'S 4- s-f ,u mo jif.. 'f't! . - s-v-r v-rXw,; v:-- t:'. si -JV - ;.v v, - -,vj it5 at THE RtlGTSTER Is published every TirnsDAlT.arid Fbisat; by JOSEPH GALES & SON, ; At FxvB pollars per annum half inadrance- lV;:; r :ADVERlrisEMENTS. ; .. J , Not exfceedinff -16 lines, neatly inserted three J itmes for. a dollar, and 25 cents tor every succeeding' publication ; those ' of TgTeater ' enffth iri the same proportions. .COMMtmii cations thankfully received;.. . , Umas to the" Editors must be post-paid . ; ' fBOM VTEX CHRISTIAN RXOTSTER. , ' iTherp is something of rnoral sublimity" In the unbending firm tie vre see theirtuous jnan struggling with iKg storm, and triumphing iu the pano-j pjy of his jrel igio rii 7 It is easy to be re 4 rsigned ti( strffe rlngil ere i hejth u 0 der h as Jl-'bu rcjto verltou 1 heads 5 ilni t, in 4 he ( trjengthioreiigion:torestle with the ppwer of the ijestrbyer j amid the dark-; esbelowt on the . Jight aboVe 'a link after linis Brkii Troni the chain 'of our earthly hopes, to ieel the heart clirging; more closely, to tlio4e 'which are fiot of this ' world i to staiXl alone upon' the shores of life, and ee the last plan 1 amid the wreck s wept irom beneatfCpux t,J yet .-supported op thf roclcof 5 ages, tot feel the eternal "hope, deepening j an d i strengthening but iijore intensely within us ; this is to .practice that&artiest lessiiThy!wiU A few; years sihce,; I resided in. the neighborhood of a yenerible Friend. A clergyman, arid residing in the heart of th& tountrhis life liad glided away; like theummer the quiet su nshi ne of traiui 1 affec tiotu ,4Th eel ou d had indeed aVtimesome er it Vbut it had passed 'away He had bowed tcr the hand that had laid his hopes in the dustj Cand .when the bitter cup was re Xhovedj?he had drunk consolation from :he' fountain of ieverU by oneihe frjends of hissyouth, and tne childen of his: hopes had dropped s awayvPIeftliim almbst alone. V Of ' ten bare:lheard him bless Oodthat, heW the voice of his rebuke was heard, j ,- lie had spared berwho in the fresh -1 -nesslbf;nef;beau at his side. It was the close of the Sabbath; In the cal m twil ight of a summer eyetiing, JTsat listening to the conversation of my TnenHearJus'sa wife, and op )osite hi&f daUgher, f .her hand clasped in his;td 'Whom, the next day, it was to be pledged ." forjoy and for sorrow. " The deep and beautiful serenity that pervaded; nature, as it fay stretched be fore usV in the ' quiet moonlignt, seemed to communicate itself to bur . hearts. Our very conversation was carried on in suppressed tones,' as if fearful Of disturb ing the sabbath'stillness around A 1 lur ed : by, the beaiity i)f the evening;,, the young couple walked, pour forth thefulneds bftheirh the secret sanctuary of nature. $ j ' '.We shall 'see you to-morrow, '? said ny friend, as I rose to fake my leave. Yesl'Vaclded his wife; Annette ex pects you. 'Onthis occasion, she wish-, estie presenceof 4 her ,oldand n early friends; it I accepted the jnvitation. W Thebext 'morning da as clear as" the ceding evening had promised.' As I walked out to enjoy, its Freshness, 1 met my; frfeiid. r Annette is , ill,?' said he. 44 She exposed herself to the damps and dews in her ; walk fast eve liirig, & is nowthreatened with a fever.9' It proved more than a th reat;; ,1 A viol en t fever had seized upon lier. Night after highland' hoT-after thour, her mother satjat:her bed sic! e watching r the proi gressipf fthe .disease, ministering to her Wantsf i and, thehardest taskr of alff wearing a smiling faceV lest the increase ing'despondencypfher own heart should . ' alarmVper"cJiHd ':t TheVfr is -sbmethiqg of ; sublimity Ail this trai tof fentaleeharacteithis deep ' ehduHng tenderness lover IWithJrnaneyen w tif his deepest and dearest'regardv there 7 is a!iimit97bejb whenexhausted batufewVclaini reposej ' when the weary "frame will sinkjand ill 1 e drobnib ' V v e 1 id s cl osetI t i s i h : th ii moment of Wfkn rmts forth; her strenithi that the tramefniqther's hearty would descebd into the sodelicaeas to shrink and bow beneath tKeldew; jrises Obcem ifi d rnnn RisHtiof wat(;hm tl nbenC byT atigue wi tliou t,r n nsu ba ued by Hhe bitterness wiihin--offering the language jwf hope,, amid the hidden abf guish ot a broken heartjlinuish more deep, more bitter, .because Jt may not be utteredAturhing'in for strer 'hand support; to the'inexhaustible fountaiii4 of her qwn deep afFectionandf witli ''VV' the fabled devotion of the pelican; nour ishing: her olfspri ngagaiii, from the wa tm Hfe-bldod of her "own self-sacrificing; nearu(:. o fJ u -' -r-' 7-M e an wh 1 1 e, ' tri u m ph i n jr; overf c v ry reaiedyv1 the deatlly disease went on; None out those who have witnessed it, catn pictufe the intense earnestness wth ichthe a niious ; mother watcHed th e countenance of. the .physician, while, day af lerday , he fe It the a! mstflutter- ingpulse, as if in his eye, she could read j the fiat of life or neatly; and none put thejewho have felt, can tell the, sinking, sickening of the heja rtas tha t ;enq u irjng look reads but too plainly, there is no 4opel" But Annette was not deceived 5 and though she .long forbore to allude to her situation, lest she should add to tlie distress of her friends, she at length ventured to, sneak freely.' " It is not;5' she saiOadclressirig jhe three indivjdi ua!s who were nearest not so hard to die. I to heri 44 it lis know that my Redeemer liveth, and that the silken 1 tilling the morning dews the flowers tie is not severed forever."- "For you fare breathing tlieir fragrance, ' and the she said, addressing her lover, " you wild rose is shedding its leaves, and will not forget htr memory, whp, to tie ! tears of affection and respect still con last, willf oTove your's. Death seals the : secrate the holy ground. ; c . T. vows, uii iiuriiedrisoz:our lips out pledg ed ; and, tho' we meet not as we should have met, we are in the hands of htm who iudgeth wisely. You should have been a son to mv narents fr .nv cnl- 6e so still They will -soon be child less. If you love my memory, love themi" inen, addressing her parents-" If in the course of my life I haie sometimes erred, aritLwhcrhas not ? if I have ever cost you a pang or a tear, forgive me." I do not ask you sometimes to remem ber your child 5 I fear you wilt remem ber her but too well. But be not un happyremember, we meet ' again!."- VV hen I called the next morning, to enquire after her health, I was receiv ed at the door by her father! He took my hand in silence ; and leading me to an apartment, pointed to a coffin ! It bore the name and age of his daugh ter. He watched the expression of my countenance, and his lip quivered, and uia uitc wiiereu as ne said., m sne has left us now, but God's will; be done" His emotion was but momentary, and bengal1? Jstood in calm and dignified composure at my side. I regarded him AVith astonishment and reverence -J Friend after friend had gone 5 hope af ter hope. had withered ; the strong link that had grappled his spirit to the earth was broken 5 and he stood, unbent by the storm that had laid his last earthl y hope in the dust. His soul seemed to rise in its strength as affliction weighed more heavily on itto tower in its ma jesty above the darkness below to d well in the light of its eternal hopes ; as the mountain; lifts its head above the clouds belowi rato the pure light'abbve. 