4- - The following.. lines r'e.m;th.e!.Mlsof ' ' "Ki&gara," and among all the tributes of ; the Musc to that preat wonder of nature, we do not eracmb er-'anya- eotnprehen si Ve and CthVsamelime so - geographically correct wAs this; vss l ne tn.oueiixsareuiig "":y, . . - - brain, i , ; ! - WVdi look tinward to thee. It wouldseera pjus, if God poured thee from his hollow hand' s And hiing his' bow upon thy awful,frorit;'v And spoke in that loud voice, which Seem'd y to him v:-' - "'.7' '-" S ' lr Vh id dwelt inPatmos for htstSariotirs sake-, .The sound of manv .waters i and had bade Thv flood to chronicle the ares back," vAndnotch His cent'ries in,tli eternal rocks. Deep calletli unto deep. And whatare we, r That bear the question of thatvoi t the question ot tnat,vojce su.wune nli t iir ? Wt itl Ti t-irttra Kot Tpr riiriip! .' l-'rm war's vain trumpet by thy thundermg ves, what is an xne not man can maice t Jn his short life, to thy unceasjr?,Tar!. ? ; And yet, bold babbler, what art thou to Him .v"-' Tho drownda world and heap'd the, waters - ' - j ",..,. p ..... r ' . ; V'AboVe its loftiest mountains? a lightwave That breaks & whispers of its Maker's might. 4 I,v.,. , , . i j j. .. - - "" rsriIIE. VVardens of the Poor for the county U, of Wake, will let the maintenance pf lhe paupers of sard county," at the Poor fcfous fc es thereof, on the first Saturday in November t hext t for one. year,, to commence Jtom tbe rst.dajr of February -.next, i There is a goid 'house, and plantation for. the: accommodation of the y contractor,' and cash will be "paid in r. advance jllond with appvoved security will be required. , Bv Ordervr r. 'i-. 'A- 4. y, -s t -WOODSON' CLEMENTS. 4 Sent.;15, 1825. 92 ,eow-3t State of NortKrCarolina, L 'ilrA r tUockinfttiamCounty. : 9, .1- , Court of Pleas and Quartef'Sessiohsi f . - -.v 'August erm,iioov P r -' . V 1 C Judicial att. levied on land.' f ' George Martin " V 5TT aPPea""8T t? the satisfaction of the coiAt, . U' that the "defendant in thiscttse is not an Inhabitant Of this State: ft is ordered, by the t i 'Court, 'that publication b e made for 3 months successively in'the Raleigh Register," giving 1 vHotice to tlie said defendant to appear atlthe t, . trext Court "of Pleas and Quarter S essions to : be held for the county of Rockingham at the Court-House in (Wentxvrbrth,5 on the" fourth jTi Monday of TJbvebertiextj' and' replevy f-plead to issue; or demur, Orolherwise udg "-rinent will bcentered up' against him. A " -i'.ti ro. GALLOWAY, C. C. C; 'i i : , ' M 1 f" ) ' - 4-GIiinarGIass&?Karthen;,Ware ." 'Four doors from. the,'. Coffee iHouse.M.t , i -rjlHESuDscriber -late of; the 'House- f ' S.rs Bummer &Heropsted; (Petersburg) .has received 300 Packages of the abovear; ' " ,ticles"per the' latest arrivalsfrom Liverpool, l romprisiDg a complete, assortment ., of new M are and very l)eautifurpaterns,7whicu He " Shelves, n as favorable terms as any House f .