-rt

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