4 M i ;-- 1 A ; ' ' v '1 v ... '.-'" I -C' j fiser of thefithinst satstthatiWalter the',. Jude -woiiM be .able to attend -tp co T-jvtngto'n and John Stevens; EsquiresC of -tfie, mos urgent oftheffreat co v - -a, -1 . . v - - ' TUESDAY,LOGTOBEB 18, 1825." .-' ? 'Tcis llnie for ourtcitizens to be on ' their guard, 'when Grabbers "prowl ,at Smith,' and w VIcket-Booky the bulky appearance of t unateiy,r A r. Smith :Vhadvjji$t taken from the tj'osiiieu mj of in; j bur the Notesf which rejacireVttsedn the pre- ceding pagcbt Y-M r'v OwrVrr-Ve have received: retuf'nk from t went ji-three other counties, mak in the AvtipJei:fiftv-orie counrisheard from, 4 J he result,. a3 far as ascertain g'ye JroitppLr majority of bout . . 3ire:h Icoanties Vet to be heard fimV "r x I TfKJ TSslatuire Tenticssee con 1 vened on;the3Jl9th v!utSji:iC;Vw8tep was unanimousTv elected Speaker of the Senate,;afjL TTonse of;RrVrei StVV Vofonet J?radyvas elected Speaker, by a tt?ajTnty of' three votes -jover l)r. camp. have ; purchased '-Eclipse; the: nofthernV "m?s.. usinesswhich; was .docketed ; aii'afr ror tnaVrbuHhe hope Va?a fallaciobV f 't . J l" T?cinuv. indisposed, 7 as to tender if inmrinJent exclusively for Muds:;-, The price paid f Tor him to leave his lodeinir for anv orEclipsevas a 0,600 tloIlarsVand for S'vpf tim?fPest. Carolinititf i : -1 '. ' . Pel Held races wif commence op 'c nst. the steam tohl .fe P r,;-toUuTT-'-:"u; "'" I suoscriDers. v ecom far, S mHe Jieats, lv P0"!'",' .of .the. s.ame Pi rveh I- f F.v?T.;,,'r -L. , J dajyessel laded witlv coal which ves1- Thiril verf rsrfvpi! . ri, :Li,:JJiL. , ver v1 ui-iii.wa su iiarK j Rcot that it was i m nniY! ' ,i ; t, I '''''' vessel. ' ;;: : h .... w .vu i.o '-luuKJiiK iur any years. old. nan hoen m oc n r. .: -.u 1 1 frof iimo S'-rTPrTf--rAn;'' U- Sr?" ..s; iui.ouih v c uev. ii. j. Alison; Mr.l)ov Q OTfaK SHf " -Yi1 tf.;p:i:r 5-T!aken out, ancf front all aprea ran Mf ferPurcan AJdUe, iq.. Pe field races will commence op teIife;fiad ffepartedT W vh nerfecN ,In Gu,,fbfd ointyoh 41 6th iMt; Mr. e heats J en tranOdlarI tourDleU'Witd fVJI i?! ' ( -rnc'! da"Khf of Mrphn WheelerJr i V Z VcAYii'y' Pur.Pfl a,t" 'rom alia pearances;urns - 0 the 21st ttf June fef Tfioirpn So, -ferrfl? tt? ve bfen in . the waterl twelve Cr.rf sqn, .cfthe;?of S3 1&& OllaJ'? entrance RSO fn lio'nfTfto' toon - il;.ri.v. -:tt1 r.rr ' . . h t --.-mw 1 : nr rjan i c. . " w " . "-. i "uiuics ; 1 ii p was immediate! v Jvi-enrt-f:angfittfcrr'or'h6miri' 7',? ri,! h'-?!rA5e 'wrappeM in warm flanriekand ?taken Ztem; t : up, entrance' S25;;; 1- ri : I tUPtiniU-'Lu ? J, tolJVeclc Val! fe wiH com. brant oV.,1 :.. j; , . . r. u n w im a uauffnierof, tne late Ho- i- .'".""V v'" "VV: ' n ine:ser. pair oioeHowsJ In abobt fifteen or Den ''onf, t!iif 2l vt-arf berate; f ffi ; r SWpUnT 1 S-'1- m- a-klt,on to athe rlar twer.tr minutes, Ire be-anit'oiilow"sofce m, IhiWecountyvn tlie.th Mexico, .., We heard . rerentlv, -that he V 11 ! ? f . A S!J bcn pt io . wil 1 be opened !y,:md to the astoiMnneKal Sl" 0e,eojsaac iandVia thevie of tSSS and Clu H !at COl,;v VbS.' PWeirjojinood health wcl a tek R ' -: filrmb. ' 9, i e8, anl w.s r , - Wc.tr tnton Jleporlifi ing his school as .sual; ' J -I,id v'f V i 24th, utt; in tbeme county Mi. ; ta.K nR measures to induce a lare bodr ! : 1 ; .: j r .... ' i i'T ' cbuel Pickanh . - ? . i nonest and xxell disposed Americans ! ngwar Ucc?rmic!Messrs. CarH iZ;t7?o ions: not HTlle Tolyinr i,,!1m V,V-1 Joners andtwo to! sell it for less than 80 cents nef isJiteralcopyofianotice.Jatelyiir! '"S-1" oLvrr 'aWW Hon. At the safe, a person, empliyf rulitMri VI rtU V- v a- i fraV?'