-L i'-av! utT ALSO, firiT 1 ,r; 1 '14 sacks Bristol Porter Bottles, " s f f l ' f i r .30 cases half pint Tumblers. ' :' ' . i4"iB; lIE3!PSTED,Jiasneawmeptt " to re'eei ve," p er Xine of Pabkets from Livcr , pool, constant addition's ' 6 ' his assortment, - which will enable him to execute 'orders -oh 'r cry favorable .terms:- ' 1 ;l t'-J . S N. B-'Noi-th-Carollna money taken at par. v ' ' ' : ' - B. HEMPSTEU. I Noticci it t ; 7" IT A'.' lost the Certificates offive shares Ji-ot .tl;c Capital St ocK tt tire Bank of Cape- - J-ear, viz :-NTos: 111 , 1 12, 1 1 3 1 1 Jll 5f "CAnd I shill, at the expiration tbf o- mdntlis, 'frtnn the nd-itef this notice,' ?apply f6rcriew Certificates of fskidJ'Stoclt.w All persbns pre ' tending to have any claim to said Certificates - are hereby noticed to make, known their cluim ,.. r'XUCY CtTTIAU. rilmmon,"juniel?18 f Aulhorised'by'Special'Act of Assemblyi ;t COUDEN iXKECli .LODGE,-N04 74, C f - ' --"- --' v I r. 1 r rs. r ' " ' '"' !.!" rf)?: iJii??. 19 $ 4 SfJOO'is ris 1:- J5 ,AW IS inn 1 'OOOt 1000 IOOO' 7500 ' ' Prizes - 'u$M00bf V J'M SJCI Blanks b-Htu ?v '400(--7ic9 ityispiop6'Ti .- J-' 13 rawing to commence Yn WitTOjir as sobh vsi3 "a Sufficient :nam!erprckefsshallhW'e been sold.Superiute"hdetlby tlie foil bjfrinc ALEX'Rf HENDEHSONj A I1C H I MEDES DONCTflO, "THOMSli STEVESr SAM UELs WATKIN'S V , ; SAM UEL W ATKINS . i .1 - f -'' A? 'i.Rn -i.VL. Itf&.V ,, !' nf. (-r!! fnr ir.v holt r;;j'i;in,?. the Caai; ; will bcv fiankfulfy;;jrVceiyed'antl f i Tickets Fjre Hollars each;Tickets to be .,naa irom Affents.suUngim .the-hiiVreijf ; tQw..ns villages and public places . throughout J3y order of the Managers, (i . j-. - , . ;.r:. THH-iriL THOMAS, Tfeasr , arc a:Jd I Importer and Dealer in China; iiiass and , ' " : , Earthen Ware, . M AS received his Fall Assortment of the above, comprising every article in the liner and is one of the most splendid ever of fered in this market, alj cf Svf.ichlarc'of thfc latest impoi-tationsj andfrom the best Man ufactories in Europe, and, wille'sold low for Cash,or 6nraT liberal .credit, at his "Store on Sycamore Street, fronting Bollingbrooke Street.",' . -rpctcrsburrl3tlrS&ptn 82Srr- 92 V 3ust TviblisVvd - a- :i' B Y'JrG ALE S & S ON," And for sale aMheiTB6ikstnre -jPrrf 40 Cts. ahd'atall the other Bookstoreijn $he State. T.TTh EMAUKSitiu fBishop KaVensc'roft's An- JUL swer to the Statenients coniamea in jriu- fessor Mitchellfs Printed Letter ot the lth February last( ) l i ( . , 1 . " Except to repel force be to assamt,. and to give punctual and necessary; answers to rough and unreasonable demands be o make invpctivpn. we are confident ' the 'world will accuse us of too, much mildness." ; "ATinff Charle Declaration of J . . -n, i i ' : o o 'tooe' -' , '. ; 1640. Raleit -Office of the friar rent oji Reporter, r , A September 16 1825. WE deem it proper to. announce ,to our patrons and the public, that after the .close of the present .volume of the Reporter, which will be on the 4th of October, we con template enlarging its s:2e to &'Jfedium sheet. The first number, of the 2d vol. will appear on "the IQthioR October,1 and continue to be published every f Monday, and Thursday, af. ternoon, in order regurly to meet each der parture of the main Western mail. By this cliapge, our paper will be distributed on that route, twice a, week,. instead of only, one, as at present, which we hopfi , and believe will bean inducement for. a more extensive pa tronage to our labors, from tlie counties thro' which that mail passes. - . ? - i f For the semi-weekly paper, the price will be advanced to four dollars per annum. - For the accommodation of such, hfwever,as irtay, from the regulation of mails; have an oppor tunity pf receiving them only once a-week, or for any other reason may pTefer it, we shall issue also a Weekly .Paper, which will con tain Tie-as " matter exclusively, save the first insertion pf all nevt