7 f There is something peculiarly sad in thus visiting the deserted places of those whom we love ; every object awakening anew some melancholy remembrance, calling up the bitter tear and the uniit tered groan from the silent sanctuary within, j In one 1 place lav Annettes work, in another her chair : here her music, there' her books $ and when We sat down in the hmely; apartment, how stronglydid that very loneliness reirnind us ,uiatf here was indeed the deepest solitude- the solitude of desolate and broken hearts 1 Alas ! the chain of af fection clings - but closely around us, .when its last link binds us to the gravis. The mothers' ivas the grief of a mo ther The lover was calm and tranquil it was the calm of despair: 7 His iea sOn Vas nnsettledl)uring thefunerai cermoniesi;he rejnained as if an ijnin tcrrupted spectator, though at times ap pealing to think that this ceremony was for the wedding x' As I was enter f ing a carriage to follow inthe nielanj choly processioh,i he appeared at the door, ;.' and .. insisted on accompanying me. . 'A W sat:: at I first in silerice 5 at length in a low confidential tone he said, r wet shajrbq married to-mor(W?'?:-Thentbnnecting the presentveerenoriy with the lead ing; idea of (his mind, he said,'i"did not know that we were to be married ? in the : church;" Is Annette in the first carriageTi" She t ta . m I (111 tiro arrived at the church-vard wealishted. ly iiirnecl tocUitatelts' entrance f as 11 ieanngriiiwouia aisturo: uie'cnnuir That repose valas4 was too deer to be broken , Her ;lpver. fqUovyed:lwithtlii impatient-; air pf'ibn.e constrained fobe present at a scene to which he ;wasih different VtJ Corned said he." Dluckinc my coat,: ,c"ome,5 AntietfeisvailihiY j and as I lihgered yetii m6mentj,thel silent cavern rung With the horrid laugh ot insanity - . . . . si Her. jfather alone seenied Unsubdued bp the blow Strong in :,tlie practice or the taith he had preached, . the polar star-of his hdpes was on high. ? And thou Kthe ; pale cheek ahd faltering voice proclaimed at times that the spi rit , was wrestling with the strong feel ings of j nature, that served but as. a more beautiful comment on the Jbwer of that religion, which could so extract its bitterness from the sting of death, and" never clid (that humble prayer " Thy will be ddne,' flow from a sihr cerer spirit, than from that of that child less man. In - the hour of trial he had applied this -heart unto wisdom. So teach me to number my days. ? i . r. Under the beautiful shade of a large elm, is the tomb where Annette repos es. , Years have now elapsed and wild flowers and sweet 'Ijiar have sprung on the spot. ; There the shrubs are d is- Notice. THE Sohspriber, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Stephen -Haywood, dee'd, being fully empowered by the provis ions of said Will, hereby offers for sale, that valuable Tract of Innd in Edgcomtie Coun ty, formerly the residence of said deceased eight miles above the- town ot -Tarborough, immediately, on the river, -contaiiiing-,- by ia late and accurate survey, 1360 acres : 150 of which are river low grounds. ; 7- ' " This plantation has man) advantages to re commen l it, whjfch 1 deem it useless to enu merate, believing that ull inclined to purchase will see and judge for themselves. Ita satis factory offer is made, I will sell af private saleif none is made, I will then offer said Land at Public Sale, 6n the premises, on Frklay, 18th Nov'r.