- cr thechooners, the Kxi ed by the owner to take care of tfie sale Pf Ho pern hent, sa fd from Curracofl, having; and prevent a sacrifice oTa rum re wiShf tto ofr nis services to the ubi brcl part f the crew of the bri quesLd the 'auSffi t of r t 'tfl ,,e"n1 genfedwm ; " Leader, belonpin- to the same con- but before it-was put up the person aV 1c!; concerimite hiR wilbi A en previously wreck- sented himlf and Ar-ot to return; i -f----,A.fr- ; : ? zeauina traui of physical applicability,- and e!' , 1 .V" nefr return vpyae sjie fef I ill In the mean time the ruin was nut mi V. Wesce by the Fa retteviU-Observer, ' ltSf : 1.n?J?-14 b.e,TiveS,;i,imp.iif tth; the other schooner. , belonging to and brWfit'only 41 centJ TiLhh 3t M.fcp- er brou?lft an acion;? runnin- a line of Sta ! fSrh'r P f ' r .am ( ourtof Hhode-IsIand?agiinst thcaucl rbni --;? ? V.l-r?m nnoiipcfc .liis idioloRy n, Physic incl to lit tookJ oflr her,ne-v' had remained t oneer. for the-balance. I Verdict' for Charleston toTayettevdlc,. s ; pkastiy.cornPlimenthc. wreck ix days. JVithj these the defenclant. t i Mockery o",iic--TsaaaB Desha c-Iias -.beeniagarir f riell and found jruilty, J311 i T Jr j M! 3 t:n n 1 1 jr ; s: ra f e cl tneugeJ!s the Kentucky papers $ay, on tbepst frivolous 'rrounfls '-XTnV;';? nf Oyer and. Terminer, were enjrajred three - days last iweek in the city of N. York, in tjie trial of JamesKevnolds for the inuHIeVof -William; WeS!,!,on board of a 9,thej Kast n Th e, d efe n d ant wa s proved guilty, a n d srntenced to be. hung on Saturday, the J 9 ti0 d ay of Novc n i be r next. - ; from leeraod amnle rirnf. cciArvoi ... ill illi?-' . - i Dtnth.nf Cr-nt. nnrh 1 T ,77... t .1 - . !- i ' : t-"- vtt utic i iic i ri;t:uf.r. imrmz. the last week, a shocking ac () ,l "Vl,u,,cu ,!,e "rinern l.iDcr- Gazette, has transmitted lis an extract ant ..stranger who h nnrn.Ir,i,. J ,p ;npd.-. A 1 it k . U,' "LV ? VV receive by an - ,,,tAia- -...r. ........ "yj..aciSumi- u.ryaivirom ,Liauira,-. announcing the hc Comc.Spraktno; of the brilli- ties,! which ven in goi-eous. state forithe last few e( 7 WS to ef a horse melancholy intelligence of the deth-of vanings,; and m reply'to a question1 as L, 1 Oy a cord;underne:.fh Capt. John Dundas Cochrane, of the , T " , ' , r j V.OWI. vyijuurane was me norse, so mat tie ran-oft. -well known for his various tbu i s through rneel, and the boy's head Eurone. and more psrllu L to its possible effect on the movements ened the of our globe, a writerln the New-York The Isa.ldle tu r.veninir Vosf.-furnishes thp fl! ' "" ' "a map of br.sy life, 'Its fluctuations and its vast concerns. 4 Qf;'aH;thepublications which teem . : jronr thercss, none arc so in teres ing. ' -TJA uscfu the Newspaper. vHboks teat for the - most part, on par- " icular subjects, arid on the particular .imajtt tnay"1e fepfeteAvithMnstrac formation gleaned from newspapers, is not confined to any one subject it is general in-its character, and every per son may find something to please his taste. ( Do you1 prefer Idstory ? the newspaper is a standing history of -'the-times. : Do you wish, religious instruct ""onJ5t!,c