Advertisements. Price three dollars per 'annuni. ; ... Such pf our subscribers as may conclude to receive the totekly r'. Reporter only, will please signify, their intention as early as prac ticablej through; Postmasters or by private conveyance, i Those who remain , silent, we shall consider as wishing to continue the emi . f r V Stiate of North-Carolina. ? .l.iuW b Trektury Office; 1st Sept. 1825. , fJlHE public Treasurer, in conformity with " his Usual custom,- hereby takes leave re spectfully to remind the Sheriffs and other Revenue 'Officers of the State aforesaid,' that the'time is now'atJ hantl when the laws re quire that their public accounts for the cur rent Vear shall be settled and finally balanc ed and closed at the Treasury Department. - tlO JOHN HAYWOOD, Pb. Trtas.J u Teasitry Office, 15th August , 1 825. STATE QFiNORT H -C A HOlJ IN Al I T 1 1 E Public Treasurer Considers it his du ty.to'invitQ the attention of tha Clerks andSberifT? of this State to the provisions of the acts of the General .Assembly, passed in .18221823, & 1824, for.tlie promotion of Agriculture and family domestic Manufac tures."1 ; ""Tl -tU-v ; . f I)y these acts, the Clerks of .the Count', Superior and. Supreme Courts, and Clerks and Masters in Equity, are required, at the first term of the Courts of. which they are C jerk's Respectively, , after,ftbe flst day of A yi gust in achand'every year, to( make a state ment on oath, of all monies remaining in their hands,-and which were : received by them officially, tliree years or more previous there to ; specifying thereiit the amount of each separate,claim, and the name of the person to-whom the same is payable i and if there be -no snch monies in their hands,- they Vre to makeanldayit of :the"same i. which return or affiUavit, the Judgepr Chairman of the Court before whom it s made, shall cause to be transmitted to the'i'ublic Treasurer on or before, the 1st of December, in the same year, andUhe said clerks, after.making such state ments, arc to pay into the Treasury, on or be fore the 1st of December, all the balance so stated to be ih their hands.- Every clerk a foresaid failing to comply; wjth these requisi tions, forfeits $1000 to be sued for and re covered by the Public Treasurer, in Wake Superior?Courtl?vandis morever liable for all the monies in' his 'hands';: as aforesaid And on failure to pay over the monies as aforesaid, such clerk may beiroceeded against by the Public Treasurer, in any Court of record in li ke manner as defaulting revenue officers. Every persou who has heretofore been clerk of any court of record in this state is" to ren der. W the-court of which., he may have been clerk, a statement of moni es Ve mai ui ng i n his hands as aforesaid, and shall account and pay-over the same, in the same . manner as clerks in' office,v 'and under the like penally for failure j-i-anct it is made the -duty of the 1 Aw officers'.'bf the state fbr the circuit in which such-person shall preside, to cause) a "ci.;fa.. to be issued against him (on his fai lure l0 mike return ancl payment returnable to the. S;Mperior Coirt.of tiiecounty in which siich: pers Vn.reaideson wlijchi , the court is to 1 fendeKjudgm'ent'for sufficient excSxse be -given for the failure, f ,' 5 All Sheriffs in office at the. time 6f passing the act of 1823, are' reo;uired,atthe , same times, tb render k f liket state ment aiid to ac count in the same manner, under V like