- next One1 and ' two years credit can be had ; the purchaser giv ing bonds bearing, interest ' from the day of sale, or notes negotiable at the Branch of the Bank of Newbem in Ualeigb, will be receiv ed,; at theoption of the purchaser. ? v If a private sale should take place, duno tice" will Be given. ; '1'""r " ' "'" 7 j 7 DELTA HAYWOOD, Exrx. Oct. 19th, 1825. 7 v 1-3 w. TCnion Hotel, THE Subscriber having pur chased this Establishment, on Fayetteville Street, lately occu pied bv Jlfrs. "Sarah Jeter, is now in readiness to accommodate Travellers and Boarders. He tenders-his thanks for the pa tronage and tnendiy support bestowed. upon him at his'former stand, and assures the Pub lic that in his present situation, 'every exer tion will be made to conduce to the comfort and pleasure of his guests. He will be pre pared to accommodate from twenty-five to thirty Members ot the approaching General Assembly. ,. v , . . His Bar will be constantly supplied with the best and choicest lAauors. 1 - His Table, with the b-st the country and market will afford. ; His Sljables vt tuch are commodious and large, will be attended by faithful and steady Ostlers. 77 7; 3 -ib JOHN .W. PIJLLEN. Ilaleighj Sept. 12, t825 ' :- A ' ettelHLotel. MRS. SARAH JETER, I 1 tseves leave toiniorm ner irienas 12255 s I and the pu blic,that she has taken iesLJkthe'' House late in thfe occuW pancv of John VC Pullen, Esq: (south west corner of the State-House, Square!) where she will continue to keep a House of Enter- tainment.. She tenders her thanks ; to those who have been pleased to call on her, and assures-them that nothing shall be wanting to render them comfortable! Her Table will be of the best the market, affords. 1 She can Board 15 Members of the Legislature; i 7 Her Stable will, be. provided ' with good; Ostlers and plenty of forage,l VT,," p ' 7 1 She solicits a portion of public patronage. Kaleigh,' Sept. 22. : ji95tfw: THE Subscriber having rent- is npw opened-by him for j the ae co mraoda tiori and comfort of those who may "visit 1 ta le igh, To all who may feel disposed to call, every exertion shall be made to render their situation agreeable. - -. ; - . Such gentlemen as wish to procure yut rooms, duringthe. Session of the Legislature, ' more' eligibly situated and. convenient.to the Capitol than ohy others, are advised to make early application by letter. . I . C;4. -. r; 4-7 , :; ,u i . v:: 7: iARCHD. R. RUFFIN. Raleigh," 22d Sept. 1&25. 53- .' I'HEJsubscriberi having purchased i in" N". sE f York (personalty) a supply' of the best St. Dommgo Mahogany, and ; other articles in the Cabinet flaking Business,' s now pre pared to makejvto order; Furniture, of any description, in the neatest and best manner. He has :on hand, a large supply of ready made Furniture ; and solicits1 the' favor of those who may be in wanti to call on him. He will sdsa make Mattrasses? of either hair or moss. -..-.'-V'TIv' -at, p ANSON. PctersbtsrgiSepSfj , ?t& ) E . ; tan (. Mm. ' a 1 t . it ed the Hotel, formerly occupied r j! j by his late father William Ruffin, -r'pi y informs the public that the house 1 &rttUertt Cxitfcr; QTpHE cpmmandingf officers of the several corps and companies of Artillery in this State,' composing theregiment of North Ca rolina Artillery, are, or4er6d to5 report their strength; equipment, 'andconditionr forth with to--H r HENRYTW. AYER, V " Colonel Commandlncr , ! & Regiment N. CJ Artillerj'. By order. Ckarixs B. J6iri!s, iAd. ' 30TH25IOVJ FOR THE BENEFIT-' OF THE OXFOltb ' ACADEMY. j SECOND.;CLASS-.t Z;k : To be drawn positively: on the $0lh Jftrvembtr next, and-cornpleted in a fro -Jlliiiiites. . J. B. YATES & A; M?lNTYKEl Managers. 