newspaper a fiords i in the positive examples of t!ie good, and the negajiyexamples of tlie wicked. - The newspaper givesthe latest disco eries in geography and astronomy it t e 1 Is w h a t im proi ements a re m a k i ng in mechanics in agriculture and in do niestjQ, economy.. It furnishes an ac count of ; the )rpceedings of govern ments, and thereby enables the people to know and judge of the propriety or improprietyv of measures, adopted I by fbeir Representatives. It is, when man- I I I . : .1 .1 . -1 - IT- I . . - k . I 1 1 II I r- llllivil vzt Wit crnL'inni ... x . . . . 1 I I. I : j f i i -V. - p. . ; V- r- ?-,"",,"' I'uuiuaiion ui iiiB journey rii otijjn xlu which will serve to dissipate what- as the animal proceeded at speed fora ropean and part of Asiatic Russia H ever alarm the rare visitation may have' fW died universally regretted,land was at eaused in any quarter Int ? "" e bov. head and tended to the grave by a numerous re a Ti n : rcas were, literally stov ,u by ..the tinue of his countrymen, and the inba .', . 1 Mat .1,s movements will leave ojir norse-s feet,and by concussion t'itn the bitants of Valencia '' I -P.'anct cntirely to its accbstomecKofrer, earfh His eye-balls hungf out of his NsY Evenirr Pnf and all pretended wits to theundis- head,! and his whole annearance was . P St' - w uiueu loquacity, is beypnil a doubt, iriffritful. it is unnecessary to say the lis apparent; motion Avas 13 in 24 child was killed before the horse had Journal. from thecomDlete returns nffhn !q election of Governor of the Sfate of Mississippi it appears, that the major ity of David Holmes over Cowliss Meade for Governor, was 6247 votes 5 and that Mr. Bkaxdon has; been elect- On, the- 29lh.; in thc same crtnrif , rm. McDaniel.' 5 .-w -o -iBst.atMnrP5rm nronswlck county, "James Flowers. Es?i hl Rl vi,fc : MivFtovvers. en joyed lari tmspottctlr fit a. tioophe tvas A -most afTectionate ; "husband I'diciu ana inquig-ent masteries 'sp 1 In ICenansville, on the 3d instTn!Set3i D. Shir, ag-ed 28 years, a iiatjv-'ebf Taunton Massachusetts r'-- " he 4th vfnfhe -residence ofW .ather m Pencrnunty, James Arul Iiam, a.ired about 25 V ' a trays, of the bilhoili ftrerr Mr.rJohn Boy,?. Merchant of that jlace, ag-ed 26 years, .Ue was universally respected and.beloveit b- every one who had the pleasure of his ac ..a.u.n.tc, noi oniy tor ins ?er,l L-manUi- f as- condiict in all his dealihc;s."- but far h V.u inland agreeable manners wUh all ranks of w ieiy. " ... In this town, on; S'aturdfast; aFtcra slmrt attack of the, bihous which ' w r nrU Vl more obstinate by an inveterate case o the jaundice, Mons' Pierre La' Graeta native of 4r,?"ce near Mrasurtf, who emiffrateil t this country abodt-12 yeaia.-o, and in 1 815 was citizenized in-Xt w-York. sinr whiM, ua ufryn xravcums , our slates a teacher on : Various intrumentsrof Mtisid. , Although a .pennylevs sojotirnr through u. land of strangers, he received during hi. 'Ilness, the best medical aid and inWmlitT attrnt:nn Trio : : .n..!.; : i ' 1 . ---- ..v.... m cumins -vere tiecenny- in terred in .the public biifvinp-'erbund bv ri- Citizens.- iVui-renton Reporter. '-' - - " Departed this lie oh the 3d in:K town of Williamston Martin county Klizabeth Yellowley, daughter :.bf C.IptSEd ward Yellow levl j ' - i'. ..;' i -. , InVatreiUon, on 'Saturday lah jfe Ed- ward I'artillo. ' ' . ? i - -.'