pe-nahy'- " v-' .ft if . . r jWhite the Fiiblic Trealurer takes : pleasure in testifying to the punctuality of many of the present and ftrmer clerksihctadibgsoihe pf our most distirtgpuished citi2ehs of theJTesent day,1 it: is with much regret , tht he is con strained to add, there remain still many who are defaulters urider these laws i; ''-'-''S Waiving idl other considertions, theTrea surer would-hereby respectfully suggest to those concerned, that it is ertptnly far more easyj 'and will f eventually prove tcr4 be less troublesome1 ahU expensive to" furnish Vo luntariiy and forthwith the returns- Required : by-law, thati byJoiTgcr-neglect or delay to risque the being subjected to' the pmpullo- ry. process of t hercourts, w hicfiinust & will be the certain an'd inevitable consequence of future neglect or c L "t-i J01IN omission. : ; - k : - 4 IXArWOOD, P. Trcai'r. r-r V V 1 1 T AIT AT.' AY . om the Sr. 3cr,. r on U y , 17h Ar- :-:t, -a negro mm PRED1 -IuUxm abot six icct highyciiov complex- ion nleasant countenance, an excellent mir dler, arid very fohd of the company of white people, nas a pienunu siorc wi nupuuv'wc s fond of dress, and has )vithrhim,,a quanti, ty cf Vcod cbthesJ 116 was seen in Green ville Dutrict,. Cn the 26th Au-usVi-id. n? a small noor norse. msnuuie ucu ucmim WtnrftTiil in comoanv with a suspicious look ihg'lwhite mkni 1 who. was on foot and' said that, he" had bought, the negro of, me, and that he ,2ived-in.Greenville.istrict,, .Ibc aboverreward will .be given fbrj the apprej hnno nn nt thp tipfiTO . anawmie 'man, -aiiu their.aDPrehensioiu, so that J can gtt hold p thm - or twentv dollars for the: neerro,,ajitl thirty for m t. '.J- - ... ..,,. U, .4, taewhite, man. ;;ilt. u- i j ... JAMES jCAMAK.' .' lilledgevillei Sept' 5. 91 4w.f AT. THE SIGN OF THE f . . - . l. r ., i , ' . ... . 2, fit Y100 Jarcf West of the Stdte-House.) fTTIHE Subscriber respectfully iinforms his lsl inenas anil tne puonc generally, inanie tontinues to keep a House of Entertainment in Italeigh, for the accommodation of Tra- ..ii i-"ii"- .i. . i. , : !-.' t....1!; yeuers ana an oiners wno may iavor.inm with a call. He is also prepared to board twelve or fifteen members of the approaching General Assembly. His fare, will be good, ana ins terms reasonable. He keeps an a- bunant supply of Com, Fodder and Oats sind as he is about to erect new Stables, will ih a short time have the best Stabling for horses. - - :f . ' i JOS1AH 1HLLIARD , Baleigh, Aug. 24, 1825. v . ,84- . -v September isi:1925. 1 nnilE several Regiments in the counties of JL Surry, Wilkes and Ashe, composing the Ninth Brigade of North-Carolina Militia, will be reviewed by Brigadier General Solomon Graves at the following times and. places, viz't'Ki.i,:. v -.ivv ' 'f'f-? ,'.! '"'-'":;.:.' The first, and second ftegiments of Surry, at Rockford, on Friday, the 21st of October. The first and second Regiments; bf Wilkes, at Wilkesborough, on Tuesday, the 25th of October.; ' -V ? ;i?r.2.o.---v 4:.;-;! . s ifThe'Batalionsor Uegiment of Ashe coun ty,, at Jeff erson, on Thursday, the "27th October.:-: f;- - t-'.r. .'7.:.rV ; I . iS h The day preceding the above stated days. it is required, that the Commissioned Officers Regimental,' Staff, Principal Musicians, anc two Sergeants fspm each company' of Infant ry, shall attend at the place hereby appointed for their respective reviews, armed and equip ped as by law directed, for the purpose of being disciplined in the art of wari On each or ine anove , mentionea ays auty win pe required to be commenced precisely at ele ven o'clock. , ' f - - By Order i XITLE IIICKET1SON, J ?,-. : -.