1 Prize g2(),000 is ao,ooo; S20,CfJ0 ; 10,000 10.000 ,S,980 :is;ocfQ ,9,000' 1,800 9,300 4,650 14,880 ""69,50 7 5.000 l;990 - 1,000 500 ;i00 - 50 25 10 7. 18 18 186 186 ,1488 13950. 15,870 Prizes: 26,970' Blanks, S171,S60 42,840 Tickets ; , . ;S17l,560 ; ' This I is a Lottery forrned by the. ternary combination and permutation of 36nunibers. Tickets arid Shares in the above scheme or sale, at the ManagersV Office In Raleighi Whole Tickets, .SS!v f v.'s v' rHalfdo.. - - -s 2 50 7: .. .(rter'do.:V7;i:-''-l'- jj Packages ot ' 12 tickets,-embracing the 36 Numbers of the Lottery, which mtst of riej cessity draw at least $2125 nett with so niany chances for capitals or" shares of packages may be had at the same' rate, vlz':N -;i . r 15 Patkages of whole; S60-, ' -;- Of Halves,. 30; ; .7; - Ot (Quarters, 7 , 15. .: V 7., SEVENTH CLASS. - V To be completed in one'drawing on the2d V 4 .('. " '- -' Novemberl825. ' , ' " ' ' 'i' : 'V T SCHEME. . 7 v , . -, 7 1 Prize of g20,000 is g20,000 10,000 ' 5,000.' 956 3,000 500 ff 100 7 ;50 12 10,000 10,000 ; 5,912 12,000 - 6,000 i 3,000 7,400 : 4260 i : "'I 12 . ia 168. 168 1,344 11,340' 5 j 7-16,128 68,040 1 3,080Prizes, ' , 19,656 Blanks, Si 63, 680 M 32.736 Tickets. Whale Tickets, J - 1 1 J yes 7 ' - . ;.-,7tQuarteri:.r-- ' - . S6 ; ; 3 77 1 50 . V; Prizes in any of the- Lotteries of Connecti" cut, ,New-York, Ne wJ ersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland,' Virginia and Washing ton' City, will be received in payment.' .;-!' . - 1 '! I it-..'- i 'i "'l , f ' t ' . ! ' '.-'(. , (T Orders encUiing the cash or prizes CP9St paid) for tickets or shares in any of the above aresseu to : . , . - w-; YATES & M'INTYRE; ';:'-7--:; ' Raleigh, N.C. Ttaleigb. 6ct .:l3,r1825.ti -77; t WmLIAlWD THOMPSON, FAYETTE VILLE STREET, ' ' -1 IS now receiving a complete assortment of the best materials' for his business, select ed by himsel Vtersonally, in N few-York; and he is noWprepared to supply those who may want any article in his line, executed in ihe most fashionable? style, arid upon jai ; cheap terms as can, be ? bought in Ne w-Vork with the add tion of expenses." v - lie lias, m auuiuuii tu ure auuvc, rctcuycu. a handsome Assortment -Looking Glasses which he will sell at low pnc - - - - Raierghx OO It, 1S3 .98. tf ,, - - - 1." , 4 '.- 7 -7 . . i :i v State t of North Carolina ; : : Gdilford County, y : -; : Court bf Pleas and Quarter Sessions. f- v "'.' August term," 183 5.1 ; . Henry Tatum, "Petition for ' mr Jacob Blunt ?and Gebfg f tition of Iands,ce -Blunt; " f ' ' ITappearing to the satisfaction of the Court thatGeorge Blunt.one oft he dfcfen4arts this case, lives, out' of this State : ti$ therefore ordered by the Court .'that ptibliration be; made ,in the Raleigh . Register for sis weeks' successively,; that imTess he 'appear at "ou; next County 'Court to be . held for .the coun ty ofL'Gai!ford' .at th e Courthouse Jri .Greeiis-. borough pa the; tiTMorida.of November . nextt'.ahd pV!V'anet1tr dejmur.vthatjthe said petition .will be. takenproVconfeiso nd , heanl ex partis V77p7iv . y 7" A-" true copy fromTth e Mfnutes. f ' C - ' :.,Test., W 1 if SNO HANEjC.;c.v.":' JUST FU5ttSHEI?7 0) ft- fS'dNTAINlNteji besides thk Astronomical pieceson TParri' iisefui arid interesting Miscellir MedipaV Receipts,, Ariecdptes, &c.'; a list cf th e Officers of the Government, of. thi s . S tato and of jthel United States,. Willi their salaries ; the times of holding, all. tlie djflQi-cnt Courts in this Stateff;thVMembers of Assembly- ?vC. ( - Sold wholesale-arid retail by the Publisli-' . ers j tiy, -Charles Stuart,; Fayetteville fby Salmort,fIall,7Newbern