.Ft.' - bro,' after a On the. 12th inst. in Murfrcsn nngt riniilness, ;ot 22 day. Mr, Jarvesf. cnerly of Italeigh -an- fbsome years a respectable inhabitant of that t Departed this life, on the Rih ::ist. at his' hours, an nted in the Post i)nMonday, proceeded many vards ariu nence it must be on another errand ! ' Phila'delphia VylIl.,l!Jif nsiurbing the repose of i s; - i ' I ' "JV'yj! ' ts tailaU" is consider- '.-fi-TIt is with. deep regret we aujyobkque to the line of vision, which have to feconl the death of Mi J Gfo. rf-ytlf m r I. - 1 m r - . I - - w. . voum, ue true were the Comet ap- vy. obeITs, 'formerly5 of this place, ed I ieiitpmnt i I 7- seat near tliis -place.fiCol. "James Saubder ' proaching our carih when iii opposition who put a period to his existence n cUeutcnant Governor, by a maj on ty ,u the 85th year bf his r Pf' as was true at (he time of observation, "the 20th 'nit. 'by hanMn himself. ! The 01 JO votes over Mr. Barry. ;jtth,s amiable Putmcb it may behruly It cannot pass between ..the earth ajrid deceased was so general fy known in this , j ; S bunn '"1 the"fPe sun by -any-pp .sibility, smc, it appears "eighbrhood,- that it is deemed super- . University of . Virtfrnllv any t! ...v t III'. vethfise of the x id the d or and th f, A . M V - sly at his' interment 'as rand affectionate. re!. In Philadplnhin ivMiU, Ao were nil .nrMPfit. furm iV:i ri" luJi "I aam kndnesi - r...., ........v., . uui- "is icui jcrau muuness and in o:ur. system f irst in the region -of the niiousto say how much he was esteem- t,ie ? mst. was the appointed ..flay1 for cere gratitude and lo neaens opposite the central luuiina- ed tor his amiable dualities and ciirrprt Me meeting of the Viit.nrW nf thi ;r, Hatl the orphan, of fT-" deport;ment, and how sincere tije re- stifution- Messrs. Jefferson. MadisonAT' fl?T -d as coPiou - " oret of all db l.nro hoo. ,1 i,:L .. Johnson. Cnhrir 7fT.L:J H 1 H,se of ss numerous aged wth integrity, " the tyrant's foe, the people's friend.'? By the schooner Ze no ph on, which ar rived at Baltimore, on Saturday even- ingr,rrara Havanna, advices have been received, that flour was selling at that place on the 25th ult. at tivmty-two aollars per, barrel, and very scarce. rci45.-niD latest in tbl li cence from Europe, is that received at Aew-Yofk on the 1 0th inst. by the ship "gc uHwwi,, which icu Liverpool on the 23th August. The only encour agement she brings to the cotton hol erf' s' that 'the niarkct is noa worse no new failures liad taken place-1 The British' Govern in en t is opposed to nhe proposed expedition - of -Lord Cochrane to Grcecei No accojmt of successful battles. fought by the Greeks is waited to us py this arrival; y but we re'gleehat they aVe as well guarded against domestic insurrection piracy has been discovered at Napoli, the object of which iyas to spike the . ipnpn of the Greeks whilsitheTurki advanced to theyattack; ! Arter bein- put to the torturb; the leader'iriade a uI1 confession, ;and waa bufnt alive. Utimors have latplv I of the unhealthincs of the American Colony, at Mesurado." 'Ihe folio wine; direct intelligence affords a complete relutation of these idle stories : New-Tori Oct. 8. timely end. he removed ab'out eighteen months aeo, P,ete quorum. and where he committed the uuhaDnv Ia anxious deliberation fron amenitv. i davtodav. the Vvr of, the: ftevblution. having h.Li 1 ! .'