-I , h? W ' Aid-de-Camp f : Litle Hickersnn, Esq, is duly appointed & Commissioned Aid-de-Camp, in the Ninth Brigade of the "North-Carolina Militia, with xne uanK 01 Major ; wno is to De Known ana respected accordingly r t , I r. y t h ., w 3r . S. GRAVES, .Brigadier General, Ninth Brigade North 1 Carolina Militia. ! September 10,. 1825. - 9(5-3t" "Tfl"ISS B ALLANTINE will open a Seim -LjfXVnary for Young Ladies, on the 5th Sep tember inst. at Gen. A. Graves' in jthe upper end ot Caswell County. The situation isve r pleasant and adjacent to the -Rockingham Springs. A . ' (The course of instruction will be; carried on in a regular : system, embracing all the e It ! f l- .', , acieniinc ana Mrnamentai crancnes necessa ry! to complete the Female Education.! She will also deem it her imperious duty to pay particular attention to the morals and man ners of the Young Ladies committed to her care. . a .: " ' ' ' A ' '-A- ' A Pupils fronva distance can beaccommolat- ed with board by Mr?. Lea; whose residence Is quite convenient to the school house. Her teams' of b-krd are $35 per seslion.t The first Session will end on the 20th of December neixt ; and a, proportionable deduction will be made in the price of tuition and board oh ac count of the shortness Of the-session. J i PHICES OP TUITIOX. For the 1st Class, - - $10 00 2d : do; - , - . - 12 c50 3d and 4th Class, ,45 00 All Ornamental Branches will betaucrht'at the; usual priqes.-,H . -. ' 4 j A, v. j, . Caswell County, Sept. 1, 1825, . 883y . t -t 'A "- '" ' 'A- " " I ' J-o RAN AWAY from the subscriber, three Netcro Men, viz. , Frederick. Tom anrl Pompcy. ' Aw :r ? '. A - 1 f 'FREDERICK, of black complexion, about IS. pr;20 years bf age S feei'5 or benches high of thin visage, speaks slow when spoken to, no Visible mark as I recoUeet of except 1 1 thiiik that his right fore -finger is'jstifPfie ; ab sented himself on' the 20th of March lasti Frederick is from Virginia. : V 'i l,r- ) rTOM is'of a tawney complexioni 30 or 35 years of age, 5 feet 10 or 1 1 inches high; blink eyed, and as well as I reCoUectis lame in his left leg, occasioned when Small by the white swelling, and a scar oW one of his wrists, oc casioned by a cut of a. knife. Tom is from NrthrCarolinaAA ;v.?-,,jSjl..,r.jS-i i:-4. i iFOMPEY, is very black! and some of his front. teeth out j'about 5 feet S or 6 inches high, lias a scar over one of his eves or on his forehead, and speaks very quick when spok L ;a. Hompey is from Charleston, and for merly belonged to John Billings of thaVplaee. ' -'I- think it, very orbbable that-th h.-iv naidlo anr n son who will deliver the said-NeeToes t5 -me iiTingin r arrntiu district, SC. or lodge the: in any jail so that I get them; ; - !ft. f JOU N HARRISON. August 5. 6leo2in 4 1 1 Tail. C t 2 Jr. ted Z i.l 22 on 3 re- I s loll c'.ed r - - City oi i? utiingioii, until uuy oi October, next, inclusive. . v ' ;IN NOBTII CAROLINA; ' . ,. ..... . . . i . -. . ... . 103;.Fron Ashville by .rhihp . Bntaia C.-CV Caroons, rstatoe Gar, M'Kir.nf y's ; 1 1 tie River, Keowee, a:id Bovasloti,jto renege; ton c. h. S. Va once. in two weeks. a. th: and : arrive at Pendleton c. h. on Sun- dayty 6jm. ' ,-1 " : ' , IaveiPendletonevervckther 'Mondav at 6 ft. m. iiim. auic i nsuviiic uu , i wv.su.; ,104.,FJomJRaleigh'by-Iittle.