and' retail- b'y Imost of e ,Storekeepers in the Statei ' ND committed to the" Jail bf Nashvillev jNashcourityi N.C. bh thei0lh,instaut, as( - a Hinawav,ia negro fellow NED, who was sold -by ,Mr. Slirwood" Evans of ;jtlus -county .to x Afr.. Matthews or Mri. Meriwether of Gcor gia , about ' 8r"9 years Tago ; ,b.e has .beeii about tiiiWs'i'fthVadjdininiiig "counties ever since ;ajiJIuridersfaridi he now be longs to r. Hannah .Of Alabama, The off ner is requested to come:' forward prove property, pav charges',, arid take him awayv : . , ; WILLIE G.r WHITFIELD, Jailor. : Nashville, N. C. Oeti 16-. ' 1 3m ;0Q Tle Editor of he ahawba Pres will insert, the above 3" tirneslahd forward his ' account-for pkyment:;''?;'"'. r : f 1 TH E Stibscriber; beleave' to inform his friends and the public thai he still cOnw tinues to keep a House of Entertainment t in the City of Raleigh, on the east side7 of . the State House Square; and will be prYfred to accommodate Thirty ;Meribera'cf , the ap- V proaching. General. Afjsembly With .Board."-, -He has rented several good Rooms coiveni ent to the Statenouse arid his own dwelling . also is .prepared to accommodate all transient persons; at any time iwlien tailed on," at hi - oin prices, wnicn haye-dways tieen 17W. His table - shall be as Wei) supplied as the market will afford.! ; He has a large and clean Stable; well supplied Ayitii dld Corn, Fodder . and Oats for llorses, and an honest Ostler. ' - : ;:;77 WJLLIE" JONES; 7 Raleigh t Qctl4, lZ23.-9S-3w.'-. - rflAKfeli up oh the 4 th of September, 1 825, ana, commiuea jo tne jau ot iew llano ver County, a negro fetlowj named UARIJY; the sdid fellow is f tout arid wll made, -about ' 20 or 24 yea:rs orage,' arid sayshe bt-long.s to . the estate of James PvTrdi' arid hired to Ro- bert McIillan. on South liivi-r : .The owner is requested to come forward,. prnve proper -Pa7 charges and take said fellow away- 7? 7 iS CHAS. BiMORRIS, Jailor. October 1.-- - 7 :;i0Qlaw tf ; 7.7tVie aaE;4 .;EPT rne at Hartford, in Georgia, on my JLl way from Milledgeville to Florida,a negro man by the name of J AMKS, who was lktely ' brought from the iStatebf Virginia byv llrl Lumsden; who purchased-him near the Citv' of Washington where it is expected he will aim t'. go.- He is of middle stature, ' yellow , complected bold countenance, & , has scar ' on his facei his dress2 when he left rriefc was a h'gbt brown shirt cbat ligh; green panta lrions,White hat; 'and yelldw striped vesf . A libeii! reward will .bebaid' to any nerson who will lodge him in any, safe Jait. 7 - . . : THOMAS, S.;RE1DV October 11. v k '.-,(;5 1 4t- State of iNorth-Carplina. 1 WAKE COUNTY. r':,: Court of Pleas arid Quarter Sessions 4 7 7 -t "August Sessions, 1825. -f ,' ? Henry Parker,' by his nexf 7 ' . 4 ; fnend Branch Walthall, petition foe -' t vi. ' .17. rSetdenient. . - ' John King, Adrn'r .- i 7 7 . . 7 ; I,T.Liring.been made appear to the satisfae tion of the Court, that the'defenda'ht in thi case resides beyond the limits bf this' State so that the ordinary process of slaw c-nnot be served oh him it is therefore ordered bv Raleigh Register, &c. for two mont h tC; lesjiefeitdat eoroesrforard crier bef-ra. tne next rerm ot this t:ourt which v. ill be held at the Court HouseiiC Raleigh on tha thiM Monday in'Noverhberrnest, and file hia answer,7that judgrrieht ; pro tci.rczzz v.iU be entered up against him and executn i-nie'd accordingly; , - 7B: Si KI;;g, Cs C. "JT v 13 AtlEa having a; full Stoct 'cf R:-' Cv cannot receive any more at present- oc wiugive puiuic nonce vrnen more.wul bh takehC"-'-, r-r . ' . - ; 7 I .7vl ; M.Sh Paper K,j3en h 1 ' " r V 1