.. L . .5 " - . I f 'lnn oln. . " act, we are miormed that he was! high- are .engaged in anxious investi nation . nocr; inenu - Ashcwheh tbes l.vthoughtofin the circle of his acquain- of airs of the University. Atanv t'Lfir M to repcl'th tance. as his sterling worth justly en- subjects of importance havebeen 'sue- ivbole titled him o be, and by what infatua- fted for t lie consideration of th S: (nation he could have been led to rush board, and we have no doubt that con- limes that tried men's soi,! r;i"o i:. trin -:,rri- '," t'&l ap Ve " '"called into the presence ofhis Maker, jelencs l.igiily beneficial j will result C'"I tIlc !"' of a eitize.i !wi fi "mIiuL! ?" IT" tJL7tr, V ivhoiry unaccountable. Let SJ how- from their late session;-C&rfwf. Gar- uS -ie: -Alt. '-- i iiv;aii. III? l.FnilAIn. n. !,.-..... 1 c -...I r,, on w -. i r miww me uiuiiiie oi cnariry over saUed from Gibraltar on the 13th of hl Yr M.i n r i.: i:r : .A.i.A , , . rTi I- t h1 Ul '"e,; aim i leave th un- lthougli -.. Uu,vu,ui luoiic emniOViTientl tintll I a advanced period of life hV .,-. July last, called at the Island of Te- i nVlJ Z nf h rv i -ave , m prospect. -A new company ? f it,ne,a,d services -to the chU of nerifle, whe,-b she was fl,tinP,l f'i!J .f tohe rnercv of that Divine Being, has been.-organized for the f purple of He was a memlr of the. hisht on public service,n side a- S i" . ;ia?P,nes? P1 Ts ral the "tish Frigate wr,8unk thb Stte?d ed;,t,-,e CRStlt,,tiofl TaTn nn thn d' -,y a eff creatur?s, and who looks, with the at Hell Gate during the rcvolutionarv ' r l.afterward served as a He the 10.hV ien proceed tl tC ! M 'fa'Uies and .mPerlec..(;ns.f prnence of the chief en?inee,s Major n ?..oo.'. pfhS of A fri ' . .i. I iyncnmirg Herald. liayaril, the Zealand industry of t,an rehp"n, and after a short but wi. v llll flHSU,l I rado on the 2d Angus', where she oii- ly-remained onedav. The f'olonv ks Li concerned, and th .-.Uiinrl-.r.f Qoc ,.r I ness patiently resiirned his snirit. : Melancholy Occurrence. Ori Mon- the company (the shares befri alUohn I God and charity, with ail mankind, - ; tne present must be .considered as the On the iiti.' mt and successful attempt to redeem liamson county, Tenn. the Ueverend Green drowned shin from the abyss of i,v the S'tth year ot hi3' ar if !-, i ters, where she has so lonjr renoseil beeri a j?mberbf the Methwlist chuieh rn the sorrow of thousands. Com nan v i". ! l?lstcrl lhe iime S5years- fta compa; y have failed in their at' the , r pts to raise this vessels The cause warm eulorium i 1 U - a Many uuuriive exeriiotis, can be F . : i a t. t 1 w-r I t a . ' ii irirp inc.. .a ...... .. . t v. v ii i nii lasu r i cue it n i riirv i nil i lounn mamost nmn-nrrnns nnil htr.ifi. " i a . . . . ' 7;-v, - nausen an industrious GermanJ who, t na ferJ" four or five years, . ,Vl re-' this, ti,. rrw c;m;;:r;:: ;r vrr:?: siie,ij ne neighborhood of this place, wa hent on P" f-;y ZTi"l" Was dcPr,vd hls exigence ih con to r7. m i , V" r , , , r sequence ot a ia I, while on his way after nevertheless? hppn nprfprK hx thx lr 1 . . .. .. , UJ ' . irorn town to his residence. Front the tern m mjm mi m I. u j . ki-a-k -n a a . I w va r- cwucuv-c giyen ueiore me inquest nekl oi so Elizabeth ';itv-rw C ) Oct q " Fe ne appears to have fallen sale.y traced to a want ofs adequate ! So DoWavs tt'owAvil r AVas arrested and committed to Hil I'-Idesccndmg a sloping piLe of means, and a disposition to act in con- AX CVlVl-d. ; in (1U .n,. -t- committed . to .ja I ground, (mthjn a.short distance!ofhs cert. Yankees can do every ,thin -tXm '.ivvviw. ,k ' ,x ;, ,rh. ' , -j i f t,on ln whlch the body was found, f s tions ; ..nd the desien of thislarticle is Pompey. : , ; : : u-.?",'? WnrSohn , !fTSe', ,,Mur,,crAe,'Mr- supposed his head struck gainst some to prepare the publif mind fi t c re- EDEIlIck. of blai comi)!io,,, ihout wart on IwL . Ch " ui"1"!"