-atJxjnes it 1 oa mii; j : , ; , t idaV at 6 it m. and Fridnv at 5 . .m. : -1 Leavev Raleigh'eVe'ryFnday arnve at Havwoocl the same s Leave Haywood every, Friday vtK5 andarrlve at Raleigh on, sntiirdav, by nooo . 105.' From Statesville by Mount Pjsgah 99 a a. v. o v v ' Leave Statesville every Thursday at 6" A.lrn ana -arrive at wiiK-esDoioue-iitne samc aay ; eaveWilk esborot every .yvednesrtay at m: d ?Te-J..? ftteiW;e',v "106. From Kaleish by Fish Dam, Stagville and Mount Tirzah to Roxboro?. v T i leave Jtaioigu every rxiuay ; i u n th. uu arrive at Roxbora. on Saturday by 10 a tn. , , Leave.Roxboro, every- Sattirday, at, noon, and arrive at Hal eigh bn Sunday by 4 p ml 107. From Lincolnton by j. FiVlIenWil'er's Rvinsville ahd Mooresboro' to Rutherfordton, 47 miles.. ': J . .1" ff v Leave Li ncolnton , every Wednesday at 6 a m. ana arrive ax uuinenoraton oy Leave Rutherfordton every Thursday at 4 '.'l .. '. ' I" .H.i 1... ft . " a m. and arrive at Linc6lnton by 8 ft,m, 1 - :108. From -T Elizabethtbwn by 'Beatie's I Bridge and Iong Creek Bridge, 'to Miltori.f i Leave Ehzabethtown every? Thursdav at 6 a m. and arrive at Milton the. same . day ; by Leave' Milton every Thursday at 1 m. and arrive at Ehzabethtown the same' : day by, 8 109. From Onslow court house to "John A- ... .... . ; ...... t.,...Y.. ' 'i ,"..' '.'it ! " Everett's, 12 miles. - ; H. .: f 4 f .Leave Jnslowc. n every -Wetlnpsday at 6 m. and "arrive at Everett's b v. 9 miht I Leave Everett's every Wednesday by 11 U T B1H1C itl WIISIMW M. II. UV -O l . .. i .. 1 . - I 1 i 1 . 1 - . " . I Tt xw :uy.caii a o.orc, Rocky Biver and George Smith's to Salisbury 60 miles, & to return by Wadesboro', Rocky River, Allentown&Lawrencewiileto Wades- 6oro'5rmiles:.-;t7:7:;. f . Leave' Wadeshof b every Monday at 6am. and arrive at Salisbury on Tuesday by llVz wLj t Leave Salisbury every Tuesday by 2 p m. andj arrive at AVadesborp on Wednesday by ay by r ? ok's, 'ffht's I ll.From Pittsboro by Jo. I. Brook' W. Lindleys Store J. Carter's, Albright' Storey Long's Store, Iladley's Mills'and Me bane's Store, to Greensboro, 58 miles. . ' Leave (Pittsboro' every Monday at 6 a m. and arrive at ., Greensboro on Tuesday j by noon. -.. . , 1 Leave Greensboro- "every Tuesday by 2 p n and arrive at PittsDoro on, Wednesday by 7 p m. ' ' 1 ' 112. From Charlotte by Hopewell Church by Beatty,s Ford,20 miles, f. ' ', L.eave Charlotte every vednesday at 6a m and arrive at Beaty's Ford the same day, by a m. r . . 1 ; ! Leave Beaty's Ford every Wednesday by 2 p m and arrive at Charlotte by 8 p m: 4 ;i , 11J. trom Salem by Clemmonsvdle; Riddle s Ferry and Yadkin, to Mocksville 23 miles i 4 Leave Salem every Wednesday! at fl ,a m iiMU'OiuBiii ujr idt, hi iiuuu. . t ...... . t Vj , v Leave' Mocksvilll every1 Wednesday by 2 p m and arrive at Salem by 8p ml ' ' A" .114. iFrom Murfreesboro' by Winton, Pitch Landing and . Colerain t li : Windsor, ; once a week, 52 miles., . At . ftj t ,,t't . , - , Leave Murfreesboro ,every 4 Wednesday at 4 m and -arrive at Windsor the same day at 8pjn. f J A ! '" . . Leave Windsor every- Thursday c at 8a ni and arrive' at 'Murfreesboro' Ml Friday bv NOTES, s ' 1 The Postmaster General may expedite departure, al any time during-the continuance of the contract, he pay ing;an adeqirate com - uiciiiiaiis anu auer uie times tor arrival ana pensation for any extra expense that may be occasioned1 thereby. And Ahe . reserves the right ;tor ahridfje any ;1contract macle under this advertisement when he thinks it nroner, and to - deduct from the compensation at the ratio paid under the contract, for lessening the duties of the '.contractor. ?" 2. .Ten minutes shall be allowed for oben- ing and closing the mail, at all offices Where no particular time is specified. A 3. For:. every thirty minutes rvrytxamy minuies aeiay, una- voidable acc Jae8ls excepteo, in arming ai-1 ter the time prescribed in anv contract, the contractor shair forfeit five dollars ; and, If the delay continue until the departure of anv depending- mail, whereby a "trip is lostj a fofr tenure of double the amount allowed for carl whichtasff the ambaht orpay fbF r trip will De torreitea. . h- .; -v ic 4. Persons making proposals, are required to state their prices by the yesuvj Those who contract 'will; receive their, pay quafterly-l-in the. months . of , May, August, Novembej and February, one month after, the expiratidtl of each quarter. , - A , . f: 5 JNo other than a freewhite person shall be employed to carry the. mail. t n 4 . t6. Wliere the proposer intends to convev the. mailln the body.ofa stage carriage, he is desired to state it m h is ,p reposals; and the stage must be of sufficient size, unless others . '. 1 f, - wise expressea, io. conveniently convey sev- en.passengers. ,y,A. V,:, - -fc. :r- : 7 Every proposer may.offer in his bid. to make - improvement in the transportation pf the mail, from ,the; terms invited, either as to the mode of transporting it, the speed requir ed, orhe frequency of the trips.per week-2 wjiicu sijaii rcyci vc t-uueconsiueration. , 1 s iThe number of the post route shall be stat ed in every i bid, and the proposal must be seated and directed to .the General Post-Of- ficey and endorsed J't Proposals.', w , .' .Strict - attention Tmust be given to the eh. dorseraent, as it is not intended to break the seaLof any proposal, until the time for je teiytng bids'shail have expired,, fv A ,A o.lTie ,1'ostmaster General reserves tn himself the right of declaring any" contract at n enu, wiieneverone iaiiure happens, which " - ".X ' ' '. - I ro L 'c. rry T. Tli5 dist-'-i-- -X sre each as' bf it .lie" j c ..... t: rr ofUca, and may ir ractr- .m; ir.rcrm himself theJlIt - v.rcrable for anyrms .10. No hid shall be. withdrawn after tT time for receiving bids shall have expirllf and silould any person refuse to take th tract at his bid, lie shall be held resonKi - - (to the Department for the difference brtui his bid; and that at which the contract sh. . . 1 1 JN O flen.mnnt nn hi?a KT1 l . signment of any contract without the conse t of the Postmaster General, shall forfeit - and irr,sllcases"whw-'rt.4-;.4. r yj i liaiioict la liidvic, liic verms must' pe fully 's I 1 lThe contractsare to be'in,! I k .i. r t . l"-!ori on the f4rst1lay:of.January next, and coiitihupi one year.rr p JOHN ilXEAN, dMxnl "Pnf.nnr-'r -.v. .. ,m. Qefternl Fost-rQfice,r - l Washington City, July' 14th, 1825. to I.j. " IVJ fV , " 0lwl at i vnn ..tup.-iif.iVF.ftt of tiif nTr.:,: v T m: ACADEMY, p I -j second glass. ?-ff,rflw positively; oUA A"0?f, - ',r:r' ana?Pla- mw f r.'B. YATES "A? A. M'INTYRE, MaVaoib, Tt 'V -l.Prize;B20;opOri3.f, S20,000 . , ,5.000 ta 1 lO.Onn ' 18' -' 500. V . f Q.nnn i 1,800 ft ,1488 .:;,; ':. -;io 14,880 lS950. . .r .r. i.: ...