? s!,arP A'cks. fmctuiSt his ikull, ception of the neW9 of 3 e l usiar be- 18",-e..'et JoijiSh rrw -m h"n" be'0"'nr d almost instantaneously deprived ing aio jrfr, and in a coi litnAi to nr'rrse' ,spea,ks ?lmv w,,en sP"kerf erirthp.aec0' r! 7 f bega..cd at b'ihe cuuVa1d,;!1,?i0. k m s. 1 1 r. i i 1 i. v ii i ii iiiiii irriiiv nniniQcoi . . . . i j a i i'i irr ik i ii. m i, . . - 15. having heard before leavinrr home of a murder committed on the body o Mr. m. Johnson, strongly suspectet this man to be the perpetrator : ant soon ' had his suspicions confirmed bv one ot the crew -who knew Antonio On his arrival here Cant. B. informet the civil authority of the circumstance. who had him arrested and oncxamiJ' nation had him committed until fur ther information could be received. ' V : Star. . many helnless ! I I t , . . . - i cniidrcn to mourn his. Joss. K ih. t Stmertor Votfrt.At "thefalT- tsrrii of the Superior Court' f c Rowiri c muty JVcwburx. N. T. Oct. 4..' Diiownig. We give the following account of the management of two (Uowned persons, for the information of those who are called on to take charge under similar circumstances. On the 1 1 th, an old man of the name of John Cble, fell from the dock at Fishkil tip per landing, opposite this village. ? tie was taken out of the watigr in a few mi nutesjwas yet warm, and N had! every symptoms of returning life.; but, the injurious means adonteil fn rAetnriftnm mw , T - - w m w v v W J , T05I is of a tawney complexion,';;6 br 3? Lynchlntrz Va Sent. 26- . . , &Jyievm Snakes killed.-! We have eve I, i7l iZiUnX been informed fVom a ourccn titled left t, occasioned to I mplici t credence, that Mr. James se.mr, and a scar on on -of i,;- .1 -a wson, who resides near the Pinnacles I casionec! by a cut of a knife. Tbn.k held in Salisbury I; st week, tK bii sines? k. i , r muiry auu experience wnicn ttus exne Hiness, such as rolling on a pi tmk and barrel, tn ot fmally destroyed all vitality. The in. i 99 bf n.tn ' in tKa .nnnf o. '.i. i. . Irsortli-Carolma. Sl d i ' u sco,,er1 00 a large high, has a r or?r onr of hi, eyes, or o" ,u .v, iwiucsuji.t:, wnicn ne KllU'U. L,orc"eau, ana speaics very quiefc when so le W hile in the act of killing it (lie heard fen to,: F6mpey:.ii rmmUhariestdnanciforr .....i.r uciujjcu i joun uijiins ot that place r I think it very pfcjbable that they ha ne. He soon - disenvd tha t th. v ; :1n,? Tncm- " been were under a rock, which could H ea- ,Tlie abovcreVardVdl be paid to any per sdy removed. 11a returned home for son wh'- will deliver the said Negrcesto mb" his son and grandson they repaired to !ivin5 in Jairfieldtlistrict, s. C. or hvlzc them the rock, removed it, and killed fifty, ,nJM "tt"WnfJf fiveadditional Uattlcsoakes and one U. Art f JO" : HATiPJSOK i r i . I' 8lco2ux I.. ; . ' :. .r:.. t : i. ' .. . ; ' : : - : . - :

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