-.5, -1 X '69,750 ' S171 , j " 360 o?y u .Dianas, 4,40 l ickets sin,s6o This js a Lottery formed bv the ternary I inmk.nnf.nx n n.I tf t imoers. scheme j, Tickets ar. 1 S hare in t i'ahnv I for sale- at the Managers' :Ofiice-in Raleitrh. K t u ,r ' fMHalfrdoji : ; ml !?QuarterIo.;!;rt 1 !25a : Fckagesjof,12 tickets,' embracing the S Numbers-of the.. Lottery, which must of. ne- I cessity drawat least $21 25 nett, with so many cessity prawat least $J1 25 nett, vith so many chancesfor capitals or shares of packages may ber ifad at the same rate, .viz'.; V -s;v Packages of whole, ' ' 860,1 '-, Of HaTvesi ' 30,' ;Of Quart erk; 15. . Wasliimrfcoriv Cattail fand Bela warc,,Stato,IiOttcry ! ; . i P1RST CLASsi; . ' Authorized by Acts of Congress, he To de drawn and Completed ion the ': 5th day of rKu:J ,Octob, 1825. . SCHEME. i:?rize of Slt),O0O is"SlO,00a i2 I'-ItOjUUUi:! iJ 2,500 .i! f 'V 10,00(1 5; ooo 1,796 12,000 6,000 3,000 ',0,300 2 . '. sr 1 t5 1,000 ; a500?,J :rA-Ll2 4 186 ,:100. - i, j ,8ov :il,904 .13,950 4.i 4 t 4 -; 55,800 . 15,870 Prizes. .t.-;.:js'..S123,520 - : i AV hole Tickets i -1 --w.t'v Half-, do . .1 ii t ' .-u"; K Quarter! :,;dtir- il f ;.r" .Prizes in any bf the Lotteries of Connect! cut,"N.ew.York, New-Jersey; Pennsylvania, Delaware,' Maryland;-Virginia,' and Washing- ton . pity, vyill beieceneclin payment; 1 V -'.v U;v ' V ' - ' ' " ! ' ' " A (Ej Order enclosing the cash or prizes f post paid jfor tickets or shares in upy pf the above Lotteries, zrill receive prompt attention, if ad , dressed to ' " ' ' ' A " " VYATES Sc m'imtyue; if- A , , naleiprhN. C. ' S It aleigh, August 24, 1 825 : ; r l J A " ATREASCltt DKHAUTMUNT, v .! ti . M-.29ih April, 1825. rFkTOTlCE is hereby given; that the first yj ay October next,.the principal cf th r cenStoclc of the;Umted States, cre ated under the authority of;an act of (Jongress entitled An act authorising a loanYor a sum not " exceeding' ' eleven hnillions of s d611ars,,, Skpproyed' ori the fourteenth 'day ,? of March, JoneCthouSand eight hundred: and twelve, "ta attorneys duly Treasury of the United S tates, in . Washrng ton, an'J at iHet several Loa n OfEces,- on the books of whichr any portion of said stock may' sta nd -j 5 v c v i - v. A 1 -' y f , -' : ? . A surrrender of the; Certificates of said Stock will be required at the time .of pay ment, and the ' interest on said stock , will f cease from and after the thirtieth day cf ep. tember next. 'A ; V ''.'' ' A . SAMLL-SOUTIIAnD,- Acting Secretary, of the Treasury. StatVof-Norlh-Carollud, WAKE COUNTY. ' , v ' Court of Pleas "and Quarter S esslorj J 5 ; ,;! i" - August Sessions, ICJ. i ; , -Henry Parker by his nextS ' , , .friend Branch, Walthall, Petition for -.7i.v- , i , TSettlement. ;4 john;Kingv:?AdmrjV-A- . Tf T having been? made appear to the satisfac . 1L tioii of the Court, that the defendant in this case resides .beypad. the Hmits of this Statc so tliat the iOrdinaryv process- Of Jar, c&nnot be eryed on hini . V-it is therefore ordered by the Court thatkdvertisementbe made in th& itoleigh'ines"terV&c.- for two 1 month?, tbAt unless defendant comes f crward ca cr before the' next term of thi3 Court which will be held at ttliQ Court llcuse in ,'4Ealeigh on tb third ilondayiin November next, -and fdi li. answer, that judgment pro confer::) will be entered up against him, and execution Kstie--. accordingly,' f-- C. s: KH.'", CVC.

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